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ES1988 Allegro

PCI Audio-Modem Accelerator

Data Sheet


 • High-performance single-chip PCI audio acceleration
The ES1988 Allegro PCI audio-modem accelerator combines
advanced audio and modem functionality in a highly integrated • Integrated high-fidelity AC’97 codec
PCI solution. Utilizing one PCI load, the ES1988 provides a two
• Multi-stream DirectSound and DirectSound 3D acceleration
chip audio-modem solution with digital interface capability to an
AC’97 CODEC in the dock (a.k.a. digital docking). The ES1988 • Sensaura CRL Positional 3D
is designed to provide a low cost, high-performance solution for • High-quality sample rate conversion and digital mixing
notebook PC applications. • Direct Music support
The high-bandwidth PCI bus and an integrated high-fidelity • Realtime effects processing
CODEC are utilized to deliver advanced PC audio features, such • S/PDIF output for PCM or AC-3 content
as DirectSound acceleration, and HRTF 3-D positional audio. • Full legacy DOS game support using TDMA, PC/PCI or DDMA
The ES1988 implements multi-stream DirectSound and hardware implementation methods
DirectSound3D acceleration with digital mixing, sample rate • Supports one additional PCI bus master devices
conversion and HRF 3-D filtering for two speaker 3D positional
• HSP modem interface via MC’97 link
• Supports wakeup-on-ring
The programmable audio signal processor provides support for • Digital docking via secondary AC-Link
multiple audio streams. With its built-in DSP core, the ES1988
uses its dedicated DMA engine to handle complex signal
processing tasks with a bus-mastering PCI interface. The
support functions ensure efficient transfer of audio data streams • Data Mode capabilities:
to and from system memory buffers, providing a system solution – V.90 56K bps
with maximum performance and minimal host CPU loading. The – V.34 33.6 kbps and fallbacks
architecture enables implementation of communications over the
– Standard AT command set
Internet from multiple sources.
– V.42 (LAPM) and MNP error correction
The ES1988 maintains full DOS legacy audio compatibility over
– V.42bis/MNP 5 data compression
the standard PCI 2.1 and PCI 2.2 bus. Full DOS game
compatibility is ensured through either PC/PCI, Distributed DMA – 3.3 V power supply with 5V-tolerant inputs
(DDMA), or Transparent DMA (TDMA). • Fax Mode capabilities:
The ES1988 includes an HSP modem interface via its secondary – ITU-T V.17, V.21 ch2, V.27ter, V.29
AC-Link connecting with the ES2828 MC’97 CODEC. The MC’97 – Group 3 (TIA/EIA 578 Class 1 and Class 2)
is used as the analog front end for the modem and DAA control. • Supports Wakeup On Ring from D3hot and D3cold states and
The ES56 V.90 data/fax/TAM modem runs on the host while the DAA control
ES1988 serves as the bi-directional buffer for data transmission
and reception. The modem functions include the standard AT
command set, V.42bis and Group 3 Fax.
The ES1988 provides a high-quality docking solution through
• Compliance with APM 1.2, ACPI 1.0, and PPMI 1.1
proven AC-link based digital docking. This is accomplished using • Compliance with Intel’s “Mobile Power Guidelines ‘99”
only a five wire digital connection. The secondary AC’97 link • 3.3 volt digital operation with 5V-tolerant inputs
(extension 2.1 compliant) of the ES1988 interfaces to a
secondary AC’97 CODEC in the dock to provide high quality • 5.0 volt analog operation
audio in the dock.
The ES1988, which operates at 3.3 volts digitally and 5.0 volts in
analog, is compliant with the Advanced Power Management • Supports PC DOS games and applications for Sound Blaster
(APM) 1.2, Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) and Sound Blaster Pro
1.0, and PCI Power Management Interface (PPMI) 1.0. The • Supports Microsoft Windows SoundSystem
ES1988 supports D0, D1, D2, and D3 (hot and cold) power-
saving modes for power efficiency when the audio system is both • Meets PC99 and WHQL specifications
active and idle. CLKRUN# support is also available. • Compliant with Intel’s Audio/Modem Riser Card and mini-PCI
The ES1988 is available in an industry-standard 100-pin Thin
Quad Flat Pack (TQFP) package.

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PINOUT ........................................................................ 4 DDMA ......................................................................... 17
PIN DESCRIPTION ...................................................... 5 ISA IRQ....................................................................... 17
FUNCTIONAL PIN GROUPING .................................... 8 Selecting DMA/IRQ Policy .......................................... 17
BLOCK DIAGRAMS ....................................................11 HSP Modem Operation............................................... 17
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ...................................12 D3cold Wake-Up On Ring........................................... 18
Audio Subsystems ......................................................12 Ring In Enable ............................................................ 18
Modem Subsystems ...................................................12 Data and Fax Modes................................................... 18
PCI Interface ...............................................................12 Support for Modem Wakeup ....................................... 19
Memory Architecture ..................................................13 PCI Configuration Registers ....................................... 20
ASSP Memory Mapping .............................................13 Legacy-Compatible Audio Registers........................... 22
ASSP I/O RAM ...........................................................13 Legacy Audio Support................................................. 23
S/PDIF Interface .........................................................13 ACPI Power Management Registers .......................... 24
Integrated AC’97 Codec .............................................14 Power Management Registers.................................... 27
AC-Link Interface........................................................ 14 Host Interrupt Registers .............................................. 28
Codec Data Output Framing....................................... 14 Game Port Control Registers ...................................... 29
Slot 0: Tag ..................................................................14 Codec Control Registers ............................................. 29
Slot 1: Command Address Port ..................................14 Serial Bus Control Registers ....................................... 30
Slot 2: Command Data Port ........................................15 GPIO Registers ........................................................... 32
Slot 3, PCM Playback Left Channel and Slot 4, ASSP Memory Control Registers................................ 32
PCM Playback Right Channel ....................................15 Game Port Address Registers .................................... 33
Codec Data Input Framing .........................................15 MPU-401 Address Registers ...................................... 33
Slot 0: Tag ..................................................................15 ASSP Clock Control Registers.................................... 34
Slot 1: Status Address Port ........................................15 Integrated AC’97 Codec Registers - Basic ................. 35
Slot 2: Status Data Port ..............................................15 Integrated AC’97 Registers - Extended
Slot 3, PCM Record Left Channel and Slot 4, Audio AFE ................................................................... 39
PCM Record Right Channel .......................................16 Vendor Registers ........................................................ 39
Hardware and Master Volume Control .......................16 ASSP DMA Registers ................................................. 40
Peripheral Interfacing .................................................16 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ........................... 43
I2S Serial Interface .....................................................16 ES1988 RECOMMENDED DC
I2S Serial Interface Software Enable ..........................16 OPERATING CONDITIONS ....................................... 45
I2S Serial Interface Timing ..........................................16 ES1988 TIMING DIAGRAMS ..................................... 45
Joystick / MPU-401 Interface.......................................17 MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS..................................... 49
MPU-401 UART Mode.................................................17 APPENDIX A: SCHEMATIC EXAMPLES ................... 50
Joystick / MIDI External Interface ................................17 APPENDIX B: BILL OF MATERIALS.......................... 54
DOS Game Compatibility ............................................17 ORDERING INFORMATION ...................................... 55
ISA DMA......................................................................17

2 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.


Figure 1. ES1988 Allegro Pinout ............................. 4 Figure 10. Clocks .....................................................45
Figure 2. ES1988 System Block Diagram ............. 10 Figure 11. Data Output and Input
Figure 3. ES1988 Device Block Diagram .............. 10 Timing Diagram .......................................46
Figure 4. Integrated AC’97 Codec Functional Figure 12. I2S Port Timing ........................................46
Block Diagram ........................................ 13 Figure 13. Signal Rise and Fall Times .....................47
Figure 5. The ES1988 Bi-directional Figure 14. AC-Link Low Power Mode Timing........... 47
Data Frame ............................................. 14 Figure 15. Mechanical Dimensions .......................... 48
Figure 6. I2S Implementation in ES1988 ............... 16 Figure 16. ES1988 Allegro Device Interface ............ 49
Figure 7. D3cold Wake-Up On Ring Sequence ...... 17 Figure 17. Audio Interface ........................................ 50
Figure 8. Cold Reset .............................................. 44 Figure 18. Game Port and S/PDIF Interfaces ..........51
Figure 9. Warm Reset ............................................ 44 Figure 19. PCI Bus Interface ....................................52

Table 1. Dual Registers in the Table 10. Data Modes Supported .......................... 18
ES1988 Architecture............................... 11 Table 11. Supported Legacy Audio Addresses .......22
Table 2. Memory Address (Input) ......................... 12 Table 12. Master Volume Control Bits .................... 34
Table 3. Memory Address (Output) ...................... 12 Table 13. PC Beep Volume Attenuation ................. 35
Table 4. Slot 1 Command Address Bits Table 14. Analog Mixer Input Volume Gain ............ 35
and Functions ......................................... 14 Table 15. Record Mixer Output Volume Gain ......... 37
Table 5. Slot 2 Command Data Bits Table 16. Absolute Maximum Ratings .................... 42
and Functions ......................................... 14 Table 17. DC Operating Condition .......................... 42
Table 6. Status Address Port Bit Assignments .... 15 Table 18. Digital Characteristics ............................. 42
Table 7. Status Port Data Bit Assignments .......... 15 Table 19. ES1988 Analog Characteristics .............. 43
Table 8. I2S Interface Pins.................................... 16 Table 20. Power Management Characteristics ....... 44
Table 9. Fax Modes Supported ............................ 18

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P C G N T # / GT 0 # / G S 0 / G P I O 1 2

I 2S L R / GT 0 # / G S O / G P I O 5
S D O 2 / G P I O 11 / VA U X D

I 2S D ATA / R 0 # / G P I O 6



A F I LT 1

AV D D 1
AV S S 1





75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51
CAP1 77 49 GD7/GPIO15
CAP2 78 48 GD6/GPIO14
LI NE_OUT_L 79 47 GD5/GPIO13
LINE_OUT_R 80 46
AVDD2 83 43
GPIO1/ RXD 84 42 GD0
GPI O2/TXD 85 41 VCC
RST# 86 40 GND

88 ES1988 39

GND 89 37 AD1

100-Pin TQFP 36

REQ# 92 34 AD4
AD31 93 33 AD5
AD30 94 32 AD6
AD29 95 31 AD7
AD28 96 30 C/BE0#
AD27 97 29 AD8
AD26 98 28 AD9
AD25 99 27 AD10
AD24 100 26 A D 11
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25






Figure 1 ES1988 Allegro Pinout

4 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.



Name Number I/O Description

C/BE[3:0]# I/O PCI command/byte enable. During address phase of a transaction, these pins define
1, 13, 20, 30
the bus command. During data phase, these pins define the byte enable.
IDSEL I ID Select. When pin 2 is configured as a multifunction pin (see pin 2 note), IDSEL is
selected internally to AD24.
R0# I PCI bus request 0 input from external PCI master device. RO# is enabled by setting
the PCIx2 arbiter bit PCI 58h [0] = 1. Select RO# from pin 2 by setting PCI 58h [10] =
1, and pin 2 must be configured as a multifunction pin (see pin 2 note). Either pin 2
or pin 52 may be used for R0#.
SPDIFO O S/PDIF Output. Enable SPDIFO by setting PCI 53h [0] = 1. Select SPDIFO from pin
2 by setting PCI 58h [1] = 1, and pin 2 must be configured as a multifunction pin (see
pin 2 note). Either pin 2 or pin 54 may be used for SPDIFO.
PCREQ# O PC/PCI request output. Enable PCREQ# by setting PCI 50h [10:8] = 010. Pin 53 is
used as PCREQ# when configured as an audio-only device. PCREQ# can only be
used from pin 2 when the ES1988 is configured as a multifunction device (see pin 60
note). Pin 2 must be configured as a multifunction pin (see pin 2 note).
(note) Pin 2 is configured as a multifunction pin when pin 85 is pulled low. This will allow for
additional use of this pin for RO#, SPDIFO, or PCREQ#. If pin 85 is open or pulled
high, then pin 2 may only be used as IDSEL.
GND 3, 21, 40, 89 I Digital ground
AD[31:0] 93:100, I/O Address and data lines from the PCI bus
4:11, 22:29,
VCC 12, 41, 90 I Digital supply voltage, 3.3V
FRAME# 14 I/O Cycle frame
IRDY# 15 I/O Initiator ready
TRDY# 16 I/O Target ready
DEVSEL# 17 I/O Device select
STOP# 18 I/O Stop transaction
PAR 19 I/O Parity
CLKRUN# I/O CLKRUN#, is I/O pin for PCI Clock status and an output to start or accelerate clock
function by enabling PCI 52h [11] = 1.
ECS O Chip select output to EEPROM chip select input. ECS is active after power-on reset
and goes inactive automatically after EEPROM cycle is complete.
GD[0] 42 I/O Game port data Input/Output
GD[1] I/O Game port data Input/Output
EDOUT 43 O Data output to EEPROM data input. EDOUT goes active after power-on reset and
goes inactive automatically after EEPROM cycle is complete.
GD[2] I/O Game port data Input/Output
EDIN I Data input from EEPROM data output. EDIN goes active after power-on reset and
goes inactive automatically after EEPROM cycle is complete.
VOLUP# I Hardware volume control (volume up). Used in combination with pin 45 (VOLDN#).
Hardware volume control is enabled by setting PCI 52 [7] = 1. Pins 44:45 is selected
for hardware volume control by setting PCI 52h [5] = 1. Pins 53:54 may also be used
for hardware volume control.

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Name Number I/O Description

GD[3] I/O Game port data Input/Output
ECLK O Clock output to EEPROM clock input. ECLK goes active after power-on reset and
goes inactive automatically after EEPROM cycle is complete.
VOLDN# I Hardware volume control (volume down). Used in combination with pin 44
(VOLUP#). Hardware volume control is enabled by setting PCI 52 [7] = 1. Pins 44:45
is selected for hardware volume control by setting PCI 52h [5] = 1. Pins 53:54 may
also be used for hardware volume control.
GD[4] 46 I Game port data input
GD[5:7] I Game port data input
GPIO[13:15] I/O General purpose input/output
I2SCLK I I2S serial clock input. I2S input is enabled by setting Allegro_Base+37h [15] = 1.
SIRQ# 50 I/O Serial interrupt request. Optional PC/PCI system implementation. Serial IRQ is
enabled by setting PCI 40h [14] = 1.
GPIO4 I/O General purpose input/output
I2SLR I I2S frame sync input. I2S input is enabled by setting Allegro_Base+37h [15] = 1.
GTO# O Grant to PCI master. GTO# is enabled by setting PCIx2 arbiter bits PCI 58h [0] = 1
and PCI 58h [11] = 1. Select GT0#/GSO from pin 51 by enabling PCI 58h [10] = 0.
Pin 63 may also be used as GT0#/GSO.
GSO 51 O Grant select 0 output to control external quick switch to grant PCI master phase.
GSO is enabled by setting PCIx2 arbiter bit PCI 58h [0] = 1 and PCI 58h [11] = 0.
Select GS0/GT0# from pin 51 by enabling PCI 58h [10] = 0. Pin 63 may also be used
as GT0#/GSO.
GPIO5 I/O General purpose input/output
I2SDATA I I2S data input. I2S input is enabled by setting Allegro_Base+37h [15] = 1.
R0# I PCI bus request 0 input from external PCI master device. RO# is enabled by setting
52 the PCIx2 arbiter bit PCI 58h [0] = 1. Select R0# from pin 52 by enabling PCI 58h
[10] = 0. Either pin 2 or pin 52 may be used for R0#.
GPIO6 I/O General purpose input/output
MC_97DI I Modem CODEC data input. Enabled by setting Allegro_Base+38h [3] = 1.
PCREQ# O PC/PCI request output. Enable PCREQ# by setting PCI 50h [10:8] = 010. Pin 53 is
used as PCREQ# when configured as an audio-only device. PCREQ# can only be
used from pin 2 when configured as a multifunction device (see pin 60 note).
VOLUP# 53 I Hardware volume control (volume up). Used in combination with pin 54 (VOLDN#).
Hardware volume control is enabled by setting PCI 52 [7] = 1. Pins 53:54 is selected
for hardware volume control by setting PCI 52h [5] = 0. Pins 44:45 may also be used
for hardware volume control.
GPIO7 I/O General purpose input/output

6 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.


