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It can be gleaned that there are salient major considerations involved in the

reflection and recognition of the nobility of the educational management roles and

advocacies of the school leaders. These considerations include the different legal bases

of Philippine school administration, the hierarchy of functions in educational

management and the context of education for all. These three not only specify the

provisions of school leadership but also allow for more evidence-based, proper and

meaningful approach to understanding of the essence of educational leadership.

Pondering on the different legal bases of school administration enables the

school population to understand how intensive, persistent and committed are the school

leaders in adhering to the legal and national standards of propriety in school

governance. It fosters deeper understanding and realization that school leaders too are

indeed great and noble followers as they exemplify compliance towards these legal

bases and policies of educational management. Sufficient cognizance of these legal

bases enables the public and school population to determine and understand the

specific rights and limitations of the school leaders in terms of educational


On the other hand, the consideration as to the hierarchy of rules and functions in

educational management fosters profound realization that behind the nobility of

educational management, there lies a hierarchy and system of co-workers, staff,

subordinates and fellow leaders supporting the school managers. It is therefore

important in understanding how school leaders manage and strive to establish and

nurture connections and collaboration with all the people whom they get to deal with

along their leadership journey. Knowledge of this hierarchy also enables school

population and the public to realize how the educational managers employ and value

collaborative and collective approach to school-based management.

Definitely, the most important consideration in understanding school

management is the context of education for all. School leaders play one of the most

crucial and indispensable roles and functions in ensuring that education for all principle

applies for every learner, school-community member and education partners. Good and

effective school leaders are truly those who are able to establish a balance between

support services for education equity and equality and educational quality for all.

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