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­­Autoimmune gastritis
Marco Vincenzo Lenti1, Massimo Rugge2, Edith Lahner3, Emanuela Miceli1,
Ban-​Hock Toh4, Robert M. Genta5, Christophe De Block6, Chaim Hershko7,8
and Antonio Di Sabatino1 ✉
Abstract | Autoimmune gastritis (AIG) is an increasingly prevalent, organ-​specific, immune-
mediated disorder characterized by the destruction of gastric parietal cells, leading to the loss
of intrinsic factor and reduced acid output. These alterations result in malabsorption of iron,
vitamin B12 (pernicious anaemia) and potentially other micronutrients. For several years, most
studies have focused on pernicious anaemia only, generating confusion between the two entities.
In AIG, the gastric proton pump, H+/K+ ATPase, is the major autoantigen recognized by autoreactive
T cells. The T cell-​dependent activation of B cells stimulates the production of anti-​parietal cell
antibodies, the serological hallmark of AIG. The role of Helicobacter pylori infection in activating
or favouring the autoimmune process is still uncertain. Early histopathological alterations allowing
a more precise and prompt recognition have recently been described. AIG is burdened by a
substantial diagnostic delay as it can present with varied clinical signs including, among others,
gastrointestinal symptoms and neuropsychiatric manifestations. In advanced stages, AIG might
progress to neuroendocrine tumours and gastric adenocarcinoma. M­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­a­­­­­­­­­­­­­n­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­a­­­­­­g­­­­­­e­­m­ent i­­­­n­­c­­­l­u­­des e­­a­r­­ly
d­­e­t­­ec­­tion through a proactive case-​finding strategy, micronutrient supplementation and
endoscopic surveillance. This Primer comprehensively describes the most important insights
regarding the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of AIG, focusing
on the most controversial, outstanding issues and future directions.

Autoimmune gastritis (AIG), is a non-​self-​limiting, seems to be mediated by autoreactive T cells, although

chronic inflammatory disorder affecting the oxyntic the exact causative agent is unknown. The destruction
(acid-​secreting gastric compartment) mucosa, lead- of parietal cells leads to an increased pH of the sto­mach
ing to progressive mucosal atrophy1–5. The inflamma- and a loss of intrinsic factor, which, in turn, lead to
tion is restricted to the corpus and fundus glands of malabsorption of iron and vitamin B12, causing iron
the stomach, sparing the antrum, which distinguishes deficiency anaemia and pernicious anaemia, respec-
AIG from other conditions leading to atrophic gastritis tively. A common clinical presentation of AIG is indeed
(such as Helicobacter pylori infection) (Fig. 1). Oxyntic iron deficiency anaemia13–15, which might be present in
mucosal inflammation and its atrophic progression up to 25–50% of patients with AIG13,16, whereas per-
are the hallmarks of AIG and are considered sine qua nicious anaemia might be found in up to 15–25% of
non (absolutely necessary) for a confirmed diagnosis. patients16–19. Patients with AIG may complain of subtle
The topographical restriction results from the oxyn­ or unspecific upper gastrointestinal symptoms, espe-
tic location of the parietal cells triggering the auto­ cially dyspepsia, but most patients are usually asymp-
immune reaction6–8. Parietal cells (also known as oxyntic tomatic, before the onset of anaemia or neurological
cells) are epithelial cells that have two main functions: manifestations. Micronutrient malabsorption in AIG is
hydrochloric acid secretion and intrinsic factor (vita­ responsible for a wide clinical spectrum and often leads
min B12-binding glycoprotein) production. Only after to substantial diagnostic delay, favouring the occurrence
the widespread use of gastrointestinal endoscopy 9 of life-​threatening and irreversible complications20–24.
and the discovery of anti-​intrinsic factor antibodies Furthermore, the clinical spectrum of AIG is made
(IFAs) and anti-​parietal cell antibodies (PCAs) in the complex by its frequent association with other auto­
1960s10,11 was AIG recognized as a specific disorder12. immune diseases, especially Hashimoto thyroiditis
✉e-​mail: a.disabatino@ AIG is caused by the destruction of parietal cells, and by the increased risk of developing gastric adeno- secondary to the actions of PCA, which recognizes sub­ carcinoma and type 1 gastric neuroendocrine tumour units of the proton pump, H+/K+ ATPase, which is unique (NET)2,20,22. Unfortunately, no curative treatment for AIG
s41572-020-0187-8 to the parietal cells. The inflammatory process in AIG is currently available and long-​term trials investigating

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to the high rate of asymptomatic or pauci-​symptomatic

Author addresses
disease course and the lack of proactive screening strat-
Department of Internal Medicine, IRCCS San Matteo Hospital Foundation, University of egies. The prevalence of AIG also varies depending
Pavia, Pavia, Italy. on the clinical setting of enrolment, ethnicity and the
Department of Medicine (DIMED), Surgical Pathology & Cytopathology Unit, University
diagnostic criteria applied. For example, patients with
of Padua, Padua, Italy.
AIG-​induced iron or vitamin B12 deficiency might be
Department of Surgical-​Medical Sciences and Translational Medicine, Digestive and
Liver Disease Unit, Sant’Andrea Hospital, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy. asymptomatic and anaemia is often treated without fur-
Centre for Inflammatory Diseases, Monash Health, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and ther investigations to determine its aetiology20,27. In such
Health Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia. cases, AIG remains undiagnosed, hence underestimating
Department of Medicine, Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, Baylor College of its true prevalence. Similarly, in those patients under­going
Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA. gastroscopy, biopsy samples are not always acquired or
Department of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Metabolism, Faculty of Medicine, sampling is inconsistent with the recommended biopsy
Antwerp University Hospital and University of Antwerp, Antwerpen, Belgium. protocols, thereby precluding accurate estimates of AIG
Department of Hematology, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Hebrew University of incidence20,28. Additionally, concurrent H. pylori infec-
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel.
tion in patients with AIG often confounds the correct
Hematology Clinic and Central Clinical Laboratories, Clalit Health Services, Jerusalem, Israel.
classification of gastritis owing to antral involvement
in infectious gastritis. Finally, in many case series,
the use of immunosuppressant therapy in patients with AIG diagnosis was based on serological markers29,30,
AIG are lacking. such as PCA or IFA, gastrin-17 or pepsinogen levels
For several years, the term pernicious anaemia has only, without confirmatory biopsy. Both false-positive
been used as a synonym for AIG, thereby generating a and false-negative results can lead to both AIG over-
relevant selection bias in studies focusing on AIG, as diagnosis or under-diagnosis; hence, confirmatory biopsy
pernicious anaemia is only a part of the AIG clinical is always necessary for making a diagnosis.
spectrum. This might have led to an underestimation Epidemiological studies providing data on histologi-
of AIG prevalence. In addition, the classification of AIG cally confirmed AIG in the general population are lack-
has undergone several changes over time (Fig. 2). In fact, ing. Given that AIG is often indolent in early stages, its
before the discovery of H. pylori, which causes the most prevalence has been estimated to be ~0.5–4.5% globally31,
common type of chronic gastritis worldwide, the classi- widely varying depending on the setting of enrolment,
fication of gastritis was based on a topographical basis age, sex and ethnicity (Table 1). Hence, this information
rather than on the aetiology, generating some confusion should be cautiously interpreted in the light of these var-
among different types of gastritis. The currently accepted iables. To the best of our knowledge, no ad hoc Western
classification of gastritis is the updated version25 of the (including both Europe and America) population-​based
Sydney classification system26, which distinguishes studies focusing on prevalence of histologically proven
atrophic gastritis and non-​atrophic gastritis. In 2015, AIG are available. Nevertheless, AIG epidemiological
the Kyoto global consensus proposed an aetiology- data from Asian jurisdictions are emerging. A retrospec-
based classification7, which provides more details about tive Chinese study estimated an annual detection rate of
the gastritis aetiologies, in addition to incorporating the 0.9% of histologically and serologically diagnosed AIG32.
topographical classification of the Sydney system. This A Japanese study including 6,739 individuals undergo-
consensus has finally harmonized histopathological and ing routine medical checks found endoscopically and
clinical features of gastritis, providing a useful tool for serologically confirmed AIG in 0.49% of patients33. One
both pathologists and clinicians. study found a higher prevalence of AIG in Italy than
The relatively late discovery of H. pylori, the various in Asian jurisdictions. Amongst 2,286 patients attend-
classifications of gastritis and studies confounding AIG ing a gastroenterology outpatient clinic over 4 years,
with other forms of gastritis as well as using different 4.3% were diagnosed with AIG by both histology and
diagnostic criteria make it difficult to interpret published serology34. In the cross-​sectional central European histo­
data regarding AIG epidemiology and pathophysiology. GERD trial, among 1,123 individuals undergoing gastric
Moreover, the contribution of H. pylori to the auto­ biopsy, 2.3% were diagnosed with AIG, with a female to
immune process in AIG is still disputed. Several new stud- male ratio of 2.25:1 (ref.35).
ies have provided novel insights into AIG pathogenesis, Studies in which the prevalence of AIG was esti-
its clinical features, early recognition and management. mated on the basis of the presence of PCAs or IFAs have
In this Primer, we provide a comprehensive description reported a higher prevalence (8–20%) than studies that
of this multifaceted disorder, including its epidemiol- estimated prevalence based on histology30. Different
ogy, pathophysiology in murine models and humans, case series from various regions have shown that PCAs
diagnostic challenges and controversies, and overall can be found in up to 85–90% of adults with pernicious
management. Finally, we discuss the most pressing ques- anaemia and AIG, whereas IFAs are present in 35–60%
tions in the field that will direct future research to better of patients with pernicious anaemia and AIG17,36. The
understand and treat this disorder. prevalence of AIG based on cases of pernicious anaemia
is estimated to be ~0.1% in the general population and
Epidemiology ~2% in individuals >60 years of age17,27,37. Low serum
Epidemiological data on AIG are scant and difficult to vitamin B12 and the presence of IFAs confirm a diagnosis
interpret. According to current evidence, the prevalence of pernicious anaemia and should not be misdiagnosed
of AIG seems likely to have been underestimated, owing as megaloblastic anaemia resulting from insufficient

