Zip Insights
Zip Insights
Zip Insights
[typing session commenced 2 pm Tuesday, August 26, 2014 from old hand-
written transcripts from tapes of intensives attended.]
NOTE from Bill Wrobel: I’ve known Zip since at least 1978. She passed
away in 2003. Since her death, about the only remaining testament of her
teachings are the books she wrote that are still available, old tapes that are
available here & there, and her website:
While this site of course has not been updated for years, it is
nevertheless a treasure drove of material. This especially applies to the free
availability of all issues of her quarterly astrology periodical, THE
MUTABLE DILEMMA (probably called this because she stated in talks that
the mutable dilemma was her signature in her chart) and also Asteroid
World. As it so happens, the site is hosted by a professional group that also
hosts my own Film Score Rundowns site:
time I put three such documents on my film music website in the “Other”
back page that partially includes the "Off-Topic" astrology papers:
And now towards the end of August 2014 I decided that it was time
again to offer another paper showcasing Zip’s excellent work. Someone has
to stoke the fire and carry the flame! My goal this time around is to type
hopefully 200 pages at the minimum. We’ll see! [9-18-2014 postscript: I
managed to do 245 pages that included a few unintended repeats from other
And that is what I’m doing in my small way here with these tribute
documents: Fighting for good astrology—Zip’s astrology! : )—and trying to
keep it alive with fresh material.
Bill Wrobel
do have to be realistic about what the limits are:
know what we can do, can’t do, and have to do in
life. Saturn is not the big bad malefic you read about
in the old books because it represents valuable
feedback & the consequences of your actions. Once
you do get that feedback, you can do something
different to improve your situation if you want to.
Saturn can be our greatest friend or teacher, a chance
to get accurate feedback on how we are doing. And
one basic feedback is pain, which means you are
breaking natural or human law or limits. You can
keep on doing those painful things, or you can
change. Saturn is not something to run away from but
something we have to pay attention to.”
[[COMMENTARY BY BILL WROBEL: (Back so soon! : )….NOW:
Zip is quite correct about Saturn. One of the paradigm differences between
Zip’s approach and the old traditional books—and this includes the current
revival of Hellenistic astrology (supposedly the NBT—Next Big Thing in
astrology) based on ancient writers such as Valens and Rhetorius—is to
automatically & unquestionably label both Saturn and Mars as “malefics” by
the latter. Saturn is especially considered as the “Big Bad Wolf” in
astrology. Even if you factor in sect and take into consideration that Saturn
is less of a malefic in a day (diurnal) chart, that’s just putting a sort of
“happy face” on Saturn in those circumstances. The same applies to Mars,
the so-called “lesser malefic” that is considered less bad in a night-sect
(nocturnal) chart! Most current Hellenistic revivalist astrologers are wary
about ever putting themselves in a tight corner with a fundamentalist
position of Saturn and Mars being malefics without some sort of qualifying
statement. Usually the qualifier is, as just given, “Oh, Saturn in a day chart is
much better for a Wall Street/businessman type”---but watch out, night time
sect charts, your chances of being successful in business are less likely with
that Saturn. Same Saturn but the wrong sect—even if you become a night
sect by just several minutes! : )
Moreover, the literal-minded traditionalist Hellenistic types consider a
substantial number of houses (or “Places”) as “bad.” The 6th Place, for
instance, is labeled the place of “Bad Fortune.” Within that categorical label
are subset associative terms: troubles, injuries, sickness, enmities, plots. The
8th place or house is considered the house of death. The 12th place is
considered the worst house, the place of “Bad Spirit.” It too includes the
subset of “enmities,” “suffering,” “secret enemies,” “weakness,” “dangers”
and “downfall.” Whereas the 11th house or place is the place of “Good
Spirit.” You can’t go wrong here because it involves “friends” and “gifts”
and “hopes.” In fact, the 11th place from the lot (part) of fortune is
considered the house of Acquisition—so great potential gain ascribed to this
place. The 10th place or house was also largely granted great esteem by the
ancients as well.
Bill Wrobel
ZIP: Now: The initial theme that I pick up when I first look at this chart is
the drive for knowledge. That’s said by the nodes across Gemini-Sagittarius
right on the Ascendant-Descendant angles. That marks the perpetual student,
natural teacher, writer, traveler, the person who’s just curious about life.
Gemini wants to know about everything; Sagittarius wants truth with a
capital “T,” the philosophical part of life. And since Jupiter, ruling the
Sagittarius rising, is in its own house conjunct Mercury, the ruler of Gemini,
in Virgo, we’ve got three of the mutables right all together there.
Tremendous focus on the mind, the need to know.
And the chart shows a fascination with that, the quest for that, as a
dominant theme to understand, to be clear about it. Basically an extremely
scientific mind. At the same time with an awareness that it’s going to go past
that (where the conscious mind will take us only so far).
Now one very common result of the mutable dilemma is that the person
really wants it all & they just stay over-extended. They do a little of this & a
little of that & a little of something else. And then they have a hard time
really zeroing in & staying with one thing because it’s all so fascinating, all
so tempting. So the solution to that one is of course to really sit down &
analyze what to do I really believe & what do I trust, value, want, what
direction am I going in life? If we have a really serious mutable dilemma,
the person will know it because they’ll get lost. An actual literal form of it is
not being able to find your way on earth.
In this case I don’t expect that to be that problem because we have Uranus
trining the Ascendant & that’s going to stay there all your life by
progression. And we have the Moon sextile the Ascendant & sextile Uranus,
semisextile the Jupiter-Mercury. So even though there are squares to Jupiter-
Mercury by the nodes of the Moon at the angles showing this pull in all
directions is very much there, there’s also the ability to be very clear & to
keep going.
The Sagittarius rising; the ruler, Jupiter, in the 9th house, which is like
saying Sagittarius again. And Mars, a natural key to identity, in Pisces,
which is the other sign looking for absolutes. And Saturn, ruling the
Capricorn in the 1st house, in the 12th-Pisces house. Pisces-Sagittarius are
both looking for God in some form. So that’s saying, “I ought to be God. I
ought to be perfect. I ought to never make a mistake or do anything wrong.”
And then we put that Jupiter in Virgo, and we put Saturn in there as a
co-ruler of the 1st house. And those are work themes.
Virgo/Capricorn/Saturn/Vesta are where we do a good job of something.
And to do a good job we first look to see what’s wrong & correct it. So the
major focus of Letter Six & Letter Ten is to try to do it right, change what’s
wrong. The focus is on looking for flaws. So here’s the “I should be perfect”
followed by “Look at the flaws; I’m not making it.”
So if we can set bite-sized goals towards the big goal—have clear the
large goal and do the small steps towards it. And that’s what Virgo is very
good at: planning the little day-to-day accomplishments & getting
satisfaction of doing the little things really well. So if you can get into that
side of the Virgo & really do something productive & feel good about that
small accomplishment—not comparing it with where you want to be—then
it’ll be great.
OK. So the overall theme: tremendous assets & just remembering that
it’s a long process and enjoy the journey.
Now: Power is a very good thing if it’s used well. If it’s blocked or
denied—and that can sometimes happen when the mutables are also strong
because they live in the head & really don’t want anything to do with power
or power struggles. They’re really people who watch life go by, learn about
it, comment on it, teach other people. They’re often a bit uncomfortable
when they deal with power. It’s threatening to them. At the same time, when
the power is there in the nature, it has to be manifested in some way. If
blocked it results in illness. If it’s projected, we keep meeting power people
in our life who force us to recognize out own strengths & deal with power. If
it’s displaced, then power may be used in times & areas where it is
inappropriate or doesn’t work well. This is particularly something that has to
be dealt with when we get a Leo-Scorpio square. And you have a very exact
one: Saturn in Scorpio square Pluto in Leo. And both of them deal with
power but in different ways. The major conflict between fire & water is that
the fire wants to go out & express it. Leo needs to pour that power put into
the world in some form & get a response back. It’s in a mental house, the
Sagittarius house, so it’s very typical to do this with the mind. It is actually a
classic combination for some kind of teaching/preaching, something where
we give inspirational knowledge, truth to the world. And the essence there is
just out of your own heart to the world & the need for a response back from
the world to feel that you’re influencing others, having an effect on the
world, and the world acknowledging it. It can be as simple as loving and
being loved [romance, children, etc]. It can be the salesman-promoter who
persuades people to do what he wants. It can be the actor on stage being
applauded. It can be the teacher in front of the class. Procreation is another
Leo-5th house thing, offspring that we hope we’ll be proud of. So it’s the
need to be proud of our contributions & to get an applause back.
Now: Scorpio is also concerned with others but it’s learning to share
power as an equal. This is frequently never clearly presented in the books—
that with Scorpio we are learning to deal with the mate, learning to give to
others & receive from others, share with partners, to learn to use our power
inwardly and master ourselves rather than outwardly & put power over
others. Scorpio is water and water always goes in & assimilates. It represents
the unconscious & where we are absorbing the results of our experience
when we’re in the water phase. Very introspective, very analytical, cleaning
out old closets & getting rid of whatever we’ve outgrown. And learning to
really see ourselves thru the mirror of a mate, learning to master ourselves
out of respect for the rights of the other person so that we have a comfortable
give & take together, mutual satisfaction.
Now this would be fairly easy for this chart to do this on an
intellectual level because the tendency is to live in the mind so much. But I
think it will be healthy to do some of it on a physical level as well
Remember, the only way you learn astrology is by doing charts. You
can read a lot of books & get a lot of theories, but they’re only theories to
test. You test them by doing people’s charts and question questions—not
just telling them.
Anyway, the generalized feeling of the chart is that the power struggle
is there. And since that is in mental houses, it could simply be a mental
power struggle. It could be expressed in games like duplicate bridge or
chess. It could also be done, as I said, fighting for good astrology, trying to
discover truth, and teach the world where it’s at.
Cancer-Libra square of Venus-Moon. South node on the 7th house
cusp: Need to take turns being big daddy. I will do it all! Two warning
signals of giving too much, doing too much: one, feeling resentful that no
one is doing anything for you (over-reach); two, noticing that your help is
weakening someone & your help becoming a crutch, carrying them.
[R.: “Because I even had people later tell me, ‘You stutter. You’ve
never stuttered before.’ And I say, ‘I know!” I think it’s because I’m trying
to get it perfect.”]
ZIP: That’s exactly right. And the more you get anxious, the more
you strain & struggle with it, the worse it gets & the more inadequate you
feel. Part of that is that Saturn-Pluto thing that just came in aspect within the
last two years, which can be that increasing anxiety about having it perfect.
A real sense of compulsive potential in that mixture, both in perfectionist
houses & both of them being obsessive about details. So remember your air
& loosen up.
ZIP: OK. What did we say about the Leo-Pisces mixture? The
greatest natural actresses & actors or the most dramatic martyrs. So we have
a natural actress here, onstage, showmanship, tremendous amount of warmth
with the focus on fire-water. Pisces in the Aries house, Cancer in the Leo
house, Sun in Cancer, Moon in Leo, etc. A lot of fire & water, warmth,
emotionality, empathy, idealism, creativity. This time it’s a Venus-Moon
conjunction, not Sun-Venus but still artistic talent. And the craftsmanship
potential there with the Virgo & the Pisces, fine mind with the Sagittarius-
Virgo combination. So lots of basic talent, and with all that fire-water, she’s
going to win people with emotional empathy & personality.
The little speech I usually go thru where we put part of our own
identity in the houses of other people, especially Mars in the 7th or 8th is to
give three negative possibilities & three positive ones. Basically the three
negative ones are (1) to simply give the power away & deny it in ourselves
& then be a doormat & have others use the power against us; (2) or to have
to defeat someone else in order to reassure ourselves; (3) the possibility of
retreating, not getting close or running away from confrontations. Again
there’s too much warmth, too much need to love & be loved for her to do
that for very long. So she does have to work out the sharing of the power,
and it’s no question that when she gets into some kind of successful work &
really gets into that Leo in the 6th house, she’ll know she’s got the power.
The work will be very important, very ego-involved in the work. Or it could
be work with children. That’s one possibility with Leo there, the emotional
warmth & idealism would make ideal for some kind of profession involving
children. Vesta is in the 9th; Jupiter which rules the 10th is in the 5th, and the
5th house sign, Leo, is in the 6th, & Saturn which rules the 10th is in Leo there
in the 6th, So we have a connecting link between the work and children or
something creative. Or she could actually be an actress or in some other
field of the arts.
Notice that she has a grand trine in water, so she’ll always be taken
care of. The problem is that it’s not always very acceptable because it means
we’re helpless & dependent and that’s uncomfortable.
ZIP: She needs to radiate out in the world in some way. And
although a lot of this will go into love for her own family, I’m sure there’ll
be so much it’ll spill over into wider areas.
….Leo trines the Midheaven & Neptune, and Mercury trines Pallas &
Vesta, so very favorable aspects for success. It does suggest someone who
could be really famous.
….She started her traveling young with Sagittarius in the 9th [the
native is only under a year old].
interpret the antivertex?”]
ZIP: As just another key to her own personal action. As I said, the
trines show the security but the square between the Sagittarius & the Pisces
shows some kind of conflict over the basic issue of perfection, ideals, maybe
heart goals at war with head goals. My own personal experience of the
Sagittarius-Pisces is truth versus kindness—you know, should I say it like it
is the way I think it at the risk of hurting somebody’s feelings OR maybe
soften it, bend it a little.
Just the very fact that you have a lot of fire & water there’s emotional
intensity. And a little bit of danger with Mars in Virgo is self0criticism too.
Putting it in the 7th house is the possibility of picking somebody else who’ll
be critical of her. So there’s on the one side “I should be perfect” with the
Pisces rising, and on the other side “Look at the flaws. I’m not making it!”
It’s very common to find people in public life to have a very strong 7th
house. But it could be anywhere from the 5th house being concerned having
an audience.
…The chart doesn’t really have all that many serious conflicts. Main
thing I would be concerned about would be south node in the 1st and Mars in
Virgo in the 7th: the possibility of some degree of self-doubt, self-criticism,
& projection of the power.
…She’s got Venus right in the middle between mother and father
(Saturn & Moon) in midpoint there. It shows a very strong love bond with
both parents…If they call Saturn the Big Bad Wolf in astrology, then it’s
scary. But Saturn just represents the rules of the game, and if we’re playing
by the rules, it’s no conflict. This is not exactly the same issue but in one of
my trips to England this man came up who ‘s actually an Anglican minister.
And he was very concerned because of what he read in the books about
Venus & Saturn, and he said his Saturn was on his wife’s Venus. He asked,
“Does that mean I’m blocking her happiness and denying her love?” That’s
what all the traditional books said. I replied that probably it means that she’s
looking upon you as a father figure who is her source of security. And he
said, “Oh, that’s right.”
Saturn represents authority & power, and Venus represents equality &
love & happiness. So it’s very similar to the Libra-Capricorn square, to put
Venus with Saturn. If you take turns with the power, sharing the power, then
there doesn’t have to be a problem at all. But if it means that a person is
afraid that if he loves someone, that person will control him or reject him or
criticize him, then he’ll hold back and be afraid to love. Or if it means that
they give away the power to someone else—they pick a father figure who
has all the power—and then feel threatened & uncomfortable, then it’s a
problem. We can make it a problem but it doesn’t have to be.
…You know, with this much emphasis on Leo, one of the best things
you can do is do charades as soon as she gets old enough. Act out nursery
rhymes, act out television stories, anything. Give her a chance to get onstage
& be applauded. And I would think of dramatic lessons for her when she’s
old enough….Acting is one good outlet or being on top in some way where
she would feel a sense of power and special ness.[ruler of the 11th in the 6th
in Leo, etc.].
[NEXT CHART # 7: Male. 16 Aquarius; Vesta 25 Pisces in 1st; Moon
14 Taurus 3rd; north node 11 Gemini and Uranus 20 Gemini in 4th; Saturn 8
Leo & Pluto 13 Leo in 6th; Neptune 10 Libra in 8th; Jupiter 15 Scorpio &
Venus 17 Scorpio & Mercury 23 Scorpio in 9th; Juno 0 Sagittarius in 9th;
south node 11 Sagittarius in 10th; Sun 13 Sagittarius and Mars 22 Sagittarius
in 10th; Ceres 13 Aquarius in 13 near Ascendant]
husband & her third miserable marriage was not going to support her, that he
was going to walk out on her as he perpetually threatened to do. She was
totally self-blocked. She never actualized her power. It’s usually easier for a
man to get into it & get it expressed. But many times in the early life he’ll
find a lot of inner struggles going on & a lot of anxiety until they do get a
sense of their own strength & that they can use it in the world. When they
get into a job & working successfully, then usually it’ll come together for
We can see, of course, the trines from the 6th house, Saturn & Pluto.
The probability of it working out successfully in time when he is able to find
a career where he can use that creative power, that fire power. Fire signs in
earth houses, including two fire planets & an earth planet (Saturn)—all
involved in that combination. It can be a real powerhouse once it starts
rolling. With this of course is the need to run his own thing. And there are
many people who don’t like to take orders, who fight it. And the Scorpio in
the 9th is going to add to the strength and Jupiter in its own house—the
ultimate, the absolute. At the same time, you can see that the Scorpio
squares the Ascendant. So that is the possibility of personal action always
being somehow short of what the person would like to do, their aspirations,
their ideals & goals. They can never quite do all that they want to do. And
that’s a pretty common state. I think all of us have felt that. You want to do
more than you can do.
The leadership potential is outstanding with Leo in the 6th and Sun in
the 10th. He needs somehow to be in a prominent position & have the world
looking up & admiring him. His Vesta in the 1st house as well as Mars in the
10th show the identification with work, a sense of “I am work & I have to be
successful or I’m nothing.”
Plus there’s also a fairly strong identification with the mother here.
Notice the Ceres rising. At the same time, Mars in the 10th is identification
with the father and some potential for problems there with south node of the
Moon in the 10th. Some possible friction. Sometimes this is a traveling father
with Sagittarius there. Sometimes the parents are split with the nodes across
the 4th & the 10th houses, and fire & air, Uranus in the 4th. Sometimes it’s
just changes of residences, a rootless & restless life that keeps on shifting.
Of course this is part of his own nature, this need to keep moving, keep
reaching further. So the person will eventually be able to move into a
position of being able to do it when he chooses & not feel that something is
being done to him by the universe.
Notice the search for the ideal mate with Venus conjunct Jupiter, Juno
in Sagittarius in the 9th as well as Venus-Jupiter, and Scorpio also in the 9th,
and Pallas in the 12th, and Neptune in Libra in the 8th house. So if we can just
value that part of life and work toward a good relationship, then it’s fine. But
if it means that we’re never satisfied, then it can be a problem.
Since he will want love & caring & sharing, it is something he’ll have
to work out. And yet a lot of the energy is likely to go into the career. And if
he wants to get that together, as he is likely to do, then he can put some more
energy into working out a more relaxed & accepting relationship with a
…Remember that Pisces in the 1st & Mars in Sagittarius are both
saying, “I ought to be God. I ought to be perfect. I ought to do everything
right.” And Vesta in the 1st and Mars in the 10th are saying, “Look at the
…We have a grand trine in air signs in water houses, so the ability to
feel what goes on in other people, in addition to the objective intellect.
Mercury in Scorpio is the same message; Uranus in a water house. We’ve
got that water-air mixture several ways in the chart. It’s very good for
understanding on a level beyond the conscious mind, yet be able to bring it
out & communicate it. And good potential depth & thoroughness. Mercury
in Scorpio often shows a good memory, hang on to everything to the death!
The trine to Vesta is also excellent for the capacity to handle details too.
And the Sagittarian work, not only Sagittarius in the 10th but Jupiter
ruling it in the 9th. This could mean anything that has to do with higher
knowledge, truth, principles, values, moral issues, judgment, higher
education, law, teaching, writing. Should be some writing talent very strong
in there. Gemini-Sagittarius-Pisces, all of them really strong—the mutables,
including the mutable houses. And Vesta in Pisces in the 1st, very mutable
along with the drive. Constant head tripping. Constant emphasis on the
Air & water: the conscious & the unconscious. If he didn’t have the
strong fire & earth, then the air & water can be seen as passive & weak, a
person who just lives in the head. But there’s a tremendous drive here as
well as the ability to withdraw into the mind and go over things.
And the power struggle theme is there, the Fixed cross with the
Ascendant & Ceres in Aquarius, Saturn-Pluto in Leo, etc., but a lot of that is
in mutable houses, so power struggles with the mind—debate, contest,
competitive games & so on. And again enough of the Pisces-Leo to make a
natural actor, a strong sense of showmanship & drama. This time we don’t
have Venus conjunct the Sun on the Moon but we have it opposite the Moon
& conjunct Jupiter—so the artistic & aesthetic & sensual focus is there
again. Taurus Moon is traditionally associated with a good singing voice at
times or just a love of music. Sometimes it can be enjoyment of gardening
too, growing things.
