UHPC White Paper

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INTRODUCTION...............................................3 Finishing.........................................................................8

Curing and Demolding.....................................................8

SECTION 1: PURPOSE........................................3
Thermal Treatment...........................................................8
SECTION 2: WHAT IS ARCHITECTURAL UHPC?..........3 Plant Requirements..........................................................9

SECTION 3: RAW MATERIALS...............................4 Plastic Properties.............................................................9

Dry Materials............................................................4 Hardened Properties........................................................9

Fiber Reinforcement.................................................4 Plant Requirements........................................................10

Water......................................................................4 SECTION 6: PRECAST UHPC APPLICATION......................10

Chemicals...........................................................4 Architectural UHPC applications.............................................10

Accelerators........................................................4 Curves.....................................................................10

Color pigments.........................................................4 Texture.........................................................................11

Storage of Raw Materials..........................................4 Perforated and Lattice Panel Systems..............................11

PRECAST CONCRETE ELEMENTS...........................5 Interior Decor................................................................12

Batching..................................................................5 Urban Furnishings..........................................................14

Forming...................................................................6 Mega Architectural Projects............................................14

Placing.....................................................................6 Stade Jean Bouin......................................................15

Curing......................................................................7 MuCEM.............................................................15

Surface Treatment....................................................7 SECTION 7: COMMERCIALIZATION AND THE ECONOMICS

Mock-ups............................................................8 OF UHPC
SECTION 5: QUALITY CONTROL...........................8 16


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This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered; however, the
National Precast Concrete Association acts as a mediator without approving, disapproving or guaranteeing the validity or accuracy
of any data, claim or opinion appearing herein. Information is provided and disseminated with the understanding that the National
Precast Concrete Association is not engaged in rendering engineering, legal or any other professional services. If engineering, legal
or other
professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be obtained. The National Precast Concrete
Associa- tion does not assume and hereby disclaims liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions in
the material contained herein, regardless of whether such errors result from negligence, accident or any other cause whatsoever.

National Precast Concrete Association • 3

procedures including the storage, forming, batching and curing
of architectural UHPC. In addition, several applications utilizing
s a material on the leading edge of concrete

architectural precast UHPC elements are discussed.
innovation, ultra high performance concrete (UHPC)
provides a new technology to expand a precaster’s
business with new
products and solutions. The material’s combination of superior
properties facilitates the ability to design thin, complex
shapes, curvatures and highly customized textures –
applications which are difficult or impossible to achieve with
traditional reinforced concrete elements.

UHPC is a range of formulations which may be used for many

different architectural and structural applications. Reinforced with
high-carbon metallic fibers, structural UHPC products can
achieve compressive strengths up to 29,000 psi (200 MPa) and
flexural strengths up to 2,900 psi (20 MPa). For architectural
UHPC applications, Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) fibers are typically

Architectural UHPC can achieve compressive strengths up to

17,000 psi (117 MPa) and flexural strengths up to 2,900 psi (20
MPa). Due to the material’s superior compressive and flexural
properties, the need for passive reinforcing can be eliminated
or greatly reduced (depending on the application). It is also
highly moldable and replicates form materials with extreme

Currently, the use of steel fibers in strictly architectural UHPC

applications is very limited, however some projects which fall
into both architectural and structural categories, such as the
MuCEM and Jean Bouin Stadium, have begun using steel fibers.

The advantages of UHPC are numerous and typically include

reduced global costs such as formwork, labor, maintenance
and speed of construction. For more than a decade, UHPC
has been used by innovative precasters worldwide in ways
complement their existing businesses by expanding their
product ranges to include new solutions for structural and/or
architectural markets. Applications include bridge beams and
decks, solid and perforated wall panels/facades, urban furniture,
louvers, stairs, large-format floor tiles, pipes and marine


he purpose of this report is to provide a guide for the
manufacture of architectural precast UHPC elements
and educate precasters on the potential opportunities
exist through production of innovative products and solutions
that complement their existing businesses. The following
report describes the general handling and quality control
National Precast Concrete Association • 4
highly reduced water- cement ratio (less than 0.25,
depending on the type of UHPC

This open lattice facade comprised of UHPC at the

Stade Jean-Bouin in Paris allows sunlight to filter
through. (Photo © courtesy of Lisa Ricciotti)


rchitectural precast UHPC products reach a
minimum compressive strength of 17,000 psi (117
MPa) after 28 days. They are blended with fibers in
order to achieve
ductile behavior under tension, which may eliminate the
need for passive (non-prestressed) reinforcement.
Appropriate batching, casting, finishing and curing
procedures are of the utmost importance in order to
ensure the highest level of quality, appearance and

The main principle of this technology is based on

systematic elimination of inherent weaknesses associated
with conventional concrete. The ductile behavior of this
material is a first for concrete, with the capacity to
deform and support flexural and tensile loads, even after
initial cracking. These
superior performance characteristics are the result of
improved microstructural properties of the mineral matrix
and control of the bond between the matrix and the fiber.