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Fundus neck cell
Parietal cell
Chief cell
angularis Corpus Somatostatin
Ghrelin cell


Fig. 1 | Anatomical localization of AIG. The gastric mucosa includes two phenotypic and functional compartments,
namely, the cranial oxyntic and the distal mucosecreting. The different biological profiles of the oxyntic and mucosecreting
gastric mucosa result in different susceptibilities to environmental or host-​related noxious agents. In the native stomach,
the oxyntic mucosa covers the cranial two-​thirds of the mucosal surface (that is, the fundus and the corpus mucosa) and is
gradually replaced distally by the antral mucosecreting glands. The boundary between these two functional areas follows a
rounded line, cranially centred at the incisura angularis. Autoimmune gastritis (AIG) affects the corpus and fundus, causing
mucosal atrophy that spares the antrum. Parietal cells, which are the main target cells in AIG, are located only in the oxyntic
mucosa and produce hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor. Parietal cells reside along with other cells including chief cells
(also known as zymogenic cells, which mainly produce pepsinogen), mucous neck cells (which produce mucins),
enterochromaffin-​like (ECL) cells, ghrelin cells and somatostatin cells.

vitamin B12 intake, long-​term proton pump inhibitor multicentre study involving 654 patients with AIG
use and small-​bowel bacterial overgrowth27. Pernicious confirmed by histology and serology showed a similar
anaemia was once considered a disorder mainly affect- trend in the proportion of patients with microcytic or
ing elderly women of Northern European ethnicity (with macrocytic anaemia in different age groups42.
a female to male ratio of ~2:1), but subsequent studies With active and regular endoscopic or histological
have found a similar prevalence of pernicious anaemia surveillance in patients with AIG and/or pernicious
in different ethnic groups (white, Caucasian, African anaemia, type 1 gastric NETs are observed in 4–12%
American, and non-​white Hispanic), affecting any age of patients47–50. These patients also carry a 3–7-​fold
group20,34,38–41. In fact, in studies from Turkey and Italy, increased risk of gastric adenocarcinoma, with an inci-
the mean ages of men with pernicious anaemia were dence of 0.9–9%47,51,52. Indeed, a prospective cohort study
in the range 49–55 years and of women with pernicious involving 200 patients with histologically proven AIG
anaemia were in the range 40–61 years20,34,40,41. with a mean follow-​up of 7.5 years found an annual
Anaemia was found in ~50% of patients at AIG diag- incidence of 0.25% per person-​year for gastric can-
nosis; iron deficiency anaemia was more common in cer (95% CI 0.07–0.6%), 0.43% per person-​year for
younger women (<50 years of age) than in older women gastric dysplasia (95% CI 0.2–0.9%) and 0.68% per
(>65 years of age) and men, and pernicious anaemia person-​year for type 1 gastric NET (95% CI 0.3–1.2%)50.
was frequently observed in elderly men. A high prev- A meta-​analysis of 27 studies including 22,417 patients
alence (57.3%) of iron deficiency was observed even in with pernicious anaemia found a pooled gastric cancer
patients without anaemia42. Patients with unexplained (all types) incidence of 0.27% per person-​year and a
iron deficiency anaemia or those with refractory iron pooled gastric cancer recurrence rate of 6.8% (95% CI
deficiency anaemia (that is, those who do not respond 2.6–18.1%)52. Finally, in a long-​term, prospective study
to iron supplementation) should be investigated for focusing on the natural history of AIG in 282 individ-
AIG. Refractory iron deficiency anaemia is present uals, gastric adenocarcinoma was not detected in these
in 15–27% of patients, which is 4–6-​fold higher than in patients23. Hence, the risk of developing gastric adeno-
patients with coeliac disease, one of the most common carcinoma in particular in patients with AIG, although
causes of iron deficiency anaemia13,43–46. Of 160 patients not negligible, seems to be lower than that related to
with AIG (only a proportion of whom had histologically H. pylori infection53. A study from the USA involving
confirmed AIG as not all underwent endoscopy), 83 pre- 59 patients with AIG found an incidence of 14.2 per
sented with iron deficiency anaemia, 48 with normocytic 1,000 person-​year for gastric cancer (~6.4 years after
indices (no change in the size of red blood cells (RBCs)) the index gastroscopy)54.
and 29 with macrocytic anaemia (increased RBC size)14.
The mean age of patients with iron deficiency anaemia Comorbidities
was 41 ± 15 years, which was 21 years younger than All diseases in the spectrum of autoimmune diseases may
the mean age of patients with macrocytosis. This find- be potentially associated with gastric autoimmunity. The
ing is in line with the fact that iron deficiency usually prevalence of AIG is 3–5 times greater in patients with
occurs earlier in the natural history of AIG. A larger, autoimmune thyroid disease or type 1 diabetes mellitus

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R. G. Strickland 1973 Type A Type B

and I. R. Mackay

P. Correa 1988 Post-gastrectomy Lymphocytic Diffuse corporal Multifocal atrophic Diffuse antral
gastritis gastritis (autoimmune) environmental gastritis
gastritis gastritis

D. A. Owen 1989 No specific No specific Chronic non-specific Chronic non-specific Chronic non-specific
category category gastritis, type A gastritis, type B gastritis, type B

J. H. Yardley 1990 Chemical gastritis Lymphocytic Metaplastic atrophic Metaplastic atrophic H. pylori gastritis
gastritis gastritis, type A gastritis, type B
(autoimmune) (environmental)

M. F. Dixon 1990 Type C gastritis Lymphocytic Type A chronic Chronic non-specific Type B gastritis
gastritis gastritis gastritis, type B

K. L. Lewin 1992 Alkaline reflux Lymphocytic Non-erosive, Non-erosive, Non-erosive,

gastritis gastritis non-specific gastritis, non-specific non-specific
severe atrophic gastritis gastritis, H. pylori
fundic gland gastritis

H. D. Appelman 1994 Chemical Lymphocytic, Type A, Type B, H. pylori type

gastropathies sprue-like, autoimmune, non-autoimmune,
Ménétrier-like diffuse body, multifocal,
diffuse corporal environmental

M. F. Dixon et al.a 1996 Chemical Lymphocytic Atrophic Multifocal atrophic Non-atrophic,

(special form) (special form) autoimmune (type AB), H. pylori H. pylori
or environmental (other factors?)

K. Sugano et al.b 2015 Gastritis due to Gastritis due to Autoimmune Infectious gastritis
external causes specified causes gastritis (H. pylori and
(also including (also including other agents)
chemical lymphocytic
gastritis) gastritis)

Fig. 2 | Summary of classifications of gastritis. Classifications of gastritis changed over time. The discovery of Helicobacter pylori marked a turning
and their relative nomenclature have changed over time and these changes point and led to the modern classifications. Both topography and aetiology
reflect the progressive knowledge accumulated about this disease. Initially, are essential for classifying gastritis. The schematics of the stomach at the
Strickland and Mackay introduced the concept of two distinct forms of bottom of the timeline show the topographical distribution of mucosal
gastritis, namely type A (corpus-​restricted and fundus-​restricted gastritis) damage in each type of gastritis. aThe so-​called updated Sydney system,
and type B (antrum-​predominant gastritis with minor and focal changes in which is a revision of the Sydney classification proposed in 1991 (not shown).
the corpus mucosa). The aetiology of type A and type B gastritis was b
Kyoto global consensus focused on gastritis aetiology, recommending that
identified following a few years and definitions of gastritis have slightly gastritis be categorized according to gastric anatomical localization.

(T1DM)29,31 than in the general population. In a case in other series. The association between AIG and auto-
series including 99 patients with AIG, >50% had another immune thyroiditis is considered a specific syndrome,
autoimmune disease and 13% had two or more auto- known as thyrogastric syndrome55. Hashimoto thy-
immune diseases34; these findings were also confirmed roiditis is the most commonly associated autoimmune

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Table 1 | Relevant characteristics of studies reporting the prevalence of AIG

Region Study design and setting Prevalence Diagnostic Mean age of Ref.
(%) criteria patients (years)
Austria, Multicentre study in patients undergoing 2.3 H 52 35

Germany gastroscopy
Canary Population-​based, cross-​sectional serology study 7.8 SAb 53 168

Islands in the general population

China Retrospective evaluation of patients undergoing 3.1 H, SAb 60 32

Germany Population-​based cross-​sectional serology study 19.5 SAb 62 141

in the general population

Italy Patients referred to a gastroenterological 4.3 H, SAb 59 34

outpatient clinic
Italy Cross-​sectional study in healthy blood donors 10 SAb 45 169

Japan Healthy individuals undergoing gastroscopy as 0.5 E, SAb, Sb 51 33

a part of routine check-​up

AIG, autoimmune gastritis; E, endoscopy; H, histological evaluation of gastric biopsies; SAb, serological testing of anti-​parietal
cell antibody and/or anti-​intrinsic factor antibody; Sb, serological biopsy measuring gastrin-17 and/or pepsinogen levels or
pepsinogen ratio.