ZIP: Yeah. That Jupiter ruling the 11th house conjunct Venus in
Scorpio—wow, what a potential for a swinger!
[NEXT CHART # 9: 23 Cancer rising; Neptune 6 Leo & Mercury 10 Leo in
1st; Saturn 14 Leo in 2nd; Mars 10 Libra & Moon 12 Libra in 4th; north node
20 Sagittarius in 5th; Uranus 27 Aquarius in 8th; Juno 11 Gemini & Venus 18
Gemini in 11th; Vesta 23 Gemini in 12th; Jupiter 0 Cancer & Pluto 5 Cancer
in 12th; Sun 22 Cancer in 12th a degree from the Ascendant.]
ZIP: Initially the first impression we get from this male chart is the
very strong investment in emotional relationships. The Cancer-Leo mixtures,
including the 4th house-5th house emphasis is about as warm & loving
combination that you can get. He really cares. He’s really invested in that
security of the nest.
At the same time, we see that there can be some conflicts because
there’s Mars in the 4th house conjunct the Moon, squaring some of the
Cancer, and we have Uranus over there in the 8th house in Aquarius, and a
strong 11th house as well. So, on the one hand, there’s a very strong need for
being close, involved, caring, the nesting urge. And yet there is some
independence there too that might periodically just need to bust loose, or just
might be projected into a partner. Aquarius in the 7th & 8th, Uranus over
there in the 8th, Mars on Moon, Pallas in Sagittarius, Venus in the 11th house.
It would be possible to be identified with a Cancer-Leo, the need for total
commitment in a love relationship, and to pick out a partner who would
want independence, to do her own thing.
With that much in the 12th house as well as the other water houses also
active, this adds to the water quality of the nature. Remember we talked
before about water almost in a double bind in its own nature. One the one
side, there’s a need for a kind of protective matrix to be surrounding us, to
have that sense of emotional security. On the other hand, there’s a need for
some aloneness, to focus on the inward quest of water for inner discovery,
inner knowledge, inner awareness—the digestion phase of life, absorbing &
assimilating our experience. So there could be some real ambivalence there
about clinging & closeness, and yet needing aloneness at times. Water can
be either dependent, looking to someone to mother us, or nurturant. This
chart suggests a very strong tie with the mother, extremely important in
terms of a role model. We see Cancer rising with Mars conjunct Moon in the
4th house. Mother is role model of what to be or what not to be. It could be
some of both, of course. And that sense of sheltering & being sheltered is an
important theme. He needs to be able to balance both needs, to be able to
accept his dependency, to allow ourselves to be helped by others, and yet on
occasion to give help—a mutual give & take.
ZIP: Boy, so he did lose the closeness. It was the loss of the mother.
Thrown out of the nest…This is one extreme form of freedom-closeness
where the person consciously wants the security and unconsciously wants to
be independent. And the world throws him out & says, “OK. You wanted to
be free. So here you are. Do your own thing.” And kicks him out of the nest
in some way. And then he looks for the rest of his life for that lost nest.
ZIP: It’s on the Ascendant but even being that little bit into the 12th
house can often do a lot of holding in. My oldest son, who is such a super
introvert, has that—The Sun on the Ascendant to one degree but in the 12th
house side. A lot of water holding back & holding in (water sign & water
house) even though it’s the Sun) fire planet) and right on the Ascendant. SO
it shows, on the one hand, the want to radiate out into the world but, on the
other hand, showing a tendency to hold that back, hold that in.
ZIP: The possibility is there for the mystical experience but then
Neptune doesn’t always go that way. It could be a person who just loves
beauty & into the aesthetic thing. He could be someone who puts his energy
into creating a beautiful home (Leo sign) or planting a garden or some other
kind of artistic creativity that may or may not go into the spiritual
A GOURMET COOK] So the aesthetic-artistic expression is one of the
strong possibilities here with the Libra in the 4th house, the loaded 12th,
Neptune in the 1st, Venus in Gemini in semisquare to Neptune. Even though
it’s a mild conflict aspect it can still show artistic talent….So it’s quite a
talented chart with fine mental ability (air & mutable emphasis), artistic
potential, warmth & empathy. But what it sounds like to me however is that
he projected his freedom into you & denied it in himself: “I just want to stay
in the nest.” So he picked a wife who would leave it on occasion!
ZIP: As long as you can get it into consciousness, you can deal with
it. But when it’s really unconscious then it tends to come out in some other
way without you consciously choosing it. That’s when people say, “I don’t
know why I did that. It’s not like me” or “Look at what happened to me. I
didn’t want that.” Yet it was invited & set up by the unconscious that they
are now forced to face & deal with it.
But remember that the 12th house does come into action because it IS
driven by that unconscious (12th house). And because it does represent our
ultimate aspirations & ideals (9th & 12th houses). [REFERENCE TO
GAUGELIN RESULTS:] It was the planets in the 9th house for instance
(next to 10th career house) that were actually the most characteristic key to
the career, the dominant theme in the life because it represented the ultimate
values. With Saturn in the 9th that was the most characteristic position for the
scientific careers and a variety of researchers. And Mars in the 9th, especially
in the 12th, were sports champions & military leaders.
ZIP: What about that Jupiter-Uranus in the 1st house? What’s the
potential of that? How about a fabulous mind? Two mental planets together.
Could be idealistic as well as very bright. Strong independence.
Notice the idealism theme all the way thru: Jupiter in the 1st, Mars in
Sagittarius and also Moon, Sun in Pisces in opposition. There’s a super
independence, super-idealism. At the same time, there’s a push-pull of
wanting togetherness with Libra, Sun on the 7th cusp, a strong 8th house. Just
putting Aries in the house of partnership & Libra in the house of
independence, and Mercury (ruling the Ascendant) which is independent
again—and again bright. So we’ve got a nice strong freedom-closeness
dilemma going.
We’ve got mother as role model, and at the same time that
ambivalence: “Do I really want to be attached or do I want to break loose &
do my own thing?” And, on the whole, where the last chart really
consciously wanted the attachment & got kicked out of the nest, this one is
probably aware of the need for independence & maybe being given it.
Maybe it’s not a struggle with that openness, and yet somewhere he has to
have room for both closeness & independence.
And the identification with work is part of the picture with Virgo
rising & Mercury, one of the rulers, in the Virgo house. So we’ve got the
double-identification with work. Saturn in Aries too. Mercury widely
quincunx the Pluto in the 1st house, and the south node—and midpoint of the
two. So that’s often a kind of tug of war between just being alone to do what
he wants to do versus the obligation to function in the material world with its
limits & having to do a job of something.
With the emphasis on the earth & the air we do have a person who is
capable of being very objective & practical. With the fire strength we have
the creativity, the drive, the enthusiasm. And the water is strong enough,
especially with Pluto being right on the Ascendant, Mars is flanked by two
water planets, & the Pisces and water houses. So the balance of the elements
seems to be reasonably good; the psychic openness probably fairly strong—
Pluto on the Ascendant. But initially the biggest struggle there seems to be
the whole sense of his need to be in control of himself and be independent,
to do his own thing & yet his need for other people.
Mars does square the antivertex but it is also sextile Libra in the 1st
house. So there’s some tension but there’s also a fair amount of harmony.
The tension would seem to be between the ideals & the reality—Sagittarius,
Virgo, limits of what’s possible versus what we would like. The harmony is
in the mind, the ability to relate to people, the ability to be charming,
charismatic, magnetic, persuasive, bright & verbal. Interest in everything
with Mercury in Aquarius but the ability also to apply the mind. That could
include mechanical skills when you get Mars & Uranus in a nice sextile and
Mercury in Aquarius sextile the Aries. He could be very skillful with
anything involving modern technology & machinery.
So there’s a flair & brilliance potential with the Sagittarius & Libra
mixture but also thoroughness potential with the earth too. In fact, with
Ceres trining the Ascendant & Pluto in Virgo, he can be very capable when
he wants to be. And the Neptune & Moon in the 3rd house is often a vivid
imaginative mind. And yet I think it is sufficiently strong to harness it, direct
it, apply it successfully.
ZIP: Again this is the theme about his power & the power of others.
Mainly it’ll be part of the mutable dilemma that I see as not that big a deal.
The tendency to be able to do all kinds of different things & wanting to do
more than he can do, setting up higher standards than he can reach. So it’s
the need to be practical about what he can accomplish & be clear about what
he really wants, to clarify his goals.
quincunx Pluto, natural ruler of the 8th. So that handling of power is one of
the basic messages in the chart.
And it is also interesting to me when you find the Sun alone in a sign.
It’s usually assumed that the person really developed that much of the
nature. He’s working toward building more of it. So he’s moving toward the
Piscean vision & faith. …. He certainly should have writing & verbal talent
with this chart. And it should be part of his work with Mercury, ruling the
10th, in the 6th in Aquarius. And the Moon, which is another ruler of the 10th,
in the 3rd in Sagittarius; and Jupiter as one of the rulers of the 6th is in the 1st;
Neptune ruling the 6th in the 3rd again. So the work is tied to the mind over &
over again—ideas & people in some way. But it could be modern
technology, as I said, or it could be any field such as teaching & counseling,
or work with the media, newspapers, radio [AND THESE MODERN
DAYS, WITH THE INTERNET]. Any field involving ideas &
communication [SOCIAL NETWORKING].
ZIP: Did anybody have any trouble picking out a theme? First of all,
you immediately get a theme anytime you get a bunch of planets in the same
house & same sign. So 3rd house focus here—mental, mind. Loaded 3rd
house, Pluto in Gemini in the 9th and Neptune there too, Virgo & Pisces
planets & asteroids present. So we have all the mutable present & most of
the mutable houses being occupied. And Libra is mental too; Jupiter in the
7th is in strong aspect to Pluto-Sun, so we have a strong emphasis on the
mind, including Mercury in its own house, a wide grand trine in air
including Saturn, Mars in Libra on the Ascendant, and East point & Pluto.
Second major theme: Not just the mind but beyond the ordinary.
Uranus there mixed in widely with the Sun, and Pallas—the Letter Eleven
emphasis. Usually that means someone who is a little bit beyond the
ordinary conventional mind, especially when you have the nice grand trine
in air. And also the need to do something tangible with the mind when you
put the earth in there in the 3rd house, and Vesta in Virgo in the Pisces
house—the idealist who wants to do something in the world with the ideals.
Pretty strong streak of independence with that rising Mars, Uranus on the
Sun in Sagittarius, the Jupiter in Aries—all the freedom signs, all the
freedom houses. The likelihood of being attracted to other independent
people too: Jupiter in the7th in Aries, Venus & Juno in Aquarius, Pallas
right on Uranus. Free thinkers or people who are a little in advance of the
times; strong independent streak in some way.
Some challenge initially with the mother with south node of the Moon
on the Moon. Challenge connected to the principle of dependency-
nurturance said again by Saturn in the 4th house. Sometimes that means
difficulty in accepting dependency. That’s the most common form of it—a
person who can take care of others but who has a hard time accepting
anything from others. In really intense cases, the idea of being dependent on
anyone else really just freaks them out.
Notice that the Moon south node is quincunx Mars on the Ascendant.
So we could have a similar case to a couple of charts we had earlier. In one
case, the father died young. In another case, the mother died young & he was
put in an orphanage. This could’ve been a separation from the mother & the
father taking over the role with Saturn in the 4th house (that’s one possibility)
but some kind of tension connected to the dependency side of life. Notice
the tension connected to the mother shown also with Mars square Ceres. SO
we have it in harmony aspect to Saturn, key to father, in the 4th but in
conflict aspect to both Ceres & Moon, keys to mother. The Cancer-
Capricorn opposition is often similar. Shall we let ourselves be protected &
helped by others, or shall we just do it all ourselves? Stay in the nest & enjoy
that security or get out in the world and hustle? And usually Saturn in the
4th, like Capricorn in the 4th, like Vesta or Virgo in the 4th, is someone who
learned to work early. Whether it’s forced on them by circumstances—
which I think is connected to our unconscious, unrecognized—or whether
something the person chooses to do, to strike out on their own.
At the same time, with the air emphasis, there’s the real need for
people to be around but it can be people as peers, open, equalitarian
relationships with Libra. Those are much easier to accept. Much easier to
handle than the dependency side of life. Of course anytime we have this
much intelligence, I usually don’t worry about it. I figure they can handle it.
Mars-Mercury square, though it’s a square, is still a quick, sharp mind as a
general rule. And yet the thoroughness is there with the Capricorn.
The general mutable dilemma in its most common form is the person
who can do almost anything & would like to. He’s interested in everything.
They’re always a little over-extended, trying to do more than they can do. As
long as there is earth, they’ll be accomplishing something even if they’re
scattered into a lot of different areas. It’s two common forms are (1) the
person who really isn’t sure what he wants & therefore just diffuse &
scatters or (2) the person who knows what he wants but just wants more than
what’s possible. So he just keeps himself somewhat discontented, always
trying to do more than what’s possible. But neither of those really looks like
a serious threat here because the trines to the 9th house suggest a pretty clear
awareness of what he wants, a basic direction. He’s got both water trines &
air trines into the 9th house. And the air is sufficiently strong to show some
capacity to flow with it even though there’ll still be some degree of over-
reach. Some degree of detachment & objectivity about it. Air is the ability to
take things lightly. It can be a hard drive at times but there’s enough air to be
that saving grace, knowing when to ease up & watch the show for a while.
In terms of the type of work, what would we speculate here? He’s got
water signs in the earth houses; Moon, ruler of the 10th, in the 5th. Something
artistic is a possibility, something imaginative, idealistic. Sun, ruling the 10th
also, in the 3rd in Sagittarius. Again, the idealistic theme.
How about a sense of responsibility for the family with Saturn in the
4 , & wanting to be the perfect parent to perfect children with Pisces in the
ZIP: OK. Anybody see any themes? It’s a little more scattered than
some of the ones we’ve had before. At first glance there aren’t any real
obvious themes. We see what looks like a pretty good distribution. There’s
quite a bit of earth & strong fire, fairly strong water with the Scorpio, air in
Libra & Gemini. Earth probably is the strongest. Sun right on Vesta suggests
that work is pretty important and he’s likely to be pretty successful with a
number of earth trines including the MC in a grand trine with Ceres-
antivertex and Moon. Earth sign & earth houses including Neptune in a trine
to Uranus & Saturn with Saturn being the natural ruler of the 10th. So, at first
glance, it looks as if the work is quite important. At the same time, it’s one
of those looking for an absolute theme that he might still be unsatisfied even
if he was quite successful. He might still always to aiming higher & wanting
to do more with the Vesta-Sun conjunction in the 12th * Neptune in the 10th.
So he could be successful as the world measures success but still not very
contented with it.
The fire theme comes in especially with Mars in Aries in the 5th, and
that forms a grand trine with Pluto in Leo in the 9th and east point in
Sagittarius in the 1st. So it’s a streak of independence & gives a bit of the
steamroller in the chart. And Pallas & Venus are also there in Sagittarius,
and Jupiter is in the 7th house. So we’ve got the search for an ideal in the
partnership, as we’ve had repeatedly today. And yet some need for control in
his own hands pretty strong. That suggests some danger of power struggles
in the partnership area, particularly since the ruler of the 1st (Jupiter, ruler of
the Sagittarius also in the 1st) is in the 7th house. It’s somewhat like putting
Mars over there, ruler of the 1st. That can be the feeling that other people
have the power & he has to snatch it back. If this can be handled in a
competitive business or sports & games, then it’s fine. There’s enough fire
in the chart so that he should certainly have some kind of physical activity.
Often the nodes across the 4th & 10th are felt as some kind of pressure
between home & family and the career. Since it is south node in the 4th,
Moon (natural ruler of the 4th) is in the 6th, and Neptune, the ruler of the
cusp, is up therein the 10th, all suggest on the whole that the career would
win. The home might have a hard time holding him.
ZIP: Right. And sesquisquare the north node & square Pluto, which
rules the Ascendant. So it’s some sort of tension in the area of home-family
dependency as we’ve seen before. In this chart the likely reaction would be
just to leave the home and go work & use the excuse of work as pressing &
necessary and important, and to retreat from emotional vulnerability.
Notice also that Mars in the 5th is quincunx the Sun-Vesta. Again we
have some kind of struggle between the independence & the emotional
needs that can be met. The danger would be of just burying oneself in the
work. Mars is also square Ceres and that’s just part of what I was looking at
when I was talking about the possibility of considerable success but still not
being fully satisfied by it. But it could equally well mean the work taking
precedence over the personal inclination to just do what he wants to do, to
just enjoy life or be involved in a lot of romance. But the struggle there
between the handling of the material world, its limits, its obligations for
security, accomplishment, achievement AND the chance of just playing, to
do as he pleases. Mars also is in a semisquare to Saturn & Uranus in the 7 th
house. So some kind of tension in the handling of power in close
relationships, the need to share the power.
coping with the world with solid feet on the ground. I’m not sure which
parent so it’s a case where we might have to ask the person & explore it with
the person.”
ZIP: The mother would be the earthy, practical one? So then the
father is probably the 4th house with Pisces south node. And Mars also ruling
the 4th in Aries. So some kind of conflict over the practical side of the nature
and wanting to break loose, burst out, do his own thing. Note Saturn on
ZIP: He just drank and ran away mentally. Yeah, one possibility is
the escape from the world that they’re not happy with thru alcohol. Some
just daydream, some watch television, some sleep a lot, some escape thru
drink & drugs. And he wanted to run but maybe didn’t quite have the
courage or too much sense of responsibility, so he stayed but escaped thru
the alcohol.
And since Mars is a ruler of the 4th and the 1st co-ruler also, some of
this man’s identification is with his father. Yet some is also with the mother
(antivertex on Ceres). He has this ambivalent feeling probably about the
father with south node suggesting that there’s a lesson to learn from the
father, how the father handled or didn’t handle his independence. Doing his
own thing.
Sometimes with Mars or Aries in the 5th house we get a single child.
But in other cases, if there’s more than one child, maybe one of them is
especially important or noticeable. If the parent likes himself, then he’ll like
the child & do things together & enjoy it together. If the parent does not like
himself, does not like the part of himself that the child represents, then we
will fight the child. There will be power struggles & a variety of conflict &
friction there. So if he were identified with the earth & water and rejecting
his own need for freedom, then he would probably have the super
independent child, and be very resentful of the child doing the things he
wouldn’t let himself do.
There are enough harmony aspects here so he should be able to handle
any of those challenges with insight and a sense of humor with the
Sagittarius intelligence, the earth practicality—all the assets are there. It’s
just a matter of getting it together, keep on doing his thing in the world that
he can do very successfully & accept the fact that he can’t do it all perfectly
or at least right now. Maybe tomorrow! You know my favorite motto: “I’ll
be God tomorrow.”
He’s probably got a keen sense of humor with the fire-air: Venus there
in Sagittarius, Mercury in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini. Mental. He’s
probably very self-analytical with Scorpio rising. He probably analyzes
himself & everybody else. A lot of inner digging. At the same time, it
depends on whether he really can face that. He may just lose himself in his
work rather than really face his own emotional nature. Very common for
men to make excuses that the work is more satisfying & more rewarding and
to avoid dealing with the emotional side of themselves. So he might be very
self-aware but I’m not sure.
[CHART # 2: 10 Virgo rising; Vesta 20 Virgo in 1st; Saturn 8 Libra &
Neptune 18 Virgo in 2nd; Mars 5 Scorpio in 5th; Moon 18 Capricorn in 5th;
north node 23 Aquarius conjunct Juno in 6th; Jupiter 14 Taurus in 9th; Uranus
14 Cancer conjunct Sun 15 Cancer with Venus 19 Cancer in 11th; Pluto 20
Leo in 12th.]
ZIP: A young lady. Let’s see again if we can pick out a theme. Look
to see if we can get any kind of basic message…
We can also mention the artistic potential too. Again we have Taurus
& Libra both plus the 12th house-Pisces focus. So the talent for beauty in
some form seems present. Could be connected to the career with Saturn
there in Libra in the 2nd. And the dramatic potential too with the Leo
You see many times in charts with strong earth that it could easily get
into the Atlas syndrome where they can be nurturing of others, taking care of
others, but they have difficulty in being dependent, be uncomfortable in
being vulnerable. So they can play parent but have trouble playing child.
