15 Incredible New Emerging Technologies - Mov

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170] - Speaker 1
Drawn to searches put into Google. And once this sentiment is understood the software will determine
what exactly went wrong. From there, the AI will evaluate the strength of the emotions on a scale of
negative ten to ten and then market the best advertisements to suit your mood. This technology has now
been expanded to include facial and voice recognition. And while exactly where and how it's used is not
entirely clear it's believed that in the next ten years these technologies will be the norm.

[00:00:28.520] - Speaker 1
And while most will certainly be an invasion of privacy at the very least these algorithms will allow certain
companies to make boatloads of money. Number six commercial spaceflight. While many people vacation
to tropical destinations in the Caribbean vibrant cities in Asia or historic centers in Europe soon it may be
possible for middle class people in Western countries to blast off into space. While there are several
projects that are currently ongoing to find out how to send as many people to space as possible for a
reasonable price they can generally be split into two main categories space flights and space vacations.
Space flights are set to be the cheaper of the two and Virgin Galactic is one of the leaders in this field.

[00:01:11.660] - Speaker 1
While their first flight came back in 2021 they are expected to field three more in 2023 as they've sold a
total of 700 tickets at 450 grand a pop. The plan is for their rockets to go into orbit and then come back
down to Earth. And in the future, it's hoped that these flights will be done far more frequently and for as
little as $50,000 a ticket. For bigger spenders, there may be also the option for space vacations. These
would essentially be trips where people would go up into space and then stay at a space hotel.

[00:01:40.840] - Speaker 1
And of those in line to be built, the Axiom Station is perhaps the most incredible complete with a research
and manufacturing facility and a crew habitat and a large windowed module for viewing Earth. The hope
is for this area to be a place where space tourists can relax in luxury. And by the late two thousand and
twenty s or early two thousand and thirty s this may very well be the case. Number five immortality. While
this may sound absolutely bonkers there is a fair chance that a host of new technologies will develop to
the point that human beings will be able to pay to become immortal.

[00:02:15.350] - Speaker 1
And while there are a plethora of technologies out there there are three in particular that are truly
innovative. The first of these is cryotherapy. In essence, those undergoing the treatment will sit in a
cryosauna for a three minute bath in liquid nitrogen. This liquid nitrogen is as low as negative 100 degrees
Celsius and the idea is that it can destroy tumors or disease tissues which should, in turn, accelerate the
metabolism, strengthen the immune system and slow tissue aging. Another technology that's perhaps
even more crazy is available at a place called the Hokat Ozone China.
[00:02:47.500] - Speaker 1
Located in the Chinese city of Guangzhou, it's filled with machines that blast carbon dioxide rich steam
into a Turkish bath style cubicle to open the pores. After doing this, they flood the chamber with ultraviolet
light and ozone. Research has suggested that this treatment may have antiaging properties as it reduces
free radicals in the cell mitochondria. Yet perhaps the coolest technology of them all is a health
supplement known as Basis. This supplement contains a chemical called Nycotynamide riboside, which is
a form of vitamin B.

[00:03:18.400] - Speaker 1
And this converts to an enzyme called Nycotinamide adenine dinucleotide, or NAD plus. NAD plus is
important since it has a role in metabolism, cell aging and protecting nerve cells. And since NAD plus
levels diminish significantly over time, studies have shown that the drug causes older mice to look and act
younger while reducing age related diseases. And while no conclusive studies have been done on
humans as of yet, a total of 21 trials are currently underway. Number four powered exoskeletons.

[00:03:50.880] - Speaker 1
All right, I want one of these, because at some point or another, chances are that you've dreamed of
being a superhero. And while this was simply impossible in the past, there's an emerging technology that
would allow just about anyone to be as strong as the Hulk or as fast as the Flash. Known as powered
exoskeletons, these are essentially mobile machines that humans can wear over various parts of the
body. They make use of features such as motors, levels and hydraulics to enhance the use of one's own
body parts, essentially turning regular human capabilities into superhuman abilities. For example, through
the use of neurotransmitters and special muscle supports.

[00:04:27.010] - Speaker 1
There's a belief that an exoskeleton could make someone a perfect piano player that could go beyond the
realms of normal human performance. Likewise, there's also a belief that a powered exoskeleton could
make it so a human could run through a forest at 35 km/hour without stopping for an entire day. Given
that these exoskeletons are being funded by large corporations, it should come as little surprise that
they're currently being developed for one purpose work. For example, there's one being developed to
allow nurses to stand up all day without getting tired. And another to allow those working in industrial
settings to lift more weight than they could under normal circumstances.

