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Risk Assessment Ref: 0423-1003a IDSRAMS 10112

Title: High Pressure Water Jetting & CCTV

SITE DETAILS CR Civils – M62 J25-30 REASON FOR REVIEW New Assessment

Safety Approval: Margaret Crossland MACrossland Key - Persons at risk

A=Employee(s) B=Client Employee(s) C=Visitor(s) Member of
Operational Approval Ricky Chambers RChambers the Public

Risk assessments are the responsibility of the IDS Management team to ensure that they are carried out with the relevant people involved and that the information contained is
conveyed to those persons it relates to and that their understanding is confirmed. All employees are responsible for contributing to risk assessments and in informing their Line
Manager if a further specific risk assessment is required.

Other related Risk Assessments may include (but not limited too)

• Specific risks relating to an individual must be completed for that employee and reviewed accordingly. (Individual Risk Assessment)
• Site Specific Risk Assessment Confined Space

Risk assessments must in any event as a minimum be reviewed regularly and when significant changes are identified.

Key Residual Risks: Key Control Measures:

Driving for work related purposes Training, Information, and Instruction

Manual Handling Safety Equipment
Slips/Trips/Falls PPE
Environmental Conditions

1 IDS - RA/01a
Next review date 1st November 2023
Risk Assessment Ref: 0423-1003a IDSRAMS 10112
Title: High Pressure Water Jetting & CCTV

Manual Handling

▪ Good manual handling techniques to be adopted.

1 ▪ Two operatives are to work together to lift covers together.
Manual handling Back injuries. Muscle ▪ All manhole covers are to be lifted in compliance with the company
strain procedures for this activity
▪ Operatives are trained in safe manual handling techniques refreshed every
3 years

Slips, trips and falls

▪ Provision of good housekeeping, temp lighting if required.

2 Slips, trips and Severe injuries,
▪ Industrial anti-slip safety footwear provided, lace up.
falls on the same fractures, abrasions and A M M M M L M
▪ Barrier to be erected around any open manholes.
level other minor injuries

▪ All employees to wear lifejackets rated at a minimum of 150 Newton when

work occurs in the vicinity of deep (above the knee) and or fast flowing
3 Slips, trips and water (in excess of 1m/sec).
Injury, drowning A H M H H L M
falls into water ▪ Rescue lines will also be available where water is fast flowing
▪ If working in fast flowing water a separate site-specific Risk Assessment is

4 Working at Body injuries. Muscle

height/ over strain ▪ Barriers to be erected around openings.
openings ▪ Only working around open manhole chambers has been considered in this
A H M H Risk Assessment. Oher working at height scenarios require a separate H L M
bespoke Risk Assessment

2 IDS - RA/01a
Next review date 1st November 2023
Risk Assessment Ref: 0423-1003a IDSRAMS 10112
Title: High Pressure Water Jetting & CCTV

Moving vehicles / Traffic Routes

Severe injuries, ▪ Locations of workplace signed in accordance with Chapter 8 (Street Works
5 Moving vehicles fractures, abrasions and Regulations) if appropriate.
other minor injuries ▪ Operatives trained to company procedures.
A/B/C ▪ Operatives issued with minimum EN471 class 3 high vis clothing.
▪ IDS vehicles are fitted with reversing cameras
▪ Complex vehicle manoeuvres are supervised by a Marshall
6 Working within Strike by passing ▪ TM to be considered
public highway vehicles ▪ Work within confines of TM
▪ Vehicles to be CH8 compliant
A/C ▪ All PPE (Tops & Bottoms) to be clean and CH8 Compliant
▪ Chin strap must always be worn with the helmets
▪ One member of gang to have NRSWA operative training as a minimum



▪ Training information and instruction provided on induction

Violence, ▪ Employee must walk away from inflammatory situations and report any
7 Injury from third party A M M L M L M
Aggression, occurrences, confrontation must be avoided
▪ Employees must treat others with respect

▪ Compliance with site’s hearing protection policy, any concerns with noise at
Excessive noise Harm or damage to external sites to be reported back to Line Manager for action.
individual’s hearing A/B/C M H H ▪ Vehicles are constructed in accordance with current vehicle manufacturing L L L
▪ Ear Protection to be provided worn as per training in use, and care of
8 Equipment

3 IDS - RA/01a
Next review date 1st November 2023
Risk Assessment Ref: 0423-1003a IDSRAMS 10112
Title: High Pressure Water Jetting & CCTV

