Makarwal Coal Washing Final

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Upgradation of Makarwal Coal by Heavy Media Separation

Dr. Naseer Sheikh, Imran Ashraf Khurram Shahzad Javaid Akhtar and Shahid Munir

*Centre for Coal Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of the Punjab,
Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore-Pakistan

The Pakistani coals, being lignite to subbituminous in ranks, are characterized by high ash and sulphur contents
with low heating value. However, these coals are amenable to upgradation eliminating maximum of impurities
and enhancing the heating values. In doing so the energy problem of the country may be minimized and the
upgraded coal can be utilized to generate significant amount of energy to feed the industrial sector.
This study is based on the upgradation of Makarwal coal by using Heavy Media Separation technique. Several
size fractions of run-of-mine coal were subjected to float-sink tests using zinc chloride solutions of different
specific gravities as heavy media. The coal size fractions of -6.25 +2mm and zinc chloride solution with
specific gravity of 1.75 were found suitable for upgradation of Makarwal coal. The clean coal so achieved had
72.48% yield, 89.21% of total carbon recovery and contained 12.56% ash and 2.62% sulphur contents which
corresponded to 52.6% reduction in ash and 55.6% reduction in sulphur contents.
KEY WORDS: Heavy Media Separation, Ash, Sulphur, Specific Gravity

Oil, natural gas and coal have always been the most important energy sources of the world. But recently it has
been realized that the output of oil and gas is on decline due to depletion of resources. Coal is now being
increasingly considered as the main source of energy and is gaining its position as the main energy source (1).
There is a big energy crisis in Pakistan due to increasing price of imported oil and the limited available gas
resources. It is generally believed that the indigenous coal has the ability to substitute the oil and gas due to its
large resource potentials. It has the capacity to meet the requirements of power generation, cement industry and
other coal fired utilities (2).
The coal fields of economic importance exist in all the Provinces of Pakistan. The quality of coals ranges from
lignite to subbituminous in ranks and characterized by high ash and sulphur contents and low heating values. In
some countries like Greece, Turkey, Morocco and Yugoslavia, even inferior quality lignites, after cleaning, are
being used for power generation.(3) Sizeable coal deposits occur in Salt range region but the coal is of low
grade and needs immediate attention to improve its quality so that it can be affectively used in cement plants
existing around these coal deposits. (4)
There is a number of coal cleaning technologies developed over the years but those technologies which are
based on the specific gravity difference of coal and the impurities present in coal have gained much importance.
Among the gravity based technologies Heavy Media Separation or Float-Sink process is a leading method to
enhance the quality of coal by reducing the level of impurities.(5)

Makarwal coal deposits are the part of total coal resources region of the Punjab total 235 million tonnes of
reserves out of which the Makarwal coal reserves of 22 million tonnes. Makarwal coal mines are located in
A representative bulk coal sample, weighing 50 kg, was collected from the Makarwal coal mine seam. The
sample was crushed by roll crusher and splitted into small lots for test work. A part of the bulk sample was
ground to minus 60 mesh and was used for proximate analysis. The analysis was carried out according to the
ASTM standards. (6)

Proximate Analysis of Makarwal Coal Sample:

Name of Moisture% Volatile Ash% Fixed Gross Sulfur%

Coal matter% Carbon% calorific
Sample Value

Makarwal 4.90 35.48 29.78 29.84 4823 5.06

The following table indicates the proximate and ultimate analysis of various ranks of coal available in the
world. (6)

TABLE-2 Composition and Property Ranges for Various Ranks of Coal

Anthracitic Bituminous Subbituminous Lignite

Moisture (%) 3-6 2-15 10-25 25-45
Volatile matter (%) 2-12 15-45 28-45 24-32
Fixed carbon (%) 75-85 5-70 30-57 25-30
Ash (%) 4-15 4-15 3-10 3-15
Sulfur (%) 0.5-2.5 0.5-6 0.3-1.5 0.3-2.5
Hydrogen (%) 1.5-3.5 4.5-6 5.5-6.5 6-7.5
Carbon (%) 75-85 65-80 55-70 35-45
Nitrogen (%) 0.5-1 0.5-2.5 0.8-1.5 0.6-1.0
Oxygen (%) 5.5-9 4.5-10 15-30 38-48
Btu/lb 12,000-13,500 12,000-14.5000 7500-10,000 6000-7500
Density (g/ml) 1.35-1.70 1.28-1.35 1.35-1.40 1.40-1.45
(Source: Hand book of coal analysis, p-42, J.G Speight)

The Makarwal coal is lignite to subbituminous in rank and if the Makarwal coal is compared with the lignites
and subbituminous coals of the world whose compositions have been given in Table-2, it appears that Makarwal
coal has fairly good amount of volatile matter and fixed carbon but is low grade with respect to ash and sulphur
contents and the GCV. Realizing its low grade, experimental investigation was carried out to improve the
quality of the Makarwal coal by using the Heavy Media Separation process.

