Questionnaire of Green Logistics Practices

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Green logistics practices

Company Name…………..

Green logistics practices SA A N D SD

Purchase of goods and services that are less damaging to human
health and the environment that are responding to their need
choosing a manufacturer that applies environmental management
purchasing goods using less resources and doesn’t require or emit
toxic substances
procuring product with energy efficient or that can be easily
disassembled for the reuse or recycle
Selection of supplier including environmental performance
Environmental certification ISO 14001
Reduction of life cycle impact
Inventory control with reduction of excess stock
Reduction of consumption of energy
Personnel training of environmental responsibility
Procedures including risk issues
Reduction of wastes
Saving by using cleaner technology
Use of recycled materiel
Use of waste of other companies
Choosing supplier with short circuit of distribution
Choosing transportation mode with less environmental impact
Improvement of packaging able to be recycled
Process for reduction of carbon emission
Green warehousing
Creating suitable working conditions for the employees and
decreasing power use in the storage processes with efficient planning,
Increasing power efficiency with the use of time illuminating systems,
movements sensors and power-efficient illuminating armatures,
Using natural light in the proper places of the storage,
Using hot water for the heating and cold water systems for the
cooling of the storage,
By integrating supply chain, with information sharing among supplier,
manufacturer and client, making accurate guessing and doing
common action,

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