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Balassa East Asia

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The Lessons of East Asian Development: An Overview

Author(s): Bela Balassa

Source: Economic Development and Cultural Change , Apr., 1988, Vol. 36, No. 3,
Supplement: Why Does Overcrowded, Resource-Poor East Asia Succeed: Lessons for the
LDCs? (Apr., 1988), pp. S273-S290
Published by: The University of Chicago Press

Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/1566546

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The Lessons of East Asian Development:
An Overview

Bela Balassa
Johns Hopkins University and World Bank*

The East Asian area encompasses countries at widely different levels
of economic development.1 There is first of all Japan, the only devel-
oped country of the group, with per capita incomes of $7,130 in 1985 in
terms of purchasing power parities at 1975 prices.2 In the same year, it
had a population of 120 million.
There follow the four Far Eastern newly industrializing countries
(NICs: Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan) that have been
called the Gang of Four and, more gently, the Four Little Tigers by the
Chinese. In fact they are small in relation to China, but not with respect
to a large number of developing countries as their populations range
from 40 million (Korea) to 3 million (Singapore), with Taiwan (19 mil-
lion) and Hong Kong (5 million) in between. The ranking by per capita
incomes is just the opposite: Singapore leads with $5,001, followed by
Hong Kong ($3,760), Taiwan ($3,160), and Korea ($2,648); all four of
them belong to the group of higher middle-income developing countries
under the World Bank classification scheme.
Next come the countries of Southeast Asia, which, together with
Singapore, are the founding members of the Association of South
Asian Nations (ASEAN). They include, with per capita incomes in
parentheses, Malaysia ($2,579), Thailand ($1,393), the Philippines
($896), and Indonesia ($789). The ranking by population is again the
opposite: Indonesia (159 million) is followed by the Philippines (53
million), Thailand (50 million), and Malaysia (15 million). According to
the World Bank classification scheme, Malaysia belongs to the upper
middle-income group and the other three countries to the lower middle-
income group.
Further interest attaches to changes over time. Between 1950 and
1985, per capita incomes rose ninefold in Japan and approximately
sixfold in the Far Eastern NICs. In turn, per capita incomes quad-

? 1988 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.


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S274 Economic Development and Cultural Change

rupled in Malaysia, nearly tripled in Thailand and Indonesia

doubled in the Philippines. Correspondingly, in 1950, Japan, Si
pore, Hong Kong, and Malaysia would have been classified lower
dle-income countries by the World Bank while all other East A
countries would have been in the low income group.
These achievements are quite extraordinary, in particular if
parisons are made with other developing countries. The four Far
ern NICs surpassed or, at least, caught up with Argentina, Uru
and Venezuela, the high-income Latin American countries, whe
comes per head increased by less than one-half during the 1950
period. Apart from the Philippines, the Southeast Asian countrie
did well in comparison with other Latin American countries, am
which only Brazil achieved a tripling of per capita incomes bet
1950 and 1985, followed by an approximate doubling in Colomb
Mexico. Comparison may also be made with India, which had se
poised for economic progress at the time of independence but
achieved a two-third increase in per capita incomes between 19
But what are the reasons for the favorable record of the East Asian
countries? I will consider this question in the following, with reference
made to cultural and social factors as well as to the economic policies

Cultural and Social Factors

People delight in putting forward ex post explanations, or rationaliza
tions, for observed phenomena. Economists are no exception. Those
who have failed to understand, nay foresee, actual developments be-
cause of faulty or inadequate economic reasoning fall back on noneco-
nomic explanations, just as our ancestors thought to find the causes o
lightning and thunder in the supernatural.
Explaining intercountry differences in economic growth rates is no
exception. With little knowledge, but fertile imagination, economists
have wandered onto the fields of cultural and social phenomena when
their models have failed them. Several examples can be given for such
"ex post hoccery" in the context of East Asian economies.
First, the Chinese factor. Indeed, Hong Kong, Singapore, and
Taiwan are Chinese, and the Chinese minorities in Indonesia,
Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand have had an important, if not
dominant, role in the economic life of these countries. By extension,
Japanese and Koreans are included in the explanation in a modern
version of the "yellow peril."
As to the Chinese themselves, few explanations have been offered
for the success of the emigr6s in contradistinction to the lack of eco-
nomic development of their homeland over the centuries. But the Chi-
nese are not the only success stories in faraway lands. The Indians, the

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Bela Balassa S275

Levantines, and t
tries where the e
And how about
nese have been li
a long period of
level of per capit
economists, follo
James Grant, a
stitute and prese
less the case of T
policy changes w
were searching
policies in exchan
be announced in
Union message. A
representative i
reply was to pou
These Chinese are
manufacturing f
however, the AID
made for Taiwan
In offering an e
Korea, people also
country less than
saddled with abje
in the writings o
spoke to an India
veled at the prog
And how about
tics of the Japan
prepared by a for
and published in

Japan commerciall
executing business
have caused no en
was soon disillusi
are lowly paid, bu
me feel that you
no object. When I
impossible to cha

And how about

mon heritage of
economic success?