…Mars in the 3rd house, in the house of brothers & sisters can
sometimes show a sibling as a role model, either who we will want to be like
or not like in life. And it can include sibling rivalry, power struggles. You
can also find with Mars there no brother or sister. It’s like being a loner and
the child wishes he had a brother or sister. Notice that Mars is squaring
Mercury which rules the Ascendant so we have some kind of self against
self, a conflict in the early life to be worked out. It would be particularly
intense when the child was somewhere in the neighborhood of probably 8 to
10 years old when Mars reached the exact square to Mercury by progression.
will be important, a tendency to have really close friends & it’ll be like a
family with deep emotional bonds. But other than those few very close
friends there could be a fair amount of introversion & self-consciousness &
self-criticism. Terribly high standards he’d set for himself with Virgo rising
& Vesta there. But the Leo dramatic quality is there, the Taurus, and the
Libra too. Usually that means a person will mellow out & become more
comfortable & accepting of himself, especially of course the more they are
successful they are, the more they’ll like themselves.
[QUESTION: “How does that mutable cross modify the fixed &
cardinal qualities within that cross?”]
challenge I think is between the independence & the emotional need
partnership. The struggle will be felt inside but it is likely to be an inner
thing, not any kind of series of crises & catastrophes as you can get with a
full cardinal cross or cardinal signs & cardinal houses too.
Very often with the 2nd hours-8th house axis is a conflict between just
enjoying things the way they are, leaving things secure, don’t rock the boat
VERSUS the urge to do something more exciting & demanding, to go
further. There’s some of that possibility with Capricorn & Libra also, where
Libra tends to look for the easy way & Capricorn is always reaching for the
top, to do something more.
while Neptune is always able t0 imagine something better. The Moon &
Neptune of course are both water planets involved there in a T-square with
the water sign, Cancer. That would add to the psychic potential, being open
to the unconscious. And Uranus is involved which accentuates that potential
for psychic openness. Pluto is involved, quincunx the Moon & sextile
Neptune. So it’s a fairly psychic chart, a fair amount of openness to
inspiration, and Mercury on the cusp of the 12th will add to that too.
ZIP: Yeah. The need for doing her work in her own way & having
variety & intellectual challenge suggests that unless she is a kind of
entrepreneur with a lot of variety in her work, she would probably change
jobs frequently. But again the grand trine in earth usually can handle the
material world and they are successful. So they’ll just pick a field that allows
them the variety & independence that they want. The air in the earth houses
suggests that the work has to be intellectually stimulating, and ultimately in
some way people have to be involved. Other people are part of the picture.
The earth wants tangible results in some way.
A very good teaching chart. Beautiful potential for some kind of
teaching. It doesn’t have to be in an ordinary school room with that
independence. It could be artistic teaching.
ZIP: OK. What’s our theme that jumps out when we first look at this
one? How about Free Soul! ? Aquarius rising, Mars in Sagittarius, Sun &
Venus in Aries, east point in Aquarius. We’ve got a really independent spirit
here. “I am myself, I do my own thing.” So first, major, initial theme.
We also have some identification with work. We see Ceres in the 1st
house and Mars in the 10th; Uranus, which rules the 1st, is in Taurus. That all
says “I’m going to provide for my own needs.” Neptune, which also rules
the 1st house with Pisces there, is in Virgo, and Jupiter is in Capricorn in the
Pisces house. So we’ve got the identification with work, achieving her own
needs. In effect, “I don’t need anybody. I can do it, and will do it.”
We also have a very strong focus on the intellect. How many times is
that said? Sagittarius, Gemini, nodes, Aquarius rising, very strong 3rd house.
Identified with the mind. The ability to learn & to communicate. The
perpetual student & natural teacher. Strong air & mutables. Vertex axis
across Pisces-Virgo, Neptune on the vertex, mutable cross there that adds to
the fire. So general fire-air and mutables in the chart: tremendous
restlessness, changeable, just flowing & moving all the time with the mind.
Verbal facility, ability with languages, ability to work with the mind, to go
in any direction with the mind. A little more likely to be oral but enough
earth in the chart to be able to write also. And Mercury right on Uranus is a
bright, bright mind! But it is in Taurus so there’s ability to handle details
too. Phenomenal memory often, breadth of interests & curiosity about
everything—just insatiable curiosity about everything.
Some of the role models would come thru brothers or sisters. In this
case with that much in the 3rd house, there could be a number of brothers &
sisters, although we still can’t be sure. Aries is still the possibility of not
having any—having other relatives instead. But certainly some kind of
relationships around her there with that active 3rd house. Practice learning &
communicating in the early life. And Ceres in the 1st is probably also mother
as role model but them with Mars in the 10th, father is a role model too. So
the chart suggests an extended family all there as part of the whole role
model picture—what to do, what not to do. Mostly there’s a fair amount of
harmony there. There’s some potential for sibling rivalry with the Taurus in
the 3rd square the Aquarius in the 1st. But those are air planets in Taurus and
air sign in the 1st, so if there’s any kind of rivalry it’s probably pretty verbal,
a kind of argument situation. But mostly it looks like a fair amount of
affection: Venus and Venus sign (Taurus) in the third house. Independence
but still affection & positive support.
The chart also suggests very strongly there that she idealizes her
father, or at least has a very idealistic or religious father. Notice how many
times that’s said: Sagittarius in the 10th, Jupiter in Capricorn, Saturn in
Pisces. Three times you’ve got father connected to ultimate ideals. This
could mean that she very much idealizes, looks up to her father OR it could
mean that her father has high standards & expectations. It could also mean
with Sagittarius & Jupiter and sometimes also Pisces a father from another
country, a foreign land. It could mean a very intellectual parent. Artistic
sensitivity with the Pisces there in the 2nd house Saturn in Pisces. With the
mother we get mostly air, which is just a very verbal & bright mother.
Anyway, a lot of the native’s ideals, standards, goals, ethics are somehow
connected to the relationship with the father.
On the kind of work, ideally she would like a situation where she’s in
control of what she’s doing. Pluto in the 6th is trine Saturn in the 2nd, and
Saturn is trine Mars out-of-sign. Pluto wants to manage it, not be under
anyone else. And Mars of course wants to do it their own way. So I see a
good chart for a field where she is a manager that involves or maintains
some way basic emotional-security needs. And if the career could be a bit
idealistic, she would be happier: Sagittarius in the 10th, Saturn in Pisces,
Jupiter in Capricorn, and Capricorn in the 12th. Idealism connected to the
career & work very strong. Of course it can mean that we’re looking for the
perfect job but never find it. It could also ---[SORRY, A PAGE
ZIP: Aries in the 3rd. Any Mercury-Mars combination and you can
get it also with Jupiter-Mercury combinations & Uranus-Mercury mixtures.
Any one of these can be really quick, fast minds, and also just blunt, tell it
like it is, let it all out! The Aries-Mars mixture particularly is the mind of a
debater and tongue like a sword! If you put water in there then they might
hold it back somewhat because water always has that tendency to hold back
for security reasons, either for their own safety sake or for someone else’s.
[CHART # 4 MALE: 4 Taurus rising; north node 17 Taurus in 1st;
Ceres 5 Cancer 3rd; Juno 0 Leo & Jupiter 2 Leo in 4th; Mars 2 Virgo in 5th;
Pluto 19 Virgo & Uranus 22 Virgo in 5th; Vesta 29 Virgo in 6th; Venus 16
Libra and Sun 22 Libra in 6th; Mercury 14 Scorpio & Moon 16 Scorpio and
south node 17 Scorpio & Neptune 20 Scorpio in 7th; Saturn 24 Pisces
retrograde in 11th]
ZIP: This is a fairly young male as you can see with Neptune in
Scorpio & Uranus-Pluto in Virgo. We had a crop of really great kids come in
with that Pluto-Uranus in Virgo. I have a good friend who’s a teacher who
usually teaches 4th graders, and she noticed the difference. There was a
phenomenal rise in the general level of IQ and achievement tests when that
bunch hit school level around the early Sixties when Pluto & Uranus went
back & forth and conjuncted several times. It doesn’t mean that every child
born with that will be a super-achiever, but there were quite a bunch that
came in at that time that were very capable.
And the 7th house power of course re-emphasizes that need for other
people to respond to it, approve it, to be supportive. And note that includes
Mercury which rules the 1st because we have some Gemini in the 1st house.
Mercury, the ruler, is over there in the 7th house conjunct the Moon & the
node of the Moon & Neptune—all that water. So a water sign, three water
factors connected there to a part of the personal identity. So we can see two
very different sides of the nature. We can see the steamroller potential with
the fire-earth mixtures—earth signs in fire houses. Plus we can also see a lot
of emotional sensitivity & vulnerability where other people are concerned,
with all that water in the 7th, Pisces in the 11th, Ceres in Cancer in the rd. So
he’s somebody who can be a real driver when he wants to be, but he’s also
very sensitive where others are concerned & needs that empathic warmth &
caring, that emotional involvement with others.
house but it suggests success in handling the material world. It could be the
artistic side of Libra or it could be the helping/consulting/counseling side of
people swinging between excesses & asceticism in some form:
overeating/not eating enough, drinking too much/abstaining completely;
sex/celibacy, and so on. There’s enough of the harmonious aspects so it
doesn’t look like a serious problem, but he will have to find that balance
somewhere in handling of the material world with others. It could be just a
little overdoing of that emotional sensitivity. Of course if he projects it, he
would be attracted to other people who are super-sensitive & he could even
pick others who are into being baby, being victim, with the Moon on
Neptune there. So that’s still saying the same thing: the need to learn to let
other people develop their strengths, do their part of it, and do it together.
ZIP: That go could either way. When you put the rulers of the 2nd in
the 7th it may say that other people should give me my needs & take care of
me & provide for me. And if there weren’t so much fire & earth, yes, I
would finitely suspect that I can’t see him letting other people have that
much power short of their heavy conflicts that would result in illness which
would make him helpless—so other people have to take care of him. That
seems too unlikely in the chart. There’s too much harmony, too much fire &
The other side of it, in principle, is that my resources have to take care
of people. But the goal is to do it together. Of course the chart is fine for
something that he would share with others, which could be a shared business
done together—book-keeping, accounting, tax, insurance, investment, etc—
or it could be something like depth psychology where he’s into probing
other people’s unconscious—that is what I’d think of first. It would be one
of the healing areas where he’d really be exploring other people’s
unconscious minds & working with them in some depth…a fascination of
the occult & the psychic.
ZIP: Juno is connected to the mate, and Jupiter is with it, and the
Moon ruling the 4th is in the 7th. Those I see as idealizing the home & the
mate & needing that base of security with a good marriage & a good secure
home, but not necessarily connected with the work. We have the ruler of the
10th in the 11th, and Uranus the other ruler of the 10th in the 5th in Virgo--&
they’re opposite—it suggests the need for a career but which allows some
variety, some independence, some creativity, some power. But a major
theme is doing it with other people in some way, not doing it alone—
something where he would have an effect on other people, and there would
be teamwork in the picture.
ZIP: Well, the only thing I’m prepared to say about quintiles now is
that they show power, creative or destructive. But it would again repeat the
theme of connecting idealism & ultimate value to love relationships, which
the chart is saying over & over again. Enormous emotional investment on
love relationships. And some of that can go into his home & family, but
some of that can go into a career if he were in a helping profession where
he’d be working with people in very great depth & intensity, like a psycho-
family. Leo in the 4th often needs a Big home, literally. So I think it’s the
conflict between the ideals of wanting to do something that is bigger than
it’s possible, and the tendency to overdrive in the chart. It can, at the same
time, mean idealism in the home connected to a parent. He could idealize a
parent & had to find out they’re human. He could have parents who have
high expectations & feeling he couldn’t quite live up to their high
expectations. But that seems like a lesser possibility with the good aspects to
…So the best thing is to be a good example. Next to that, you can help
to explain, to understand the principles involved, to be able to accept
dependency without feeling threatened by it. Dependency means needing
something from someone else but waiting to give it voluntarily—not
demanding it (power trip).
[CHART # 5, FEMALE: 29 Sagittarius rising; Saturn 6 Aries and
Mercury 10 Aries in 3rd; Sun 0 Taurus in 4th; north node of Moon 7 Taurus
in 4th; Pallas 19 Taurus in 5th; Venus 8 Gemini in 5th; Ceres 7 Cancer in 7th;
Jupiter 25 Cancer in 7th; Juno 5 Leo in 7th; Moon conjunct Pluto 18 Virgo in
8th; Uranus 20 Virgo in 9th; Mats 22 Libra retrograde in 9th next to MC; south
node 7 Scorpio in 10th; Neptune 23 Scorpio in 11th; Vesta 29 Scorpio in 11th]
ZIP: The first thing that strikes us when we see this chart is somewhat
similar to the last chart: a very strong Mars, Sagittarius rising, Aries in the
3rd house, including Saturn & Mercury. So we have again a very strong
freedom theme. South node in the Moon in the 10th normally shows the need
not to be controlled. This is usually somebody who doesn’t want to be under
anyone else. They will frequently end up as an entrepreneur or running a
business in some kind of independent way, resisting the establishment, the
limitations, authority figures or whomever tries to put their will on them.
And we can see Saturn in Aries in the 3rd and Mars on the 10th cusp
that might be father at the start of life. But also it could be an older brother
with Saturn in the 3rd house, older sister maybe. So we have the potential
here of some kind of sibling rivalry, a little bit more vigorous than the other
chart that had Taurus in there. In this case I would think that the arguments
might be a little more caustic or direct or blunt, potential for verbal
fireworks in terms of power struggles with [[[LOST PAGE. SORRY! ]]
…………are responsible & their conscience will get them if they don’t
make everything right. Either way there’s an edge of anxiety that comes
behind it, which is a very different kind of power than the fire power that
just rejoices in assuming their natural power in the world. Capricorn just
struggles with it to some degree, driven by a little bit of anxiety.
The ability to work is good, and the ability to enjoy it with the Taurus,
is a pretty healthy balance there. The nodes across Taurus-Scorpio, as we
noted before, can either take the form of “I can do it myself” versus “I want
you to give it to me” or “I’ll give it to you” or it can take the form of appetite
indulgence versus appetite mastery. Across the 4th & 10th houses it could be
the home-family trip versus achievement in the world. Obviously she needs
She has very strong 7th-8th houses, 4th-5th houses, so a strong need for
relationships & yet potential for problems there because of the reluctance to
give up her own power, give up her independence. Added to that also will be
the search for the ideal with Jupiter in the 7th and with the Virgo in the 8th,
awareness of the flaws. We have a combination of the search for the ideal &
awareness of the flaws, so there’s the possibility of never being satisfied.
The air in the chart should be strong enough to be able to handle that, to
develop some degree of acceptance & objectivity. And Taurus too can be a
very accepting sign. So if she moves more into her Taurus-Gemini or 5th
house potential for growth & expansion & development, then she can move
into being more relaxed & comfortable with life. But the initial dominant
Mars-Aries in the chart, the combination of that fire plus the earth, often
suggest a steamroller kind of person.
In terms of relations with other people, note that we have Neptune-
Vesta in the 11th house of friends—an interesting combination. This is
somewhat similar to the 7th-8th houses, the same principle in which we’re
looking for god with Neptune, and we’re looking for flaws with Vesta. So
some danger even with casual friends or expecting too much, setting up
expectations too high, and not being satisfied. That of course can be used
constructively if we go into a helping profession, to do something to
improve society, to make the world better.
The keys to the work include a need for a lot of independence, a lot of
variety, a lot of change with the fire principle. That includes Mercury, ruling
the 6th, in Aries, as well as Saturn in Aries as well as Mars right on the 10 th
cusp, and Venus, ruling the 10th, just inside the 5th house. So we have the
fire-air principle that has to have variety & change & intellectual
stimulation. The choice of a humanitarian or social career concerned with
social causes is one way we can tell the world how it ought to be, and make
it different. Virgo in the 9th can repeat the theme again of the work
connected to that search for the ideal and needing challenge & change in it.
ZIP: A greater emphasis. But I think it also ties together the houses.
So those two houses are pulled together and unified, and they will both
express to some extent thru that planet, that part of the nature. So an
ZIP: Yeah. The psychic potential with Moon & Pluto, two water
planets, conjunct in Pluto’s own house aspecting Uranus, conjunct it, and
sextile Neptune. Extraordinary psychic potential there. Earth is strong
enough so I think it’s a threat where the people can get too psychic if they
lack the earth and just go really off the deep end. If she does end up in one of
the medical fields, which she can easily with this chart, then that would be
very valuable—the ability to diagnose. It’s just as well to drop the psychic
sensitivity for a while, and get very rooted & be able to handle the earth.
Then she can pick up the psychic expression later once she’s grounded.
….With Ceres in the 7th house in Cancer, she may be looking for a
mother or someone she can mother in the mate. One danger is turning into
an Atlas and picking out someone else who will be weak enough to let her
be the one in charge. But then the person who is playing parent may get tired
of it after a while & decide that he or she had enough of that, and end the
role. But definitely there is that mothering role there. It would be important
for her to take turns being mother in the relationship with the mate & not try
to do it all herself & feel like she has to be Atlas and feel that’s the only way
she’ll be safe and done right….It could be a safe & comfortable & loving
home with the Cancer and also Sun in the 4th house. At the same time, Mars
ruling the 4th is up in the 10th, and Venus, a ruler of the 4th, is on the cusp of
the 6th. So there will be times when she might sacrifice her home for her
work. Despite its importance it might still play second fiddle to her career,
her achievement drive in the world. The home might have to follow the
work, go where the work takes her. And that may be part of the conflict
there in that opposition across the 4th and 10th: To stay within the nest or to
go out in the world wherever it takes you….This chart is definitely career-
oriented, yet at the same time the emotional closeness is very important, so
she’s going to have to work it out.
ZIP: Not wanting to have anybody else have control over her. South
node in the 10th will frequently resist a normal job because they just don’t
want to take a normal job/boss/authority situation—to be under somebody.
So often they will end up being self-employed, running their own business
or profession. Now they might not be able to manage that. It depends on the
talents of the person & the circumstances, but the inclination is to avoid
being under anyone else’s power. [RESPONSE TO QUESTION:] I don’t
think interceptions are all that important or special except they make the
house more complicated bringing in extra rulers.
ZIP: Retrogrades are a looking in emphasis, drawing from one’s
center which can be negative or positive, depending on what’s involved.
They might be more introverted but they might also be more creative. Would
you consider Muhammad Ali introverted? Or Angela Davis? They’re
supreme individualists. They draw from their own center & do their own
thing. It’s just a question of whether they’re insecure.
FIRST CHART: MRS. GANDHI. Nov 19, 1917; 11:39:16 pm; 5.5 East.
25N28, 81E54
[27 Leo rising; Mars 9 Virgo 1st; Sun 26 Scorpio and Mercury 5 Sagittarius
in 4th; north node 3 Capricorn & Venus 13 Capricorn in 5th; Moon 28
Capricorn in 6th; Juno 9 Aquarius in 6th; Uranus 19 Aquarius in 6th; Vesta 26
Pisces in 8th; Jupiter 7 Gemini 10th; Pluto 5 Cancer; Neptune 7 Leo & Saturn
14 Leo in 12th.]
ZIP: The chart does say pretty well someone who would have a very
strong drive to power. The Scorpio-Capricorn emphasis, Mars in the 1st and
Jupiter in the 10th, the Leo Ascendant, Saturn there not so far from the
Ascendant. A person very achievement-oriented, wanting to accomplish
something thru the work. But also with a very strong investment in home &
family with the 4th house-5th house power, Sun in the 4th, Venus in the 5th.
Part of her problem is that she had favored her one son so much & he
apparently was pretty much a borderline con artist who was into a variety of
dubious enterprises & taking advantage of his position & had a lot of people
pretty made at him. So that was part of what turned people against her,
although many people still think very highly of her & respect her, admire her
a great deal.
[P. comments that Gandhi’s son was the most hated man in India during
her regime]
ZIP: She consistently protected him & let him have power which he could
not handle.
[QUESTION: “How do you see that in the 5th house?”]
ZIP: Venus in Capricorn. Venus, her affection that she couldn’t see
objectively, see what he was really like. It’s a lesson for her thru children
connected with power. Capricorn-Saturn principle always meaning some
kind of lesson about realism, about power, about what we can do, what we
can’t do, & what we have to do. And her own power drive was partly being
expressed thru the son even though she was in a position of supreme
power—yet she still was not handling it in the interaction with the son, &
allowing him to do some of her power drive for her in an extreme &
destructive form…The ruler of the 10th in the 5th, and the ruler of the 5th in
the 10th. That’s an interchange there, which is part of that 5-10 combination
where we have the King with Letter 5, and we have the Executive with
Letter 10. There’s a very big difference between the king that says, “My will
is law” and the executive that carries out the law, and the law is bigger than
he is. And when we get the two principles confused—and notice we get the
same principle in Nixon’s chart with the Sun in Capricorn in the 5th—very
frequently when we try to make our will into law, we have to be put down.