The optimization of granulars, fibers and admixtures

provide a very low porosity in a cement-based mineral
granulometric matrix. The premix components consist of
granular material with a diameter less than 1 mm, and a
National Precast Concrete Association • 5
specifications. A copy of each Mill Certificate is kept on file.
formulation). Elimination of coarse aggregates, along with
the granular gradation and fiber aspect ratio, facilitates a
high fiber content and isotropic dispersion.

Due to UHPC’s plastic and hardened properties, plus the

elimination of rebar, precasters can achieve complex shapes
that are extremely durable and cost effective, and require
little maintenance. The material replicates textures, form and
shape with high precision and can be produced in a range of
long-lasting colors. It works well for new, innovative
concrete applications and supports new trends in
architecture: purity of line, delicacy, enhancement of texture
and mineral bias.

With UHPC, precasters can offer new, innovative building

envelope solutions for creative architects; for example:
structural, decorative perforated facades in mesh or lattice-
style designs; ultra thin, lightweight panels with large
surface areas and perforation rates that exceed 50%; and
full facades with complex shapes, curvatures and textures.

UHPC has also been used in a variety of urban furnishings.

Because of its strength, impact resistance, durability and
low maintenance requirements, it is an excellent alternative
to traditional materials. A range of elements, such as
sculptures, benches, bollards and street furnishings, have
been added
to the product offerings of traditional precast
manufacturers. Also, interior designers and precasters may
create new, contemporary, lightweight, colored and
textured products such as chairs, stairs and tiles for floors
and walls.


Dry Materials
The dry materials in UHPC are cement, silica fume,
ground quartz and silica sand. These materials conform
to the Mill Certificate specifications; a copy of each is
kept on file.

Fiber Reinforcement
Architectural UHPC precast products are fiber reinforced
with fibers having a minimum tensile strength of 140 ksi
and a diameter of up to 300 microns. Steel fibers may also
specified in architectural UHPC applications, particularly when
very thin sections are desired and the UHPC members are
projected to experience excessive wind pressures and tensile
loads. Steel fibers used in architectural UHPC have a
minimum tensile strength of 310 ksi and diameter of up to
200 microns. The fibers conform to the Mill Certificate
National Precast Concrete Association • 6
Water be provided, as raw materials should not be exposed to
moisture. Chemical admixtures must not be exposed to
Water should be potable (drinkable), but if not potable it freezing temperatures.
must be free of contaminations such as oils, acids, salts,
chlorides or other compounds that may be harmful to

Admixtures for concrete are used to enhance and/or obtain
certain properties of fresh and hardened UHPC. High-range
water reducers are essential to UHPC for providing the
plasticizing effects, allowing the concrete to flow to self
consolidation. Air-entraining admixtures are not used in

There are two types of accelerators that alter the early
strength characteristics of concrete in distinct ways. Set
accelerators shorten the set time, whereas strength
accelerators speed
up early strength gain but do little to alter the initial set
characteristics. The dosage rate varies by supplier. Consult
the supplier for product details and mix time prior to
incorporating an accelerator. Calcium chloride accelerators
are not recommended, as the additional chlorides promote
degradation of reinforcement and may promote drying
shrinkage. The 28- day strength of concrete with the
incorporation of accelerating admixtures may be slightly
lower than mixes without them.

Color Pigments
Solid or liquid pigments can be utilized for architectural UHPC.

Solid Pigment: When using a solid pigment, the flow

properties start to change once the volume surpasses 1%
of total dry materials. In order to maintain similar flow,
water will have to be added to compensate for the
additional dry
material. The only way to know the exact impact of this
change on the UHPC properties is through testing.

Liquid Pigment: When using liquid pigment, one must be

aware of the water being added to the concrete mix. If
the liquid pigment dose surpasses the maximum of 3%
mass of dry materials, the user could cause negative
effects on the UHPC matrix, which must be validated
using appropriate laboratory testing methods.