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S276 Economic Development and Cultural Change

the 1950s' economic stagnation in Japan and Korea was routinely a

tributed to their Confucian heritage, which was also considered a h
drance to economic development in China.4
At the same time, there are a number of cases of successful r
forms without changes in cultural and social conditions, in East A
and elsewhere. They include, first of all, the reforms of the early 1960s
in Korea and Taiwan, where large exchange rate changes, accom
panied by export subsidization and import liberalization and by th
establishment of realistic interest rates, contributed to rapid econom
progress after the stagnation of earlier years.
A more recent case is that of Turkey, where the policy reforms
January 1980 included a large devaluation, export subsidization, an
decontrol of prices, followed by import liberalization and increases
interest rates. These reforms led to a shift from virtual bankruptcy
creditworthiness in international financial markets, as rapid increa
in exports generated a substantial improvement in the balance of p
ments and high rates of economic growth.
The experience of these countries may be considered to be the
result of "controlled experiments" in the sense that the econom
changes that have occurred have followed changes in policies, with
cultural and social conditions remaining the same. They thus point
the importance of policies, an issue I will pursue next.

Exports and Economic Growth

Economic growth rates appear to be correlated with the growth o
exports. To begin with, the Far Eastern NICs, which had the high
GDP growth rates, attained much more rapid rates of export expans
than comparable developing countries elsewhere. This is appare
from table 1, which provides data on nonfuel exports for these fo
countries, for the countries of Southeast Asia, and for the three lar
Latin American NICs (Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico), as well as fo
Between 1963 and 1984, Korea's share in the nonfuel exports o
the 12 countries under consideration increased from 0.9% to 17.3%
while Taiwan's share rose from 3.6% to 18.2%. Smaller increases are
shown for Singapore (from 3.6% to 4.9%) and for Hong Kong (from
7.3% to 10.6%), which already had large exports relative to their size in
It is noteworthy that the increases were not limited to manufac-
tured goods. Thus, both Korea and Taiwan gained market shares in
nonfuel primary products as well. (Data for Hong Kong and Singapore
are of limited importance as they largely relate to simply processed
food and raw materials, which are included with primary products.)
At the other extreme, India's market share in the export of nonfuel
products by the 12 countries fell from 17.1% in 1963 to 4.4% in 1984.

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Bela Balassa S277

The decline was

manufactured goo
Among the thr
share in nonfuel ex
the increases bein
to 10.2%). In turn
primary and man
from 14.8% to 4.
Mexico, except th
age market share
1963 to 5.4% in 1984.
The Southeast Asian countries are at a lower level of development
than the Far Eastern or Latin American NICs. Correspondingly, they
had a much smaller share of manufactured exports at the beginning of
the period. This fact explains the relative decline of their exports of
nonfuel products, notwithstanding the gains they attained in export
market shares in both nonfuel primary and in manufactured goods.
The Philippines provides an exception to the latter statement as it
experienced substantial losses of export market shares in nonfuel pri-
mary products. It also had smaller increases in the exports of manufac-
tured goods than the other three Southeast Asian countries.
The existence of a positive relationship between export expansion
and economic growth has been reconfirmed by cross-section estimates
for developing countries.6 And while it has been noted that the two
variables are intercorrelated as exports are included in GDP,7 exports
represent alternative allocations of resources under full employment
and involve the use of otherwise unutilized resources in a situation of
unemployment. Correspondingly, the estimated relationship does indi-
cate the beneficial effect of exports on economic growth. Furthermore,
a positive correlation has been obtained also in correlating exports with
the growth of output net of exports.8
These procedures abstract from the fact that exports and output
are affected simultaneously by other variables, such as increases in the
capital stock and in the labor force. C. Michalopoulos and K. Jay
attempted to remedy this deficiency by introducing domestic and for-
eign investment and labor as explanatory variables, together with ex-
ports, to explain intercountry differences in GDP growth rates for 39
developing countries in the 1960-66 period.9 The inclusion of exports
in a production function-type relationship was designed to test for the
favorable effects of export expansion on output growth.
While intercountry differences in domestic and foreign investment
and in the growth of the labor force explained 53% of the intercountry
variation on GNP growth rates, adding the export variable raised the
coefficient of determination to 0.71. Applying the same procedure to
pooled data of nine semi-industrial countries for the 1960-66 and 1966-

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10 DEVELOPING COUNTRIES (in current prices)