Inadequate Lack of necessary ▪ Regular monitoring to ensure that adequate provisions maintained
provision for resource in event of A M L M ▪ Line Manager to be informed if facilities are inadequate. ,
first aid, accident/illness, lack of ▪ All vehicles are fitted with their own first aid kits which are inspected
hygiene and basic amenities monthly with the findings recorded L L L
welfare facilities essential for personal
▪ Provide crews with a weather forecast within their work instructions to
Exhaustion or fatigue A M L M enable them to be aware of potential changes in weather which could impact
Extreme heat leading to injury or ill on the works.
10 health ▪ Access to cool van and cold drinks if required L L L
▪ Instructions given to ensure sunscreen is used and reapplied frequently
▪ Regular breaks will be taken in a warm environment

▪ All employees will have access to a warm vehicle with hot water and drinking
Slow reactions, loss of A M L M facilities.
Extreme Cold feeling in limbs leading ▪ Additional clothing will be worn under the required PPE.
11 to injury or ill health ▪ Regular breaks will be taken in a warm environment. L L L
▪ Machines MUST NOT work on mats if freezing conditions exist on site - e, g.,
visible ice formation, air temperature at or below freezing, laying snow or
visible frost

▪ Hot/cold portable hand wash system supplied in each CCTV/jetter unit

▪ As per HSG sheet no 59, transient provisions provided for works under three
days (these include)
o Provide details of local free to use toilet facilities
Inadequate Infection from poor o Provide separate clean hot potable water
12 welfare hygiene. A M L M o Hi levels of van cleanliness maintained L L L
provision for Utilisation of improper ▪ Separate refuse storage maintained
transient toilet facilities. ▪ Rest breaks to be taken in vehicle cab
workers ▪ Two lots of PPE provided
▪ Drying facilities out of hours at depot
▪ All works run daily from depot

4 IDS - RA/01a
Next review date 1st November 2023
Risk Assessment Ref: 0423-1003a IDSRAMS 10112
Title: High Pressure Water Jetting & CCTV

Environmental Conditions
13 Steep sided Injury A/B ▪ No entry down the banking without aid from a safety line and the topman.
banking’s M M M ▪ The banking will be observed to check it is safe for walking down. M L M

14 Ground Stability Vehicle immobilised. ▪ Vehicles to be kept approximately 5m from any banking or embankment edge.
Injury ▪ Before vehicles are driven over rough terrain, an operative will be utilised to
A/B observe the area for hidden obstacles/buried chambers.
▪ No vehicles to be driven directly over culvert structures unless the culvert soffit
H M M is supported. M L M
▪ If using mats, they must be positioned in such a manner that they do not slope
down to any waterbody.
▪ There must be a minimum distance of two metres between the edge or bank of
any waterbody and any part of the mats.
15 Explosive/ ▪ No smoking permitted on site.
Flammable Death, severe injury A/B H M M ▪ Employees trained and monitored M L M
atmosphere ▪ Consider – confined spaces working (separate RA)
16 Overhead power ▪ Visual check of site on arrival and before work commences.
lines Death, injury A ▪ Booms not to be operated in the proximity of overhead lines.
▪ Where overheads are found consult with local apparatus provider on potential M
17 Poor light Slips Trips and falls A ▪ Additional lighting to be utilised in bad light to improve visibility.
H M H ▪ Head lamps to be worn by entrants in poor lighting conditions. H L M

▪ Permit system in place – see separate Risk Assessment

18 Confined spaces. Trapping risking death ▪ All employees trained in safe entry into confined spaces & use of escape sets.
or severe injury A ▪ Appropriate rescue personnel and retrieval equipment to be used.
▪ Rescue plan to be put in place. Constant monitoring of atmosphere during
▪ Provision for venting of confined space, use of forced air ventilation if required.

