CMT Steel
CMT Steel
CMT Steel
W shapes 1. These are the steel shapes that are commonly used as beams and columns.
sheet piling sections 4. These are shapes that are connected to each other and used for retaining
walls for soil foundation
Shapes 5. Steel shapes are designated by a letter followed by two numbers separated
W shape with a by an x. The two numbers indicate the nominal depth and the weight per
nominal depth of 44 linear unit length, what does the letter indicates?
in. and a weight of
335 lb/linear foot 6. Which of the following is true for W44*335?
Plain bars 7. Reinforcing steel is used to reinforced concrete since steel is good for tension.
There are three forms in manufacturing reinforcing steel. Which of the
following are round without surface deformation, provide only limited bond
with the concrete and therefore are not typically used in sections subjected
to tension or bending?
Deformed bars 8. Which of the following have protrusions (deformations) at the surface that
ensure a good bond between the bar and the concrete?
Welded wire fabrics 9. It is used in concrete slabs and pavements mostly to resist temperature and
shrinkage stress.
Deformed bars 10. It is used in concrete beams, slabs, columns, walls, footings, pavements, and
other concrete structures, as well as in masonry construction.
Grade 40 or 300 11. There are four marking symbols of a steel bar, you have the letter code for
the manufacturer of the steel, the numerical code for the bar size, the letter
code for the type and grade of steel. Which of the following grade has no
Grade 60 or 420 12. Which of the following grade has only one grade line between the main ribs
or marked as number 4 in the steel bar?
Grade 75 or 520 13. Which of the following grade have two grade lines between the main ribs
or marked as number 5 in the steel bar?
483 MPa 14. Which of the following is equivalent to tensile strength of grade 40 of steel
in MPa?
620 MPa 15. Which of the following is equivalent to tensile strength of grade 60 of steel
in MPa?
689 MPa 16. Which of the following is equivalent to tensile strength of grade 75 of steel
in MPa?
Relaxation 17. Prestressed concrete requires special wires, strands, cables, and bars. Which
of the following refers to the percent of stress reduction that occurs when a
constant amount of strain is applied over an extended time period.
Grade 250 or 270 18. There are two types of steel used in prestressed: stress-relieved and low-
relaxation steel bars, these steel used grade ________.
Tension Test 19. Many test are available to evaluate the mechanical properties of steel,
which if the following is performed to determine the yield strength, yield
point, ultimate (tensile) strength, elongation, and reduction of area?
Torsion Test 20. Which test is used to determine the shear modulus of structural materials
like steel bars?
Hardness Test 21. Which test is measure of a material’s resistance to localized plastic
deformation, such as a small dent or scratch on the surface of the material?
Charpy V Notch
Impact Test 22. Which test is used to measure the toughness of the material?
Bend Test 23. It is a test that evaluates the ability of steel, or a weld, to resist cracking.
Ultrasonic Testing 24. It is a test useful for the evaluation of welds and is highly sensitive in
detecting planar defects, such as incomplete weld fusion, delamination, or
Hardness Test 25. It is a test used to measure hardness of steels and other metals.
strain increases 27. As tension increases past the yield point, what is the effect on the strain
following a nonlinear relation up to the point of failure?
shear modulus 28. It is the ratio of maximum shear stress to the corresponding shear strain
below the proportional limit of the material.
Moisture(electrolyte) 29. Steel contains three of the four elements needed for corrosion, what is the
fourth element of steel that can be controlled to prevent corrosion?
Prime Coatings 30. Which of these is used to prevent corrosion that has low-solubility pigments
that migrate to the steel surface when moisture passes through the film to
passivate the steel surface?
True 32. Prestressed concrete requires special wires, strands, cables, and bars. Steel for
prestressed concrete reinforcement must have high strength and low relaxation
False 33. The specifications for prestressed allow two types of steel: Grade 40 and Grade 60.
True 34. Breaking strength is the maximum stress required to break one or more wires.
True 35. In the stress strain diagram the decrease in stress after the peak does not mean a
decrease in strength, the actual stress continues to increase until failure.
False 36. During the tension test, as the strain level increases, especially as the neck is
formed, the true stress becomes much lesser than the engineering stress, because
of the reduced cross-sectional area at the neck.
True 37. Carbon is one of the ingredients in making steel. Increasing the carbon content
increases the yield stress and reduces the ductility of steel.
True 38. Plastic deformation causes an increase in yield strength and reduction in ductility.
False 39. The Rockwell number, which is inversely proportional to the difference in
penetration between the preliminary and total loads.
True 40. The prestressed concrete steel is composed of seven-wire uncoated steel strand.