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Gabion Revetments Guide No.


Streambank erosion is a natural

process that occurs in streams.
Depending on the soil type and
land use, streambank erosion can
account for 40 percent or more of
total soil loss in some watersheds
(Farm Journal, 1992). The major
factor accounting for streambank
erosion is the velocity of the flow-
ing water. Velocity is affected by
the stream cross section, stream
bed gradient, bank cover, depth of
flow and degree of meander. Water
flowing at two feet per second can
move a cobblestone weighing half
a pound, but an increase to ten
feet per second can move a stone
that weighs one hundred and fifty
There are numerous methods
of controlling streambank erosion.
When a streambank requires pro-
tection from high velocity flows,
structural methods should be con-
sidered. Two structural methods
commonly used are riprap revet-
ments and gabion revetments. Figure 1. Gabion revetment on streambank
Structural methods are also used the revetment. Projects on larger of Natural Resources recommends
when infrastructure, such as utility streams and projects protecting that you consult with the applicable
lines, roads or buildings, are endan- structures or utilities should be local, state and federal authorities
gered by the eroding stream. When designed by a professional engi- listed in Guide 06, Permit Checklist
installing streambank protection, neer. Design advice and limited for Stream Modification Projects,
the velocities during everyday flows assistance on smaller projects may prior to construction. The extent of
as well as the velocities during large be obtained at your local Soil and permit requirements will depend
storm events should be considered Water Conservation District. Prior on the location and design of your
in the design process. to purchasing materials, check the project.
This Ohio Stream Management stream’s water quality against the
Guide describes the basic uses for manufacturer’s recommendations.
gabion revetments, their installa- If the water quality would cause pre- Gabion Revetments
tion and maintenance. Depending mature deterioration of the baskets,
on the skill, equipment and labor other bank protection measures Gabions are stone-filled galva-
force available to a landowner, the need to be considered. nized or coated wire baskets placed
services of a land improvement As with any project in a stream along a streambank. Gabions are
contractor may be needed to install environment, the Ohio Department particularly effective for protecting
the submerged part of the stream-
bank. They provide the same basic
protection as riprap, but can be
utilized when the streambank slope
cannot be cut back due to physical Lid
constraints (e.g., roads, utilities or
buildings) or when larger rock is not
readily available.

Sizing Back
The typical size of a wire basket
is three feet wide by three feet high
per cell purchased in the desired
length. Wire baskets can be pur-
End Base End
chased prefabricated or requiring
assembly. Stone size diameter
should be a minimum of four inches
to prevent the stone from wash-
ing through the mesh of the wire

Figure 2. Gabion basket as it arrives from manufacturer for assembly
stone. Tight layers, free of voids,
Basic installation consists of the A highly permeable fabric should be should be formed when the stone
following steps; detailed installa- used. is in place. A tight layer can be
tion specifications, provided by the 2. Make an entrenchment into obtained by varying the size of the
manufacturer, should be reviewed the stream bed at least one foot stone and may require some hand
and followed during installation. deep and large enough to hold the manipulation.
Improper installation can lead to bottom row of baskets. The trench 4. As the baskets are filled with
collapse of the gabion revetment. floor should be level along the proj- stone, place wire reinforcements in
1. Place appropriately sized geo- ect length. Pin the empty baskets each direction every twelve inches
textile filter fabric on the streambank into the stream bed with several to retain the shape of the basket
slope following the manufacturer’s steel rods that are three to four feet (see Figure 3).
recommendations. Caution should long. 5. Secure the tops of the bas-
be taken not to tear the filter fabric. 3. Fill the wire baskets with kets with a galvanized wire and



Figure 3. Use wire reinforcements to retain rectangular shape and increase stability
lace the baskets to each other (see
Figure 4). The length of wire needs
to be about 1.5 times the length to
be laced. Wire longer than 5 feet is
difficult to handle. Secure one end
at a corner, and lace the wire by
alternating single and double loops
at 5 inch intervals. Secure the wire
again at the end.
6. Stagger the joints of the wire
baskets during construction to make
the structure stronger and more
stable. Each row should be stair-
stepped back from the previous
row. Figure 4. Wire the baskets shut and wire them to each other
7. Any open area between the The branches must be long enough
filter fabric and baskets should be to reach the undisturbed soil. Make The primary factor in maintaining
backfilled with gravel to provide sure the buds point out, toward the a gabion revetment is in the durabil-
positive drainage. Open areas sunlight. See Guide 07 for informa- ity of the wire used in the basket.
should be minimal if gabions are tion on harvesting and using plant A gabion revetment is susceptible
properly installed. materials. to wire deterioration. The stream’s
8. Where sunlight is available, water quality should be within the
dormant cuttings of willow or other Maintenance manufacturer’s recommendations.
rapidly-rooting species may be Broken wire needs to be replaced
placed between the layers of bas- Requirements with galvanized or coated wire.
kets during construction (Figure 5).








Figure 5. Cross section of vegetated gabion revetment

A gabion revetment needs to be References: Each Guide is designed to be easily
inspected annually and after high and clearly reproduced and can be
flow events. Any displacement or Iowa Department of Water, Air and bound in a notebook. Single copies
shifting of the wire baskets needs Waste Management. How To are available free of charge. When
to be corrected immediately. Control Streambank Erosion, distributing guides at meetings or
1984. in mailings, please use the printed
Advantages editions as a master for reproducing
Smith, Darrell. “Raging Waters.” the number of copies you need, or
• Designed for high velocity flows Farm Journal, May 1992. you may print high quality originals
• C an be installed where tight from PDF files available on-line at:
physical constraints exist State of Ohio, Department of Trans-
• Easily fits contours of stream- portation. Construction and Ma- water/pubs/onlnpubs.html
bank terial Specifications, 1995.
• Openings provide positive drain-
age of streambank U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
• Freeze & thaw sequences shift North Central Division. Help Prepared by the Ohio Department of
Natural Resources, Tara Lee, Division of
stones with minimal impact to Yourself, 1978. Engineering, principal author. Input from
structure staff of several ODNR divisions, and local,

• Heavy machinery may not need state and federal agencies are used in the
development of the Ohio Stream Manage-
to be used ment Guides. Funding for the production
• Minimal maintenance costs of the Ohio Stream Management Guides is
This Guide is one of a series of provided in part through a grant under Sec-
Ohio Stream Management Guides tion 319 of the federal Clean Water Act.
Disadvantages Guides are available on-line at:
covering a variety of watershed
and stream management issues onlnpubs.html
• Wire baskets are susceptible to and methods of addressing stream
deterioration related problems. All Guides, in-
• Labor intensive cluding an Index of Titles, are
• Installation cost may be expen- available from the Ohio Depart-
sive ment of Natural Resources. For
ce S
S O hio

ur C E

more information about the project

ep N D
SO s
ar WAT E R R E l Re
e n t o f N a tu r a

call the ODNR, Division of Soil and An equal opportunity employer--M/F/H.

Water Resources at 614/265-6739. Printed on recycled paper

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