5 IDS - RA/01a
Next review date 1st November 2023
Risk Assessment Ref: 0423-1003a IDSRAMS 10112
Title: High Pressure Water Jetting & CCTV

▪ Protective gloves and eye protection to be worn at all times when dealing with
chemicals and/or river silts
Exposure to Contamination, skin ▪ Operatives to be made aware of hazards and symptoms relating to the materials
19 hazardous irritation, respiratory A/B/C to be handled
substances complaint ▪ Good hygiene practices to be adhered to with hand washing facilities to be
M M M made available on all units M L M
▪ COSHH assessments provided and briefed
▪ All operatives issued with approved PPE
▪ Face masks and goggles to be worn at all times when jetting
▪ High levels of hygiene management employed
▪ Work within current Government Guidelines
Communicable Contamination A/B/C
Covid 19


6 IDS - RA/01a
Next review date 1st November 2023
Risk Assessment Ref: 0423-1003a IDSRAMS 10112
Title: High Pressure Water Jetting & CCTV


Traffic Arrangements
▪ All employees are responsible for ensuring their vehicle is in a roadworthy
▪ All employees must report any condition that affects their ability to drive on
work related business
▪ Adherence to the IDS Driver Policy Documents, ensuring that the vehicle in use is
Increased chance of correctly serviced / maintained, taxed, and insured
serious or fatal injury ▪ Ensure all the required safety checks (daily or weekly etc) are completed as set
to employee(s) or A/B/C out in the vehicle manual / handbook as supplied by each vehicle manufacturer.
others through ▪ All journeys MUST be properly planned in advance making use of key information
Driving General, increased exposure to such as weather and traffic updates together with ensuring sufficient time for
including lack of the risks associated refreshment breaks / overnight stops are factored in.
confidence with driving, ▪ Whenever possible, only one or two people per vehicle at any one time and both
employees must be wearing face masks, following government guidelines for
Covid 19
21 H M M M L M
▪ Line management must be aware of planned travel and stay locations and be
able to make contact by company mobile phone, where reasonably practicable
travelling at sensible times is to be encouraged.
▪ Drivers to follow the Highway code
▪ All IDS employees must hold a valid UK licence for the category of vehicle being
used – (regularly monitored for points and convictions)

7 IDS - RA/01a
Next review date 1st November 2023
Risk Assessment Ref: 0423-1003a IDSRAMS 10112
Title: High Pressure Water Jetting & CCTV

▪ IDS drivers to remain courteous and respectful of other road users

▪ Safe driving techniques including speed, keeping a safe distance. Not eating,
Other road users Injury to self or others drinking or smoking, using a handheld mobile device and avoiding external or
22 Aggression from other M M M internal distractions must be adhered to M M M
drivers ▪ At no time should a mobile phone be used without a hands-free kit being fitted in
the vehicle

Collision with another ▪ Employees to park vehicle in a position that is mutually acceptable to the
vehicle customer, and all road users to allow safe access and egress
Damage to vehicle ▪ Employees to avoid blocking pavements, pedestrian access
23 Unsafe parking M L M M L M
Slip trip fall A/B/C ▪ Vehicle to be parked legally in accordance with Road Traffic Act
Aggression from

RTC leading to serious ▪ Individual vehicle weights must be adhered to

or minor injury to self M M M ▪ Loads must be secured whilst in transit L L L
overloading A/B/C
or others

▪ Driving to be aligned to weather and road conditions

Weather ▪ All drivers to be vigilant prior to undertaking a journey (vehicle check and route
RTC leading to serious
Conditions planning)
25 or minor injury to self A/B M M M M M M
▪ Employees are empowered not to drive if travel conditions dictate a risk due to
or others
weather or any other factor – Line Management must be informed

8 IDS - RA/01a
Next review date 1st November 2023
Risk Assessment Ref: 0423-1003a IDSRAMS 10112
Title: High Pressure Water Jetting & CCTV

Lone Working
Safe systems of work / ▪ Management allowing individuals to carry out such work must ensure that they
procedures / resources are made aware of any factors which may preclude an individual from
Lone Working that are adequate in completing such an activity (e.g. an individual risk assessment).
(working in the day to day running ▪ The manager MUST make his/her judgement as to allow such work to be
isolation) and lack may need additional completed based upon these facts and document it accordingly on the person’s
of effective measures to be put in A/B/C individual risk assessment.
communication place to remain ▪ In all circumstances where persons are allowed to lone work, they must have
26 adequate in such M M M received sufficient training in relation to working in isolation e.g. aware of safe M M M
circumstances Inability systems and procedures of work, ability to raise alarm.
to make contact to ▪ Ensure colleagues are aware of diary plans / arrangements, in locations where
raise alarm, inability to mobile signal is ineffective ensure a land line is available.
be contacted ▪ Specific medical risk assessments to be completed regarding known medical
conditions and appropriate measures to be put in place,) it is advised a SOS
pendant to be worn).

