DLL - Tle 6 - Q2 - W8
DLL - Tle 6 - Q2 - W8
DLL - Tle 6 - Q2 - W8
E.Discussing new concepts and Actual group presentation Mention that food Food for human consumption The teacher will ask the
practicing new skills#2 Groups 1 -4 preservation/food processing should be produced under learners to comment on the
can be a source of additional conditions of cleanliness and video.
income, if the above factors are hygienic decency. No What part in the video is the
considered. consumer would knowingly most significant to the
wish to consume food prepared learner?
in unhygienic environment. Does the video manifest
safety and sanitation in food
F. Developing mastery The teacher explains that in our At your own level, how will
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) country, there are provinces you ensure safety and
which have abundance of food sanitation in food
items. The teacher gives preservation/food
examples: processing?
General Santos City in Mindanao
– tuna
Guimaras in the Visayas –
Pangasinan in Luzon – milkfish
Cebu in the Visayas - Rabbit fish
with white dots (danggit)
Ask the learners how the above
food items can be
G. Finding practical applications of Engage the learners in the Cleanliness and sanitation not
concepts and skills in daily living discussion by asking them, “ only includes maintenance of
when you go to the province clean and well-sanitized
during summer, what foods are surfaces of all equipment, but
abundant in their areas? also proper disposal of wastes.
What are done by their
relatives/friends in order to
preserve them?
H. Making generalizations and Mention that food Think of other ways to ensure Underscore the importance
abstractions about the lesson preservation/food processing that processed foods are of sanitation and safety in
can be a source of additional prepared observing the food processing / food
income, if the above factors are principles of sanitation and preservation.
considered. safety.
I. Evaluating learning True or False
1. The tools and
equipment stored in the
cabinet need not be
washed after storage for
a long time.
2. The harvested fruits and
vegetables in your own
backyard are clean;
hence, they need not be
3. The wearing of hairnet
during cooking of food
to be sold is optional
because of the climate in
the Philippines.
4. Safety and sanitation in
food includes proper
waste disposal.
5. The use of plastic
kitchen gloves is
advisable in the
preparation of food.
J. Additional activities for application Completion of presentation. Think of food items which the Bring photos or drawing of
or remediation learner wants to preserve and measures to ensure safety and
The teacher thanks the possibly provide a source of sanitation in food
members of the class for the income for them. processing/preservation.
effort they have exerted.