Channel Bender
Channel Bender
Channel Bender
Table of Contents
Material Manager................................................................................................................... 21
Angle Bending data – Left and Right ............................................................................................................... 28
Trouble shooting............................................................................................... 37
Safety Instructions
Label Description
The lighting flash with a triangle symbol is intended to alert the user to the
presence of "Dangerous Voltage" to constitute of electric shock to persons.
A place that tagged this label, notice to user, that place is connected with
plane earth.
This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of "Moving Part"
and "Electric wiring" to constitute of injury to persons. Access limited only
to authorized person.
This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of "Moving Part"
and "Moving Gear" to constitute of injury to persons. Do not operate with
guard removed.
This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of "Moving Part"
and "Moving Belt" to constitute of injury to persons. Do not operate with
guard removed.
This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of "Moving Part"
and "Pushing Part" to constitute of injury to persons. Do not operate with
guard removed.
This symbol means user can get injury for working with this machine.
Therefore user do wear protective gloves always.
Introduce of machine and operation programs
The “Channel Bender” are designed to produce the best channel product when working with coiled
material. Because of this, our machine has many tools that dependent on machine specification, like the
“Grip Feeder”, “Bender”, “Top Straight Cut”, “Front Cut”, “Flange Tool”, “Rotary V Cut for flange” and “V
Cut Router”. These tools produce the best possible channel product through interaction.
The “Channel Bender “ has many working tools. This is simple description of tools.
Grip Feeder
The “Grip Feeder” is material moving part. It is a device that feeds the material to the desired length
using the grips located at the top and bottom.
The “Bender” is a device that bend the material to the desired angle or arc.
The “Top Straight Cut” is a cutting part to cut the upper part of material. This part cut the upper part
and remain the bottom part, because channel working method that cut the material using this before
another works, has guarantee the product’s length precision.
Front Cut
The “Front Cut” is a cutting part to cut the bottom of material that remained from “Top Straight Cut”
working. This tool cut the connection part between product and material coil for finish the channel
producing job.
Flange Tool
The “Flange Tool” make a flange in flat material. You can simply make the flange sign with full auto
method of the machine.
If you want to make a flange sign, that has problem for bending work. Therefor bend point need a v
cutting in flange side. The “Flange V Cut Tool” make suitable the v cutting at the bend position.
Hole Puncher
The “Hole puncher” make a hole in a material. This tool has various useful purpose. You can make the
rivet hole in any point. And also make a drain hole for rain.
V Cut Router/Bite
The “V Cut Router” or “Bite” is a v cutting tool for bend position. To add V cutting at bend position will
make a product more sharpness and more clear. And it use too for miter cut function.
※ If there was no material in machine work space, machine can get a damage by this tool. Always
check the material in machine.
SDS Bender CAD – Machine operating program
The channel bender machines are controlled by the “SDS Bender CAD” that is developed by own
technology. The “SDS Bender CAD” which is distributed like folder type and it doesn't need install. It was
placed at “C:\SDSBenderCAD”. If you want to copy or backup this program, just do copy this to any place.
ToolPath Run :
Material Work Setting : Set the current material’s making product method options
Cut : Copy the selected shapes in document to clipboard and remove selected shapes.
Move : Move selected shapes
Show Start & End Point : Show or hide shapes start and end points
Show Cut Name : Show or hide toolpath’s start & end cut names.
⑥ Draw shapes
PolyLine : Draw lines continuously
Arc : Draw a arc with origin point, start point and arc angle
Arc 3 Point : Draw a arc with start point, end point and middle point
Fillet : Make an arc with desired radius about the angle between 2 shapes
Add V Cut : Add V Cut tool work at the angle of selected toolpath
Add Fillet V Cut : At the desired angle in selected toolpath, Make a fillet and add V Cut tools.
Add Chamfer V Cut : At the desired angle in selected toolpath, Make a chamfer and add V Cut
Add Hole : At the desired position in toolpath, add hole punch tool
When using cad functions which want user’s parameter input, it will use.