$million % $million % $million %

Far Eastern NICs: 469 6.6 938 47.6 1,407 15.4
Hong Kong 53 .7 615 31.2 668 7.3
Korea 45 .6 39 2.0 84 .9
Singapore 168 2.3 158 8.0 326 3.6
Taiwan 203 2.8 126 6.4 329 3.6
Southeast Asia: 2,499 34.9 95 4.8 2,596 28.4
Indonesia 425 5.9 2 .1 428 4.7
Malaysia 955 13.3 49 2.5 1,004 11.0
Philippines 683 9.5 33 1.7 716 7.8
Thailand 436 6.1 11 .6 448 4.9
Latin American NICs: 3,303 46.1 267 13.5 3,570 39.1
Argentina 1,275 17.8 78 4.0 1,353 14.8
Brazil 1,352 18.9 42 2.1 1,394 15.3
Mexico 676 9.4 147 7.5 823 9.0
India 888 12.4 671 34.0 1,559 17.1

Total 7,159 100.0 1,971 100.0 9,132 100.0

LDC Total 18,460 ... 3,430 ... 21,890

Far Eastern NICs: 1,406 7.7 11,016 66.5 12,422 35.6
Hong Kong 125 .7 3,650 22.0 3,775 10.8
Korea 473 2.6 2,700 16.3 3,173 9.1
Singapore 108 .6 998 6.0 1,106 3.2
Taiwan 700 3.8 3,668 22.2 4,368 12.5
Southeast Asia: 6,738 36.8 929 5.6 7,667 22.0
Indonesia 1,533 8.4 61 .4 1,594 4.6
Malaysia 2,511 13.7 347 2.1 2,858 8.2
Philippines 1,493 8.2 277 1.7 1,770 5.1
Thailand 1,201 6.6 244 1.5 1,445 4.1
Latin American NICs: 8,809 48.1 3,050 18.4 11,859 34.0
Argentina 2,527 13.8 730 4.4 3,257 9.3
Brazil 4,779 26.1 1,217 7.4 5,996 17.2
Mexico 1,503 8.2 1,103 6.7 2,606 7.5
India 1,353 7.4 1,561 9.4 2,914 8.4

Total 18,306 100.0 16,556 100.0 34,862 100.0

LDC Total 42,349 ... 22,945 ... 65,294 ...

Far Eastern NICs: 4,881 9.8 50,962 69.9 55,843 45.6
Hong Kong 460 .9 13,079 17.9 13,539 11.0
Korea 1,727 3.5 15,622 21.4 17,349 14.2
Singapore 584 1.2 4,833 6.6 5,417 4.4
Taiwan 2,110 4.2 17,428 23.9 19,538 15.9
Southeast Asia: 21,081 42.4 6,467 8.9 27,545 22.5
Indonesia 5,633 11.3 501 .7 6,134 5.0
Malaysia 7,277 14.7 2,427 3.3 9,704 7.9


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Bela Balassa S279

TABLE 1 (Cont


$million % $million % $million %

Philippines 3,595 7.2 1,935 2.7 5,530 4.5

Thailand 4,577 9.2 1,604 2.2 6,181 5.0
Latin American NICs: 20,647 41.6 11,069 15.2 31,716 25.9
Argentina 5,883 11.8 1,857 2.5 7,740 6.3
Brazil 12,005 24.2 7,492 10.3 19,497 15.9
Mexico 2,759 5.6 1,720 2.4 4,479 3.7
India 3,054 6.1 4,404 6.0 7,458 6.1

Total 49,663 100.0 72,902 100.0 122,562 100.0

LDC Total 106,918 ... 98,763 ... 205,681 ...

Far Eastern NICs: 5,117 10.0 78,666 69.7 83,783 51.1
Hong Kong 542 1.1 16,913 15.0 17,455 10.6
Korea 1,737 3.4 26,681 23.7 28,418 17.3
Singapore 670 1.3 7,374 6.5 8,044 4.9
Taiwan 2,168 4.2 27,698 24.6 29,866 18.2
Southeast Asia: 17,890 34.9 12,040 10.7 29,931 18.2
Indonesia 3,839 7.5 2,201 2.0 6,041 3.7
Malaysia 7,109 13.9 4,411 3.9 11,520 7.0
Philippines 2,162 4.2 3,002 2.7 5,164 3.1
Thailand 4,780 9.3 2,426 2.2 7,206 4.4
Latin American NICs: 25,218 49.2 17,908 15.9 43,126 26.3
Argentina 6,353 12.4 1,420 1.3 7,773 4.7
Brazil 14,937 29.2 11,558 10.2 26,495 16.2
Mexico 3,928 7.7 4,930 4.4 8,858 5.4
India 3,006 5.9 4,183 3.7 7,189 4.4

Total 51,231 100.0 112,797 100.0 164,029 100.0

LDC Total 99,095 ... 146,986 ... 246,081 ...