Name Number I/O Description

PME# O PME# output to wake up the system. PME is enabled by setting the PME_EN bit
(PCI C5h [0] = 1).
SPDIFO O S/PDIF Output. Enable SPDIFO by setting PCI 53h [0] = 1. Select SPDIFO from pin
54 by setting PCI 58h [1] = 0. Either pin 2 or pin 54 may be used for SPDIFO.
PCGNT# I PC/PCI grant input. Enable PC/PCI by setting PCI 50h [10:8] = 010. Select PCGNT#
54 from pin 54 by setting Allegro_Base+58h [6] = 1. Either pin 54 or pin 63 may be used
for PCGNT#.
VOLDN# I Hardware volume control (volume down). Used in combination with pin 53
(VOLUP#). Hardware volume control is enabled by setting PCI 52 [7] = 1. Pins 53:54
is selected for hardware volume control by setting PCI 52h [5] = 0. Pins 44:45 may
also be used for hardware volume control.
VAUX I 3.3 volt VAUX voltage supply input. If VAUX is not supported, then VAUX (pin 55)
should be connected to VCC and VAUXD (pin 62) should be pulled down.

SDI2 I External AC-link serial data input. Select secondary Codec by enabling
56 Allegro_Base+38h [5] = 1.
GPIO8 I/O General purpose input/output
OSCI 57 I 49.152 MHz crystal input
OSCO 58 O 49.152 MHz crystal output
SRESET2# O Reset output for AC-Link interface. Select secondary Codec by enabling
59 Allegro_Base+38h [5] = 1.
GPIO3 I/O General purpose input/output
SDFS2 O Serial data frame sync output for AC-Link interface. Select secondary Codec by
enabling Allegro_Base+38h [5] = 1.
GPIO9 I/O General purpose input/output
(note) If a pull-down resistor is used on this pin, the ES1988 is configured as a multifunction
device (audio-modem). Otherwise, the ES1988 is configured as a single function
audio-only device.
SCLK2 O Serial clock for AC-link interface. Select secondary Codec by enabling
61 Allegro_Base+38h [5] = 1.
GPIO10 I/O General purpose input/output
SDO2 O External AC-link serial data output. Select secondary Codec by enabling
Allegro_Base+38h [5] = 1.
GPIO11 I/O General purpose input/output
VAUXD 62 I VAUX detect. During the reset period, the VAUXD pin is driven high to indicate ACPI
support in the D3cold state, and is driven low to indicate ACPI is not supported in the
D3cold state. If VAUX is not supported, then VAUX (pin 55) should be connected to
VCC and VAUXD (pin 62) should be pulled down.

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Name Number I/O Description

PCGNT# I PC/PCI grant input. Enable PC/PCI by setting PCI 50h [10:8] = 010. Select PCGNT#
from pin 63 by setting Allegro_Base+58h [6] = 0. Either pin 54 or pin 63 may be used
for PCGNT#.
GT0# O Grant to PCI master. GTO# is enabled by setting PCIx2 arbiter bits PCI 58h [0] = 1
and PCI 58h [11] = 1. Select GT0#/GSO from pin 63 by enabling PCI 58h [10] = 1.
63 Pin 51 may also be used as GT0#/GSO.
GS0 O Grant select 0 output to control external quick switch to grant PCI master phase.
GSO is enabled by setting PCIx2 arbiter bit PCI 58h [0] = 1 and PCI 58h [11] = 0.
Select GS0/GT0# from pin 63 by enabling PCI 58h [10] = 1. Pin 51 may also be used
as GT0#/GSO.
GPIO12 I/O General purpose input/output
PC_BEEP 64 I PC Speaker input
PHONE 65 I Mono input
CD_L 66 I CD-audio input: left channel
CD_GND 67 I CD-audio input: ground
CD_R 68 I CD-audio input: right channel
MIC 69 I Microphone input
LINE_IN_L 70 I Line input: left channel
LINE_IN_R 71 I Line input: right channel
AVDD[2:1] 83, 72 I Analog supply voltage, 5V
AVSS[2:1] 82, 73 I Analog ground
VREF 74 O Reference voltage
AFILT[2:1] 76:75 O Anti-aliasing filter cap for the ADC channel
CAP[2:1] 78:77 O ADC and DAC reference caps
LINE_OUT_L 79 O Line output: left channel
LINE_OUT_R 80 O Line output: right channel
MONO_OUT 81 O Mono output
RXD I MIDI receive data input. Enable MIDI I/O (MPU-401 I/O) by setting PCI 40h [3] = 1.
GPIO1 I/O General purpose input/output
TXD O MIDI transmit data output. Enable MIDI I/O (MPU-401 I/O) by setting PCI 40h [3] = 1.
GPIO2 I/O General purpose input/output
(note) If a pull down resistor is used on this pin, then pin 2 is enabled for multifunctionality
(IDSEL, RO#, SPDIFO, and PCREQ#). Otherwise, pin 2 may only be used for
RST# 86 I PCI reset input
INT# 87 O Interrupt request output
PCICLK 88 I PCI bus clock input
GNT# 91 I Bus master grant input
REQ# 92 O Bus master request output

8 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.



Pin number Strapping Description

low ES1988 is configured as a multifunction device (audio-modem).
Pin 60 (SDFS2/GPIO9)
open or high ES1988 is configured as a single function device (audio only).
low ES1988 does not support VAUX (D3 cold “Wake Up on Ring”).
Pin 62 (SDO2/GPIO11/VAUXD)
high ES1988 supports VAUX (D3 cold “Wake Up on Ring”).

low Pin 2 is in multifunction mode. See Pin Description for Pin 2.

Pin 85 (GPIO2/TXD)
open or high Pin 2 is only being used for ID Select.

Typical Configurations

Application Pin number Strapping Description

60 open or high Design is audio only. Single PCI configuration space is available.
Function 0 with device ID 1988h.
62 low Design does not support “Wake Up on Ring”. Pin 55 (VAUX) is connected
Audio Only to VCC.
open or high Pin 2 is used for ID Select.
85 low Pin 2 is used for multifunction. ID Select is configured through AD24. Pin
2 may be used for PCREQ#, S/PDIF output, or RO#..
60 low Design is an audio-modem combo. Two PCI configurations are available
with separate device ID’s (audio: function 0 with device ID 1988h,
modem: function 1 with device ID 1989h).
high Design supports “Wake Up on Ring” through VAUX. Pin 55 (VAUX) is con-
nected to VAUX.
Audio - Modem 62
Designs low Design does not support “Wake Up on Ring”. Pin 55 (VAUX) is connected
to VCC.
open or high Pin 2 is used for ID Select.
85 low Pin 2 is used for multifunction. ID Select is configured through AD24. Pin
2 may be used for PCREQ#, S/PDIF output, or RO#..

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Function Pins Pin Number

AC-Link Interface Pins: Digital Docking SDI2* 56
SDFS2* 60
SCLK2* 61
SDO2* 62
AC-Link Interface Pins: MC‘97 CODEC MC97_DI* 53
SDFS2* 60
SCLK2* 61
SDO2* 62
ACPI / VAUX Pins PME#* 54


Audio Interface Pins SPDIFO* (Digital) 2, 54

I2SDATA* (Digital) 52
PCBEEP (Analog) 64
PHONE (Analog) 65
CD_L (Analog) 66
GD_GND (Analog) 67
CD_R (Analog) 68
MIC (Analog) 69
LINE_IN_L (Analog) 70
LINE_IN_R (Analog) 71
LINE_OUT_L (Analog) 79
LINE_OUT_R (Analog) 80
MONO_OUT (Analog) 81
RxD* (MIDI) 84
TxD* (MIDI) 85
Bus Master Interface Pins RO# 2, 52
GTO#/GSO 51, 63
Clock and Generation Pins CLKRUN#* 39
ECLK* 45
I2SCLK* 50
SCLK2* 61

10 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.


Function Pins Pin Number

DAA/Speakerphone Interface Pins PHONE 65
MIC 69
EEPROM Interface Pins ECS * 39
EDOUT * 43
EDIN * 44
ECLK * 45
Gameport Interface Pins GD0* 42
GD1* 43
GD2* 44
GD3* 45
GD4 46
GD5* 47
GD6* 48
GD7* 49
General-Purpose I/O Pins GPIO1 * 84
GPIO2 * 85
GPIO3 * 59
GPIO4 * 50
GPIO5 * 51
GPIO6 * 52
GPIO7 * 53
GPIO8 * 56
GPIO9 * 60
GPIO10 * 61
GPIO11 * 62
GPIO12 * 63
GPIO13 * 47
GPIO14 * 48
GPIO15 * 49
Hardware Volume Interface Pins VOLUP#* 44, 53
VOLDN#* 45, 54

I2S Interface Pins I2SCLK* 50

I2SLR* 51

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Function Pins Pin Number

PCI Bus Interface Pins IDSEL 2
AD[31:0] 93:100, 4:11, 22:29,31:38
C/BE[3:0]# 1,13, 20 ,30
IRDY# 15
TRDY# 16
STOP# 18
PAR 19
RST# 85
INT# 86
GNT# 91
REQ# 92
PC/PCI Interface Pins PCREQ# 2, 53
SIRQ# 50
PCGNT# 54, 63
Power and Ground Pins VCC (3.3V digital 12, 41, 90
supply voltage)
AVDD[2:1] (5.0V analog 72, 83
supply voltage)

GND (digital ground) 3, 21, 40, 89
AVSS[2:1] (analog 73, 82
S/PDIF Interface Pins SPDIFO* 2, 54
* These pins share more than one function.

12 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.





ES1988 Allegro

Transmit buffer (Tx) AC

Receive buffer (Rx)
Reset CDC
GPIO DAA Control


Chip definitions:
ES1988 Allegro: 100-pin PCI audio-modem accelerator
ES2828: single 16-bit modem CODEC

Figure 2 ES1988 System Block Diagram

Chipset CPU


Mic in
3.3 V PCI Line in
master Integrated Aux 1 (CD audio)
Audio CODEC Phone

SB Pro Line out

legacy APM 1.2
audio ACPI 1.0
PPMI 1.0

TDMA Secondary

interface SID/SVID customization

Sample Rate S/PDIF

output Digital audio output
and Mixer
I2S ZV MPEG audio
audio Game port Joystick

Effects HW volume Vol up / vol down


MPU-401 MIDI device

Figure 3 ES1988 Device Block Diagram

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The ES1988 Allegro PCI audio accelerator is a single-chip – Aux 1 (CD-audio)
audio-modem solution. The ES1988 provides a flexible – Line In
audio-modem I/O interface to both an audio subsystem
– Mic In
and a HSP modem subsystem while serving as a bi-
directional buffer for data transmission and reception. The – Phone
ES1988 also incorporates both an integrated AC’97
Codec and a AC’97 Extension 2.1 compliant link to Modem Subsystems
interface with a secondary, external AC’97 Codec and/or • ACPI-compliant power management controller
an MC'97 compliant modem AFE. This allows the system • Analog and digital sigma-delta modulators
integetrator to integrate features of on-system high
performance audio and modem, with digital docking • ADC and DAC signal channels
capabilities while using only a single PCI load. • Anti-aliasing filters
The ES1988 includes the following subsystems: • Decimation FIR filter
• Interpolation IIR filter
Audio Subsystems
• AC’97 Compliant Audio Codec – all analog input and PCI Interface
outout interconnect via the embedded Codec. The ES1988 audio accelerator features a number of
• AC’97 Link – provides interface to an external, dedicated registers for handling of audio data and for
secondary Codec and/or an MC’97 compliant Codec. handling modem data during an online session and for
power management. These registers include dual PCI
• ASSP -- FM emulation, sample rate conversion, digital
configuration registers and power management registers.
mixing, 3D audio and special effects are performed by the
embedded asynchronous specific signal processor. The setting of bit 7 of the Header Type register at index
• Dual game port – integrated dual game port for two 0Eh determines how the PCI configuration space of the
joysticks. ES1988 shall be used. Set at 0, the ES1988 is a single-
function, audio-only device. Set at 1, however, the
• EEPROM Interface – serial port connection from an ES1988 becomes a multi-function audio-modem device
EEPROM for Subsystem ID and Subsystem Vendor ID. for combo configurations. When configured as a multi-
• FIFO – RAM for a 128-word FIFO data buffer as memory- function device, the audio and modem sections will have
mapped I/O for I/O processing. their own PCI configuration registers.
• Hardware volume control – 2 pushbutton inputs with Table 1 lists the dual sets of registers.
internal pull-up devices for up/down/mute that can be
used to adjust the master volume control. Table 1 Dual Registers in the ES1988 Architecture
The mute input is defined as the state when both up
and down inputs are low simultaneously. Dual Register Name Register Index

• I2S Zoom Video serial port – supports sample rates up PCI Configuration Register
to 48 kHz for MPEG audio. ES1988 I/O Space 10h,11h (R/W)
• MPU-401 serial port – asynchronous serial port for MIDI Base Address
devices such as a music keyboard input. Interrupt Line 3Ch (R/W)
• Oscillator – circuitry to support an external crystal. Power Management
• PCI bus interface – provides interface to 3.3 volt PCI bus Next-Item Pointer C1h (R)
signals. The PCI 2.2 compliant interface supports bus
Power Management C2h, C3h (R)
• Record source and input volume control – input
Power Management C4h (R)
source and volume control for recording. The recording Control/Status
source can be selected from one of four choices:
PME Control C5h (R/W)

14 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.


Memory Architecture
The ES1988 includes 3K x 16 words of on-chip program Table 2 Memory Address (Input)
RAM and 3K x 16 words of on-chip data RAM in its Even Bank Odd Bank Signal Name
Application Specific Signal Processor (ASSP) module,
0500 ~ 0503 0540 ~ 0543 ADC left
which serves as the device’s program and data memory.
Additionally, the ES1988 contains a 128-word RAM as 0504 ~ 0507 0544 ~ 0547 ADC right
memory-mapped I/O for I/O processing. 0508 ~ 050b 0548 ~ 054b docking ADC left
Figure 1 details the Allegro memory architecture. 050c ~ 050f 054c ~ 054f docking ADC right
0510 ~ 0513 0550 ~ 0553 I2S_L
0514 ~ 0517 0554 ~ 0557 I2S_R
Program Data
Program RAM Bus Bus Data RAM
(3k x 16 words) ASSP Core
(3k x 16 words)
The ASSP can write data out to either the AC-Link or
S/PDIF at the addresses listed in Table 3.