, Pause/Run : When the machine is running, it can pause or run the machine
Machine Setting and Manual Operation
To set he parameters of each tools in the channel bender affect the performance and can adjust the
result of product. And to use manual operations check the performance and function of tools.
( When the machine shipped, these parameters are set precisely by our engineers. Therefore the
customers don’t need the change the parameters. If changed parameters by mistake, Please recover the
parameters by backup position(CD or D Drive).
To set the machine or to use manual operation, click the icon likes gear in the machine status window.
Work with Channel Bender
Select a material
Before the work, Select a material for working. Selected material information are maintained. Therefore
do not need reselect the material before use another material.
At the ①, Double click the wanted material or click the wanted material and click the select button.
Check the information of selected material are present at the ③, and close the material select
Toolpath(Work path) find
Click the file open button, and select the wanted document. This program current support the DXF,
SBC, AI(before CS3), PDF file formats. We recommend the DXF file format for good work.
And move the mouse cursor to end shape of toolpath, click the left button of mouse. And finish
the toolpath finding. While the finding toolpath, you can consider length of the product by length
Toolpath Options
When finish the finding toolpath, The toolpath option window is open.
① Tool Path Option
1. Name : Name of toolpath
2. Quantity : Quantity of making product
3. Start Cut : Select the kind of start cut when output the toolpath
- StraightCut2Step : Cut by 2 steps with “Top Straight Cut” and “Front Cut”.
- Miter Cut : Basically cut with StraightCut2Step, but it will add constant length at start and
end point. And at this point , make the join point using V Cut tool for clean joining.
4. End Cut : Select the kind of end cut when output the toolpath. End cut types are same with
start cut.
5. Start Length Adjust : Extend the start position length.
6. End Length Adjust : Extend the end position length.
7. Miter Cut Extension Length : When use the miter cut, set the miter cut sub cutting length. If
you set this value to 0(zero), it will be set the basic value(30 mm).
8. Miter Cut Angle : When use the miter cut, set the miter cut tool angle. If you set this value
to 0(zero), it will be set the basic value(100 degree).
9. Hole Pattern : This parameter affect to a machine with hole puncher tool. If you set this
value, the machine make a product with the selected hole pattern.
10. Left Angle Bending Percent : Adjust ratio of left angle bending.
11. Right Angle Bending Percent : Adjust ratio of right angle bending.
12. Left Arc Bending Percent : Adjust ratio of left arc bending.
13. Right Arc Bending Percent : Adjust ratio of right arc bending.
Show the tool path that has ①’s options. In this windows, If you select the shape or angle, Edit
In edit box of ③, set the minimum angle for V Cutting. And press “Add V Cuts” button then v
cutting tools are added automatically in suitable angle. If you checked the “Auto” check box, V cut
④ Test output
Before make the product, you can output the test part of product that may have problem. The test
part’s range number is based on adjust window ⑤. And if “Mouse Range Select” button was checked,
you can input the range by the mouse. Then mouse left button can select the start number of the
test part and mouse right button can select the end number. The “All range” button will changed the
range to all shapes. Test range selecting is complete, then press the “Run” button for output the test
When make the product with a tool path, you can adjust length, angle bending and arc bending of
specific position of tool path. If you want change the length of a shape, click the shapes. Then length
edit box will activate. And if you want change bending ratio of an angle, click the inter point between
the shapes, bend ratio edit box will activate. When you want change the arc bend ratio, click the arc
shape and you should change the Arc(%) column in same row.
When the tool path option changing is complete, click the ok button for close the window. then tool
button, then you can select the toolpath. And click the tool path that you want to make the
product, then tool path output dialog that seem like under figure will show.
If you want to remove a tool path, click the “Tool Path Remove” button. And select a tool path that
Save the tool paths
When you want to save the found tool paths, you need to save the file with “SBC” format. “SBC” file
format can contain the tool path information and shapes information.
