Power Program 8 Weeks Y1anhx

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The key takeaways are that the power program is designed to improve power and strength through exercises like power cleans, push presses, and jumps. It is an 8 week program with example training schedules and exercise instructions provided.

The power program is designed to improve power. It recommends having a good strength base first before starting. The program can be used by all athletes and includes exercises to improve snatch and clean & jerk techniques.

Exercises included in the power program are push press throws, BB jump squats, power cleans, vertical jumps, hang power cleans, snatch high pulls, and broad jumps. Videos are provided for some of the exercises.

About the program

The power program is designed to improve your power. In order to do that you need to make sure you have a good strenght before
If not, I will recommend you to use my Squat Program or Basic Training before starting this Power Program - 8 weeks
Power Program can be perform from all kind of athletes, no neccesary to be a weightlifter.
If you want also to improve your snatch and clean&jerk during this program you will need to do also some training related . This po
be performed right after warm up, before doing any strenght or andurance training.
If you have already a training program, you can include the power program before your normal schedule.

If you don't have you can do after every session, some strenght exercises and 1/2 times per week if you have time, snatch and clean

Example of training:
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
1) Power Program 1) Power Program 1) Power Program
2) Back Squat 2) Split Jerk (rack) 2) Snatch
60 - 80% : 3-5 reps, 4-6 set's 65-85%: 2-3reps, 4-6set's 65-85%: 1-3reps, 4-6 set's
3) RDL (1rm CJ) 3) Clean Deadlift 3) Front Squat
80-90%: 4-6reps, 4-5 set's 60-80%: 3-5reps, 4-6set's 60 - 80% : 3-5 reps, 4-6 set's

If you can do more then 3 days of training per week , you can do the snatch and clean&jerk separatly as well.

*It's important to use your current 1 rep max in order that programs to work well. Don't forget this.
have a good strenght before to start this program.
Power Program - 8 weeks

some training related . This power program is good to

u have time, snatch and clean and jerk.

Enter your current 1 Rep Max!
Power Clean 90
You can use KGs or LBS

Power Program
8 Weeks

Name: Enter your name

Date: Enter the date

Week Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Day 1 Weight Reps Sets Weight Reps Sets Weight Reps Sets Weight Reps Sets
Push Press Throw(med cw*
ball) 3-5 3 cw* 3-5 3 cw* 3-5 3 cw* 3-5 3

BB Jump Squat 27 5 4 27 5 4 27 5 4 27 5 4
Power Clean 63 5 5 63 5 5 63 5 5 63 5 5
Day 2 Weight Reps Sets Weight Reps Sets Weight Reps Sets Weight Reps Sets
Vertical Jump unloaded 5 3 unloaded 5 3 unloaded 5 3 unloaded 5 3

Hang Power Clean 68 5 4 68 5 4 68 5 4 68 5 4

Snatch High Pull 63 5 5 63 5 5 63 5 5 63 5 5
Day 3 Weight Reps Sets Weight Reps Sets Weight Reps Sets Weight Reps Sets
Broad Jump unloaded 3-5 3 unloaded 3-5 3 unloaded 3-5 3 unloaded 3-5 3

BB Jump Squat 36 5 4 36 5 4 36 5 4 36 5 4
Power Clean 63 5 5 63 5 5 63 5 5 63 5 5
Tap the exercise text to see the video
Push Press Throw (med ball) - Use a challenging med ball. Perform between 3-5 reps, if the speed
is going down you can stop there and try again in next set
BB Jump Squat - Jump as high as you can every rep
Power Clean - Try to be powerful in second pull. Don't forget about turnover the elbows!
Vertical Jump - With bodyweight, jump as high as you can every rep
Hang Power Clean - Without straps, don't rush complete the turnover of the elbows every rep
Snatch High Pull - You can bend elbows, barbell max height is close to breast bone. Be fast!
Broad Jump - Place your feet at hip-width, land flatfooted and try to stick the landing

Notes Abreviations*
Tempo - fast at all exercises cw* = Challenging Weight
Rest - from 1 to 3 minutes
unloaded - with your own bodyweight

Enter your current 1 Rep Max!
Power Clean 100
You can use KGs or LBS

Power Program
8 Weeks

Name: Enter your name

Date: Enter the date

Week Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Day 1 Weight Reps Sets Weight Reps Sets Weight Reps Sets Weight Reps Sets
Depth Jump bw* 3 3 bw* 4 3 bw* 4 3 bw* 5 4

BB Jump Squat 30 5 4 25 5 4 Empty BB 5 4 Empty BB 5 4

Power Clean 75 3 5 80 3 5 85 3 5 90 2 4
Day 2 Weight Reps Sets Weight Reps Sets Weight Reps Sets Weight Reps Sets
Box Jump 60cm 6 4 75cm 4-6 4 75cm+ 3-5 4 75cm+ 1-3 4

Hang Power Clean 70 4 4 75 4 4 80 3 4 85 3 4

Snatch High Pull 65 4 4 70 4 4 75 4 4 75 4 4
Day 3 Weight Reps Sets Weight Reps Sets Weight Reps Sets Weight Reps Sets
Broad Jump unloaded 3 3 unloaded 3 3 unloaded 3 3 unloaded 3 4

Jump Squat unloaded 5 4 unloaded 5 4 unloaded 5 4 unloaded 5 4

Power Clean 75 3 5 80 3 5 85 3 5 90 2 4
Tap the exercise text to see the video
Depth Jump - Jump as high as you can
BB Jump Squat - Jump as high as you can every rep
Power Clean - Try to be powerful in second pull. Don't forget about turnover the elbows!
Box Jump - If you cannot jump on the heights written, adapt after your own and grow slowly the heights
Hang Power Clean - Without straps, don't rush complete the turnover of the elbows every rep
Snatch High Pull - You can bend elbows, barbell max height is to breast bone. Be fast!
Jump Squat - Is same like barbell jump squat, without using the barbell.

Notes Abreviations*
Tempo - fast at all exercises bw* = BodyWeight
Rest - from 1 to 3 minutes Empty BB - Empty Barbell
unloaded - with your own bodyweight


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