Lo1 Word
Lo1 Word
Lo1 Word
Setting objectives
Once your aim is defined you can set the overall objectives for your plan:
You may have several objectives that together add up to meet your overall
measured. The objective provides a reference point from which a change in the target
population can be measured clearly.
3. Achievable ;- Objectives should be attainable within a given time frame and with
available program resources
4. Realistic:- Objectives are most useful when they accurately address the
scope of the problem and programmatic steps that can be implemented
within a specific time frame. Objectives that do not directly relate to the
program goal will not help achieve the goal.
Competitive Advantage
People supporting the project. Time, cost, and resources can be assigned at the
task level.
Work-planning defined
Work-planning; - is the process of determining what an office intends to carry
out for the term of a work cycle (i.e. annual or biennial budget calendar).
Work-plans ;- should be constructed within the guidance and focus of a strategic
plan and should contain the operational details that illustrate exactly what
services will be delivered and to what level of quality.
Strategic planning
A well-developed strategic plan serves as a blueprint for making these changes
because it describes the following;-
WBS Inputs
• Project scope management plan
Project scheduling
Project scheduling ;- is one of the critical management tasks as it dictates the
time frames in which the project will be completed, the budgets/costs in terms of
resource requirements and the sequence of tasks to be completed. Project
scheduling is defined as the process of determining when project activities will
take place depending upon defined durations and precedent activities
1. Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) are integral and individually distinct parts of
programmed preparation and implementation. They are critical tools for forward-
looking strategic positioning, organizational learning and for sound management
An evaluation report should include the following
Evaluation criteria
Efficiency – Does the programmed use the resources in the most economical
manner to achieve its objectives?
Effectiveness – Is the activity achieving satisfactory results in relation to stated
Impact – What are the results of the
intervention - intended and unintended, positive and negative - including the
social, economic, environmental effects on individuals, communities and
Sustainability – Are the activities and their impact likely to continue when
external support is withdrawn, and will it be more widely replicated or adapted
Four Stages of Strategic Planning
1. Prepare
Three critical steps must be accomplished prior to developing a strategic plan:
•assessment, and
•the development and implementation of a planning process
To develop the plan, you must establish priorities by
considering the needs, strengths, and resources of your organization.
Three key questions must be answered:
• What do we want to accomplish?
• What will we do to get there?
• How will we know if we are making progress?
3. Implement
The following steps ensure that plans are used to guide the work of the org
• Communicating or "marketing" the plan,
• managing the implementation of the plan,
• supervising the actual work, and
•monitoring and reporting progress on the plan.
4. Review/Revise
This stage starts the cycle over again, allowing the plan to be continuously
updated. This will keep it current and meaningful to the organization. On a
n ongoing basis the organization should: