Introduction To C++

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Introduction to C++

Getting started with the room B27 terminals

 Log on with your BU username
 If you don’t have a BU username:
 Username: Choose tutm1-tutm18, tutn1-tutn18
 Password: RCSfall2017
 On the desktop is a link to MobaXterm. Double click to open it.
Getting started on the SCC
 If you prefer to work on the SCC and have your own account, login using
your account to the host
 On the room terminals there is a MobaXterm link on the desktop

 Load the GCC compiler and the codeblocks module:

module load gcc/5.3.0
module load gdb/7.11.1
module load codeblocks/16.01

 Make a folder in your home directory and copy in the tutorial files:
mkdir cpp_tutorial && cd !$
unzip /scratch/
Getting started with your own laptop
 Go to:
and download the Powerpoint or PDF copy of the unified presentation.

 Easy way to get there: Google “bu rcs tutorials” and it’s the 1st or 2nd link.

 Also download the “Additional Materials” file and unzip it to a convenient

folder on your laptop.
Getting started with your own laptop
 Download the Code::Blocks development environment:

 Windows: get the file and unzip it to a

convenient folder.

 Linux: likely available from your Linux distro’s package management system

 Mac OSX: get the file and unzip it to a convenient folder.
 Also you will need Apple’s Xcode software with the command line tools installed.
 See:
Tutorial Outline: All 4 Parts
 Part 1:  Part 3:
 Intro to C++  Defining C++ classes
 Object oriented concepts  Look at the details of how they
 Write a first program work
 Part 2:  Part 4:
 Using C++ objects  Class inheritance
 Standard Template Library  Virtual methods
 Basic debugging  Available C++ tools on the
Tutorial Outline: Part 1
 Very brief history of C++
 Definition object-oriented programming
 When C++ is a good choice
 The Code::Blocks IDE
 Object-oriented concepts
 First program!
 Some C++ syntax
 Function calls
 Create a C++ class
Very brief history of C++

ula 6

For details more check out A History of C++: 1979−1991

class GasMolecule

Object-oriented programming • Data:

• molecular weight, structure, common
names, etc.
 Object-oriented programming • Methods:
• IR(wavenumStart, wavenumEnd) :
(OOP) seeks to define a program in return IR emission spectrum in range

terms of the things in the problem (files,

molecules, buildings, cars, people,
Objects (instances of a class)
etc.), what they need, and what they
can do. GasMolecule ch4
GasMolecule co2

spectrum = ch4.IR(1000,3500)
Name = co2.common_name

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