Employee may be harmed or ▪ Ensure Employee are informed of site emergency arrangements on first arrival
unaware of risks cause harm to others A and are made aware of the hazards present.
27 through their acts or L L L L L L
Unfamiliarity Employee may not visit ▪ Upon re-arrival to the workplace establish if any changes have been made and
with changes to workplace regularly re-Employee to re familiarise yourself of the hazards present and their control
28 the work enough to be A M M M measures before entering the workplace/starting work. L L L
environment sufficiently aware of
controls in place.

Specific ▪ Inform Line manager of risk(s) instigate safety control measures, e.g. mobile
environment Possible risk of phone
29 that might pose violence, abuse, or A M M M ▪ Ensure inducted on site and their safe systems/control measures are fully L L L
a risk to the theft understood and adhered to ensure employees have sufficient training to work in
employee such an environment (training to be completed for personal safety).

9 IDS - RA/01a
Next review date 1st November 2023
Risk Assessment Ref: 0423-1003a IDSRAMS 10112
Title: High Pressure Water Jetting & CCTV

▪ Pre work PUWER checks
▪ Use of Tiger tails to prevent wear
▪ Operatives WJA HPWJ Trained
Use of High Failure if equipment A/B/C ▪ Regular maintenance
Powered Water
30 Jet equipment H M H H L M

Lone Working
▪ Use of leader hose to reduce pressure on entry/exit
▪ Operatives WJA HPWJ trained
▪ Exclusion Zones
▪ High impact goggles, gloves and hard hat
31 H M H H L M
Use of High Struck by HPWJ
Powered Water equipment/High A
Jet equipment Pressure water injury

10 IDS - RA/01a
Next review date 1st November 2023
High Pressure Water Jetting and CCTV Survey

RAMS Reg No. IDSRAMS 10112

Client / Job Location CR Civils
General Information
1. Client: 2. 2. Area where work is to be done:
CR Civils 3. M62
3. Exact location of the work: 4. Job Number:
M62 J25-30 0423-1003a
5. Job Description:
High Pressure water Jetting and CCTV Survey to be conducted.

6a. Anticipated start date: 6b. Anticipated end date: 7. Duration of work:
Est: 16.05.2023 17.05.2023 2 – night shifts
8: Number of IDS Ltd employees involved 9: Number of client’s employees who may directly be affected
4 T.B.C.

10a. What Access and Egress are we using? 10b: Who Is Providing it:
1. Public highways and pathways
2. Site access walkways and roadways Items 1 – 3 IDS
3. Private land access if required Item 4: CR Civils
4. Chapter 8 guarding supplied by client

10c: Where Is the Emergency Assembly Point:

At the CCTV unit, if no client designated point assembled (This will be confirmed at the pre site commencement
meeting at the site compound).
10d: Egress to the assembly Point in the event of an emergency
At the CCTV unit, if no client designated point assembled (This will be confirmed at the pre site commencement
meeting at the site compound).
10e: Communication:
▪ Employee on site - direct face to face contact or via walkie talkies (if required).
▪ Communication between site staff and IDS Ltd - will be via mobile phone.
▪ Communication with emergency services - via mobile phone. (If communications via mobile phone are in a restricted
coverage area, then an operative will be used to leave site to obtain sufficient coverage.)

11: Site Emergency Contact Number: 12: IDS Ltd Emergency Telephone Number: (24 Hour):
IDS: Offices - 01777 858707
Nearest Hospital: Dewsbury & District Hospital, Operations Manager: Ricky Chambers 07375 593964
Halifax Road, Dewsbury WF13 4HS General Manager: Michael Hudson: 07867 492562
Telephone: 01924 541000 Managing Director: Paul Lyon 07585 957007

13: Equipment
a: To Be Used: a:
▪ Barriers ▪ Jetting unit
▪ Road Cones ▪ Sandbags & Mitigation – if required
▪ Chapter 8 signing and guarding ▪ Zone 2 CCTV unit
▪ Helmet Lamp(s) ▪ Tracing equipment
▪ Intrinsically safe torch ▪ Basic Chapter 8 TM
▪ First Aid Kit ▪ Confined Space equipment
▪ Welfare Unit ▪ PPE (chin straps must be worn with the hard hats)

b: Safety Precautions Required:

▪ Visual inspection of site to ensure site conditions as expected

Created 15.05.2023
High Pressure Water Jetting and CCTV Survey
▪ Task suspended if variations are identified with reasons for suspension recorded on the SAF (Site Assessment Form).
▪ Any vehicle which is required to work from the public highway (including bridleways and footpaths) will be
adequately signed, guarded as per chapter 8.
▪ See risk assessment for specific risks identified with completing cleaning activity.

c: Inspections to be carried out:

▪ Client to ensure safe access to site, manways are suitably maintained, in good condition/free from defects and ready
for lifting.
▪ Daily vehicle and equipment check in line with company policy and manufacturers guidelines.
▪ Check all PPE is requested and supplied, in good condition and available for operatives at all times including
additional supplies for use after breaks.
▪ Check all PPE is correctly specified for task.
▪ Check hoses and connections on jetting unit.
▪ Carry out daily plant and pump inspections
▪ Check area adjacent to manways is suitable for task to be undertaken.
▪ Check PPE is correct Personal hygiene check prior to commencing works.
▪ Check all safety equipment.
▪ Complete SAF (Site Assessment Form) and action and resolve any issues identified in conjunction with the IDS Ltd
supervisor if required.
▪ Check Cables and connections on CCTV Equipment
▪ Check area Adjacent to any manhole(s) is suitable for task to be undertaken

d: Training requirements:
▪ Safe Entry into Confined Spaces – client to issue permit on site prior to entry
▪ High Risk Safety operatives on site
▪ WTI trained
▪ Chapter 8 Signing and Guarding
▪ Emergency First Aid
▪ Leptospirosis/Weils Disease awareness
▪ Relevant operatives are familiar with CCTV equipment being used.
▪ Full IDS induction

14. Personal Protective Equipment to be used -

Type Specific Standards To Protect Against
Hard hats including chin straps. EN397 EN12492 Falling objects.
EVOlite Skyworker

Safety footwear including steel toecap EN345/ ISO20345 S3 Slips trips and falling objects, high pressure water
and midsole. jetting.

Disposable coveralls TTPE TP2B Chemical and physical properties of the material.
where specified in risk assessment.
PVC gloves/gauntlets. EN388 Sharp objects, chemicals and physical properties of the
Eye and face protection. EN166 Flying particles.

Overalls, hi viz vests. EN471 class 3 Weather / elements and visible to all including road
Safety harness, lanyards and safety lines EN361 Fall from height (and rescue if required)

Hearing protection EN352.2 High noise levels

Disposable nitrile gloves EN ISO 374-1 Contamination

Created 15.05.2023
High Pressure Water Jetting and CCTV Survey
Intrinsically Safe Torches
EX Zone 1 Slips trips and falls due to poor lighting
Helmet lamp Slips trips and falls due to poor lighting

Lifejacket 150N Drowning (if required)

15. Hazardous Substance [Must Be Accompanied by A COSHH Assessment]

Hazardous Substance Encountered: Controls Required:

Non-Hazardous silt/gully waste ▪ PPE to be worn at all times.
▪ Strict hygiene control methods.
▪ Compliance with safe system of work.

16. Subcontractors to be used

Name Approval Name of contact Contact details
17. Site Specific Information and Requirements
1 CR Civils to provide Welfare facility
2 Costain is Principal Contractor
3 Operatives to attend site induction prior to going out on site and RAMS to be briefed and signed before start of shift
No hot works to be carried out
5 Visit/Location 1: Westbound (j27 – 26), newly installed drainage – Circa 46m @ 225mm pipe
Visit/Location 2: ERA (Eastbound j26-j27)
1. 63m filter drain
6 2. 18m @ 150mm pipe
3. 141m @ 225mm pipe
4. 10m @ 900mm pipe
7 Client to issue confined space permit on site prior to entry
18. Technical content: [Including sequence of work and atmospheric workplace monitoring (as required]
All work carried out will be as per this document. Deviation or changes in working practise from those stated in this
document are not permitted without written consent from a representative of IDS Ltd.
All accidents or injuries are to be reported to the contract manager immediately.

19. At the Depot

1 Check all equipment for serviceability and are calibrated.
2 Review risk assessments & method statements to ensure clear understanding by all.
3 Ensure all necessary Permit / authorisations to work are in place
4 Check weather conditions
5 Review number of operatives for task
19a. On Site
1. Arrive on site and park vehicle in a safe location, without obstructing and roads, pathways, or public rights of way, in
the close proximity of the area the works are required to be carried out.