[00:05:05.080] - Speaker 1
However, while these exoskeletons are pretty cool, they represent a major ethical problem. It's because
these things are essentially being built so workers can work longer hours. And this could essentially lead
to these workers becoming little more than machines that complete tasks for hours on end each day. Yet,
despite the serious moral dilemma, development continues on these exoskeletons. And it's quite likely
that they may just be the future of work.
[00:05:31.690] - Speaker 1
Number three ocean wave electricity. While wind and solar energy are great, they're all limited by the fact
that the sun isn't always shining and the wind isn't always blowing. However, ocean wave electricity takes
account of these issues by nature, of the fact that waves never stop. Now, the basic premise of wave
electricity is that it harnesses the motion of a wave in order to generate electricity. And while there are still
many ways of doing this, after all, some wave energy systems use the power of swells, some of breaking
waves, and others of pressure near the ocean floor.

[00:06:04.170] - Speaker 1
They all have the same goal of converting wave energy into electrical energy. Admittedly, there is one
major obstacle in the way of widespread development the lack of good locations. After all, while they
technically can be built on any coastline, they need to be placed somewhere that has enough waves to
make the generator profitable, while also not being so wavy that the generator would get damaged during
a storm. Beyond Viability, there are also concerns that these generators could damage marine
environments. This is because if a wave is broken up to make electricity, it will not be quite as strong as it
is when it comes to shore.

[00:06:38.290] - Speaker 1
And these smaller waves could lead to less mixing of nutrients with the water column, and therefore less
nutrients going to the aquatic plants and animals that need them. However, as a whole, most scientists
agree that wave electricity plants are a net benefit to society and the environment at large. As such,
several computer models have been made to find the best possible places to put them. And many
designs have been developed to try to negate the damaging effects of waves on wildlife, with one of the
most innovative, including the idea of placing them very far underwater and allowing coral reefs to grow
on top of them so that they are as ecofriendly as possible. In a world moving towards green energy, these
machines will almost certainly see a wave of new development in the future.

[00:07:22.110] - Speaker 1
Number two electric charging roads. While electric cars have finally begun to gain some traction, one of
the biggest challenges they face is the fact that they cannot quickly be filled up at a gas station. After all,
while electric charging stations are becoming more common, there are many people who worry that they
will run out of power and become stranded in the middle of nowhere. And that's without considering the
fact that physically charging one at a station can take 15 to 25 minutes, which for many people with a
busy schedule, is far too long. However, one piece of technology that may be able to dispel this worry is
electric charging roads.

[00:07:58.300] - Speaker 1
In essence, the idea is that when a car drives over them, the road charges their car and then simply
keeps track of the car in order to collect payment. First unveiled in Sweden by the company Erode
Arlanda, the first electric charging road is a two kilometer stretch that uses a pair of electric rails to
transfer energy from the road to an electric vehicle above it. Via a small mechanical arm. While it
supposedly works quite well, the road has to physically link up to vehicles and cost it an insanely high
$1.2 million to develop. And so if they are to become more mainstream, they'll have to be made more cost
effective and perhaps less physically invasive.

[00:08:34.780] - Speaker 1
In order to alleviate the second of these two problems, the Indiana department of Transportation and
Purdue University have announced plans to develop the world's first contactless and wireless charging
stretch of road. In order to do so, they plan to use magnetizable concrete technology that's made by
adding small particles of recycled ferrite into the mixture. This creates a magnetic field that can transmit
power wirelessly to the vehicle. And when powered by electric transmitters, they work effectively as car
chargers without actually having to connect the car with a physical arm. The end result is a piece of road
that charges a car while it drives.

[00:09:11.330] - Speaker 1
And while the tech is certainly cool, its cost of between 1.1 million and 2.8 million /km makes it as much if
not more expensive than erode Arlanda project. So unless the project picks up some seriously deep
pocketed investors, chances are that it will take a long time to become mainstream. Number one maglev
lines. While the basic technology surrounding maglev lines has been around ever since 1966, some
countries in Southeast Asia have recently begun to take the technology to completely new heights. You
see, the basic premise of a maglev line is that it uses two sets of magnets, with one set repelling and
pushing the train up and off the track, while the other moves the elevated train ahead.

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