Development of Mackintosh Probe Extractor (2016)
Development of Mackintosh Probe Extractor (2016)
Development of Mackintosh Probe Extractor (2016)
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Converter as a Pseudo Return-to-Zero
Dong Churl Kim, Young Ahn Leem, Eun
Deok Sim et al.
Abstract. Dynamic probing is a continuous soil investigation technique, which is one of the
simplest soil penetration test. It basically consist of repeatedly driving a metal tipped probe into
the ground using a drop weight of fixed mass and travel. Testing was carried out continuously
from ground level to the final penetration depth. Once the soil investigation work done, it is
difficult to pull out the probe rod from the ground, due to strong soil structure grip against
probe cone and prevent the probe rod out from the ground. Thus, in this case, a tool named
Extracting Probe was created to assist in the process of retracting the probe rod from the
ground. In addition, Extracting Probe also can reduce the time to extract the probe rod from the
ground compare with the conventional method. At the same time, it also can reduce manpower
cost because only one worker involve to handle this tool compare with conventional method
used two or more workers. From experiment that have been done we found that the time
difference between conventional tools and extracting probe is significant, average time
difference is 155 minutes. In addition the extracting probe can reduce manpower usage, and
also labour cost for operating the tool. With all these advantages makes this tool has the
potential to be marketed.
1. Introduction
Soil investigation (SI) is a fundamental step which held prior to any construction activity on site. The
main purpose of SI is to obtain all soil parameters that are needed in designing the foundation of any
given loads on the building to be constructed. Parameters obtained will assist in designing phase so
that the good quality, economic and safe structure can be built. Three main processes of SI frequently
carried are boring, sampling and testing of soil on site. Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is the most
popular method of SI that caters all the processes mentioned that recorded completely the soil profile
at any chosen bore hole. Normally large scale project with high budget suits this method which
produce detail information on soil profile and almost at any sensible depth for building construction.
At normal circumstances, for smaller scale projects or any small construction within a huge project,
there might be some need for the SI report at the particular vicinity. In handling this, Mackintosh
Probe is the widely available, least costly and most practical method to use. The use of Mackintosh
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International Engineering Research and Innovation Symposium (IRIS) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 160 (2016) 012015 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/160/1/012015
probe is normally as complimentary to the SPT method and not to substitute it. The difference
between Mackintosh probe and JKR probe is the angle of the cone, where the Mackintosh probe have
60o angle cone and the JKR probe, with 300 angle cone. According to [1], although this test is
considered as a classic method, but it still used in soil investigation for the any construction. Base on
[2], the Mackintosh Probe has been described, where it consist of a 27.94 mm diameter cone with a 30 º
angle; 12.7 mm diameter solid rods and a 4.5 kg dead weight with standard drop height of 300 mm,
Figure 1. The cone is advanced into the soil by standard blows from the drop weight and the number
of blows for 100 mm penetration is countered. Based on the principles by [3], the probe rod will be
advanced into the soil to get the data to analyse. According to [2], Mackintosh probe was developed
for the investigation of peat and has been used in a variety of soft soils.
The method involve is hammering in rod connected to a cone both of which are in their standard
sizes. Number of blows per 0.3m of rod will be counted and recorded [3], record sample is as shown in
Table 1 and Figure 2 (a) and (b). Note : Depth no. correspond to the particular range of depth as shown
International Engineering Research and Innovation Symposium (IRIS) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 160 (2016) 012015 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/160/1/012015
(a) (b)
Figure 2 : (a) Graph of no. of blows versus depth number (b) Graph of cumulative no. of blows versus
depth number.
Frequent problem faced by handling this method is the difficulty of extracting the rod after it
reaches the following conditions: the maximum depth 14 rods or 400 number of blows per 0.3m.
