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Stem 12 Grasps

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Sorsogon City
School ID: 302279

Topic: Film Production and Social Inquiry on Human Experiences And Relationships (PIHAR)
Subjects: Media and Information Literacy (MIL), Understanding Culture, Society and Politics (UCSP),
Physical Education and Health, English for Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP), Filipino sa Piling
Larang (FPL), Empowerment Technologies, and General Physics 1

Media and Information Literacy

The learner produces a living museum or electronic portfolio or any other creative forms of
multimedia showcasing their / his/her understanding, insights, and perceptions of the different resources of
media and information.

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

The learner evaluates factors causing social, political, and cultural change

Physical Education and Health

The learner leads recreational events with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent
pursuit and in influencing others positively.

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

The learner produces an objective assessment of an event, a person, a place or a thing. Writes a
comprehensive review /reaction paper
 Performance Arts, Play, Dance, Sports, etc.
 Film
 Participation in a religious or community festival
 Art Exhibit critiques designs such as industrial design objects or craft objects, furniture, fashion
designs based on a set criteria critiques graphic design

Filipino sa Piling Larang

Nakasusulat ng 3-5 na sulatin mula sa nakalistang anyo na nakabatay sa pananaliksik.
Nakagagawa ng palitang pagkikritik (dalawahan o pangkatan) ng mga sulatin.

Empowerment Technologies
At the end of the week independently reflect on the ICT learning process and how his/her world
view has evolved over the past semester. Outputs during this week may be in the form of, but not limited to:
1. Video blog
2. Presentation or image gallery
3. Website
4. Illustrated document
5. Podcast or webcast
General Physics 1
Solve, using experimental and theoretical approaches, multiconcept, rich-content problems
involving measurement, vectors, motion in 1D and 2D, Newton’s Laws, Work, Energy, Center of Mass,
momentum, impulse and collisions

Media and Information Literacy

Synthesize overall knowledge about different information and media sources by producing and
subsequently evaluating a creative multimedia presentation (living museum, electronic portfolio, others).

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Examine the concept, characteristics and forms of stratification systems using sociological

Physical Education and Health

Observes personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion, hypo- and hyperthermia
MVPA participation (PEH12FH-Ik-t-10)
Demonstrates proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and equipment (PEH12FH-IIa-t-12)

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Uses appropriate critical writing a critique such as formalism, feminism, etc.
Writes an objective/balanced review or critique of a work of art, an event or a program

Filipino sa Piling Larang

Nakasusulat ng maingat, wasto, organisado, malikhain, at kapani-paniwalang sulatin
(CS_FA11/12PU- 0p-r-93-94)

Empowerment Technologies
Create a reflexive piece or output using an ICT tool, platform, or application of choice on the
learning experience undergone during the semester (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-IIt-23)

General Physics 1
Identify action-reaction pairs (STEM_GP12N-Id-31)

All Grade 12 – Excellence students are challenged to showcase their creativity and originality in
story-telling, touching on important issues of today. The students will discuss the details of their project in
the following outputs:

1. Short Film – this will serve as a guide as they develop a feasible plan.

2. Movie Poster – this will be used as part of the film marketing materials and must contain key
elements of a visual promo material to be posted on social media.

3. Movie Trailer – this will be used as part of the film marketing materials and must contain a
movie preview which must contain key elements of an audio-visual promo material to be posted
on social media.

4. Critic Paper – this will contain an in-depth analysis of the different aspects of the movie and will
discuss the critical approaches evident in the movie.


The students are asked to create a short film, movie poster, and trailer that are reflective of the
issues that they face. Their unique perspective on these important social issues must be clearly and
creatively presented in such a way that it brings more insights for the audience to have a better grasp and
understanding of these matters and how to address them. Moreover, the students are also expected to
create a critic paper detailing the use of critical approaches that were used in the film.


The role of the students is to situate themselves as young individuals working in the
entertainment industry who will create a movie that is reflective of their perceptions of the different social
issues that are observed in their community.


The audience of this performance task is the viewers of the movie produced which include students,
teachers, parents, barangay officials and the like.