disorder with AIG, while the association between Risk factors

Graves’ disease and AIG has seldom been reported20,31,34. Ageing and sex. The substantial latency between the
In fact, the prevalence of Hashimoto thyroiditis is asymptomatic onset of AIG and the manifestation
3–8-​fold higher in patients with AIG than in the general of clinical symptoms (if any) might potentially skew
population56. An observational study from Italy found the strength of ageing as a risk factor. The prevalence
that 53% of patients with AIG had autoimmune thy- of AIG increases with age as well as the prevalence of
roid disease of any type and the risk factors associated PCA positivity, increasing from 2.5% in the third dec-
with the development of thyroiditis were female sex ade to 12% in the eighth decade in the general popu-
(OR 5.6), PCA positivity (OR 2.5) and intestinal metaplasia lation37,70. Interestingly, although data suggest that AIG
(OR 2.2)57. Moreover, the incidence of other autoimmune is more common in the elderly population, this might
diseases was higher in patients with AIG and concurrent be owing to the relative paucity of studies investigating
thyroiditis than in patients with AIG only. AIG in the paediatric population. In a few case series,
Besides thyroiditis, the other frequently associated histologically confirmed or serologically confirmed
autoimmune disorders are T1DM, Addison disease AIG has been found in paediatric patients, with auto­
and vitiligo. Furthermore, PCA positivity is found in immunity (especially autoimmune thyroid disease) or
10–15% of children (<18 years of age) and 15–25% of iron deficiency anaemia being the most common causes
adults (40.8 ± 12.1 years of age) with T1DM15,58. In a of diagnosis71–73.
study including 88 patients with T1DM (of whom 47 Among adults, women are more frequently affected
were PCA-​positive) undergoing gastroscopy with gas- by AIG, with an average female to male ratio of 2–3:1.
tric biopsy, histologically confirmed AIG was detected in Several studies have confirmed the predominance
57% of PCA-​positive patients and 10% of PCA-​negative of AIG in women of different ethnicities74–83, as also
patients48. This study stresses the need for histologi- observed in autoimmune thyroid disease84, with the
cal assessment for making the diagnosis of AIG, given exception of a Turkish study, which found predomi-
that PCA may be negative in a substantial proportion nance in men40, and a Japanese study, which found no
of patients. Moreover, in the same study, PCA-​positive significant sex difference33.
patients demonstrated severe corpus atrophy com-
pared with PCA-​negative patients. By contrast, a study H. pylori infection. The role of H. pylori infection
involving 1,072 patients with T1DM found an AIG in AIG is still uncertain. One study demonstrated
prevalence of 7.5% among PCA-​positive patients, with cross-​reactivity between H. pylori-​induced antibodies
no histological confirmation59. In addition, up to 20% and human oxyntic mucosa, in particular with the lumi-
of patients with Addison disease were diagnosed with nal surface of glandular cells and secretory canaliculi of
AIG (based on PCA positivity alone)60 and 10–15% parietal cells85. Additionally, some studies have shown
of patients with vitiligo had histologically confirmed concurrent H. pylori infection in patients with AIG86–88.
AIG61,62. Finally, data regarding the association between Similarly, PCA can also be present in H. pylori-​related
AIG and other autoimmune diseases including primary atrophic and non-​atrophic gastritis89. PCA positivity was
The transformation of a specific hyperparathyroidism63, rheumatoid arthritis34, myas- found in all patients with H. pylori-​positive multifocal
cell type into another mature thenia gravis64, coeliac disease34,65, chronic spontaneous atrophic gastritis90.
cell type. urticaria66, perioral cutaneous autoimmune conditions
(for example, erosive oral lichen planus)67, inflammatory Genetic risk factors. Studies have shown a strong
Secretory channels through
bowel disease68, autoimmune haemolytic anaemia68, familial clustering for AIG91. Concordance of perni-
which hydrochloric acid is systemic lupus erythematosus68 and autoimmune liver cious anaemia was observed in 12 sets of monozygotic
actively transported. disease69 are sparse and fragmentary. twins, suggesting a possible genetic predisposition to

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AIG92. Although firm evidence is still lacking, a first-​ Histological changes

degree family history of AIG has been reported in up Two phenotypic phases, both typically restricted to the
to 16.5% of patients with AIG20. First-​degree relatives oxyntic mucosa, can be distinguished in the natural
of T1DM probands with PCA had a higher frequency of history of AIG. The early phase (also referred to as the
thyrogastric antibodies than relatives of PCA-​negative non-​atrophic phase) is characterized by oxyntic inflam-
T1DM probands and the general population15. This mation involving a polymorphic cell population such as
implies that individuals with PCA positivity seem to lymphocytes, plasma cells, mast cells and a variable num-
harbour a genetic predisposition to the development of ber of polymorphs (acute inflammatory cells), including
autoimmunity, which can also be present in first-​degree a prominent eosinophilic component. Lymphocytes
relatives. may be structurally organized in lymphoid follicles in
Genetic risk factors predisposing individuals to the gastric mucosa, consistent with the activation of an
AIG are poorly understood. Patients with AIG and inflammatory process. The late phase or the atrophic
pernicious anaemia associated with autoimmune stage is characterized by longstanding inflammation
endocrine diseases were reported to have an increased that causes major structural alterations of the glandular
frequency of the serotypes HLA-​B 8 (relative risk compartment, resulting in progressive loss of the native
2.2), HLA-​B18 (relative risk 9.0), and HLA-​Bw*15 oxyntic glands. This resultant mucosal atrophy is pro-
(relative risk 2.0), whereas those without autoimmune moted by pro-​inflammatory cytokines, including IL-11
endocrine diseases showed increased frequencies of (ref.99) and IL-17A100. The most simple atrophic change
HLA-​B7 (relative risk 1.6) and HLA-​B12 (relative risk (‘glandular vanishing’) involves the replacement of single
3.1)93. However, given that this is just a single observa- glandular units by micro-​scars of inflamed fibrous tis-
tion, comparing the findings of previously published sue, owing to the infiltration of immune cells. Glandular
studies investigating other autoimmune diseases is vanishing mostly coexists with metaplastic transfor-
difficult. Whether these serotypes have a predispos- mations, that is, the development of metaplasia, of the
ing or a protective effect on the development of AIG oxyntic glands. Two types of mucosal metaplasia usually
is unclear and more studies are needed to confirm a coexist, namely pseudo-​pyloric metaplasia and intestinal
possible causative relationship. Another study found metaplasia.
an increased frequency of HLA-​DR2 or HLA-​DR4 Pseudo-​pyloric metaplasia refers to the presence
(relative risk 6.9) and HLA-​DR4 or HLA-​DR5 (relative of antral type of glands in the corpus or fundus of the
risk 5.4) in patients with pernicious anaemia without stomach, which is referred to as oxyntic antraliza-
endocrine comorbidities94. Heterogeneity in HLA hap- tion, that can occur in AIG. Most recently, based on
lotypes in different clinical subgroups might reflect its molecular and immunohistochemical profiles, this
the genetic heterogeneity of pernicious anaemia and, metaplastic transformation has been relabelled as spas-
possibly, AIG. One study found a weak association molytic polypeptide-​expressing metaplasia (SPEM).
between AIG and HLA-​DR5, in linkage disequilibrium This term better reflects its molecular profile, rather
with DQA1*0501:DQB1*0301 (ref.95). than its histopathological appearance. SPEM cell lin-
So far, two studies have specifically focused on HLA eage expresses TFF2 (encoding a protein involved in
haplotypes in patients with AIG96,97. In an Italian study, mucosal protection) and MUC6 (encoding a protein
the prevalence of HLA-​DRB1*03 and HLA-​DRB1*04 involved in the mucosal epithelial barrier). The origin of
alleles was higher (P < 0.01) in patients with AIG than SPEM lineage is still debated and current experimental
in the control group (general population from the same evidence suggests that it originates from a ‘compen-
geographical area)96. In the same study, HLA-​DRB1*03 satory’ proliferation of neck cells, as a consequence of
and HLA-​DRB1*04 were also mostly associated with the destruction of the oxyntic glands101. In individuals
autoimmune thyroid diseases (P < 0.01) and the pres- with H. pylori infection, oxyntic antralization allows
ence of intestinal metaplasia (P < 0.01). By contrast, H. pylori to expand its intragastric niche102, potentially
HLA-​DRB1*01 was more common in healthy individ- perpetuating the bacterial damage. As AIG progresses,
uals (P < 0.01). A Finnish study found an association both native oxyntic and/or SPEM-​transformed glands
between AIG and HLA-​DRB1*04 and HLA-​DQB1*03, might undergo further metaplastic changes, which
but not with HLA-​DRB1*03 (ref.97). These three HLA is marked by the emergence of metaplastic glands
haplotypes are also frequently associated with other auto- co-​expressing TFF2 and MUC2, early markers of intes-
immune conditions, such as T1DM, rheumatoid arthritis tinal commitment103. A further definitive intestinal
and systemic lupus erythematosus98, thereby supporting metaplasia is associated with the expression of CDX2,
a common HLA-​dependent autoimmune pathway. a transcription factor of the ParaHox family, crucial for
intestinal organogenesis104,105. The mechanisms under-
Mechanisms/pathophysiology lying the development of intestinalized goblet cell-​rich
The aetiology and exact order of events leading to the glands in AIG are only partially elucidated. The goblet
development of AIG are unclear. The mechanisms cells, which appear as pale cells with haematoxylin and
underlying AIG are complex and, in particular, the trig- eosin staining due to the presence of mucin, are hypoth-
ger of autoimmunity and the underlying early events esized to originate via an earlier SPEM stage or from the
causing the immunological cascade and the progres- native oxyntic glands106. Different variants of intestinal
sion to mucosal damage are yet to be clearly defined. metaplasia have been classified according to their dif-
Accordingly, we describe here the current knowledge ferential expression of sialo-​mucins and sulfo-​mucins
regarding AIG pathophysiology (Fig. 3). in goblet cells (complete intestinal metaplasia) and

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↓ HCl → ↑ Gastrin ↓ Gastric

H. pylori microbiota
Parietal Apoptotic Intrinsic diversity
Chief cell parietal CD8+ factor
Mucous cell TLR5 cell ECL cell
T cell Perforin hyperplasia
neck cell

Basal ECL ATPase Fas FasL IL-12
cell TCR
membrane IL-23 MMPs induce
IL-21 atrophy and fibrosis Neuroendocrine
TSLP IFNγ IL-17A tumour