Additional work method
button will show a list of the tool paths. Now select the tool paths that you want to make the product.
When selecting is complete. Please click the “Run” button. The machine will make the products
And “Tool Path List” has another function for tool paths.
② Check box and tool path’s name
You can select the tool path for remove or output using check box.
When there is many tool paths that can’t show in 1 page, Page changing button will activate. Then
The machine can’t make spline shapes. Therefore you need to explode the splines by lines and arcs.
Let’s select the splines to explode. And click the “Explode” button.
After click the explode button, now you can see the red lines. and see the rectangles at the splitting
Now you can change the “Exploding precision value”. This value means exploded shapes is how much
same with original shapes. When it will be high, Exploded shapes are more same with original but product
making speed is getting down. and when it will be low, Exploded shapes are less same with original but
If you can't make the low value about the precision, you can reduce the splitting point using line, arc
join tolerance value. These values are tolerance of joining about split shapes. Base on this values, split
When the explode option changing is complete, click the accept button. Then program will apply the
explode function.
The machine make the product like under figure. it show the shapes of document are placed at the
center line of product.
in this case when the product assemble with base plate from outside or inside, you can’t get the wished
product. Therefore you should use tool path offset function. This function will solve this problem and
make the wished product.
( ※ The ideal offset value is half of material thickness. But put some more value for convenience of
assemble. )
Follow under the directions for using offset function.
The sign of offset value determine the position of offset shape. If it was negative value(-),
offset shapes are placed at the left side of tool path proceed direction. And If it was
positive value(+), these are placed at the right side. When change the offset value, you
need to press the enter key for apply. ( Please check offset value changing in the command
window. )
③ Now let’s find tool path. And determine tool path options.
④ When tool path finding is complete, you can see the offset tool path like under figure. The
tool path at the outside of original shapes is positive offset value. And the tool path at the
inside is negative offset value.
⑤ The tool path offset function could be fail to make offset shapes. If offset function was
failed, this program will pop up the dialog window. In the dialog window has question for
drawing of failed offset shape. If you clicked the ok button, it will draw these shapes on
document. using these shapes, you can analyse cause of offset failing.
Material Management
Material Manager
In ①, double click the material that you want to work. Or click the material and click the select
button of ②.
Please check the information of the selected material on ③. And close the windows.
The material selector has some more functions. The “New” button make the new material
information file. The “Copy” button copy the existing material. The “Delete” button remove the
material. And the “Rename” button rename the material’s name.
* If you want to make a new material, we don’t recommend use “New” button. A material setting
has many complex parameters. We don’t think customers can set this up precisely. Therefore we
recommend to use “Copy” function. When make a new material, you should copy with physically
similar material. This is best way for easy to use.
Setting of material specification
If you used new material or didn’t satisfy the quality of products, you should input the specification of a
material. We call it “Material setting”. A Material has many parameter about Nozzle, Setback, Tool
compensation and bending data. If you set material, Click the “Material Setting” button.
Material Parameter
The material parameter tab has many editable values for length precision of products. And it has nozzle
data that is base for correct bend work.
If you got the product that was not similar than document, you need to adjust this parameter pages.
Material Data
The material data page has physical parameters of material. This parameters are affect for many point of
making product method. For example, material extension length of bending position, work height of v cut
tools, compensation of v cut tools effect. Therefore it must be set up precisely. If you made new material
data, you need set this up first of all. Then you can get always the satisfying product.
Information of parameters
Material Name
Show the material’s name. This parameter can’t edit in this page. If you want to change
the name, please try in material manager.
Work Type
Select the work type that the machine support work type has option button. If you
clicked the option button, you can change detail option for work type.
* Channel Basic – Basic working type for channel product
* Flange – Channel product with flange
* Side cut – Channel product with Trimless material
Thickness of material in mm(millimeter) unit
Height of material in mm(millimeter) unit
Native Radius Left
Native Radius Left is the arc radius when this occur by left bending.
