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University of Halmstad School of Business and Engineering Bachelor in Marketing

Integrated Marketing Communications in Advertising: Iberostar case study and its offline and online marketing departments. Do they follow the IMC program in their advertisements?

Dissertation in marketing, level C Date last seminar: 07/05/23 Authors: Raquel Ayerra Manuel Jimenez Asier Vega Supervisor: Vennilton Reinert

All our dissertation has been done during our exchange study in Halmstad University, Sweden. Firstly, we would like to show our appreciation to our supervisor, Vennilton Reinert, who ever helped us and thanks to him we gained knowledge about our topic, the Integrated Marketing Communications in Advertising. Furthermore, we are really glad to Iberostar Hotels and Resorts, and specially Enrique Buchner, Marketing Online Responsible of Iberostar who helped us during these 5 months that we were working in our thesis. Finally we all think that we have gained many knowledge in relation to our topic and we hope that we use this knowledge in the future.

May, 2007, Halmstad, Sweden Raquel Ayerra Manuel Jimenez Asier Vega

1. Introduccion 2. Problem 3. Purpose 4. Methodology 4.1. Type of research 4.2. Method 4.3. Sample 4.4. Technique 4.5. Data Collection 5. Framework: offline advertising vs. online advertising 5.1. Marketing Introduction 5.2. Online Marketing 5.3. Promotion Tools 5.4. Special focus in Advertising Message 5.5. Offline advertising 5.6. Online advertising 5.7. Implementation the IMC in both online and offline 6. Empirical Findings: Iberostar hotels and resorts 6.1. Iberostar: the company 6.2. Iberostar on the Net 6.3. The message 6.4. Offline advertising research 6.5. E-advertising research 6.6. Implementation the IMC in both offline and online 7. Analysis 8. Conclusion 9. References 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 8 10 10 12 16 20 26 30 30 31 31 34 35 37 38 40 41

INTRODUC TION This is the first chapter of this dissertation. This chapter focuses in the growth of Internet and the fact that nowadays all the companies use e-marketing. In the latest years Internet has become a very important marketing tool. By the use of the Net the companies have developed different systems in promotion, sales and relationships with the customers. Briefly, in the last years marketing has gone online taking advantage of the market opportunities. This new feature gives the company a new scenario where it may promote and send messages to the customer no matter where he or she is and no matter when he or she wants to look for information or make their purchases. But, does the company send the same message in all its promotion forms, prices and places? This question adapted just to the advertising campaigns is what this research tries to study. The main objective of our research is to know if one company uses the same message in its organisation when they use advertising in both Marketing online and offline departments. We just focus in one promotion tool, advertising. The chosen company is Iberostar Hotels and Resorts, Spanish tourism company, that really has two different departments of Marketing (offline and online). In order to find out if they have the same message in Advertising and E-Advertising, it is used the theory of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC).


The second chapter explains why the topic was chosen.

Internet might be both a threat and an opportunity. The opportunity in this case is based in the fact that the company can gain customers around the world, anywhere in anytime. Further, the threats consists of that the company may fail and send different messages for one single product or brand, giving the consumer different ideas of the brand, and therefore confusing him or her so that he or she switches to a company with consistency in its brand and messages. Trying to find solutions to this situation, this study is focused in the theory of the Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) that explains how people of different departments work with the same objectives in order to have a common concept about their company. In this way, this study is centred in the Marketing department, and specifically in one of the promotion tools, the advertising.

Thus, the advertising can be different and, specially, its tools, depending if this advertising reachs the costumers by offline or online. The offline advertising consists of a chain of tools in traditional media such as newspapers, television, radio, billboards and so on. On the other side, online advertising is basically Internet and uses banners, affiliations, pops-up and so forth to send the message to the customer. Then the problem in this case study is if the advertisements in both ways have the same idea and gives the company enough consistency to be a unique brand.


This chapter presents the aim of the work.

The purpose of the research is clear: investigate if Iberostar follows the IMC theory in its advertising program. The starting point is the framework where the reader can find information about offline and online marketing but without forgetting the main theory: advertising. After being processed the empirical data sent by the company, the analysis is based on the IMC theory.


After the problem is defined, is time to explain the research design of this study. The objective of this work is to explore through the problem to provide insights and understanding about the differences in advertisement between marketing online and marketing offline.

According with Naresh k. Malhotra the method is an exploratory research. Hence, the research process is flexible and unstructured (it consists on personal interviews with an employee). The purpose of this project need from the combination of the exploratory method with the descriptive one. It is started with an explorative research because in the beginning the precision of the problem is not defined and we need to explore to define it, this first step is followed by a descriptive one, with it the function of the two departments are described, and the characteristics determinated. The information needed to the project is clearly defined; it means that the research is preplanned and structured.


This project is using primary data, this data are mainly qualitative and is analyzed according. The qualitative research that we are using is a direct approach, is not disguised, the purpose of this project is known by the respondents. The technique is the depth interviews direct to one of the workers of the company that we are focus on. He is also the person who is going to provide us all the information. This is the way to obtain the qualitative data; it is an unstructured, direct and personal interview

The sample is Iberostar hotels and resorts The case of the study is to compare the advertising message in both departments, e-marketing and offline marketing in order to know if they interact with the IMC theory. The population in the study is the hotels, because they have the two departments really different and it helps to analyze them easily.

The type is the convenience. The sampling technique that is used is the traditional approach. The sample size is all the elements that are in relative with the advertisement. The target population is the departments of marketing online and offline in relative with the advertisement.

Is a non probability sampling, like Naresh K. Malhotra said, it doesnt use chance selection procedures but rather rely on the personal judgment of the researcher, with this technique non sampling errors are larger, is homogeneous, because a judgmental sampling is a form of convenience sampling in with the population elements are selected based on the judgment of the researcher. This suppose low cost and not time consuming like a benefits but also there are negative aspects like it does not allow to generalizations because it is subjective, we choose the elements to be included in the sample, the representative or appropriate for this study. The execution of the sampling process-we have a contact that provide us the information, interview and so on.

According with Nares K. Malhotra, the first step is to prepare the preliminary plan of data analysis, then check the questions which answers are wanted, this data is getting directly from the company, an important person in the company provides the data for this work so, it is a primary data technique, and from all the data that is reached, is doing a selection and adjusting the data with what we want or need.

According with A.Parasuraman the technique used here is questioning, it is a primary data collection approach in which respondent play an active role owing to their interaction with the data gatherer. The data collection is not a structured interview in one time, he is implicated in over the work for all the question and provide the needed and precise information to finish a successful paper.


