Articulo 5
Articulo 5
Articulo 5
Edited by ’Elia Beniash’ The revolution in genetics has rapidly increased our knowledge of human and mouse genes that are critical for
the formation of dental enamel and helps us understand how enamel evolved. In this graphical review we focus
Keywords: on the roles of 41 genes that are essential for the secretory stage of amelogenesis when characteristic enamel
Biomineralization mineral ribbons initiate on dentin and elongate to expand the enamel layer to the future surface of the tooth.
Based upon ultrastructural analyses of genetically modified mice, we propose a molecular model explaining how
a cell attachment apparatus including collagen 17, α6ß4 and αvß6 integrins, laminin 332, and secreted enamel
Basement membrane
SLC13A5 proteins could attach to individual enamel mineral ribbons and mold their cross-sectional dimensions as they
ACP4 simultaneously elongate and orient them in the direction of the retrograde movement of the ameloblast
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (J.P. Simmer), (J.C.-C. Hu), (Y. Hu), (S. Zhang), tianl@ (T. Liang), (S.-K. Wang), (J.-W. Kim), (Y. Yamakoshi),
(Y.-H. Chun), (J.D. Bartlett), (C.E. Smith).
Received 25 August 2021; Received in revised form 18 October 2021; Accepted 20 October 2021
Available online 27 October 2021
1047-8477/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
J.P. Simmer et al. Journal of Structural Biology 213 (2021) 107805
Fig. 1. Visualization of enamel formation by focused ion beam-backscattered scanning electron microscopy (FIB-bSEM) of a continuously growing 7-week mouse
mandibular incisor. A) Ameloblasts are separated from the unmineralized predentin matrix by a well-defined basement membrane (BM). The predentin matrix
contains odontoblastic processes, matrix vesicles released by odontoblasts, and numerous collagen fibrils/fibers that are oriented toward the ameloblasts where they
appear to attach to the BM. B) The BM thins as the ameloblast membrane becomes less linear. C) Ameloblast finger-like processes penetrate the BM and extend into
predentin between the collagen fibrils, as remnants of the BM accumulate along the ameloblast membrane that is reabsorbing it. D) Mineral nuclei appear in
predentin some distance from the ameloblast membrane (arrowheads). E) Dentin mineral coalesces into a continuous mineral layer that extends to near the
ameloblast membrane. F) Enamel ribbons initiate in patches on dentin mineral associated with the ends of mineralized collagen fibers. G) A continuous segment of
mouse incisor completing the formation of initial enamel (above the G) and showing the progressive formation of Tomes processes as the segment continues in a
second row below the G. The ends of Tomes’ processes form by the rapid extension of “prongs” of mineral ribbons at interrod growth sites along the peripheral part of
the distal ameloblast membrane near the cell junctions. H) High magnification of initial enamel ribbons forming on the ends of collagen fibers and extending at
different angles back to the ameloblast membrane, following the finger-like process as it retreated into the cell membrane. I) Rod and interrod enamel after formation
of the Tomes process [asterisk indicates a space of Weber (Bartlett et al., 2021)]. J) Tomes’ process showing the positions of rod (r) and interrod (ir) growth sites in
the mineralization front. K) Maturation stage enamel has a basal lamina comprised of SCPP proteins bound to the surface enamel. Key: Am, ameloblast; d, dentin, e,
enamel, ir, interrod growth site; pd, predentin; r, rod growth site; tp, Tomes’ process; white scale bars (under figure letters) = 500 nm.
in ameloblasts, because ameloblasts degrade their basement membrane 1 (SPARCL1), itself duplicated from secreted protein acidic cysteine-rich
prior to the onset of amelogenesis, then abruptly lose contact with a (SPARC), a gene that encodes a basement membrane protein (Jayadev
mesenchymal matrix once enamel starts to form. While the genes noted and Sherwood, 2017). There are 24 SCPP genes in humans (Kawasaki
above are associated with hemidesmosomes in skin, hemidesmosomes and Amemiya, 2014). The enamel-associated SCPP genes are ameloge
are not observed in ameloblasts before the maturation stage (Sahlberg nin (AMEL), enamelin (ENAM), ameloblastin (AMBN), amelotin
et al., 1998). Nevertheless, ameloblasts detach from underlying mineral (AMTN), odontogenic, ameloblast associated (ODAM), secretory
specifically at the onset of enamel formation in Lama3− /− mice, con calcium-binding phosphoprotein proline-glutamine rich 1 (SCPPPQ1)
firming that laminin 332 (comprised of LAMA3, LAMB3, and LAMC2) and dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP). DSPP is a dentin protein that is
strengthens the anchorage of secretory ameloblasts to the underlying transiently expressed by pre-ameloblasts, immediately prior to the onset
enamel matrix (Ryan et al., 1999; Sahlberg et al., 1998). Laminin 332 of enamel mineralization. Three SCPP genes are expressed by secretory
likely binds to secreted enamel proteins that bind directly to the enamel ameloblasts: AMEL, ENAM, and AMBN (Fincham et al., 1999).
