TAURI User Manual
TAURI User Manual
TAURI User Manual
0 User Manual
The Tauri Temperature-Check Tablets are designed to detect temperature anomalies. It’s important to understand
there are many factors, including environmental and physiological that can impact a person’s surface temperature
reading. Skin surface temperature vs actual core body temperature may differ either way. The Tauri Temperature-
Check Tablets must be operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s user guide. Tauri Temperature-Check Tablets
are not intended nor designed to diagnose or detect medical conditions including, but not limited to, viruses or other
illnesses. The Tauri temperature-check tablets should only be used to detect variations in surface temperature. In the
event that an elevated skin temperature is detected, the subject should be advised to check temperature with an
approved medical thermometer and the finding confirmed. Absence of an elevated skin temperature does not preclude
a fever.
4. Thermographic Calibration-------------------------------------------------------6 - 7
1. Power Connection
Connect power-in to the external female power cable of TAURI.
2. TAURI Activation
Please connect Wi-fi before starting set-up
2.3 Successful activation notice shows on screen.
3. TAURI Setting
3.1 Tap and hold the screen for 5 seconds to and it will display “Change settings”.
3.2 Enter “0000” to access TAURI setting
3.3 You may set-up “Application settings”, “Update TAURI”, “Face detection utilities”
“Facial recognition settings” and “System settings” after enter set-up mode.
4. Thermographic Calibration
4.Thermographic calibration is hidden from the manual for security. Tap the
“TAURI logo” on main setting page 5 times to start calibration.
5. Application settings
5.1 Modify the alert temperature range and the message for both acceptable and
exceptional result.
6. Update TAURI
7. Face Detection Utilities
7.2 Set email notification address for sending high temperature alert.
8. Facial Recognition Settings
8.3 Detection frame image adjustment: Mirror the image shown on screen.
8.4 Minimum face detection: Adjust the detect area on the face.
8.5 Face detection angle: Adjust the detect angle of the person’s face (for the device
put in portrait or landscape position).
8.6 Camera video flow echo angle: Adjust the image direction of the output video
8.7 Quality control parameters: Control the quality of the image collected.
8.8 Lens and living detection mode: To check whether there is a real person or a
photo of a person standing in front of TAURI.
8.9 Live detection threshold: Adjust the value to check whether the target object is a
living object or not.
8.10 Identify model thresholds: Adjust the mapping relationship between far and
9. System Settings
9.1 System Settings: Control Wi-fi, bluetooth and other device settings.
10. Installation
10.1 Wall Mount(All sizes)
Install the wall mount to the back of the device and put screws on the 4 holes of the
mount aligning to the TAURI’s back mount holes.
Install the second part of the wall mount to the wall.
Slide TAURI with the wall mount on to the mount on wall using the hinges at the side
of the wall mount.
10.2 Table Stand FIX 027 (10” to 21.5”TARUI)
Aline the 4 screws holes at the back of TAURI to FIX-027 Table Stand screw positions,
and place screws to fixate it.
10.3 Table Stand FIX 028 (15” to 21” TAURI)
Aline the 4 screws holes at the back of TAURI to FIX-028 Table Stand screw positions,
and place screws to fixate it.
10.4 Table Stand FIX030(All Sizes)
Aline the 4 screws holes at the back of TAURI to FIX-030 Table Stand screw positions,
and place screws to fixate it.
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