Plasma cell

Autoreactive B cell
CD4+ TH1 and/or
Blood TH17 cell
vessel PCA

Fig. 3 | Pathogenetic mechanisms of AIG. The oxyntic mucosa consists of many cells, including chief cells, mucous
neck cells, enterochromaffin-​like (ECL) cells and parietal cells. The gastric proton pump, H+/K+ ATPase, on parietal cells is
the major target autoantigen recognized by anti-​parietal cell antibodies (PCAs). PCA targets both the α-​subunits and
β-​subunits of the proton pump. Anti-​intrinsic factor antibodies (IFAs) are also found in patients with AIG. A number of
pro-​inflammatory cytokines are produced by activated autoreactive T cells, amplifying the immune response and
favouring parietal cell apoptosis, through a Fas–Fas ligand (FasL) and perforin–granzyme mechanism. The consequent
extensive tissue remodelling, possibly sustained by gastric myofibroblasts and conspicuous eosinophil infiltration, can
lead to the atrophy of the oxyntic mucosa. Helicobacter pylori might promote the autoimmune process (through molecular
mimicry) in a subset of patients, especially in those carrying specific toll-​like receptors (TLRs), such as TLR5 rs5744174 C-​
allele. Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) seems to negatively regulate the onset of AIG, at least in experimental models.
Finally, the achlorhydric state might increase gastrin-17 levels and favour gastric microbiota alterations, that both promote
the development of gastric neoplastic lesions, particularly type 1 gastric neuroendocrine tumours (NETs). IFN, interferon;
MHC, major histocompatibility complex; MMPs, matrix metalloproteinases; TH cell, T helper cell; TSLPR, thymic stromal
lymphopoietin receptor.

columnar cells (incomplete intestinal metaplasia), by the PCA128. In in vitro studies, PCA demonstrated a
respectively107–111. Of note, very little is known about complement-​dependent cytotoxic activity against gas-
the exact prevalence of intestinal metaplasia in patients tric parietal cells129. However, circulating PCAs alone are
with AIG at various stages. In patients with AIG with unlikely to have a direct pathogenetic role, as has been
previous or concomitant H. pylori infection, atrophic shown in other studies on experimental AIG (Box 1).
metaplastic lesions might involve both muco-​secreting Further, patients with AIG can be PCA-​negative20,130
antral glands (H. pylori-​mediated) and corpus or fundus and, in fact, AIG has also been found in a relatively
oxyntic mucosa (immune-​mediated). The risk of gas- high proportion of patients with common variable
tric adenocarcinoma development is higher in such an immuno­deficiency (an immune disorder characterized
extensive atrophic setting than in single or pure oxyntic by recurrent infections and low immunoglobulin levels),
gland-​restricted autoimmune damage112–114. most of whom are PCA-​negative131. In these patients,
cell-​mediated immunity is thought to play a major part
Immune pathways in the development of AIG and can only be diagnosed
The pathogenetic mechanisms that trigger the destruc- by histology. IgG4-​producing plasma cells have also been
tion of parietal cells in AIG are still poorly understood found in the mucosa of patients with AIG, but only in
and most of our knowledge originates from prelimi- those who had developed pernicious anaemia, without
nary studies involving few patients and findings from proving a possible pathogenetic effect132. Thus, despite
experimental AIG animal models115–125 (Box  1). The being considered the hallmark of autoimmunity in AIG,
gastric proton pump H+/K+ ATPase located on pari- PCA and IFA seem to have no direct role in the apop-
etal cells is the major target autoantigen recognized by tosis of parietal cells in humans and are not constantly
the PCA126. The major epitope is located between resi- present in AIG.
dues 360 and 525 on the cytosolic side of the secretory The major pathogenetic role in AIG is instead attrib-
membrane127 and both the α-​subunit (100 kDa, catalytic) uted to autoreactive T helper 1 (TH1) cells and cytotoxic
and β-​subunit (60–90 kDa, glycoprotein) are targeted T cells, which are found in the mucosa of patients with

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Box 1 | Animal models of AIG between H. pylori infection and development of AIG
has been hypothesized. However, whether H. pylori can
Four different experimental autoimmune gastritis (AIG) mouse models — lymphopenic, initiate the immunological process leading to the devel-
non-​lymphopenic, transgenic and spontaneous — have been developed115,116. In albino opment of AIG remains to be elucidated138. According
BALB/c mice, neonatal thymectomy induces AIG in up to 70% of the mice, but to a study involving four women with AIG and concur-
autoimmunity can also be elicited by immunization with gastric mucosal extracts in
rent H. pylori infection, in vivo-​activated gastric CD4+
non-​thymectomized mice115,117,118. AIG can be induced in 0–77% of mice of different
strains, suggesting that different genetic backgrounds might play a role in AIG T cells from the patients showed cross-​reactivity with
development119. both H+/K+ ATPase and H. pylori antigens139. More
One study investigated the role of anti-​parietal cell antibodies (PCAs) in AIG in-​depth, biopsy specimens of their gastric mucosa
pathogenesis in an experimental model120. A group of mice were treated with PCAs were cultured in IL-2-​conditioned medium to expand
from the serum of patients with AIG. The mice demonstrated a marked reduction in T cells, which were isolated and cloned. These T cells
parietal cells, with no inflammation in the gastric mucosa. This finding supports the were then cultured with H+/K+ ATPase, H. pylori anti-
hypothesis that humoral immunity alone is not sufficient to cause AIG in vivo. gens or both. Each clone was retested for proliferation
Another important milestone in experimental AIG was achieved in a study to the individual peptide components of the pool that
investigating the role of thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), a key, epithelium-​derived, had induced a high mitogenic index. The study identi-
anti-​inflammatory cytokine involved in T cell maturation121,122. TSLP receptor-​deficient
fied nine cross-​reactive epitopes belonging to H. pylori
mice had an earlier and more aggressive form of atrophic gastritis, with a predominance
of CD4+ T cells and high PCA levels. Hence, TSLP seems to negatively regulate the proteins, which induced T cell in vitro proliferation
development of AIG. and expression of a TH1 profile, possibly via molecular
Other pro-​inflammatory cytokines found to be overexpressed in experimental AIG mimicry. This finding might underline two different
include TNF, IL-21 and IL-17A123–125. mechanisms of AIG pathogenesis, one dependent on a
pure autoimmune process directed against parietal cells
and the other favoured by H. pylori infection. Although
AIG133. However, the triggers for the expansion of these intriguing, these findings should not be over-​interpreted,
clones are unknown. According to one landmark study, as only a few patients were included, and do not explain
H+/K+ ATPase was able to induce ex vivo proliferation of why H. pylori infection (active or past) is less common
gastric mucosa CD4+ T cell clones, most of which were in patients with AIG20,34.
TH1 cells133 (Fig. 3). Moreover, these cells produced TNF Moreover, the prevalence of AIG seems to be
and IFNγ, thereby confirming a typical TH1 cytokine decreased in geographical areas with a high preva-
profile. Autoreactive H+/K+ ATPase-​specific T cells also lence of H. pylori infection, such as South America
trigger immunoglobulin production by B cells. Most of and Africa140. A Japanese study found an inverse trend
the autoreactive T cells demonstrated perforin-​mediated between the overall decreased prevalence of H. pylori
cytotoxicity, directed against H+/K+ ATPase-​pulsed and the increased prevalence of AIG75. Furthermore,
autologous Epstein–Barr virus-​t ransformed B cells in a large epidemiological study in Germany, PCA was
(which act as antigen-​presenting cells), and Fas–Fas inversely correlated with anti-​H. pylori antibodies141.
ligand pathway-​mediated apoptosis. Epstein–Barr Taking these data together, factors other than the infec-
virus-​transformed B cells are commonly used as a model tion per se could potentially explain these apparent dis-
of autologous antigen-​presenting cells; hence, they are crepancies. For example, the demonstration that patients
perfectly suited to studying AIG. A new study focused with AIG were more likely to express specific Toll-​like
on the immune response elicited by intrinsic factor in receptors (TLRs), such as TLR5 rs5744174 C (cytosine)
seven patients with pernicious anaemia134. Activated allele or T (thymine) allele, could explain the different
autoreactive CD4+ T cells that recognized intrinsic fac- immune responses against H. pylori and different sus-
tor were found in the gastric mucosa of patients and ceptibility to the development of gastric cancer142. TLRs
most of these cells showed a TH17 or a TH1 phenotype are proteins that have a key role in immune responses
and secreted TNF and IL-21. Intrinsic factor was also directed against infections, but they have also been
able to activate cytotoxic T cells against parietal cells. implicated in other inflammatory processes and in car-
Notably, these autoreactive T cell clones were not found cinogenesis. TLRs are primarily expressed on the surface
in patients with H. pylori infection. of immune cells, especially macrophages and dendritic
Defective spleen function (hyposplenism), defined cells, but they can also be expressed on other cells, such
by a pitted RBC count of >4%, has been found in 55% of as lymphocytes and endothelial cells. A number of dif-
patients with AIG135. This might promote or maintain ferent TLR C or T variants have been associated with
the inflammatory processes underlying AIG. However, different disorders. In this study, patients with H. pylori
this possibility still needs to be confirmed. Similarly, infection who developed gastric cancer showed the
hyposplenism is also implicated to some extent in the TLR5 T/T genotype more frequently than patients with
pathogenesis of other immune-​mediated gastrointesti- AIG and no gastric cancer, and both groups showed a
nal conditions, such as coeliac disease and inflammatory trend towards an increased anti-​H. pylori antibody
bowel disease136,137. titre compared with individuals with either C/C or C/T
geno­types. The assessment of TLR5 genotypes could be
Role of H. pylori helpful for stratifying patients for the risk of developing
Studies have shown that up to 30% of individuals with gastric cancer.
H. pylori infection display autoantibodies to the cana- Bacteria in the gut other than H. pylori are also pos-
liculi of parietal cells. These autoantibodies disappear tulated to have a role in AIG pathogenesis, especially in
after eradication of infection. Hence, an association gastric carcinogenesis. A more diverse microbial pattern