This chapter stars with one general introduction to marketing, then one explanation about Marketing online, after that a short summary about promotion tools in order to finish explaining the main data: Offline Advertising and Online Advertising. Before that, there is a important explanation about the Advertising message because actually the message is really important in this study. The chapter ends with the main theory, the IMC. To achive a good empirical study results, and the best conclusion, it is needed to compare the offline advertising with the online advertising as well as study the IMC, the first step needed is to locate offline and online advertising inside the marketing, to do that it should start with a general marketing introduction and then develop the marketing mix focusing in the promotion topic where advertising is a tool. Marketing looks for the satisfaction of the consumer needs, wants and requirements. Every single person of the organization needs to understand the philosophy of marketing. The organization must identify and anticipate the needs that will appear in the future. Nowadays, definition of marketing recognizes the influence of marketing in the society. There are several definitions of marketing, for instance, Kotler (1996) says: marketing is the social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others. The chartered institute of marketing (CIM) says: marketing is the management process that identifies, anticipates and satisfies customer requirements profitably. The core marketing concepts are: Needs, wants and demands. Marketing offering Value, satisfaction and quality Exchange transaction and relationships Market The main tasks of marketing offline are: Determine target markets need and wants.

Deliver products and services to satisfy needs and wants betters than competitors can do. Takes an outside-in perspective Customers focus and value are the paths to sales and profits. The entire organization focuses on customer satisfaction and retention.

Nowadays there are two different kinds of marketing, the offline marketing that is the traditional marketing and it is explained above and the online marketing where the different is that the media is interactive, the internet.


Frank Fiore, in his book E-Marketing Strategies (2000) says that Internet makes possible to commerce anything, anywhere, anytime at any price in any way. It brings the possibility for the business of having a second way of marketing apart from offline marketing.


In the e-world customers and marketers might find whatever they want: Information: everything regarding information about products, consumers, experiences with products or any other issue. And not only with search engines such as Google or Yahoo! but with newspapers, group discussions, blogs, forums Economic: online deals or purchases may be cheaper and even new ideas of commerce are only available in the Net, like low-cost flight tickets or phone calls are. Entertainment: consumer is willing to pay for entertainment when he or she can see the value. Entertainment like movies, games, music. For instance, I-Tunes is breaking the market of MP3 when they saw the opportunity of bring together its I-Pod and I-Tunes. Social: chat rooms and forums are growing in importance because customers find a way of improve their social relationships via Internet with programs as Msn Messenger, Skype, ICQand communities of forums where people can discuss about everything.

Internet is the end of anything local; therefore, transactions have to be in the customers language and to be sensitive with cultural differences as well as concerns about different laws, rights and tariffs.

One of the biggest challenges for an e-business is to fulfil the shipment and the conditions, as for example, customer service and returns. Actually, some companies are decentralizing those operations and becoming an issue in each country.

Internet has no business hours, so buyers can purchase 24 hours a day, 7 days a week every single day of the year. Therefore, the firms must be ready to face an order in any time, and any where the customer wants.

Nowadays, customers demand a preferred price in return of making certain trade-offs in time, selection, limited warranties and other value added elements. For retail stores is very difficult to change prices in time, but not in the Net, where prices can be changed in seconds. The company must be ready to face Dynamic prices strategies: Haggle pricing: the opposite of fixed price policy, haggling prices is the process of negotiating the price of something with the intent of getting a better deal. May be done either with a seller or by intelligent software. Online Auctions: Ebay is the leader in this segment. There are three target markets for auctions: C2C, B2C and B2B. Exchanges Flex pricing: they are basically two-way, simultaneous auctions in which both buyer and seller price quotes float in response to supply and demand. The Net can automate the process by programming bots.

E-businesses may sell into multiple channels and multiple ways. The most common way for e-business is by Bots. They consist of both shopping and selling, which make face-to-face transactions unnecessary. They look for total value, including promotions and shipping costs.

The task of every online business must be dividing its customers in 6 different categories in order to meet their needs more specifically. According to A-K Strategic Business Solutions, these types of customers are: Bargain hunters: people looking for deals impossible to find in the offline world. They are willing to wait for heavy websites just to find cheaper offers. Brand hunters: they know what they want, and they are looking for the exact product. They expect a professional web site, upgrade usually by which they can identify themselves with. Convenience Seekers: ready to buy online if it brings them more value. People with social problems or disabled visitors, not willing to wait for heavy pages with many graphics.

Net surfers: information searchers. They spend hours looking for information and knowledge; however, they do not spend more than 6 seconds waiting web sites to load. They share net hobbies with offline friends. Quality Seekers: they stop in quality sites, and realize easily mistakes which can make then click away from the web. If the site is able to keep them, they are more likely to buy from that seller. Topic Hunters: they look for specific information and do not spend so much time reading deeply the site, just reading through. They can also bookmark to make the purchase in another time.

Is a must for the e-business to keep update with the latest forms of online promotion and advertising, as well as in environmental changes, competitors, trends, technologies upgrades if they want to seem a cutting-edge business and do not seem old and not fashionable any more. Fiore (2000) names the tools by which the company must base its up-to-date strategy. They might come from the following points: Industry analysts: professional prognosticators read the entrails of each sector of the Net Industry and publish reports of the net and where each of its sectors are heading. These researches may have a cost of thousand of dollars, as well as small analysis which can be given out for free. Web sites: good way to gather information from its own PCs, especially about competitors. This information will not be as deep and analyzed as with industry analysts, but, however, this information is free to all. Online focus groups: talking with the actual consumers. The feedback is more reliable and focused in what the business and consumers want. There are specialized sites which provide online focus groups. They work together with the company in order to get the best output possible. Surveys: not as personal as an online focus group, market surveys of consumer opinions can expand companys reach to thousand of consumers on the Net. Survey companies may bring the e-business knowledge about what consumers think about its design, advertising campaigns, special products offers and customer service opinion.

To achieve the mainly purpose of marketing, offline marketing as well as online, is needed a product to satisfy the customers needs, this product has to be offering with a prize in a particular place, and the firm must develop a promotion program to make awareness of the product, this four elements constitute the marketing mix, they four have to be always coordinated in the marketing strategic, all of them must have the same importance and quality, all the elements have some tools, This work is focused in one of the elements of the marketing mix, the promotion. The promotion function is developed to make awareness and interest in the product or service (Belch and Belch, 2003).


There are a lot of promotion tools and each author has different classifications, Blythe for instance divides them into advertising, public relations, sales promotion and personal selling (Holm, 2006). Doyle and Stern (2006) add direct response marketing as a fifth possibility for communicating with potential and existing customers.

Public Relations are all the activities a firm undertakes to communicate to its stakeholders, like customers, the trade, shareholders, government bodies, local communities or employees (Doyle and Stern, 2006). The main goal is to achieve positive coverage in the media (newspaper, TV, radio, internet), create and reinforce the corporate image, sponsoring special events, lobbying politicians and advise management about key public issues. PR is more efficient than advertising in many ways: it is cheaper, creates as well product awareness and interest, launches new products, influences specific target market segments, can cope with crises and enhance the corporate image.

This is any initiative to promote an increase in sales. Sales Promotion gives economic incentives like price reduction, free examples or the possibility to win prizes. It can be divided into three groups: Consumer Promotion, Trade Promotion and Sales force Promotion (Doyle and Stern, 2006). As usual before implementing activities, the objectives have to be clear: Is the goal to obtain trial or to enhance loyalty?