Table 3 Memory Address (Output)_

Even Bank Odd Bank Signal Name
0520 ~ 0523 0560 ~ 0563 DAC_L (slot 3)
128 * 16
AC-Link I2S words
SPDIF 0524 ~ 0527 0564 ~ 0567 DAC_R (slot 4)
0528 ~ 052b 0568 ~ 056b Center (slot 6)
052c ~ 052f 056c ~ 056f L SUR (slot 7)
0530 ~ 0533 0570 ~ 0573 R_SUR (slot 8)
ASSP Memory Mapping
0534 ~ 0537 0574 ~ 0577 LFE_SUR
The Allegro uses the following data and program memory (slot 9)
0538 ~ 053b 0578 ~ 057b S/PDIF L
• Program Memory 053c ~ 053f 057c ~ 057f S/PDIF R
0h - BFFh (3K SRAM)
• Data Memory S/PDIF Interface
500h - 5FFh (I/O SRAM) The ES1988 allows the designer a choice in routing the
S/PDIF output to either pin 2 or pin 54 (pin 54 is the default
1000h - 1 BFFh (3K SRAM) pin). To select SPDIFO at pin 2, GPIO9 pin 85 is pulled
2000h - 2BFFh (3K logical SRAM for FM) down and the SPDIFO bits (Allegro Configuration B,
register 53h, Bit [0] = 1 and User Configuration A, register
ASSP I/O RAM 58h, Bit [1] = 1) are enabled.
In the Allegro, the 128 x 16 I/O RAM is implemented by The S/PDIF output of the ES1988 transfers audio data in
ping-pong buffer to reduce interrupt latency. The ASSP a digital format linked to the data’s sampling rate. Each left
can read from I/O port 8014h to determine which bank is or right channel of digital data is transferred in a 32-bit
available. Bit 3 means the 48K Even bank status, while Bit subframe, with two subframes making up one frame of
7 means I2S Even bank status. If the relative bit is 1, the data transferred at the 48 kHz sample rate.
Odd bank is available. If the relative bit is 0, the Even bank Each channel’s subframe consists of a single 2’s
is available. The ASSP can read data in from either the I2S complement digital sample up to 20 bits wide in
or AC-Link at the addresses listed in Table 2. conjunction with 12 bits of control data. 192 frames of data
make up a single data block.

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 15


The S/PDIF output works in conjuction with several AC-Link Interface

control/status registers located in the I/O space of the
The additional AC-Link of the ES1988 is a bi-directional,
ASSP core. These registers control the functionality of the
fixed rate serial PCM digital stream that handles both
interface as well as transfer the non-audio data located in
multiple input and output data streams and control register
the S/PDIF data stream to and from the DSP.
accesses using a time division multiplexed scheme.
Integrated AC’97 Codec Codec Data Output Framing
The integrated AC’97 Codec in the ES1988 integrates a The ES1988 AC-Link architecture supports five outgoing
low-pass continuous anti-aliasing filter, a 16-bit resolution data streams, each with 20-bit sample resolution.
analog-to-digital converter (ADC), and a 16-bit digital-to- Specifically, Slots 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 as defined by the AC'97
analog converter. Figure 4 presents a block diagram of its Rev. 2.1 spec are supported and comprise the ES1988
composition. SDATA_OUT bi-directional data frame.
Figure 5 shows the output and input frames supported by
the integrated AC'97 Codec.
PCM_L DAC vol5
PCM_R DAC vol5
AUX_L pseudo vol5
-diff to Slot # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ended auxR
(no zero-
PHONE vol5 mixL dmixL
mute vol5x LINEOUT_L
mixR dmixR
mute vol5x LINEOUT_R
LINEIN_L vol5 (no zero-

MIC_1 mic vol5 dmixL Tag Phase Data Phase
Boost X
dmixR 1/2

U vol5x MONO_OUT
Figure 5 The ES1988 Bi-directional Data Frame
1/2 M
pcmR X mix

Rvol ADC
Slot 0: Tag
mixL Within Slot 0, the first bit is a global bit that flags the validity
mixR 1/2

for the entire data frame. If the valid frame bit is a 1, the
PHONE AFLT2 current data frame contains at least one slot time of valid
Rvol ADC data. The next five bit positions sampled indicate which of
mixR the corresponding five time slots contain valid data.
mixR 1/2

Slot 1: Command Address Port
are digital signals
The command address port controls features and
monitors status of AC'97 functions. The command
Figure 4 Integrated AC’97 Codec Functional Block Diagram address port bit assignments are listed in Table 4.

The major functions of the integrated AC’97 Codec include

A/D and D/A conversion of modem/voice signal data and Table 4 Slot 1 Command Address Bits and Functions
to provide the interface and control logic to transfer data Bit Function Description

between its serial I/O terminals and Allegro. The 19 Read/Write command 1 = read; 0 = write
integrated AC'97 Codec consists of ADC and DAC signal 18:12 Control Register Index 64 16-bit locations, addressed on
processing channels and the associated digital controls even byte boundaries.
for each channel. The two channels operate 11:0 Reserved Stuffed with zeroes.
synchronously so that data reception at the ADC channel
and data transmission from the DAC channel occur during
the same time interval.

16 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.


Slot 2: Command Data Port Once the integrated Codec registers are Codec Ready,
The command data port delivers 16-bit control register the next five bit positions sampled by the ES1988 indicate
write data in the event the current command port operation which of the corresponding slots are assigned to input
is a write cycle. If the current command port operation is data streams, and that they contain valid data.
a read cycle, the entire time slot must be stuffed with zeros A new data frame begins with a low to high transition of
by the digital controller. The command data port bit SYNC. SYNC is synchronous to the rising edge of
assignments are listed in Table 5. BIT_CLK. On the immediately following falling edge of
BIT_CLK, the integrated Codec samples the assertion of
Table 5 Slot 2 Command Data Bits and Functions
Bit Function Description This falling edge marks the time when both sides of AC-
19:4 Control Register Write Data Stuffed with zeroes if current
Link are aware of the start of a new data frame. On the
operation is a read. next rising of BIT_CLK, the integrated Codec transitions
3:0 Reserved Stuffed with zeroes. SDATA_IN into the first bit position of Slot 0 (Codec Ready
bit). Each new bit position is presented to AC-Link on a
Slot 3, PCM Playback Left Channel and Slot 4, PCM rising edge of BIT_CLK.
Playback Right Channel Slot 1: Status Address Port
Audio output frame slot 3 is the composite digital audio left
The status address port controls features and monitors
playback stream. Audio output frame slot 4 is the
status of AC’97 functions.
composite digital audio right playback stream. In a typical
"games compatible" PC, this slot is composed of standard The status address port bit assignments are listed in
PCM (*.wav) output samples digitally mixed with music Table 6.
synthesis output samples. If a sample stream of Table 6 Status Address Port Bit Assignments
resolutions less than 20 bits is transferred, the Allegro Bit Function Description
stuffs all trailing non-valid bit positions within this time slot
19 Reserved Stuffed with zeroes.
with zeros.
Echo of register index for which data is
18:12 Control Register Index
being returned.
Codec Data Input Framing
The ES1988 AC-Link architecture supports five incoming 11:2 SLOTREQ bits Refer to Appendix A of the AC’97
Component Spec.
data streams with 20-bit sample resolution. Specifically,
Slots 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 as defined by the AC’97 Rev. 2.1 spec 1:0 Reserved Stuffed with zeroes.

are supported and comprise the ES1988 SDATA_IN bi-

directional data frame. Slot 2: Status Data Port
The command data port delivers 16-bit control register
Slot 0: Tag read data in the event the current command port operation
Within Slot 0, the first bit is a global bit that flags whether is a write cycle. If the current command port operation is
the integrated AC’97 Codec is in the Codec Ready state or a read cycle, the entire time slot must be stuffed with zeros
not. If the Codec Ready bit is a 0, the integrated AC’97 by the digital controller. The status data port bit
Codec is not ready for normal operation. This condition is assignments are listed in Table 7.
normal following the deassertion of power on reset, for
example, while the Allegro’s voltage references settle.
Table 7 Status Port Data Bit Assignments
When the Codec Ready bit is a 1, the Control and Status
Bit Function Description
Registers and the AC-Link are fully operational. The
ES1988 must then further probe the Powerdown Control/ 19:4 Control Register Read Stuffed with zeroes if tagged invalid.
Status register to determine if any further subsections, if
3:0 Reserved Stuffed with zeroes.
any, are ready.
Before putting the integrated AC’97 Codec into operation,
the ES1988 polls the first bit in the data input frame to
ensure the integrated Codec registers have gone Codec

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 17


Slot 3, PCM Record Left Channel and Slot 4, PCM

Record Right Channel
Audio input frame slot 3 is the left channel output of I2SDATA

AC’97’s input mux, post-ADC. Audio input frame slot 4 is PC CARD I2SCLK

the right channel output of AC’97’s input mux, post-ADC. I2SLR

AC’97 ships out its ADC output MSB first. There are no
non-valid bit positions.

Hardware and Master Volume Control Figure 6 I2S Implementation in ES1988

Two external pins, VOLUP# and VOLDN#, can be
connected to external momentary switches to ground to Table 8 I2S Interface Pins
implement hardware master volume controls. Pressing
Pin Description
one of these buttons produces a low signal to one of the
inputs and thereby changes the master volume. I2SDATA Serial data for I2S interface. This pin has an internal pull-down to
MUTE is emulated by the state where both VOLUP# and
I2SCLK Serial shift clock for I2S interface. This pin has an internal pull-
VOLDN# inputs are low simultaneously. The up and down down to GNDD.
buttons produce a single step change in volume when they
I2SLR Left/Right signal for I2S interface. This pin has an internal pull-
are first pressed. If these buttons are held down, they down to GNDD.
enter a fast-scrolling mode. The two inputs have debounce
circuitry within the ES1988. Hold each input low or high for
it to be recognized as a valid button press. A software I2S Serial Interface Software Enable
option allows the debounce time to be reduced. Bit 0 of mixer register 7Fh enables the data bus
The two inputs have debounce circuitry within the ES1988. connection to the I2S interface.
Setting bits 6 and 7 in the Allegro Configuration B register
at index 52h/53h enables hardware volume control and I2S Serial Interface Timing
the reduced debounce feature. The ES1988 also includes Three signals are used for I2S:
the option to select from two pairs of VOLUP# and
VOLDN# pins via bit 5 of the User Configuration B register I2SCLK The shift clock. The maximum rate is 6.4 MHz.
at index 52h. Setting bit 5 at 1 enables the VOLUP# and The minimum number of I2SCLK periods per
VOLDN# inputs to be routed to pins 53 and 54. Setting bit
I2SLR period is 32. Any number greater than or
5 at 0 enables the inputs to be re-routed to pins 44 and 45.
equal to 32 is acceptable.
Peripheral Interfacing I2SLR Sample synchronization signal. The maximum
sample rate is 50 kHz.
I2S Serial Interface
I2SDATA Serial data.
The I2S input pins I2SDATA, I2SCLK, and I2SLR are used
for a serial interface to an external device and are Within the ES1988, I2SLR and I2SDATA are sampled on
multiplexed with other functions. Refer to Table 8 for a the rising edge of I2SCLK.
description of the I2S interface pins. Set bit 15 of the
Allegro_Base+37h register to 1 to enable the I2S input
pins. A typical application of the I2S serial interface is
MPEG audio. See Figure 6.

18 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.


Joystick / MPU-401 Interface Selecting DMA/IRQ Policy

MPU-401 UART Mode Because PCI chipsets do not all support the same DMA
There is one MIDI interface in the ES1988, an MPU-401 protocols, DMA policy should be selected according to
“UART mode” compatible serial port. the chipset in use. To find out which DMA policy to use,
contact your ESS FAE. DMA policy is configured in PCI
Joystick / MIDI External Interface Configuration register 50h, bits [10:8].
The joystick portion of the ES1988 reference design is
identical to that on a standard PC game control adaptor or HSP Modem Operation
game port. The PC compatible joystick can be connected The Allegro is configureable to function as an HSP modem
to a 15-pin D-sub connector. It supports all standard PC device, precluding the need for an external DSP or modem
joystick-compatible software. If the system already has a data pump in the modem subsystem design. In host
game card or port, remove the game card. modem operation, the Allegro has two basic functions
related to modem operation:
DOS Game Compatibility
1. Bidirectional circular buffer:
• Received data is sampled by the ES2828 modem
To emulate ISA DMA on the PCI bus, the ES1988 can AFE at various frequencies: 7.2, 8.0, 9.0, 9.6,
employ three different protocols: 10.287, and 16 kHz depending on the sample rate.
TDMA Transparent DMA, a chipset The sample rate (16 bits per sample) is put into the
independent mechanism receive buffer before being sent to the host.
DDMA Distributed DMA, must be supported • Transmitted data from the host (PCI bus) is put into
by the PCI chipset the transmit buffer in synchronization with the
PC/PCI DMA PC to PCI DMA, must be supported by receive buffer.
the PCI chipset • Every six samples (configurable), the Allegro
Once one of the three DMA protocols is set up, the checks the buffer and generates an interrupt to the
ES1988 is seen as an ISA device. host if the buffer has 12 (configurable) or more
samples and lets the host perform I/O read/write.
The interrupt is level sensitive.
In TDMA, the ES1988 snoops PCI bus transactions to a
2. DAA control
legacy DMA controller device then performs a PCI bus
master transaction to complete DMA. • To make a modem functional, the following control
lines are recommended: (US/NA version only; no
DDMA handset; universal DAA support)
In DDMA, the central resource (PCI chipset) includes a OH Off hook
DMA remap engine. All transactions to legacy DMACs are
RI Ring indicator
remapped to each client (such as the ES1988) by the
remap engine. The ES1988 then performs a PCI bus CID Caller ID (for voice applications)
master transaction. DAA_PM DAA power control
In PC/PCI DMA, the central resource (PCI chipset) • Full DAA interface
performs PC/PCI cycles, which use sideband signals to
the standard PCI bus. The ES1988 then acts as a slave
device during DMA.
The ISA IRQ is edge triggered while PCI IRQ is level
sensitive. By configuring the IRQ policy bits in PCI
Configuration register 50h, the ES1988 can emulate ISA
IRQ. Setting bit 15 of Legacy Audio Control register (index
40h) to 0 allows the ES1988 to decode legacy audio

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 19


D3cold Wake-Up On Ring Ring In Enable

Figure 7 graphically describes the basic D3cold wake-up When the ES1988 is paired with an MC’97 part such as the
on ring operation with the ES1988 involved. ES2828 modem AFE, setting bit 0 of the Allegro
Configuration B register at index 52h/53h enables the
RING_IN function to be received at the muxed RXD/
GPIO1 pin 84. The muxed TXD/GPIO2 pin 85 is also
enabled to complete the I/O path with the ES2828 and with
the DAA interface.