SOURCE.-United Nations, Commodity Trade Statistic

NOTE.-Nonfuel primary products include Standard Int
tion (SITC) classes 0 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 68; manufactured good
8 less 68.

73 periods, I found that adding export variables increased the explana-

tory power of the regression equation from 58% to 77%.10 Subse-
quently, G. Feder separated the effects of exports on economic growth
into two parts--productivity differentials between export and nonex-
port and externalities generated by exports-and obtained highly
significant results for broadly as well as for narrowly defined categories
of semi-industrial countries for the 1964-77 period.11
The cited estimates refer to the period of rapid growth in the world
economy. Further interest attaches to the question as to whether these
results hold up in the subsequent period of external shocks, in the form
of the quadrupling of oil prices and the world recession. Applying

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S280 Economic Development and Cultural Change

production function estimation to the 1973-78 period, the

findings on the importance of exports for economic growth ha
been reconfirmed.
Data available for 43 developing countries have further permitted
analyzing the implications for economic growth of export orientation at
the beginning of the period of external shocks and of policy responses
to external shocks in the 1973-78 period. The extent of export orienta-
tion in the initial year has been defined in terms of deviations of actual
from hypothetical per capita exports, the latter having been estimated
by reference to per capita incomes, population, and the ratio of mineral
exports to GNP. In turn, alternative policy responses have been
defined as export promotion, import substitution, and additional net
external financing. 12
The impact of export orientation on economic growth is indicated
by the existence of a difference of one percentage point in GNP growth
rates between developing economies in the upper quartile and the
lower quartile of the distribution in terms of their export orientation.
Furthermore, a difference of 1.2 percentage points in GDP growth is
obtained in comparing the upper and lower quartiles of the distribution
as regards reliance on export promotion, as against import substitution
and additional external financing.13
The results are cumulative, indicating that both initial export
orientation and reliance on exports in response to external shocks
contributed significantly to economic growth in developing countries
during the period under consideration. These factors explain a large
proportion of intercountry differences in GNP growth rates in the
1973-78 period, with a difference of 3.2 percentage points between the
upper quartile and the lower quartile of the distribution in the 43 devel-
oping countries.

Factors Affecting Economic Growth

There are various reasons for the favorable effects of exports on eco-
nomic growth. First of all, exports contribute to resource allocation
according to comparative advantage. At the same time, these gains
cumulate over time as the efficiency of new investment is enhanced
through its orientation toward industries that correspond to the com-
parative advantage of the countries concerned.
Also, exports make it possible for developing countries to over-
come the limitations of their domestic markets in exploiting economies
of scale and ensuring full capacity utilization. In this way, developing
countries can avoid the dilemma of building ahead of demand and
operating with a low degree of capacity utilization or constructing less
than optimal size plants. This dilemma arises under traditional econo-
mies of scale, which entail reductions in production costs with in-

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Bela Balassa S281

creases in plant si
such as steel, copp
Other forms of economies of scale include cost reductions obtain-
able through horizontal specialization (involving reductions in product
variety as in the case of machine tools) and vertical specialization
(involving the manufacture of parts, components, and accessories in
separate establishments as in the case of automobiles) in differentiated
products. These forms of specialization can also be exploited through
But, even in cases when a country's domestic market can provide
for the exploitation of economies of scale and full capacity utilization,
it will rarely permit effective competition leading to the establishment
of monopolies and oligopolies. It has been observed that such firms
prefer "quiet life" to innovative activity that entails risk and uncer-
tainty. In turn, "the carrot and the stick" of competition provides
inducement for technological change in export industries that have to
keep up with modern technology in order to maintain and to improve
their market position.
These conclusions are supported by empirical evidence. Thus,
export expansion has been shown to be positively, and import substitu-
tion negatively, correlated with changes in total factor productivity
(i.e., the productivity of the factors of production combined) in 13
Korean, Turkish, and Yugoslav industries during the period preceding
the quadrupling of oil prices in 1973.14
The growth of total factor productivity also appears to be cor-
related with the growth of exports in intercountry relationships. Esti-
mates of total factor productivity for a large number of countries are
summarized by Hollis Chenery whose results are cited below.'5
Estimates pertaining to the post-1960 period show Japan in the
lead, with increases in total factor productivity averaging 4.5% a year.
Japan is followed by Hong Kong, 4.3%; Korea, 4.1%; and Taiwan,
3.1%. And while no change is shown for Singapore, the data on the
extremely rapid increase of the capital stock are suspect.
Among the Southeast Asian countries, estimates of total factor
productivity are available only for the Philippines. They show an in-
crease of 2.5% a year, exceeding the 2.0% average for all developing
countries. With economic growth rates in the other Southeast Asian
countries being substantially higher than in the Philippines, it may be
assumed that their growth rates of total factor productivity are simi-
larly higher than the average.
In turn, among the major Latin American countries, total factor
productivity growth approximately equals the developing country av-
erage in Colombia (2.1%), with Brazil (1.6%) and Argentina (0.7%)
being below the average. And although Mexico matched Brazil's per-