Personal selling takes place when a salesperson sells a product, service or solution to a client. They try to fix the benefits of the product with the needs of the client. This tool in comparison with the rest improves the relationship with the client and does them longer. The selling process, according marketingteacher.com, is: 1. Prospecting 2. Making first contact 3. The sales call 4. Objection handling 5. Closing the sale.

Following Doyle and Stern (2006), over the last years Direct Response Marketing (DRM) has grown fast. It includes direct mail, telesales, e-mails and order catalogues. The deal in words of marketingteacher.com is done directly between the manufacturer and the customer. The manufacturer addresses the named individual customer and its objective is immediate response. On the one hand it is more convenient and time saving for the customers and on the other hand it allows the supplier a finer targeting, is much cheaper and forges continuing relationships with its customer. As a matter of fact it is more effective than advertising. To plan such activities, it is crucial to develop a database, which ought to target especially those, who are likely to respond, otherwise this may result into junk mails and low response.



Advertising, according to George E. Belch and Michael A. Belch (2003), is said as any paid form of non-personal communication about an organization, product, service or idea by an identified sponsor. The paid aspect of this definition reflects the fact that the space or time for an advertising generally must be bought. The nonpersonal component means that advertising involves mass media that can be transmit a message to large groups of individuals, often at the same time. For Kotler, advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services through mass media such as newspapers, magazines, television or radio by an identified sponsor. Since this research is focused in advertising and the messages the advertiser sends, the next step deals with the advertising message.


A large advertising budget does not guarantee a successful advertising campaign. The advertising messages can be more important to advertising success than the amount of money spent.

The average consumer has numerous television and radio stations and thousands of magazines to choose from. To these, add the countless catalogues, direct-mail ads and continuous barrage of other media. Consumers see ads everywhere. The cost for an advertisement is very high for example; advertisers could pay a lot for a 30-second slot during a popular prime-time TV Programme and may be their ads are lost among other commercials, and even audience usually switch the channel during the advertising to see what else is on TV, because think the ads are uninteresting. Thus, according to Kotler just to gain and hold attention, today's advertising messages must be better planned, more imaginative, more innovative, more entertaining and more rewarding to consumers. Creative strategy, therefore, will play an increasingly important role in advertising success.

The first step is to decide how to produce a message that achieves the objectives. The company looks for the reaction of his target group; for that they need to motivate the consumer with the message. Thus, leaning on Kotler, developing an effective message strategy usually begins with identifying target customer benefits that can be used as advertising appeals, having


in mind the target audience and the type of response the message should evoke among those that get the message. They need to develop a creative idea to engage the attention of people and there are different ways to get them. The creative concept should guide the choice of specific appeals to be used in an ad campaign. Kotler affirms that the appeals should have three characteristics. First, they should be meaningful, pointing out benefits that make the product more desirable or interesting to target customers. Second, appeals must be believable. This objective is difficult because many consumers doubt the truth of advertising. People can thing that an expert that represent the product is paid to say what he said. This characteristic is also support by Doyle (2006). Appeals should be distinctive in terms of telling consumers how the product is better than the competing brands. Doyle peter has another factor, the attractiveness, this is the receivers perception of the brand, and they identify themselves with an aspect or feature of the product.

The impact of the message depends upon what is said and how it is said. The big idea must fix in an actual message that engage the target market's attention and fix their interests. The creative people must find the best style, tone, words and format for executing the message.

According with Kotler the execution styles are: Slice of life. This style shows one or more people using the product in a normal setting Lifestyle. This style shows how a product fits in with a particular lifestyle. Fantasy, this style creates a fantasy around the product or its use. Mood or image. This style builds a mood or image around the product, such as beauty, love or serenity. No claim is made about the product except through suggestion. (Timotei shampoo employs the mood for nature and simplicity). Musical. The ad is built around a song or some well-known music, so that emotional responses to the music are associated with the product. Personality symbol. This style creates a character that represents the product. The character might he animated or real. Technical expertise. This style shows the company's expertise in making the product. Scientific evidence. This style presents survey or scientific evidence that the brand is better or better liked than one or more other brands. Testimonial evidence. This style features a highly believable or likable source endorsing the product. It could be a celebrity. However, Doyle Peter (2006) groups this task of message execution in only two appeals to motivate the consumer: Rational: focus on the functional benefits of the product (superior performance, lower cost or better value) the decision of the consumer is mostly rational.


Emotional: try to create positive feelings about the brand to promote its purchase. This appeal is useful when there are not real differences between products or when the brand is for image purpose like cosmetics.

To get a clearest view of this, we should group Kotler (1999) styles in the Doyle divisions: In the rational one Slice of life, Lifestyle, Technical expertise, Testimonial evidence and Scientific evidence are accepted, in this way consumer can decide by themselves if the product is really useful for them, for their life, or if is convenient for they budget or not. And in the emotional part we can joint the rest (Slice of life, Lifestyle, Technical expertise, Testimonial evidence, scientific evidence) because they affect the feelings, is not an expert who is showing you a product but a famous person, a person who in some case do not use the brand.

Both authors agree that the advertiser must also choose a tone for the ad. In this way there are positives appeals and negative appeals, Positives appeals include humour, promise of success, happiness or beauty. And the negative appeals include fear, guilty and shame. Is better to use positives appeals than the negative one, research has shown that evoke fear discourage people from looking at the advertisement and so is counterproductive. The only difference between them is that Doyle (2006) treats this distinction only with the emotional appeals and Kotler do not point any exception. Chris Fill also thinks that humour is a positive appeal but point that the cultural differences impede the transfer of jokes around the world.

The message format depend on the media used, format elements make a difference in the ads impact and in the cost, a small change in ad design can suppose a big difference in its effect. Format includes copy, the verbal part of the advertisement, must be simple but convincing; artwork, the illustration used; and layout, the physical arrangement of all the elements. The illustration is the first thing the people notice and the thing that more remember, so it has to be strong enough to attract the attention, unless, the rest is not useful.

The words in the ad need to make impact, with the creative phrasing make much more impact, as well as how all the elements of the advertisement are put together (style, tone, words, and format).


Research says that in the writing ads, a good advertisement is noticed by less than 50 per cent of the people and lees that 10 per cent of them read a part of the copy.


The more important structural features are three. The first topic is the conclusion, who should definite the conclusion, the advertiser in the advertisement or the receiver, who can draw their own conclusion from the advertisements appeal. The research of Doyle (2006) suggests that, if the consumer is probably interested in the area, it is advantageous to leave the conclusions undefined. In this way the customer are more motivated to think about the brand. Stating conclusions is better when the target group would be incapable to determine the appropriate conclusion or when they are not motivated to do that. Chris fill, however, think that a conclusion should be draw for the receiver depending on four points: The complexity of the issue: complex products oblige that messages must stat the conclusion. Even motivated consumers need help if the product is relatively new. The level of education possessed by the receiver: better-educated audiences prefer to draw their own conclusions, whereas less educated one need the conclusion drawn for them because may be they are not able to do that. Whether immediate action is required: the conclusion should be drawn especially clearly and if a very quick action is required by the receiver. The level of involvement: if they have a high involvement, it means that the receivers prefer draw the conclusion by themselves.