In Nixon’s case, really thru his own actions, but in Gandhi’s case thru her
handling of her child was a major part of the problem. So it’s an interesting
commentary on people who have somewhat similar types of problems, but
very different in detail.
Now: The progressions for Mrs. Gandhi you can see that there are some
very outstanding ones there. Note the Sun coming in the natal Moon &
sextiling the natal Sun. That by itself would’ve been considered highly
favorable for a person who should be standing on top, an outstanding
achievement period.
But the Sun-Moon conjunction—in effect like a New Moon, although the
Sun-Moon progressed conjunction is considered more important—a
progressed Moon reaching a progressed Sun. But either Sun or Moon on
natal positions of the other can also be important. It’s often a major peak of
prominence & achievement, recognition, power & honor. But if it’s not
being handled, it could also be the opposite: a crisis of honor & recognition.
The Sun is where we need to be proud of ourselves, get applause from the
world, & feel our power in the world. And I’ve seen it also where it was a
health problem, where the person was not handling his emotional needs, his
need for security with the Moon, the need for power & prominence with the
Sun, and ended up with some kind of health problem & forced into a
dependency situation where he gave up power in effect & let the world take
care of him. It depends on the person. It can go either way.
The Mars position is also very interesting because Mars was slowing
down, ready to go retrograde. So for a very long time Mars holds the trine to
Jupiter—progressed Mars to progressed Jupiter. This is one of the crucial
things in the chart, and when I looked at that, I said, “Gee, they’re not going
to be able to keep her down very easily!” It’s going to be pretty hard to do
anything really destructive to her with that kind of faith & protection. And
it’s part of what helped her to get into power because it lasted for years.
Jupiter moving very slowly retrograde & Mars just about to go stationary &
go retrograde—so holding that trine for years, from the 2nd house to the 10th
But natally remember they are square. So we have to remember that when
we move from a square to a trine, the potential for harmony is there. But if
we have not learned to handle whatever the problem was in the square, we
might still have problems. So the nature of the square of course is very
similar to the 5-10 mixture—it’s like a 1-10 mixture of “My will versus the
limits of self-will.”
But, at any rate, here we have also Mercury involved in that chart too—
Mercury in a T-square to Mars & Jupiter. So it does compound the danger of
bad judgment, rash judgment, or over-optimism, over-confidence & excesses
in some way.
In terms of other progressed aspects, we can see a variety of them. One of
the ones that I think is kind of interesting is that progressed Ascendant.
Remember that you have to have angles to get big events. You just do not
have a big major event in the life unless the angles are involved—natal or
progressed, or both. Here we have the progressed Ascendant quincunx the
natal Midheaven. And that’s a classic aspect for a personal action-separation
from the career. Very typical for that aspect to mean persons who change
their jobs, changes from what they are doing, their relationship to authority
figures, their handling of power—but in some way they change their role in
And it is also intriguing to note that her MC us on Algol, How about that?
[General laughter & background comments] If this is a kind of Jupiter
principle with the danger of excesses or over-reaching in some way, then it
would fit.
Then we also have very protective one that, if you just looked quickly at
the chart, you could say, “Well, there’s no way she can lose power; she’s
going to win power.” Look at progressed Midheaven. It is trining Vesta and
the Sun, so a grand trine there. Real tremendous basic security in that grand
trine in water that even, in spite of everything that was done, in spite of
illegality & the use of power in destructive ways, they still haven’t been able
to keep her down, to shut her up, to put her in jail. She always pops up again.
We do also have Mercury opposite Pluto. That’s one of our major clues.
Progressed Mercury has been going over the north node & it was opposite
progressed Pluto pretty closely. So some possibility of a change is there.
Mercury does rule the 10th house with Gemini in the 10th, which can say,
“Well, this could be a separation, might be moving farther away, or a change
of home situation.” But I don’t think we would’ve considered the aspect by
itself to be that drastic.
Another of the fairly long range aspects that continues for some time is
Vesta’s position there in 9 Aries in a quincunx to natal Mars. Now that too is
a potential for a job change—personal separation from the work. And it may
be thru our own actions—the Mars principle—or it may be other people
doing it to us with the 8th house involvement, set up there in the unconscious
& coming at us from the world.
Also of course Mars had been squaring the nodes of the Moon for some
years, moving very slowly at 1 Libra, out of orb when this happened but it
had been there for quite some time. Natally that Ceres position is interesting
because it had been squaring Saturn. So again if we think of Ceres as a key
to the mother principle, and Saturn, ruling the 5th house, in Leo (the natural
sign of the 5th house), then some kind of power struggle connected to her
family or loved ones or power in general. And Uranus of course formed a T-
square to that in the natal chart.
[SOLAR ARC:] Juno 9 Aries quincunx Mars in Virgo in the 1st. There we
have some kind of estrangement or alienation between herself & other
In Gandhi’s case, Vesta on the MC when she was going thru this whole
dictatorship, saying, “I am the only one who can save the country, and I have
to do anything—anything is justified because I’m needed to save the
country.” And that mentality of course is exactly what did Nixon in—“Any
means is justified to keep me in power because I’m the only one who can do
it right.” And he had Vesta on the Sun for years & years. It’ll go retrograde
and stay on his Sun.
Then we get Jupiter moved up to 7 Leo right on Neptune. How about that?
“I am god. I will save the world.” The Shah of Iran had it in the natal chart
connected to power. Then we have antivertex at 20 Leo right on her east
point and opposite Uranus. That’s another strong one. Again the key to her
power because it was natally in the 10th house. And the opposition to
Uranus, the potential for upsets, getting out of the rut, letting go, moving on.
So you can see how impressive solar arc can be too, as well as the
secondary progressions. You don’t really need all the systems. But you can
really get a very strong statement from solar arc & secondary progressions.
If you want to throw in the major transits, fine.
And when you get the Sun square the Ascendant, all of the Arabic parts
where you add a planet to the Ascendant, subtract the Sun, every one of
those will be square to its own natal planet. So that’s a set up for a fair
amount of conflict on the life.
[16 Virgo rising; south node 7 Libra in the 1st house; Pallas 3 Scorpio in
2nd; Ceres 16 Scorpio in 3rd; Vesta 18 Sagittarius & Mars 29 Sagittarius in
the 4th; Mercury 0 Capricorn & Jupiter 1 Capricorn also in the 4th; Sun 19
Capricorn in 5th with Juno at 21 Capricorn; Uranus 2 Aquarius in 5th; Moon
20 Aquarius in 6th; Venus 3 Pisces in 6th; north node 7 Aries in 7th; Saturn 27
Taurus retrograde in 9th; Pluto 28 Gemini in 10th; Neptune 24 Cancer in
ZIP: First of all, in the natal chart we can see the power theme really
strongly. Notice the 5th house including the Sun in its own house in
Capricorn—so the King & the Executive mixture. Saturn in the 9th, so
ultimate value connected to power. Both Saturn & Taurus shows the need to
control & manipulate the material world. Pluto in the 10th—the tendency to
move into a managerial role, to run something, to have some kind of control.
And Mars-Mercury-Jupiter all conjunct in the 4th, a very strong combination
there. Two fire planets with Mercury, which rules the Virgo Ascendant and
also the 10th.Sagittarius (fire sign) and Capricorn (earth sign), the fire-earth
mixture there, shown rather emphatically in several combinations. At the
same time, we have a fair amount of air, all the air signs. So we’ve got a
good mind, along with the Mars-Mercury-Jupiter—it can be a phenomenally
good mind. We’ve got idealism also: Venus in Pisces (Venus co-ruling the
1st house with Libra there) and Mars in Sagittarius. I’m quite sure that he
thought he was doing the right thing, that the end justified the means, that he
was the one who could save the world.
Note also the strong Vesta on the angle. This time it’s the 4th cusp angle.
But Vesta on any angle is extra emphasis and can mean a major theme of
commitment to the work, total involvement, focus & dedication. As I
mentioned the other day, his Washington D.C. house cusps were also quite
dramatic—just about 23 Cancer on the MC & 20 Libra rising. So he had his
Sun square the Ascendant in Washington, and his Neptune on the
Midheaven. Anybody that doesn’t believe in local house cusps needs to take
another look. This is so classically appropriate for the idealization of that
power & the use of under-handed, secretive means to try to gain it & keep it.
The importance of his wife & family is also there—4th house-5th house
power. And Juno is right on the Sun. He very much needs that support, that
back up from his family. And he got it without much honesty on his part
since he even lied to his own family about the situation.
Now: We can see in the chart the insecurity of a heavy 4th, of the Aries in
the 7th that is “My power is over there in other people & they’ll use it against
me unless I’m careful.” So he had this great need to get the power himself
with, on the one hand, a kind of grandiosity about his own thing he had to do
in the world, and, on the other hand, a lot of self-doubt & anxiety with south
node in the 1st and the heavy 4th house Capricorn (Mars quincunx Saturn,
The progressed Vertex axis was so impressive here. This was when I
started using it in every chart. I learned about it some years before but I
didn’t use it regularly until after Watergate. And when I found what it was
doing in Nixon’s chart & what a keynote it was, then I started doing it in
everyone’s chart. His vertex was going over that Pluto-Mars-Mercury-
Jupiter combination, that basic wide opposition there. And his local vertex
was going over Neptune & his local Midheaven. And of course to learn
about anything the astrologer looks back. So I looked back to see when the
vertex had gone over the natal Midheaven. And that was when he ran against
Kennedy & was defeated. So I watched the fact that the local vertex was
coming up to the local MC and thought, “Will he—won’t he?” And at that
point of course he was in the Presidency and was eventually thrown out of it.
So remember that any kind of interaction of those angle axes can be
important—any one axis crossing another axis by progressions.
Of course his local MC is at 18 Leo so it’s crossing the 12th house cusp.
And his Mars at the same time is crossing the 6th house cusp. And he
simultaneously had that Mars opposite MC combinations. And when the
whole Watergate thing started, his Mars was on the vertex axis, and his MC
was on the other end of the natal vertex axis. So he had Mars-MC-natal
vertex axis & then progressed vertex axis with Mars-Pluto-Mercury-Jupiter,
& then local progressed vertex with Neptune & local MC. It’s just an
incredible combination of those angles interacting with each other.
Let’s see. His Saturn of course stayed there at 28 Taurus, almost 29. And
it had not long before moved into the quincunx to natal Mars, so that was
another of those things set there as a backdrop. He also had his progressed
Ascendant crossing the 3rd house cusp. So he had several things on the house
cusps. Juno-Mars together on the 6th, MC on the 12th, Ascendant-Pallas on
the 3rd. And of course the media played a big role in the Watergate affair,
especially the Washington Post that kept digging and working to get the
thing out & push it.
The Vesta on the Sun is I think one of the keys to his sense that he had to
have his job; his job was his life, his ego, the whole thing all wrapped up
together in his big thing he was going to do for the world. At the same time,
the MC was just reaching the quincunx to natal Sun when he came down. So
again we have the separation, having to let go of the power very reluctantly.
He had it taken away.
Aries in 6th; north node 10 Taurus in 7th; Jupiter 12 Gemini in 8th; Pluto 19
Cancer in 9th; Neptune 3 Virgo in 11th; Moon 12 Virgo in 11th.]
ZIP: Libra rising and Scorpio in the 1st house; Vesta in Leo in the 10th;
quite a grouping mostly in Sagittarius in the 2nd house with Saturn also in
Sagittarius. Uranus in Aries also. Quite a bit of fire-earth plus Scorpio there.
So it’s the type of chart that I would call a bit of the steamroller. Sun-Mars
conjunction in a fire sign in an earth house trining Uranus in Aries. Air is
present in the chart but the primary feeling we get from it is that it’s a pretty
intense driving kind of person.
There could be a lot of idealism and at the same time the urge to do
something & make it happen with the earth houses. Could be a teacher, a
writer, a very mental person—but a very emotional person too. So we get a
lot of versatility suggested by the mutable emphasis—driving yet diffused &
spread out.
East point opposite natal Saturn is a vital one. That puts Saturn on the
West point. Which is like Saturn opposite the Ascendant. So potential for
some kind of power struggle or contest with other people in the life.
The Sun has been in good aspect to progressed Sun, and it’s just come into
a semi-sextile to Neptune. But then we see Neptune-Sun being square in the
natal chart. We have to remember that the progressions will sometimes just
show the timing on an event but the nature of the event might go back to the
natal chart unless the person changed & grown.
K: Zip, that’s the chart I showed you on the fellow who had [been in a
hospital to arrest a serious bone infection]. I did a chart for him. He is unable
to accept the connection between repressing his own need for love & people,
and with getting sick. What I’m looking for is input from the group. How do
you explain that concept to somebody that if you’re going to repress your
own emotional needs & not allow other people to do things for you that it
does manifest as an illness? So therefore in order to get well, you have to
allow people to start doing things for you.
Zip: Well, if he can’t accept it, then he just can’t accept it. There’s no point
in trying to push it. Just basically here don’t say the emotions cause the
illness but that the emotions make it worse (so that he doesn’t feel like he’s
being asked to take total responsibility for it). The big danger of this “total
responsibility” that we’re actually doing it—I believe it but we don’t usually
say it that way to people!—is because that opens up the danger of adding
just one more negative emotion and cause more trouble. Then they start
feeling guilty. So instead of saying the emotions cause the illness, say it
simply contributes to it—makes it get better or worse.
[His father is a very successful business man and also a very nice man, so
the son constantly compares himself to his father]
Zip: Yeah. The Jupiter in the 10th and the Sagittarius in the 4th can mean
idealized parent, setting too high expectations….The other reason for the
illness if he really has those kinds of unrealistic expectations of himself to
live up to his father is that illness is a way that his unconscious is getting
him off the hook: He can’t be blamed for not being as successful as his
father. Instead of telling him straight out like we saying it here, say to him
that one of the things that he needs to watch is the tendency to expect too
much of himself. And if he can set small goals and make them realistic, that
will help to take the pressure off himself to be a super achiever, to be there
[response to a question about his Freedom-Closeness patterns]: The problem
is, if he has a lot of water he also needs to accept the dependence end of it. If
you’re only able to nurture (you can’t let yourself be dependent) then you’re
blocking that side of you. And it is very common that the only way we can
let ourselves be taken care of is to be sick. So that factor & also the need to
be the super-achiever are probably both playing a role. And if the illness
involves the bones, then it’s definitely connected to power, father, this whole
achievement thing, and the fear of dependency. Of course you can’t just say
that straight out to him. You just say that emotions can help the body throw
off illness and they can hamper it. If we can acknowledge our need for
others to care for us, the urge to be a super-achiever, and to ease up a little
bit on the high aspirations, then this can help to take the pressure off so that
the natural recuperative powers can operate.
[He is not married but dates. It seems that his relationships do not last longer
than six months]
Zip: Well, consciously he says it, but if he hasn’t done it, then
unconsciously he’s afraid of it.
K.: I think what he’s doing is picking women who turn him down, reject
him. One relationship that he keeps clinging to is some girl who just doesn’t
seem to show a whole heck of a lot of interest. From time to time, he says,
she shows a tremendous amount of affection. He said that if she would just
care for him the way he cares for her, this would be the most ideal marriage.
But I really think that he’s attracting people who don’t want him.
Zip: Yeah. That’s one side of Virgo rising and Pisces in the 7th. We’re self-
critical and we pick out others who are critical of us, and we’re looking for
someone more perfect than we are. Then he doesn’t have to be close, to be
permanently committed.
Zip: One of the big things is not focusing so much on the causes of the
illness but to think of practical, small things he can do. It’s a matter of letting
people do things for him when they offer—little things so that he doesn’t get
himself in this whole terrifying trip. Plus setting a timetable on his
aspirations, taking satisfaction from each small accomplishment along the
way. So the big thing isn’t trying to convert him to believe that he is causing
the illness. The big thing is encouraging him that he can take these small
steps to make it better, regardless of the cause….Anything a person can do
that gives a sense of power in the life is going to help the illness.
Bill: So he gets his need for achievement squared away but he’ll still want
that need for love pretty strongly.
Zip: Ah-ha. And if he thinks he wants to be really close, then he has to get
in touch with the part of him that doesn’t want that—the part of him that
really wants to maintain some space. The thing is, the more we want the
closeness with all the Cancer & 4th house & Leo, and the more we want the
independence with the Uranus power & Mars in Sagittarius, the more it is an
irreconcilable conflict. What the person tends to do is to stay only conscious
of one side, the other side gets pushed into the unconscious, & the
unconscious always wins. So the more you’re conscious of wanting to be
close, the more he manages unconsciously to see that he doesn’t.
K.: He’s pretty overweight. He’s somebody who is really feeding his
K.: You mentioned that when progressed Moon reaches progressed Mars—
you know, Mars being tied to the principle of infection…
Zip: Mars is the ability to fight for ourselves, to fight off infection. If you
can’t fight off infection, then it’s playing victim—you turn in your
aggressive power against yourself. And also with the lungs & breathing
difficulties, it’s often because we’re not saying what we’d like to say—
whether it’s asking or even crying for help—you’re blocking that need, not
allowing yourself to let it out.
Zip: If he can get the idea that he start to like himself, then he’s much more
likely to attract other people who will like him. But the more we’re critical
of ourselves the more we attract other people who’ll do that to us, and be
more vulnerable. He has to start practicing self- acceptance & setting
reasonable standards & aspirations. He’s got to accept himself as he is. So
it’s all over the place: I ought to be perfect, but I’m not making it.
[ANOTHER CHART: A MALE. October 11, 1942. Mid-Virgo rising,
Neptune in Libra in the 1st; Venus/Mars/Mercury/Sun stellium in Libra in
2nd; Moon in Scorpio in 3rd;Uranus in 9th; Saturn conjunct MC 10th house
side; Jupiter in Cancer in 11th and also Pluto in Leo there.]
[E.: He was a Jim Jones follower but escaped. Homosexual, into smoking
pot a lot.
water in general often can be just a floater, just want to watch the show go
by & be taken care of, be a spectator. Notice the dwad difference. The
previous Virgo rising chart had a Capricorn dwad, a super achiever. This
guy has the Pisces dwad, the dreamer & victim potential….and of course the
Neptune in the 1st house.
E.: That’s the way he comes across. He’s charming & delightful &
Now: The first thing I do when I look at a chart is look for THEMES
[messages repeated over & over again]. If something is there only once, it’s
not that important. But if it’s there over & over in the chart, it’s obviously a
highly central part of the character, and therefore important….
Zip: We see an air emphasis here. Air is the element of the intellect, the
conscious mind, the ability to handle abstracts, to conceptualize with the
mind & use language, learn & communicate, and deal with people as equals.
You can see here a nice grand air trine, a lot of it in fire houses (though
some of it in the 8th). In the 1st house East Point, like another Ascendant, and
Antivertex, are in Aquarius with Venus in the middle. In the 5th house we
have Uranus in Gemini. And in the 8th house Pallas & Chiron are closely
conjunct with Neptune in Libra, and Vesta in the 9th, etc. The fire houses
really encourages the air to come right out. Air & fire feed each other, just
like fanning a flame. So they will encourage bringing this intellectual
activity straight out into the open, doing it in a personally creative way. And
what often happens is that other people spark the person’s own intellect, and
there’s usually a good sense of humor with air & fire—a person who can
laugh at life and at themselves.
Libra is the air sign that has more trouble doing that because they are
somewhat emotionally vulnerable, needing other people to like them & to
approve of them, needing harmony in the relationship. Gemini & Aquarius
are usually quite capable of thumbing the nose especially if they are fueled
by Aries & Sagittarius fire. Leo fire is more vulnerable of the fire signs,
needing emotional admiration & response back from the world, so they are
more touchy, more sensitive, more ego-vulnerable. The interpersonal air &
fire (Libra & Leo) are more sensitive than the others which are either
personal or transpersonal. So, at any rate, we get the strong asset there of a
good intellect for analyzing the world in an abstract way, the ability to learn
& communicate, deal with people as equals, and enjoy life too.
Now: Mercury of course also is part of the intellect, and Mercury here is
in Capricorn that adds some seriousness to the mind, thoroughness, the
ability to handle details, to be organized, practical, productive. And it’s in
high focus in the chart because it is conjunct the Ascendant angle, therefore
it again emphasizes the really basic importance of the intellect. The fact that
it is in the 12th house side makes it if anything even more important than in
the 1st house side because it has roots in the unconscious. The person will be
doing it quite unconsciously & instinctively & automatically. But since it is
Mercury, it is also done consciously because inherently by its own nature,
Mercury represents consciousness. So we get the combination here of
tremendous inner unconscious drive to use the mind, to express with the
mind. And with Capricorn being the sign of the professional role in life, our
status in the world, our handling of power—a mental career is indicated.