A need for the young and promising Sorsogon City CDRRMO Engineers to propose a solution to a
specific disaster that the community may encounter. They are to address one of these disasters:
Volcanic Eruption

Students must submit a Short Film, Movie Poster, Movie Trailer and a Critic Paper.

A scoring rubric to rate the students’ outputs will be used.
Criteria 4 3 2 1 REMARKS
Excellent composition; Good composition; camera Minimally acceptable Poor composition; camera
camera movement is movement is smooth; use of composition; camera movement is very erratic;
smooth; use of lighting is lighting is good; uses some movement is erratic; lighting lighting quality is very
Cinematography effective; uses a variety of variety of effective shots but quality is problematic; uses problematic; weak,
effective shots lacks consistency little variety in shots repetitive shots
Conveys idea(s) Conveys idea(s) Does not Lack of idea(s)
or story to the or story to the convey ideas or or story. The
audience in an audience in an story to the purpose of the
effective way. effective way. audience in an film has not
Storytelling/ The film is The film effective way. been identified
Script Quality compelling and accomplishes The purpose of or the video
the purpose of the purpose of the film is does not match
the project is the project. suggested, but the purpose.
clearly it is unclear.
The audio is clear and The audio is clear, but only The audio is inconsistent in Audio is cut-off and
effectively assists in partially assists in clarity at times and doesn’t inconsistent. It interferes
communicating the main communicating the story being communicate the story well. with understanding of the
idea. The audio editing told. The viewer has to strain to story. The dialogue is
enhances the storytelling hear the dialogue absent or inaudible.
Audio Editing and adds value and
atmosphere to the film.
The sound design stirs a The sound design stirs an The sound design does not The sound design is
rich emotional response emotional response that stir and emotional response. It distracting, inappropriate, or
that enhances the somewhat enhances the detracts from the storytelling. completely missing.
storytelling. It adds storytelling. It adds good value
excellent value and and atmosphere to the story.
Sound Design atmosphere to the story.
Film Editing Excellent use of Good use of transitions and Poor use of transitions and Little to no use of transitions
transitions and effects; effects; smooth blend between effects; inappropriate blend and effects; distracting edits
very smooth blend scenes; edits are unobtrusive between scenes; edits are between scenes
between scenes; invisible disruptive
Creativity Film shows evidence of Film shows some evidence of Film shows little evidence of Film shows no evidence of
imagination and creativity. imagination and creativity. imagination and creativity. imagination and creativity.
There is thoughtfulness to There is thoughtfulness to the There is minimal There is no thoughtfulness
the style and mood that style and mood that suits the thoughtfulness to the style and to the style and mood that
suits the film. film. mood that suits the film. suits the film.
Continuity Scenes flow smoothly Scenes decently flow from one Scenes flow poorly from one Scenes flow weakly from
from one to the next and to the next and somewhat to the next and do not really one to the next and do not
match the “mood” of the match the “mood” of the match the “mood” of the match the “mood” of the
storyline. There are no storyline. There are storyline. storyline at all.
lapses in continuity. minor/small lapses in There are many lapses The film is disjointed in
continuity. continuity. significant ways.
Film shows considerable Film shows some originality. Film shows an attempt at Film is a rehash of other
originality. The content The content and ideas are originality in part of the people’s ideas and/or
Originality and ideas are presented presented in an interesting presentation. images and show very little
in a unique and way. attempt at original thought.
interesting way.
Pamantayan Nangangailangan
Iskrip (FPL) ng Pag-unlad
4 3 1
Nilalaman Lubhang makabuluhan Makabuluhan ang mga Di-gaanong makabuluhan ang Walang nailahad na
ang mga impormasyon/aral o mga impormasyon/aral o mahalagang
impormasyon/aral o mensaheng ipinahayag. mensaheng ipinahayag. impormasyon/aral o
(X5) mensaheng ipinahayag. Naipamalas ang lubos na Limitado ang pagpapahayag mensaheng ipinahayag.
Naipamalas ang lubos na pagkamalikhain sa ng diwa ng kuwento Hindi maayos na
pagkamalikhain sa pagpapahayag ng diwa ng naipahayag ang diwa ng
pagpapahayag ng diwa kuwento kuwento
ng kuwento