Storage of Raw Materials

A dry, separate storage area for UHPC raw materials must
National Precast Concrete Association • 7
Figure 1 (top left) – High shear mixer; Figure 2 (left) –
Small (14-50 bags mixer); Figure 3 (above) – UHPC
facility. (Photos courtesy of Lafarge)


precast facility, the introduction of raw materials into the

he manufacture of precast UHPC elements presents mixer must be considered. The key to producing high-quality

the industry with new challenges and opportunities. UHPC products is very precise proportion control of raw
Recognizing that production methods must be materials, temperature control and optimization of the
reassessed for UHPC production, it is a fundamental change mixer’s performance requirements.
to conventional manufacturing processes. For instance,
For the most efficient and consistent mixing of UHPC,
precasters are required to review their current batching
high shear mixers (Figure 1) have been used
methods, casting techniques, molding expertise and
successfully, especially counter-current pan mixers,
handling techniques.
which can provide
accelerated mixing times. These high shear mixers
disperse water and admixtures onto the cement particles
without heating the mix through kinetic energy generated
To date, many different UHPC product formulations have
by the mixing process. Others, such as mortar, horizontal
been successfully batched in various mixers, ranging from
a small two-bag mixer to a fully automated batching plant.
or pan mixers (Figure 2) have also been used, but they
The mixing efficiency and mixing performance depends
are generally slower. The precaster should therefore
on: the type and speed of the mixer; requested mixing
consider the tradeoffs of mixing time, batch volume and
time by the precaster; and the required UHPC volume for
precast production. When setting up the batch plant for
placement. Prior to dedicating a mixer for UHPC production,
UHPC at a
it is recommended to calibrate the mixer by measuring
mixing time and flow characteristics of UHPC and comparing
the compressive strength to reference strength. For projects

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requiring larger volumes, mixing procedures have been

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Figure 4 – Placing UHPC behind the leading edge. Figure 5 – Injection casting.
(Photo courtesy of Lafarge) (Photo courtesy of Lafarge)

perfected to allow batching of UHPC in ready mix similar to self-consolidating concrete. This creates
concrete trucks. challenges when
developing formworks that are completely enclosed with tight
When setting up the batching facility (Figure 3) for
tolerances, as well as opportunities for the precaster to offer
UHPC manufacturing, precasters must consider how
each of the materials is weighed and proportioned prior
to mixing.
Accurate proportioning is essential in successful batching
of UHPC (see Table 1). The dry material is added first to
the mixer, then the water and liquid superplasticizers are
introduced. Once the batch is fluid, the weighed fibers
added to the mixer. When turning the UHPC formulation
from dry to liquid stage, significant energy is required by the
mixer. Therefore, batch sizes are often reduced, from 40%
to 75% of the recommended size by the mixer
manufacturer. Prior to placing of UHPC, the mixer may be
slowed down in order to allow entrapped air to escape due
to the high-speed mixing. Entrapped air may lead to a
weaker matrix and poor surface finish of the precast

Self-leveling or dry-casting formulations are possible,

depending on the casting technique and
performance requirements.

Successful execution of a precast UHPC project depends
on the design of the molds and the procedures developed
to use them. Traditional hand screeding and finishing of
UHPC is not normally used due to its high flow and fiber
of the plastic matrix. Self-leveling UHPC formulations
have no internal shear in the plastic state and behave
National Precast Concrete Association • 10
new range of products with almost any surface texture on
all sides of the element.

For accurate mold design, any potential deflections and

initial UHPC shrinkage must be considered. Specific molding
details are all critical success factors to consider when
designing, building and using formworks. Some of these
specific details include:

• Release agents
• Type of molding materials
• Methods of release during initial shrinkage
• Orientation
• Mold support

Since UHPC replicates surfaces with great precision, the

selection of the mold material is based on the expected
surface outcome. The following molding materials have
been used successfully in the manufacture of various
UHPC precast elements: steel, silicone, lexan,
polyurethane, Teflon, glass and wood (with epoxy painted

The casting sequence of architectural UHPC precast
elements should be planned in order to achieve an
appropriate preferential fiber orientation. Molds are filled
slowly to prevent entrapped air. No internal vibration is
permitted. Limited external vibration can be used to aid in
air removal. Do not allow excessive external vibration, as
PVA fibers may float to the surface. Filling of the molds
should be completed in a continuous casting process by
following behind the leading edge of the UHPC.

When placing the self-leveling UHPC material into formworks,

National Precast Concrete Association • 11

Figure 6 – The Shawnessy LRT Station, Calgary, Alberta. Figure 7 – Displacement casting.
(Photo courtesy of Lafarge) (Photo courtesy of Lafarge)

it is important to take advantage of its fluid fiber orientation and facilitate the release of entrapped air.
characteristics. When discharged from a concrete bucket For this casting method, alignment guides to control the
onto flat-surface molds, UHPC will create a mass of
material that will spread itself throughout the form. By
moving the discharge point at a rate such that it always
stays behind the “leading edge” of the flow (Figure 4), the
mold can be filled in one
continuous motion. This is important, because if UHPC flows
meet each other, there will be minimal fibers bridging the
junction, resulting in a weak plane. Due to the material’s
fluid characteristics and fiber dispersion, it cannot be
finished the same way as traditional concrete (such as
raking, troweling or brooming). After placement, any
exposed surfaces must be covered in order to prevent

UHPC’s high flow properties also permit special casting

techniques such as injection (Figure 5) and displacement
methods to create sophisticated forms and shapes that
cannot be achieved with conventional casting techniques.
For instance, an innovative injection technique was
successfully used to produce a complex canopy roof system
for the Shawnessy LRT Station (Figure 6) in Calgary,
Alberta. For this project, the UHPC material was forced into
a complex steel mold through a piping system by applying
air pressure above the plastic material.

