Ebook Ellucian Ethos
Ebook Ellucian Ethos
Ebook Ellucian Ethos
A unifying platform
for higher education
10 Let’s talk!
11 About Ellucian
Why higher education needs
a unifying platform
Institutional success hinges on faculty and staff collaborating to drive
toward a shared mission. However, a lack of unified technology causes
roadblocks when critical data lives in silos, workers duplicate efforts,
and resources are applied inefficiently. A unifying platform can solve one
of higher education’s greatest challenges—unlocking data to improve
decision making, increase performance, and spur student success.
Hosted by Amazon Web Services and fully cloud enabled, Ellucian Ethos offers
greater scalability, mobility, ease-of-use, access to data, and rapid delivery
options. Systems can reside on premises, in the cloud, or in a hybrid model
and all connect to the same unifying platform.
Create a modern,
connected campus
Ellucian Ethos, a platform for
student and institutional success
A unifying platform fosters an open environment in which applications
can talk to each other and deliver a seamless user experience. Faculty and
staff no longer face roadblocks when they go to access information and work
together to reach their ultimate goal—serving students.
Three capabilities in particular—Ellucian Ethos Data Model, Ellucian
Ethos Integration, and Ellucian Ethos Data Lake—create a world where all
“We designed the Ethos platform
users have what they need to improve performance. to standardize and unify data from
The Ellucian Ethos Data Model culls data from a wide variety of Ellucian, partner, and
applications (from both Ellucian and third-party providers) and puts
it in a standard language and format so that systems and people can
third-party applications,
communicate. enabling institutions to create
The Ellucian Ethos Data Model captures and converts a wealth of data from an empowered campus.”
systems and domains across campus, including demographics, campus
life, academic history, curriculum management, registration, admissions, James Willey, Senior Vice President, Ellucian
attendance, student profiles, accounts receivables, and financial aid, among
many others.
An extensive ecosystem
Support for third-party solutions from dozens of partners enables the Ellucian Ethos ecosystem
to provide seamless data sharing and communication across institutions and partners without
heavy lifting or costly integration.
Once you have applications supported by Ethos, they just work together, providing modern
campuses with the integrated capabilities required to remain competitive in our digitally
connected world.
Examples of
STUDENT Ellucian
Core elements of Ellucian Ethos
»» Experience: Information available anytime, on any device
Benefits of the Ellucian Ethos platform
Integration “I can tell which students are struggling and why
and connect them with the people and resources
»» Everyone has access to consistent information, updated in real time they need in time to make a difference.”
»» Data flows freely between people and applications, both internal and external
»» Workflows are streamlined across functions
»» Constituents enjoy a seamless experience
Bringing it all together
How a fully integrated technology environment eases the work of multiple constituents
Goal Improve accountability Boost efficiency and student success Increase innovation
Action To prepare for a meeting with the VP of Ellucian Workflow can route important Built-in tools and workflows free up the IT
Enrollment, she downloads a probability/ information, like notifications regarding director from routine IT administrative tasks.
desired matrix by territory about recruits financial aid to students and those She can focus on supporting the campus in
and pulls info for first-generation students, associated with the process. Workflow more meaningful ways through innovative
an institutional priority. Through the allows users to send and receive financial projects such as deploying beacons
analytics sharing function, she uncovers data from across disparate applications. for attendance tracking or exploring
best practices analysis from peers. She Today users can make important decisions technologies to further student success.
finds additional content and best practices and route processes appropriately solving Integrated reporting and analytics and user-
from peers at other institutions about any financial need. friendly dashboards support a campus-wide
improving outreach to that audience. culture of performance.
Impact “Not only can I find data, data comes “With accurate routing of my data to “Instead of putting out fires,
to me in a format that directly supports the right people at the right time, I I’m sparking innovation.”
the decisions I’m making each day.” can act faster, improve my processes
and improve our efficiency.”
Let’s talk!
Discover all the ways that Ellucian Ethos
technology can help you transform
higher education.
Visit www.ellucian.com/ethos
or contact your Ellucian Account
Representative to learn more.
Ellucian helps education institutions thrive in an open and dynamic world. We deliver a broad portfolio
of technology solutions, developed in collaboration with a global education community, and provide
strategic guidance to help education institutions of all kinds navigate change, achieve greater
transparency, and drive efficiencies. More than 2,500 institutions in 40 countries around the world
look to Ellucian for the ideas and insights that will move education forward, helping people everywhere
discover their potential through learning.
+1 800.223.7036
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