Week 12 - Writing A Curriculum Vitae

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Writing A Curriculum Vitae

Bahasa Inggris

Smt Genap 2022/2023

Nanang Burhan Teknik Mesin, UNSIKA

0821 10 515 616


IG: @nanang.burhan_

FB: nanangburhan

Curriculum Vitae:
 A summary of one’s educational,
academic, professional and social
backgrounds submitted for employment
or application purposes
CV vs Resume: Similarities

 Both include your name, contact

information, education, skills, and
 Both are written for employment or
application purposes.
 You may need different versions of both
for different types of positions.
CV vs Resume: Differences

 A resume covers basic information only.

 A CV is a longer (up to two or more
pages), more detailed synopsis of your
background and skills relevant to the
position one is applying for.
CV Types: Chronological CV

 Outlining your career history in a

reverse chronological order, beginning
with the most recent items.
CV Types: Skill-based CV

 A highly-focused CV highliting your skills

and major achievements closely
targeted to a a specific job.
CV Structure

A CV contains (some of them – if applicable):

 A small photo
 Personal details (age, gender, nationality,
place and date of birth and marital status,
contact information)
 Educational (high school, undergraduate,
graduate, and post-graduate studies,
studies abroad).
 Research experience:
 Thesis or dissertation (when applicable,
with a bried description of the topic)
 Publications and academic or professional
presentations (indicate dates)
CV Structure

 Achievements (awards, honors, grants,

fellowship appointments).
 Work experience
 escribe your accomplishment on the job
rather than job responsibilities.
 Use reverse chronological order starting
with your most recent job (year-present)
and backwards.
 Use action words showing evidence of
your employment and leadership skills
such as team-working, organizing,
planning, persuading, negotiating, etc.
Related them to the job.
CV Structure

 Skills
 Enumerate professional licenses and
certifications, computer skills, a clean
driving licence, language skills.
 Professional memberships, affiliations,
volunteer work.
 Extracurricular activities (community
CV Structure: Interests

 Avoid: boring clichés, passive hobbies.

 Show: a broader range of interests,
hobbies which show you as an outgoing
proative individual.
CV Structure: References

 Note that references are available upon

request, but if necessary indicate two
 One academic (perhaps your tutor or a
project supervisior
 One from an employer (perhaps your last
part-time or coop job)
Technical Requirements

 Font: Times New Roman (size 12), Arial,

Verdana (10) with larger sizes for headings.
 Page: one or two pages.
 Each page on a separate sheet of paper.
 The most essential information: in the
upper middle of the first page.
 Your name in the footer area so that it
appears on each sheet.
 Careful and clear lay-out.
 Bold and italic typecases for headings and
important information.
 No folding.

 Keep it short and to the point,

informative but concise (no more than
two sides of A4 paper).
 Target it on the specific job or career
area for which you are applying.
 Include the dates of your involvement
for each activity you list. For ones that
you are still engage in, write “start date
– present”
 Categorize the information. Use bullets
to separate categories.

 Design it carefully and clearly. There

are many templates you can choose!
 Avoid grammar and spelling errors.
 Don’t just use hackneyed expressions:
“I am an excellent communicator…”
 Choose a sensible email address, not
 Be positive, confident.
 Be honest, but make sure you sell

 There are no strict ruels:

Even if your CV is written backwards on pink

polkadont paper and it gets you regular

It is a good CV
Writing An Application Letter &
Curriculum Viate: References
 Here are several videos which you can watch for detailed technique to write
an application letter & curriculum Vitae. Please watch these videos and take
notes on how to write a good application letter and a CV.
 How to write Job Application Letter
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ix0sy7-ivxM&list=RDQM7mbjvVxTXPY (6:54)
 Writing a Job Application Letter! (4 TIPS, Words & Phrases + JOB APPLICATION
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeDowsrPx5c (8:27 mins)
 The 4 Sentence Cover Letter That Gets You The Job Interview
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfmVSFg_zSI&list=RDQM7mbjvVxTXPY (6:30
Writing An Application Letter &
Curriculum Viate: References
 How to Write a Great Resume and Cover Letter
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAthQKLhBTs&list=RDQM7mbjvVxTXPY (2:44
 Write a CV for an English-Speaking Job - Tips to Write a Great Resume
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_T5PDE3M4E (17:04)
 Write an Incredible Resume: 5 Golden Rules!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt08KmFfIYQ (8:36 mins)
 How to write a powerful CV
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uG2aEh5xBJE&list=RDQM7mbjvVxTXPY (4:11

 Please find a job vacancy advertisement on newspapers or social media that
interests you.
 Please write a curriculum vitae and an application letter for the purpose of
applying the job of your interest mentioned above.
 For the sake of this assignment, please pretend that you are a fresh graduate
of Unsika’s Mechanical Engineering department and is looking for the first job
as an engineer that fits into the advertised job.
 Please type your CV and application letter and save it as one PDF file. Also,
include the screenshot of the job vacancy advertisement as well. Then
upload it to eCampus.
 Deadline: Friday, 9 June 2023 @23:59 WIB.
Any questions?

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