Displacement casting (Figure 7) is another method that

offers new opportunities for precasters. This process is
completed by depositing the precise volume of material
needed, and then introducing the top portion of the mold.
This will displace the plastic material into the shape of the
casting. If the entry points of the secondary form are
controlled, it is possible
to move the plastic UHPC in directions that will influence

National Precast Concrete Association • 12

exact positioning of the top form and considerable
force of displacement are required. For a high-
quality surface
appearance, molds must be filled slowly to prevent
entrapped air; also, control of the fluid’s rheology
minimizes segregation of the fibers.

Architectural precast UHPC elements are typically
removed from the mold after final set has been
reached (11,000 psi). If the elements have structural
requirements, they can be thermally treated after
setting and demolding. This process
requires the UHPC precast element to be exposed to 140
F at 95% relative humidity for 72 hours. This allows the
hardened architectural UHPC element to reach its
ultimate strength
and durability characteristics by hydrating all of the free
water within the matrix. Thermal treatment also provides
improved dimensional stability of the product.

Surface Treatment
Different sealers can be used with architectural UHPC
products. The type of sealer depends on the application.
For instance, vertical elements do not typically require
much abrasion resistance but could be exposed to
substantial heat, UV light and staining. Horizontal precast
applications could be exposed to the same conditions as
vertical applications
as well as abrasion. Topical sealers generally repel
staining but perform poorly with respect to abrasion.
Penetrating sealers tend to bond well into the micro
surface of UHPC and perform well in abrasive conditions
but do not perform well with staining. It is therefore
recommended that the precaster test small samples to
determine whether the desired result

National Precast Concrete Association • 13

Table 1

Batch Size <5L < 30 L < 150 L < 1 m3 > 1 m3

(0.2 ft3) (1.1 ft3) (5.3 ft3) (1.3 yd3) (1.3 yd3)

Scale Accuracy 0.1 g 1.0 g 10 g 100 g 1000 g

(1/3 oz) (0.2 lbs) (2.2 lbs)

can be achieved.
The casting sequence of architectural precast UHPC elements
Mock-ups should be planned in order to achieve appropriate preferential
fiber orientation. Molds are filled slowly to prevent entrapped
UHPC architectural projects typically require production of
air. No internal vibration is permitted. Limited external
precast samples and/or mock-ups for evaluation. The
vibration can be used to aid in air removal. Do not allow
samples must represent the desired color, texture and
excessive external vibration, as it causes PVA fibers to float to
special shapes (if applicable) of the finished product. To
the surface. Filling of the molds requires one continuous
achieve successful completion of any UHPC project, it is
casting by following behind the leading edge of UHPC.
recommended that this is a Best Practice procedure.

SECTION 5: QUALITY CONTROL Hand tools may be used to control excess material near the

he most important quality control measures for edges of the form or to push the material into areas where
architectural precast elements are performed the flow is not effective. Avoid tearing UHPC with hand tools.
during production. The quality control measures Avoid using rakes or any tools that may disrupt the fiber
during the orientation of UHPC. Exposed surfaces must be covered or
plastic and hardened states of UHPC must be followed for treated with a curing compound to prevent dehydration of
the successful production of architectural UHPC. UHPC.

Batching Curing and Demolding

The key to producing high-quality UHPC products is Curing temperatures and time should be recorded until a
very precise proportion control of raw materials, minimum required demolding strength 75 MPa (11,000 psi)
temperature control and optimization of the mixer’s or a minimum percentage of degree of hydration is achieved.
performance requirements. It is recommended that curing temperatures of the UHPC
For accurate proportioning of the raw materials, the weigh product remain between 40 ºF and 105 ºF. Depending on the
scales have the following accuracies (Table 1). Note that all raw material selections and curing temperatures, UHPC
liquid and dry raw materials must be weighed for elements can be demolded between 24 and 48 hours.
successful batching of UHPC. Appropriate lifting equipment and systems are required to
ensure the safe movement of architectural UHPC elements
The temperature of all raw materials must be controlled without cracking.
prior to and during batching. The chemical admixtures must
not be exposed to freezing, and dry materials cannot be
exposed to moisture. During warm weather batching (77 Thermal Treatment
ºF), ice cubes are added to the mixture. Ice cubes are used
Thermal treatment of architectural UHPC elements is not
instead of
required. If thermal treatment is applied, the hardened
cool water to aid in mixing, and they ensure that final
UHPC elements (minimum strength of 11,000 psi) are
batch temperatures are within standards.
exposed to a 72-hour heat treatment cycle at 140º +/- 5º F
at 95% +/- 3% relative humidity. The temperature change
rate of the precast elements must not exceed 20 F per
National Precast Concrete Association • 14

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Figure 8 – The plastic flow of each batch is determined in accordance with ASTM C230.