mineral ribbons. Strong concepts of how dental enamel forms were formulated long
Secreted enamel proteins are encoded by genes belonging to the before the genetics revolution and centered attention on amelogenin,
secretory calcium-binding phosphoprotein (SCPP) gene family (Kawa the most abundant secreted enamel protein (Simmer and Fincham,
saki and Weiss, 2003), which was spawned by duplication of SPARC-like 1995; Termine et al., 1980). Amelogenin was the first enamel protein to
J.P. Simmer et al. Journal of Structural Biology 213 (2021) 107805
Fig. 2. Graphical Illustration of ameloblasts showing proteins critical for the secretory stage. CLDN1, CLDN10, CLDN16, and CLDN19 encode tight junction proteins
restricting entry of intercellular ions and molecules into the enamel space and also function in cell motility. GJA1 encodes a gap junction protein important for
intercellular communication with adjacent ameloblasts. FAM20A and FAM20C encode components of the Golgi casein kinase complex that phosphorylates secreted
enamel proteins. FAM83H encodes a cytosolic protein associated with the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and the keratin cytoskeleton. GALNS encodes a lysosomal
hydrolase necessary for the degradation of glycosaminoglycans. PEX1, PEX6, and PEX26 are necessary for peroxisome biogenesis. SLC13A5 encodes a membrane
citrate channel providing citrate influx proximally and efflux (into the enamel matrix) distally. Small secretory vesicles (magenta) in the proximal and distal parts of
the Tomes’ process (distally) secrete AMELX, AMBN, ENAM, and MMP20 at the rod and interrod growth sites. Thin lines in the extracellular matrix (bottom)
represent the general direction of enamel mineral ribbons. Not shown: CACNA1C encodes an L-type (voltage-dependent calcium channel) thought to provide
regulated Ca2+ influx. SLC10A7 encodes a transmembrane transporter of unknown specificity that causes severe enamel defects when mutated. Graphic by
Shelly Zhang.
have its cDNA cloned and to be expressed as a recombinant protein. In enamel hypoplasia, or thin enamel, which is caused by deficiencies
vitro studies of recombinant amelogenin under different conditions affecting the secretory stage of amelogenesis (when the enamel layer
spawned competing theories of amelogenin’s role in amelogenesis (Bai achieves its final thickness). A table of 41 human genes that encode
et al., 2020; Fang et al., 2011; Fincham et al., 1994) and encouraged proteins necessary for normal formation of the full thickness of the
hope for the production of synthetic enamel as a dental restorative. The enamel layer is provided (Table S1). Ten of these genes regulate gene
genetics of human conditions associated with enamel malformations, expression or cease expression prior to the onset of enamel mineraliza
however, suggests that amelogenesis is more complex than previously tion and are not discussed further.
A search in 2015 of Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) for 2. Ultrastructure of developmental changes along the
hereditary conditions that include an enamel phenotype revealed 91 ameloblast distal membrane
such conditions, 71 with a known molecular etiology or linked genetic
loci (Wright et al., 2015). The most common enamel phenotype is The fundamental feature of forming dental enamel is the growth of
J.P. Simmer et al. Journal of Structural Biology 213 (2021) 107805
Fig. 3. bSEM and FIB-bSEM visualization of initial enamel forming in 7-week mouse mandibular incisors in Amelx− /− , Enam− /− , Ambn− /− , Amelx− /− Ambn− /− ,
Mmp20− /− , Acp4R110C/R110C, and Slc13a5R337*/R337* mice. Top: bSEM sections of incisor cross-sections at the level of the labial alveolar crest (near the point of
eruption). All of the knockouts showed severe enamel hypoplasia, many with ectopic mineral deposition within the overlying enamel organ. Below: FIB-bSEM images
of where enamel should be forming in 8 different mouse incisors all at the same magnification. Characteristic initial enamel mineral ribbons form in Mmp20− /− ,
Amelx− /− , and Acp4R110C/R110C mice, while no enamel ribbons form in Enam− /− and Ambn− /− mice. Ambn− /− nulls show accumulations of organic material
comprised mainly of amelogenin that are greatly reduced in the Amelx− /− Ambn− /− double null. Key: Am, ameloblast; b, bone; d, dentin; e, enamel.