Data and Fax Modes

In audio-modem configuration, the ES1988 supports all
data modem standards up to 56 Kb/s. Modulations and
data rates conform to the following standards:

• ITU V.90
• ITU V.34
Figure 7 D3cold Wake-Up On Ring Sequence
During D3cold, VAUX supplies minimal power to the • ITU V.32bis
ES1988 to allow it to power-up the system when voltage • ITU V.32
from a ring event is detected. When a ring event occurs • ITU V.22bis
on RI, MC97_DI goes high and triggers the SDATA_IN
signal in the digital controller, which goes high until a warm
• ITU V.22
reset is applied to the MC’97 part (such as the ES2828). • ITU V.21
A PME# event is generated by the ES1988, which in turn • Bell 212A
generates a PCI bus master request for power. When the • Bell 103
bus master starts to send more power to the digital
controller, it also sends along a PCI RST# signal to reset
the system registers on all devices and peripherals. V.42/MNP 2-4 error correction and V.42bis/MNP 5 data
Before the signal completes its system-wide reset, the correction reduce error transmission and improve data
PME_EN and PME_ST bits in the control register of the throughput. The default AT command set is TIES (Time
digital controller need to have their bit values updated by Independent Escape Sequence).
MC97_DI’s rising edge from the ES1988. The Hayes escape sequence, which is time dependent, is
The ES1988 must not pass on the Reset signal to the optionally supported. Both escape sequences are
integrated AC’97 Codec when the PME# event has universally accepted by communications software
occurred by the initiation of the integrated AC’97 Codec, programs.
as a Reset signal will reset all device registers and prevent
the digital controller from powering up. The RI, MC97_DI
and the PRD:PRA related logic are all powered by VAUX.

20 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.


The Fax AT command set is compatible with EIA/TIA-578 Support for Modem Wakeup
Class 1 and Class 2 standards. Fax transmit and receive
Support for PME# event generation, modem wakeup, ring
speeds up to 14.4 Kb/s are available. Fax modulations and
input status, time stamp for ring and DAA data I/O is
data rates conform to the standards appearing in Table 9
provided by the ES1988 at the register level.
and Table 10.
• Modem Wakeup Control (Allegro_Base+40h/41h):
This register handles PME# event generation from
Table 9 Fax Modes Supported
ring input whenPME#_RI bit 4 (Allegro_Base+40h)
ITU Mode Data Rate (kb/s) Modulation
is enabled.
V.17 14.4 TCM
12.0 TCM • DAA Data I/O Port (Allegro_Base+50h/+51h): This
9.6 TCM register handles ring data input from the integrated
7.2 TCM
AC’97 Codec.
V.21ch2 0.3 FSK
• Ring input status bit (Allegro_Base+42h/43h)
V.27ter 4.8 DPSK
2.4 DPSK • Time stamp 0 and 1 for ring (Allegro_Base+4Ah/
V.29 9.6 QAM
4Bh and Allegro_BAse+4Ch/4Dh)
7.2 QAM
4.8 QAM

Table 10 Data Modes Supported

ITU Mode Data Rate (kb/s) Modulation

V.90 56 PCM
V.34 33.6 TCM
31.2 TCM
28.8 TCM
26.4 TCM
24.0 TCM
21.6 TCM
19.2 TCM
16.8 TCM
14.4 TCM
12.0 TCM
9.6 TCM
7.2 TCM
4.8 TCM
2.4 TCM

V.32bis 14.4 TCM

12.0 TCM
9.6 TCM
7.2 TCM
4.8 TCM

V.32 9.6 TCM

9.6 QAM
4.8 QAM

V.22bis 2.4 QAM

V.22 1.2 DPSK

V.21 0.3 FSK

Bell 212A 1.2 DPSK

Bell 103 0.3 FSK

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 21



Vendor ID (00h, 01h, R) Revision ID (08h, R)

Vendor ID Revision ID
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Definitions: Bit Definitions:

Bits Name Description Bits Name Description
15:0 Vendor ID Identifies ESS as the manufacturer of this 15:0 Revision ID Identifies the revision of this device. The ID
device. The ID for ESS is 125Dh. 10h is assigned by ESS Technology, Inc.

Device ID (02h, 03h, R) Programming Interface Identifier (09h, R)

Device ID Programming interface identifier
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Definitions: Bit Definitions:

Bits Name Description Bits Name Description
15:0 Device ID Identifies the ES1988 Allegro. The ID 1988h 7:0 PII Identifies the programming interface of this device.
is assigned by ESS Technology, Inc. The ID 00h indicates a default interface.

Command (04h, 05h, R/W) Sub-Class Code (0Ah, R)

0 BM 0 IO Sub-Class code
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Definitions: Bit Definitions:

Bits Name Description Bits Name Description
15:3 – Read-only. Returns 0 when read. 7:0 SCC Identifies the type of sub-class of this device. The
2 BM Bus Master enable/disable. ID 00h indicates a multimedia device (audio-
1 = Enable bus master. modem). The ID 01h indicates an audio device.
0 = Not bus master. The ID 80h indicates a modem device.
1 – Read-only. Set to 0.
Base Class Code (0Bh, R)
0 IO I/O Space access enable/disable.
Base class code
1 = Enable I/O space access.
0 = Disable I/O space access. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Definitions:
Status (06h, 07h, R)
Bits Name Description
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7:0 BCC Identifies the type of base class of this device. The
ID 04h indicates an audio device. The ID 07h indi-
cates a communication device (modem).
Bit Definitions:
Bits Name Description
Cache Line Size (0Ch, R/W)
15:0 – Read-only. Returns 0290h when read. Cache line size
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Definitions:
Bits Name Description
7:0 CLS Identifies the cache line size of this device as 00h.

22 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.


Latency Timer (0Dh, R/W) Allegro I/O Space Base Address

Latency timer 0 (Modem: Function 1) (10h, 11h, R/W)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 IOSB[15:8] 0 ISI
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Definitions:
Bits Name Description Bit Definitions:

7:3 LT Number of clocks times 8 (read-write for audio. Bits Name Description
Returns 0 when read for modem). 15:8 IOSB[15:8] I/O space base address. 128-word I/O
2:0 – Read-only. Returns 0s when read. space.
7:1 – Reserved. Always write 0.
Header Type (0Eh, R) 0 ISI I/O space indicator. Hardwired to 1.
SM Configuration space layout
Subsystem Vendor ID (2Ch, 2Dh, R/W)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Subsystem Vendor ID
Bit Definitions: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bits Name Description
Bit Definitions:
7 SM Single-/multi-function device. The ES1988 sup-
ports both audio-only single-function and multi- Bits Name Description
function audio-modem device operations. 15:0 SVID Read/write protected. Default = 125Dh. Cus-
1 = Multi-function device when used in an audio- tomizable through register programming by
modem configuration. EEPROM or system BIOS. Writable when PCI
0 = Single-function device when used in an 50h [0] = 1.
audio-only configuration.
6:0 CSL Configuration space layout. Read-only. Defines Subsystem ID (2Eh, 2Fh, R/W)
layout for bytes 10h and up of the PCI configura- Subsystem ID
tion space header. ES1988 supports a 00h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
header type.
Bit Definitions:
BIST Capability (0Fh, R)
Bits Name Description
Built-in self test capability
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 15:0 SID Read/write protected. Default = 1988h. Cus-
tomizable through register programming by
EEPROM or system BIOS. Writable when PCI
Bit Definitions:
50h [0] = 1..
Bits Name Description
7:0 BIST Built-in self test capability is 00h. Capability Pointer (34h, R)
Capability pointer
Allegro I/O Space Base Address
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
(Audio: Function 0) (10h, 11h, R/W)
IOSB[15:8] 0 ISI Bit Definitions:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bits Name Description

Bit Definitions: 7:0 CP This register provides a pointer into the PCI con-
figuration header where the PCI power manage-
Bits Name Description
ment register block resides. PCI header
15:8 IOSB[15:8] I/O space base address. 128-word I/O doublewords at C0h and C4h contain the power
space. management registers. This register is read-only
7:1 – Reserved. Always write 0. and returns C0h when read.

0 ISI I/O space indicator. Hardwired to 1.

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 23


Interrupt Line Interrupt Pin (3Dh, R)

(Audio: Function 0) (3Ch, R/W) Interrupt pin
Interrupt line 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Definitions:
Bit Definitions: Bits Name Description
Bits Name Description 7:0 IP Interrupt pin information. Indicates which inter-
7:0 IL Interrupt line routing information. Indicates which rupt pin the ES1988 is using. This register is
system interrupt pin the ES1988 is connected to. read-only and returns 01h when read, which
The POST software writes the routing informa- indicates INTA#.
tion to the Interrupt Line register as the system is
initialized and configured. The value in this reg- Minimum Grant (3Eh, R)
ister depends on the system architecture. In
Minimum grant
x86-based PC systems, the values of 0 to 15
correspond with IRQ numbers 0 through 15, and 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
the values from 16 to 254 are reserved. The
value of 255 (Allegro’s default power-up value) Bit Definitions:
signifies either “unknown” or “no connection” for Bits Name Description
the system interrupt. The default value is FFh.
7:0 MG Min_Gnt. Identifies the burst period needed.
Bits [4:0] are read/write. Bits [7:5] = bit [4].
This register is read-only and returns 02h when
Interrupt Line read, which corresponds to 500 ns, and returns
(Modem: Function 1) (3Ch, R/W) 00h for modem.
Interrupt line
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Maximum Latency (3Fh, R)
Maximum latency
Bit Definitions: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bits Name Description
Bit Definitions:
7:0 IL Interrupt line routing information. Indicates which
system interrupt pin the ES1988 is connected to. Bits Name Description
The POST software writes the routing informa- 7:0 ML Max_Lat. Identifies how often bus access is
tion to the Interrupt Line register as the system is needed. This register is read-only and returns
initialized and configured. The value in this reg- 18h when read, which corresponds to 6 ms, and
ister depends on the system architecture. In returns 00h for modem.
x86-based PC systems, the values of 0 to 15
correspond with IRQ numbers 0 through 15, and
the values from 16 to 254 are reserved. The
value of 255 (ES1988’s default power-up value)
signifies either “unknown” or “no connection” for
the system interrupt. The default value is FFh.
Bits [4:0] are read/write. Bits [7:5] = bit [4].

24 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.


Legacy-Compatible Audio Registers Legacy Audio Support

The ES1988 supports the following legacy audio
Legacy Audio Control (40h, 41h, R/W) addresses.
LA SIR MIDIIRQ SBIRQ DMACH IA MQ MI GM FM SB Table 11 Supported Legacy Audio Addresses
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Legacy Audio Resources I/O Address Base

Bit Definitions: Sound Blaster Pro 220h/240h

Bits Name Description FM synthesis 388h/289h/38Ah/38Bh
15 LA Legacy audio disable. MPU-401 300h/320h/330h/340h
1 = Disable legacy audio (default).
DMA Channel 0, 1, 3
0 = Enable legacy audio.
IRQ 5, 7, 9, 10
14 SIR Serial IRQs enable.
1 = Enable serial IRQs.
0 = Disable serial IRQs (default). Allegro Configuration A (50h, 51h, R/W)
Default to 010. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
10:8 SBIRQ Sound Blaster IRQ select.
Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 IRQ Selection Bit Definitions:
0 0 0 IRQ5 (default) Bits Name Description
0 0 1 IRQ7
15 SBI Sound Blaster IRQ mask.
0 1 0 IRQ9
1 = Set this bit to enable IRQ masking when bit
0 1 1 IRQ10
[10] = 1.
1 x x Reserved
14 PCI1 PCI snoop mode 1.
7:6 DMACH Sound Blaster DMA channel select.
1 = Set this bit in DOS mode when ES1988 PCI
Bit 7 Bit 6 DMA Channel Selection
IRQ is not assigned to IRQ5/7/9/10.
0 0 Channel 0
0 1 Channel 1 (default) 13 PCI0 PCI snoop mode 0.
1 0 Reserved 1 = Set this bit in DOS mode when ES1988 PCI
1 1 Channel 3 IRQ is assigned to IRQ5/7/9/10.
5 IA I/O address aliasing control. 12 GM High-performance game port mode enable.
1 = Enable address aliasing (default). 1 = Enable game port.
Selects 10-bit I/O. 0 = Disable game port.
0 = Disable address aliasing. 11 SG Safeguard in TDMA mode, when bits [10:8] = 001.
4 MQ MPU-401 IRQ enable. 1 = Set this bit to enable ISA merge during
1 = Enable MPU-401 IRQ (default). IOR 08h.
0 = Disable MPU-401 IRQ. ISA write-back in AutoDMA mode, when bits
[10:8] = 100.
3 MI MPU-401 I/O enable.
1 = Set this bit to enable ISA write-back in
1 = Enable MPU-401 I/O (default).
AutoDMA mode.
0 = Disable MPU-401 I/O.
10:8 DMAP ISA DMA policy.
2 GM Game port enable.
Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 DMA Policy
1 = Enable game port (default).
0 0 0 Distributed DMA
0 = Disable game port.
0 0 1 Transparent DMA
1 FM FM synthesis enable. 0 1 0 PC/PCI DMA
1 = Enable FM synthesis (default). 0 1 1 Reserved
0 = Disable FM synthesis. 1 0 0 ISA write-back every 16 transfers
0 SB Sound Blaster enable. 1 0 1 ISA write-back every 4 transfers
1 = Enable Sound Blaster channel (default). 1 1 0 ISA write-back every 2 transfers
0 = Disable Sound Blaster channel. 1 1 1 ISA write-back every transfer
7 PW EN_PW. Posted write enable.
1 = Enable ES1988 posted write.
0 = Disable ES1988 posted write.

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 25


Bits Name Description Bits Name Description

6 IEM Emulate ISA timing on PCI. 10:9 CLKSL Clock divider select for Sound Blaster.
1 = Use PCI timing. Bit 10 Bit 9 Clock Divider
0 = Emulate ISA timing. 0 0 Divided by 48
0 1 Divided by 49
5 -- Reserved.
1 0 Divided by 50
4:3 M4D MPU_401_DECODE. 1 1 Reserved
Bit 4 Bit 3 MPU-401 I/O
0 0 33x 8 S EN S/PDIF enable.
0 1 30x 1 = Enable S/PDIF output.
0 = Disable S/PDIF output (default).
1 0 32x
1 1 34x 7 HWV Hardware volume control enable.
1 = Enable hardware volume control.
2 S2 SB240. Sound Blaster decode.
1 = Sound Blaster decode is 24x. 0 = Disable hardware volume control.
0 = Sound Blaster decode is 22x. 6 DHE Reduced debounce for hardware volume con-
1 SD Subtractive decoding. trol enable.
1 = Enable reduced debounce.
Write: 1 = Delay PCI grant by 1 clock during PCI
master cycle and enable the detection of PCI sub- 0 = Disable reduced debounce.
tractive decoding. 5 HVI Up/down hardware volume button input select.
Read: 1 = Subtractive decoding is detected. 1 = Select input from pin 44 and 45.
0 = Select input from pin 53 and 54 (default).
0 SID Write-enable bit for PCI subsystem ID (SID) and
subsystem vendor ID (SVID). 4 BD BIT_CLK Direction of 2nd Codec Interface
1 = SID and SVID are read/write. 1 = Input
0 = SID and SVID are read-only (default). 0 = Output (default)
3 MW Writable EEPROM Interface Enable.
Allegro Configuration B (52h, 53h, R/W) 1 = Enable writable EEPROM interface.
C 0 = Disable writable EEPROM interface.
S 2 CxMS Clock Multiplier Mode Select. Used along with
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
CxS (bits 13:12) to support eight modes of
clock multiplier.
Bit Definitions: 1 SPDIF SPDIF test mode.
Bits Name Description TM 1 = Enable SPDIF test mode.
0 RI_E Ring In Enable.
15 ICx Internal clock multiplier reset enable.
1 = Reset internal clock multiplier. 1 = Enable Ring In from GPIO0 of MC97.
0 = Disable Ring In from GPIO0 of MC97.
0 = Release internal clock multiplier.
14 CIS ES1988 clock input select.
1 = Select the 49.152 MHz clock from the
internal clock multiplier.
0 = Select the 49.152 MHz clock from the
external crystal oscillator input (OSCI).
13:12 CxS Clock multiplier mode select.
Bit 2 Bit 13 Bit 12 Mode
0 0 0 Mode 0
0 0 1 Mode 1
0 1 0 Mode 2
0 1 1 Mode 3
1 0 0 Mode 4
1 0 1 Mode 5
1 1 0 Mode 6
1 1 1 Mode 7
11 PMC Power management control for CLKRUN#
1 = Enable PM control for CLKRUN#.
0 = Disable PM control for CLKRUN#.