The second one is a discussion about if is better to use one-sided or two-sided arguments, it means to say also some negative aspects about the product and not only present the product that the ideal and perfect one. The research of Doyle (2006) suggests that two-sided arguments work better for educate audiences and also where people are not positive about the product in the first moment or have an opposite opinion than the message. Chris Fill (2006) agrees with Doyle and adds that with two-sided arguments the credibility is high and produces more positive perception about the product. The third one is the comparative advertising where the brand is compared against another specific brand in the same kind of product. The research of Doyle shows that is effective and is more and more used, especially for unknown brands or brands with a small market share that wants to compete with leaders.


Leaders do not use this because is not useful for then to do comparison with other less known brands that are minor competitors. Chris Fill do not see this like a message structure but like a presentation of the message, the comparative advertising is a way to get a superiority position, also to enter in new markets. As a summary and according with Dr. Dieter Steinbrecher there are Ten Commandments that are treated above. a. Attract attention. b. Visual clarity of the advertisement c. Concentration, one or two benefits, the rest of the advertising will not retained. d. Comprehension and credibility e. Positive emotions. f. Unite of style. The style of the advertisement should match with the style of the brand. g. Constancy of style during a period of time if not the market will be confuse. h. Mach the clients world. Communications start with the receiver, the message cant be extraneous to the client. i. Differential advantage j. Images rather than words. Now, the next step is to differentiate the two kinds of advertisement according with this study; offline and online advertising. And the mainly thing that is analyzed is the media, because as it is said before, one of the most important difference is the media that they are using and also because the purpose of this work is to solve the question where the different of both advertising have to be really clear.


According with the book of Doyle Peter and Stern Peter (2006) advertising offline is defined as the paid presentation and promotion of products or services through mass media such as television, radio and newspaper, and the stages for develop an advertising programme are six: Identify and research the target market Define advertising objectives Determine advertising budget Develop media plan Create advertising message Evaluate advertising effectiveness. However, Philip Kotler (1999) defend that there are two major elements that cover the advertising strategy creating, the advertising messages and selecting the advertising media. To create a successful campaign messages and media have to work together. The media planning is more and more important in the campaign, in the past it was seen as secondary to the messages creation process, but now the companies are realizing the benefits of planning these two activities jointly. Hence, this study is explaining the concepts about the advertising message and then more depth the media planning that stresses the difference between offline 16

marketing and the online one. The advertiser must Select with Advertising Media should carry the message. The main steps in the media selection are:

To select media, the advertiser must decide what reach and frequency are needed to achieve advertising objectives. Reach: it is a measure of the percentage of people in the target market who are exposed to the ad campaign during a given period of time. Frequently: The number of times the average person in the target market is exposed to an advertising message during a given period. Media impact: The qualitative value of an exposure through a given medium. For example, for products that need to be demonstrated, messages on television may have more impact than messages on radio because television uses sight and sound. The same message in a national newspaper may he more believable than in a local daily. 1

The media planner has to know the reach, frequency and impact of each of the major media types. There are many factors to consider to make a good decision choosing the media. The media habits of target consumers will affect media choice: for example, radio and television are the best media for reaching teenagers. Different types of message require different media: for instance, a message announcing a big sale tomorrow will require radio or newspapers; a message with a lot of technical data requires magazines or direct mailings or an online ad and Web site. Rational theme is more effectively in a newspaper or magazine. Where the images, the status and the style can be exploited like in emotive themes the place is the television. Television is the best media for impact and for emotional messages. Cost is also an important consideration in media choice: whereas television is very expensive, newspaper advertising costs much less. .


Broadcast: Television o Flexible format , sound and motion; appealing to the senses; high attention; high reach, high prestige, mass coverage, low relative cost so very efficient.

1 Definition by Kotler.(1999) 17

o high absolute cost; high clutter; fleeting exposure; less audience selectivity, high level of repetition necessary, short message life, increasing level of fragmentation. Radio o Mass use; high geographic and demographic selectivity; low cost (absolute, relative and production), flexible, can involve listeners. o Audio presentation only, lower attention than TV; fleeting exposure, lacks impact, low prestige.

Print: Newspapers o Flexibility; timeliness; high coverage; broad acceptance; high believability, wide reach, low costs, short lead times, speed of consumption controlled by reader. o Short life; poor reproduction quality; gives poor impact, small pass-along audience, advertisements get little exposure. Magazines o High geographic and demographic selectivity; credibility and prestige; high-quality reproduction which allows high impact; long life; good pass-along readership, specific and specialised target audiences, longevity. o Long ad purchase lead time; some waste circulation; no guarantee of position, visual dimension only, slow built-up of impact, moderate costs.

Outdoor: o Flexibility; high repeat exposure; low cost; low competition, high frequency, good coverage as a support medium, location orientated. o .No audience selectivity; creative limitations, long production time, difficult to measure.

The international media is useful for this work because Iberostar is an international company. According to Kotler (1999), these international media contains: Newspapers. Faster and more efficient circulation is possible with new technologies, such as satellite printing, which allows advertising copy to be sent by satellite to the printers. Many international newspapers are printed simultaneously in more than one country. In general there have been enormous developments in local and global press, and more newspapers have gone global to reach specific audiences. Magazines. There are some national and international journals which carry ads that target regional, international or global customers Womens magazines and some others international magazines are printed in different editions for readers in different target countries/regions. Professional and technical magazines. The number of this kind of specialized magazines is rising yearly.


Cinema. This is a relatively popular medium for reaching younger viewers. In developing and less developed nations, cinema remains important. Television. There are few country markets where television is not available or where advertising is not carried via that medium. Satellite and cable opportunities have expanded enormously and accelerated the use of TV for international advertising. Outdoor advertising and transport advertising. This medium is used throughout the world. This medium is used as an alternative in cases where the product category cannot be advertised on TV, as in the case of tobacco and alcoholic products. In some countries, such as India and the People's Republic of China, outdoor advertising has become more important. Interactive communication media. Interactive systems, such as videotext and payTV, are gaining importance as cable TV continues to develop. Radio. The most of the commercial radio is regional. But, for instance, Radio Luxembourg, the international European station, transmits ads in several languages and reaches the whole of Europe. Place-based media. This is a worldwide development and advertisers are increasingly deploying the medium to reach audiences wherever they happen to be - at work, the fitness centre, the supermarket, airports and in the aeroplane. The programming and advertising can be produced internationally. Trade fairs and exhibitions. These can be costly, but are useful media for international communications. Sponsorship. Sponsorship of sports or art events, such global audiences are rare and the effectiveness of the initiatives is not easy to measure. Other media. Point-of-sale materials are not easy to reproduce internationally. Invariably, they have to be adapted to local conditions, specifically the language, regulations and distribution outlets. Direct mail is used in many countries, but it is primarily a local technique.