characteristic thin mineral ribbons that start on the surface of dentin ameloblast membrane. In humans, the cross-sectional dimension of the
(Smith et al., 2016) and extend to a mineralization front 250–300 Å from ribbons at the mineralization front is about 15 Å × 150 Å (Kerebel et al.,
the ameloblast plasma membrane (Ronnholm, 1962b) where the min 1979). Near the mineralization front where the ribbons elongate, they
eral ribbons elongate, apparently by the addition of ions or mineral to are comprised of amorphous calcium phosphate, but crystalize with
their tips. The mineralization front is only slightly more distant from the depth where they produce diffraction patterns characteristic of apatite
ameloblast membrane as the basement membrane was prior to its earlier (Beniash et al., 2009). The morphology and organization of the mineral
degradation and reabsorption (Ronnholm, 1962a). in enamel is determined prior to its crystallization, suggesting that the
Enamel formation is a biological process that is accomplished by the consistent dimensions of the cross-sections at the mineralization front is
ameloblast distal membrane as it progresses sequentially through a se accomplished by molding, since non-crystalline minerals such as
ries of modifications that can be readily observed at the ultrastructural amorphous calcium phosphate that don’t have crystalline faces cannot
level, as shown in Fig. 1. All vertebrates yet characterized that form be shaped by proteins binding to and selectively inhibiting the growth of
“ancestral” or “true” enamel (Kawasaki et al., 2021) do so by ameloblast- specific crystal faces. The smooth increase in cross-sectional dimensions
like cells depositing characteristically thin mineral ribbons on mineral of the crystallites with depth (Nylen et al., 1963; Warshawsky, 1989) is
ized collagen and extending those ribbons in close proximity to the accomplished by a relatively slow, but steady rate of ions depositing
J.P. Simmer et al. Journal of Structural Biology 213 (2021) 107805
Fig. 4. FIB-bSEM visualization of initial enamel forming in 7-week mouse mandibular incisors in in Slc13a5R337*/R337* and wild-type mice. A) Although delayed,
patches of enamel ribbons form on the surface of mineralized dentin in Slc13a5R337*/R337* mice. These patches do not appear to be stable and were not observed
further incisally (shown in B). This phenotype suggests that tribasic citrate (C6H5O73− ) is required to stabilize the thin mineral ribbons. After the initial ribbons
disappear or fail to form, the mineral surface on dentin appears “spiky”. These spikes are possibly mineral associated with the frayed ends of collagen fibrils. In some
places the ends of these spikes are associated with the ameloblast membrane, suggesting they possibly elongate as enamel mineral ribbons in wild type mice. A spiky
dentin surface is also observed in Enam− /− , Ambn− /− , and Ambn− /− Amelx− /− mice after initial enamel deposition fails (Liang et al., 2019). C) Enamel ribbon for
mation in a wild type incisor at a similar position as the one shown in A above. Note that at this level of development, enamel has already progressed beyond initial
enamel formation and is forming rod and interrod enamel. Also note that the wild type enamel mineral ribbons show flexibility and bend without breaking. This
flexibility of enamel mineral ribbons may be imparted by their association with enamel proteins and/or citrate. Key: Am, ameloblast; d, dentin; e, enamel.
onto the sides of the ribbons. Many studies support the concept that sites (Skobe, 2006) and generate enamel rods. Parallel arrays of char
secreted enamel proteins, particularly the abundant amelogenins, can acteristic enamel mineral ribbons in rods extend at different orientations
bind to the sides of the crystallites and inhibit mineral deposition and than the parallel arrays of identical ribbons extending at interrod growth
regulate the conversion of ACP to apatite (Bartlett et al., 2021; Hu et al., sites. Reproducible variations in the patterns of rod and interrod enamel
2016; Margolis et al., 2014; Shaw et al., 2020; Yamazaki et al., 2019). between different types of mammals and even at different depths within
Proteolytic cleavages and influxes of calcium, phosphate, and citrate a single tooth provide strong evidence for ameloblast membrane control
ions potentially regulate the attachment of proteins to mineral surfaces. over the oriented elongation of enamel mineral ribbons (Boyde, 1969).
Enamel mineral ribbons are oriented with respect to the ameloblast The hierarchical organization of enamel mineral ribbons in mammals
membrane extending them. The ribbons are typically oriented perpen appears to be unexplainable by models that form mineral in the presence
dicular to the membrane and in the direction of the membrane’s retro of amelogenin in vitro without cell participation.
grade movement that provides space for ribbon elongation. After
forming a thin initial enamel layer on dentin mineral with essentially all 3. Critical functions of ameloblasts
of the mineral ribbons oriented in a parallel array, mammalian amelo
blasts develop a characteristic distal membrane specialization called a Secretory stage ameloblasts are tall, cylindrical, densely-packed cells
“Tomes process” by temporarily extending enamel ribbons only from forming a sheet that delineates the protected space covering the surface
“interrod growth sites” along the periphery of the ameloblast distal of dentin and forming enamel (Smith, 1979). Ameloblasts absorb ions
membrane near its borders with adjacent ameloblasts. This generates and nutrients while expelling waste products along their proximal
“prongs” of enamel ribbons that cause the central part of the distal membrane. They secrete and reabsorb ions and proteins along their
membrane to protrude into the forming enamel (Nanci and War distal membrane, while attaching to and elongating the enamel mineral
shawsky, 1984). “Rod growth sites” located on the protruding part of the ribbons. Groups of ameloblasts within the sheet move relative to other
Tomes extend enamel ribbons at a deeper level than the interrod growth groups and retreat from the enamel surface as the enamel layer expands.
J.P. Simmer et al. Journal of Structural Biology 213 (2021) 107805
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