26 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.


ACPI Power Management Registers Bits Name Description

2 MIDI ACPI stop clock control for MIDI.
ACPI Control A (54h, 55h, R/W) 1 = Set stop clock to state D2.
12 24 R SPDIF GLUE R PIF HV GPIO ASSP SB FM XCLK MIDI GP WP 0 = Set stop clock to state D1.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 GP ACPI stop clock control for the game port.
1 = Set stop clock to state D2.
The ACPI Control A register sets the state (D1 or D2) of 0 = Set stop clock to state D1.
the stop clock for each module (12 MHz clocks, 24 MHz
0 – Reserved.
clocks, SPDIF, GLUE, PCI interface, hardware volume,
modem/GPIO, ASSP interface, FM, clock multiplier, MIDI ACPI Control B (56h, 57h, R/W)
and game port).
Bit Definitions: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bits Name Description
15 12 ACPI stop clock control for the 12 MHz clock to The ACPI Control B register enables the clock at the state
the serial interface and the secondary Codec (D1 or D2) set for each module in the ACPI Control A
output. register.
1 = Set stop clock to state D2. Bit Definitions:
0 = Set stop clock to state D1.
Bits Name Description
14 24 ACPI stop clock control for the 24 MHz clock to
the internal AC97 Codec. 15 12 ACPI stop clock enable for the 12 MHz clock to
1 = Set stop clock to state D2. the serial interface and the secondary Codec
0 = Set stop clock to state D1. output.
1 = Enable stop clock at state D1/D2.
13 – Reserved. 0 = Stop clock at state D1/D2 disabled.
12 SPDIF ACPI stop clock control for SPDIF. 14 24 ACPI stop clock enable for the 24 MHz clock to
1 = Set stop clock to state D2. the internal AC97 Codec.
0 = Set stop clock to state D1. 1 = Enable stop clock at state D1/D2.
11 GLUE ACPI stop clock control for GLUE. 0 = Stop clock at state D1/D2 disabled.
1 = Set stop clock to state D2. 13 – Reserved.
0 = Set stop clock to state D1.
12 SPDIF ACPI stop clock enable for SPDIF.
10 – Reserved. 1 = Enable stop clock at state D1/D2.
9 PIF ACPI stop clock control for the PCI interface. 0 = Stop clock at state D1/D2 disabled.
1 = Set stop clock to state D2. 11 GLUE ACPI stop clock enable for GLUE.
0 = Set stop clock to state D1. 1 = Enable stop clock at state D1/D2.
8 HV ACPI stop clock control for HW volume control. 0 = Stop clock at state D1/D2 disabled.
1 = Set stop clock to state D2. 10 – Reserved.
0 = Set stop clock to state D1.
9 PIF ACPI stop clock enable for the PCI interface.
7 GPIO ACPI stop clock control for GPIO. 1 = Enable stop clock at state D1/D2.
1 = Set stop clock to state D2. 0 = Stop clock at state D1/D2 disabled.
0 = Set stop clock to state D1.
8 HV ACPI stop clock enable for hardware volume
6 ASSP ACPI stop clock control for the ASSP interface. control.
1 = Set stop clock to state D2. 1 = Enable stop clock at state D1/D2.
0 = Set stop clock to state D1. 0 = Stop clock at state D1/D2 disabled.
5 SB ACPI stop clock control for Sound Blaster. 7 GPIO ACPI stop clock enable for GPIO.
1 = Set stop clock to state D2. 1 = Enable stop clock at state D1/D2.
0 = Set stop clock to state D1. 0 = Stop clock at state D1/D2 disabled.
4 FM ACPI stop clock control for FM. 6 ASSP ACPI stop clock enable for the ASSP interface.
1 = Set stop clock to state D2. 1 = Enable stop clock at state D1/D2.
0 = Set stop clock to state D1. 0 = Stop clock at state D1/D2 disabled.
3 XCLK ACPI stop clock control for clock multiplier. 5 SB ACPI stop clock enable for Sound Blaster.
1 = Set stop clock to state D2. 1 = Enable stop clock at state D1/D2.
0 = Set stop clock to state D1. 0 = Stop clock at state D1/D2 disabled.

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 27


Bits Name Description Bits Name Description

4 FM ACPI stop clock enable for FM. 7 3SB Tri-state buffer enable.
1 = Enable stop clock at state D1/D2. 1 = Tri-state all output buffers.
0 = Stop clock at state D1/D2 disabled. 0 = Don’t tri-state buffers.
3 XCLK ACPI stop clock enable for clock multiplier. 6 – Reserved.
1 = Enable stop clock at state D1/D2. 5 CTM AC97 Codec Test Mode Enable
0 = Stop clock at state D1/D2 disabled.
1 = Enable DOS test mode for internal AC97
2 MIDI ACPI stop clock enable for MIDI. Codec.
1 = Enable stop clock at state D1/D2. 0 = Normal operation.
0 = Stop clock at state D1/D2 disabled. NOTE: SDI signal from internal AC’97 codec
will be driven to GD[4] pin 46.
1 GP ACPI stop clock enable for the game port.
1 = Enable stop clock at state D1/D2. 4:2 -- Reserved.
0 = Stop clock at state D1/D2 disabled.
1 SO 1 = Route SPDIF output to IDSEL pin 2.
0 – Reserved. 0 = Route SPDIF output to PME# pin 54
User Configuration A (58h, 59h, R/W) Note: Pin 85 must be pulled down in order to
select S/PDIF output to pin 2.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 PCI ×2 PCI x2 Arbiter Enable. Default = 0.
1 = Enable PCI master support.
Bit Definitions: 0 = Disable PCI master support (default).
Bits Name Description
User Configuration B (5Ah, 5Bh, R/W)
15 RE REQ# Low at D3 State Enable. Reserved
1 = Enables driving PCI REQ# low at D3 state.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
14 RE3 REQ# Tri-state at D3 State Enable
1 = Enable tri-state of REQ# at D3 state. Bit Definitions:
13 EDD EAPD Drive Enable Bits Name Description
1 = Enable EAPD signal from internal AC97
Codec. 15:0 – Reserved.
0 = Disable EAPD signal from internal AC97
Codec . User Configuration C (5Ch, R/W)
12 SC Stop Clock Enable for Crystal Oscillator Reserved PMGM Reserved PMGS
1 = Enables stop clock of crystal oscillator at 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
D3 state.
11 QS Enable external PCI master support without Bit Definitions:
Quick Switch Bits Name Description
1 = Enable support. 15:6 – Reserved.
10 PMP External PCI Master Pair Select 5 PMGM PME# MC97 Enable.
1 = External PCI Master Pair selected from pin 1 = PME# generation enabled from
2 and pin 63. MC97_DI input pin 53.
0 = External PCI Master Pair selected from pin
52 and pin 51 (default). 4:1 – Reserved.
9 MFE Multi-Function Enable/Disable 0 PMGS PME# SDI2 Enable
1 = Disable multi-function feature through 1 = PME# generation enabled from SDI2
software. input pin 56.
0 = Enable multi-function feature through
8 24 24 MHz clock input.
1 = Select input clock to internal AC97 Codec
from divider of external crystal oscillator clock
0 = Select input clock to internal AC97 Codec
from external crystal oscillator clock (OSCI).

28 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.


Distributed DMA Control 60h, 61h, R/W) Power Management Registers

DMA[15:4] 0 0 0 DE
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Next-Item Pointer (C1h, R)
Next-Item pointer
Bit Definitions: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bits Name Description
Bit Definitions:
15:4 DMA[15:4] Distributed DMA base address.
Bits Name Description
3:1 – Always write 0.
7:0 NIP This register is used to indicate the next item in
0 DE Distributed DMA enable.
the linked list of the PCI power management
1 = Enable distributed DMA.
capabilities. Since ES1988 functions only
0 = Disable distributed DMA.
include one capabilities item, this register is
Subsystem Vendor ID Shadow (6Ch, 6Dh, R/W) read-only and returns 00h when read for audio
Subsystem Vendor ID Shadow
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Definitions:
Bits Name Description
15:0 SVID Subsystem Vendor ID Shadow of PCI 2Ch,
[15:0] 2Dh.
Subsystem ID Shadow (6Eh, 6Fh, R/W)
Subsystem ID Shadow
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Definitions:
Bits Name Description
15:0 SID Subsystem ID Shadow of PCI 2Eh, 2Fh.

Capability ID (C0h, R)
Capability ID
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Definitions:
Bits Name Description
7:0 CID This register identifies the linked list item as the
register for PCI power management. This regis-
ter is read-only and returns 01h when read,
which is the unique ID assigned by the PCI SIG
for the PCI location of the capabilities pointer
and the value.

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 29


Power-Management Capabilities (C2h, C3h, R) Power-Management Control/Status (C4h, R)

PMES D2S D1S Reserved DSI R PMEC VER 0 0 0 0 0 0 PWR STATE
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Definitions: The default value of this register 00h. This register
Bits Name Description determines and changes the current power state of the
ES1988 function. The contents of this register are not
15:11 PMES PME_Support. This five-bit field indicates the
power states in which the function may assert
affected by the internally-generated reset caused by the
PME#. A value of 0 for any bit indicates that the transition from the D3hot to D0 state.
function is not capable of asserting the PME# Bit Definitions:
signal while in that power state.
Bit [15] = 0. PME# cannot be asserted from Bits Name Description
D3cold. 7:2 – Bits [7:2] are read-only and return 0 when read.
Bit [14] = 1. PME# can be asserted from D3hot.
1:0 PS Power state. This 2-bit field is used both to
Bit [13] = 1. PME# can be asserted from D2. determine the current power state of a function,
Bit [12] = 1. PME# can be asserted from D1. and to set the function into a new power state.
Bit [11] = 0. PME# cannot be asserted from D0. Bit 1 Bit 0 Power State
Value of bits 15:11 0 0 D0
0 1 D1
Bits 15:11 = 01110. Audio Only Function 0. 1 0 D2
Bits 15:11 =11110. Modem w/VAUX Function 1. 1 1 D3hot
10 D2S D2S. This bit indicates that this function supports
the D2 power management state. PME Control (C5h, R/W)
1 = D2 power management is supported.
PME ST 0 0 0 0 0 0 PME EN
9 D1S D1S. This bit indicates that this function supports 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
the D1 power management state.
1 = D1 power management is supported. Bit Definitions:
8:6 – Reserved. Bits Name Description
Bits 8:6 = 000 Audio Only Function 0.
Bits 8:6 = 010 Modem w/VAUX, Function 1. 7 PME ST PME# status.
Read for PME# Status
5 DSI The Device Specific Initialization bit indicates 1 = PME# is active.
whether special initialization of this function is 0 = PME# is inactive.
required before the generic class device driver is Write 1 to clear status bit.
able to use it. Always 1.
6:1 – Bits [6:1] are read-only and return 0 when read.
4 Reserved.
0 PME EN PME# enable.
3 PMEC PME clock. This bit indicates that no PCI clock is 1 = Enable PME.
required for the function to generate PME#. 0 = Disable PME.
Value of bit 3 = 0.
2:0 VER Version. This 3-bit field indicates that this func-
tion complies with Revision 1.0 of the PCI Power
Management Interface specification. Always

30 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.



Host Interrupt Host Interrupt Status (Allegro_Base+1Ah, R/W)

Control (Allegro_Base+18h, +19h, R/W)
R IHWV RI ID Reserved 4M BS
AR Reserved PGE R CE R HIE R DIE Reserved MIE SIE
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Definitions:
Bit Definitions:
Bits Name Description
Bits Name Description
7 – Reserved.
15 AR ES1988 software reset enable.
1 = Enable ES1988 software reset. 6 IHWV Hardware volume control interrupt.
1 = Hardware volume control interrupt pending.
0 = Disable ES1988 software reset.
0 = No hardware volume control interrupt.
14:11 – Reserved.
5 RI Ring indicator interrupt.
10 PGE Hardware volume control to PME# generation 1 = Ring interrupt pending.
enable. 0 = No ring indicator interrupt.
9 – Reserved. 4 ID ASSP software interrupt.
8 CE CLKRUN# generation test mode enable. 1 = ASSP interrupt pending.
1 = Enable CLKRUN# generation all the time. 0 = No ASSP interrupt.
0 = Disable CLKRUN# generation. 3:2 – Reserved.
7 – Reserved. 1 4M MPU-401 receive interrupt.
6 HIE Hardware volume control interrupt enable. 1 = MPU-401 receive interrupt pending.
1 = Enable hardware volume control interrupt. 0 = No MPU-401 receive interrupt.
0 = Disable hardware volume control interrupt. 0 BS Sound Blaster interrupt.
5 RIE Ring interrupt enable 1 = Sound Blaster interrupt pending.
1 = Enable ring interrupt. 0 = No Sound Blaster interrupt.
0 = Disable ring interrupt.
4 DIE ASSP software interrupt enable. Hardware Volume Control (Allegro_Base+1Bh, R/W)
1 = Enable ASSP software interrupt. Reserved Split
0 = Disable ASSP software interrupt. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3:2 – Reserved.
Bit Definitions:
1 MIE MPU-401 interrupt enable.
1 = Enable MPU-401 interrupt. Bits Name Description
0 = Disable MPU-401 interrupt. 7:1 – Reserved.
0 SIE Sound Blaster interrupt enable. 0 Split Hardware volume/counter control register split.
1 = Enable Sound Blaster interrupt. 1 = Split volume register from counter register.
0 = Disable Sound Blaster interrupt. 0 = Do not split volume from counter register.

Shadow of Mixer
Register for Voice (Allegro_Base+1Ch, R/W)
Shadow of Mixer for Voice
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Definitions:
Bits Name Description
7:0 SMV Shadow of the mixer register for voice.

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 31


HW Volume Control Joystick 2 X-Delay (Allegro_Base+28h,+29h, R/W)

Counter for Voice (Allegro_Base+1Dh, R/W) 2A 2B 1A 1B Delay
Hardware volume control counter for voice 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Definitions:
Bit Definitions: Bits Name Description
Bits Name Description 15:12 2A/2B Fire buttons.
7:0 HCV Hardware volume control counter for voice. 1A/1B
11:0 Delay[11:0] Timer delay in units of 2 microseconds.
Shadow of Mixer
Register for Master (Allegro_Base+1Eh, R/W) Joystick 2 Y-Delay (Allegro_Base+2Ch,+2Dh, R/W)
Shadow of Mixer for Master 2A 2B 1A 1B Delay
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Definitions: Bit Definitions:

Bits Name Description Bits Name Description
7:0 SMM Shadow of mixer register for master. 15:12 2A/2B Fire buttons.
HW Volume Control 11:0 Delay[11:0] Timer delay in units of 2 microseconds.
Counter for Master (Allegro_Base+1Fh, R/W)
Hardware volume control counter for master
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Definitions:
Bits Name Description
7:0 HCM Hardware volume control counter for master.