Hence, the main scope of this paper is to develop the portable and effective equipment that extract the
rod after it reaches the two (2) conditions. It is normal that there is difficulty in the process of
retracting the probe rod out from the ground. This is due to the horizontal pressure that the
surrounding soil (Figure 3) which imposed on the rod and cone and this has to be overcome in order to
successfully extract it out. Thus, in this study, we create a tool that able to overcome this horizontal
pressure (Figure 3) thus be able to retract the probe rod easily from the ground. The tool named as
Probe Extractor. After the completion of the Probe Extractor, its effectiveness in terms of time, labour
and costs used are tested and analysed. Three different locations were selected to test the effectiveness
of the Probe Extractor.
Horizontal Horizontal
pressure pressure
International Engineering Research and Innovation Symposium (IRIS) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 160 (2016) 012015 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/160/1/012015
(A) Pusher
(B) Upholder
(C) Based Tool
(D) Grappler
(E) Arm Holder
International Engineering Research and Innovation Symposium (IRIS) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 160 (2016) 012015 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/160/1/012015
In process of retracting the probe rod from the ground, the press tool of the Probe Extractor will
be pressed downward (Figure 5) and this will cause the arms to move upward and directly the grippers
will grip strongly the probe rod and bring it out from the ground gradually. This step was repeated
until all the probe rod out from the ground. After Probe Extractor was produced, it workability will be
tested. Four different location will be chosen to test this tool. It on the Kolej Kediaman Perwira,
RECESS UTHM, Pt. Rasipan, and one of it in Taman Manis, Parit Raja. After that, the data will be
collected and analysed. The data will be collected by making comparison between Probe Extractor and
conventional method in terms of time, labor and costs used in process of retracting the probe rod from
the ground after soil investigation was finished. The expected result from this Probe Extractor is it can
reduce the time spent to retract the probe rod from the ground compared to the conventional method
because it will be reduce the cost to pay employee. Next, it also can reduce the labor used because
Probe Extractor just only use one employee (Figure 5) compared to conventional method that use
more than one employee.
International Engineering Research and Innovation Symposium (IRIS) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 160 (2016) 012015 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/160/1/012015
3.1 Graph of average time against the rod for three different places
Following were the graph of average time against the rod for the Extracting Probe and conventional
method in process of extracting the probe rod from the ground for three different places, Kolej
Kediaman Perwira, RECESS UTHM, Pt. Rasipan, and one of it in Taman Manis, Parit Raja.
Ti me (min)
Kolej Kediaman RECESS UTHM Kg. Pt. Rasipan Taman Manis
Perwira Location
Existing tools Simple extractor
Table 2 shows the average time against the rod for Kolej Kediaman Perwira, RECESS UTHM,
Pt. Rasipan and Taman Manis, Pt. Raja. From the all graph the time taken to retract the probe rod from
the ground by using the Extracting Probe is more faster compare with conventional method with
average time differences is 155 minutes. Overall average time taken for the all rod totally out from the
ground is proved by Extracting Probe, where it faster compare with the conventional method. In Table
3, the different time taken to extract probe rod from the ground by using Extracting Probe and
International Engineering Research and Innovation Symposium (IRIS) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 160 (2016) 012015 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/160/1/012015
Table 3: Time Comparison between the Existing Lift Rod and Probe Extractor
4. Conclusions
Invasion of Extracting Probe has proved it can reduce the problems in process extracting probe
rod out from the ground after soil investigation work finishes. It can solve the problems in term
of time, manpower usege and the payment for the employee. This was proved after the data of
average time by using the Extracting Probe is faster compare with conventional method in the
process of extracting the probe rod from the ground. Besides that, Extracting Probe only use one
labour to handle this tool compare with conventional which need two or more labour to extract
the probe rod from the ground and this will directly reduce the cost to pay the employee.
5. Acknowledgement
The work has been supported by the Short Term Grant (STG) scheme under Vot U141. The
authors would also like to acknowledge Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia with the financial
support of this paper.
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International Engineering Research and Innovation Symposium (IRIS) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 160 (2016) 012015 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/160/1/012015
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