Kaisahan ng mga Napakahusay ng Magkakaugnay ang mga May dalawa hanggang tatlong Walang kaisahan o
Pangyayari pagkakaugnay ng mga pangyayaring inilahad pangyayari ang may kaisahan kaugnayan ang mga
pangyayari o kaugnayan sa isa’t isa. pangyayari
Wastong Gamit Ang pagpili ng mga Ang pagpili ng mga wastong Ang pagpili ng mga wastong Ang pagpili ng mga wastong
ng mga Salita wastong salita sa salita sa paghahabi ng ay salita sa paghahabi ng ay di- salita sa paghahabi ng
paghahabi ng kuwento ay epektibo gaanong epektibo kuwento ay di-epektibo
lubos na epektibo
Gramatika Wasto ang estruktura ng Wasto ang estruktura ng mga Maraming pangungusap ang Maraming pangungusap
mga pangungusap sa pangungusap sa iskrip ng may maling estruktura sa ang may maling estruktura
iskrip ng pelikula; walang pelikula; may ilang maling iskrip ng pelikula; halos sa iskrip ng pelikula; halos
(X5) maling kapitalisasyon, kapitalisasyon, baybay, o kalahati ng iskrip ang may ¾ ng iskrip ang may maling
baybay, o bantas bantas maling kapitalisasyon, baybay, kapitalisasyon, baybay, o
o bantas bantas
Criteria 4 3 2 1 REMARKS
Includes all of the Includes most of the following: Includes some of the Missing most of the required
following: Book/movie Book/movie title, author, following: Book/movie title, information.
Written title, author, rating, cast of rating, cast of main actors, author, rating, cast of main
information main actors, director (this director (this should be you), & actors, director (this should be
should be you), & movie movie tagline line. you), & movie tagline line.
tagline line.
The illustration is relevant. The illustration is relevant, but The illustration is not relevant Did not include an
It relates closely to an is vague and leaves the to the book and does not illustration.
event or idea in the book reader wondering about the represent what the book is
Scene illustrated and engages the reader setting/ scene/or idea. about.
to want to see the movie. The graphic illustrated only The illustration is too similar to
somewhat relates to the book. the book’s cover or an existing
poster for this movie/book.
Poster shows careful Planning of the poster is Neatness was not a factor. Neatness was not a factor.
planning, design, and has obvious but final product is Title is not easy to read. Title of book/movie
Overall Visual been presented neatly. only semi-neat. Author's name is missing is missing. Lettering is
Appeal Quality is present. All the The information is fairly easy Lettering is unclear. messy
information is clear and to
easy to read. read.
Required Had all required content Had most of the required Had some of the required Did not have the movie
Content of content. content. poster completed.
Picture or All graphics are Most graphics are appropriate Some graphics are Graphics are not
Graphic appropriate to topic to topic appropriate to topic appropriate to topic
of Movie
The poster is presented For the most part the poster is The poster is somewhat The poster is not presented
creatively and organized presented in a creative presented in a creative creatively and is not
Appearance of
neatly. manner and is organized manner and organized neatly organized neatly.
Movie Poster
neatly. to some degree.
Spelling, Spelling, punctuation, and Spelling, punctuation, and There were problems with There were numerous
Grammar, and grammar were correct (up grammar were mostly correct spelling, punctuation, and spelling, punctuation, and
Punctuation of to two mistakes). (3-5 mistakes). grammar (6-10 mistakes) grammar mistakes.
Movie Poster
Background and text Background and text make Background and text make Background and
Readability make all parts easy to see most parts easy to see and some parts easy to see and text make it difficult to see
and read. read. read. and read parts.
Criteria 15 10 5 REMARKS
Content The composition shows The composition shows some The composition does not
all the elements & part of the elements & contain the elements &
principles of graphics and principles of graphics and principles of graphics and
layout. layout. layout.
Creativity & The composition is The composition is not an
originality creative and original. The original work and is
The composition is generally
ideas & methods used are uncreative. The work is
creative but not totally original.
striking, and highly predictable throughout, relying
Familiar approaches &
effective. Important almost exclusively on
techniques were used, but
ideas/feelings are overused approaches &
with a few new twists.
highlighted in polished techniques, there is no
ways. apparent personal touch
Visual impact The composition is The composition is
The composition was
striking and eye-catching. unattractive and falls flat in
terms of impact
Criteria 4 3 2 1 REMARKS
Script/Storyboard There is no planning The planning documentation is The planning document is The planning documentation
documentation. incomplete or poorly complete and gives a general is
developed. The idea of how the project will be extremely thorough and
documentation does not created. conveys exactly how the
convey how the project will be project will be created.
The audio is either There are some environmental There are no distracting The project appropriately
overpowering or way too noises that distract the environmental sounds, the mixes different types of
soft. Environmental noise audience and/or the audio has audio is consistently the same audio and has extreme
or secondary audio inconsistent volume. The volume. The primary audio clarity.
Audio makes it almost primary audio is somewhat can be easily heard. The
impossible to hear the difficult to hear. project effectively mixes some
primary audio. different types of audio
(speech, music,
sound effects).
The project presents long The video appears to be The video is generally well- The video has a
video sequences with no minimally or sloppily edited, edited, but lacks some professional appearance
obvious editing. there are awkward transitions continuity and polish, and and the video is edited in a
between scenes. The project there are few or no awkward way that makes the project
seems segmented with poor transitions between scenes. interesting. The project has
continuity. good continuity
The video project uses The video uses more than one The video uses multiple forms Various forms of media are
only one form of media form of media, but of media and the choice of highly integrated and the
(images, audio, video, demonstrates poor integration media is often appropriate for choice of media strongly
Media Use
text). of the media. the project. There is some contributes to the overall
The choice of media is often integration of the various types work.
inadequate or inappropriate. of media.
The content lacks a The content does not present Information is presented as a The content includes a clear
central theme, clear point a clearly stated theme, is connected theme with statement of purpose or
of view and logical vague, and some of the accurate, current supporting theme and is creative,
sequence of information. supporting information does information that contributes to compelling and clearly
Much of the supporting not seem to fit the main idea understanding the project's written. A rich variety of
information in the video is or appears as a disconnected main idea. supporting information in the
irrelevant to the overall series of scenes with no video contributes to
message. The viewer is unifying main idea. understanding the project's
Content unsure what the message main idea. The project
is because there is little includes motivating
persuasive information questions and advanced
and only one or two facts organizers that provide the
about the topic. audience with a sense of
Information is incomplete, the presentation's main
out of date and/or idea. Events and messages
incorrect. are presented in a logical
Criteria 4 3 2 1 REMARKS