Created 15.05.2023
High Pressure Water Jetting and CCTV Survey

Drainage cleaning
Visit 1

Created 15.05.2023
High Pressure Water Jetting and CCTV Survey

Drainage cleaning
Visit 2

2. Review RAMs and all engineers to sign to confirm they have read and understand, and that they will adhere to the
work instructions. Check all Permit / Authorisations to Work details to ensure compliance, complete Site Assessment
Form (SAF) in line with company procedures.
3. Confirm number of operatives is applicable for task
4. Establish Chapter 8 signing and guarding around manholes if required.
5. Enforce ‘no smoking’ or ‘naked lights’ zone within 5 metres of the open manhole chamber. ALL SITES ARE TO BE
CLASSED AS NO SMOKING , thiis includes vape or any other form of atomizing e-liquid.
6. Inspect any screens and/or cover(s) which will require lifting to enable the works to be carried out to establish if the
covers are suitable for and can be lifted safely in compliance with manual handling requirements utilising the
equipment and resources available on site. Any non-standard covers or issues related to lifting covers must be
recorded on the SSRA document. If additional equipment or resources are required, this must be specified and
requested for the equipment/resource to be delivered to site or will reschedule the job to be carried out when the
correct equipment/resource is available. Under no circumstances must any cover be lifted without the use of the
correct equipment and/or resources.
7. Remove/open cover/screen – immediately erect barriers. When the covers/screens are removed, the depth & velocity
of the flow in the drain will be checked to ensure that the conditions are suitable for the CCTV survey to be carried out.
Silt and sludge levels are to be examined to ensure the camera can be positioned correctly, if the levers are unsuitable
await cleansing and revaluate once cleansing is complete, if the line is not in an acceptable state seek advice from IDS
Project Manager.

Created 15.05.2023
High Pressure Water Jetting and CCTV Survey
8. Walk the assumed line of the asset to confirm outlet, assess whether mitigation is required, if required and not
detailed on your work pack, contact the IDS Ltd Project Manager to highlight the requirement.
9. Visually inspect watercourse and the adjacent area to identify if any environmentally sensitive conditions are evident.
(Guidance on environmental observations is contained in the site safety files for reference). If environmentally
sensitive conditions are observed the works must be suspended and the IDS project manager contacted immediately.
10. No parking of jetting units within 20m of overhead cables, and any jetting to be carried out within 18m of overheads
must be avoided if possible. If works must be carried out in this area a Jetting tent must be used and the jetting hose
must be run through a protective sleeve (lay flat hose or similar). When jetting towards an overhead exclusion zone the
end chamber should be monitored to ensure no spray enters the exclusion zone.
11. Winter Working - It is important that all checks are carried out before jetting units get to site, and if units should freeze
whilst one site that no valves or filters be opened whilst on the network. Jetting operatives must report the issue to
their supervisor and request that the unit be taken off site to a safe place to attempt to rectify. All jetting units to carry
salt when temperatures are likely to fall below freezing, as it is inevitable that water will be dropped whilst jetting
operations are taking place as we need to ensure that all road surfaces are left in a safe condition before any TM is
12. If the line requires cleansing, Select the correct Jetting nozzle for the task and ensure they are laid out in a way to avoid
potential trip hazards – hose to the guarded and signed where necessary.
13. Check the site for any protected species of wildlife i.e. Great Crested Newts, Reptiles, Dormice, nesting birds (between
March -Sept), Bats. If found, the work MUST stop and the Site Supervisor immediately
14. If distressed wildlife is found operations MUST stop with immediate effect and the Engineer must be informed
15. If any invasive flora is found at the site i.e., Japanese Knotweed, Himalayan Balsam, Giant Hogweed, the work MUST
stop immediately, and the Site Supervisor informed
16. Introduce jetting hose into asset and increase water pressure, take care when releasing hose/nozzle into the manhole,
if manhole full, drain rods to be used to probe chamber base for location of pipe work. Where possible commence
jetting from empty chamber or vacumate chamber to remove sufficient material to ensure the jetting nozzle can be
guided/placed within the asset to minimise the risk of the nozzle exiting the chamber under pressure.
17. The nozzle will move (upstream preferably) towards and through the blockage, breaking it up as the hose is pulled
18. Ensure that hoses are empty prior to removing from chamber to ensure no spillage of liquids
19. If blockage/ debris removal has not been successful, refer to line management and await advice.