8 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:56


was found in patients with AIG than in patients with The absorption of calcium begins in the acidic envi-
H. pylori-​induced atrophic gastritis or in those treated ronment of the stomach with the dissolution of calcium
with proton pump inhibitors, but the implication of this salts to form calcium chloride, which further dissociates
finding still needs to be clarified143. to Ca2+ (ref.150). One study reported that the absorption
of calcium carbonate and calcium citrate, measured
Achlorhydria and its consequences by a modified double-​isotope procedure, was lower in
The parietal cells have a unique structure and one of the patients with achlorhydria than in healthy individuals151.
highest densities of mitochondria in the human body However, other studies have found normal calcium
owing to the high demand for ATP, used by the proton absorption in patients with AIG and, therefore, the issue
pump to generate the typical acidic environment found of calcium malabsorption in patients with AIG remains
in the stomach during food digestion. The presence controversial152.
of numerous secretory canaliculi provides the parietal Additionally, one study found significantly lower
cells with a high surface area144. Parietal cell function is 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in patients with AIG
strictly regulated by both endocrinal and neuronal stim- than in patients with non-​atrophic gastritis or in the
ulation via the vagus nerve. The secretion of hydrochlo- general population153. The authors speculated that
ric acid and intrinsic factor is stimulated by histamine, vitamin D deficiency in AIG might lead to a loss of
produced by enterochromaffin-​like (ECL) cells in the immune-​regulatory and anti-​inflammatory functions
corpus or fundus glands, and by gastrin, secreted by of 1,25-​dihydroxyvitamin D and might be a risk factor
gastrin-​producing cells in the antrum. With progres- in the development of autoimmunity. Finally, studies
sive destruction of parietal cells, hydrochloric acid and have found an increased prevalence of hyperparathy-
intrinsic factor production decreases, alongside a simul- roidism secondary to vitamin D deficiency in patients
taneous progressive hyperplasia of gastrin-​producing with AIG76.
cells and ECL cells, all of which characterize early stages
of AIG. As the disease progresses, the corpus and fun- Diagnosis, screening and prevention
dus atrophy becomes extensive, intragastric pH increases Clinical features
(achlorhydria) and ECL cell hyperplasia that was initially AIG is usually under-​diagnosed; the clinical presenta-
linear, becomes micronodular and, in more advanced tion is usually non-​specific and nuanced, which leads
stages, can advance to type 1 gastric NET. to substantial diagnostic delay20. Until micronutrient
Lack of gastric acidity in AIG is the key causative deficiencies manifest, patients might be asymptomatic
factor for abnormal iron absorption 145. In fact, the as most symptoms are mild or might complain of gastro­
reduction of ferric iron to ferrous iron is favoured by intestinal symptoms, especially dyspepsia, as found in
an acid environment, which is typically found in a nor- many series20,34,41,74,154.
mal stomach. Similarly, other studies have also shown
that iron absorption is dependent on normal gastric Gastrointestinal symptoms. Gastrointestinal symptoms
hydrochloric acid secretion, which is essential for dis- are very common in patients with AIG. Achlorhydria can
solving and reducing dietary iron146,147. Iron is mostly impair gastric motility and might favour bacterial over-
stored in the liver and iron stores are usually depleted growth in the small intestine, which, in turn, are respon-
over a few months in the presence of increased require- sible for gastrointestinal symptoms155. Surprisingly, the
ment, decreased intake or malabsorption. By contrast, presence of dyspepsia is associated with longer AIG
vitamin B12 stores in the liver are depleted over several diagnostic delay (>24 months), especially if the patient
years. Consequently, iron deficiency anaemia manifests had a previous misdiagnosis of functional dyspepsia20.
earlier than pernicious anaemia. In fact, in patients with dyspeptic symptoms with no
alarm features, apart from ruling out H. pylori infection
Other micronutrient deficiencies with non-​invasive tests, no further investigations for
Deficiency of several other vitamins and micronutrients the presence of other organic conditions, such as AIG,
in patients with AIG has been reported148. However, are performed and the patients remain undiagnosed.
collectively, present knowledge on the relationship Postprandial fullness, early satiety, nausea and weight
Macro-​ovalocytes between AIG and vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin D loss are among the most common symptoms experi-
Abnormally large red blood and calcium homeostasis is limited and controversial. enced by patients with AIG20,34,41,154. To note, the findings
cells. Hence, further studies are required to establish the rela- in two series indicate that the presence of gastroesoph-
tionship, if any, between AIG and a deficiency of these ageal reflux disease should not rule out a concomitant
The co-​presence of micronutrients. diagnosis of AIG78,156. Non-​acid reflux was found to be
erythrocytes of different sizes The prevalence of vitamin C deficiency in individu- the cause of gastroesophageal reflux disease in most
in the peripheral blood. als with AIG is unknown. A study of metabolic interre- patients with AIG.
lationships in patients with pernicious anaemia found
neutrophils subnormal plasma ascorbate concentrations before vita- Haematological manifestations. Anaemia (any type) is
Neutrophils presenting more min B12 therapy149. Low plasma ascorbate concentrations the most characteristic feature of AIG that often leads to
than three nuclear segments. improved following vitamin B12 administration and nor- its diagnosis157. Pernicious anaemia is a form of megalo-
malization of methylmalonate excretion (a biochemical blastic anaemia characterized by vitamin B12 deficiency,
Low levels of haemoglobin,
index indicative of vitamin B12 deficiency), which might macro-​ovalocytes, anisocytosis, hyper-​segmented neutrophils
platelets and white blood cells underlie a potential interconnection between vitamin B12 and, in some cases, pancytopenia. Before the onset of
in the peripheral blood. and vitamin C metabolism. overt anaemia, a few haematological alterations can

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Mean corpuscular volume be present, including isolated mean corpuscular volume (75% for AIG and 100% for pernicious anaemia)164.
The mean volume of alterations and/or anisocytosis only20,34. Especially in Nonetheless, observational studies have produced dis-
erythrocytes in the peripheral young women in whom menstruation and pregnancy crepant results: ELISA was shown to be ~30% more
blood. add a strain on nutritional requirements, iron deficiency sensitive than immunofluorescence, and ELISA-​positive
usually develops years before the depletion of cobala- tests and immunofluorescence-​negative tests were both
An abnormal sensation that min stores14,44. Patients with combined vitamin B12 and demonstrated to be true positives by immunoblotting
may include a burning, tingling iron deficiency, as commonly observed in late stages of with gastric membranes165.
or prickling. AIG, might have dimorphic anaemia, which is usually In a further study involving 165 patients with
characterized by normal mean corpuscular volume and biopsy-​proven AIG and 113 dyspeptic controls, ELISA
The sense of position and
anisocytosis. Dimorphic anaemia was found in ~30% was used to detect PCA and IFA. PCAs were found
movement of the body. of patients with AIG42. In pernicious anaemia and iron in 81% of patients with AIG and in 10% of controls
deficiency anaemia, fatigue and dyspnoea (laboured (according to the manufacturer’s threshold recommen-
Ataxia breathing) may be present. In more severely affected dation), while IFAs were detected in only 27% of patients
A condition causing abnormal
body movements and loss of
patients, anaemia might precipitate ischaemic heart with AIG. Identifying PCA and IFA in the same individ-
coordination. disease. uals significantly increased the diagnostic performance
of ELISA, yielding a 73% sensitivity36. However, these
Hyperhomocysteinaemia Neurological manifestations. Vitamin B12 deficiency can findings are inconsistent with those of a study assess-
Increased serum levels of
cause neurological damage owing to impaired produc- ing the frequency of antibody positivity (PCA and/or
tion of succinyl coenzyme A, which is essential for mye- IFA) over a 3-​year period and the usefulness of IFA in
lin sheath formation158. Both the central nervous system 91 PCA-​negative patients with low vitamin B12 levels166.
and the peripheral nervous system might be affected159. In this study, IFA had an overall sensitivity of 60% and a
Subacute combined degeneration of the dorsal columns specificity of 98% in diagnosing pernicious anaemia and
of the spinal cord can occur owing to demyelination. AIG. In a prospective 5-​year study involving 208 adults
From a clinical point of view, patients may complain of with autoimmune thyroid disease, PCA identified by
a wide variety of symptoms including impaired sensory ELISA predicted the subsequent development of AIG167.
and peripheral nerve function, paraesthesia, numbness, The analysis revealed a trend in which the autoantibody
abnormal proprioception, ataxia, cognitive impairment, levels increased progressively over time, peaked and
mood disorders and frank psychosis (that is, overt psy- then reduced, following the progressive disappearance
chosis)20,34,159. Neurological alterations must be promptly of the target autoantigen. However, this trend was not
recognized, as they may not be even reversible after confirmed in a later study; the levels of PCA in patients
supplementation therapy. with AIG did not correlate with the severity of atrophy23.
In a German study involving the general population
Other manifestations. Other infrequent manifestations (50–74 years of age), PCA positivity was found in ~20%
of AIG include hyperhomocysteinaemia, infertility and of the individuals141. In another study involving the gen-
recurrent miscarriage. Hyperhomocysteinaemia (a eral population in the Canary Islands, the rate of PCA
risk factor for atherosclerosis) is another consequence positivity was 7.8%168. Further, an Italian study found
of vitamin B12 deficiency in patients with AIG20,160. In PCA in 10.3% of healthy blood donors169. Hence, some
a small fraction of these patients, ischaemic cardiovas- concerns remain over the use of serological screening
cular disease has been reported as the main presenting with PCA without histological confirmation, and this
symptom of AIG20,160. Vitamin B12 deficiency is a well-​ approach alone cannot be used as a diagnostic tool in
established risk factor for infertility, very early recurrent AIG. In fact, the true diagnostic accuracy of PCA in AIG
miscarriage (that is, before a gestational sac is observed is not known170.
on ultrasonography), failure of conception with the use PCA prevalence in healthy individuals is dependent
of assisted reproductive technologies, pregnancy com- on the detection method169,170. In different series, 2–9%
plications (such as pre-​term birth or miscarriage) and of healthy adults demonstrated PCA positivity29,30, and
neural tube defects161,162. Pregnancy outcomes in women PCA might be found in the serum of individuals with
with AIG are poorly documented, although data on this other autoimmune diseases or with multifocal atrophic
topic are emerging20,21. gastritis30,36. Additionally, the sole presence of PCA in
the absence of atrophy might potentially represent a
Diagnosis very early stage of AIG and, therefore, these individuals
Laboratory diagnosis. A number of laboratory tests should be followed up23. In a 5-​year prospective study
are useful for indicating AIG diagnosis and for deter- involving 186 patients with T1DM, the association
mining which patients need upper gastrointesti- between PCA and low pepsinogen I identified patients
nal endoscopy with gastric biopsy for confirmation. with a higher risk of developing vitamin B12 deficiency171.
Immunofluorescence to identify PCA continues to be used Currently, a novel luminescent immunoprecipitation
in diagnostic immunology laboratories. Identification of system for the detection of PCA has been proposed
H+/K+ ATPase as the target autoantigen has led to the in patients with AIG90,172, but its validation in clinical
development of an enzyme-​linked immunosorbent practice is still awaited.
assay (ELISA) for the detection of PCA163. Although A study suggested that testing for pepsinogen I,
an assay sensitivity of 82% and specificity of 90% was pepsinogen II, pepsinogen I to pepsinogen II ratio and
initially reported, current studies have shown excellent gastrin-17 can diagnose any type of atrophic gastritis173.
agreement between ELISA and immunofluorescence These serum biomarker tests are commonly referred to