International media planning is more complicated than local media planning as the media situation differs from country to country. To plan effectively, international advertisers require high-quality, reliable cross-country media and audience research data. In some countries, there is inadequate media research. Moreover, research techniques and measurement standards vary greatly across countries, making cross-country comparisons of media research data almost impossible. Research into international media is still relatively expensive. Unless reliable inter country comparisons can be made, international advertisers will find it difficult to evaluate and quantify international media effectiveness (Kotler, 1999).



The media planner decides the best media vehicles. There are a lot of choices. For instance in the radio and television, there are a lot of stations and channels to choose and a lot of programme vehicles where the commercial can be. Prime-time programmes are the favourites and the costs increase with the popularity of the programme. First, the planner should balance costs against the media vehicle's audience quality, even if they always look for the lowest cost. Second, the media planner should consider audience attention probability depend of the kind of magazine they are reading pay more or less attention to the ad. And third, the planner should assess the vehicle's editorial quality. And Doyle adds another important factor: the placement of the advertisement in the vehicle, a back page in a magazine is more important than others in the middle.

The last decision is how to schedule the advertising over the course of a year. The brand can vary its advertising depending on the season, depending on periods in the year, such as Christmas, Easter and summer or can be the same all year. Most firms do some seasonal advertising. Finally, the advertiser has to choose the pattern of the ads, like Kotler says the idea is to advertise heavily for a short period to build awareness that carries over to the next advertising period. Those who favour pulsing feel that it can be used to achieve the same impact as a steady schedule, but at a much lower cost. There are four timing patterns: Continuous: involve regular and uniform presentation over a period. Is good for expand a market or for frequently purchased products, Chris Fill think that is for mature product, where reminder advertisement is appropriate. Concentrated: focus in a single period, short and often heavy periods. Appropriate for seasonal items. Fighting: attack of advertisement with gaps without support. This way is used when de budget is small or when is an infrequently purchased product. Pulsing: seek to combine the advantages of continuous and fighting patterns: periods of low advertisement with occasional bursts of heavy spending, the increase levels of message activity is in certain times of the year, and sales also increase. This is used with strong and mature brands that need to remind people.


Online advertising is the advertising on the internet. It is growing in popularity for many businesses to promote their products and services on the internet. It is costeffective and allows business a way to give more information to potential customers than most traditional forms of broadcast and publications. E-Advertising is within the reach of every business, not matter the size of the company and the budget it has. To 20

create a banner, for instance, is as easy as know about how to create images in a computer. Still, advertising campaigns of the biggest companies are more successful than smaller ones. The best advertising strategies would not work if the contests are not attractive for the customer. Building a strong long-term relationship with the customer is based mainly on the contents of the website, so if they are not new and refreshed every few time the advertising campaign would be worthless. The page must be well-presented and fast. With a good promotion and good contents, the value of the campaign is double and the customer will be back and attract a new ones. Even more, writing the contents with key word may bring the advertiser better positions in search engines and links in other pages. For example, Googles Freshbot works searching new contents on the internet giving them more importance in future lists. When going online to advertise, the marketer must bear in mind two concepts: legitimate online advertising and illegitimate online advertising. The first covers mainly the field of banners, pop ups and rich media. The second means spam the customers with emails or annoying ads in web sites (Wikipedia, online marketing reference).

The objective is to attract the customer to click on the banner and send him to the advertiser website. It may be text, picture, graphics or any other new format which includes movement and sound, as well as interactions with the customer. The advertiser must look after the size and the time of load in the publisher site. The easier is to load, the better results it might bring. In accordance of Antonio Quiros (promocionatuweb.com) ,depending on its format, we can differentiate up to three different banners: The standard banner which might be static or dynamic in GIF or JPGE format, the HTML banner which contains this programming language letting the banner interact with the visitor, and the last is by flash banners by which the advertising may make up animated movies with sounds.

HP banner in Financial Times web site.


Ebays own banners in its page.

Paddypower.com banner in Arsenal website.

Tom Harris, in the website howstuffworks.com says that there are several ways to measure the success of the banner campaign which marketers will look at: Click-through: The number of visitors who click on the banner ad linking to the advertiser's Web site. Publisher sites often sell banner ad space on a cost-perclick (CPC). Page views: the number of times a particular Web page has been requested from the server. Advertisers are interested in page views because they indicate the number of visitors who could have seen the banner. Although they do not measure the effectiveness of a branding campaign, they do measure how many visitors were exposed to it. Click-through-rate: This describes the ratio of page views to clicks. It is expressed as the percentage of total visitors to a particular page who actually clicked on the banner ad. The typical click-through-rate is something under 1 percent, and click-through rates significantly higher than that are very rare. Cost per sale: This is the measure of how much advertising money is spent on making one sale. Advertisers use different means to calculate this, depending on the ad and the product or service. Many advertisers keep track of visitor activity using Internet cookies. This technology allows the site to combine shopping history with information about how the visitor originally came to the site. The advertiser interested in posting banners in other sites has three possibilities. The first one is by negotiating or exchanging with another website. The second one is paying publisher sites to post them in, and the third one is paying organizations as DoubleClick or Flycast, two of the most important advertising companies on the Net. But the cheapest way for the company to post its banners is by classified ads, in free sites.


When banner advertisements were first introduced the click-through-rate (CTR) used to be around 2%, i.e. if the banner ad was shown 100 times it would lead to 2 clicks. However internet users have now started to become blind to these types of advertisements and the CTR has lowered to around 1%, according to the statistics of sitetoolcenter.com.

Antonio Quiros describes a pop-up as an element which as its own name says, pops up from the site the visitor is looking at. It is considered as one of the most aggressive advertising tools since it is about small windows not opened by the user when he or she gets in the page. Pop-ups do not show the ad in the main window but in a new independent small window while the user is looking the main site. It is to bear in mind that this advertising tool disturbs the visitor meanwhile he surfs the webpage, and therefore it even might bother him. Due to that fact, many browsers have developed an own tool to block the pop ups. In that case the communication with the visitor is not established and the advertising campaign by pop-ups is worthless. Even though it may be a very effective tool since it calls the attention of the user reaching more impact than normal banners. How the industry measures the effectiveness of the pop-ups is the same as for the banners.

As its name says, this is also a window which pops up by itself when visiting the publisher site. The difference in this case with the Pop-ups is based on the fact that it is opened under the main window. Then it is said pop unders are more friendly and discreet because they keep quiet until the user closes the main window. The advertiser must not forget these windows might be blocked by programs and browsers, though. (Antonio Quiros, promocionatuweb.com)

Search Engines are the first sites bringing visits. Being well-positioned among the results is vital for the company when going online. Along the years new techniques come out, but yet search engines are the most important tool to reach the visits objective. Indeed, the most successful web sites usually have an excellent search engines placement. This positioning web locates the webs in the first places by interest terms of the visitor. Google, Msn and Yahoo! are the most important in this industry. In the Spanish market almost 80% of searches are done by Google, a detail to bear in mind to our study business.