Domain A Domain B Domain C

Stiff mixture Fluid mixture Highly fluid mixture

20-impact < 200 mm (8 in) Between 200 mm (8 in) > 250 mm (10 in)
spreading test and 250 mm (10 in)

Cylinder End Preparation: The top ¼ - ½ in of the top

cylinder is removed. Both ends of the cylinders are ground
Plant Requirements until a length of 6 in. is reached. The angle of plainness is
Workers should be trained on casting, finishing, curing, recorded and should not exceed 0.5 degrees. The flatness
demolding and thermal treatment procedures prior to using of the cylinder ends will affect the results. It is important
UHPC. The QC inspector then observes, records and that the preparation is consistent for all cylinders. The
ensures proper production practices for the UHPC. casting method for UHPC cylinders (3 in x 6 in) is described
in the chart on the next page.

Plastic Properties Testing for Compressive Strength: Compressive strength

specimens are tested at 145 psi/second. For each daily
Flow Test: The plastic flow of each batch is determined in
production run, six compressive cylinders can be made:
accordance with ASTM C230 (see Figure 8). The static and
three specimens to confirm the minimum stripping strength
dynamic flows after 20 shocks are measured to the nearest
and three specimens for 28-day testing. If thermal
in (3 mm).
treatment is used, extra cylinders should be tested after
Temperature Control: During warm weather batching completion of the
and casting (77 ºF), ice cubes may need to be added to
the mixture. Ice cubes are used instead of cool water to
aid in mixing and ensure that final batch temperatures
are within standards. For each batch, the starting and
placing temperatures should be measured and recorded.

Hardened Properties
Cylinder Casting Preparation: Rigid cylinder molds (3
in x 6 in [75 x 165 mm]) are cast for compressive
testing (see Figure 9). Depending on the flow
characteristics, measured using a flow test (in accordance Figures 9, 10 – UHPC compressive strength cylinders
with ASTM C1437) of UHPC being sampled, the casting (left); vibration of UHPC compressive strength cylinders
method for the test specimen will change. (right).

National Precast Concrete Association • 16

Domain A Domain B Domain C
Stiff mixture Fluid mixture Highly fluid mixture

20-impact < 200 mm (8 in) Between 200 mm (8 in) > 250 mm (10 in)
spreading test and 250 mm (10 in)

During vibration (Figure

10) – Vibration table
adjusted for a 1/64”
Filling (0.5 mm) amplitude

In several layers (approx. 4), ensuring that no cavities are formed

On the impact table

Consolidation Simple cast Simple cast
(ASTM): 100

thermal treatment cycle.

Curved UHPC panels allow for the development of
Plant Requirements tighter radii that would not be efficient with a flat panel
system. For “The Atrium” project in Victoria, British
Persons conducting the QC procedures as per Section 5
Columbia, the architect (D’Ambrosio Architecture
must be properly trained to perform all additional tests
+ Urbanism) chose UHPC for the
required for architectural precast UHPC elements. Proper
spandrel panel section because
end grinding machines and compressive resistance machines
of its ability to form
monolithically tight radial curves
be used. Neoprene pads are not allowed for
(see Figures
compressive resistance testing.
11 and 12). A conventional flat
panel system would have to be
cut to make the turn and result
SECTION 6: PRECAST UHPC APPLICATION in numerous unattractive
seams and openings, which
could also
Architectural UHPC Applications reduce energy efficiency. In
UHPC’s superior mechanical performances can result 2013, this project achieved a
in a reduced number of sections, eliminate the need LEED Gold rating and won a
for Royal Architectural Institute of
passive reinforcing, and allow for the design of cantilevered Canada (RAIC) Award for
structures that are not possible with conventional concrete. Excellence in the Green Building
Furthermore, UHPC enables the design and production of Category.
ultra-thin elements that are highly durable and sustainable.
resistance to corrosion, abrasion, carbonation, impact and Texture
makes it well-suited for structures in harsh environments The RATP bus center in Thiais, and 14). The 1½ in (30 mm)
(i.e., marine or industrial sites) and public buildings that France (designed by ECDM thick skin is curved
have strict requirements for safety, maintenance and [Emmanuel Combarel
seismic ratings. Dominique Marrec] architects),
Examples of architectural UHPC precast elements with is covered with a unique
complex curves, textures and shapes are illustrated within “LEGO® style” textured skin
the following sections. made with UHPC (see Figures 13
National Precast Concrete Association • 17
Figures 11, 12 – The Atrium, Victoria, B.C. features an
ultra-thin, unitized curtain wall system.
(Photo credits: D’Ambrosio
Architecture + Urbanism (top) and Lafarge Canada Inc.)