10 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:56


discrimination between antrum versus corpus atrophy

a b
might be less accurate174. Nevertheless, histopathological
analysis is still necessary for confirming the diagnosis
of AIG. Serum ghrelin, a hormone mainly produced
by endocrine cells of the gastric oxyntic mucosa, is an
emergent and promising new biomarker for gastric
atrophy. In one study serum ghrelin was associated with
the highest sensitivity and specificity (97.3 and 100%,
respectively) in detecting gastric atrophy in general and
was superior to the pepsinogen I to pepsinogen II ratio
and gastrin-17, irrespective of H. pylori infection175.
Finally, a simple, inexpensive laboratory score that
c d takes into consideration haemoglobin levels (1.5 points
if <12 g/dl), mean cell volume (1 point if >98 fl) and
gastrin‐17 levels (4 points if >120 pg/ml) displayed high
accuracy (86% sensitivity, 84% specificity) in detecting
AIG using a score of ≥2 (ref.176). In nearly all patients not
taking a proton pump inhibitor and in whom Zollinger–
Ellison syndrome (a gastrinoma leading to excessive gas-
tric acid production) is excluded, gastrin-17 level alone
can detect patients with AIG, especially in the atrophic
stage. Lastly, a marked increase in gastrin-17 level com-
pared with a previously measured level can predict the
development of type 1 gastric NET23.
Fig. 4 | Endoscopic images of the stomach. High-​resolution, white-​light, endoscopic
images show the gastric corpus (front view; panel a) of a normal stomach compared with
the gastric corpus (front view; panel b) of a patient with overt autoimmune gastritis (AIG); Endoscopy. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is per-
high-​resolution, narrow-​band imaging (NBI; also known as electronic chromoendoscopy), formed to obtain gastric biopsies, which are necessary
endoscopic images show the gastric corpus (front view; panel c) in a patient with overt to establish an accurate diagnosis of gastritis. In the early,
AIG and a sessile polyp (a flat polyp that does not have a stalk; Paris classification 0–Is) non-​atrophic or mild-​atrophic stage, the gastric mucosa
showing intestinal metaplasia with no dysplasia, compared with a sessile polyp does not display any specific morphological alterations,
with a central erosion (front view; panel d), which turned out to be type 1 gastric except for the oxyntic-​restricted pattern of the inflam-
neuroendocrine tumour (NET). Of note, gastric folds are easily recognizable in a healthy matory lesions, which might not be evident on endo-
stomach (black arrows; panel a). Typical endoscopic features, that may not be present in scopic examination. The development of frank atrophy
all patients with AIG (especially when atrophy is only mild and patchy) include loss of
markedly alters the gross mucosal appearance (Fig. 4).
gastric corpus folds showing a flattened mucosa (black arrow; panel b) and prominence
of vessels (black arrows; panel c). Similar features can be seen in the fundus mucosa. The native oxyntic mucosa flattens owing to the pro-
Other findings may include diffuse or patchy redness, mucosal swelling and areas of gressive loss of its folded pattern and might appear pale
intestinal metaplasia (which are better visualized with chromoendoscopy, white arrow; with prominent blood vessels. In these patients, gastric
panel c). In this case, the whole polyp surface is covered by a regular, tubulovillous samples should be obtained for assessing the presence,
(ridged) pattern, with no vascular alterations. The same pattern can be seen in the polyp grade and aetiology of the gastritis.
shown in panel d (black arrow), with the exception of a slightly depressed central area
affected by an erosion (white arrow). The presence of polyps in patients with AIG should Histology. The histopathological spectrum of atrophic
raise suspicion of a type 1 gastric NET. lesions includes different characteristic features and
grades5,177,178 (Box 2). The biopsy protocol suggested by
as serological gastric biopsy. Pepsinogen I is secreted the updated Sydney system recommends two antral
by chief cells of the oxyntic mucosa, whereas pepsino- biopsy samples, one sample from the incisura angularis
gen II is produced by the pyloric glands. Hence, pep- and two samples obtained cranially to the pyloric oxyntic
sinogen I decreases in patients with AIG, whereas border, which allows comparison of histological features
pepsinogen II decreases in patients with antral atrophy. across compartments25.
Combinations of these tests with antibody to H. pylori Biopsy samples obtained from the distal antral
can also identify exposure to this microorganism. The mucosa usually do not show inflammatory or atrophic
pepsinogen I to pepsinogen II ratio gave the best sensi- changes. Samples from the incisura angularis usually
tivity (96.1%) and negative predictive value (97.7%), pep-
sinogen I demonstrated the highest specificity (94.6%)
and pepsinogen II a high negative predictive value Box 2 | Atrophy in gastric mucosa
(90.7%) for diagnosing gastric atrophy. However, IgG Different subtypes of atrophy may coexist. The final
antibodies against H. pylori showed poor sensitivity and atrophy severity score (grade 0, 1, 2 or 3) assigned to the
specificity (58.8% and 26.5%, respectively) for detecting antrum and corpus is the mean score of the atrophic
patients who had been exposed to H. pylori. The authors lesions. Each compartment is scored globally as follows:
concluded that the pepsinogen I to pepsinogen II ratio 1, atrophy covering 1–30% of the area of each biopsy
is the most suitable single measurement for screening sample; 2, atrophy covering 31–60% of the area of each
for atrophic gastritis. Concordance between these serum biopsy sample; and 3, atrophy covering >60% of the area
of each biopsy sample.
biomarkers and gastric biopsy is very high, although

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a b c d e f



Fig. 5 | Histopathological spectrum of AIG. a | Native oxyntic mucosa of from the same paraffin-​embedded biopsy specimen as panel c clearly
a normal stomach. Parietal and chief cells are interspersed in tubular showing TFF2-​immunoreactivity (light brown) in both the superficial
glands. The specimen includes the muscularis mucosa layer (haematoxylin foveolar epithelium and the metaplastic epithelium. Of note, intestinal
and eosin staining; original magnification ×10). b | Non-​ a trophic metaplasia-​transformed glands do not show TFF2 immunopositivity.
autoimmune gastritis (AIG). The inflammatory infiltrate consists of As an internal control, the foveolar epithelium shows native TFF2
mononuclear cells (lymphocytes that are also organized in nodular expression (black arrows; sample shows TFF2 immunostaining; original
structures, coexisting with scattered plasma cells; arrow) expanding the magnification ×10). e | Type 1 gastric neuroendocrine tumour (NET)
lamina propria. The infiltrate is clearly evident even within the interfoveolar developing in the gastric corpus mucosa in a patient with AIG with severe
layer. The gland structure is retained, without loss of native glands atrophy (haematoxylin and eosin staining; original magnification ×100).
(haematoxylin and eosin staining; original magnification ×10). c | Atrophic- f | A serial section obtained from the same paraffin-​embedded biopsy
metaplastic AIG. Metaplastic glands have completely replaced the native specimen as panel e showing type 1 gastric NET, with strong and diffuse
glandular population, which results in the loss of appropriate glandular chromogranin-A immunopositivity (chromogranin-A immunostaining;
units. The metaplastic glands include both subtypes of metaplasia (IM, original magnification ×100). Parts e and f images courtesy of F. Capuano
intestinal metaplasia; SPEM, pseudopyloric metaplasia; haematoxylin and and A. Vanoli, IRCCS San Matteo Hospital Foundation, University of
eosin staining; original magnification ×10). d | A serial section obtained Pavia, Italy.