20. If additional works are required on other sections of the drainage network points 4 to 17 must be repeated until all the
required works have been completed.
21. Once the cleansing has been completed photographic log of works complete will be taken.
22. Silt and Sludge will have been removed to ensure camera can be positioned correctly in asset, if the levels are
unacceptable seek guidance from IDS Project Manager.
23. CCTV unit is lowered/placed in the chamber and positioned to enable it to be directed into the asset to be surveyed

24. Once the CCTV camera is in position the CCTV Survey of the asset will then be carried out in line with the industry code
of practise.
25. On completion of the survey the camera is brought back to the point of entry and is then removed from the asset.
26. If it is not possible to position the CCTV camera from the ground level it may be necessary to man enter the chamber
to correctly position/guide the camera unit. Silt levels must be below 0.5 Meter for man entry to take place.
27. If it is required to carry out a man entry into the chamber a permit must be completed (see section 20 below)
28. Prior to man entry into the chamber, it must be ventilated for 10 minutes prior to the man entry taking place
29. The dimensions of the manhole/culvert/chamber are various in diameter Openings and shafts need to be adequate to
afford safe access and need to be sufficiently large and free from obstruction to allow the passage of persons wearing
the necessary PPE and equipment including rescue equipment, and to allow adequate access for rescue purposes.
30. Lower gas detection equipment into the culvert (test for minimum of 5 minutes)
31. If alarm sounds, then vent for further 15 minutes and retest as above. If alarm sounds again seek guidance from H & S
Supervisor who will notify Engie as a near miss incident. DO NOT ENTER CONFINED SPACE

Created 15.05.2023
High Pressure Water Jetting and CCTV Survey

32. Erect winch system or deploy fall arrest or man riding system as appropriate
33. Ensure safety harness & PPE is donned correctly
34. Ensure client on site has issued confined space entry permit
35. Only one man is to enter the confined space, while remaining attached to the man winch at all times.
36. Visually inspect ladder or step irons before putting weight on them. If in doubt ladder or rungs are not to be used
37. Ensure that the atmosphere in the confined space is monitored constantly
38. Top man to keep in regular communication with the person in the confined space
39. Should the gas alarm activate, the person in the confined space will exit using escape BA. The works will be suspended,
and the IDS Project Manager informed.
40. If the entrant gets into difficultly, then the top man will immediately retrieve the entrant from the confined space
utilising the tripod and winch system which the entrant is attached to with a safety line.
41. Items 4 to 25 are then repeated until the cleansing/survey has been completed over the required length of asset.
42. If required and fitted any cover/screen is then replaced and the barriers removed.
43. Upon completion of the works site is to be left tidy & secure and Site Supervisor to verify all equipment is removed and
stowed correctly on vehicle
44. No site should be abandoned until confirmation has been given by the Project Manager. A telephone call to the project
manager should be made immediately and obtained clarification on the progression of the works
45. Any spills will be reported and where possible clean-up will take place with spill kits carried on vehicles and disposed of
46. Remove Chapter 8 signing and guarding if necessary
47. Personal hygiene, i.e., hand and arm washing/cleaning will be carried out before operatives leave site; soiled clothing
and rags will be bagged and removed from site.
48. No site should be abandoned until confirmation has been given by the Project Manager. A telephone call to the project
manager should be made immediately and obtained clarification on the progression of the works.
49. The Project manager will provide a weekly whereabouts and summary update of completed works by email
50. For all works comprehensive and detailed feedback of the works carried out is to be recorded on the site
paperwork/daily work log prior to departure from site. All paperwork must be handed into to the IDS office at the end
of each working shift.

20 Summary Risk Assessment

Assessments Completed
(Risk, COSHH, Atmosphere, Workplace)
Hazards Identified Controls to be used
at Risk

Coronavirus All Work to current Government Guidelines

Good manual handling techniques to be adopted

IDS Man Entry Two operatives are to work together to lift covers together
Manual Handling
Team Correct lifting equipment to be used, manhole keys <25kg, portable
hydraulic lifters >25kg
Provision of good housekeeping, temp lighting if required. Intrinsically
IDS Man Entry
Slips, trips and falls on the safe if required on site.
Team/ Client
same level Industrial anti slip safety footwear provided.
staff/ 3rd Parties
Barrier to be erected around any open manholes.
IDS Man Entry Vehicles are constructed in accordance with current vehicle
Noise Team / Client manufacturing guidelines.
Staff Correct PPE, ear Protection to be worn where required