National Precast Concrete Association • 18

Figures 13, 14 – Unique LEGO®-style textured UHPC cladding in France

where it meets the ground and rises gracefully upward

With rounded perforations of various diameters, the
toward the sky. Apart from being an anti-slip surface, the
panels act as a sunshade. A set of oblong holes in the
shell and ground elements provide a moiré pattern that
metal plates (in contact with the panels) enabled
reflects in the mirrored surface of the colored structural
geometric tolerances in the structure as well as
glazing. The project collaborators invested significant time
deformations due to expected heat absorption. The voids
studying, building prototypes, performing tests and creating
in the panels approach 30% and the patterns in the
molds that fulfilled all requirements in terms of durability and
openings respect aesthetic requirements, allowing for easy
economy of resources. The material’s fluidity enables it to
casting procedures.
reproduce the texture of the molds with extreme precision.
UHPC was the key element in this project, providing the This project demonstrates the ability to produce large,
envelope, skin and ground wall connection. perforated UHPC panels that are cast flat. Many patterns
and formats can be achieved, from geometric to organic.
However, due to the number of voids, the surface pattern is
Perforated and Lattice Panel Systems rather complex and must be cast in a flat, open mold
Traditional perforated panels are made of metal, painted position.
steel, cast iron, stainless steel or cast aluminum. UHPC Therefore, the filling face remains rough and is placed
offers an alternative for creating original precast decorative toward the inside of the building. In order to answer
elements that are durable, and require less energy the
consumption to create and less maintenance over time. For ever-increasing desire for a smooth form finish on both
example, the Community Center in Sedan, France, was built sides of a perforated panel, a vacuum injection molding
with a double skin facade in order to provide privacy and system has been developed. This solution enables very
protection of the glass fascia behind. The west and south complex, perforated panels to be cast while obtaining the
walls consist of UHPC perforated light blue panels, 13 ft by same smooth finish on all faces of the element (see Figure
6.5 ft and 1.5 in 17).
(2 m by 4 m and 45 mm) thick that permit sunlight to By transforming lattice work even further, it changes from
stream through to the interior spaces (see Figures 15 and perforated panels into much more than simple cladding.
16). The high mechanical strengths of UHPC enable it to play a
structural role in building construction. When the voids begin
to exceed 50%, they can no longer be classified as

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Figures 15, 16 – Community Center, Sedan, France -– perforated UHPC panels create a double-skin facade that provides
privacy, sunshade and daylight.

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Figure 17 (top, left) – Lattice panels being formed
with a vacuum injection molding system. Figures
18, 19: Perforated UHPC panels at Plescop City
Hall, France.
(Photos courtesy of Lafarge)

panels, but rather a type of lattice that in turn

with steel, but UHPC proved to be an exceptional
requires structural design.
alternative material that easily allows for the creation of
The Plescop City Hall in Morbihan, France, has a organic, curvy elements with ambitious angles and no
sunshade system consisting of six UHPC panels that are rebar.
50% perforated, up to 5.5 m x 3.9 m x 10 cm thick and
UHPC has also been used for creative decorative wall
covering more than 170 m². Above the perforated panels,
panels with thicknesses ranging from 12 to 20 mm. The
curved panels attach to the parapet, which allows the
building envelope to be closed (see Figures 18 and 19).
can feature different
formats, colors,
textures, lattice shapes,
Artisan reliefs and forms with
UHPC is well-suited for modern and contemporary interior varying depths of
decors including benches, tables, decorative panels, effects. As well, UHPC
kitchens, bathrooms, floor tiles, fireplaces and planters. A can imitate various
good “fit” for current, modern trends in décor, it provides a surface finishes from
bare, natural the mineral aspects
of stone to the shiny
material for homes and businesses. Because UHPC can thick), extruding aspects of glass and oxidized metals.
replicate mold materials, it easily reproduces the exact from the wall. The UHPC panels are generally lightweight,
texture and grain of the mold, and the concrete can be color- designer slim and easy to attach to walls.
matched to the aesthetic needs of the project. envisioned the Attachments are similar to systems
banquettes to be used for sandstone tiles. Many designs
made for lattice panels are fabricated
Interior Decor in 2 dimensions. However, UHPC
With UHPC, designers can create complex, organic interior casting techniques will also permit
design elements that are sleek and lightweight. An 3D lattice shapes,
excellent example is the “banquettes” or benches at Bar
Agricole in San Francisco. This project demonstrates new
engineering capabilities in concrete technology that are
possible with UHPC (see Figure 20). The double-sided seats
(approximately 5 ft x 5 ft x 5 ft) resemble a ribbon (1 in
National Precast Concrete Association • 21
Figure 20: UHPC benches/ banquettes at Bar
Agricole, San Francisco. (Photo courtesy of Concreteworks

Figure 21: Lattice-style panels.