Content There is comprehensive There is fairly comprehensive The paper fails to address few The paper fails to address
coverage of the content coverage of the content as salient concerns regarding the major concerns regarding
as shown in the film. The shown in the film. The details film. Moreover, there are little the film. Further, there are
details presented in the observe accuracy and to no inaccurate details many to few incorrect
paper match with the film, preciseness. presented in the paper insofar details insofar as the film is
thus observing accuracy as the film is concerned. concerned.
and preciseness.

Use of Critical There is very clear and There is fairly clear and There is somewhat clear and There is not very clear and
Approaches coherent integration of the coherent integration of the coherent integration of the coherent integration of the
(Feminism, chosen critical approach chosen critical approach into chosen critical approach into chosen critical approach
Marxism, into the analysis of the the analysis of the film. It the analysis of the film. It into the analysis of the film.
Sociocultural film. It observes the somehow observes the somehow observes the It somehow observes the
Approach, etc.) principles of the principles of the concerned principles of the concerned principles of the concerned
concerned critical critical approach, properly critical approach. Some critical approach. Some
approach, properly uses uses the approach-specific approach-specific terms are approach-specific terms are
the approach-specific terms, and justifies the use of not properly used. It not properly used. Finally,
terms, and justifies the the said approach based on nonetheless justifies the use there is poor justification of
use of the said approach the content of the film. of the said approach based on the use of the said approach
based on the content of the content of the film. based on the content of the
the film. film.