Heavy Media process is based on the selection of a medium whose specific gravity is so fixed that the light
fraction of clean coal floats and the heavy fraction of gangue minerals sink, when a crushed raw coal is
subjected to separation. For laboratory test work zinc chloride (ZnCl2) solutions of various specific gravities
were used to arrive at a specific gravity at which the optimum separation of clean coal and gangue or dirt was
possible. Both float and sink fractions were separated and evaluated for the desired results. Accordingly the
Makarwal low grade coal has been upgraded by using zinc chloride solutions as heavy media.
The four size fractions were individually put into heavy media solutions of zinc chloride having specific
gravities as follows:
1.30, 1.35, 1.40, 1.45, 1.50, 1.55, 1.60, 1.65, 1.70, 1.75 and 1.80.
Each size fraction was exposed to eleven zinc chloride solutions of the above referred specific gravities. The
following four size fractions were prepared by crushing the bulk coal sample. The fractions were examined
under microscope (× 100 magnification) which appeared to contain released coal and gangue particles -50
+25mm; -25 +12.5mm; -12.5 +6.25mm; -6.25 +2mm. The specific gravities were measured with hydrometer (or
densitometer). The heavy media tests were performed in plastic containers of 15 liters capacity.
All fractions were put in zinc solutions of 1.30-1.80 specific gravities, the float and sink fractions were
separately collected, washed to completely remove zinc chloride and dried at 110oC for one hour and fifteen
minutes. The dry float fraction was saved and the dry sink fraction was put in a container having zinc chloride
of 1.35 specific gravity and the float and sink products were collected, washed and dried. The sink fraction was
put into solution of next solution of specific gravity of 1.40.The process was proceeded for ascending specific
gravities. The float and sink fractions were obtained at all specific gravities. After completing the test work
eleven float products and one finial sink product were obtained. The eleven float products and final sink product
were analyzed for % yield, and ash and sulphur contents. Cumulative ash and sulphur percentage were
calculated by using Korte Method. (8)


The coal washibility data has been recorded in tables 3 to 6 and in Figures 1 to 8. Four size fractions of coal i.e.
-50 +25, -25 +12.5, -12.5 +6.25 and -6.25 +2mm were used for float-sink tests at 11 specific gravities starting
from 1.3 to 1.8. As evident from fig. 9, a decrease in particle size of the fraction reduces commulative ash (%)
and increases commulative yield (%). Moreover, a reduction in commulative sulphur (%) and an increase in
commulative yield (%) were found with the decrease in the size of coal fractions used. This indicates the coarse
fractions still needs to be further crushed to release the coal particles from the mineral matter. It was observed
that at size fraction of -25 +12.5mm at specific gravity of 1.7, the yield of clean coal was 88.95% with ash
content of 26.21% and the sulphur content of 3.22% corresponding to ash reduction of 12% and sulphur
reduction of 36.36% (Fig. 3 & 4, Table 4). It is evident from table 5, figure 5 & 6, that by using the size fraction
of -12.5 +6.25 the yield of clean coal was 86.96% with ash content of 24.85% and sulphur content of 3.73% or
the ash reduction was 16.78% and reduction in sulphur content was 26.28% (Table No.5 Figure No.5 & 6).
The optimum results (shown in fig. 11) at the same specific gravity were obtained at grind size of -6.25 +2mm
at the specific gravity of 1.7. This size fraction at the specific gravity of 1.7 produced 84.01% yield of clean
coal. The grade of coal improved due to reduction of ash from 29.78% to 22.85% and the reduction of sulphur
content from 5.06 to 3.73%.

Experimental results given in table-6 showed that, the -6.25 +2mm fraction produced optimum reduction in ash
and sulphur content. It can be concluded from the graphs figure 7 & 8 that if the particle size is further reduced
the the ash the sulpher content could be further reduced. But it was significantly apprehended that if the best
size fraction of -6.25 +2mm was further reduced in size, a lot of fines could be generated which cause adverse
effects on getting may better grade of float product. Under the experimental conditions, the results of coal in
size of -6.25 +2mm at specific gravity of 1.7 are the optimum. Figure No.9 & 10 indicates the increase of yields
and reduction in ash and sulphur contents at different size fractions at specific gravity of 1.7.