Native Radius Right
Native Radius Right is the arc radius when this occur by right bending.
※ The measuring of native radius is supplied by helper button. This helper function will
not apply any algorithm for length compensation. Therefore if you want to change this
value, always use this helper function. Usage is simple. First, Input the test length. ( We
recommend that don’t change value. Because changing value don’t effect anything ).
And click the “Test Run” Button. Then the machine make test piece for native r. it seems
like stapler shape. Now you need measure the length of center part of test piece. And
input Real length using this value. Then Click the “Calculate” button and click the
“Accept” button. That is all. Do run this process each side.
Size of base plate making tool(mm)
This parameter is tool size of base plate making tool. When make the base plate for
channel sign, work tool is not enough sharp that you want. Because of this, channel
product has problem between product from our machine and base plate. This parameter
will correct this problem.
Weighting of base plate making tool compensation
This parameter is weighting of base plate making tool compensation. This values is
percentage of basic compensation. If you want to make product more tight, increase this
value. Or if you want to make product more loose, decrease this value.
Nozzle Data
The “Nozzle Data” page has many parameters for bending nozzle. This is very important value for bend
work. Therefore when shipped the machine, our engineers set this value very precisely. We don’t
recommend to change this parameter by customers. When set up nozzle data of a new material, use the
“Load Preset” button. The “Load Preset” has data of provided nozzle when shipped the machine.
The No.1~No.5 parameters are not editable. These are very critical parameters. If you want to change
this parameter, press “Ctrl+T” in keyboard. Then edit windows blocking is release.
Information of parameters
Nozzle Name
This is nozzle’s name.
Distance nozzle tip to finger
This is distance of between nozzle tip and bending finger tip.
Nozzle space
This is space in nozzle that material moving path.
Finger Rotation Radius
This is finger rotation’s radius.
Angle between fingers
This is angle of between fingers.
Finger set number
If the finger set group is not a single, you can set the finger set group.
Typically this parameters is 0 or 1.
Bend Origin
Bend origin is bend work tool’s origin position value. This parameter is very important
for bending work. Please do not change this parameter.
Nozzle Guide
Nozzle guide is position of bend work. This parameter is very important for product’s
length precision.
Bend Position Adjust
If you want to change bend position by very small value for more satisfying product,
please change this parameters instead of nozzle guide parameter.
All Tool Position Adjust
When you change positions of all tools by same value, you can use this parameter.
Finger Up Pulse
The bender’s position pulse that finger can up.
Bend Max Pulse
The bender’s max position pulse that bender can bend material.
Clearance Pulse
The bender’s clearance pulse that material can move after bend work.
Teach option for bending data
Information of parameters
You can change the length of measuring part for making bend data process.
Start Cut
End Cut
Tool customize
Sometimes you may need to change the tool parameter for only one material. In that case, you
can use this page “Tool Customize”. Each tool setting page has “Tool Customize” check box. When
fill the check box of the this, tool setting will used for this page for only this material. Tool setting
method is same with basic tool setting. Only different is fill the check box of the “Tool Customize”.
Angle Bending data – Left and Right
The angle bending data is important value for bend work. If this setting page well set up, a
product’s bending work is very satisfying. Therefore if you think product’s bending is not good,
Arc Bending Data – Left and Right
Setting of work type
Each materials need a suitable work type. Basically channel bender use the channel basic work type. if
you want to make channel with flange, you can use flange work type. and also you can use the side cut
Change the arc bending algorithm. This parameter make it possible that is to increase bending
performance in future time. Now you should use the “Basic Arc Bending” algorithm.
When tool path has left bend, you can control to enable the v cutting.
When tool path has right bend, you can control to enable the v cutting.
Sometime bender’s finger can’t up from the underside. because product that are making, disturb
the finger up. In this case, you can avoid this situation with this parameter.
Extend feed length for bending with V Cutting
When do bend work, Bend position with v cutting tool is not sensitive. But nozzle sharpness
could disturb the bending. You can avoid this situation with this parameter.