Game Port Control Registers

Joystick 1 X-Delay (Allegro_Base+20h,+21h, R/W)

2A 2B 1A 1B Delay
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Definitions:
Bits Name Description
15:12 2A/2B Fire buttons.
11:0 Delay[11:0] Timer delay in units of 2 microseconds.

Joystick 1 Y-Delay (Allegro_Base+24h,+25h, R/W)

2A 2B 1A 1B Delay
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Definitions:
Bits Name Description
15:12 2A/2B Fire buttons.
11:0 Delay[11:0] Timer delay in units of 2 microseconds.

32 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.


Codec Control Registers Serial Bus Control Registers

CODEC Command / Status (Allegro_Base+30h, W) Serial Bus Control A (Allegro_Base+36h,+37h, R/W)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Definitions:
Bit Definitions:
Bits Name Description
Bits Name Description
7 RW Read/Write.
1 = Read cycle. 15 I2S I2S input enable.
0 = Write cycle. 1 = Enable I2S input.
6:0 AD[6:0] CODEC register address. 0 = Disable I2S input.
14 – Reserved.
CODEC Command / Status (Allegro_Base+30h, R) 13 EIO EN_IOSRAM. I/O SRAM enable.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ST SRAM 1 = Enable I/O SRAM.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 = Disable I/O SRAM.
12 ES Serial AC-link enable.
Bit Definitions: 1 = Enable serial AC-link.
Bits Name Description 0 = Disable serial AC-link.

7:1 – Reserved. Always read 0. 11 LAC Driving SDFS of local AC-link enable.
SDFS 1 = Enable driving SDFS of local AC-link.
0 ST Read/write status. 0 = Disable driving SDFS of local AC-link.
1 = CODEC register read/write is in progress.
0 = CODEC register read/write is done. 10 LAC Driving PME from SDI of local AC-link.
PME 1 = Enable driving PME from SDI of local
CODEC Data (Allegro_Base+32h,+33h, W)
0 = Disable driving PME from SDI of local
WT CODEC Data AC-link.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
9 RAC Driving SDFS of remote AC-link enable.
SDFS 1 = Enable driving SDFS of remote AC-link.
Bit Definitions: 0 = Disable driving SDFS of remote AC-link.
Bits Name Description 8 RAC Driving PME from SDI of remote AC-link.
15:0 WT 16 bits of data to be written to the CODEC. PME 1 = Enable driving PME from SDI of remote
CODEC Data (Allegro_Base+34h,+35h, R) 0 = Disable driving PME from SDI of remote
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7:0 – Reserved.

Bit Definitions:
Bits Name Description
15:0 RD 16 bits of data read from the CODEC.

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 33


Serial Bus Control B (Allegro_Base+38h, R/W) Bits Name Description

9:8 PCM PCM R_SURR/LFE output.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 R/LF Bit 9 Bit 8 Destination
0 0 Local
Bit Definitions: 0 1 Remote
Bits Name Description 1 0 Mute
1 1 Both
7 MC_ MC Interrupt enable.
INT 1 = Enable MC interrupt to ASSP. 7:6 PCM PCM Center/L_SURR output.
0 = Disable MC interrupt to ASSP. CLS Bit 7 Bit 6 Destination
0 0 Local
6 SBMIF 1 = Enable Sound Blaster module interface. 0 1 Remote
0 = Disable Sound Blaster module interface. 1 0 Mute
5 CDC2 1 = Enable second AC-link. 1 1 Both
0 = Enable single AC-link. 5:4 L1DAC Line 1 DAC output.
4 SPDIF 1 = Enable S/PDIF function. Bit 5 Bit 4 Destination
0 = Disable S/PDIF function. 0 0 Local
0 1 Remote
3 MSS Modem Slot Select Enable
1 0 Mute
1 = Select MC97_DI for modem slot.
1 1 Both
0 = Select SDI1 for modem slot.
3:2 PCM PCM L/R output.
2 – Reserved.
L/R Bit 3 Bit 2 Destination
1:0 CDC Second CODEC ID. 0 0 Local
ID Bit 1 Bit 0 CODEC ID 0 1 Remote
0 0 Reserved. 1 0 Mute
0 1 AC-Link. 1 1 Both
1 0 MC 97.
1:0 CA Command address output.
1 1 Reserved.
Bit 1 Bit 0 Destination
0 0 Local
SDO Output 0 1 Remote
Destination Control (Allegro_Base+3Ah, R/W) 1 0 MC Codec
PCM PCM PCM 1 1 Reserved
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SDI Input
Destination Control (Allegro_Base+3Ch, R/W)
Bit Definitions: MIC PCM
Bits Name Description ADC L/R
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
15:14 I/O I/O control output.
Bit 15 Bit 14 Destination
0 0 Local Bit Definitions:
0 1 Remote Bits Name Description
1 0 Mute 15:14 I/O I/O status input.
1 1 Both Bit 15 Bit 14 Destination
13:12 HS Handset output. x 0 Local
Bit 13 Bit 12 Destination x 1 Remote
0 0 Local 13:12 HS Handset input.
0 1 Remote Bit 13 Bit 12 Destination
1 0 Mute 0 0 Local
1 1 Both 0 1 Remote
11:10 L2DAC Line 2 DAC output. 1 x Mute both
Bit 11 Bit 10 Destination 11:10 L2ADC Line 2 DAC input.
0 0 Local Bit 11 Bit 10 Destination
0 1 Remote 0 0 Local
1 0 Mute 0 1 Remote
1 1 Both 1 x Mute both

34 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.


Bits Name Description Time Stamp 0 for Ring (Allegro_Base+4Ah,+4Bh, R)

9:8 – Reserved. TS0_RI
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7:6 MIC MIC ADC input.
ADC Bit 7 Bit 6 Destination
x 0 Local Bit Definitions:
x 1 Remote Bits Name Description
5:4 L1ADC Line 1 ADC input. 15:0 TS0_RI Time stamp 0 for Ring.
Bit 5 Bit 4 Destination
0 0 Local Time Stamp 1 for Ring (Allegro_Base+4Ch,+4Dh, R)
0 1 Remote
1 x Mute both TS1_RI
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3:2 PCM PCM L/R input.
L/R Bit 3 Bit 2 Destination
Bit Definitions:
0 0 Local
0 1 Remote Bits Name Description
1 0 Reserved 15:0 TS1_RI Time stamp 1 for Ring.
1 1 Both
1:0 SA Status address/data input. DAA Data
Bit 1 Bit 0 Destination Input / Output Port (Allegro_Base+50h,+51h, R/W)
0 0 Local
0 1 Remote DAA Data I/O RI#
1 0 MC Codec 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 Reserved
Bit Definitions:
Modem Wakeup Bits Name Description
Control (Allegro_Base+40h,+41h, R/W)
15:1 DDI/O DAA data input/output to MC’97.
Reserved PMG_RI Reserved
0. RI# Ring data input from MC’97.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

GPIO Registers
Bit Definitions:
Bits Name Description GPIO Data (Allegro_Base+60h, +61h, R/W)
15:5 – Reserved. GPIO data
4 PMG_RI 1 = Enable PME# generation from ring input. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3:0 -- Reserved
Bit Definitions:
Modem Ring Bits Name Description
Input Status (Allegro_Base+42h,+43h, R/W) 15:0 GPD GPIO data.
Reserved RIS R
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPIO Mask (Allegro_Base+64h, +65h, R/W)
GPIO write mask
Bit Definitions: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bits Name Description
Bit Definitions:
15:3 – Reserved.
Bits Name Description
2 RIS Ring Input Status
Read for ring input status. 15:0 GPWM GPIO write mask.
1 = Indicates ring input is pulsing. 1 = Mask write.
0 = Ring input is idle. 0 = Unmask write.
Write 1 to clear the status bit.
1:0 – Reserved.

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 35


GPIO Direction (Allegro_Base+68h, +69h, R/W) Game Port Address Registers

GPIO direction
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Game Port Address A (Allegro_Base+90h, R/W)
Native address port for game port
Bit Definitions: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bits Name Description
Bit Definitions:
15:0 GPD GPIO direction.
1 = Output. Bits Name Description
0 = Input (default). 7:0 NAGP Native address port for game port. Alias I/O
port for 200h.

Game Port Address B (Allegro_Base+91h, R/W)

ASSP Memory Control Registers
Native address port for game port
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
ASSP Memory /
Index Port (Allegro_Base+80h,+81h, R/W)
Bit Definitions:
ASSP memory/index
Bits Name Description
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7:0 NAGP Native address port for game port. Alias I/O
Bit Definitions: port for 201h.

Bits Name Description

Game Port Address C (Allegro_Base+92h, R/W)
15:0 AM/I Host-to-ASSP 16-bit memory index port. Native address port for game port
Points to 64K word of ASSP memory.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

ASSP Memory Port (Allegro_Base+82h,+83h, R/W) Bit Definitions:

Reserved MSS Bits Name Description
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7:0 NAGP Native address port for game port. Alias I/O
port for 202h.
Bit Definitions:
Bits Name Description Game Port Address D (Allegro_Base+93h, R/W)
15:2 – Reserved. Native address port for game port
1:0 MSS DMA memory space selection. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit 1 Bit 0 Memory Space
0 x Reserved Bit Definitions:
1 0 ASSP program memory
Bits Name Description
1 1 ASSP data memory
7:0 NAGP Native address port for game port. Alias I/O
port for 203h.
ASSP Data Port (Allegro_Base+84h,+85h, R/W)
ASSP data Game Port Address E (Allegro_Base+94h, R/W)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Native address port for game port
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Each time this register is accessed for a read or write, the
ASSP Memory/Index port (Allegro_Base+80h, +81h) is
Bit Definitions:
incremented by 1. The index port is 4K word paged and
consecutive access cannot cross this 4K word boundary. Bits Name Description
7:0 NAGP Native address port for game port. Alias I/O
Bit Definitions:
port for 204h.
Bits Name Description
15:0 AD 16-bit data (word) port.

36 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.


Game Port Address F (Allegro_Base+95h, R/W) MPU-401 Port Address C (Allegro_Base+9Ah, R/W)
Native address port for game port Native address port for MPU-401
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Definitions: Bit Definitions:

Bits Name Description Bits Name Description
7:0 NAGP Native address port for game port. Alias I/O 7:0 NAMPU Native address port for MPU-401. Alias I/O
port for 205h. port for 332h.

Game Port Address G (Allegro_Base+96h, R/W) MPU-401 Port Address D (Allegro_Base+9Bh, R/W)
Native address port for game port Native address port for MPU-401
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Definitions: Bit Definitions:

Bits Name Description Bits Name Description
7:0 NAGP Native address port for game port. Alias I/O 7:0 NAMPU Native address port for MPU-401. Alias I/O
port for 206h. port for 333h.

Game Port Address H (Allegro_Base+97h, R/W) Clock Multiplier

Native address port for game port Data Port A (Allegro_Base+9Ch, +9Dh, R)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 R 7xS 4xS 3xS
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Definitions:
Bits Name Description Bit Definitions:
Bits Name Description
7:0 NAGP Native address port for game port. Alias I/O
port for 207h. 15 – Reserved.
14:10 7xS x7 counter status.
MPU-401 Address Registers
9:5 4xS x4 counter status.
MPU-401 Port Address A (Allegro_Base+98h, R/W) 4:0 3xS x3 counter status.
Native address port for MPU-401
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Definitions:
Bits Name Description
7:0 NAMPU Native address port for MPU-401. Alias I/O
port for 330h.

MPU-401 Port Address B (Allegro_Base+99h, R/W)

Native address port for MPU-401
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Definitions:
Bits Name Description
7:0 NAMPU Native address port for MPU-401. Alias I/O
port for 331h.

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 37


ASSP Clock Control Registers

ASSP Control A (Allegro_Base+A2h, R/W)

Reserved 36CLK Reserved 33/49CLK Reserved 0WS
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Definitions:
Bits Name Description
7 – Reserved.
6 36CLK 36 MHz DSP clock select.
1 = Select 36 MHz DSP clock.
5:4 – Reserved.
3 33/49 33 MHz or 49.152 MHz ASSP clock select.
CLK 1 = Enable 49.152 MHz ASSP clock.
0 = Enable 33 MHz ASSP clock.
2:1 – Reserved.
0 0WS ASSP 0-wait state enable.
1 = Enable ASSP 0-wait state.
0 = Disable ASSP 0-wait state.

ASSP Control B (Allegro_Base+A4h, R/W)

Reserved CRE Reserved ARST
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Definitions:
Bits Name Description
7:5 – Reserved.
4 CRE Clock run/enable.
1 = Stop ASSP clock.
0 = Enable ASSP clock.
3:1 – Reserved.
0 ARST ASSP reset/run.
1 = Run ASSP.
0 = Reset ASSP.

ASSP to Host IRQ Status (Allegro_Base+ACh, R/W)

ASSP IRQ status
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Definitions:
Bits Name Description
7:0 AIS ASSP to host software interrupt request status.
Read for pending interrupt status.
1 = Interrupt pending.
0 = No interrupt pending.
Write 1 to clear pending interrupt request.
The bits in this register are set to 1 by ASSP to
request interrupts from the host.

38 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.



Basic Table 12 Master Volume Control Bits
Mute MVx4 MVx3 MVx2 MVx1 MVx0 Gain
Reset (00h, R)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 dB
R SE4:SE0 Reserved
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1.5 dB
0 0 0 0 1 0 -3.0 dB
Writing any value to this register performs a register reset,
which causes all registers to revert to their default values
except for the Powerdown Control/Status register. 0 1 1 1 1 1 -46.0 dB

Bit Definitions: 1 X X X X X - ∞dB

Bits Name Description
Master Volume Mono (06h, R/W)
15:14 – Reserved. Always write 0.
Mute x Master volume mono
13:9 SE4:SE0 Stereo Enhancement enable bits.
1 = All stereo enhancement features 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
This register controls the master playback volume for the
8:0 – Reserved. Always write 0.
mono out. The maximum setting (00h) corresponds to 0
dB gain, with each step adding -1.5 dB gain. On reset, the
Master Volume Control (02h, R/W) default value is 8000h.
Mute x Master volume left x Master volume right
Bits Definitions:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bits Name Description
This register controls the master playback volume. The 15 Mute 1 = Mute enabled. Set Master volume at -∞ dB.
maximum setting (00h) corresponds to 0 dB gain, with 0 = Mute disabled.
each step adding -1.5 dB gain. On reset, the default value 14:5 – Don’t care.
is 8000h.
4:0 MN[4:0] Sets the volume level for mono output.
Bits Definitions:
Bits Name Description
15 Mute 1 = Mute enabled. Set Master volume at -∞ dB.
0 = Mute disabled.
14:13 – Don’t care.
12:8 MVL Sets the volume level for the LINE_OUT_L out-
7:5 – Don’t care.
4:0 MVR Sets the volume level for the LINE_OUT_R

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 39


PC Beep (0Ah, R) Analog Mixer Input Gain Registers

Mute Reserved PV3:PV0 X

These registers control the volume for each of the analog
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 inputs. The maximum setting (00h) corresponds to 12 dB
gain. Each step adds -1.5 dB gain down to the minimum
This register controls the level for the PC Beep input. The -34.5 dB attenuation (1Fh).
maximum setting (00h) corresponds to 0 dB gain. Each
step up corresponds to approximately 3 dB of gain. The Table 14 shows the relationship between the volume bits
MSB of this register is the mute bit. When this bit is set to and the gain value for registers 0Ch, 0Eh, 10h and 12h
1, the level for that channel is set at - ∞dB.