Now: Mars being in Sagittarius [MUTABLE SIGN] also will pick up the
emphasis on the mind. But where air [GEMINI ESPECIALLY] is the world
right around us right here, Sagittarius (OPPOSITE MUTABLE SIGN]
always looks further. It wants truth with a capita; “T.” the ultimate meaning
of things, goals & ideals & values, the search for faith & trust & meaning, a
sense of direction in life. Mars is like the Ascendant: personal action that’s
automatic & instinctive without stopping to think about it. We just do it. It
says that the person was just born with that tendency to do that right from
the beginning. Mars in Sagittarius is interesting in that search for the
absolute [WANTING THE BEST, etc]. Depending on the person, this can
go in many ways. In a chart with this much air it’s almost certainly going to
go into further use of the mind, intellectual pursuits. But if this was a chart
heavy on fire or earth, it might go in other directions. Sometimes combining
Sagittarius with Letter One [Mars/Aries/1st house/Ascendant/Antivertex/East
Point] is just someone who loves sports, physical activity—or travel, what’s
over the next hill. Or they can show a basic confidence in themselves that at
times can be excessive, leading to excesses of all kinds including gambling,
excess indulgence, and so forth. But where the chart is primarily focused on
the intellect, then it’s likely to join in with the rest of the chart & support the
quest for knowledge. And with that of course goes the urge [TYPICAL FOR
AIR] to share knowledge with others—not just to discover it for ourselves
but to give it to the world as well. So there’s the perpetual student & natural
teacher kind of theme when you get the air emphasis, especially combined
with Sagittarius [MUTABILITY].
Another of the basic themes that we can pick up would be the need for
human relatedness, especially concerned with the mate since we have the 7th
house-8th house really emphasized. Venus in the 1st house of identity can go
that way also, but we couldn’t assume it automatically since it is in the sign
THE CUSP OF THE 7TH]. So the need for a partner, the need for someone
else she can do things with, where she can share experiences, is also very
important. This includes Juno widely conjunct the 7th house cusp, though in
the 6th house side. It includes Pallas in the 8th house in the Libra sign, plus a
whole variety of emphasis there thru Cancer, Leo, Jupiter, etc. connected
there with the need for a mate, need for closeness (Juno in Cancer).
Now of course this includes marriage of course but it’s not limited to that.
We can have business associations. And it’s very typical to find strong 7th-8th
house emphasis in a chart in counselors of all kinds, consultants, who work
with other people. It’s not an either-or. The person may be married, may
have business partners, and they may be in a consulting-counseling field—
all in a range of possibilities.
The Virgo over there in the 8th house, and Saturn tight on the 7th house
cusp [Descendant] and Juno in the 6th house of work & service, and Vesta
[Virgo asteroid] in Libra, and to some degree Ceres in Libra—all bring in
this theme of working with people or picking partners who are workers. That
can go both ways too. This can be a partner who is a hard worker—a
conscientious, responsible, capable person who can cope with the world.
And it can also just mean that she works with other people in some kind of
teamwork, cooperative efforts in her job in the world.
There is also the parent theme coming in with that mixture of Juno in
Cancer, Cancer in the 7th house, and Ceres in Libra. Here we are connecting
parent with partner. Now: This can mean that we play parent to our mate, or
that we pick a mate who will play parent to us, or we take turns—which is
the way we want to work it out. If we take turns being parent to each other,
then we have a real partnership. If one person has all the power…for
example, if she projected that earth potential in her own nature into the
partner & picked a partner to do all the work & play parent & have all the
power, then there would be no partnership. Eventually, one or the other
usually will get dissatisfied with the situation. Sometimes the “parent” gets
tired of carrying the load, but it is much more common for the “child” to get
frustrated with their lack of power & try to move towards more equality.
Now in this case where we have a lot of air in the chart, it’s much more
likely that the person would feel that need for equality. Plus with the earth
sign rising they would be aware of their need to do something productive in
life with their own energy. So it’s more likely that the individual would
work out a balance. So it’s important to share the effort, to be able to have a
give & take kind of teamwork where the partners take turns playing parent
with each other.
Now bringing the keys to parents into this area usually means that the
parents are kind of important—the person’s own parents—in their attitudes
towards relationships. I don’t think so much that the parent creates the
attitude in the child, which is the usual psychological assumption: seeing
children as blank states that are stamped by their environment. I think rather
that we come where we fit—we fit the horoscope, we fit the parents, and we
have a chance to learn something from the parents (their interaction with
each & with us about partnership). We see in this chart Ceres in Libra,
Saturn on the cusp of the 7th house, and Juno in Cancer. So if we think back
about that early relationship with the parents & their relationship with each
other, this usually will throw some light about what we’re working on in our
own development of this capacity to be a peer, to be an equal, to have
teamwork with someone else.
Sun, a ruler of the 7th & 8th houses, in the 12th house in the sign of
Sagittarius. Theme of idealizing partnership or looking for the ideal
relationship or the ideal person or picking out someone else that we can play
God to (that would incline back towards being in a helping profession). It’s
fine to do it professionally. If we’re in a helping profession where we
provide this kind of idealistic assistance to others, it’s fine. If it becomes a
one-sided savior/victim relationship in personal relationships where we’re
supposed to be equals, then it’s a disaster. Far worse than the parent/child
situation if we pick victims that we’re going to save, or if we pick someone
else who thinks he’s going to save us. The victim almost always ends up
being very resentful & frustrated in the situation & wanting to get even. This
may be quite unconscious, and there’s many ways to get even. The victim
can cheat on the other person, you know, and play games with them & prove
in very subtle ways that the other person really doesn’t have that power over
them. Or they can just nag at them & criticize them, you know, “You’re
supposed to be a savior; you’re not saving me well enough, do more!” They
say, “Do something bigger for me. It’s not good enough!” Or they can just
be super-victim: “You want to carry me? I’ll let you!”
So there are a variety of ways that it can turn into a disaster. But if we’re
both contributing to the other, & if we’re realistic in our expectations, if we
don’t literally turn it into an idolatry so that it has to be a perfect relationship
or else we’re not satisfied—then it can be worked out. Both people can just
value the relationship enough to work at it, to try to make it a good one. And
again air is usually helpful for this because air is aware, air is objective, air is
detached, &b they will see what’s really there & accept it. So normally this
savior thing is not going to be a problem if there’s a lot of air in the chart. I
still mention it but the counteracting factors seem to suggest that it probably
would not be a serious problem. But there would be a high value placed on
relationships, and the individual would likely to really try to work hard to
form a good relationship.
Since Saturn is right on the angle, often there is some kind of major
challenge connected to authority or power in the early life. This may be
something like for kids born during the war—a father who has gone to war,
separation from the father in the early life. Or it can be something connected
with grandparents also (1st house-7th house). Sometimes it’s a grandparent
playing the parent’s role when you get the Cancer-Capricorn axis across the
1st and the 7th. But I will often explore with the person what the early
relationship was with the father. Sometimes it’s just a difficult birth—there’s
a long labor. I think when this happens it’s because the mother is really
ambivalent about the whole thing about being a mother, and so there’s a
tendency to fight it, to resist it, to delay it. The person may consciously want
it very much but unconsciously be afraid of it, be reluctant to give up one’s
freedom. Sometimes there are health problems for the mother or the child at
the start of life. Again, Saturn represents something where we have to learn
the limits, learn the rules, learn what we can do, can’t do, and what we have
to do. And sometimes the lesson is just that we can’t do everything we want
to do! The lesson is we just have to do the best we can with the
circumstances & then let it go, accept it.
But confronting that whole issue of power & equality is suggested very
early in life. We really in effect have a cardinal T-square with Saturn in that
position because we have Saturn representing Capricorn in the sign of
Cancer in the house of Libra. So we’re putting together three sides of the
cardinal dilemma in that one planet in that placement. And of course it’s
opposite the Ascendant the Ascendant which is like Aries, so we have in
effect a full cardinal cross out of that one planet. It says, “I have to put
together independence, dependence, equality, & power, and to find a place
for each of them—and right from beginning of life because it is right on the
Saturn will be going back into the 6th house, so it would last for some
years at the early life. But that also means that it’s actually more likely to be
resolved because it will move out of the opposition to the Ascendant. And
Saturn is fairly comfortable in a work house (earth 6th house). It fits its own
nature. It can devote itself to work & stop power struggling with people, or
being critical with people, or picking people who are critical of us, & get out
of playing father or picking fathers, & just go into teamwork. So I think it’s
a rather an actually positive placement for it to be retrograding into the 6th
house & showing the ability to work out a give & take teamwork in the job,
& again to work with people as part of the work to do teamwork with other
we have another place in the life where we can have power in our job (where
it belongs), that handles that need. And somewhere else we have a little
space for independence where we can do our own thing with our own
hobbies, our own personal interests, feel confidence in ourselves, feel self-
reliant—then that handles that side of the nature.
Now: Generally speaking when we have that much power in the 7th & 8th
and Libra, the partnership is the primary things to be worked out. But we do
have the Cancer & the Leo and the Uranus in the 5th, so we would also
expect the possibility of having children. The Uranus aspects are mostly
quite positive but you note it is quincunx the Ascendant. Just the fact that it’s
Uranus suggests ambivalence between getting really into the procreation
business & staying independent. Or it suggests being parent versus being
equal & friends. Usually there is a tendency with air towards having two
children. Air has to have two at least because it has to have somebody to talk
to. With fire it says, “I’ve done that. Now I can do something else. I don’t
have to do that again!” With Uranus there or Aquarius they tend to make
friends with their children, let them be peers, equals very early in life.
Gemini tends in that way too—brothers & sisters, you know, equalitarian.
So being open & accepting & communicating.
The independence emphasis with the Aquarius & the Sagittarius &
Uranus in a wide opposition to Mars, as well as quincunx the Ascendant, all
shows that we do also have some sort of the freedom-closeness dilemma.
Now you’ve heard me say that until you get sick of it, I’m sure ! But it’s
such a theme in our culture today. We have it here with Leo opposite
Aquarius, with anything in the 7th house opposite or quincunx the 1st house,
and the 5th house quincunx the 1st house also. Mars and antivertex form a
quincunx to the north node of the Moon in Cancer. You can have any of the
freedom signs (Aries-Sagittarius-Aquarius) versus any of the four
relationship signs (Cancer-Leo-Libra-Scorpio) in conflict aspects showing
different variations on the freedom-closeness theme. Part of us wants to
really do our own thing & not be tied down while part of our nature really
wants a relationship & make a commitment. This can be solved only by
having both. The only solution is to find some kind of compromise position
where we get some space for our own identity & our own needs, and still
have a committed relationship that we can enjoy, that we can share life with
Now: There is a bit of the Mutable Dilemma too. It’s not real strong in this
chart but you can see some of it with the Moon in Pisces widely square
Uranus in Gemini; Uranus widely opposite Mars, and Mars widely square
Jupiter in Virgo, But just the very fact that there’s that much air &
Sagittarius will tend to encourage more of that kind of mutable dilemma that
is interested in absolutely everything. They want to know a little bit about
everything! It is hard to know a little bit of everything & still do something
really well. So just having that much air added to Sagittarius and in potential
conflict with Capricorn & Virgo that wants to be really thorough, narrow the
focus, and really zero in on one small area. For some people this means a
tendency to just feel chronically like whatever they did it wasn’t enough—it
should’ve been more or better! They just live that way all the time over-
extended, in a race against time.
And that’s one of the big Saturn themes, by the way: Time is one of the
things Saturn represents. There is just so much time & energy, and you have
to be able to budget it. That is where a clear value hierarchy is extremely
important so you can say, “This is the most important thing to do first, and
that is the next most important to do next” and so on down the line, and
then have a little time left over to do activities that are purely for fun (which
the air really wants)! Air wants to do it lightly, casually, superficially, and it
doesn’t matter because you’re not supposed to do everything well. But
sometimes when you get the Capricorn and the Virgo strong, the person
really gets hung up on that—that old saying, “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth
doing well.” That is total nonsense is applied everywhere. There are a lot of
things that you can do just for fun. So I think that there should be one or two
areas that we do really well, and the rest for fun & entertainment.
The Pisces Moon and Mars in Sagittarius both show instinctive idealism,
but the Capricorn rising, its ruler on an angle, and south node in the 1st tend
towards self-criticism. So we do have some of that danger often associated
with the mutable dilemma of saying, “I ought to be perfect. I ought to never
make a mistake. But look at the flaws! I’m not making it!” Again this is
where the air helps. Both air and Taurus has the capacity to say, “Well, this
is the way the world is. Don’t sweat it. You don’t have to make it all
perfect.” So the Moon being in the Taurus-2nd house is also helpful on that
score. So it seems to me that although there is some of that mutable dilemma
there—to many interest & talents & getting over-extended & feeling like no
matter what you did it should’ve been better—I think there’s enough to
counteract it so that it’s probably not a critical problem, just something still
worth mentioning.
Those are probably the major themes that I pick out in the chart. I can also
mention artistic talent as another probable ability with the strong Libra
emphasis, the Venus in the 1st house, and the Pisces Moon in the 2nd house.
Venus and Neptune are also trine. That’s probably one of the strongest
statements you can have on artistic talent—a Venus-Neptune aspect, the two
planets of beauty. Here & now everyday pleasure & beauty of Venus
coupled with the search for the ideal absolute love & beauty of Neptune. So
it certainly shows artistic talent from the past that of course could be
expressed in any number of ways. With one person it’ll come out as
gardening. Someone else will design her own clothes. With someone else
it’ll be music, dancing or whatever.
The girl I did last night had just a loaded 2nd house with Venus & Neptune
both there. It was mostly Scorpio. She was in a business job and she was not
really happy with it. She’s in a stockbroker job working with investments
that fits the Taurus-Scorpio but she wished she could do something
idealistic. At the same time she’s been involved with dancing & really pulled
towards being a flamingo dancer. She apparently has enough talent so that
she might make it. So she wants to make money to fulfill that Cancer-
Capricorn security-oriented part of her nature, and Scorpio in the 2nd house,
including Saturn there—but also do the artistic things and also the
idealistic/spiritual theme with Pisces in the 6th and Jupiter in the 10th.
Bill: “Yeah. Just a comment. I would think that she would have some sort
of involvement being an actress or into dramatics or showmanship because
look at all those factors: Sun in the 12th; the ruler of the 5th in the 12th; the
ruler of the 1st in the 5th. So I was wondering if she was involved in drama
school or anything like that?”
N.: “No, I never have. But strangely enough I got into waitressing, which is
very very theatrical. And I was successful at it. I enjoyed that element of it.”
Zip: Yeah. Often with Capricorn rising and the south node in the 1st
house in Capricorn there’s a self-consciousness, a self-doubt at the start or
early part of the life that inhibits the dramatic instincts, even though it may
be there. Often there’s a kind of inhibition until the person gains confidence.
The Venus in Aquarius in the 1st helps to counteract that because Venus in
the 1st tends to be very comfortable—you know, “I like myself, I have a
right to enjoy myself.” Nevertheless that Saturn opposite the Ascendant, and
the Capricorn south node in the 1st would’ve meant some degree of shyness
& self-doubt in the very early life.
N.: “On the whole that was just incredibly impressive, Zip. I really like
your approach. It’s so total. I’ve always delineated in these little fragments
of focus. I’d like you to look at something for me: There has been a
tremendously traumatic difficult relationship with the mother. She and my
father were divorced when I was four. I had no relationship with him. With
the mother it’s been very intense, painful. I left home when I was 16.”
Zip: Well, the main theme that shows around the mother is the
perfectionism theme, like you could never please her, never satisfy her—or
she could never please you, satisfy you. That could go either way or both
because the Pisces Moon and Ceres in the 9th both tie the mother to the
search for ideals. So this would mean that the whole mutable dilemma
critical disappointment/high expectations thing was centered on the
relationship with the mother, and that you were having to work that out with
her. You really had to get into your air potential of being accepting &
comfortable with people as they are.
N.: “You were right about the dominant air theme that has always `
enabled me to pull back & detach myself from the emotionalism, and watch
it instead of drowning in it…My total role model for mother was a
grandmother who virtually raised me.”
Zip: Yeah. I felt that there was at least one good relationship with a
female figure & that it might be a grandmother because the Venus there
really is part of the grand trine in air, and it does suggest one female model
who was a positive loving figure (accepting & comfortable) that is far
different from the Pisces and the 9th house that want it to be perfect. So it’s
very often you & your mother both expecting too much of each other.
N.: “And another subtle undercurrent that you picked up so readily, the
tendency to be an over-achiever all thru school…”
Zip: Good. You had enough air to save you from that part of your nature!
N.: And the children. They’re just turning six and we’re starting to build
an air relationship now. I was instinctively uncomfortable when they were
little—constant parent, total parent.
Zip: Yeah. You’ll really have a good time with your kids as they get up to
the age of intellect where you can be friends.
N.: And there’s two of course. That’s all we’re going to have!
NEXT CHART: 3 Libra rising; Neptune in 2nd; south node in 3rd; Juno and
Pallas in Aquarius in 5th; Moon-Ceres-Saturn in Pisces in 6th with Chiron;
Mercury in Aries in 7th; Sun-Vesta-Venus in Taurus in 8th; Jupiter and north
nodes in Gemini in 9th; Mars-Uranus-Pluto in Virgo in the 12th.
ZIP: Notice that the first major theme we pick up on is a full mutable
dilemma Gemini says, “I just want to watch the world go by & know a little
bit of everything. It’s enough to be a spectator, talk about life, and be curious
about everything.” The Virgo says, “I ought to do something really well.
I’ve really got to narrow my focus & be thorough & conscientious & capable
& productive in order to really accomplish something.” Both of those are
basically just involved in the world right around us. Then the Sagittarius
says, “I’m looking for truth, the nature of reality.” And Pisces says, “I
shouldn’t have to do anything but just be, one with the Universe, just
absorbed into those experience of infinite love & beauty.” The factors
include Moon and Pluto and the nodes of the Moon—so that adds a
considerable chunk of water to the picture….Moon is in Pisces with Saturn
and Ceres (key to mother). [PARENTS]. So the whole search for ideals &
values & the attempt to sort this out, make sense of the world & get a sense
of bearing is very much connected to the relationship with the
parents.[Mars-Uranus-Pluto in Virgo in 12th opposite Moon-Ceres-Saturn]
There are three basic choices with lots of variations in that Virgo-Pisces
axis. It can be the artist-craftsman who accomplishes something that creates
beauty in the world. It can be the savior, the healer-helper who makes a
more ideal world with their ministration. The third choice is the victim. The
victim is the person who has a beautiful dream about how the world ought to
be but hasn’t found a way to get there, to reach that dream. So they may be
looking for it in very ineffective ways. The more serious ways are alcohol,
drugs, psychosis, illness. Less serious ways are fantasy, life in front of the
television, romantic movies or novels, sleep—an escape into our own dream
world. Where e don’t have to face the fact that the world is not as ideal &
beautiful as it ought to be. And of course we are not as ideal & beautiful as
we ought to be!
We have to notice when they move in the right direction because there is
under the surface this tendency to feel like “I could’ve done it better; it
should’ve been better; it’s not good enough.” Then we run the risk of just
giving up & not doing anything (which is the Pisces negative potential), or
getting sick—that way they can play victim & get someone else to do it for
Note that Mars is the natural ruler of the Ascendant and is in Virgo in the
Pisces house. The Moon, the unconscious tendencies from the past, is of
course in Pisces in the Virgo-6th house. Venus, ruling the 1st house Libra, is
in the 8th house conjunct Vesta [Virgo asteroid] to further compound the
challenge. This is the tendency to be self-critical. In contrast, the Taurus
power & Libra in the 1st are Venus-ruled, and they tend to be self-accepting.
So again part of the nature is saying, “Look at the flaws. I’m not doing it
well enough.” And part of the nature is saying, “I’m really ok. It’s the rest of
the world that is out of line. They ought to give it to me. It ought to come
easy, and everything ought to be beautiful. What’s the matter with the
world??—it isn’t!”
And the fact that the ruler of the 1st house [OF PERSONAL ACTION &
IDENTITY] is in the 8th house, and we have Aries in the 7th, brings in still
another facet. Remember, when we put any form of Letter One—Aries-
Mars-1st house ruler—over in the 7th or 8th houses of other people, we’re
potentially saying, “I don’t have the power anymore. The world has it.”