(Photo courtesy of Lafarge)

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Figure 22 (top left) – Innovative UHPC tables.
(Photo courtesy of Lafarge)
Figure 23 (above) – Large-format floor tiles.
(Photo courtesy of Bill Gockeler)
Figure 24 (left) – Bio-ethanol fireplace.
(Photo courtesy of Lafarge)

thickness similar to ceramic tiles or parquet strips.

Installation is easy and simple, similar to regular tiling,
without the need for setting of materials such as a self-
leveling concrete or lacquered concrete. The tiles can be
placed on supports and are extremely useful for renovation
projects (see Figure 23). The material’s extremely low water
permeability enables interior and exterior applications, even
for bathrooms.
further challenging the designers’ creativity. Adding texture
further enhances the customized panel design. In many Since UHPC is very compact with minimal porosity,
cases, harmony within a room or atrium can be achieved unique kitchen and bathroom elements may be produced
by in a vast range of colors and shapes, such as:
countertops, sinks,
continuing the bare and natural look from the floor slabs into possible to produce large format, ultra-thin floor tiles with a
a decorative wall pattern (see Figure 21).

Tables are typically built out of a flat tabletop and some sort
of base. With UHPC, designers can create a vast range of
tables for any occasion using modern, unique, innovative
forms with blended materials, material surface effects and
integral colors. The material’s high moldability and superior
strength allow for the creation of large, thin tabletops with
perforated or solid surfaces. Specialized liners in the precast
molds are used to create effects such as crocodile or lizard
skin, wood grain or a perfect, polished look. In many cases,
the edges of the table have an extremely slim look,
generating “wow effects” for boardrooms or dining tables
(see Figure 22). This look is often achieved by hiding ribs or
thickening the table in the center to ensure its structural
integrity. The design can be enhanced by including LED
lights or optical fibers in the tabletops that glow in the dark.

The fiber reinforcement of UHPC formulations makes it

National Precast Concrete Association • 23

shower bases, bathtubs and small tiles. Generally, these
elements are light and easy to install.

UHPC can be molded to imitate stone or contemporary

looks with a wide variety of attractive surface finishes or
textures for surround fireplaces and planters. A current
trend is the production of bio-ethanol fireplaces, which
store ecological fuel and may be ignited indoors (see
Figure 24).

Due to the material’s low porosity and water

permeability, UHPC is an excellent material for the
production of planters or decorative containers. By
integrating color and textures, exceptional horizontal
and vertical elements can be created (see Figure 25).

Urban Furnishings
UHPC can be used for the production of practical,
unique street furnishings in urban settings. Its
combination of properties provides functionality,
durability, aesthetics and a

National Precast Concrete Association • 24

wide range of colored or textured
Paris, France. In 2011 and 2012, two large projects – the
options. Its impact- and weather-
Stade Jean Bouin, and the Museum of Civilizations in
resistant qualities (freeze/thaw),
Europe and the Mediterranean (“MuCEM”) – were
durability and low maintenance
constructed using architectural UHPC precast elements.
make it an excellent alternative to
These projects take advantage of the superior properties of
traditional materials such as steel,
UHPC with architectural and structural properties such as
cast iron, aluminum, plastic or
ease of curvature and texture, as well as high compressive
wood. Depending on the design, it
and flexural strengths.
can complement, blend and be
used in combination with these Stade Jean Bouin
materials. Figure 25 – Planters. The Stade Jean Bouin in Paris, France, has played
Benches, decorative panels, bollards (Photo courtesy of Szolyd an important role in the history of rugby since 1925.
and street furniture are just some Development)
It has been redesigned and rebuilt to host up to
examples of the many possibilities 20,000 spectators in a way to reduce its impact on
(see Figures 26-31). the urban
landscape as much as possible. This objective represented
If a precaster/artisan can develop a “signature” urban a real technical challenge and a first worldwide for architect
furniture element, the fabrication facility can develop a Rudy Ricciotti, who has created a remarkable, precast
standard precast element that may be cast repetitively. UHPC lattice-style facade system that is light and airy (see
Below are some examples of urban furnishings made with Figures 32 & 34). The 23,000 m² envelope, including a
architectural UHPC. 12,000 m² roof, is made of 3,600 self-supporting UHPC
triangular panels, each averaging 8 m to 9 m long by 2.5
m wide and
Mega Architectural Projects 4.5 cm thick. The envelope totally covers the stadium in
“Mega” Architectural UHPC projects have been utilized in an amorphic fashion, designed to protect spectators from