To reach the objective of being in the first places on the list (visitors barely go further than third page) the advertiser must follow some specific indications in order to show the page in the first results of the engine. To maintain and improve the placement, the techniques, following what promocionatuweb.com says, are: The index must have a clear title which perfect and briefly describes what the page is about using key words. Using key words among the links on the very same page is something that makes the links more important and boosts the possibility of search with these words. Naming files with key words. Choosing right the name of the links in other pages bring the advertiser better options to show up in the correct chain when the visitor looks for information. The more pages indexed more points to be in the first positions.


Text-based advertisements that describe what the company wants to show, products and services. A link is included so consumers may click on it and go straight to sellers web site. This model of advertising follows the pay-per-click model, this is said the advertisers pay an agreed amount of money when the visitor clicks on the link. What this tool pretends and this type of advertisements is to be shown in the first places of search engines as Google, Msn, Yahoo! when the customer looks for information related with the companys content. Normally, advertisers choose a series of key words and when the surfer makes a search using any of those words the advertisement will appear in the first positions. This method is effective since first positions are guaranteed and customer does not need to deep in his own searches to find what he wants. The most famous sponsored links business is owned by Google, called Google Adwords.


Google sponsored links for bird flu search


According to one of the leaders of affiliation programs market, Trade Double, an affiliate advertising program is a banner advertising service which links and transfers website visitors from the website to the advertiser's site. It can therefore increase sales through the advertiser site and boost the traffic and search engine performance by pulling in search engine traffic looking for the chosen advertiser's website. This definition is limited since the affiliation program is available in text advertising as well. This everything means exchanging banners or links using an intermediary and using different and agreed ways of rewarding each click. Even tough some companies run their own affiliate program instead of using intermediaries. Pay per Sale is the most common way companies use for reward these links. Advertiser pays an amount of money when the user clicks on its banner in another website and makes a sale directly from that page. But also Pay per Click and Pay per Impression systems are used although not as common as the first one, coping less than 1% according to the Wikipedia.

That means using cutting-edge technology to advertise on the Net. Advanced technology such as streaming video or applets that interacts with the user, and ads that change when the users mouse passes over. The website Whatis?com puts an example, this emergent way of communication lets the advertiser include a sample video, a scene from a movie, interact with the customer and improve the quality of the current banners. Nowadays web sites of large news groups are implementing this technology to offer new contents as the latest news in video by internet, music and trailers from the


newest movies. Youtube.com is the perfect example how business use its products to interact and offer better content to the visitors.

Spam is also considered as a way to do advertising online but it may bring the worst consequences for the company and its reputation. Spam is unsolicited bulk email which is sent to every email address, as well as spamming with pop ups doing the navigation of the customer annoying and even sometimes impossible. The term is applied to similar abuses in other media: instant messaging spam, newsgroup spam, web search engine spam, blog spam, mobile phone spam, internet forum spam and junk fax transmissions. For advertisers spam is viable because they do not have operating costs beyond the management of their mailing lists. Moreover, the barrier to entry is low, spammers are numerous and the volume of junk email has become very high. The costs are carried by the internet provider and the receiver in terms of more investment on programs to avoid spam and in terms of lower productivity (Wikipedia, reference Spam).

The task of the managers have always been to create awareness among the customers of the companys products and services and bringing them the point of interest and confident when they will reach their wallets on their purchases. Along the years several marketing communications forms have been developed for this purpose: media advertising, personal selling, direct mail and so on, being online marketing the latest one. Then, customers are exposed to a large amount of messages every day, from many sources. Here is where the manager must act, bringing the customer a consistent brand message by using the same idea of the SBU for every marketing communication form. Dolan (2000) defines Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) as a strategic process for producing a consistent brand message at each customer touch point. Its goal is to use multiple models of communication to foster awareness of a companys products or services, inform people about features and benefits, and move them to make a purchase. From this definition the main idea marketers must pick up is about building a consistent brand message. IMC provides in this case messages that are consistent and complementary. However, the most common definition of IMC comes from the American Association of Advertising Agencies (4As). That is a concept of marketing communications planning that recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines and combines these disciplines to provide clarity, consistency and maximum communication impact. Again the idea of consistent message and communications appears, bringing a clearer concept and vision about what IMC consists in. An integrated approach should


attempt to provide a uniform or consistent set of messages. These should be relatively easy to interpret and to assign meanings. This enables target audiences to think about and perceive brands within a consistent context and so encourage behaviour as expected by the source (Chris Fill, 2002). IMC offers more than just ideas for coordinating all elements of the marketing and communication programs. The IMC approach helps companies to identify the most appropriate and effective methods for communicating and building relationships with their customers as well as other stakeholders such as employees, suppliers, investors, interest groups, and the general public (Belch and Belch, 2003). It is important to know that companies send messages to the customers through all aspects of their marketing mix, not just promotion. One example can be that the high price may symbolize quality to customers, like for example Mont Blanc and its office material.

The IMC growing importance has been consequence of a variety of drivers, generally grouped into three main categories: opportunities that are marked based, those that arise from changing communications and those which are driven from opportunities arising from within the organisation itself. Table 19.2 Drivers of IMC

Organisational drivers for IMC Increasing profits through improved efficiency Increasing need for greater levels of accountability Rapid move towards cross-border marketing and the need for changing structures and communications Coordinated brand development and competitive advantage Opportunities to utilise management time more productively Provide direction and purpose for employees Market-based drives for IMC Greater levels of audience communications literacy Media cost inflation Media and audience fragmentation Stakeholders need for increasing amounts and diversity of information Greater amounts of message clutter Competitor activity and low levels of brand differentiation Move towards relationship marketing from transaction-based marketing Development of networks, collaborations and alliances Communication-based drivers for IMC Technological advances (internet, databases, segmentation techniques) Increased message effectiveness through consistency and reinforcement of core messages More effective triggers for brand and message recall More consistent and less confusing brand images Need to build brand reputations and to provide clear identity cues
Table 19.2 Chris Fill, Marketing Communications, 2000, page 466

These opportunities let the manager and therefore the company becomes increasingly efficient by driving down the cost and bringing the chance to improve profits and levels of productivity. For the companies, from the market perspective, the major driver is the shift from transaction-based marketing to relationship marketing. 27

Furthermore, the company which embraces this concept may make its brand stronger by sending a unique message of consistency and confidence. And from the communication perspective the key driver is to provide a set of triggers by which buyers can understand the values and brand stands for and a means by which they can use certain messages to influence their activities (Chris Fill, 2003).


Planning is a key function in the development and implementation of an effective promotional program, which provides the framework for developing, implementing and controlling the organizations integrated marketing communications programs and activities. Belch and Belch (2003) propose the following steps for the planning process.

The first task to do in the IMC planning process is to review the marketing plan and objectives. Before developing a promotional plan, marketers must understand where the company is, its position in the market, where it wants to go and the manner of get there. This information should be contained in the marketing plan, a document where the business describes the marketing strategy and programs to develop in the organization, product line or a brand. At the same time as the promotional plan is developed, also the marketing plan is working and they may complete each other sharing detailed information.