show no prominent lesions if samples are obtained worsens over time and PCA-​positive patients with no
from the mucosecreting antral compartment. Biopsy gastric atrophy (potential AIG) can develop atrophy over
samples from transitional areas where mucosecreting time23. In addition, other causes of atrophy exist, such as
and oxyntic glands coexist might display inflammatory the spread of H. pylori from the antral zone to the oxyntic
lesions, including a dense monocytic infiltrate (Fig. 5). mucosa, resulting in both non-​atrophic and atrophic cor-
Eosinophils and mast cells might be present in variable pus gastritis180 (Table 2). In most of these patients, oxyntic
quantities in the lamina propria in AIG. Scattered neutro­ involvement is associated with a similar or more severe
phils, usually considered a marker of H. pylori infection, inflammation of the antrum (pangastritis). However, in
are also detectable within the lamina propria and in the some patients, the inflammation in the antrum might
dilated glandular lumens in non H. pylori gastritis asso- be scarce, generating confusion, and might lead to the
ciated witch patchy oxyntic gland destruction108,110,179. suspicion of an autoimmune aetiology. In such patients,
Although none of these features is disease-​specific in a clear diagnosis cannot always be established. Indeed,
a single biopsy specimen, a normal antrum versus an if multiple aetiologies are present, some features might
inflamed oxyntic mucosa should point to early-​stage overlap within the same patient (Table 2).
AIG. On the contrary, the presence of active gastritis
and intestinal metaplasia predominantly involving the Histopathological classification
antrum is indicative of an H. pylori infection110. AIG diagnosis and classification are based on distinc-
All the inflammatory lesions described in the early tive histopathological features. Before the discovery of
stage persist in the florid atrophic stage. The histol- H. pylori, early studies classified gastritis into two dis-
ogy pattern, however, is dominated by the advent of tinct forms, namely type A and type B. Type A gastritis
the whole spectrum of the atrophic transformation. is characterized by corpus atrophy sparing the antrum,
SPEM is often extensive, intestinal metaplasia becomes PCA positivity and marked impairment of acid secre-
increasingly prominent and pancreatic metaplasia may tion, whereas type B gastritis demonstrates antrum
be present (Fig. 5). The restriction of these metaplas- involvement with minor and focal changes in the cor-
tic lesions to the oxyntic mucosa further supports the pus mucosa, PCA negativity and mild impairment of
diagnosis of AIG. The atrophic changes may coexist acid secretion12. Following the distinction of type A and
with hyperplastic polyps. Immunohistochemistry may type B gastritis, different histopathological classifications
facilitate diagnosis by identifying hyperplastic ECL cells were proposed, some of which are still in use25,181–186
via chromogranin or synaptophysin immunoreactivity. (Fig. 2). For example, the terms type A gastritis, meta-
These late-​stage lesions mostly coexist with prominent plastic atrophic gastritis, autoimmune atrophic gastritis
ECL cell hyperplasia, including linear and nodular and AIG are often used interchangeably, although the
hyperplasia, or ECL cell dysplasia (that is, true NET). recommendation is to use the currently accepted clas-
Distinguishing non-​atrophic gastritis from atrophic sifications, namely the updated Sydney system and the
Hyperplastic polyps
gastritis results in an earlier identification of the aetio- Kyoto global consensus7,25.
A type of polyp characterized pathogenesis and an appropriate endoscopic follow-​up, The updated Sydney system takes into account dif-
by little malignant potential. if needed. Proper follow-​up is crucial, as atrophy usually ferent characteristics of gastritis, including topography

12 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:56


Table 2 | Differential diagnosis of AIG

Features AIG HpAG HpNAG DG
Clinical characteristics
Iron deficiency with or without anaemia ++ ++ + +
Vitamin B12 deficiency with or without anaemia ++ ++ − −
Postprandial distress syndrome ++ ++ + +
Epigastric pain syndrome + + ++ ++
Autoimmune comorbidities ++ + − −
Serological biomarkers
Low pepsinogen I ++ ++ − −
High fasting gastrin-17 ++ ++ − −
Positivity to anti-​parietal cell antibodies ++ + + −
Positivity to anti-​intrinsic factor antibodies + − − −
Positivity to anti-​H. pylori antibodiesa − ++ ++ −
Endoscopic characteristics
No endoscopic findings + + + −
Mucosal erosions or peptic ulcer − − + ++
Reduced gastric juice and/or increased pH ++ + − −
Loss of folded pattern of corpus mucosa (flattened corpus mucosa) ++ + − −
Pallor of the corpus or fundus mucosa ++ + − −
Prominent blood vessels ++ + − −
Corpus intestinal metaplasia (chromoendoscopy) ++ ++ − −
Polyps + + + −
Gastric cancer + + + −
Type 1 gastric neuroendocrine tumour ++ + − −
Histopathological characteristics — corpus mucosa
Mononuclear cell infiltration ++ ++ + −
Neutrophil infiltration + + + +
Mucosal atrophy ++ ++ − −
Intestinal metaplasia ++ ++ + −
Pseudopyloric metaplasia ++ + − −
Enterochromaffin-​like cell hyperplasia ++ + − −
H. pylori − + + −
Histopathological characteristics — antral mucosa
Mononuclear cell infiltration − ++ ++ −
Neutrophil infiltration − + ++ +
Mucosal atrophy − ++ − −
Intestinal metaplasia − ++ + −
G cell hyperplasia ++ + − −
H. pylori − ++ ++ −
Some features may overlap if multiple aetiologies are present in the same patient. ++, commonly associated; +, sometimes
associated; −, not associated; AIG, autoimmune gastritis; DG, drug-​induced gastropathy; HpAG, Helicobacter pylori-​related
pangastritis (also known as multifocal atrophic gastritis); HpNAG, non-​atrophic H. pylori-​related gastritis (antrum-​predominant).
Might be positive even after H. pylori eradication, in any type of gastritis.

(antrum or incisura angularis or corpus), morphology presence of H. pylori, degree of neutrophil and mono­
(atrophic versus non-​atrophic, presence or absence of nuclear cell infiltration, degree of atrophy and presence
inflammation, metaplastic or non-​metaplastic) and aeti- of metaplasia. The location of inflammation and atrophy,
ology (autoimmune, H. pylori or other causes). A visual along with the presence or absence of H. pylori, are used
analogue scale (normal, mild, moderate and marked for classifying gastritis and as an indicator of its aetiology.
alteration) has been proposed for the assessment of the The Operative Link on Gastritis Assessment (OLGA) is

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Box 3 | OLGA classification for gastritis determinant of gastric cancer risk. The multifocal pattern
described as extensive atrophic gastritis has been associ-
The Operative Link on Gastritis Assessment (OLGA) is ated with the highest risk of gastric cancer, as well as with
a tool that stratifies patients according to the risk of the presence of intestinal metaplasia191–193. Most of the
developing gastric malignancy. At the level of each single available evidence about gastric cancer risk associated
biopsy, atrophy (any subtype) is scored as the percentage
with AIG was obtained in patients with pernicious anae-
of the area affected by atrophy. The ‘compartmental
score’ (0, 1, 2 or 3) is calculated as the average of the scores mia and derived from cohort43,50,51,194–199 and case–control
of the whole set of specimens obtained from the same studies200,201.
compartment (specimens obtained from the antrum or The optimal endoscopic follow-​up interval of patients
angularis incisura versus specimens obtained from the with AIG still remains to be defined. One study compared
oxyntic mucosa). The stage of gastritis is obtained by the most effective follow-​up interval in patients with AIG
summing the atrophy values of the antrum and corpus. by randomly assigning 22 and 20 patients to a 24-​month
In AIG, the antrum is not atrophic by definition. or a 48-​month follow-​up endoscopy, respectively202.
Gastric cancer was not found in either group and a 4-​year
another scoring system proposed specifically for classi- follow-​up after diagnosis seemed to be safe and sufficient
fying atrophy5. The OLGA score takes into account both for early detection of potential neoplastic lesions202.
antrum and corpus atrophy (Box 3). The advantage of this According to the revised European MAPS (manage-
scoring system is its ability to stratify patients according ment of epithelial precancerous conditions and lesions)
to the risk of developing gastric adeno­carcinoma; the guidelines, AIG is considered a precancerous condition
risk of cancer development is higher for patients with despite the heterogeneity of current evidence, and the
OLGA stage IV. Finally, the Kyoto global consensus had guidelines recommend endoscopic surveillance with
the aim of achieving a global consensus on H. pylori gas­ histological confirmation at an interval of 3–5 years203.
tritis and attempting conceptual changes in overall In patients with extensive atrophy or intestinal metaplasia
gastritis classification, also in light of the International and a first-​degree family history of gastric cancer, a more
Classification of Diseases. According to the Kyoto con- frequent follow-​up is recommended.
sensus, the updated Sydney system should still be used Magnification chromoendoscopy and narrow-​
for histological diagnosis of gastritis, while proposing at band imaging, with or without magnification, have been
the same time an aetiological classification. shown to improve the detection of gastric pre-​neoplastic
conditions204,205. Narrow-​band imaging endoscopy can
Screening for AIG be used to grade gastric intestinal metaplasia, shifting
The cost-​e ffectiveness of extensive screening pro- from random biopsies to targeted biopsies of mucosa
grammes for AIG has not been investigated so far. We with a high suspicion of intestinal metaplasia, increasing
recommend a proactive case-​finding strategy in individ- diagnostic accuracy, with high concordance with gastric
uals at high risk of AIG by means of the available labora- histology204,205.
tory tests. Measurement of PCA and gastrin-17, and the The cost–benefit profile of a hypothetical endoscopic
pepsinogen I to pepsinogen II ratio seem to be the most surveillance programme for AIG has not been evaluated.
accurate tests for first-​line screening of AIG. Screening The costs of surveillance endoscopy were estimated in
for PCA alone would miss those patients who are nega- a cohort of patients with corpus-​predominant atrophic
tive for this antibody, whereas gastrin-17 levels are raised gastritis followed up over 7.5 years, showing that 19 sur-
in nearly all patients with AIG who have developed overt veillance endoscopy examinations every 4 years must be
atrophy176. Hence, a combined measure is most likely to performed to detect one gastric tumour. By restricting
be more effective. Individuals at high risk include those surveillance to patients with pernicious anaemia only, a
with auto­immune diseases, unexplained iron deficiency reduction in the cost per lesion would be obtained, while
anaemia, pernicious anaemia, a first-​degree family his- still detecting 74% of neoplasms206.
tory of AIG, haematological alterations, gastrointestinal
complaints, unexplained neuropsychiatric alterations Prevention
and infertility or recurrent miscarriage. These individuals Strategies to prevent the progression of early-​stage AIG
are likely to benefit from a screening strategy. to advanced-​stage AIG (more severe lesions) are cur-
rently unavailable. According to a large study focusing
Screening for neoplastic changes on the natural history of AIG, in all patients mild atro-
AIG predisposes patients to develop both type 1 gas- phy progresses to severe atrophy within a median of
Chromoendoscopy tric NET and gastric adenocarcinoma19. Persistently 3 years from the time of diagnosis23. Atrophy regression
An endoscopic technique that increased levels of gastrin-17 is a well-​k nown risk was never noted. The only available strategy to prevent
uses specific stains (both factor for ECL cell hyperplasia, dysplasia and type 1 haematological or neurological symptoms is the early
electronic and dyes) for
gastric NET187. Additionally, impaired acid secretion recognition of AIG and proper vitamin B12 and iron
highlighting mucosal lesions.
probably alters the composition of the gastric micro- supplementation.
Narrow-​band imaging biota, although their role in gastric carcinogenesis is
An imaging technique still debated188. H. pylori should be eradicated whenever Management
used during endoscopic detected189 as its eradication might decrease the risk of Micronutrient supplementation is the mainstay of ther-
examinations in which only
two wavelengths can be
adenocarcinoma190. apy for patients with AIG. Haematological alterations
visualized, namely blue light The intragastric distribution of pre-​m alignant are usually reversible upon treatment but neurologi-
and green light. alterations (metaplasia, atrophy and dysplasia) is one cal alterations might not be reversible. Management