Change the arc bending algorithm. This parameter make it possible that is to increase bending
performance in future time. Now you should use the “Basic Arc Bending” algorithm.
Finish type
If the flange sign’s end part has bending work, it has some problem in end processing of making.
Therefore we provide 3 options that is Basic, Manual and Auto Cut. If you use the “Basic”, the
machine will not bend the end part and no v cutting work. And if you use the “Manual Cut”, the
machine will add the sub part for bend and v cutting. And it will remain the sub part. The “Auto
Cut” is similar with the “Manual Cut”. But it will cut the sub part.
Flange margin
The flange margin is the length of no flanged in end part. We want that machine don't failed in
If the machine bended a material to left side, this point don’t need the v cut with specific angle.
Therefore basically the machine cut the this point by the flange tool. But this may increase the
working time and maybe the product is not pretty. In this case, if you filled the this checkbox,
This value is maximum arc radius for v cut adding. If an arc radius is larger than this value, the
The “Arc radius range” and The “Arc V cut distance range” are determine the v cutting interval
Change the arc bending algorithm. This parameter make it possible that is to increase bending
performance in future time. Now you should use the “Basic Arc Bending” algorithm.
When tool path has left bend, you can control to enable the v cutting.
When tool path has right bend, you can control to enable the v cutting.
Sometime bender’s finger can’t up from the underside. because product that are making, disturb
the finger up. In this case, you can avoid this situation with this parameter.
When do bend work, Bend position with v cutting tool is not sensitive. But nozzle sharpness
could disturb the bending. You can avoid this situation with this parameter.
Use Router
If you use the routing, please fill the “Use router” check box.
When you use the router, you can enable or disable the routing for left angle bending work.
Right angle routing
When you use the router, you can enable or disable the routing for right angle bending work.
When you use the router, you can enable or disable the routing for left arc bending work.
When you use the router, you can enable or disable the routing for right arc bending work.
You can set minimum routing angle for left bending work.
You can set minimum routing angle for right bending work.
This value is maximum arc radius for routing. If an arc radius is larger than this value, the
The “Arc routing radius range” and The “Arc routing distance range” are determine the routing
How to use special tools
The channel bender machines has many special tools for making signs. These tools are using special
function on CAD Program. This chapter is explain how to use special tools. If section has guide video,
please visit guide video site. Then you can use this tools easily.
Guide Video
- Click the “Add Punch” Button on Tool Bar. Then you can see the punch tool preset.
- Select the punch preset value that you want to add for tool path. And click the desired position
on tool path. ( if you want to add on center/edge position, please hold pushing “Shift” Button. )
- Click the position of punch tools on tool path, then punch tools are removed.
Trouble shooting
This chapters provide solutions for simple trouble in using the machine. The solutions in this page are
solve with using software or simple touch to machine. If you couldn’t solve other complicate problem,
If a product had wrong length at each part of shapes, the machine may get the problem in measure the
2. Using material’s strength is less or more than the material that used in setting
If the reason is no.1, you should clean up the encoder part using air gun.
Or if the reason is no.2, you need to calibration of encoder circumference length. Therefore open the
machine setup window. and select feeder setting page. In the setting page, there is “Encoder
circumference” parameter. Now use “helper” button. It has output length with 2000mm. you can change
this value. But we recommend this value must be more than 1000 mm. and click the “Test Run” button.
Now the machine make the test piece for calibration. When test piece making is complete, measure the
test piece using ruler. This ruler need mm(millimeter) unit. Input to real length by measured value. And
press “Calculate” button. Then encoder circumference is recalculated. And click the “Accept” button. Now
it’s done.
Problem 2. A product’s bending point is not correct.
If you met this problem, first of all please calibration the encoder circumference. After calibration, If this
If the reason is no.1, please change the nozzle guide or bend position adjust parameters in nozzle data
Of If the reason is no.2, please change the v cut tools position value.