The Herbs in Detail
The Herbs in Detail
The Herbs in Detail
The cold quality (Guna) in the ice cream (Dravya)
causes coldness (karma) in the body, thereby
reducing Pitta.
Important Note
Shatavari is stanya janana (increases breast milk)
Pippali is ama pachana (digests ama)
Kutaja is atisaraghna (stops diarrhea)
Classification According to the Karmas
1. Deepana
Herbs that stimulate Agni are called
Deepana Dravyas. Their Rasas are mainly
Sour, Salty and Pungent. They increase
Pitta and decrease Vata and Kapha. They
may or may not digest Ama.
Ginger, black pepper, pippali and chitrak.
Classification According to the Karmas
2. Pachana
Herbs that digest Ama are called Pachana
Dravyas or ama pachanas. They may or
may not strengthen Agni. Their Rasas are
mainly Bitter, Pungent and Sour. Bitter
herbs are the best ama pachanas.
Musta, kutaja, garlic, ginger and lemons.
Classification According to the Karmas
Shamana Can Be Achieved Through
3. Shamana Deepana: Herbs such as Ajwan and Trikatu that help
strengthen Agni and balance Kapha and Vata.
Herbs that maintain the balance of the Doshas internally Pachana: Herbs and substances such as Ginger, lemon
without removing them from the body are called and Kutaja that digest Ama.
Shamana Dravyas. An herb or substance that reduces Langhana (Fasting): Helps digest Ama and Kapha.
Vata is called Vatashamaka. An herb or substance that Trut (Reducing Water Intake): Problems such as edema
reduces Pitta is called Pittashamaka. An herb or and water retention (or bloating) can generally be taken
substance that reduces Kapha is called Kaphashamaka. care of by reducing water intake.
Vyayama (Exercise): Increases body heat, digest Ama,
Examples removes srotorodha, decreases Kapha and Vata, helps
reduce weight.
Sesame oil is Vatashamaka, Ghee is Pittashamaka
Atapa Seva (Walking in the Sun): Helps reduce Kapha
and Honey is Kaphashamaka. and Ama.
Maruta Seva (Walking in the Breeze): Helps decrease
Classification According to the Karmas
4. Shodhana
Examples of How Shodhana
Herbs that remove aggravated Doshas Can Be Administered
from the body are called Shodhana
Dravyas. This action is more effective than Vamana: Upwardly, through the
Shamana because the aggravated Doshas mouth.
actually leave the body.
Virechana: Downwardly, through the
Madanaphala, vacha and nishottar.
Classification According to the Karmas
5. Stambhan
Herbs that absorb the fluids in the colon are called
Stambhan Dravyas. Their qualities are mainly dry,
astringent and cold. They do not digest ama. Their
astringent and cold qualities constrict the channels
while their dry quality absorbs the fluids. These
herbs should not be used in high ama conditions or
to treat ama-related disorders.
Herbs with astringent tastes such as kutaja and
Classification According to the Karmas
6. Grahi
Herbs that help to solidify the stool, increase
the appetite (Deepana) and improve the
digestion (Pachana) and absorption of fluids
are called Grahi Dravyas. These herbs have a
Veerya that is heating (which causes the stool
to solidify) and they are pungent in nature
Dry ginger, musta and cumin.
Classification According to the Karmas
7. Anuloman
Herbs that act as mild laxatives are called
Anuloman Dravyas. Ama may cause
obstruction in the channels and these herbs
digest Saama malas (meaning malas with Ama)
and eliminate them from the rectum.
Aragvadha and castor.
Classification According to the Karmas
8. Sramsan
Herbs that act as mild purgatives are called Sramsan
Dravyas. These herbs remove the malas which are
sticking to the intestinal walls and expel them from
the body. These herbs and substances are not ama
pachanas. Sramsan herbs are stronger than
anulomana herbs
Warm milk and ghee, grapes and haritaki
and triphala.
Classification According to the Karmas
9. Virechana
Herbs that act as strong purgatives
are called Virechana Dravyas. They
forcefully remove both Saama and
Nirama malas in their liquid form
from the body.
Nishottar and castor oil.
Classification According to the Karmas
10. Bhedana
Herbs that act as drastic purgatives are called
Bhedana Dravyas. They break stony hard stools
and remove liquid malas and aggravated Doshas
from the digestive tract. Bhedana Dravyas are
the strongest Dravyas of all.
Aloe, kutki and chitrak.
Classification According to the Karmas
11. Lekhana
Herbs that have a scraping action on the Dhatus,
Doshas and Malas are called Lekhana Dravyas. Meda
and Kapha are the primary Dhatus and Doshas removed
by Lekhana Dravyas. This type of herb is especially
effective for removing excess Dhatu build-up in the
body such as is the case in obesity and diabetes.
Guggulu, haridra, vacha, daruhaladi, warm
water and honey.
Classification According to the Karmas
12. Pramathi
Herbs which expel aggravated Doshas which are
adherent to Srotas. They enter into minute
Srotas due to their ushna and teekshna gunas
and forcefully expel Doshas accumulated there.
These herbs are useful in Kapha, Meda diseases
and in Pranavaha Srotas and shirorogas.
Black pepper, vacha, chitrak, pippali and
Shad Rasa: The Six Tastes
Rasa (or taste) is the sensation
that the tongue experiences. Notes
Other meanings of the word Rasa: Juice, the first
Dhatu or Mercury.
1. Sweet (Madhura) Water (Aap) is the Mahabhuta that is mainly
2. Sour (Amla) responsible for Rasa, or taste.
3. Salty (Lavana) Each Dosha is increased or decreased by certain
4. Pungent (Katu) Rasas, so their balance is dependent on the
consumption of various Rasas through the diet
5. Astringent (Kashaya) and/or herbs.
6. Bitter (Tikta) Taste is the sense and the tongue is the sense organ.
As soon as the tongue comes into contact with food,
the taste can be perceived.
The Rasa of any food or Dravya is not permanent.
Rasa: Bhoutic Composition
Taste Mahabhutas The action of each taste depends on its
bhoutic composition.
Sweet (Madhura) Earth + Water
Sour (Amla) Fire + Earth There are four varieties of taste buds on
the tongue, each perceiving sweet, sour, salty
Salty (Lavana) Fire + Water or bitter tastes. Sweet and salty are perceived
at the tip of the tongue, sour on the sides and
Pungent (Katu) Fire + Air bitter at the back.
Honey (pungent
Sweet and Builds the Dhatus, helps heal
Sweet Milk, ghee, butter, sea salt Vipaka), Black
1 salty wounds, moisten the skin and create
(Madhura) and rock salt Gram (Sour
substances well-formed stools and clear urine.
Pungent, Reduces Meda Dhatu and excessive Chilies, chitrak (pungent), Pippali, dry
Pungent Astringent fluids from the body, depletes the bitter melon, fenugreek ginger, guduchi
(Katu) and Bitter Dhatus, causes constipation and (bitters), Lodhra and and haritaki
substances blocks sweat glands. udumbara (astringents). (sweet Vipaka).
Veerya: Potency
Veeryate anena iti Veeryam: The property or potency of a substance which brings about the action is called Veerya.
Veerya or Potency is responsible for the action of the herb in question. It can be translated to the vigor or essence of an herb.
Types of Veerya
1. Sheeta (Cooling) 2. Ushna (Heating)
Actions: Increases Vata and Kapha, decreases Pitta, Actions: Decreases Vata and Kapha, increases Pitta,
strengthens the Dhatus, stops bowel movements increases Rakta Dhatu, depletes the rest of the
and sweating, increases urination, weakens Agni, Dhatus, dries stools and urine, increases sweat,
creates a feeling of refreshment, tones the Dhatus, causes agni deepana and ama pachana, creates
increases moistness, nourishes the Dhatus and thirst, causes dizziness and opens the Srotas.
creates Srotorodha.
Examples: Dry ginger, pippali and chitrak.
Examples: Chandan, lotus and aloe.
Veerya: Types
In terms of dietetics, Rasa is of primary importance. In terms of herbs, Veerya is.
Generally, Sheeta Veerya increases Kapha, while Ushna Veerya increases Pitta. Vata
works as a buffer. Among the six tastes, three have a Sheeta, or cooling Veerya and three
have an Ushna or heating Veerya.
Remember the bhoutic composition of the tastes.
Rasa Veerya
Sweet Cooling
Sour Heating
Salty Heating
Pungent Heating
Astringent Cooling
Bitter Cooling
Veerya: Potency
Prabhavati samarthya vishistham bhavati anena iti Prabhava
Danti and Chitrak have the same Rasa, Veerya and Vipaka: They each have a pungent Rasa and Vipaka and a hot
Veerya. However Danti is a laxative and Chitrak is digesting.
Milk and ghee have the same Rasa, Veerya and Vipaka but ghee creates agni deepana while milk creates agni mandya.
Arjuna and Vidanga have the same Rasa, Veerya and Vipaka but while Arjuna works on the heart while Vidanga acts as
an antiparasitic.
Oushadha Dravyas
Oushadha or herbs are used as medicine. Ousha or Osha literally
means herbs with medicinal properties Oushadha Dravyas.
Qualities Ahara
Oushadha Dravyas should have four qualities:
The diet rich in
Are adequately available. Rasa helps
Have many medicinal properties so it can be used in many
Are very potent in terms of Rasa, Vipaka, Veerya, Prabhava, etc.
Are very potent in particular actions, or Karmas.
Oushadha Dravyas: Parts Used
No. Part of Plant Examples
The entire body of an herb 1 Roots Dashmoola
or plant is not always potent 2 Bark Arjun, Khadir
medicinally. Certain parts 3 Trunk Sandalwood
carry more potency than 4 Gum Asafoetida, Guggulu
others, so these parts of the 5 Stems Lotus
plant are isolated and used 6 Juice From the fresh leaves of Gotukola
for treatment. 7 Leaves Mango, Vasta
8 Salts Barley, Lotus
9 Pulp Cactus, Aloe
10 Fruits Haritaki, Amla
11 Flowers Rose
12 Ash Triphala
13 Oil Almond
14 Spikes Savari
15 Rhizomes Ginger
16 Seeds Ajwan
17 Herb Gotukola (Sometimes the whole herb is used)
Oushadha Dravyas: Dosage
Dosage is not standard. It changes
depending on the following factors:
The strength of a patient Important Note
The strength of a disease
The dose should be higher when the
The strength of the herb degree of Dosha imbalance is high, the
The strength of the digestive fire, or Agni herb potency is low or patient is strong
The duration of the disease The dose should be low when the
The season degree of imbalance is low, or the herb
is strong or the patient is weak
The age and sex of the client
Oushadha Dravyas: Forms Used
Form Preparation
Swarasa (Fresh Juice) Blend fresh herbs with 1/2 to equal amount of water and strain. 10 mL
Kalka (Herbal Paste,
Herbs are pureed in a blender with a little water. 5g
Puree or Powder)
Kwatha (Decoction) Mix one part herbs and 8 parts water. Boil till one part of water remains (it is a strong decoction). 10 mL
Hima (Cold Infusion) Steep herbs (1 part herbs: 3 parts water) in cold water overnight. Good for Pitta. 80 mL
Fanta (Hot Infusion) Steep herbs (1 part herbs: 3 parts water) in boiled water for 1 to 12 hours (depending on herbs). 80 mL
Make a decoction of 1 part herbs and 8 parts water till 1 part remains. Strain the decoction and add
Medicated Oils 10 mL
equal amount of oil (many times sesame oil). Boil on low heat till all the water evaporates.
Make a decoction of 1 part herbs and 8 parts water till 1 part remains. Strain the decoction and add
Medicated Ghee 10 g
equal amount of Ghee. Boil on low heat till all the water evaporates.
Aasava (Ayurvedic Wine
Mix swarasa (juice) of herbs, raw sugar and Dhataki flowers and ferment for 90 days. Better in Pitta
Made with Cold Infusion 15 to 20 mL
or Juice of the Herb)
Arishta (Ayurvedic Wine Mix decoction of herbs, jaggery, and Dhataki flowers and ferment for 90 days – better in Kapha and
15 to 20 mL
Made with Decoction) Vata conditions.
Powders This is the most common form. The powders lose their potency after 6 months. 1 to 2 g
Pills Mix powdered herbs and honey or maple syrup and roll into small pills. 2 to 4 g
Oushadha Dravyas: When to Take Herbs
On an empty stomach (early in the morning): For Kapha conditions and if the patient is strong. Herbs taken
on an empty stomach spread throughout the body quickly. If a person is weak, this may cause an adverse
Before mealtime: For Vata conditions. Stimulates Apana Vayu, tones the intestinal muscles and helps increase
During mealtime: Improves digestion due to the stimulation of Samana Vayu, which stimulates the liver as well
as the excretion of pancreatic enzymes.
After mealtime
After Lunch: Stimulates Vyana Vayu to strengthen the heart.
After Dinner: Stimulates Udana Vayu to strengthen the lungs.
Taken Frequently: For heartburn, cough, asthma, thirst, breathlessness or hiccup, etc.
Bedtime: Diseases of the ear, nose and throat. Stimulates Prana Vayu and acts as a purgative and is sleep
Oushadha Dravyas: Channels of Administration
Dhatu Anupana
Rasa Water, rock sugar, milk
Rakta Milk, honey, rock sugar
Mamsa Honey
Meda Herbal wines
Asthi Milk, bone soup
Majja Herbal wines
Shukra Milk
The Herbs in Detail
Amla (Amalaki, Dhatri) Part Used Fruit
Emblica Officinalis
Guna Light, dry, cold
Vipaka Sweet
Vipaka Sweet
Rasa Sweet
Vipaka Sweet
Veerya Cooling
Effect on
Decreases Vata and Pitta
Rasa Astringent
Vipaka Pungent
Veerya Heating
Guna Light
Buccopa Monnieria Rasa Bitter, astringent, sweet
Vipaka Sweet
Veerya Cooling
Ricinus Communis
Guna Heavy, moist, sharp, subtle
Vipaka Pungent
Veerya Heating
Zinzibar Officinale
Guna Dry Ginger: Light, moist; Fresh Ginger: Dry, sharp and heavy
Rasa Pungent
Veerya Heating
Both types decrease Vata and Kapha. The sweet Vipaka of Dry
Effect on Dosha Ginger does not aggravate Pitta while Fresh Ginger increases
Stimulates Agni, digestant, carminative, antiemetic, stimulant,
Main Action
Vipaka Sweet
Veerya Heating
Vipaka Pungent
Veerya Heating
Vipaka Sweet
Veerya Heating
Rasa Bitter
Vipaka Pungent
Veerya Cooling
Rasa Sweet
Vipaka Sweet
Veerya Cooling
Vipaka Pungent
Veerya Heating
Vipaka Pungent
Veerya Cooling
Dry Type
Rasa Pungent
Vipaka Sweet
Vipaka Sweet
Effect on Dosha Balances Pitta and Vata and increases Kapha if used in excess
Vipaka Pungent
Effect on Dosha Decreases Kapha and Vata; the seeds decrease Pitta
Vipaka Pungent
Effect on Dosha Decreases Kapha and Vata; the seeds decrease Pitta
Standard Dose:
2-4 g per day with Honey; Lick
Ingredient Quantity
Pippali 4 parts
Cinnamon 1 part
Vanshalochana 8 parts
Cardamom 2 parts
Standard Dose:
2 to 4 g per day with warm water
at bed time.
Ingredient Quantity
Sonamukhi 4 parts
Vidanga 2 parts
Ginger 2 parts
Haritaki 2 parts
Ajwan 2 parts
Black salt 2 parts
Amla 1 part
Licorice 1 part
Ayurvedic Formulations
Used for:
Hingavashtak Churna Indigestion, gas, bloating and
Standard Dose:
2 to 4 g with ghee and warm water
before meals.
Ingredient Quantity
Ginger 1 part
Black Pepper 1 part
Pippali 1 part
Salt 1 part
Ajwan 2 parts
Cumin 1 part
Shahajeere* 1 part
Hing 1 part *Different type of cumin.
Ayurvedic Formulations
Used for:
Trikatu Churna Digestive problems, weight loss,
cough and asthma.
Standard Dose:
2 to 4 g with warm water or honey
depending on the problem after
Ingredient Quantity
Ginger 1 part
Pippali 1 part
Black Pepper 1 part
Ayurvedic Formulations
Ingredient Quantity
Lavana-Bhaskar Churna Sea Salt 12 parts
Rock Salt 3 parts
Black Salt 8 parts
Cardamom 1 part
Used for: Pimpalmula 3 parts
Indigestion, gas, bloating; Ginger 1 ½ parts
improves Agni. Pippali 3 parts
Black Pepper 1 ½ parts
Standard Dose: Talis Patra 3 parts
2 to 4 g per day with buttermilk or Bay Leaves 3 parts
warm water after meals. Nagkeshar 3 parts
Amlavetas 3 parts
Pomegranate Skin 3 parts
Cumin 3 parts
Shahajeere 3 parts
Cinnamon ¾ parts
Ayurvedic Formulations
Triphala Churna Used for:
Constipation, vision problems,
digestive problems, skin problems,
as a Rasayana.
Standard Dose:
2 to 4 g at bed time.
Ingredient Quantity
Haritaki 1 part
Bibhitaki 1 part
Amla 1 part
Ayurvedic Formulations
Ingredient Quantity
Avipattikar Churna Ginger 1 part
Pippali 1 part
Black Pepper 1 part
Used for: Haritaki 1 part
Acidity, headache, constipation, Bibhitaki 1 part
improving Agni Amalaki 1 part
Nagarmotha 1 part
Standard Dose: Vidanga 1 part
2 to 4 g per day with milk or warm Cardamom 1 part
water after meals Cinnamon 1 part
Black Salt 1 part
Lavang 13 parts
Nishottar 26 parts
Sugar 39 parts
Ayurvedic Formulations
Punarnava Guggul
Used for: Ingredient Quantity
Arthritis inflammation
Punarnava 1 part
and pain
Deodar 1 part
Standard Dose:
Guduchi 1 part