There are six ways of dealing with that—three of them painful, three of them
positive. The painful ways are:
(1) “You really do have the power. I might as well give in & let you
do it because I can’t. I’ll be the doormat & please you because I’ll
only like myself if you like me. And I’ll try to persuade you to
support me & take care of me because I can’t do it.”
(2) “The Hitler or Jim Jones variation: “I’ll get you first. If I have all
the power, then I’ll be safe.”
(3) “I’ll just retreat from the whole thing. If I don’t get close, I won’t
get hurt. I’ll just hide & wall people off emotionally & avoid.”
can lose and find out that we’re not wiped out; and we can win &
find out that we don’t have to wipe out the other person.
(3) Then of course we can help people.
And usually a chart with Virgo & Pisces needs that kind of outlet. They
really need to find a way that they can help other people. That savior role is
right for the Virgo-Pisces axis. This is the vision of the perfect world
(Pisces) and the willingness to work to build it (Virgo), to do something to
make the world more perfect. But it’s important that if we do the helping
role that we do not do it all the time, that we let someone else do some of it
some of the time. Then we have give & take. The individual who ends up
trying to do it all, trying to play Atlas with the whole world on his back,
can’t let anybody else do anything for them, is an uncomfortable position,
and if they keep it up too long they’ll have back problems.
The Mercury in Aries adds a quick sharp mind & often tongue to the
mixture. One type of rivalry that might be good would be like debating.
Mercury in Aries likes to argue frequently. It’s a game & they get a kick out
of it. If it’s done in a healthy & constructive place where it belongs, then it’s
fine. But it’s a good way for the person to build their mental abilities & to
discover their strengths & learn how to do it in fair ways. Another potential
area for developing talents & a sense of strength is of course the artistic area
where we get the strong Taurus, Neptune in the Venus house & in
opposition to Venus even though it’s wide. We also get the Libra rising and
the Pisces. So we get the potential for considerable artistic talent, feeling for
beauty, the aesthetic side of life. It might go into music, dancing, arts &
crafts, pottery, photography, whatever. Since her mother is into pottery, this
would be a natural for her if there isn’t too much of a contest going on with
the mother. The Saturn-Ceres-Moon combination in the 6th house could
mean that she would work in a field related to her parents, one or both
parents. Yet it has to be her own choice.
The Vesta prominence [conjunct Sun] in the chart just strongly reiterates
the Virgo theme: the need to do something really well. You’ll remember that
Vesta-Sun conjunctions have been present in a number of people with
absolutely outstanding ability. Three of I think the great psychotherapists of
our time—Alfred Adler, Fritz Perls, Carl Jung—all have a Vesta-Sun
conjunction. Kathryn Kuhlman & the most impressive of the psychic
surgeons in the Philippines both have a Vesta-Sun conjunction (spiritual
healers). People with mind-over-matter potential, the ability for total focus,
complete commitment & concentration on something have that Vesta
There is some help from the air. It’s not as much air as in the last chart but
some of the same repetition. The air does tend to be able to detach from this
intense emotional frustration. You’ll note the air signs in the fire houses.
The chart strongly suggests that she will move towards more air as she
matures & grows, this ability to detach & take things lightly & not get totally
hung up on the perfectionistic dissatisfaction.
to perfection, so you might as well enjoy the journey! If we’re kicking
ourselves because we haven’t arrived yet, it’s rather a waste of energy.
Think in terms of bite-sized goals, small steps to move toward the big goal
& enjoy the process of taking those small steps—little steps that give us a
sense of progress towards the big goal. So moderate, reasonable
expectations, and action, are both necessary. If we set our goals at a level we
can’t reach, we’re never satisfied with ourselves. So we have to set
expectations that are possible, and be doing something to realize those
So there needs to be a place for cooperation, the give & take; for helping
people; for healthy rivalry where it fits, where it’s appropriate—healthy
competition, in sports & games, including debating. And there needs to be a
place where the artistic talent can be expressed because it does look as if it’s
pretty strong—whether it comes as craftsmanship or music or something
else. And encouraging the ability to take things lightly; to be serious about a
few things in life, but not everything.
she could project it & then she’d keep picking free souls who wouldn’t stay
in the relationship. They would just get involved & then take off, not willing
to get very close. Or vice versa. She could be identified with the freedom
and pick someone else who is very conservative and serious and
conscientious, and she would maintain her own right to do her own thing in
her own way, enjoy what she enjoys, meet her own needs, regardless of how
the partner felt about it.
Very charismatic & magnetic combinations, Mars & Venus. It’s your
ability to enjoy life and be able to project your own strengths, and other
people are attracted by that. So Mars-Venus aspects, even the stress aspects,
are often magnetic & charismatic & attractive to the opposite sex. But it may
be easy to attract them and not so easy to maintain a relationship! So we’d
expect her to attract other people, to feel the need for other people, but the
difficulty is maintaining a comfortable relationship.
Bill: “Or ambivalence within your own nature whether that’s what you
really want.”
ZIP: Yeah. Vulnerability to other people & the need to have others be
impressed. That’s part of that ruler of the 1st house over in the 8th house, and
the Aries in the 7th. You know, “My sense of self-worth depends on how you
are reacting, so I have to be impressive so that you will be impressed by
me.” Is she doing anything with crafts?
ZIP: So she’s really doing the negative Pisces trip. Yeah. And she hates
herself, even tho she may not say so. She really hates herself until she is
doing something Virgo.
M.: “She’s failing every subject in school. And her boyfriend is still in
probation. He’s been suspended from school. And it’s really pathetic how
totally she’s unmotivated to do anything, and yet she’s so bright.”
ZIP: Yeah. The ability is there but she has not found the thing that she
really feels fulfilled by. That’s the real danger of the Pisces-Virgo: “Until I
find the perfect thing that I can do perfectly, I won’t do anything. She’s got
to find something that she can do well. When they don’t try, that’s really
rough because that’s the extreme of Pisces—you know, “Until I can do it
well, I won’t do it at all.”—which means we never do it at all despite the
It’s interesting that Mars, the ruler of the 8th, being in the 12th house:
picking out a victim for a partner. [HE’S BEEN JAILED FOR 2
MURDER AT ONLY 15 YEARS OLD] Yeah. So she’s really projecting
her aggression. That’s one real danger with Aries in the 7th house or Mars
there—projecting your own aggression & picking out really violent &
aggressive people who are doing what you can’t let yourself do. And of
course her mutables are just the opposite & want to live in the head. So that
aggressive part of her nature is being projected into this boy. The problem is,
if it gets too extreme, she will invite him to do it to her. So unless she finds
her strength & starts doing something herself, she really is setting herself up
to be the victim. If she just spends time sleeping & watching television, her
energy is still bottled up. And there is really an enormous amount of
repressed anger & rage in the chart with the Mars-Uranus totally
unexpressed. She could get this out thru, say, psych-drama or acting or
The Mercury in Aries is the one I call the mind of the debater & tongue
like a sword. But again, if the person is inhibiting it themselves in the 7th
house, they’re going to project it and attract other people who are feisty &
argumentative & verbally aggressive.
[REINSTES THE THEME] and it can be good, bad or indifferent. If you put
Mars in the sign of Saturn, and Saturn in the sign of Mars, you’ve just got
the same problem stated twice: working out your will & the limits of your
will. So mutual reception by sign or by house just says that’s an important
part of your nature, so pay attention.
Now: The possible danger when you get an over-emphasis in one area is
that of imbalance with other areas of life being neglected. We do have the
Libra emphasis there and the 7th house and Venus in the 1st. So the need for a
partner, a mate, for sharing life with someone else is also a fairly strong
theme in the chart. This means of course we have to integrate. If we get hung
up on our need to “I belong to humanity, to the search for knowledge,” that
can set up road blocks to the time & energy needed into building
relationships. If we can integrate them, we have room for both.
There is also the Ceres in the 5th house and Jupiter in the 4th which can
mean the interest in the family. Jupiter idealizes wherever it is placed,
looking for an ideal. It’s a dilemma when we put it in the 4th house because
on the one hand it’s saying, “I don’t want to be trapped” and yet, on the
other hand, it says, “But I really want an ideal home & family.” So if we can
manage it financially, the ideal is to have a permanent home and also travel!
The tendency with Taurus there is to want a beautiful home. This can go into
gardening, or remodeling the home, or a person who builds their own house.
But a spiritual or intellectual emphasis there right in the early home, and
connected to one of the parents since it is the 4th house. Since we also have
Saturn in the 9th conjunct Neptune, and we have the Moon in Pisces, we get
that theme of the ideal parent repeated in the chart more than once. This may
mean a parent who was religious. It may mean a parent who was just very
bright, intellectual, one with high standards, high expectations. Sometimes
it’s a parent who’s in a vocation that’s humanitarian, helping the world,
saving the world in some way.
Ceres in the 5th normally does want children. It’s the instinct for nurturing,
but in Gemini we’d expect not a lot (two again!). And again the instinct is to
be friends, equals, peers, like a brother or sister. Mercury, the ruler, in the
11th house repeats the same message, the Aquarian message. Although the
children might be somewhat idealized with Mercury in Sagittarius, there still
is the major emphasis on bright kids that we can talk to, enjoying that
intellectual interaction, just having a comfortable relationship. That’s of
course particularly the case when there are trines to the 1st house, and
Mercury of the 5th sextile that.
In the end, the major dilemma would probably be the freedom closeness
one: instinct for independence really strong in the nature and yet the need for
home & mate also strong. The nodes in Leo-Aquarius across the Aries-Libra
houses, and south node in the house of Libra, and Saturn in the sign of Libra,
all repeat the same message: needing to maintain that equalitarian
relationship where both people accept each other as they are, allow them to
be themselves, have their own interests & identity, and yet have a lasting
commitment. Putting Uranus in the 7th of course is saying the same thing:
the need for the relationship to be a friendship where both people accept
each other as they are, and give each other space. If that’s worked out it can
be a really good relationship. Of course Uranus trines the Moon quite
closely, more widely trine Pallas, and sextile Jupiter, so it does have some
support suggesting that capacity for integration. Pluto in the 7th sextile the
Saturn & Neptune in Libra is also helpful for that integration. Uranus being
associated with modern technology (and also astrology) it could be one of
the shared interests in the partnership, and her husband is in computers,
which fits the Uranus.
In terms of the professional role that might be picked, we have the mental
emphasis there again. Gemini in the 6th house; Mercury, the ruler, in the
11thn in Sagittarius; Pluto ruling the 19th in the 7th—air house but in Leo
wanting more emotional ties, wanting something a little deeper & closer
than just pure intellect & detachment and just being friends. The air &
Sagittarius is very suitable for teaching but the Cancer & Leo & Scorpio are
attracted to something a little more emotionally deep like counseling. And
just the general focus on Aquarius often fits the attraction to astrology, the
non-traditional, non-conventional, broadest possible mental grasp about life
& human nature, a different way to conceptualize life.
You often get an interesting mixture when you get the Capricorn rising
which says, “I am identified with father. Father is a role model,” but the
Aquarius says, “I am like nobody else! I am myself & unique.” Although
sometimes you can have a friend as a role model with the Aquarius, have a
friend who is really important, like a mirror that reflects back to ourselves,
see ourselves thru someone else. And anytime you get the Capricorn-Cancer
axis in the 1st and 7th houses you have the potential for a grandparent being
part of the parent role—any interchange of houses 1 & 7 with 4 & 10.
There really isn’t that much earth in the chart—just the Sun in Capricorn
and Jupiter in Taurus. Chiron is on the Ascendant in Capricorn. So it’s an
interesting combination suggesting that some of that instinct for work &
accomplishment was brought in from the past, was there in the beginning,
but it’s going to be carried further since the Sun is there in the 12th in
Capricorn. But the chart really emphasizes other elements far more than the
earth. Air is very strong obviously and fire is also strong, and water. The
major focus would be on doing something with the mind, not on physical
accomplishments—unless it is something artistic.
The Mars rulership of the 3rd house and Mercury, the natural ruler, in
Sagittarius, and Mars in its own house in Aquarius often means a quick,
sharp mind—and tongue potentially. Fire-air is the practical jokester. Very
keen and incisive sense of humor—truth at any cost, even if it hurts. This
can horrify the Saturn-Neptune conjunction since Saturn says, “Be careful;
make sure you’re doing the right thing” while the Neptune says, “Don’t hurt
anybody.” There is some of the mutable dilemma here with the Sagittarius
square Pisces: Sagittarius being truth at any cost, and Pisces being kindness,
feel for people, don’t hurt anybody.”
Bill: “Ok. I was curious about that fixed T-square of Venus opposite south
node square to that Jupiter in the 4th. Now could you see that as some sort of
power struggle in some way with the ability to enjoy oneself?”
ZIP: It could be but Aquarius & Taurus are really less likely to get into
power struggles. Aquarius is so detached & intellectually involved, and
Taurus just wants to be comfortable. I interpret it mainly as a freedom-
closeness issue. “I want to be really emotionally involved but I don’t want to
lose my own individuality, and no one should tell me what to do.” It’s not
any desire to put power on other people but resisting having other people put
power on her. Taurus will resist having comfort taken away, particularly in
the 4th house where there’s the desire for emotional security.
We do have to think twice about that whole 12th house. A lot of people still
don’t realize that the 12th house may be extremely powerful in terms of an
ultimate value. It’s like the person who will fight to the death for a cause,
and there’s nobody more irrational than someone who believes in what
they’re doing and will kill & do anything else in defense of what they
believe in. God is on their side and nobody can stand against them. Many
astrologers see only the blocked 12th house, the inadequate & insecure 12th
house when there’s the lack of faith. Where the faith is strong, you get
fighters. And in Gaugelin’s work, 12th house Mars were the famous sports
champions, the famous medical people, the famous military men. It can be
the extreme of “My will is God.” And the Sun in the 12th is actually a fairly
common combination of people who reach outstanding positions of power,
including Jimmy Carter and Henry Kissinger. So if they believe that God is
on their side, and feel they have the right to that power, they will use it.
divorced when I was young. My father was totally absent, and even before
they were divorced he was just never around.”
NEXT CHART: 19 Pisces rising; Juno 0 Taurus conjunct Uranus in the 2nd
house; Chiron in Gemini in 4th; south node and Pluto in Cancer in 5th;
Venus-Pallas-Neptune in Virgo in 6th; Ceres-Sun-Moon in Libra in 7th;
Mercury 0 Scorpio in 8th, and Jupiter 21 Scorpio; Mars 8 Sagittarius in 9th;
north node Capricorn in 11th; Saturn & Vesta in Pisces in 12th.]
with this emphasis is that we might feel that our happiness or self-worth or
security depends on the other person & what they do. And of course if we
make our own life dependent of what someone else does, we set ourselves
up to be pretty vulnerable. So as long as it’s a taking turns with being parent,
mothering each other, saving each other with Jupiter, & loving each other
with the Sun, & talking together with Mercury, then it can be a very good
relationship. I take Venus & Pallas also as our key to our ability to relate to
someone else. They are both in Virgo in the 6th house conjunct Neptune.
Juno, another key to that need to relate, is in the 2nd house in Taurus with
Uranus. So we get the attraction to someone who’s a capable worker with
the earth signs & houses but also again to intelligence with Uranus in the
picture. This is wanting someone who is able to communicate, to share ideas
& knowledge. With Neptune conjunct Pallas and Jupiter in the 8th, this is the
search for an ideal in the relationship.. As long as we are enjoying shared
effort, it can be lovely. If either one sets up too high a standard the other
person can not live up to, then of course it can turn into a mutual criticism
society where each one always sees the flaws of the other, and be
uncomfortable. But the air seems strong here, the accepting element, and
that does include in principle the Uranus on Juno. The fact they are in
Taurus is also helpful for wanting to enjoy it and make the relationship
towards those ideals. And part of it can also be trying to do this with other
people. A choice of a helping profession would be totally fitting to the chart
with the Virgo-Pisces-Libra-Scorpio potential for healing-helping-
counseling kinds of activities. Cancer also helps to back that up. So the
whole chart is appropriate for some kind of helping profession.
I do look at Saturn & south node of the Moon as primary keys to lesson
areas. They are both in water signs, one in a water house—so the whole
issue of sensitivity could be part of the challenge. There’s a tendency with a
water emphasis to be somewhat psychic & vulnerable & sensitive. I think
there’s enough earth & air here to keep it balanced, but there still could be
some degree of emotional sensitivity that had to be worked out in the early
life. Partly this is often learned thru later love relationships when we get the
node in the 5th house. This may be thru children or it may be thru other kinds
of emotional ties. Sometimes this is difficulty in having children or children
with problems. But in some area of the close emotional area there would be
a challenge. There are many favorable aspects which suggest it’s probably
not a crucial thing. There is a close trine to the Ascendant & also a trine to
Jupiter forming the Grand Water Trine. As we said, water can either be
dependent or nurturant, and it looks like there is enough strength in the chart
to do both, to work effectively together.
in a T-square within the nodes of the Moon, and Ceres there also quincunx
Saturn further picks up the tension there in the parental situation in the early
Now: This can be for any number of reasons. Sometimes it’s an issue over
beliefs & ideals & standards. Sometimes it’s financial & security pressures.
The relationship with the mother—there’s a lot of air overtones with Ceres
& Moon both in Libra in the 7th house—suggesting that the mother was
fairly able to be equalitarian & open & accepting, although Libra is not quite
so much objective & detached as the other air signs. It also suggests that the
mother was very important in the individual’s own learning how to handle
peer relationships, how to handle a lasting, cooperative relationship. So if
the mother handled it well, then the child gets a good example. If the mother
was not able to manage it very well, then the child has a chance to learn
what not to do. This can also mean choosing a mate who is like the mother
in some way, working out that early relationship with someone else later.
And it can also mean mother as a lifetime partner, continuing adult
relationship with the mother. All this is just basically saying that the
relationship with the mother figure is an important key to the capacity to
handle lasting adult peer or equal relationships.
Chiron of course plays part of that mutable cross that we have in the chart,
adds to the interest in knowledge, a tendency to live in the head, just a very
mental chart again as you’d expect with anybody who would be attending
this kind of a workshop. It’s curiosity about everything in the world & the
desire to find absolute truth.
This is one of those cases where you get the keys to the parents in the same
sign. In this case it’s Jupiter ruling the 10th & Mercury ruling the 4th both in
Scorpio, which often means either the parents are like each or that one
parent played both roles. When Scorpio is in the picture sometimes it is
actually a parent who has died & not just disappeared.
There are a number of intervals of four degrees in the chart: 0 & 4 & 8
degree factors. So it would be possible for something fairly major to happen
around the age of 4 using solar arc directions moving the whole chart one
degree a year….
integrated, but any opposition across Taurus-Scorpio is the need to work out
the handling of the physical world with others so that we can enjoy ourselves
but also allow the other person to enjoy—mutual pleasure & mutual sharing,
each contributing. It can also be an inner struggle between appetite
indulgence & appetite mastery. Sometimes when there is strong Virgo plus
Saturn-Vesta combinations there is the tendency for some kind of
asceticism. So there could be some kind of real ambivalence between just
enjoying the physical world & being master of the appetites.
[K. is the native of this chart. She took up dancing when 16; a floater until
she took up astrology; has two children, one who was quite strong-willed &
difficult. Her parents had an ideal relationship. The father died five years
ago. She & her mother are close now. K. has skin problems. Comment was
made here about the Libra focus and how it can be uncomfortable & afraid
of being hurt & rejected, so one defense to avoid rejection & not risking
getting close is to develop skin problems. She has a fear of expressing anger.
Zip said this is the idealism & mutables & Libra mixture—Mars square
Saturn square Venus: do the right thing, be pleasing, don’t hurt anybody]
***** **********************
FINAL CHART: 24 Leo rising; north node in Virgo in 1st; Neptune 29 Virgo
in 2nd; Juno 21 Scorpio 4th; Vesta 4 Capricorn in 5th;
Palls/Venus/Mercury/Ceres/Moon all in Aquarius in the 6th; Son 25
Aquarius in 7th on Descendant; Mats 18 Taurus in 9th conjunct MC; Saturn
22 Taurus in 19th conjunct MC; Uranus 26 Taurus in 19th; Jupiter 11 Gemini
in 19th; Pluto 4 Leo in 12th.
ZIP: There’s a very immediate & obvious theme here. Notice the amount
of focus on the earth houses. A major part of the energy & action in the chart
is in the earth houses, and some of it even in the earth signs with Saturn-
Mars-Uranus in Taurus up there around the Midheaven, and with north node
& Neptune in Virgo, and Vesta in Capricorn. So we have all three earth
signs and loaded power in the work houses.
