Lista de Verbos

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i HHI ttl ene gayee san gyeapeeeaagapAPECRaTeNTeeeTEEP TTL EE i ETH HEENE REGULAR VERBS REGULAR VERBS REGULAR VERBS REPUTE mam "te mm ee eres va Toe soar ern mB OO oa rie lines resore * rece eas BE iy Fw et tows (lone ong fet race amet oon Siew saierg foo art fot ee famine ans ened ny = ee he fe fee (ergs fears gine moped neater ied cs Sg ae os = fats nee” ea ‘et ots imtos Sting copes te Soot fn ee a) ‘ov 2s faved someng foe alerts en ses nore ro onan Semi Reenined soe Sows Sows We autre ed hry fet ee ed ve tee Seraniss wromég tiger aes ath ee) woes mee Some sera to Sew hom aahe Fepmeet pani pee epee tres) pad rom mene irr fee ee) pe irogied ogra foe ear eee ‘wan arent Someta a ineond pwn fet Geriatr es ooo See arn row har om fase roug fam gear ime nes ome me ar room row row ay o.oo me mane Sereda eee fine ie fe fe eet et sae Siooed try ok pw cts roses oa Soe iron Seas Sm See ear Steed Sarg Gy pre fei Soe tema same red rt our road noe Gon rr ae tome ee oe cont bees Sot et te a = en a ne bowed tener gt pee tomes a Shor Sao Samed Se ben bom nny eae me Sen me Paes ae eet om ee on ite ocr te a Se omer he aed oes me — Wee hee a so ee oe oe = a = te we ‘oe foto ow hee a ‘are Sat nro toe oe ted Se te ee sit = = oy axe ans mms. nag te mam ah = rom ad ty Seane aes ined” mort soe Sak sed se ee sped tee a ond ty a cs on oct de foe” Moe owe toed naw Set Soom Sots om creat comm = fendi” taint aang 8 wom md ‘ome cat a ree See cine ped coma comet oman Wa ae eee ‘ies era at Grmer cacsn sees ‘ore ‘Srocree onary Ghat erm cer feet Cerne Sr aware oe Se sane cone Sane Sey Gan Siew are Sect Shang Se pote et et tne fenues ning Oe tear ton et ere Some Sees Se et om Snes Sowing on Se aon oe ot ge wea eet ‘es coe ceed Some me oes ees Seis Soy eed soe pan cwet cna Cor Semper sm ‘oredr Samet sper as apes Soest oo aes Sore ns fet ir Stem meen tmt Snow Sees ow Seng a ‘ine tn Sepoe nwt ges te Soret ‘cee teeset arg Pet petri omeed pong Sime Snoener ayier rd woes ‘eee (tee Sets Pes Gor pa. feet bay Sete eon ‘nat par ieoes—ceopia Pn pom floret owe ee) ‘aes on oS, be ee tort, oars mom me ‘ee na —_— — Bee Si hts Be Ste Ne i Se come ‘jones un Po eae ftom te Sr Oe Se cee ‘ompet—earne a fore pty ie = on wed conte Pewee es frond Gero ve ve aa Beet sn Poot ont Seems foots boomy See aes cs ond reg Peet meme poms eet! peat eee me cee tes cee comet See Poms peat pe fect prema | ant emt mt So om Secs Pome eae peat re) acs Wain atin cad wes cre ‘sieret Son Paget four bepane feanent several er wales vee ‘toes oon own! oem Pom dtr ome no poet og Sc eens sees oe ee ad atta Vien proapene True rd ‘eres = ed ig Soe nee eo ke Wound asin wach edt venses ry tte fake owe End = fre feet take fen Sanne st oy ao eee re = H iN | i a HUE ad 5 i a (NU EEEN EN ERRGPSEQTE LE eaEE ae ecg yp oaaeeer ggg cee ry pee RergeTragye® ii IRREGULAR VERBS i i TEUUP ER THU PEEP LEEDS PEELE SEPROUDD ONES EUCECCeNTDDORERD PUCTEDTEDERE(E” HEGRE AT pity Pt TagEprageees naeeeny PPPeePespc Ces PECEUUD EE) PUEESTERRET EPS. PETE PEERY OLY (APSA EET PUESUELTEESTELIEEEAATTRELEA 1 eanpnyety IRREGULAR VERBS smo ign COHEN PEOTEPTEPUPELELERSSEEDAULE aE TapO NESTE GEEREEESA PLEASE LEPLERES TSE GEE ti aay j nn PLSUREUT EEUU LEEED DELP ea pps a . IN warena. oodcncoysucueres ecaTvos “ane ven cOMAS 0: neste 4502223152802

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