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S282 Economic Development and Cultural Change

formance until 1974, more recent estimates made at the World B

show a decline in total factor productivity. The same result obtains
India for the 1960s and the 1970s.
Calculations of total factor productivity assume that capital as well
as labor are valued at their opportunity costs. Sir Arthur Lewis sug-
gested that such was not the case by reason of the existence of surplus
labor in the developing countries. Now, an extreme assumption is that
labor has zero opportunity cost. In such an event, the productivity of
capital would be the relevant variable.
Incremental capital-output ratios may be used as a proxy, how-
ever imperfect, for the productivity of capital. In the 1963-85 period,
these ratios were the lowest in Indonesia, Taiwan, Korea, and Thai-
land, followed by Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Mexico, and
Brazil, with the latter two countries experiencing a doubling between
1963-73 and 1973-85.16 The ratios were the highest in India, the Philip-
pines, and Argentina (table 2).
In turn, the Far Eastern NICs other than Korea, as well as In-
donesia and Malaysia, had the highest domestic savings ratios. They
were followed by Brazil, Thailand, Korea, the Philippines, Mexico,
and Argentina, while savings ratios were by far the lowest in India.
And Korea exhibited one of the highest domestic savings ratios in the
second half of the period (32.5% in 1973-84, compared with 11.7% in

The Policies Applied

The next question concerns the choice of policies that have contributed
to differential economic performance among the countries concerned.
This question may be dealt with by comparing the policies applied by
the Latin American and the Asian NICs and further examining the
policies followed by the Southeast Asian countries and India.
Apart from Hong Kong, all developing countries passed through
the first stage of import substitution, involving the replacement by
domestic production of imports of nondurable consumer goods and
their inputs. The manufacture of these products, including clothing and
textiles, shoes and leather, and furniture and wood, conform to the
production possibilities of the developing countries. They utilize in
large part unskilled labor, involve the use of simple production pro-
cesses, are not subject to important scale economies, and do not re-
quire the existence of a sophisticated industrial structure.
Once the first stage of import substitution has been completed,
however, the rate of growth of industrial production cannot continue to
exceed that of consumption. Now, countries face two choices: em-
barking on the exportation of nondurable consumer goods and their
inputs or moving to the second stage of import substitution, entailing
the replacement by domestic production of imports of producer and

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1%3-73 1973-


Far Eastern NICs:

Hong Kong 8.2 6.0 34.5 3.6 8.7 6.3 31
Korea 9.6 7.1 11.7 2.0 7.3 5.7 26.3
Singapore 11.6 9.5 16.5 2.5 7.9 6.5 32
cn Taiwan 10.7 7.6 18.1 1.9 7.9 5.9 30.0
Southeast Asia:

Indonesia 6.9 4.6 35.2 1.3 5.9 3.6 35.

Malaysia 6.6 3.9 28.1 2.8 7.0 4.5 31.
Philippines 5.2 2.2 17.9 3.9 4.0 1.3 24
Thailand 8.0 4.9 21.2 3.2 6.6 4.3 23.
India 3.5 1.1 14.3 5.8 4.4 2.1 15.3
Latin American NICs:
Argentina 4.8 3.2 20.8 4.2 .2 -1.4 21
Brazil 8.3 5.5 25.1 2.8 4.3 1.9 26.2
Mexico 7.8 4.4 20.3 2.6 4.8 1.9 22.5

SOURCE.-World Bank data base.

NOTE.-A Y/Y = rate of growth of the gross domestic product; A (YIP) /
savings in GDP; ICOR = incremental capital-output ratio.

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S284 Economic Development and Cultural Change

