Gateway B2 Final Test A

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Final Review Test A Name ............................................ Class ...............................................


Use of English: Grammar 3 For questions 1-5, complete the second

sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
the first sentence, using the word given. Do
1 Report the following statements using the
not change the word given. You must use
verb provided.
between three and six words.
1 “The computers in this room never work”.
1 Mike refused to memorize the list of
irregular verbs.
2 “They have told us again that we will not be
Mike said
able to view the property this Friday”.
that ........................................................ the
list of irregular verbs.
3 “We left the window open all night”.
2 “Do you want to try and piece together
exactly what happened on Friday night?” Kim
They ........................................................
asked John.
4 “You will all have to read the book by
Kim asked John
if piece
together exactly what happened on Friday
5 “Well done Tom, for finishing the exam on
3 They put the girls in charge of the
She ........................................................
clapperboard for one scene.
The girls ........................................................
for the clapperboard for one scene.
2 Correct the mistake in each sentence.
4 Adam should really try to get on with the
1 She has given him the cold shoulder as soon
members of his study group.
as she found out that he had lied.
2 If he had been sceptical about the results, he
It’s get
won’t publish them in the journal.
on with the members of his study group.
3 The freebies will given to everyone that
purchases over £10 of cosmetic goods.
5 There has been a sudden rise in the cost of
4 Seeing the film on TV, I can say that it is
going to the cinema this year.
totally nail-biting and I wouldn’t recommend
it to anyone afraid of ghosts.
The cost of
5 In order to becoming fluent in a language, a
going ........................................................ this
person needs to study hard and ensure they
understand all of the nuances.

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4 For questions 1-10, read the text below and Use of English: Vocabulary
think of the word which best fits each gap.
Use only one word in each gap.
5 Replace the underlined phrases with
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night- internationally popular words. You may
Time need to change the form of the word or
This award-winning novel (1) _____ written
by Mark Haddon in 2003. The book describes brat
the life (2) _____ Christopher John Francis flip-flop
Boone, a 15 year old boy who suffers from go berserk
Asperger’s Syndrome. The book is written in to cuddle someone
(3) _____ first person by Haddon. The author yummy
is aware that he is not (4) _____ expert on
the subject of autism; nevertheless, he On Thursday, we decided to spend the day at
believes his early experience of working with the beach. It was warm and so I put on some
children with disabilities helped him to write shorts, a t-shirt and my (1)rubber shoes I
the book. usually wear at the beach and got into the
(5) _____ the start of the book, Christopher
finds the neighbour’s dog, Wellington, When we arrived, we headed to the nearest
murdered in the neighbour’s front garden ice-cream stall and waited in the long queue.
and, wanting to find out what has happened, Just in front of us, there was this (2)annoying
he takes it upon (6) _____ to investigate the child that was behaving badly. He kept
case. He writes his daily findings in a book shouting that he wanted an ice cream and
which turns out (7) _____ be The Curious pushing the people in front of him. After
Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. about ten minutes, he started crying and his
mum (3)put her arms around him and held
Haddon’s book was intended for an adult him close to comfort him. After about fifteen
audience (8) _____ Haddon’s publisher minutes, we got served and I must admit, the
decided to widen the target audience and ice cream was worth waiting for. It was
made (9) _____ available to children (10) (4)really tasty.
As we walked away from the stall, we
/10 noticed the child that had been in front of us
in the queue (5)became uncontrollable. He
was angry because although he had been
served an ice-cream minutes before, he had
accidentally dropped it on the ground!


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6 For questions 1-5, think of one word only It was ___________ in his mind what he had
which can be used appropriately in all three to do to resolve the problem.
sentences. The moment Claire dropped the dissolvable
aspirin in the water, it turned from
1 ___________ to cloudy.
As the final exams ___________ closer, the
students spent increasingly more time in the 5
library studying. The speaker approached the ___________,
adjusted the microphone and began his
Not knowing how much he would need, presentation.
Simon ___________ an extra £50 out just to
be on the safe side. As Harry can’t ___________ talking to his
boss, he avoids her whenever possible.
On Saturday Tottenham ___________ with
Manchester United in the first football match We’ve decided to ___________ together at
of the season. the concert as we don’t really know anyone
else that’s going.
Alberto, wanting to make sure he woke up /5
on time, asked the hotel for a wake up
___________. 7 Read the text and insert the correct form of
the word in CAPITALS into each gap.
“That was a close ___________. You almost
hit that lorry!” the passenger yelled at the Static speed cameras were originally set up
taxi driver. throughout the UK, with the aim of
(1)____________(DRAMA) reducing the
They were uncertain about when the number of road side accidents. At first,
meeting started, so they made a people were unhappy with these (2)
___________ to their boss. ___________ (ORDINARY) machines that
were able to calculate the precise speed of a
3 (3)____________(MOTOR) and at the same
As he’s always complaining about his job, I time, capture a photo of their licence plate.
honestly think the ___________ thing to do But, over time, people have become
would be to leave. accustomed to them and
(4)____________(EVIDENT) shows that many
You need to put your ___________ foot drivers ‘play’ them.
forward if you want to get out of this (5)____________(RESIDE) that live on busy
situation. roads where speed cameras have been
installed were interviewed and they gave
It’s ___________ practice in our company to some(6) ____________(SIGHT) into how
respond to a client’s email as soon as drivers play the cameras.
possible. A recent media report states that static
speed cameras have not reduced the number
4 of motor accidents, they have just increased
There was so much junk in the spare room drivers’ (7)____________(AWARE). When
that Rita decided to have a ___________ out. they see a yellow box in the distance, they

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are conscious it is a speed camera, and me, paella. I had never been to his flat nor
consequently slow down. had he been to mine, but I accepted his kind
offer. As my lectures didn’t finish until 9pm
/7 and both of my flatmates had arrangements,
I gave Alejandro the keys to my flat, so he
could let himself in and prepare the dish
Reading whilst I was away.