Now this is the need to cope with the material world, the need to work, be
productive, achieve, accomplish, do something well & thoroughly, provide a
living, provide security. It’s very frequently when you find the earth
emphasis, especially if there’s fire to back it up, the person ends up playing
Atlas, trying to do it all, and feel very uncomfortable being dependent. And
since everybody has some dependency (nobody is devoid of water) then
there is a real battle often between that dependency side of the nature & the
sense of “I’ve got to do it myself, because it’s the only way I’m safe, or I’m
responsible & nobody else can do it right, or if I don’t do it I’ll be guilty.”
So I would feel right off the bat that that would be one of the major themes
here: the super independence of the Aquarius added to the massive focus on
the earth & a certain amount of fire (Leo in the chart, Mars right on the
angle, Sun on another angle, Jupiter elevated). We have the independence
and the earth need to be productive really emphasized, and so there could be
a real inner struggle with the whole principle of dependency. The other side
of dependency of course is nurturance. And usually the earth takes care of
people but it’s not quite in the same emotional-sensitive way that water does
it. It’s more like “Put on your rubbers!” or “I’ve got to make sure you get the
right kind of food”—not quite the empathic quality that comes thru with
water caring. But it is often very concerned & responsible about doing the
right thing & to make sure the basic needs are met.
talent could be there & could become part of the professional role. The
nodes across Pisces-Virgo and the houses as well can also indicate the artist
craftsman or the healing-helping person.
Now: Note also we do have the Sun, which rules the Leo Ascendant, in the
7 house. So here we have that theme again: “My power’s over there in your
hands.” In spite of all the earth here, in spite of all the independence, there’s
still that vulnerability to other people, a sense of “I’ve got to be on guard or
maybe I’ll get hurt. Maybe somebody will put me down. Maybe they won’t
admire me or love me.” South node in the 7th also picks it up as an area for
some kind of lesson, some kind of growth on how to maintain a lasting,
cooperative relationship. It makes a mutable T-square with Jupiter so many
interests & talents, and a driving need to do something thoroughly,
something really well with the earth. So again it’s solved by having one or
two areas of specialization where we do it well, and a lot of interests to
express lightly whenever there’s time.
Juno is also in a pretty strong position here very close to the 4th house
cusp: needing a relationship. It’s a kind of parent-partner mixture and it is
beleaguered in the chart opposite the whole Taurus grouping in the 10th, and
square the Sun-Moon-Ceres-Mercury-Ascendant. So again it just repeats the
theme of the south node in the 7th, tension of some kind in the area of
partnership. There is a real desire for an equalitarian shared relationship and
yet a real discomfort with the whole dependency side of the nature. Saturn
and Uranus are co-rulers of the 7th house and they’re up in the 10th, so we get
the parent-partner interchange again. Are we going to pick a partner who’s
going to be our parent, or are we going to play Atlas & try to take care of
everything, or can we share it & do it together?
….Vesta in the 5th is often a bit of a challenge in the area of personal love
relationships and children. Vesta is so much focused on the need to work, to
accomplish something in the job. In a woman’s chart it can show the person
who gives up any kind of work outside the home as long as the child is little
because they have to do a really good job here. So if they have children they
have to put everything into that, and only later when the kids are older can
they go back to the job in the world. It’s almost an Either-Or quality to
Vesta. If you have a chart where most of the focus is into the work houses &
signs, there would be much more of a conflict because it would be very
difficult to give up the professional role. So tensions of some sort are very
likely in the area of motherhood. Vesta is also quincunx Pluto which is the
co-ruler of the 4th house. Sometimes with this kind of pattern is a person who
doesn’t have children, gives up that role, and just devotes herself to the
career. Vesta is also semi-square Ceres-Moon, so we can see in general the
pattern of tension in the area of home & family, that dependency-nurturance
side of life.
In the overall feeling from the chart, then, we see the likelihood of
considerable success in terms of being able to handle the world effectively,
the job, and mind. Very great potential success in dealing with the intellect
& the professional role in the physical world. The main tensions come in
with personal relationships. Part of that also is the search for an ideal, which
is very common in our culture. We have Sagittarius on the cusp of the 5th
house, Pisces in the 7th, Leo in the 12th, Chiron conjunct Pluto. So in spite of
all the objectivity of the air & productiveness of the earth, there is still some
of that search for the great ideal, and the hurt & disappointment when
relationships turn out to be less than ideal. But there’s enough of the earth-
reality factor there to look at a situation to say, “Well, okay, there it is.”
There is probably a fair amount of psychic ability with the Moon close to
that 7th cusp. But often the earth will somewhat downplay it, have difficulty
in accepting it readily. There’s probably a fair amount of that kind of
psychic openness that might go straight into action & inner guidance.
In terms of the primary role model, both parents could certainly be part of
the picture. Sun, ruling the Ascendant, is conjunct the Moon & Ceres, keys
to the mother figure. Mars is conjunct Saturn in the 10th on the Midheaven.
So both parents could be role models. The Aquarius-Taurus squares usually
aren’t that hard to resolve. Taurus just wants to be comfortable, to make sure
there’s bread on the table & roof over the head. Aquarius wants to avoid
anything that suggests a rut, and keep growing, learning, expanding, doing
something new & different. So Taurus wants to sit down & relax while
Aquarius keeps stirring things up. But the practicality & rationality of the air
and the earth usually can handle it, do a little of both, and live with it.
fire planets (especially Mars) because they both want to love & be loved.
The combination is just a continuity in life where the Moon represents
something brought in from the past that the Sun, being the growth potential,
will be doing more. So we go on developing that side of the nature which is
already very much there.
Now: Putting it on the 7th cusp opposite the Ascendant is a bit more of a
challenge. The Ascendant is what we want to do naturally, and in the 7th
there’s always the danger of projecting some of that into other people or just
plain being emotionally vulnerable to other people. Sometimes if the fire &
water are not reconciled, of course, the water holds back on the fire and it
can end up as illness. In this case I wouldn’t expect that. The air-earth
emphasis usually is able to be detached & objective & practical & not get
that hung up in the fire-water conflict. The Sun is always our ego need to do
something bigger, so it’s a different kind of vulnerability [when put in the 7th
in comparison to Mars there]. It’s not quite defensive as Mars because
there’s more consciousness. Mars is so gut instinctive & basically
unconscious. The Sun is more willing to make concessions with other people
because we really want their approval, where Mars really is a battle between
total self-assertion, and in the 7th house can be just very uncomfortable in
dealing with that. Whereas the Sun just naturally does want other people to
be around, to love & be loved. So it’s more comfortable in the 7th house in
general in the area of interpersonal relationship. But it is still somewhat ego-
vulnerable to that need for the approval coming back from the other person.
At the same time, the Aquarius says, “Who needs it? We’ll just be friends;
you know, you do your thing & I’ll do mine.”
[Question: “Do you put any value in reading the house cusps in the very
early experiences?”
ZIP: I look at the 1st for your own needs & actions. I look at the 4th for
the home & your emotional security needs. I look at the 10th for part of the
authority situation that’s dumped on you right from the beginning. So, yeah,
I look at those and Mars & Moon & Saturn on the angles particularly
involved at the start of life, what you’re bringing in right from the beginning.
….Earth always has that sense of having to cope with the material world;
having to do it ourselves, not just wait for someone else to do it. Water, on
the other hand, can be either dependent or nurturant depending on the
balance of the rest of the chart, and the basic strength of the person. If you
get a very insecure water person, they’re extremely selfish & self0centered.
They’re just clutching for their own security, taking from the world all the
time & not giving a thing. And if you get a very secure water person, they’re
mothering the whole world.
C., the native of this chart, works at a university doing part art & part
clerical (graphics, etc). She eventually wants to go freelance]
ZIP: It’s pretty easy to see a theme here. Notice which sign is occupied &
which house. What do we have? Letter Six. We have planets and asteroids in
Virgo and four in the 6th-Virgo house including the ruler of the Gemini
Ascendant and Sun that is our urge to do something bigger & more, and this
includes the Sun’s house (5th) with Virgo factors there.
So this is the need to do something well. We have some choices with this.
We can pick out a professional role, a job, that we can do really well, be
outstanding & highly successful. That’s one of the positive choices. On the
other hand, we may also not find the thing we’re looking for, especially if
we put our sights too high. If we expect the perfect job with Neptune there in
the 6th, one that will always satisfy our ego & let us do what we please &
bring approval from the world (Sun & 5th house Virgo) ; if we expect more
than what is possible we may not be satisfied by the work opportunities that
are there, and then we have to find some other way to do that. So we may
have a hobby that we really do well, or do volunteer efforts—but something
we can do really well even if it’s not a primary job for a living & feel
fulfilled with it. Or thirdly, unfortunately, we may not find this either and
stay frustrated. And if we get frustrated long enough, then we run the risk of
illness. We become miserable in what we do to make a living that hasn’t
fulfilled our real needs, and illness will get us out of the drudgery.
We can see that there are some conflict aspects that show the possibility
of it being a challenge area. Note the Uranus-Ceres in early Virgo there in
the 4th house square the Gemini Ascendant, and quincunx Saturn & more
widely the Midheaven. Pluto in the 5th is also quincunx the MC, and there
are oppositions to Jupiter in the 10th house. So we do have some conflict
aspects both to personal functioning (the Ascendant) and to Saturn/10th
house (the limits of the world). Saturn is knowing what we can do, what we
can’t do, and what we have to do. So there is potential here for frustration &
conflict there but it isn’t necessarily going to mean that he didn’t find a job
that was fulfilling, or a creative hobby that satisfies him. It may be that he
did find these things but the conflict is between his personal life and his
tremendous focus on the profession. He may be having trouble making room
for both the career and the family, doing justice for both.
It’s very common for Vesta to say, “I have to do a totally good job in
work. I have to put so much energy into that I can’t really do anything else.”
That can mean the person neglects other areas of life that are also necessary
& important. So he may be putting a major focus in his job but feeling very
disturbed because he is therefore neglecting home & family. Or he may be
putting a major emphasis on home & family (more likely in a woman’s
chart) and then feel he can’t do justice to his work—so his work suffers. So
he needs to make peace between the need to do the work the way he wants
to do it and the emotional life. He wants to do something under his control
with the Scorpio in the 6th, Sun in the 6th, Virgo in the 5th, Saturn near the
Midheaven. But with Jupiter and Pisces in the 10th, Saturn in the 9th, and
Neptune in the 6th, this all connects the work to ideals. That may mean the
search for the perfect job or wanting to do the job perfectly or wanting our
work to make a more perfect world or making work an ultimate value in life.
we have the Virgo there’s the danger of being too critical, of expecting too
much, of seeing all the flaws & constantly feeling like it ought to be better
than it is. And again the ego identification with the home & family with
Mars in Leo in the 4th—“I want the home to reflect credit on me as it ought
to; home ought to be like a palace; at all times I ought to be respected as the
king of the castle.” And yet all the Virgo is saying, “No, no. You just have to
serve & take care of.” If this is properly integrated it’s the kind of chart of a
person who can design his own home & build it himself at least in part or
remodel it, and make a really unique & original home with Uranus there. At
the same time, there’s the danger of the Mars & Uranus in the 4th saying,
“I’m trapped. I have to get out. I want the rooted home but I can’t stand
having to stay there all the time.” Freedom-closeness struggle. The most
satisfactory way to work that out usually is to have a permanent home &
travel. If you can’t do that, you can remodel the house, move the furniture. I
have Mars in the 4th. My son Mark has Mars in the 4th. We’re always adding
on to the house or rebuilding it or doing something to it. And of course I
travel too.
The Jupiter in the 10th and Saturn in the 9th connects the father either to
idealism or to distance, being remote in some way. This can be a religious
father or a father who is gone a fair amount of time traveling, involved with
humanity, transpersonal needs, with his own mental trips somewhere. We
can see some kind of potential for tension: Jupiter square Ascendant, south
node conjunct Saturn, yet Saturn is trine Ascendant. So there’s something to
work out with both parents.
[The native of this chart ended up being an alcoholic, lost his home and
wife & two kids who are alienated towards him. Early on, however, he had
excellent grades in school, was a leader in a Boys group of some sort, and
had aspirations of becoming a policeman. He did become a guard or
policeman in a prison facility but was fired from his job after suspicious
activity involving using police databases to check up on people, etc. He was
the youngest of four sons and felt over-mothered. Yet he rebelled in terms of
saying to her, “I don’t have to tell you everything I’m doing.” He was quite
overweight but dramatically reduced within a year. The father didn’t usually
discipline the boys except as a last resort. Mother was the more active
Zip: Yeah. That’s the Mars in the 4th. The mother is the power figure and
the one he’s testing his strength against. It shows the father as much more
remote or passive in some way. [FATHER WORKED TWO JOBS &
Zip: Yeah. That’s the opposition across the 4th and the 10th. It definitely
shows the potential of some tensions between the parents with Brian in the
middle with Ascendant square Moon and square Jupiter in the 10th. But
father could also come on as friend with the trine to Saturn in Aquarius in
the 9th.
Gemini both in 8th; Saturn 8 Leo and Pluto 13 Leo in 10th; Neptune 10 Libra
in 12th.]
ZIP: OK. When I first look at a chart, I look for themes. I try to see what
area is particularly emphasized. And we can see one immediate theme: a
rather strong potential for some kind of excesses in the nature. We see 2nd
house-8th house active; Leo & Scorpio very strongly placed, with Jupiter-
Moon-Venus in tight conjunction, and Mars-Sun out of sign more widely
conjunct. So we have the fixed houses (except the 11th) and all the fixed
signs (except Taurus)—although we have a strong 2nd-Taurus house. So
dealing with power in some form.
I generally characterize that movement thru the fixed sign first with
Taurus-2nd house-Venus as simply self-indulgence. “I have the right to enjoy
the world, to have pleasure on my own terms.” Letter 5 [Leo-5th house-Sun]
I call self-expansion. This is not just wanting to do right now what we enjoy,
but wanting to do something bigger & having other people involved instead
of just our own possessions & pleasures & appetites; wanting to have an
effect on other people & get a response back from other people; be proud of
ourselves & feel our creative power in some way reach the world. With
Vesta in the 5th house he’s going to in some way do this thru his work, and
with Pisces there it’s idealized (which can tend towards excess of some
kind). The tendency of Vesta is the all or none trip, and Pisces is the Whole.
Sun in Sagittarius conjunct Mars is double fire, and says, “If some is good,
more is better!” Sagittarius is reaching for the truth, the absolute. With
Letter 8 [Scorpio-8th house-Pluto/Mars] we are into self-knowledge and self-
mastery. So instead of just putting our power out against the world & take
what we want, what we enjoy to affect the world in a way that make us feel
proud of ourselves [Letter Five], now we are trying to take full account of
the rights of others & turn our power inward to control ourselves. We see
Uranus in the Scorpio-8th house quincunx all that Scorpio in the 1st house,
and we have the nodes across the 2nd-8th houses. So we get the tug of war
between Letters 1 & 2 that says “I have a right to do what I want right now
and meet my own pleasures” versus the Scorpio principle that recognizes the
rights & needs of others, and try to limit the personal will in action and turn
some of that power inward for self-mastery. And then finally with Letter
Eleven [Aquarius-11th house-Uranus] we have self-proportion because
Aquarius carries the Scorpio theme even further. It says, “Not only do I fully
respect the rights of my mate & those I deal with regularly whom I have this
emotional or sharing relationship with—but I also respect the rights of
everybody. I see myself as one among the many, yet unique, and everybody
has the same right to be themselves & do their own thing.” Complete
freedom & toleration as long as that right is allowed for everyone.
So some kind of power struggle in the chart. This could be the person just
fighting with physical over-indulgence—overeating, overdrinking, over-
smoking, over-sexing, etc. needing to learn to master the appetites & not let
the appetites master us. It could be a person who is hung up on money or
other forms of pleasures & assets in the world. All we know is some kind of
heavy focus on power & learning how to handle the power. And then when
we bring in addition the 1-10 mixtures [eg., Mars in Capricorn] to the fixed,
we bring in power again—self-will versus the limits of self-will. So the
person is concerned in some way with power—their own power (or lack of
it) the world’s power, & what they can do in relationship to that.
Now: One way that we work with power obviously is to have power!
With one person they may move into a professional role where they wield
power. You can get this with military service. You can get this with the
medical profession nowadays—it’s next to God! You know, the world bows
down and the doctor’s word is the final say. If you were in Iran, the power
would be the religious sect leader. So it depends on how you decide to
manifest it. If you are really into the Leo form of power, you can do it as a
teacher in front of the class, or be an actor on stage being applauded, or you
can be a salesman-promoter who persuades people to do what he wants. Uri
has Leo in the 10th and Saturn in Leo, Mars ruling the 6th conjunct the Sun,
and Vesta in the 5th. So we’ve connected the professional-work role, his
major dealing of power in the world, to Leo four times. Leo work, not just
the details of the job (6th house-Virgo) but also the professional role, how the
world sees you, your status in the world.
We can see by taking a look at his life that it has taken a very unusual
form of dealing with power—allegedly developing the power of the mind to
influence physical matter directly. But I still think it fits the power obsession
as one of the innumerable variations that are possible. He could’ve just been
battling over appetites. He has a reputation for wine, women & song, as
being a very indulgent & hedonistic person, loving money, loving women.
And he is a very dramatic person, just automatic & instinctive showmanship.
He is also good looking as we would guess as possible with Libra rising and
Venus in the 1st house. He could’ve just been an actor or a playboy or any
number of variations.
[B.: Question. That south node conjunct Mercury in the 3rd house, couldn’t
that be doubt or ???]
ZIP: It can be doubt, and a person can react to doubt either by hesitating
& holding back OR, if there’s a lot of fire, over-driving to prove to
themselves that they really have it.
ZIP: It says, “I really don’t want to be tied down to one person I want to
be free to enjoy whatever I want to enjoy right now. So the more we need
freedom and the more we keep our standards high, the more we guarantee
that we’ll keep our freedom.
NEXT CHART:[11 Pisces rising; Pallas 24 Pisces in 1st; Uranus 7 Aries in
1st; north node & Chiron both 10 Taurus in 2nd; Jupiter 11 Gemini & Ceres
12 Gemini in 3rd; Pluto 19 Cancer in 5th; Vesta 16 Leo in 6th; Neptune 3
Virgo in 6th; south node 12 Scorpio in 8th; Venus 23 Scorpio in 8th; Sun &
Mars both 9 Sagittarius in 9th; Mercury 11 Sag in 9th; Moon 15 Sag in 9th;
Juno 17 Sag in 9th; Saturn 0 Capricorn 10th.]
ZIP: This is one of our members who is present, so she can speak for
herself after we finish. The first theme that strikes me is mutables. We have
the Pisces rising—East Point, Antivertex &N Pallas are all in Pisces. We
have the Sagittarius grouping in the 9th; Neptune in the 6th; Ceres & Jupiter
in Gemini in the 3rd. So we have close to a natural zodiac, signs in their own
houses in most cases. And that’s usually a little easier to integrate than
where we get the mixtures, where it’s a little harder to be clear about “This
is what I want.” So there is less inherent conflict in the nature [in this chart
with the natural chart signs].
At the same time with the mutable grand cross here, we clearly have the
mutable dilemma. This is normally a person who is extraordinarily
intelligent, really has high-level mental ability. The problem is that the
Gemini wants to know everything, and of course if we try to do that we’re
going to be superficial; we’re going to scatter, do a little bit of a lot of
different things & not do anything thoroughly. And the Virgo at the same
time is screaming, “You’ve got to do something well!” That’s not just the
Neptune in Virgo, it’s also the Vesta in its own Virgo house in the sign of
Leo. And putting it in the Leo sign may even emphasize it more because that
makes it ego-involved—“to feel proud of myself I have to do something
really well.” And then we have the Sagittarius, which says, “I want truth
with a capital T; I’m not even interested in the mundane world around me;
where is that ultimate answer to be found. I’m going after it wherever it
takes me.” That might take us to official organized higher education like
universities & libraries. It might take us to official religions & churches. It
might take us over the next hill to foreign countries. Or we may pursue truth
in our own unique way, especially if we’ve got it connected to other fire
factors in the chart that we have with the Sun up there & Mars. Both of those
are saying, “I’m going to do it in my own way, under my own power—my
own final truth, my own answers about what life is concerned with.”