consumer durables and intermediate products, such as chemic

The choice was made for the first alternative in Korea, Sing
and Taiwan in the early 1960s. In turn, the three large Latin Am
countries shifted to the second stage of import substitution. Th
alternative proved costly as the commodities in question did no
form to the production possibilities of the countries concerned
Thus, the manufacture of producer and consumer durable
quires the existence of a sophisticated industrial structure to p
parts, components, and accessories made to precision. Also, su
tical specialization, as well as horizontal specialization, needs a
domestic market for manufactured goods. Yet even the largest
oping country, Brazil, has a market only one-sixth of that of Germ
Large domestic markets are also necessary for the product
intermediate goods, where traditional economies of scale obta
thermore, the manufacture of producer and consumer durable
to a considerable extent on skilled and technical labor while inter-
mediate products are highly capital intensive. Also, the margin
transformation for intermediate products is often small and can
squandered through the poor organization of production.
The resulting high domestic costs reduced the efficiency of inve
ment in countries pursuing a strategy of continued import substitution
In order to compensate for the higher costs, these countries also
creased import protection, thereby discriminating against exports.
As the costs of continued import substitution became apparen
leading to declines in export and economic growth, the three larg
Latin American countries undertook reforms aimed to provide im
proved incentives to exports. The most far-reaching reforms were u
dertaken in Brazil, while its favorable balance-of-payments positi
due first to workers' remittances, tourism, and border industries an
subsequently, to the discovery of petroleum-hampered reform effo
in Mexico, and the opposition of labor unions obstructed the course
economic reform in Argentina.
The reforms undertaken in the mid-1960s have permitted reduci
the bias against exports in Brazil, to a lesser extent in Mexico, and
even less in Argentina. But not even Brazil has provided equal ince
tives to exports and to import substitution as has been the case, on
average, in the Far Eastern NICs. In turn, despite some half-heart
reform efforts, India has continued with import substitution behin
high protection, involving a considerable bias of the incentive syst
against exports.
The Southeast Asian countries have come to industrialize in a later
period than the aforementioned countries. In the process of industrial
development, Malaysia and Thailand have eschewed serious discrimi-
nation against exports. Also, despite its oil wealth, Indonesia has at-

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Bela Balassa S285

tempted to limit t
ucts. However, th
strategy, with hig
A review of the data of table 1 indicates the existence of a corre-
spondence between the incentives applied and export performance.
But can one explain differential export performance in terms of incen-
tives alone? It has been suggested that such is not the case and that
governmental action has played an important role in the rapid export
growth of the Far Eastern NICs.
In this connection, reference has been made to the monthly meet-
ing on exports, where the president of Korea exhorted major firms to
meet their export targets. The fulfillment of export targets has also
been said to be a source of benefit to manufacturers in Korea. One
should not exaggerate, however, the importance of these factors. It
should be recalled that, at the early stage of its export development,
Korea's two most important export products were plywood and wigs,
neither of which would have been foreseen by government planners.
Rather, they represented a response on the part of entrepreneurs to
incentives for exports.
Plywood was produced from timber imported from the Philip-
pines, where such incentives were not available. And the exports of
human hair, which could not be supplied in the quantities demanded,
were followed by exportation of synthetic hair and, subsequently, wigs
in response to the incentives provided for exports.
The emergence, and the subsequent expansion, of the exports of
textiles and clothing also occurred in response to the incentives pro-
vided rather than as the result of government decisions. In turn, Presi-
dent Park, compelling the producers of nondurable consumer goods to
undertake investments in heavy engineering and chemicals in the sec-
ond half of the 1970s, brought disastrous results. In 1979, Korea's
exports declined in absolute terms while the exports of the other Asian
NICs continued to rise, and in 1980 Korea suffered a 5% decline in
GDP that is only partly explained by the poor harvest of that year.
There followed a return to earlier policies, which led to the resur-
gence of exports. In fact, the scope of government interventions had
been reduced in subsequent years. The paraphernalia of export targets
and meetings has disappeared without affecting export performance.
At any rate, incentives had never been linked to the attainment of
export targets but were provided across-the-board.
In Taiwan, too, export incentives have been available to all firms,
and there has been little interference with private decision making. The
development of exports had also been left to private interests in Singa-
pore-with the government concentrating on how to attract foreign
direct investment-until Prime Minister Lee decided that Singapore
should upgrade its exports. There followed substantial wage increases

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S286 Economic Development and Cultural Change

decreed by the government that have led to the deterioration of

pore's competitive position without materially affecting its export c
position. Finally, Hong Kong has continued to pursue a laissez-f
policy throughout the period.
Among the Southeast Asian countries, Malaysia and Thai
have allowed private firms to make decisions concerning exports
Indonesia has also relied on private initiative. The government
Philippines, however, has attempted to directly influence the tra
mation of the export structure.