Table 14 Analog Mixer Input Volume Gain

PC Beep supports motherboard implementations. The Mute GX4 GX3 GX2 GX1 GX0 Gain

intention of routing PC Beep through the mixer is to 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.0 dB

eliminate the requirement for an on-board speaker. 0 0 0 0 0 1 10.5 dB
Automatically connecting PC Beep to the LINE_OUT
0 0 0 0 1 0 9.0 dB
outputs as soon as the part powers up and completes
calibration supports the implementation.
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 dB

0 0 1 0 0 1 -1.5 dB
The PC Beep - LINE_OUT connection is broken when 0 0 1 0 1 0 -3.0 dB
SYNC is sampled high. The ES1988 will need to route PC
Beep to the LINE_OUT outputs via AC-Link control if so
desired. On reset, the default value is 8000h. 0 1 1 1 1 0 -33.0 dB

0 1 1 1 1 1 -34.5 dB

1 X X X X X - ∞dB
Table 13 PC Beep Volume Gain
Mute PV3 PV2 PV1 PV0 Gain
Phone Volume (0Ch, R/W)
0 0 0 0 0 0 dB
Mute x x x x x x x x x x Phone volume
0 0 0 0 1 +3.0 dB
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 +6.0 dB

0 0 0 1 1 +9.0 dB This register controls the gain and attenuation for the
continued.... analog phone input. The phone input is a mono input. On
0 1 1 1 0 +42.0 dB reset, the default value is 8008h, which corresponds to 0
dB gain with mute off or on.
0 1 1 1 1 +45.0 dB

1 X X X X - ∞dB Bits Definitions:

Bits Name Description
15 Mute In Extended mode, Mute applies only to the left
1 = Mute enabled. Set Phone volume at -∞ dB.
0 = Mute disabled.
14:5 – Don’t care.
4:0 GN Analog phone gain support bits 4:0. Sets the
volume level for the Phone input.

40 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.


Line In Volume (10h, R/W)

Mute GX4 GX3 GX2 GX1 GX0 Gain Mute x x Line in volume left x x x Line in volume right
0 0 0 0 0 0 12.0 dB 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 10.5 dB

0 0 0 0 1 0 9.0 dB
This register controls the Line In volume. On reset, the
default value is 8808h.

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 dB
Bits Definitions:

0 0 1 0 0 1 -1.5 dB
Bits Name Description

0 0 1 0 1 0 -3.0 dB 15 Mute 1 = Mute enabled. Set Line in volume at -∞

0 = Mute disabled.
0 1 1 1 1 0 -33.0 dB
14:13 – Don’t care.
0 1 1 1 1 1 -34.5 dB
12:8 LIL Sets the volume level for the LINE_IN_L
1 X X X X X - ∞dB input.
7:5 – Don’t care.
MIC Volume (0Eh, R/W)
4:0 LIR Sets the volume level for the LINE_IN_R
Mute x x x x x x x x 20 dB x MIC volume input.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

This register controls the volume for the microphone input. Mute GX4 GX3 GX2 GX1 GX0 Gain
The mic input is a mono input. On reset, the default value 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.0 dB
is 8008h.
0 0 0 0 0 1 10.5 dB
Bits Definitions: 0 0 0 0 1 0 9.0 dB
Bits Name Description continued...
15 Mute Mute Bit Enable. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 dB
1 = Mute enabled. Set Mic volume at -∞ dB. 0 0 1 0 0 1 -1.5 dB
0 = Mute disabled.
0 0 1 0 1 0 -3.0 dB
14:7 – Don’t care.
6 20 dB 1 = 20 dB boost enabled.
0 1 1 1 1 0 -33.0 dB
0 = 20 dB boost disabled.
0 1 1 1 1 1 -34.5 dB
5 – Don’t care.
1 X X X X X - ∞dB
4:0 GN Sets the volume level for the Mic input.

CD Volume (12h, R/W)

Mute GX4 GX3 GX2 GX1 GX0 Gain Mute x x CD volume left x x x CD volume right
0 0 0 0 0 0 12.0 dB 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 10.5 dB
This register controls the CD volume. On reset, the default
0 0 0 0 1 0 9.0 dB
value is 8808h.
Bits Definitions:
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 dB
Bits Name Description
0 0 1 0 0 1 -1.5 dB

0 0 1 0 1 0 -3.0 dB
15 Mute 1 = Mute enabled. Set CD volume at -∞ dB.
0 = Mute disabled.
14:13 – Don’t care.
0 1 1 1 1 0 -33.0 dB
12:8 CDL Sets the volume level for the CDL input.
0 1 1 1 1 1 -34.5 dB

1 X X X X X - ∞dB
7:5 – Don’t care.
4:0 CDR Sets the volume level for the CDR input.

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 41


Record Select (1Ah, R/W)

Mute GX4 GX3 GX2 GX1 GX0 Gain x Record select left x Record select right
0 0 0 0 0 0 12.0 dB 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 1 10.5 dB
This register selects record sources for the left and right
0 0 0 0 1 0 9.0 dB
channel. On reset, the default value is 000h.
Bits Definitions:
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 dB
Bits Name Description
0 0 1 0 0 1 -1.5 dB
15:11 – Don’t care.
0 0 1 0 1 0 -3.0 dB
10:8 SL[2:0] Selects left channel record source:
bit 10 bit 9 bit 8 source
0 1 1 1 1 0 -33.0 dB 0 0 0 MIC (default)
0 1 1 1 1 1 -34.5 dB 0 0 1 CD in (L)
1 X X X X X - ∞dB
0 1 0 mono_mix (output of mono
mux before MONO_OUT volume)
0 1 1 dmix (L) (signal just
PCM Playback Volume Control (18h, R/W) before LINE_OUT_L volume)
Mute x x PLL volume left x x x PLR volume right 1 0 0 Line left
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 1 Stereo mix left (without
PCM data mixed)
1 1 0 Mono mix (without PCM
This register controls the PCM Out volume. On reset, the
data mixed)
default value is 8808h. 1 1 1 Phone
Bits Definitions: 7:5 – Don’t care.
Bits Name Description 4:0 SL[2:0] Selects right channel record source:
15 Mute 1 = Mute enabled. Set PCM Out volume at bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 source
-∞ dB. 0 0 0 MIC (default)
0 = Mute disabled. 0 0 1 CD in (R)
0 1 0 mono_mix (output of mono
14:13 – Don’t care.
mux before MONO_OUT volume)
12:8 PLL Sets the volume level for the left channel 0 1 1 dmix (L) (signal just before
PCM playback. LINE_OUT_R volume)
7:5 – Don’t care. 1 0 0 LINE_IN_R
1 0 1 Stereo mix left (without
4:0 PLR Sets the volume level for the right channel PCM data mixed)
PCM playback. 1 1 0 Mono mix (without PCM
data mixed)
1 1 1 Phone

42 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.


Record Gain (1Ch, R/W) General Purpose (20h, R/W)

Mute x x x Record gain left x x x x Record gain right x x x x x x MIX X LPBK x x x x x x x
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

This register sets the volume level for the record input. The This register controls a number of miscellaneous
minimum setting (00h) corresponds to 0 dB gain. Each functions. This register should be read before writing to
step adds 1.5 dB gain up to the maximum 22.5 dB gain generate a mask for only the bit(s) that need to be
(0Fh). Table 16 shows the relationship between the record changed. On reset, the default value is 0000h.
volume bits and the gain value for register 1Ch.
Bits Definitions:
On reset, the default value is 8000h. Bits Name Description
Bits Definitions: 15:10 – Don’t care.
Bits Name Description 9 MIX Mono Output Select
15 Mute 1 = Mute enabled. Set Record gain at -∞ dB. 1 = MIC
0 = Mute disabled. 0 = Mixer
Mono Mux Control
14:12 – Don’t care. DMS MIX MUX Output
11:8 GL Sets the volume level for the Record input. 0 0 dmix mono mix
0 1 micX
7:4 – Don’t care.
1 x pcm mono mix
3:0 GR Sets the volume level for the Record input.
8 – Don’t care.
7 LPBK This bit enables loopback of the ADC output
Mute GX3 GX2 GX1 GX0 Gain to the DAC input without involving the AC-
Link. This allows for full system performance
0 0 0 0 0 0 dB
0 0 0 0 1 1.5 dB 1 = Enable ADC/DAC loopback mode.
0 0 0 1 0 3.0 dB 0 = Disable ADC/DAC loopback mode.
continued.... 6:0 – Don’t care.
0 1 1 1 0 21.0 dB

0 1 1 1 1 22.5 dB

1 X X X X - ∞dB

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 43


Powerdown Control/Status (26h, R/W) Bits Name Description

EAPD x PR5:PR0 x x x x REF ANL DAC ADC 9 PR1 This section is powered down when PR3 = 1, but
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 the state of PR1 is preserved.
1 = PCM out DACs powered down.
This register is used to program powerdown states and 0 = PCM out DACs powered up.
monitor subsystem readiness. When the AC-Link 8 PR0 This section is powered down when PR3 = 1, but
“CODEC ready” bit (SDATA_IN slot 0 bit 15) is a 1, it the state of PR0 is preserved.
indicates that the AC-Link and the ES1988 control and 1 = PCM in ADCs, input volume control, and input
status registers are fully operational. The ES1988 must mux powered down.
check bits 3:0 to determine exactly which subsections are 0 = PCM in ADCs and input mux powered up.
ready. Bits 7:0 are read-only. Writes will have no effect on 7:4 – READ-ONLY. Don’t care.
these bits. Bits 3:0 are all 0 after a cold reset.
3 REF READ-ONLY. VREF is up to nominal level.
As each subsection becomes ready to resume normal 2 ANL READ-ONLY. Analog mixers, etc. ready.
operation, the corresponding bit becomes a 1. This
1 DAC READ-ONLY. DAC section ready to accept data.
register is not affected by a write to the reset register. The
integrated AC97 Codec has six powerdown bits that 0 ADC READ-ONLY. ADC section ready to transmit data.
control powerdown operation throughout all of ES1988.
The stored value of the EAPD bit (bit 15) is routed to the
controller portion of ES1988 to provide powerdown
capabilities for the external amplifier section of the
Integrated AC’97 Registers -
standalone AC’97 Codec part.
Extended Audio AFE
Bits Definitions:
Bits Name Description Extended Audio ID (28h, R)
15 EAPD External Amplifier Power Down bit. R X AMAP X DRA X
1 = Set EAPD high to signal an external amplifier 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
to shut down.
0 = Set EAPD low to signal an external amplifier This register is used to identify the extended audio
to turn on (default). features that are supported in addition to the original
14 – Reserved AC’97 features identified by the Reset register. On reset,
13 PR5 Power down digital section and clock. the default value is 0002h.
1 = Digital section powered down with clock dis- Bits Definitions:
0 = Digital section powered up with clock Bits Name Description
enabled. 15:14 – Reserved.
12 PR4 1 = Digital section powered down with oscillator 13:10 – Don’t care.
enabled. The analog mixer can still function. The
9 AMAP AC-Link Slot to Audio DAC Map Select.
24.576 MHz oscillator still runs. This bit can be
1 = AC97 Rev. 2.1 mapping supported.
cleared by either a cold or a warm reset. The
0 = AC’97 mapping not supported.
digital section powers up quickly as the oscillator
is still running. 8:2 – Don’t care.
0 = Digital section powered up. 1 DRA Double Rate Audio Select.
11 PR3 1 = Analog mixer powered down (Vref off). In this 1 = Double rate audio supported.
case, the ADCs, DACs, Mixer, and Vref are also 0 = Double rate audio not supported.
powered down; however, the state of PR2:0 are 0 – Don’t care.
0 = Analog mixer powered up.
10 PR2 This section is powered down when PR3 = 1, but
the state of PR2 is preserved.
1 = Analog mixer powered down with reference
generator still enabled.
0 = Analog mixer powered up.

44 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.


Extended Audio Status and Control (2Ah, R/W) ASSP DMA Registers
X DRA Enable x
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Host Memory End
Address (Low Word) (ASSPIO_4000h, R/W)
This register is used to test the integrated AC97 Codec. Host Memory End Address (Low Word) R
On reset, the default value is 0000h. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bits Definitions:
This register corresponds to the PCI address [15:1].
Bits Name Description
Bits Definitions:
15:2 – Don’t care.
Bits Name Description
1 DRA Double Rate Audio Enable.
Enable 1 = Double rate audio mode enabled. 15:1 HMEA (L) Host Memory End Address (Low Word).
0 = Double rate audio mode disabled. 0 – Reserved. Always write 0s.
0 – Don’t care.
Host Memory End
Vendor Registers Address (High Word) (ASSPIO_4001h, R/W)
Reserved Host Memory End Address (High Word)
Vendor ID 1 (7Ch, R) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
First vendor ID character Second vendor ID character
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 This register corresponds to the PCI address [27:16].
Bits Definitions:
This register encodes the first two ASCII character of the
Bits Name Description
vendor ID.
15:12 – Reserved. Always write 0s and read back as
Bits Definitions: 0s.
Bits Name Description 11:0 HMEA Host Memory End Address (High Word).
15:8 F Encodes the first ASCII character of the ven- (H)
dor ID; 45h = E.
7:0 S Encodes the second ASCII character of the ASSP Data Memory End Address (ASSPIO_4002h, W)
vendor ID; 83h = S. ASSP Data Memory End Address
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Vendor ID 2 (7Eh, R)
Third vendor ID character x x x x x x x x Bits Definitions:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bits Name Description
15:0 ADMA ASSP Data Memory End Address.
This register encodes the third ASCII character of the
vendor ID and the vendor revision number.
Bits Definitions:
Bits Name Description
15:8 T Encodes the third ASCII character of the ven-
dor ID; 83h = S.
7:0 RN Revision number. Returns 08h when read.

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 45


Host Memory Starting Address/ ASSP Data Memory Starting

Current Pointer (Low Word) (ASSPIO_4003h, R/W) Address/Current Pointer (ASSPIO_4005h, R/W)
Host Memory Address/Pointer (Low Word) R ASSP Data Memory Address/Pointer
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

When this register is written to by the ASSP, it means host When this register is written to by the ASSP, it means
memory starting address. This register corresponds to ASSP data memory starting address.
PCI address [15:1].
Bits Definitions:
Bits Definitions: Bits Name Description
Bits Name Description 15:0 DDMS ASSP Data Memory Starting Address.
15:1 HMSA (L) Host Memory Starting Address (Low Word).
When this register is read from by the ASSP, it means
0 – Reserved. Always write 0s. ASSP data memory address pointer. The pointer is
When this register is read from by the ASSP, it means updated after each data transfer.
current host address pointer. The pointer is updated after Bits Name Description
each data transfer.
15:0 – ASSP data memory address pointer.
Bits Definitions:
Bits Name Description
15:1 – Current host address pointer.
0 – Reserved. Always read back as 0s.

Host Memory Starting Address/

Current Pointer (High Word) (ASSPIO_4004h, R/W)
Reserved Host Memory Starting Address (High Word)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

When this register is written to by the ASSP, it means host

memory starting address. This register corresponds to
PCI address [27:16].
Bits Definitions:
Bits Name Description
15:12 – Reserved. Always write 0s.
11:0 HMSA Host Memory Starting Address (High Word).

When this register is read from by the ASSP, it means

current host address pointer. The pointer is updated after
each data transfer.
Bits Definitions:
Bits Name Description
15:12 – Reserved. Always write 0s.
11:0 CHAP Current host address pointer (corresponding
to PCI address [27:16].