Heavy Media Separation technique was used to investigate the parameters under which the optimum reduction
in ash and sulphur contents was possible with enhancement of total carbon content and gross calorific values.
The salient conclusions may be expressed as follows:

By using heavy media separation process the size fraction of -6.25 +2mm was found optimum to reduce
23.27% of ash and 26.28% of sulphur in the Makarwal coal. The clean coal finally contained 22.85%
ash and 3.73% sulphur and such grade of coal is largely accepted in power plants and in cement
industrial units.
At this optimum particle size and specific gravity of 1.7, the gross calorific value also increased from
4823 to 5523 kcal/kg that is an increase of 14.51%.

1.1.Washability data for the Size Fraction – 50 + 25 mm
Size -50 + 25 mm
Specific Fractional Fractional Cumulative Cumulative Fractional Cumulative
Gravity Yield Ash Yield Ash Sulfur Sulfur
Unit G % % % % % %
1.30 76.30 0.52 10.86 0.52 10.86 2.93 2.93
1.35 332.30 2.27 11.15 2.79 11.10 2.86 2.87
1.40 2518.40 17.20 16.22 19.99 15.50 2.78 2.79
1.45 680.00 4.64 23.12 24.63 16.94 3.10 2.85
1.50 3226.70 22.04 28.69 46.67 22.49 3.42 3.12
1.55 2493.70 17.03 33.44 63.70 25.42 3.74 3.29
1.60 1193.70 8.15 36.92 71.85 26.72 4.05 3.37
1.65 2388.30 16.31 39.65 88.16 29.11 4.18 3.52
1.70 1203.60 8.22 38.20 96.38 29.89 4.32 3.59
1.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 96.38 29.89 0.00 3.59
1.80 106.30 0.73 42.34 97.10 29.98 5.92 3.61
-1.80 424.10 2.90 65.09 100.00 31.00 20.93 4.11
Sum 14643 - - - - - -

Specific Gravity
1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 -1.80
10.00 - 50 + 25 mm 30.40
Cumulative Yield (%)


Cumulative Ash (%)

30.00 25.30
40.00 23.60
60.00 18.50
70.00 16.80
80.00 15.10
90.00 11.70
100.00 10.00

Cumu. Yield Cumu. Ash

Specific Gravity
1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 -1.80
0.00 4.50
- 50 + 25 mm
20.00 4.10

Cumulative Sulfur (%)

Cumulative Yield (%)

40.00 3.70
60.00 3.30
80.00 2.90
100.00 2.50

Cumu. Yield Cumu. Sulfur

1.2 Washability data for the Size Fraction -25+ 12.5 mm

Size -25+ 12.5mm
Specific Fractional Fractional Cumulative Cumulative Fractional Cumulative
Gravity Yield Ash Yield Ash Sulfur Sulfur
Unit G % % % % % %
1.30 305.10 2.51 9.10 2.51 9.10 2.74 2.74
1.35 1243.40 10.24 11.87 12.76 11.32 2.86 2.84
1.40 2035.70 16.77 16.31 29.53 14.16 2.97 2.91
1.45 1482.90 12.22 22.94 41.74 16.73 3.00 2.94
1.50 1309.00 10.78 28.51 52.53 19.15 3.03 2.96
1.55 1762.20 14.52 31.96 67.04 21.92 3.30 3.03
1.60 1066.30 8.78 36.80 75.83 23.64 3.56 3.09
1.65 1303.40 10.74 40.55 86.56 25.74 3.92 3.20
1.70 289.40 2.38 43.12 88.95 26.21 4.29 3.22
1.75 138.30 1.14 44.55 90.09 26.44 5.62 3.25
1.80 185.40 1.53 46.40 91.61 26.77 6.96 3.32
-1.80 1018.00 8.39 65.16 100.00 29.99 18.54 4.59
Sum 12139 - - - - - -

Specific Gravity
1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 -1.80
10.00 - 25 + 12.5 mm
20.00 27.70
Cumulative Yield (%)

Cumulative Ash (%)

40.00 22.60
50.00 20.90
60.00 17.50
70.00 15.80
80.00 14.10
90.00 10.70
100.00 9.00

Cumu. Yield Cumu. Ash

Specific Gravity
1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 -1.80
- 25 + 12.5 mm 4.50

Cumulative Sulfur (%)

Cumulative Yield (%)

30.00 4.10
80.00 2.90
100.00 2.50

Cumu. Yield Cumu. Sulfur

1.3 Coal Washability data for the Size Fraction -12.5+ 6.25 mm

Size -12.5+ 6.25 mm

Specific Fractional Fractional Cumulative Cumulative Fractional Cumulative
Gravity Yield Ash Yield Ash Sulfur Sulfur
Unit G % % % % % %
1.30 778.10 9.69 10.34 9.69 10.34 3.41 3.41
1.35 1135.20 14.13 12.69 23.82 11.73 3.55 3.49
1.40 763.70 9.51 16.97 33.32 13.23 3.69 3.55
1.45 856.00 10.65 22.33 43.98 15.43 3.72 3.59
1.50 1048.00 13.04 28.21 57.02 18.36 3.75 3.63
1.55 632.80 7.88 32.69 64.90 20.10 3.63 3.63
1.60 843.00 10.49 37.19 75.39 22.48 3.51 3.61
1.65 662.40 8.25 41.71 83.64 24.37 4.26 3.68
1.70 266.80 3.32 36.86 86.96 24.85 5.00 3.73
1.75 93.30 1.16 43.45 88.12 25.09 6.12 3.76
1.80 94.10 1.17 47.29 89.29 25.38 7.25 3.80
-1.80 860.50 10.71 65.59 100.00 29.69 20.85 5.63
Sum 8034 - - - - - -