The Role of Government in Economic Life

The above remarks are not meant to deny the role of government in the
economic life of East Asia. But, apart from the promotion of shipbuild-
ing and steel in Korea and of a few strategic industries in Taiwan, the
principal contribution of government in the Far Eastern NICs has been
to create a modern infrastructure, to provide a stable incentive system,
and to ensure that government bureaucracy will help rather than hinder
The creation of modern infrastructure has contributed significantly
to economic development in the Far Eastern NICs. In particular, pro-
viding up-to-date communication facilities was a precondition for es-
tablishing Hong Kong and Singapore as financial centers, and it as-
sisted in the rapid expansion of exports in Korea and Taiwan.
Improvements in infrastructure have also been observed in Malaysia
and Thailand and, to a lesser extent, in Indonesia while the Philippines
and most Latin American countries are lagging behind.
The stability of the system of incentives requires particular em-
phasis. Apart from the 1975-79 episode in Korea, the Far Eastern
NICs have avoided an appreciation of the real effective exchange
rate," and exporters could confidently expect that the incentives they
receive will be maintained in the future. This has also been the case in
recent years in Malaysia and Thailand. In Indonesia there have been
fluctuations in real effective exchange rates, and repeated instances of
overvaluation as well as changes in the system of incentives have been
observed in the Philippines.
Among the large Latin American countries, Brazil has maintained
real exchange rates at realistic levels and has continued to provide
export incentives. Argentina and Mexico have had several periods of
substantial overvaluation, and there have been changes over time in
the treatment of exports.18
The stability of the incentive system, or the lack thereof, signifi-
cantly affects business decisions. This can be illustrated by a recent
case relating to a Latin American country. In 1986, a businessman with
interests in the United States told me of his plans to set up plants in
Korea and Taiwan for supplying his U.S. operations. When I asked

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Bela Balassa S287

why the plants w

exchange rate was
cannot expect this
the country's exp
have been raised t
ability of exports
An additional co
in facilitating or
assisted exports b
tives, eliminating
ally, creating a fa
increasingly so in
remain in Indones
Apart from Braz
Export incentives a
their value in the
controls are often
considerable paper
ports. And, gover
lack of export me
More generally, t
limited in East As
pervasive control
are generally mad
tainty for busines
Also, while labor
extensively regula
Brazil. In particul
ance payments inc
tion and social sec
Capital markets,
America. With int
ments have been g
for domestic savin
artificially low in
exchange rates in
American countries.
Public enterprises, too, tend to be more important in Latin
America than in East Asia. In the early 1980s, the outlays of public
enterprises accounted for 12% of the gross domestic product in Argen-
tina, 11% in Brazil, and 26% in Mexico.19 In the same year, the ratio
was only 4% in Korea and 8% in Japan.20
With the large role of government bureaucracy and of public enter-
prise, the share of public-sector outlays in GDP has also been greater in
Latin America than in East Asia. As shown in table 4.1 of Balassa et al.

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S288 Economic Development and Cultural Change

(see n. 20), in 1982 this ratio was 35% in Argentina, 32% in Brazil, a
48% in Mexico, compared with 28% in Korea. (It was 27% in Japan
There is considerable evidence that economic growth is negative
correlated with the size of the public sector in developing countries.
begin with, there is a strong negative correlation between the share
government expenditures in GDP and the rate of growth of the latter.2
Also, the share of private investment in total investment and the rate o
growth of GDP are postively correlated.22 Finally, a negative corre
tion exists between the tax burden and GDP growth rates.23

I come finally to the lessons of the East Asian experience for other
developing countries. The relevant issues include the determinants of
the favorable performance of the countries of East Asia and the rep-
licability of this experience elsewhere in the developing world.
As to the former question, it would appear that the lack of dis-
crimination of the incentive system against exports has led to rapid
export growth in the Far Eastern NICs that, in turn, has contributed to
high rates of economic growth. The recent experience of Malaysia and
Thailand confirms these conclusions, while Indonesia represents a
mixed case, and the Philippines has largely conformed to the Latin
American pattern (Brazil excepted).
The lack of discrimination against exports has been associated
with the stability of the incentive system in much of East Asia. Also,
the Far Eastern countries, in particular, provide evidence of an export
mentality, with the government bureaucracy helping rather than hin-
dering exports. More generally, less use has been made of government
regulation and bureaucratic controls in East Asia than elsewhere in the
developing world. Finally, there have been fewer policy-imposed dis-
tortions in labor and capital markets, and greater reliance has been
placed on private enterprise.
The neutrality and stability of the incentive system, together with
limited government interventions, well-functioning labor and capital
markets, and reliance on private capital, thus appear to have been the
main ingredients of successful economic performance in East Asia. At
the same time, these factors are interdependent. For example, while
export expansion requires well-functioning labor and capital markets,
the neutrality and the stability of the incentives system will improve
the operation of factor markets.
But can these conditions be duplicated elsewhere? Mention has
already been made of the experience of Turkey, where the reduction of
the bias against exports and increased reliance on markets have led to
quite spectacular results after 1980. This was also the case in Chile
after the 1973 reforms until fixing the exchange rate, together with the
backward indexation of wages, introduced considerable distortions in
the economy.24

