Final 432
Final 432
Final 432
• Agriculture
• Industry
• Health & Sanitation
• Energy and Fuel
• Water Development. Flood Control and Irrigation
• Land
• Forest. Wild Life and Biodiversity
• Fisheries and Livestock
• Food
• Coastal and Marine Environment
The remaining sectors are:
Transport and Communication
• Housing and urbanization
• Population
• Education and public Awareness
• Science, Technology and Research
The Policy recognizes that-
• Since global and regional environmental pollution and degradation affect the
nature, environment and resource base of Bangladesh, it is essential to have
coordinated vigilance and undertake necessary action programme to address
such issues.
• It is necessary to undertake activities at local and national level it is also feasible
and essential to ensure improvement of national environment and thus global
environment at large as well as environmentally sound and sustainable use of
resource through regional and global cooperation in relevant fields.
Environment Policy and Sustainable Development Linkages
The ultimate objective of Environment Policy is to ensure environmentally
sound development in all sectors.
Thus Environment policy is to provide the basic premise to define the goals of
economic and social development in terms of sustainability in the respective
sector and in overall national planning
Environment Laws in Bangladesh
Prime Laws & regulation towards protection of environment & pollution control
Major Provisions in ECA, 1995
Section 4. Power & Functions of the Director General :
• The Director General (of DOE) may take such measures as he considers
necessary and expedient for the conservation of the environment and
improvement of environmental standards. and for the control and mitigation of
environmental pollution and he may issue necessary directions in writing to any
person for discharge of his duties under this Act.
• 4A. Assistance from law enforcing agencies and other authorities.
• Section 5: Declaration of Ecological Critical Area
• Section 6: Restrictions regarding vehicles emitting smoke injurious to
• Section 12:
• Environment Clearance Certificate: No industrial unit or project shall be
established or adopted without obtaining Environmental clearance, in the
manner prescribed by rules from the Director General .
• Section 13: Formulation of Environmental Guidelines: The Government
may, by notification in the official Gazette from time to time. formulate and
publish environmental guidelines relating to the control and mitigation of
environmental pollution. conservation and improvement of the environment.
• 15 A. Claim for Compensation: Where a person or a group of persons of the
public suffers loss due to violation of a provision of this Act or the rules made
there under or a direction issued under Section 7 (Remedial measures for injury
to ecosystems), the Director General may file a suit for compensation on behalf
of that person, group ….
• Section17:
• Cognizance of offence and claim for compensation: No court shall take
cognizance of an offence or receive any suit for compensation under this Act
except of the written report of an Inspector of the Department or any other
person authorized by the Director General.
• Rule 7.
• Procedure for issuing Environmental Clearance Certificate:
• In case of all existing industries, projects & green category industry & projects
requires to have an Environmental clearance certificate.
• For the purpose of issuance of environmental clearance certificate , the industrial
units and projects shall, in consideration of their site and impact on the
environment, be classified into the following four categories:
Orange – A;
Orange – B;
Procedure for issuing Environmental Clearance Certificate:
• The applicant should enclose:
- General Information as per prescribed form with fee
- Description of Raw material and finished product
- An NOC from local authority
• Obtain Environmental Clearance
• Renew every 3 years
• Example: watch making & assembling; Book binding; musical instrument;
Artificial leather product; Cane products; tea packaging; etc
Procedure for issuing Environmental Clearance Certificate:
• The applicant should enclose:
- General Information as per prescribed form with fee
- Description of Raw material and finished product
- An NOC from local authority
- Process flow diagram
- Lay out plan (showing waste treatment plant position)
- Waste discharge plan
- outline of replacement plan (if required)
Example: Hand weaving clothing factory, Shaw mill, printing press, cinema hall, dry
cleaning, restaurant, Agril. Machinery, Industrial machineries
Procedure for issuance of Orange-B Environmental Clearance Certificate:
• The applicant should enclose:
- General Information as per prescribed form with fee
- Feasibility study of the industry or projects
- Initial environmental Examination (includes Process flow diagram, lay out plan
(showing waste treatment plant position) ETP design)
- Description of Raw material and finished product
- An NOC from local authority
- Emergency plan for addressing immediate environmental impact reduction,
pollution control system
- outline of replacement plan (if required)
- Others
Example: PVC products; Glass factory, Edible oil; Jute mill; Multistoried commercial &
apartment building; Food processing; Clinic & pathological lab; Garments washing plant;
Re rolling mill, etc
Procedure for issuance of Red category Environmental Clearance Certificate:
• The applicant should enclose:
- General Information as per prescribed form with fee
- Feasibility report
- IEE report along with EIA TOR; (includes Process flow diagram, lay out plan
(showing waste treatment plant position) ETP design)
- An NOC from local authority
- Lay out plan (showing waste treatment plant position)
- Waste discharge plan
- outline of replacement plan (if required)
- Emergency plan for addressing immediate environmental impact reduction,
pollution control system etc
- Others
Example: Tannery; Dyeing; Iron & ispat production; etc most Govt projects like-
Railway, BIWTC; BIWTA, LGED; BPDB, etc
Points to remember
• Application of Environmental Clearance certificate is digitized now
• After application submission, the highest time limit for issuance of Environmental
Clearance Certificate is one month
• The lowest fee for environmental clearance certificate is 1500/ TK for investment
amounting 1 to 5 lacks while the highest is 500000/ Tk for investment amounting
1000 crore tk.