Format It follows the required IBC It follows the required IBC It follows the required IBC It does not follow the
format. The Introduction, format in a Critique Paper. format in a Critique Paper. required IBC format in a
Body, and Conclusion However, there are few However, there are many Critique Paper. It lacks the
present the necessary necessary details under the necessary details under the major details necessary for
details as far as writing a IBC sections that are nowhere IBC sections that are missing. critiquing a film or a body of
Critique Paper is to be found. work.

Mechanics The word choice reflects The word choice reflects the The word choice somehow The word choice somehow
the characteristics of an characteristics of an academic reflects the characteristics of reflects the characteristics
academic text, the text, some punctuation marks an academic text, some of an academic text, some
punctuation marks are are not used correctly, the punctuation marks are not punctuation marks are not
properly used, the grammar use has little to no used correctly, the grammar used correctly, the grammar
grammar use is error-free, error, and the required use has little to no error, and use has many errors, and
and the required specifications for the the required specifications for the required specifications
specifications for the submitted output are followed. the submitted output are not for the submitted output are
submitted output are thoroughly followed. not meticulously followed.
Criteria (General 4 3 2 1 REMARKS
Physics 1 & PE)
Visual Text All of the images are Most of the images are Some of the images are Few of the images are
(photographs/ appropriate to the topic, appropriate to the topic, appropriate to the topic, appropriate to the topic,
images) evocative, visually evocative, visually captivating, evocative, visually captivating, evocative, visually
captivating, and show and show unique perspectives and show unique perspectives captivating, and show
unique perspectives of of the concepts in the Laws of
of the concepts in the Laws of unique perspectives of the
the concepts in the Laws Motion (GP1) and proper
of Motion (GP1) and Motion (GP1) and proper safety protocols and proper concepts in the Laws of
proper safety protocols safety protocols and proper etiquette in the use of facilities Motion (GP1) and proper
and proper etiquette in etiquette in the use of facilities and equipment (PE). safety protocols and proper
the use of facilities and and equipment (PE). etiquette in the use of
equipment (PE). facilities and equipment
Typography & Title and captions Title and captions compliment Title and captions sometimes Title and captions seldom
Semantics compliment the images the images and often work compliment the images but compliment the images and
(the meaning, and work together inconsistently work together to do not work together to
together to reinforce the
arrangement, and harmoniously to reinforce
concepts in the Laws of reinforce the concepts in the reinforce the concepts in
appearance of the concepts in the Laws
printed matter) of Motion (GP1) and Motion (GP1) and proper Laws of Motion (GP1) and the Laws of Motion (GP1)
proper safety protocols safety protocols and proper proper safety protocols and and proper safety protocols
and proper etiquette in etiquette in the use of facilities proper etiquette in the use of and proper etiquette in the
the use of facilities and and equipment (PE). facilities and equipment (PE). use of facilities and
equipment (PE). equipment (PE). .
Format Follows all the prescribed Follows most the prescribed Follows some of the Does not follow all the
formatting for the output. formatting for the output but prescribed formatting for the prescribed formatting for the
lacks a few details. output but lacks many details output and lacks many
Relevance The concepts in the Laws The concepts in the Laws of The concepts in the Laws of The concepts in the Laws of
of Motion (GP1) and Motion (GP1) and proper Motion (GP1) and proper Motion (GP1) and proper
proper safety protocols safety protocols and proper safety protocols and proper safety protocols and proper
and proper etiquette in etiquette in the use of facilities etiquette in the use of facilities etiquette in the use of
the use of facilities and and equipment (PE) is clear and equipment (PE) is clear facilities and equipment
equipment (PE) is clear and well-developed and well-developed (PE) is unclear or not well-
and well-developed throughout most of the project. throughout some of the developed throughout the
throughout entire project. project. project.

Prepared by:
MARLOUN J. DOCOT – Media and Information Literacy
MA. MARSHA N. JERESANO – Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
DARYL HOLDIEM – Physical Education and Health
ROLAN GANO – English for Academic and Professional Purposes
CRISTINA J. DUGAYO – Filipino sa Piling Larang
PAUL JOHN A. NITE – Empowerment Technologies
RACHEL D. LEE – General Physics 1

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