Created 15.05.2023
High Pressure Water Jetting and CCTV Survey
IDS Man Entry Locations of workplace signed in accordance with Chapter 8 (Street
Moving Vehicles Team / Client Works Regulations) if appropriate.
Staff Operatives trained to company procedures.
Operatives to be NRSWA trained.
Vehicle to be parked in a position where it does not create a hazard for
IDS Man Entry other road users, operate amber flashing beacons whilst working on or
Working within Public
Team / Client adjacent to highway.
staff/ 3rd Parties Warning cones/signs to be utilised as per NRSWA requirements.
Safe working area is to be always constructed to prevent pedestrian
IDS Man Entry Stop work and immediately contact the local Environmental Health
Team Authority & IDS Head of Operations
IDS Man Entry
No smoking or vaping permitted on site. Staff trained and monitored
Flammable atmosphere Team / Client
IDS Man Entry
Poor light Team / Client Additional lighting to be utilised in bad light to improve visibility.
Chemical/Biological IDS Man Entry Protective gloves and eye protection to be worn at all times when dealing
Team / Client with chemicals and/or sewage.
Staff Operatives to be made aware of hazards and symptoms relating to the
to be handled.
Good hygiene practises to be adhered to with hand washing facilities to
be made available on all units.
Overhead power lines - Visual check of site on arrival and before work commences. Booms not to
Man Entry Team
electrocution be operated in the proximity of overhead lines.
All employees to wear lifejackets rated at a minimum of 150 Newton
Working above or adjacent to IDS Ltd personnel when work occurs in the vicinity of deep (above the knee) and or fast
water / 3rd Parties flowing water (in excess of 1m/sec).
Rescue lines will also be available where water is fast flowing.
All employees to wear lifejackets rated at a minimum of 150 Newton
when work occurs in the vicinity of deep (above the knee) and or fast
IDS Ltd personnel flowing water (in
Slips, trips and falls into water
/ 3rd Parties excess of 1m/sec). Rescue lines will also be available where water is fast

20. Agreed arrangements for the following

Gen Waste Disposal All waste generated by drain cleaning activities to be taken to licensed disposal
Special / Difficult Waste Disposal TBC
Landfill Disposal N/A
Special / Waste Treatment N/A
Waste Transfer Ensure all necessary Waste Transfer Notes completed when any waste is removed
from site
Site Licences N/A

Created 15.05.2023
High Pressure Water Jetting and CCTV Survey
21. Permits and confirmations required When Sign when in place
Contractor induction & documentation Before Commencement of Work
Atmosphere test N/A
Confined space entry Client to issue permit on site
prior to entry
General work Permit N/A
Hot Work Permit N/A
Location purged N/A
Location Inspected and made safe Before Commencement of Work
Lock Off/ Danger Tags / Signs in Place N/A
22. Toolbox Talk - Safety instructions for the duration of the job
The rig manager/site supervisor is to use the information above to fully brief IDS staff and where required client’s representatives
how you are going to complete the task safely to meet the client’s requirements.

The contents of this method statement are your instructions for completing the task described.
You are required to read all of the method statement and agree that the conditions described above apply and that you and
the site crew understand the contents. A site briefing record is to be kept stating all concerned understand what is to be
carried out prior to commencing works.

Team leader – please ensure all members of your team have reviewed this method statement before starting the task.
Document Author and Sign Off
Document Author Margaret Crossland

Operations Manager Ricky Chambers

General Manager Michael Hudson

Site Crew sign-off

Name Sign Date


Created 15.05.2023
Certificate of Registration under the Waste
(England and Wales) Regulations 2011

National Customer Contact Centre

99 Parkway Avenue
S9 4WF

Telephone number 03708 506506

The Environment Agency certify that the following information is entered in the register which
they maintain under regulation 28 of the Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011.

Carriers details
Name of registered
Registered as An upper tier waste carrier and dealer
Registration number CBDU114369
Address of place of
DN22 6HG
Telephone number 01777858707
Date of registration 11 July 2022
Expiry date of
registration (unless 1 August 2025

Making changes to your registration

Your registration will last 3 years and will need to be renewed after this period. If any of your
details change, you must notify us within 28 days of the change.

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