• Renewal of environmental clearance certificate has to be done as per the rules.
The fees for renewal would be one fourth of the initial fee
• No industry (Orange KHA and Red category) is allowed to establish in an
residential area.
• IEE at the initial stage; EIA during Feasibility study; EMP during implementation
Lecture: Sustainable Development
• Hence, in their activities humans should use only that natural capital that can
be regenerated.
• Irreversible interference by business in nature’s condition is unacceptable.
Exploitation of fossil fuels has to stop. Environmental and social crisis is
• Adherents of weak sustainability , in contrast, accept that manufactured
capital of equal value can take the place of natural capital.
• This perspective allows continued use of stocks of natural capital because
substitution can be made through investment and technical advances in
manufactured capital.
• Only the total value of natural and manufactured capital combined need
correspond to the original value of natural capital for sustainability to be
Those who advocate weak sustainability accept that the natural environment can
be mastered through existing economic systems that can be used to help solve
environmental problems
• Strong and weak sustainability are two extreme views of sustainability.
• The strong sustainability is the idealistic one.
• The weak sustainability is arbitrary because there is no substitution for some
aspects of nature.
• A third position, adopted by some economists, takes a view of sustainability
that is midway between weak and strong sustainability.
Inter-generational or intra-generational equity?
• Sustainable development, as defined by WCED (1987), is closely concerned
with intergenerational equity. If such a goal is accepted, then the goal of
intragenerational equity becomes equally important.
• Intragenerational equity suggests that all people should have equal opportunity
to access natural capital, whether they inhabit the poorer countries of the world
with their less-developed economies, or whether they come from countries with
prospering economies.
• Sometimes this concern is referred to as ‘eco-justice’.
Figure in slide
Shift in attitudes from control to prevention
Production with no regard for environmental impacts creates water and air pollution,
soil degradation, and large-scale global impacts such as acid rain, global warming
and ozone depletion.
To create more sustainable methods of production, there needs to be a shift in
attitudes away from control towards pollution prevention and management.
Environmental issues are becoming progressively more complex with passage of time.
Dispersion or dilution of pollution was the only way of tackling pollution after
industrial age. From the beginning of 20th century, It was realized that DILUTION IS
NO SOLUTION TO POLLUTION and concept of controlling pollution came into
practice. With the rising cost of raw materials, energy and other resources,
Recycling and Reuse were encouraged. Then came pollution prevention with focus
on at-source prevention of pollution. A more comprehensive and broader concept
is the cleaner production leading to sustainable development.
Sustainable development is Development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
Ask the participants to give examples of Recycling, Pollution prevention from their
experience in industries.
Ask the participants about what do they understand by the term “End of Pipe”.
Examples of “End of Pipe” (EOP) measures are installation of ETP, scrubber, bagfilter
and cyclones etc. Although they help in improving environmental performance and for
meeting pollution compliance requirements, they are very costly to install, operate and
maintain continuously.
In contrast, Cleaner production reduces the cost of EOP by reducing the pollution
quantity and in some cases may eliminate EOP altogether. Thus CP offers twin benefit
of improving the environmental performance and reducing input materials and
operational costs.
Example of Cleaner Production Measure:
In textile dyeing, use of low material to liquor ratio would bring about dramatic reduction
in chemicals consumption and effluent load.
• Cleaner production activities include measures such as-
• pollution prevention,
• source reduction,
• waste minimization and
• eco-efficiency.
• They involve better management and housekeeping, substitution of toxic and
hazardous materials, process modifications, and reuse of waste products.
• At its heart, the concept is about the prevention, rather than the control, of
The four elements of cleaner production are:
• The precautionary approach - potential polluters must prove that a substance
or activity will do no harm;
• The preventive approach - preventing pollution at the source rather than after it
has been created;
• Democratic control - workers, consumers, and communities all have access to
information and are involved in decision-making;
• Integrated and holistic approach - addressing all material, energy and water
flows using life-cycle analyses.