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Bela Balassa S289

A final question is t
often been suggeste
them into effect. B
tatorial regimes.
With few exceptio
to undertake econom
Turkey reform meas
in the subsequent e
popular majority ove
have been reform ef
Southern Europe,

* This paper was written when I was visiting fellow at the Institute for
International Economics. I alone am responsible for the opinions expressed in
the paper, and they do not necessarily reflect the views of the institutions with
which I am associated.
1. In what follows, the countries of East Asia will be considered with the
exclusion of China, which has a different political and social system from the

2. Robert Summers and Alan Heston, "Improved International Compari-

sons of Real Product and Its Composition, 1950-80," Review of Income and
Wealth 30 (June 1984): 207-62, updated on the basis of the national income
statistics of the countries concerned. All dollar figures in this paper are in US$.
3. Quoted in Keng-Swee Goh, "Public Administration and Economic De-
velopment in LDCs," World Economy 6 (September 1983): 229-44.
4. James Riedel, "Economic Development in East Asia: Doing What
Comes Naturally?" in Explaining the Industrialization Success of East Asia,
ed. Helen Hughes et al. (Sydney: Cambridge University Press, 1987).
5. Fuels have been excluded because of the dominant role of OPEC after
6. Bela Balassa, "Exports and Economic Growth: Further Evidence,"
Journal of Development Economics 5 (June 1978): 181-89.
7. Michael Michaely, "Exports and Growth: An Empirical Investiga-
tion," Journal of Development Economics 4 (February 1977): 49-53.
8. Peter S. Heller and Richard C. Porter, "Exports and Economic
Growth: An Empirical Reinvestigation," Journal of Development Economics 5
(June 1978): 191-93.
9. Constantine Michalopoulos and Keith Jay, "Growth of Exports and
Income in the Developing World: A Neoclassical View," AID Discussion
Paper no. 28 (Washington, D.C.: Agency for International Development,
10. Balassa, "Exports and Economic Growth: Further Evidence," p. 185.
11. Gershon Feder, "On Exports and Economic Growth," Journal of
Development Economics 12 (February-April 1983): 59-73.
12. Export promotion is represented by changes in export market shares;
import substitution refers to decreases in the income elasticity of import de-
mand; and additional net external financing has been derived by extrapolating
past trends in such financing. For definitions and a detailed discussion, to-
gether with estimates for the newly industrializing countries, see Bela Balassa,
"The Newly-Industrializing Developing Countries after the Oil Crisis," Welt-
wirtschaftliches Archiv 117, no. 1 (1981): 142-94. Republished as essay 2 in

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S290 Economic Development and Cultural Change

Bela Balassa, The Newly Industrializing Countries in the World Econom

(New York: Pergamon, 1981).
13. Bela Balassa, "Exports, Policy Choices, and Economic Growth in
Developing Countries after the 1973 Oil Shock," Journal of Development Eco
nomics (May-June 1985): 23-25.
14. Mieko Nishimizu and Sherman Robinson, "Trade Policies and Pro-
ductivity Change in Semi-Industrialized Countries," Journal of Development
Economics 15 (September-October 1984): 177-206.
15. Hollis B. Chenery, "Structural Change," in Industrialization and
Growth: A Comparative Study, ed. Hollis B. Chenery, Sherman Robinson, an
Moishe Syrquin (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986), chap. 2.
16. A doubling also occurred in Singapore, but it has been due, in large
part, to the establishment of petroleum refining facilities.
17. The trade-weighted average of nominal exchange rates, adjusted fo
changes in prices at home and abroad.
18. Bela Balassa, Gerardo M. Bueno, Pedro-Pablo Kuczynski, and Mario
Henrique Simonsen, Toward Renewed Economic Growth in Latin America
(Mexico City: Colegio de Mexico; Rio de Janeiro: Fundacao Getulio Vargas;
Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics, 1986).
19. In the latter case, the operation of the state-owned oil company
greatly increased the ratio, which was 10% in 1970.
20. Balassa et al., table 4.1, p. 126.
21. David Landau, "Government Expenditure and Economic Growth: A
Cross-Country Study," Southern Economic Journal 45 (September 1983): 440
22. Mario I. Blejer and Mohsin S. Khan, "Private Investment in Devel-
oping Countries," Finance and Development 21 (June 1984): 26-29.
23. Keith Marsden, "Links between Taxes and Economic Growth: Some
Empirical Evidence," World Bank Staff Working Paper no. 605 (Washington,
D.C., World Bank, 1983).
24. Bela Balassa, "Policy Experiments in Chile, 1973-83," in National
Economic Policies of Chile, ed. Gary M. Walton (Greenwich, Conn.: JAI
Press, 1985), pp. 203-38. Republished as essay 8 in Bela Balassa, Change and
Challenge in the World Economy (London: Macmillan, 1985).

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