8 You are going to read an extract from a After my final lecture, I went straight home
story about a crime. For questions 1-5 and, as I didn’t have the keys to my flat, I
choose the best answer A, B, C or D. pressed the buzzer so Alejandro could let me
in. He must have been cooking with the
I met Alejandro when I was sitting in the music on I thought, as he didn’t hear me, and
Plaza Mayor of Madrid, one balmy evening in so I buzzed again. At that moment, one of my
August. I had only been in the city a couple of neighbours opened the door. She was taking
weeks and I had decided to go on my own, to her dog out for a walk, and so she let me in.
sit on the cool floor of the plaza and listen to When I got to my own front door it was ajar.
the soothing music produced by a group of I opened it fully and shouted, “Alejandro I’m
musicians. The piece that particularly awoke back!” but then I noticed something strange
my interest was El Concierto de Aranjuez. in the hallway – a picture was missing and so
Even thinking about the melody now brings was the vacuum cleaner. I made my way to
goosebumps to my skin. the kitchen and, as I advanced, I found more
things missing; the television, the DVD
As I sat and absorbed the music and the player, my flatmate’s computer and lots
surroundings, I noticed a guy on my left. He more. I began to feel nervous.
was handsome, relatively well built and he
seemed also to be enjoying the music. When When I got to the kitchen, Alejandro wasn’t
the musicians finished their set, he walked there. I looked in every room of the flat and,
over and asked to join me. at this stage, it was clear that we had been
burgled. But where was Alejandro? I didn’t
We spoke about everything from music, to have his mobile number, as he told me that
art, to our different cultures. I learned that he didn’t have one. I called the police and
he was from Cadiz and that we were both then my flatmates to inform them about
studying at the same university in Madrid. what had happened. I told them all to come
Before we knew it, it was midnight, and as to the flat immediately.
we both had university the next day, we
called it a night, exchanged numbers and When the police arrived, I recounted exactly
went our separate ways. what had happened. I told them Alejandro
was supposed to be here when I got back
We saw each other every day from our first from university but he wasn’t. The police
encounter for three whole weeks. We spent asked me lots of questions about him to
hours talking about everything under the which I didn’t know the answers. They asked
sun. me where he lived, who he lived with, his full
name and the name of his parents. When I
To mark our three week anniversary, was unable to respond to any of these
Alejandro asked if he could come over to my questions, they asked me to accompany
flat and cook a traditional Spanish dish for them to the police station.

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1 The writer particularly enjoyed sitting in Listening

the Plaza Mayor because
A she always met new people there.
B it had a magical feel to it. 9 You are going to hear four speakers
C she enjoyed listening to the music there. talking about their experiences with sales
D it was considerably cooler there. staff.
Match each speaker, 1, 2, 3 or 4 with the
2 What does the writer suggest about best answer A-F from each list. There are
herself in the third paragraph? two answers in each list you do not need.
A She finds it easy to talk to people she
doesn’t know. What is each speaker saying about their
B She is influenced by those that are experience?
interested in music and art.
C She spends a lot of time studying at A I achieved my goal.
university. B I was naive at first.
D She behaved slightly differently that C I soon realised what was happening.
night. D I was deceived by a slogan.
E I made a serious mistake.
3 What role does the neighbour have in the F My prior knowledge helped me.
A She inadvertently allows the writer 1 Speaker 1
access to her own home. 2 Speaker 2
B She frightens away the burglar and 3 Speaker 3
prevents things from being stolen. 4 Speaker 4
C She buzzes the writer into the building.
D She leaves the front door open ajar so How does each speaker feel in the end?
the writer can get in.
A Indifferent
4 At what point does the writer discover B Relieved
she has been burgled? C Cross
A As soon as the neighbour opens the door. D Proud
B When she notices that Alejandro is not in E Satisfied
the flat. F Embarrassed
C The moment she sees the front door
open. 5 Speaker 1
D Once she has checked the whole flat. 6 Speaker 2
7 Speaker 3
5 After the questioning from the police it is 8 Speaker 4
clear the writer
A doesn’t trust Alejandro anymore.
B is extremely worried about Alejandro’s
C doesn’t know very much about
D wants to find him as much as the police.


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Writing _____________________________________
10 There is going to be an International _____________________________________
Inventions Fair in your area. You read the _____________________________________
job advertisement below and wish to apply _____________________________________
for the post. _____________________________________
Wanted: Judges for the International _____________________________________
Inventions Fair
Next month, inventors from all over the world
are going to attend a three-day fair, bringing
with them their best inventions. We need
judges, with or without experience, to help us
choose the winning inventions. Those _____________________________________
interested should write to us stating: _____________________________________
1. What you consider a good invention at the _____________________________________
moment. _____________________________________
2. What you think makes a good invention. _____________________________________
3. Why you would make a good judge. _____________________________________
Write your letter of application. _____________________________________
Write 200-260 words.
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ /10
_____________________________________ /65
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