RFC 0889
RFC 0889
RFC 0889
Request for Comments: 889 December 1983
This memo reports on some measurement experiments and suggests some possible
improvements to the TCP retransmission timeout calculation. This memo is
both a status report on the measurements and advice to implementers of TCP.
1. Introduction
Following an experiment run, the data collected in the file were reduced
by another set of programs and plotted on a Peritek bit-map display with color
monitor. The plots have been found invaluable in the indentification and
understanding of the causes of netword glitches and other "zoo" phenomena.
Finally, summary data were extracted and presented in this memorandum. The
raw data files, including bit-map image files of the various plots, are
available to other experimenters upon request.
The Fuzzballs and their local-net architecture, called DCN, have about
two-dozen clones scattered worldwide, including one (DCN1) at the Linkabit
Corporation offices in McLean, Virginia, and another at the Norwegian
Telecommunications Adminstration (NTA) near Oslo, Norway. The DCN1 Fuzzball
is connected to the ARPANET at the Mitre IMP by means of 1822 Error Control
Units operating over a 56-Kbps line. The NTA Fuzzball is connected to the
NTARE Gateway by an 1822 interface and then via VDH/HAP operating over a
9.6-Kbps line to SATNET at the Tanum (Sweden) SIMP. For most experiments
described below, these details of the local connectivity can be ignored, since
only relatively small delays are involved.
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D.L. Mills
The remote test hosts were selected to represent canonical paths in the
Internet system and were scattered all over the world. They included some on
the ARPANET, MILNET, MINET, SATNET, TELENET and numerous local nets reachable
via these long-haul nets. As an example of the richness of the Internet
system connectivity and the experimental data base, data are included for
three different paths from the ARPANET-based measurement host to London hosts,
two via different satellite links and one via an undersea cable.
The objective of the experiments was to assess the degree to which TCP
performance could be improved by refining the retransmission-timeout algorithm
to include a dependency on packet length. Another objective was to determine
the nature of the delay characteristic versus packet length on tandem paths
spanning networks of widely varying architectures, including local-nets,
terrestrial long-haul nets and satellite nets.
longer than this. Linear regression lines were then fitted to each
characteristic with the results shown in the following table. (Only one
characteristic was assumed for ARPANET-exclusive paths.) The table shows for
each host the delays, in milliseconds, for each type of message along with a
rate computed on the basis of these delays. The "Host ID" column designates
the host at the remote end of the path, with a letter suffix used when
necessary to identify a particular run.
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The data clearly show a strong correlation between delay and length, with
the longest packets showing delays two to three times the shortest. On paths
via ARPANET clones the delay characteristic shows a stonger correlation with
length for single-packet messages than for multi-packet messages, which is
consistent with a design which favors low delays for short messages and high
throughputs for longer ones.
Most of the runs were made during off-peak hours. In the few cases where
runs were made for a particular host during both on-peak and off-peak hours,
comparison shows a greater dependency on packet length than on traffic shift.
I call to your attention the fact that the delays (at least for the
larger packets) from ARPANET hosts (e.g. DCN1) to MILNET hosts (e.g. ISIA)
are in the same ballpark as the delays to SATNET hosts (e.g. UCL)! I have
also observed that the packet-loss rates on the MILNET path are at present not
neglible (18 in 512 for ISIA-2). Presumably, the loss is in the gateways;
however, there may well be a host or two out there swamping the gateways with
retransmitted data and which have a funny idea of the "normal" timeout
interval. The recent discovery of a bug in the TOPS-20 TCP implementation,
where spurious ACKs were generated at an alarming rate, would seem to confirm
that suspicion.
3. Retransmission-Timeout Algorithm
The experiment data base was constructed of well over a hundred runs
using ICMP Echo/Reply messages bounced off hosts scattered all over the world.
Most runs, including all those summarized here, consisted of 512 echo/reply
cycles lasting from several seconds to twenty minutes or so. Other runs
designed to detect network glitches lasted several hours. Some runs used
packets of constant length, while others used different lengths distributed
from 40 to 256 octets. The maximum length was chosen to avoid complications
fragmented or reassembled by the gateways.
The 512 data points collected during each run were processed by a program
which plotted on a color bit-map display each data point (x,y), where x
represents the time since initiation of the experiment the and y the measured
delay, normalized to the one-way delay. Then, the simulated
retransmission-timeout algorithm was run on these data and its computed
timeout plotted in the same way. The display immediately reveals how the
algorithm behaves in the face of varying traffic loads, network glitches, lost
packets and superfluous retransmissions.
For reference purposes, the Mean column indicates the computed mean delay
of the echo/reply cycles, excluding those cycles involving packet loss, while
the CoV column indicates the coefficient of variation. Finally, the Eff
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column indicates the efficiency, computed as the ratio of the total time
accumulated while sending good data to this time plus the lost-packet and
rtx-packet time.
Complete sets of runs were made for each of the hosts in the table below
for each of several selections of algorithm parameters. The table itself
reflects values, selected as described later, believed to be a good compromise
for use on existing paths in the Internet system.
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E = F*E + (1 - F)*R .
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D.L. Mills