14 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:56


of gastrointestinal symptoms is challenging owing to neurological symptoms are present. Parenteral vitamin
lack of specific therapeutic options for treating these B12 can be administered as hydroxocobalamin, cyano-
symptoms. According to a position paper dealing cobalamin or methylcobalamin, but commercial avail-
with AIG22, the use of proton pump inhibitors should ability of the three forms varies among different parts of
be discouraged, as evidence for their efficacy in AIG the world. For maintenance, oral supplementation with
is lacking and they can theoretically worsen ECL cell cyanocobalamin and parenteral administration can
hyperplasia. theoretically be equally effective, because oral vitamin B12
Despite AIG being an immune-​mediated condition, absorption takes place by simple diffusion through the
no anti-​inflammatory, immunosuppressive or biological intestinal wall, but only when high doses of the vitamin
therapy is available for its treatment, mostly owing to are administered. A Cochrane review comparing the
lack of studies testing different drugs. In a study includ- effects of oral and intramuscular vitamin B12 treatment
ing seven patients with pernicious anaemia, treatment found low-​quality evidence showing that oral and intra-
with oral prednisolone for at least 2 months did not muscular vitamin B12 have similar effects in normaliz-
result in improvement of gastric lesions207. However, ing serum vitamin B12 levels, although oral treatment
one study found a modest effect on mucosal recov- costs less217. Of note, of all the studies considered in this
ery with azathioprine in patients with different types review, only a few with a small sample size specifically
of gastritis208. No studies or randomized clinical trials focused on pernicious anaemia and showed clinical
regarding the use of monoclonal antibodies directed bene­fit only in a fraction of these patients. Oral replace-
against pro-​inflammatory cytokines in AIG are available. ment has been developed as a way of avoiding the dis-
comfort, inconvenience and cost of monthly injections
Iron supplementation that need to be administered by a nurse218. However, oral
Iron deficiency anaemia and its treatment have been supplementation requires a strict treatment observance
the subject of several extensive reviews over the past of the patient and high-​dose daily intake, which might
10 years209–211. Oral iron is comparable in efficacy to affect adherence to treatment compared with one injec-
intravenous iron in the treatment of iron deficiency anae- tion per month or even fewer administrations. Patients
mia associated with a number of clinical conditions212,213. with symptomatic vitamin B12 deficiency, especially
A variety of effective oral iron compounds such as fer- those with neurological deficits, or with critically low
rous sulfate, ferrous fumarate, ferrous gluconate and serum levels of vitamin B12, should always be treated
ferrous glycine-​sulfate, and ferric protein–succinylate, with intramuscular vitamin B 12. Folic acid supple-
ferric mannitol–ovalbumin and ferric polymaltose mentation during concomitant vitamin B12 deficiency
complex are available for treating iron deficiency. Slow- might temporarily revert haematological alterations,
release ferrous sulfate preparations offer good bioavaila- but could paradoxically worsen neurological damage
bility, effectiveness and acceptable tolerability. Oral iron via the ‘folate trap’ mechanism158. Vitamin B12 and folic
is better absorbed if taken on an empty stomach, but acid share a common metabolic pathway and vitamin
this may increase gastrointestinal side effects, such as B12 deficiency can reduce methionine synthetase lev-
dyspeptic symptoms, abdominal pain, constipation and els, causing a functional folate deficiency by trapping
diarrhoea. folate as a 5-​methyl derivative. Folic acid supplemen-
Clinical evidence supporting the use of oral iron tation would compensate for this functional deficiency,
therapy before intravenous iron therapy is currently not while worsening other vitamin B12 deficiency-​related
available, and information on when to switch from one manifestations.
route to the other is lacking. Patients with iron deficiency
anaemia showing haemoglobin increases of <1 g/dl at Quality of life
2 weeks following oral iron supplementation have been Ad hoc studies exploring quality of life in patients with
suggested to be switched to intravenous treatment214. AIG are lacking. The only study reported found that
However, in many patients, a test period of 8 weeks may 58% of patients with AIG had an impaired psychological
be preferable before switching from oral to intravenous profile, including anxiety and depression78.
delivery46. Iron supplementation also improves quality The impact of dyspepsia on quality of life in
of life, although the superiority of intravenous iron over patients with AIG has never been addressed, although
oral iron has not been demonstrated in this regard215. these symptoms may constitute an important burden
Patients who fail to respond to oral supplementation for these patients, as observed in those with functional
require parenteral iron therapy. In patients with AIG, dyspepsia who are more likely to experience disruption
blood transfusion might be required only in exceptional in their daily activities and have been shown to have
situations, as severe anaemia in these patients is uncom- poorer mental health, social functioning and health
mon. Serious hypersensitivity reactions are rare, but perception219. In addition, micronutrient deficiencies
potentially life threatening, and may be observed with and anaemia cause a variety of symptoms such as fatigue,
all iron preparations216. decreased attention, brittle nails, hair loss and impaired
wound healing. Pale skin, dyspnoea, tachycardia and
Vitamin B12 supplementation headache are common in more severe AIG stages. In
In patients with newly diagnosed vitamin B12 deficiency, the elderly population, chest pain and palpitations can
parenteral supplementation is recommended to attain also occur27,220. Severe anaemia can also precipitate or
rapid and optimal correction. Rapid replenishment of cause ischaemic heart disease. If not promptly recog-
vitamin B12 deficiency is particularly important when nized and treated, these symptoms can substantially

NATURE REVIEwS | DISEASE PRIMERS | Article citation I­D:­ (2020) 6:56 ­ 15


impair patients’ quality of life before a confirmed AIG In particular, the exact trigger of the autoimmune process
diagnosis. directed against parietal cells is not known and the poten-
Neurological symptoms might manifest as a result of tial role of H. pylori infection and genetic predisposition
demyelination with subsequent vacuolar degeneration are uncertain. Additionally, the exact role of humoral and
and reactive gliosis. The spinal cord is the main region cell-​mediated immune responses in the onset of AIG are
affected by demyelination and atrophy, possibly followed not completely clear. Furthermore, the transferability of
by axonal loss, which may cause spastic paraparesis, findings from mouse models of experimental AIG that
ataxic unsteady gait, altered nerve reflexes and visual provide important insights into human AIG seems to be
disturbances221,222. Sensory polyneuropathy manifests limited and novel animal models of AIG are warranted.
with symmetric glove-​and-​stocking numbness, par- For example, contrary to mouse models, a proportion
aesthesia and pins-​and-​needles sensation222. Symptoms of patients with AIG display no disease-​specific auto­
due to extrapyramidal or autonomic nervous system antibody at any disease stage, which seems paradoxical.
impairment (for example, erectile dysfunction and Similarly, key cellular players as well as tissue remod-
bladder and faecal incontinence) are rare but severely elling processes are still unknown. Apart from lifelong
affect quality of life27,221,222. Evidence from the literature micro­nutrient supplementation, no therapy is currently
suggests that vitamin B12 deficiency may be associated available for preventing, reverting or at least improving
with the onset of cognitive deficits and memory loss, histopathological gastric lesions that usually worsen over
especially in elderly patients, posing a particular chal- time23,50. Immunomodulators or biological therapies
lenge in differential diagnosis with dementia221. Finally, could be used for targeting key cellular players such as
psychiatric disorders such as manic and depressive epi- autoreactive T cells and cytokines such as TNF in AIG.
sodes, chronic fatigue syndrome and psychosis, that is, However, at this stage, the mechanistic understanding of
the so-​called megaloblastic madness, can frequently be AIG seems to be more compelling than designing new
observed17. therapies. The life-​threatening complications of AIG
Several studies have shown an association between support the need for a proper case-​finding strategy for
vitamin B12 deficiency and infertility, pregnancy com- early diagnosis. Studies assessing the cost-​effectiveness
plications and fetal malformations21,161,162. Adequate of such a strategy as well as studies investigating the best
vitamin B12 supplementation before pregnancy has been routes (oral versus parenteral) of micronutrient supple-
demonstrated to reduce obstetric complications and to mentation, predictors of unfavourable disease course and
improve success of assisted reproduction162. Only one patients’ quality of life are eagerly awaited. Furthermore,
case report of infertility and recurrent miscarriage in a early diagnosis is crucial to prevent vitamin B12 and iron
woman with AIG has been reported so far21. After vita- deficiency-​related manifestations and for scheduling a
min B12 supplementation, the woman delivered a healthy proper endoscopic surveillance. Diagnostic delay has
baby. However, important aspects related to pregnancy been attributed to both patients’ and physicians’ una-
and fertility issues in patients with AIG, such as proper wareness of AIG20. Thus, the application of a proactive
micronutrient supplementation, patients’ concerns of case-​finding strategy, the use of advanced endoscopic
having a complicated pregnancy or fetal malformations, techniques, proper gastric biopsy sampling and histo-
voluntary childlessness and disease stigmatization have pathological evaluation by an expert pathologist are cer-
not been studied so far. tainly warranted to reduce diagnostic delay, especially in
early AIG.
Outlook Hence AIG, a common disorder with distinct fea-
Despite recent advances in the understanding of this tures, is better managed within a multidisciplinary team
complex and multifaceted condition, many unmet needs involving pathologists, gastroenterologists, internists,
and uncertainties still exist, including disease pathogen- oncologists, neurologists and other specialists depend-
esis, prevention, treatment and early detection. Although ing on the clinical manifestations. We envisage that in
important discoveries and a better characterization of the near future, AIG will attract more scientific attention
AIG clinical features have been made over the past few to address all the aforementioned unsolved issues.
decades, our knowledge regarding the fine pathogenetic
mechanisms and the aetiology of AIG is still very limited. Published online xx xx xxxx

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