Figure 27 _ Ultra-thin UHPC

chair. At Yves Saint Laurent
Figures 26 – UHPC modular island. store.
(Photo courtesy of Szolyd Development) Figures 28 (above) and 29, 30, 31
(Photo courtesy of Lafarge)
(below) – UHPC Urban Furnishings.
(Photos courtesy of Lafarge)

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Figure 32 – Mega project: Stade Jean Bouin, a 23,000 square meter UHPC lattice envelope and roof. (Photo: Nanick Guihodo)

Figure 33 (left) – Stade Jean Bouin’s UHPC lattice roof system with glass inserts. (Photo courtesy of Olivier Amsellem). At
right, the open lattice facade allows sunlight to filter through. (Photo © courtesy of Lisa Ricciotti).

elements and provide an acoustic screen in consideration

footbridge (see Figure 34); structures for an “abstract cube”
of the surrounding neighborhoods. This remarkable project
with a 15,000 m² surface area; flooring; and a complex
is a first of its kind and the result of years of studies and
lattice-style envelope (see Figure 35) with a series of “Y”
tests, particularly with respect to the incorporation of light-
and “N”-shaped, slender columns (see Figure 36) in 20
diffusing glass.
basic designs that create 80 different combinations. The
are designed to carry the entire load. The assembly
MuCEM technique required production tolerances to be less than 2
The Museum of Civilizations in Europe and the mm on elements that are 9 m tall. According to the
Mediterranean (MuCEM) was slated to come to fruition just architect, “The building was subject to the most stringent
a few months before Marseilles became the European requirements:
Capital of Culture a pioneering building method and maximum
in 2013. This innovative project, designed by Rudy Ricciotti requirements in terms of both seismic strength and fire
and Roland Carta, demonstrates architectural and resistance, as specified and tested by the CSTB.”
structural qualities of UHPC in dimensions that have never
been seen before. Precast UHPC was used to construct: a
National Precast Concrete Association • 27
Figures 34, 35 – Mega project: MuCEM with UHPC lattice facade, roof and footbridge. (Photos © courtesy of Lisa Ricciotti)

Figure 36 – MuCEM’s UHPC lattice facade features tree-like, UHPC columns. (Photo © courtesy of Lisa Ricciotti)
For manufacturers to successfully commercialize precast
UHPC elements, a business plan for the proposed solution
must be developed and validated. Once precasters
understand the material’s technical properties, they may
seek “problems that require a solution” which, in turn,
must be validated by an economic analysis (compared to
current alternatives).

When looking at the pricing structure for UHPC, precasters

should keep in mind that a new, innovative solution with
superior technical characteristics will result in a very
different look and size compared with elements produced
with alternative, traditional materials such as wood, metals
or conventional concrete. The economics of the entire
solution must be validated; it is not simply a unit price

UHPC, as with metals or conventional concrete, offers a

wide range of products with a range of unit selling prices,
National Precast Concrete Association • 28
it is used in different ways. The range in unit price is
between concrete and metals and, when used in an
optimized manner, it provides solutions that are
extremely durable and cost- competitive.

When comparing the cost of UHPC versus the cost of

ready mix concrete (sold in North America between
$77/yd³ to $139/ yd³ [$100/m³ to $180/m³]), pricing can
vary from $1,925/yd³
to $3,460/yd³ ($2,500/m³ to $4,500 /m³), depending on the
formulation within the UHPC range of products for various
applications. This pricing structure also varies in different
markets and regions around the world.

This pricing comparison may seem interesting; however,

when buying various types of steel, an order of magnitude
of $6,150/ yd³ ($8,000/m³) for black steel and $23,000/yd³
($30,000/m³) for stainless steel is evident. This clearly
shows that the entire economics of the finished UHPC
solution (including material, manufacturing and
distribution costs plus market economics) must be
considered when reviewing the pricing structure,

National Precast Concrete Association • 29

which should not be based on unit pricing of materials.
business strategies in order to create continuous sales
When compared with conventional concrete, UHPC is priced
and efficient production.
higher, but the volume of material required is greatly
reduced. It also provides many superior benefits and cost-
effective solutions that are not possible with conventional

Before commencing any major production facility

investments, it is recommended that manufacturers develop
a business plan for their proposed UHPC solution. This
requires the precaster’s review of distribution and promotion
as an expert with respect to local markets, accessibility and
market tolerance. In addition, the precaster will develop a
value proposition for any new, innovative UHPC solutions.
Once the business plan has been completed, prototypes of
the proposed solution must be tested, optimized and
certified. These procedures will result in a clear
understanding of the required equipment and capital
investments. Ultimately, successful UHPC commercialization
relies heavily on these

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