The promotional program situations analysis means to find out the factors which can affect or influence the business and mainly the development of a promotional strategy. It can include both internal and external analysis: Internal Analysis: should study the relative advantages and disadvantages of performing the promotional functions in house as opposed to hiring an external agency (or agencies). Besides, this analysis should not forget to investigate about its strengths and weaknesses of the firm or the brand from an image perspective, as well as study those two points upon the product or service, its advantages and disadvantages, any unique selling points or benefits it may have, packaging, price, design and so on. External Analysis: focuses on factors like characteristics of the firms customers, market segments, positioning strategies and competitors. The customers patterns are the most important in issues such as their characteristics, decision process and factors influencing their purchases. And also another important part as it is the examination of direct and indirect competitors, analysis of the marketing environment and current trends which might affect to the developing of the promotional program.

This stage seeks to know how to reach and communicate effectively with costumers in its target market, and know about the process the consumers will go 28

through in responding to marketing communications. What the marketer must consider in this stage is issues as the communication decisions regarding the use of various sources, messages, and channel factors, with a preliminary discussion about the mediamix options and their cost implications. Another task of this stage is to establish communication goals and objectives, distinguishing between communication and marketing objectives. The last one refers to what is to be fulfilled by the marketing program (sales, market share or profitability are usually the used terms). In the other hand are the communication objectives, which refer to what the firms seeks to achieve with its promotional program. They set the terms of the nature of the message to be communicated or what specific communication effects are to be achieved. They may include creating awareness or knowledge about a product and its attributes; creating an image or developing favourable attitudes, preferences or purchase intentions.

Promotional budgets are often determined using a more simplistic approach, such as how much money s available or a percentage of a companys brands sales revenue.

In this stage decision must be made and activities performed to implement the promotional programs in order to evaluating performance and make any change when it is necessary. Two important aspects of the advertising program are development of the message and the media strategy. The first one refers to a creative strategy and involves determining the basic appeal and message the advertiser wants to convey to target audience. And media strategy means determining which communication channels will be used to deliver the message to the audience. Once the message and media strategies have been determined, the marketer should implement them, either hiring advertising agencies to plan and produce their messages or by its own marketing department. And the same for the others elements of the IMC program as objectives, developed strategy, message and media strategies: take steps to implement them.

After all, the market must monitor, evaluate and control the promotional program to determine how well it is meeting the needs of customers, goals and objectives of the organization. Feedback lets marketers think about the effectiveness of the strategy in order to do the appropriate changes in the very first stage.



After the framework, this chapter starts with a brief introduction about Iberostar Hotels and Resorts, its values and how they use its message taking some examples of advertisements in both Marketing offline and online departments. The end of the chapter shows the Implementation of the IMC theory in both offline and online Iberostars advertising.

Iberostar Hotels and Resorts S.L. is a Spanish company set up in Majorca in 1983 and it is a leading company in the tourism sector. It belongs, indeed, to Iberostar Group, characterised by its traditional family values and its philosophy based on customer satisfaction. The Iberostar Group sold its outsbound division in August 2006 with the aim of developing and expanding its core business area: the hotel division. Iberostar Hotels and Resorts has regional branches in Europe, the Mediterranean, the Caribbean and Latin America. Spain Jamaica Italy Dominican Republic Cuba Mexico Brazil Tunisia Morocco Greece Cyprus Bulgaria Turkey Croatia Montenegro 37 2 1 5 5 8 3 11 1 14 1 6 2 4 1


Iberostar has four or five star hotels and the most important value is the quality guaranteed by the Iberostar brand to its customers. According to the Groups annual report, the following list shows its principle values: 30

They offer service tailored to their guests needs. They offer the best holiday destinations with the most spectacular beaches. Their facilities are of the highest quality; they take care of the smallest details. They respect local cultures. They look after the environment. They offer a wide and exquisite range of cuisine. They offer the widest range of sports and entertainment activities.


Iberostars corporate policy is to adapt its management, products and services to the growing demands of society. For the benefit of its customers, Iberostar continues developing those services and facilities which represent the added values of its hotels. Iberostar focus mainly in three aspects in order to achieve this added value: Golf courts: Playing golf has become one of the activities its customers are more enthusiastic about. Wellness - SPA - Thai Zen Space: Health and wellbeing are increasingly appreciated. Convention Centres: The development of the tourism sector indicates a growth in the demand for business travel.

Therefore, the visitors may see how Iberostar advertises for golf, wellness and conferences around the world as it is shown in the banners of its home page.


Iberostar Hotels and Resorts began to operate both offline and online when they realized they were not the best company in the Spanish market due to their competitors gained customers by selling their services by the Net. The main reason why its competitors gained ground to Iberostar is because internet became important part in Spanish homes, and surfers began to look for information and purchase their travels. Those competitors went online before, and therefore, customers switched the company to work with.


The research focuses its work especially on the message they send with the advertising tools. The message has to be well planned, imaginative, innovative, entertaining and rewarding to consumers. Consequently, it is vital to make a creative strategy (creative idea) in order to achieve the perfect message for the target market.

Meaningful. Iberostar point out profits that make products more interesting to the target group.

Believable. Iberostar approaches its message in real things. Its argument is based in the quality.

Distinctive. This company uses llamative colours unique among its competitors, blue and yellow, giving freshness and happiness sensation to the customers.


Attractiveness. The customers identify themselves with an aspect or feature of a product. In relation to Iberostar, this company has its star, the logo of the brand which means that its customers are the most important for the company, they are the genuine stars.

It is known that everyday is more common to have two-sided arguments to show the message of a company but the company that we are studying, Iberostar, has one sided arguments because they do not need to say negative aspects about its brand. Iberostar is a known brand and has a big market and its promotion is based in the guaranteed quality. Moreover, Iberostar does not use comparative advertising because they feel as leaders and they do not need to compare themselves with the competitors. Iberostar commandments about the message: -Attract attention. -Visual clarity of the advertisement. -Comprenhension and credibility. -Positive emotions. -Unite of style. (style ad=style brand) 33

-Constancy of style to avoid that the market will be confused. -Differential advantage. -Images rather than words.

As Iberostar is an international company they focus in different markets in order to promote its brand around the world.

This company advertises on newspapers in order to reach high coverage.

Translation Spanish advertisement: as close as seems, have not you enjoyed it yet?

Iberostar promotes in specialized magazines in order to attract easily the potential customers.


It is located in a strategic place where the company thinks can engage the target public. In the same way, they can orientate in different markets as it is possible to see in the next examples, focused in France and Germany.


Translation French Advertisement: Appreciate the difference. Majorca,, a paradise for the whole family. Translation German Advertisement: Do you fancy the pleasure of looking at the stars?

Advertising brochure, iberostar creates and sends brochure to all its travel agencies.



The aim of Iberostar is to attract the visitors to click on its banners. Thus, the visitors can find out surfing on the webpage how Iberostar works to achieve a relationship with them.