Specific Gravity
1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 -1.80
0.00 29.40
- 12.5 + 6.25 mm
10.00 27.70
20.00 26.00
Cumulative Yield (%)

Cumulative Ash (%)

30.00 24.30
50.00 19.20
60.00 17.50
70.00 15.80
90.00 10.70
100.00 9.00

Cumu. Yield Cumu. Ash

Specific Gravity
1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 -1.80
- 12.5 + 6.25 mm

Cumulative Sulfur (%)

Cumulative Yield (%)

30.00 5.00
50.00 4.60

80.00 3.80
100.00 3.40

Cumu. Yield Cumu. Sulfur

1.4 Coal Washability data for the Size Fraction -6.25+ 2 mm

Size -6.25 + 2 mm
Specific Fractional Fractional Cumulative Cumulative Fractional Cumulative
Gravity Yield Ash Yield Ash Sulfur Sulfur
Unit G % % % % % %
1.30 458.00 10.93 10.22 10.93 10.22 2.74 2.74
1.35 648.00 15.46 11.48 26.39 10.96 3.04 2.92
1.40 545.00 13.00 16.56 39.39 12.81 3.34 3.06
1.45 194.00 4.63 21.60 44.02 13.73 3.47 3.10
1.50 597.00 14.24 26.95 58.27 16.96 3.60 3.22
1.55 200.00 4.77 31.50 63.04 18.06 4.20 3.30
1.60 482.00 11.50 36.47 74.54 20.90 4.80 3.53
1.65 90.00 2.15 38.13 76.69 21.39 5.12 3.57
1.70 307.00 7.33 38.13 84.01 22.85 5.43 3.73
1.75 51.00 1.22 42.88 85.23 23.13 6.02 3.77
1.80 48.00 1.15 45.93 86.38 23.43 6.60 3.80
-1.80 571.00 13.62 66.85 100.00 29.35 15.10 5.34
Sum 4191 - - - - - -

Specific Gravity
1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 -1.80
0.00 29.40
- 6.25 + 2 mm
10.00 27.70
20.00 26.00
Cumulative Yield (%)

Cumulative Ash (%)

30.00 24.30
50.00 19.20
60.00 17.50
70.00 15.80
90.00 10.70
100.00 9.00

Cumu. Yield Cumu. Ash

Specific Gravity
1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 -1.80
0.00 - 6.25 + 2 mm 5.40

Cumulative Sulfur (%)

Cumulative Yield (%)

30.00 4.60
40.00 4.20
60.00 3.80

70.00 3.40
100.00 2.60

Cumu. Yield Cumu. Sulfur

(1) Suarez-Ruiz, I. & Crelling, J.C., 2008, “Applied Coal Petrology (The Role of Petrology in Coal
Utilization)”, Elsevier, Ltd., p 3
(2) Lockhart, N.C., “Dry beneficiation of coal”, CSIRO Institute of Energy and Earth Resources, Division
of Fossil Fuels, Hermitage Site, 338 Blaxland Road, Ryde. N.S.W. 2112 Australia.
(3) Speight, J.G., 2005, “Handbook of Coal Analysis”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey,
America, Volume 166, pp 34 - 35
(4) Gupta, O.P., 1990, “Elements of Fuels, Furnaces & Refractories” Delhi, Khanna Publishers, p 24
(5) Wills, B.A. & Napier-Munn, N.J., 2006, “Mineral Processing Technology”, Elsevier Science &
Technology Books, Ed. 7, pp 225, 246.
(6) Honaker, R.Q., Singh, N. & Govindarajan, B., “Application of dense-medium in an enhanced gravity
separator for the fine coal cleaning”, Department of Mining & Mineral Resources Engineering, Southern
Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois 62901-6603, USA.
(7) Abbott, J. & Miles, N.J., “Smoothing and interpolation of float/sink data for coals” Department of
Mining Engineering, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NGT 2RD, England, UK.
(8) Govindarajan, B. & Rao, T.C., 1994, “Technical note a simple equation for sink-float data”, Regional
Research Laboratory, Bhopal, - 462 026, India.


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