46 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.


DMA Control (ASSPIO_4006h, R/W) Bits Name Description

Reserved AMEAS HMEAS DSPINT R/W DMACTRL 7:0 DMA Word transfer counts for one-time DMA kick-
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CTRL off from 1 to 256 words (00h - FFh).
When this register is read from by the ASSP, it means
When this register is written to by the ASSP, host and data
ASSP data memory address pointer. The pointer is
memory reads and writes are being monitored. Hardware
updated after each data transfer.
interrupts are generated as necessary if the address
counter crosses the host memory 64K boundary. Bits 10 Bits Definitions:
and 11 are read-only and return host and ASSP data Bits Name Description
memory end address status when read. Four mechanisms
will cause the ASSP DMA hardware interrupt to be 15:12 – Reserved. Always write 0s.
generated. 11 AMEAS ASSP Memory End Address Status (read-
1. Completion of data transfer. 1 = ASSP memory end address reached.
2. The host memory end address has been reached 0 = ASSP memory end address not reached.
(I/O 4206, bit 11 = 1). 10 HMEAS Host Memory End Address Status (read-
3. The ASSP memory end address has been reached only).
(I/O 4206, bit 10 = 1). 1 = Host memory end address reached.
0 = Host memory end address not reached.
4. The host memory 64K boundary has been crossed
(I/O 4206, bit 9 = 1). 9 DSPINT ASSP Hardware Interrupt Enable.
1 = ASSP hardware interrupt enabled.
Bits Definitions:
8 R/W ASSP Host Memory Read/Write Enable.
Bits Name Description 1 = DMA transfer in progress.
15:10 – Reserved. Always write 0s. 0 = DMA transfer complete.
9 DSPINT ASSP Crossing 64K Boundary Interrupt 7:0 DMA Hold transfer bits as written.
Enable. CTRL
1 = Enable.
0 = Disable.
8 R/W ASSP Host Memory Read/Write Enable.
1 = Read ASSP data memory and write host
0 = Read host memory and write ASSP data

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 47



Table 15 Absolute Maximum Ratings

Ratings Symbol Value Units WARNING: Stressing the device beyond the “Absolute
Analog supply voltage VA -0.3 to 6.0 V
Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage. There
are stress ratings only. Operation beyond the “Operating
Digital supply voltage VD -0.3 to 6.0 V Conditions” is not recommended and extended exposure
beyond the “Operating Conditions” may affect device
Input voltage VIN VD +0.5 V
Operating temperature range TA 0 to 70 °C

Storage temperature range TSTG -40 to 125 °C

ES1988 Recommended DC operating conditions

Table 16 Power Management Characteristics

State Description Analog digital Unit
D0 Fully operational 70 85 mA
D1 Chip in D1 state with internal Codec DAC and ADC powered down 35 15 mA
D2 Chip in D2 state with internal Codec DAC, ADC, and mixer powered down 10 15 mA
D3hot Chip in D3 state with internal Codec powered down. PCICLK and 0.1 0.2 mA
49.152 MHz crystal powered on.
D3cold Chip in D3 state with internal Codec powered down. PCICLK and 0 0.2 mA
49.152 MHz crystal powered down.

Table 17 DC Operating Condition

Parameter Definition Min Typ Max Unit
VDD 3.3V Digital supply voltage 3.15 3.3 3.45 V
AVD Analog supply voltage 4.75 5.0 5.25 V
TAMB Ambient temperature 0 25 70 oC

Table 18 Digital Characteristics

Parameter Definition Min Typ Max Unit
Operating Conditions (VDDD = 3.3 V, TA = 25 oC)
VIH High-level input voltage 2.0 V
VOH High-level output voltage 2.4 V
VIL Low-level input voltage 0.4 0.8 V
VOL Low-level output voltage 0.4 V
IIL Low-level input current -10 10 mA
IIH High-level input current -10 10 mA
IOZ Tristate output leakage current -10 10 mA
CIN Input capacitance 5 pF
COUT Output capacitance 5 pF
IOB Output current drive - 12 mA

48 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.


Table 19 ES1988 Analog Characteristics

Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units

Full Scale Input Voltage:

Line Inputs 1.0

Mic Inputs a - 0.1

Full Scale Output Voltage:

Line Output 1.0 - Vrms

Analog S/N:

CD to LINE_OUT 85 dB

Other to LINE_OUT 85 dB

Analog Frequency Response b 20 - 20K Hz

Digital S/N c

DAC 80 87 dB

ADC 80 87 dB

Total Harmonic Distortion:

Line Output d - 0.01 0.02 %

DAC/ADC Frequency Response: e

DAC 0 20K Hz

ADC 20 20K Hz

Stop Band:

DAC 28 kHz

ADC 28 kHz

Transition Band:

DAC 20 kHz

ADC 20 28 kHz

Stop Band Rejection f -74 dB

Out-of-Band Rejection g - -74 - dB

Group Delay (DAC Only = 0.5 ms; ADC Only = 0.21 ms) - 0.85 - mS

Power Supply Rejection Ratio (1 kHz) - -40 - dB

Crosstalk Between Input Channels - - -60 dB

Attenuation, Gain Step Size - 1.5 - dB

Analog Input Impedance 10 22 - kΩ

CD Input Impedance 11 - kΩ

Input Capacitance - 15 - pF

TA = 25°C, AVdd = DVdd = 5.0 V ± 5%; Input Voltage Levels: Logic Low = 0.8 V, Logic High
= 2.4 V; 1 kHz input sine wave; Sample Frequency = 48 kHz; 0 dB = 1 Vrms, 10
kΩ / 50 pF load, Testbench Characterization BW: 20 Hz – 20 kHz, 0 dB
attenuation; tone and 3D disabled)
a) With +20 dB boost on (1.0 Vrms with 20 dB boost off).
b) ±1 dB limits
c) The ratio of the rms output level with 1 kHz full scale input to the rms output level with all
zeros into the digital input. Measured "A wtd" over a 20 Hz to a 20 kHz bandwidth
(AES17-1991 Idle Channel Noise or EIAJ CP-307 Signal-to-Noise ratio).
d) 0 dB gain, 20 kHz BW, 48 kHz sample frequency.
e) ±0.25 dB limits max, ±0.1 dB typical.
f) Stop Band Rejection determines filter requirements to 70 kHz. Out-of-Band Rejection
determines audible noise.
g) The integrated Out-of-Band noise generated by the DAC process during normal PCM
audio playback over a 28.8 kHz to 100 kHz bandwidth, with respect to a 1 Vrms
DAC output

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 49





Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units

tRST_LOW RESET# active-low pulse width
ES2828 Modem AFE 1.0 µs

tRST2CLK RESET# inactive to BIT_CLK start-up delay

ES2828 Modem AFE 162.8 ns

Figure 8 Cold Reset




Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units

tFS_HIGH SYNC active-high pulse width 1.0 µs
tFS2SC SYNC inactive to BIT_CLK start-up delay 162.8 ns

Figure 9 Warm Reset

50 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.








Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units

BIT_CLK frequency 12.288 MHz
tCLK_PERIOD BIT_CLK period 81.4 ns
BIT_CLK output jitter 750 ps
tCLK_HIGH BIT_CLK high pulse width* 36 40.7 45 ns
tCLK_LOW BIT_CLK low pulse width* 36 40.7 45 ns
SYNC frequency 48.0 kHz
tSYNC_PERIOD SYNC period 20.8 µs
tSYNC_HIGH SYNC high pulse width 1.3 ns
tSYNC_LOW SYNC low pulse width 19.5 ns
* = Worst case duty cycle restricted to 45/55
Figure 10 Clocks

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 51




Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units

AC-Link Output Valid Delay Timing Parameters
tCO Output Valid Delay from rising edge of BIT_CLK 15 ns
Note 1: Timing is for SDATA and SYNC outputs with respect to BIT_CLK at the device driving the output.
Note 2: 50 pF external load.
AC-Link Input Setup and Hold Timing Parameters
tSETUP Input Setup to falling edge of BIT_CLK 10 ns
tHOLD Input Hold to falling edge of BIT_CLK 10 ns
AC-Link Combined Rise or Fall Plus Flight Timing Parameters
BIT_CLK combined rise or fall plus flight time (Primary Codec to Controller or Sec- 7 ns
SDATA combined rise or fall plus flight time (Output to Input) 7 ns
Note: Combined rise or fall plus flight times are provided for worst case scenario modeling purposes.

Figure 11 Data Output and Input Timing Diagram



Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units

tISC I2SCLK cycle time 54 ns
tIS_HI I2SCLK HIGH time 15 ns
tIS_LO I2SCLK LOW time 15 ns
tIDS I2DATA setup time 12 ns
tIDH I2DATA hold time 2 ns
tILS I2SLR setup time 12 ns
tILH I2SLR hold time 2 ns

Figure 12 I2S Port Timing

52 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.






Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units

tSC_RISE SC rise time 2 6 ns
tSC_FALL SC fall time 2 6 ns
tFS_RISE FS rise time 2 6 ns
tFS_FALL FS fall time 2 6 ns
tSI_RISE SI rise time 2 6 ns
tSI_FALL SI fall time 2 6 ns
tSO_RISE SO rise time 2 6 ns
tSO_FALL SO fall time 2 6 ns

Figure 13 Signal Rise and Fall Times

Slot 1 Slot 2


Write to Data

ts2 _p do wn


Note: BIT_CLK not to scale.

Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units

tS2_PDOWN End of Slot 2 to BIT_CLK, SDATA_IN low 1.0 µs

Figure 14 AC-Link Low Power Mode Timing

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 53




A2 A1

E E1
100-Pin TQFP e e1
L b L1

Symbol Description
Min Nom Max
D Lead to lead, X-axis 15.75 16.00 16.25
D1 Package’s outside, X-axis 13.90 14.00 14.10
E Lead to lead, Y-axis 15.75 16.00 16.25
E1 Package’s outside, Y-axis 13.90 14.00 14.10
A1 Board standoff 0.05 0.10 0.15
A2 Package thickness 1.35 1.40 1.45
b Lead width 0.17 0.22 0.27
e Lead pitch - 0.50 -
e1 Lead gap 0.24 - -
L Foot length 0.45 0.60 0.75
L1 Lead length 0.93 1.00 1.07
- Foot angle 0° 7°
- Coplanarity - - 0.102
- Leads in X-axis - 25 -
- Leads in Y-axis - 25 -
- Total leads - 100 -
- Package type - TQFP -

Figure 15 Mechanical Dimensions

54 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.



Figure 16 ES1988 Device Interface

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 55


Figure 17 Audio Interface

56 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.


Figure 18 Game Port and S/PDIF Interfaces

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 57


Figure 19 PCI Bus Interface

58 SAM0268-031800 ESS Technology, Inc.



Item Reference Designator Qty Component Description

1 U1 1 ES1988, 100 pin TQFP
2 U2 1 MC78M05(DPACK)
3 U3 1 LMV358M,SO8, Low Power Dual Op Amp
4 U4 1 LM4880M, Stereo Audio Power Amplifier
5 U5 1 DS75176B, Transceivers
6 U8 1 LM1117-3.3
7 U10 1 93LC46, 1K Serial EEPROM
8 R1, R13 2 Res, 5%, 1M, SMD, 0805
R2, R15, R16, R30, R31, R32, R33,
9 R41, R44, R60, R117 11 Res, 5%, 10K, SMD, 0805
R3, R4, R22, R29, R38, R48, R49, R50,
10 R104, R105, R110 11 Res, 5%, 0, SMD, 0805
11 R5, R6, R8, R9, R17, R19, R20, R21 8 Res, 5%, 6.8K, SMD, 0805
12 R10 1 Res, 5%, 33K, SMD, 0805
13 R11 1 Res, 5%, 22K, SMD, 0805
14 R12, R34, R35, R36, R37 5 Res, 5%, 2.2K, SMD, 0805
15 R18 1 Res, 5%, 51K, SMD, 0805
16 R23, R28 2 Res, 1%, 27K, SMD, 0805
17 R24, R25 2 Res, 1%, 20K, SMD, 0805
18 R39, R40 2 Res, 5%, 47, SMD, 0805
19 R42 1 Res, 5%, 75, SMD, 0805
20 R46 1 Res, 5%, 3.3K, SMD, 0805
21 R27, R102 2 Res, 5%,100K,SMD,0805
22 R99 1 Res, 5%,220K,SMD,0805
23 C1 1 Cap, Cera, SMD, 5%, 50V, 10pF, 0805
C3, C7, C11, C12, C13, C18, C19, C46,
24 C63, C91, C93, C96 12 Cap, Radial 20%,25V, 10uF, Size .100”
C5, C6, C8, C9, C14, C16, C17, C26,
C27, C45, C59, C61, C62, C92, C94,
25 C95, C97, C98 18 Cap, Cera, SMD, 10%, 50V, 0.1uF, 0805
26 C10, C15, C57, C58 4 Cap, Cera, SMD, 10%, 50V, 1000pF, 0805
27 C20, C21, C52, C53, C54, C55, C56 7 Cap, Cera, SMD, 10%, 50V, 0.01uF, 0805
C22, C23, C24, C25, C28, C29, C30,
28 C31, C32, C35, C36, C39, C41, C60 14 Cap, Cera, SMD, 10%, 50V, 1uF, 0805
29 C33 1 Cap, Cera, SMD, 5%, 50V, 180pF, 0805
30 C34 1 Cap, Cera, SMD, 5%, 50V, 0.33uF, 0805
31 C38, C44 2 Cap, Cera, SMD, 5%, 50V, 330pF, 0805
32 C37, C47 2 Cap, Cera, SMD, 5%, 50V, 5pF, 0805
33 C40, C42 2 Cap, Radial 20%,25V, 100uF, Size .100”
34 C43 1 Cap, Radial 20%,25V, 3.3uF, Size .100”
35 C48, C49, C50, C51 4 Cap, Cera, SMD, 10%, 50V, 47pF, 0805
36 C2 1 Cap, Cera, SMD, 5%, 50V, 33pF, 0805
37 C4 1 Cap, Cera, SMD, 5%, 50V, 1500pF, 0805

ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800 59


Item Reference Designator Qty Component Description

38 L1 1 Inductor, 1.0uH, 1206
39 L2, L6, L9, L10, L11, L12 6 HighCurrentBead, CTC (HH-1H3216-500), 1206
40 L3, L4, L5, L7, L8 5 Ferrite Bead, TDK (CB30 – 0805), 0805
41 Q2 1 2N7002LT1
42 F1 1 Fuse, 1.25A, Thru-hole
43 Y1 1 Xtal, 49.152MHz, 3rd Overtone, 50ppm, HC-49/U
44 T1 1 SCHOTT-67129600, Transformer, Thru-hole
45 P1, P2 2 AMP 3-179397-0
46 P3 1 DB15 female connector (right angle)
47 J1, J2, J3 3 Stereo jack connector, 5 pin, SJ372N
48 J4 1 RCA JACK
49 J5, J7 2 2mm Wafer Socket, 4 pin
50 J6, JP1 2 HEADER 2X1
51 JP2 1 HEADER 3X1
52 J8 1 HEADER 4X1
53 JP7 1 HEADER 3X2
54 JP3 1 HEADER 10X2
55 1 Bracket

Part Number Package
ES1988S 100-pin TQFP

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by any means, electronic, mechanical, manual, optical, or
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60 © 2000 ESS Technology, Inc. SAM0268-031800

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