Iberostar works together with SEO in order to position as higher as possible in search engines rankings, as Google, Msn or Yahoo! in base of natural results.


This company works with SEN, company specialized in sponsored links in order to appear in the main pages of the search engines.


Through affiliation, Iberostar promotes itself in thirds pages and let other companies promote in its own web site, by links or banners, being always business which belongs to tourist industry. This service is done by Tradedoubler.com, one of the biggest advertising online companies.



It is very important for the hotels companies to use IMC in both marketing departments online and offline. Nowadays the entire hotels companies work with these two departments and they can not have a different purpose. Thus, the IMC approach helps companies to identify the most appropriate and effective methods for communicating and building relationships with their customers. IMC provides in this case messages that are consistent and complementary. The important for a company is to reach clarity, consistency and maximum communication impact. Essentially, the idea of consistent message and communications brings a clear concept and vision about what the companies search with the IMC. In this way, the companies want to provide a uniform set of messages. The uniformity of the message is very important in all the promotion tools although this research focuses its work on the advertising tools. When talking about consistency, the Iberostar has to avoid having different purposes within the same campaign. It can not be possible to talk about innovative products on the webpage and to talk about lower prices in the advertisements in the newspapers. If the customers see too many profits and very different, it will be too difficult that they believe it is true and they will be confused, switching to another competitor who has a more consistent message. Why should hotel companies use IMC? It gives the promotion to gain a long-term relationship with the customers. Using IMC, the company transmits the image that the marketer knows his customers and he worries about them. More efficient use of the promotion sources. When the entire communication program is integrated, the companies do take advantage of having the promotion with the same message. Advertising in mass media is becoming more expensive and less predictable.


Technology. To arrive to the customers directly. Nowadays the use of internet allows that the consumers arrive for themselves to book and organise their trips.


This chapter intends to create an analysis by combining the main theory, the IMC, with the empirical findings.The analysis reflects on the theories found and proceeds from the research question. Dolan (2000) defines Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) as a strategic process for producing a consistent brand message at each customer touch point. Its goal is to use multiple models of communication to foster awareness of a companys products or services, inform people about features and benefits, and move them to make a purchase. From this definition the main idea marketers must pick up is about building a consistent brand message. IMC provides in this case messages that are consistent and complementary. In this way, Iberostar uses IMC because they have two different departments of marketing, offline and online, and they need to keep on its only purpose. According to the American Association of Advertising Agencies (4As): a concept of marketing communications planning that recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines and combines these disciplines to provide clarity, consistency and maximum communication impact. So analysing the empirical findings it is possible to see how Iberostar has clarity and consistency in its message. Other data that makes it view that Iberostar follows the same policy in both departments is that all the company has the same appeals in relation to the message: meaningful, believable, distinctive and attractiveness Starting from the IMC definitions above and the empirical data collection (values, added values, commandments and both offline and online advertisements) it may say about the advertising campaign the following. Both offline and online advertising send the same messages in a united form about their values. They seem to know what they want about themselves and what customers want from the company. The empirical data shows the values of the company as follows: The campaign uses loud colours in every singles advertisement, in offline as well as the very web site of the firm. These colours try to transmit to the objective public happiness, wellness and trust.


Samples of Offline and Online advertisements Besides these colourful advertisements, what the public may notice is that always the logo and the star of the company have their own space, mainly blue and yellow colours are the main characters of the ad. Regarding to the logo, the star is by far the most used source of communication in Iberostars campaigns. It is used in every ad, even several times supporting each short message within the main frame. By only using one main feature the company reaches consistency and therefore the customer is not confused about the values and performance of the business. The messages in both departments it may be said that all are short and specific. Simplicity and clarity are the main objectives of this aspect of short messages. Every message regards to at least one of the values or added values of the company.

In this screen this last idea can be seen easily. They are promoting Luxury and comfort while a luxurious ship is in the main banner of the webpage. Even the explanation of the cruise mentions luxury and comfort among its main ideas.


In the same context, the message and the added values come together to the customer as it is possible to see in the empirical data where the added values are explained. The company focus its bottom of the website in this added values and the offline advertising also shows in many of them these characteristics.

Bottom of the website Furthermore, Iberostar as a international company plans its advertising campaigns not locally but overseas bringing all the customers the chance to work with them. For instance, a customer who knows three languages (French as native, English and Spanish) and finds information in those three may not get confused as long as there may be cultural misunderstandings.


The final part of this research is based on the conclusions got from the entire work above. It is possible to see that using a unique strategy in both departments or communication strategies in different places brings to the company a better communication in its objectives. The use of IMC is every day more common and in an ongoing growth. To be leader in a market the company must follow this theory and especially in this case study of hotel company when Internet is more and more common tool among the customers to organize and look for information of their travels by the Net. According to Ferrel and Hartline (2006) the IMC importance has raised, meanwhile, due to it gives the company to foster long-run relationships with its clients. Through reaching the coordination of all touch points in the communication, the businesses using IMC transmit the idea that in reality they know their customers and care of them. After seen how Iberostar has and follows its values and sends the same messages in both departments it is possible to conclude that the Integrated Marketing Communications has an important part in the Iberostars advertising program. Therefore, customers and public do not get confused about the message they strive to send outside.



1. Principles of Marketing, Second European edition, 1999. Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, John Saunders, Veronica Wong. Chapters: 1, 3, 18, 19, 20. 2. Strategic Marketing, Doyle Peter and Stern Peter, 2006 Chapter: 9 3. Marketing Communications. Contexts, Strategies and Applications. Third edition, 2002. Chris Fill Chapter: 1, 20,21,22,23 4. Advertising and Promotion. An Integrated Marketing Communication Perspective. Sixth edition, 2003. George E. Belch and Michael A. Belch Chapter: 1 5. Marketing Teacher Ltd 2000-2007 www.marketingteacher.com/lessons 6. E-Marketing Strategies. The hows and whys of driving sales through ECommerce. Frank Fiore, First Edition, 2000. Chapters 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 7. A-K Strategic Business Solutions. http://www.akstrategic.com/clients.html 8. Wikipedia www.wikipedia.org 9. Howstufworks, by Tom Harris http://money.howstuffworks.com/banner-ad3.htm 10. SiteToolCenter.com 2007-05-16 http://www.sitetoolcenter.com/website-marketing/banner-ads-introduction.php 11. PromocionaTuWeb.com by Antonio Quiros http://promocionatuweb.com/articulos/importancia-buscadores.php 12. Whatis?com 2001. http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/0,,sid9_gci212901,00.html 13. Iberostars annual report. 2006. 14. Iberostars website.


15. Integrated Marketing Communications, Boston Harvard Business School, revised June 1, 2002, Robert J. Dolan. Chapter 10 16. Marketing Management Millennium Edition, Tenth Edition, by Philip Kotler. 2000 By Prestince Hall. Chapter Designing and managing Integrated Marketing Communications 17. Marketing Research. An applied orientation. Second Edition, Naresh K. Malhotra 18. Marketing Research. Second Edition A. Parasuraman


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