So there is this extremely dominant theme, this drive to find that final
truth wherever the quest takes us. And that is in conflict with living right
here & now in the world, dealing with the world around us. The conflict
with the Virgo principle particularly is the conflict between the ideal of how
it ought to be (Sagittarius) and the Virgo reality of what is, the earth world &
its limits: “This is what you’re going to have to do if you’re going to survive
here.” So Sagittarius always wants more or faster or easier, to leap to the top
of the mountain, and Virgo knows that it’s one slow step at a time to finally
get to that supreme goal. And the Pisces side of the nature is simultaneously
saying, “Yes, the Absolute is what’s important. The Absolute is all that is
important. You don’t have to do anything—just BE. You are now one with
the Universe!” And Sagittarius says, “Move! Go! Follow the quest!” And
the Virgo says, “Work! Be thorough, conscientious, responsible, productive.
Get results.” Pisces says, “Dream. Envision the perfect world & it will be.”
Now: There are several different forms of the Mutable Dilemma. I’ll go
thru them all even though I would expect only one of them to be probable in
this chart, maybe two. The general range includes the possibility of those
who never is really sure of what they want, what they trust, what they
believe in. They could never quite make up their mind about what is of
ultimate value to them. So they do a little bit of a lot of things. They scatter
& become the Jack-of-All-Trades but master of none. They may enjoy life,
so it may not be a problem on that level—but they just don’t go anywhere,
they just don’t accomplish much. Life goes in circles.
The second form of the Mutable Dilemma, which I think is more likely in
this chart because we have enough earth here for that. Earth is the practical
realist that realizes the need to work & to achieve & be productive. So they
can’t just scatter because they would hate themselves. They’d feel guilt if
they weren’t accomplishing something. So the form of the Mutable Dilemma
when we also find a strong earth component is the person who does know
what he wants but he just wants more than what’s possible. He wants it
sooner or easier. It’s a constant sense that no matter what has been
accomplished, it’s not good enough—it should’ve been more or
And that’s not hard to resolve. All we have to do is remember that getting
to the top takes time & effort. It is a long journey & we should be able to
keep on moving towards it & enjoy the trip. That (enjoy the journey) is one
of my favorite phrases, to have bite-sized goals, little goals that give us a
sense of accomplishment along the way, & enjoy the journey towards the big
goal. Otherwise you will find such people in this particular form of Mutable
Dilemma as people who really can be very successful & productive, really
achieving as the world measures it, & still not be happy because they’re
waiting until they get to the top of the mountain in order to be happy. So it’s
just important to remember to enjoy the journey, to take satisfaction from the
small steps along the way towards the big goal.
Now: There are other forms that I would not expect in this chart but we’ll
mention them for the record since this is partly a teaching experience.
Another form of the mutable dilemma is the lack of faith—people who are
really anxious & insecure, depressed, phobic. They lack faith either in
themselves or in a higher power. That is much harder than either of the other
two forms we mentioned. The lack of faith can be a really serious problem in
life. Again I’m saying that I would not expect it here because I would
assume the person was born with a lot of faith in this chart. The instinctive
tendency is to have faith when you have Pisces rising and Mars in
Sagittarius in the 9th.
[BILL: “East point, as key to identity, is square Juno, and at the same
time, the Ascendant is also trine south node in Scorpio in the 8th. Sp there
seems to be a mixture of harmony with partnerships along with
ZIP: Yes. There’s a grand trine in water here which usually means that
there is a basic security need & a basic ability to be nurturant that will
maintain close relationships. The person is able to accept help from others &
give help to others & will maintain relationships. The Pisces-Sagittarius
square suggests that at the same time they wanted it better. No matter how
secure & lasting & comfortable it is, it could be better! The ideals are always
thinking about how much better it could’ve been. So it’s the basic conflict
between different values or between values and what’s possible in reality.
And happiness in life does depend on our expectations. If we don’t expect
anymore than what we’ve got, we’re happy. If we do expect more than what
we’ve got, we’re not content. It really comes down to our own expectations
whether we can be happy with the way we are. The more ideals we have
connected to the sense of personal identity & ego goals (fire principles) the
more we’re setting high, lofty, maybe unreachable expectations.
ZIP: Venus being in Scorpio repeats the message. It does have a wide
square to Vesta too, so that kind of says it too. Vesta tends to be the natural
ascetic: “Don’t bother with indulgences. Work is the important thing. Get
the job done & cut out the frills.” So Vesta & Saturn are the natural ascetics
of the Zodiac. And Scorpio can go to extremes of asceticism at times but it’s
usually not an integration. They have simply repressed the need for sensual
pleasures & then they’ll very likely burst back into some kind of sensual
excesses, or it’ll just come out in another area of sensuality. If they’re
cutting down too much in one area, they’ll be explosively overdoing it in
another area, but it’ll still be not balancing (just a see-saw effect). With the
Fixed emphasis there is this concern to enjoy the physical world, the
pleasures of the material world. And if we’re overdoing in one area, we may
overdo in another area or in other times. So the Venus in the 8th or in Scorpio
does show the possibility of that swing between cutting down sensuality
(ascetism) & then sensual excesses occur if we haven’t learned moderation
with it when we’ve cut down too much. And the square to Vesta intensifies
There is also a trioctice or sesquisquare to Uranus that picks it up again,
specifically bringing in the freedom-closeness theme. The Venus in Scorpio
in the 8th wants to be totally emotionally involved in the caring peer
relationships, but the Uranus in Aries in the 1st house wants to be totally
independent & not be told by anybody, not be limited by a relationship.
Remember, there are two basic reasons for power connected with
Capricorn. It’s not the same power drive you get with Leo, which is “I am
born to be king.” Capricorn power is executive power where we carry out
the law—we don’t make the law, It can either be defensive power that says,
“The only way I feel safe is when I’m in control, otherwise the world will
get me”; or responsibility power that says, “I am responsible, and if I don’t
make it right, I’ll be guilty & my conscience will get me.” So either way it’s
power out of insecurity, not power out of a sense of drama and natural right
to it. So there is this sense of (when you get this much idealism in this chart)
“I am responsible & I’ve got to make the world be better than it is. And if I
don’t make everything right, then I’m guilty.” And so the person tries to
achieve & accomplish—and does so with the grand trine in earth. At the
same time, square to the Uranus in the 1st, it says, “Where is the time to do
what I want to do? I just want to cut loose from this whole thing & do what I
want to do.” The solution is always moderation, to make room for both fun
& the responsibility trip.
ZIP: So I always feel that the mutable dilemma is the easiest one to solve,
even though there is a tendency to feel that our own dilemma is the really
bad one! There was this therapist I knew who used to sing to the tune of
“There’s no business like show business” but would sing “There’s no burden
like my burden.” There is the feeling of “Well, anybody should be able to
solve that person’s problem, but not my problem!”
But I still feel the mutable dilemma is the easiest one to solve because it is
primarily within ourselves. It doesn’t involve horrendous conflicts with
other people. It’s something inside that we need to work out in terms of
reasonable expectations & taking the steps we can to move towards that.
Whereas the Fixed & Cardinal dilemmas always involve other people,
society in general. And we really have to moderate our own wills with the
wills of others. In this chart when you get the air and Sagittarius in the
picture, the person is usually pretty aware. You’re not going to tell them
anything they don’t already know. All we do is kind of focus it for them &
really pinpoint it so that they can say, “Yes, I do need to do something about
[M.: “When you mentioned the Pisces & the Taurus and picked out artistic
ability, I don’t feel I have artistic ability—although I have an appreciation
for art.”]
ZIP: No. I can’t say what field exactly. You’d just have to experiment.
This is where astrology can’t give details. The person has to experiment with
what appeals to them, turns them on. If there’s a thought in the back of your
mind, “Some day I would like to…” then that might be the clue to go do it.
Any other questions?
ZIP: Constant change. That’s a very unstable combination. Often it can
be a person who travels all the time, moves around a lot, & keeps changing
the life. Whereas the Fixed and Cardinal combination is the hardest to
handle—the Jim Jones combinations of power struggles with the world
(when negatively expressed). Fidel Castro is another example of that. It can
be positive if they go into military service or become a sports champion or
go into competitive business or fight for a cause. The Fixed & the Mutables
are harder to characterize. This is often the person who has a stable life
basically but the mind is always going—they never stop learning. They
travel, teach, write. They’re just always active & changing with their mind
but the basic life structure is fairly stable.
Now: Progressions, that we’re talking about today, we take the planets as
they actually were in the sky sometime during out lifetime but it’s not where
they are right now, which are called “transits.” If you just look at them now
or at the time of the event you are interested in—that’s called transits. But
with progressions you’re picking some other time.
The principle is simply that we’re equating one day for a year. A day is 24
hours and a year is 12 months. So we’re saying that every month is
equivalent to two hours.
Now: What I do is I put the progressions around the second circle outside
the inner natal chart. I keep the natal chart as the backdrop all the time, and
then move everything thru the natal houses around the outer circle. There is
an alternative way to do it. You can set up a whole new chart with the new
progressed house cusps and you can get very different results. But I prefer to
keep the natal chart always as the backdrop, the foundation, and move
everything around that. But I do want the progressed angles. They are very
important. And if they have moved from their birthplace so that there are
local angles, I put those in too with a “L” in front—for example, LA (Local
Ascendant), LM (Local Midheaven). And I do put the Moon in twice to be
able to see how fast it is moving during a year. It is quite typical for the
progressed Moon to be the trigger for the key points of events in a chart
[especially if Moon rules a Cancer Ascendant]. You may have another set
of progressed aspects that are in effect for two years or more but it’s when
progressed Moon comes in an exact aspect to them that you get your
activity, when it comes to a head.
Now: In progressions there is a strict one degree orb. This is one of the
reasons why I like them better than transits. Transits you really have to allow
three degrees orb or more for major transits to get appropriate aspects. And
you get very different, varying time periods with progressions as distinct
from directions where, with solar arc directions, every aspect lasts for
exactly two years. Well, life is not made up of two-year segments. With
secondary progressions, you might have a two-month aspect with the Moon,
short as that. Or you might have a lifetime aspect where a planet changes
direction with one of the slow moving planets & never leaves the aspect. It
holds a one-degree orb all your life. Or it might be 20 years, 50 years, you
know, very different lengths of duration. And it can be quite important as a
primary theme for the life, of the character.
I have a few dramatic examples that I often use. One of them was a man
who had a Mars-Uranus square for 7 years, progressed Mars to progressed
Uranus. And remember, we do use progressed to natal, and progressed to
progressed. And also the progressed angles—angles are THE most important
factors. I sometimes feel that it’s because we don’t have angles on transits
that I find them so inadequate. If we actually had angles, I think then they
probably would be equal with progressions. The angles are the cardinal
points in the chart that are the real key to events.
his personal power & earned financial security, he became an artist which is
what he really wanted to do with his life. He set up an art gallery. He had
enough of a nest egg so that he didn’t have to worry. Now that’s a case
where I think if he had gone to a traditional astrologer at the start, he might
have been scared out of doing what was really the right thing to do. Or being
scared and then inviting an accident.
Another case was a woman who had Saturn in the 7th house square
another planet for 20 years. She got married at the start of the square and got
divorced at the end of it! That 20-year period was her Saturn lesson of
relationship. So who knows. We can call it a success or a failure but she
anyway learned something certainly during that period working on her
Saturn square.
ZIP: You’ve got to make it clear that this is their character we’re talking
about, and if they are aware & working with it, it does not have to be
negative And if they’re not working with a harmonious aspect, it isn’t
guaranteed positive either. They may just sit there with a beautiful aspect
and not do anything with it. This is why, unfortunately, many astrologers
have slipped, not even consciously I think, into the habit of focusing on the
negative. Because if they tell the client something positive is going to
happen, the client comes back later and says, “Well, nothing happened. Oh,
it was all right, but nothing happened.” They didn’t do anything with it.
They were just feeling comfortable. And if you tell them that something
negative is going to happen, they are going to come back and say, “You
were right. It was terrible! I felt awful, and this & that happened!” So
astrologers get the feedback and accuracy from the negatives because that’s
what people notice—when the shoe hurts!
OK. Another fascinating example was a woman with Neptune in the 5th
squaring the nodes of the Moon across the 2nd & 8th houses. These are the
houses of sensuality, pleasure, appetites, power, resources. Neptune very
often is the old traditional religious thing about sensuality & pleasure not
being proper, not being spiritual. And for whatever reasons –this was an
older woman—he aspects moved very slowly, 3 minutes a day backwards.
The aspect lasted to the age of 52. All these years the woman had been
frigid, the whole sensual thing blocked. At the age of 52 she went into
psychotherapy & got unfroze when the aspect ended. It was fascinating that
she picked the period when the aspect was ending to go into psychotherapy.
ZIP: Right! She was ready at that point to let go of the block. But I still
feel that it is not necessary to stay in a state of blockage if we become aware
of what it is we’re struggling with. We can handle it before the aspect ends.
There’s always a positive potential. Nothing has to be negative. The main
thing is to understand what is the psychological conflict, what it is we’re
fighting so we can work with it and find a constructive way to express it. So
there are always positive alternatives and there are always painful
alternatives, depending on how we handle it.
OK. Now: Remember that cardinality is the quality of events. And you
may have lots of aspects in the chart but nothing visible happening in terms
of overt change, overt events. There may be a lot going on in the mind, or
vicariously. The mutables not only tend to be very active minds, but they’re
always watching the world go by. And the people around them may be doing
all kinds of things but the mutable people may be just watching the show.
And the Fixed may be just living in a state of impasse & not do much about
it….Anyway, for anything really big I believe there has to be angles
ZIP: I consider the angles the most important for events. The New Moon
cycle is not necessarily going to have a dramatic event at the start. It may be
just later the person looks back and sees it was really a new beginning.
children & I had New Moons! Four of us had New Moons all within a matter
of a few months—that’s progressed Moon reaching progressed Sun, which is
the start of a new cycle. So it was a dramatic indication of a whole new life
for all of us.
Now: It isn’t always that dramatic but it generally does mark a fairly
important new chapter in the life. There’s often a sense of unsettledness
about the period just before & also the period just starting the new cycle. It’s
a 30-year cycle, one of many cycles, but it is an important one because it’s
the two lights. And very often in the last of the old cycle the person will be
tying up all kinds of loose ends & doing a lot of exploring, tasting, testing,
reaching out, experimenting, trying to look for the thing that’s going to mark
this new cycle. And during the initial phase of the new cycle also there will
still be a lot of that exploratory feeling frequently until they get settled into
whatever it is they’re committed to.
[QUESTION: “Ok. So when progressed Moon hits natal Sun it’s the same
flavor but not quite as important?”]:
ZIP: That’s just an aspect, not the start of a new cycle. It’s fairly
important in terms of integrating your security needs & your ties with the
past, your inner dependency/nurturance feelings [Moon] and your need to
reach out and do more, to enlarge & expand your life [Sun]. So it can be an
important period of a couple of months where you are really dealing with
those issues but it’s not like the start of a new cycle.
So in progressions, just as in the natal chart, you look for themes. What is
the chart saying more than once in terms of the current situation? Then you
have to think: “OK. Given this particular set of potentials, how can it be
handled in a positive way & what would be the dangers if it weren’t being
handled in a constructive way? What could go astray?…I am totally
convinced that nothing has to be negative, that there are positive alternatives
if you’re dealing with these different parts of your nature.
ZIP: This chart and the next one are both males born just around a week
apart. Common patterns in both charts.
Uranus in the 5th tells us what?
[“Well, I would think that would be somebody that would have a lot
of creativity. They could possibly go into teaching.”]
ZIP: The fact that it trines the Sun in the 1st house is going to add to
the creativity certainly. The ability to be very verbal & persuasive—air in
fire houses; could be a teacher, a salesman, public relations. Look at
Neptune & Jupiter up there in the 10th, that would kind of say the same
thing, wouldn’t it? A lot of charisma power over people in his work.
ZIP: But you also need to look, when you’re talking about how
inconstant they might be, to see if there’s earth & water that would show the
potential for some stability there too. And there’s a lot of Virgo in this chart,
and there’s Scorpio in the 2nd house, 6th house-10th house activity—so it’s
not a will o’ wisp kind of chart at all. But certainly mental flexibility….And
there would certainly be a freedom-closeness dilemma with the Leo opposite
the Aquarius, and also we see the grand cross with the nodes in Taurus-
Scorpio. So some potential for power struggle over the handling of
resources, and the ambivalence between being in a relationship that Libra
wants, especially with Juno right on the Ascendant. Vesta is there and the
Aquarius and the general focus in the transpersonal area 9th to 12th houses
that says, “I belong to humanity, to society, and not just in a personal
relationship.” That’s part of the freedom-closeness dilemma; you know, do I
belong to one close relationship or do I have to be involved with humanity
as a whole. I belong to the Big Scene and I can’t limit myself to just
immediate personal relationships.
[Bill: “He would want some space. He has emotional interest with
friends with Moon in Leo in the Aquarius house but also a working
relationship with a mate or perhaps just with friends. Mars, the ruler of the
7th, is in the 11th.”]
ZIP: Right. OK. Mars is in Virgo in the 11th; Venus, ruling the
Taurus in the 7th & 8th, is in Virgo also conjunct Saturn. What does all that
say about his attitude towards the mate? He might be looking for flaws.
That’s one possibility. He might be super-critical. Or he might choose work
over the personal relationship. It might be a person who’s married to his
work, Hr might also pick a working mate, someone who works all the time.
Either way work might be an issue that would be a problem in the
relationship that either one gets so caught up in the work that it does not
leave enough space for the relationship, time & energy for that. OR the work
attitude, which is the critical focus where you need to be critical in order to
do a good job. And if you do it in the work, it’s fine. But if you do it in the
personal relationship, then it’s very painful. What else in the chart says the
same thing?
ZIP: Vesta. Right. Right-on, Bill. Vesta in Libra and also conjunct
Juno. Because Juno in Libra says, “I really want a mate” and Vesta says,
“Look at the flaws. Work is more important.” Right there is a real challenge
in the make-up. What does Venus at the edge of the 12th and Juno at the
other edge of the 12th add to further compound the problem?….Idealism. It
ought to be perfect, just right. I’m looking for the perfect person or the
perfect relationship. And what’s the other side of that one with 12th house
involved?…..Looking for victims [usually unconsciously]. Looking for
someone I can save. So either not being satisfied or picking someone else
who’s not satisfied or picking out a victim who needs to be saved & ending
up with a disaster. OK. So we’ve got some of our most common human
dilemmas in terms of relationships very clearly portrayed in that.
Now: What about the work area, the actual job situation? What do we
have along the earth houses, earth signs, earth planets?
ZIP: He takes it seriously. He’s identified with work, isn’t he? How
many times does it say that? Mars in Virgo, Mars conjunct Saturn, Vesta
rising, Venus ruling the Ascendant in Virgo. Even Pluto ruling a little of
Scorpio in the 1st house is conjunct the Midheaven: “I am identified with my
work. My career is important & comes first over everything.” Pisces in the
6th says, “Work is an ultimate value. I want to do something idealistic or
perfect, OR my work is my ultimate value; work is where I find meaning &
significance in life.” So, yes, he takes his work seriously & he takes himself
seriously. But be does have enough air & fire for a sense of humor, doesn’t
he? Although the Libra-Leo emphasis of air & fire is less humorous than the
other air-fire combinations because Leo-Libra needs that emotional approval
& stroking from others, so they can’t be quite so light & flippant as you can
with Gemini-Aquarius with the Aries-Sagittarius. But still it looks like
there’s enough to have humor. How about the potential success of the work?
What aspects do we have that suggest that he might be successful or not
quite a few harmony aspects. There are some conflict ones but more
harmony connected to the work. So it suggests that he would take his work
& himself seriously. He would work hard. He could have the capacity for
being practical & handling details but also being charismatic & persuading
people, so probably he would be successful. And the job would be likely to
involve people & communication.
[R.: “And then he’s got a good aspect there between Mercury &
Saturn with Mars.”]
[R.: “What about that Pluto sextile Mars, so there may be a kind of
power orientation?”]
ZIP: It’s the potential to have it. It’s not obsessive, but someone who
can work effectively with power. But what’s a stronger statement of really
wanting power?….That’s the Mars conjunct Saturn. The sextile is like
“Yeah. He can have it if he wants. It’s up to him.” But the conjunction,
that’s a personal, immediate, very strong concern with power—wielding
power, facing power, dealing with power. That’s also the identification with
father as role model or a father figure. It may be father, may be grandfather,
might have been a teacher that he was close to—but someone, some kind of
power figure in the early life (may be more than one) who’s very important
in terms of his own identity. And what else says it again? What’s another
ruler of the 1st? Venus. Venus is also conjunct Saturn. So both Mars and
Venus, rulers of the 1st (ruler & natural ruler) conjunct Saturn—father as role
OK. Let’s….put the progressions on the board for our two gentlemen
up there, and then we will spend some time looking at the progressions…..
One of the dramatic things we see in the chart is that Mars going over
the Ascendant. That Mars on Juno of course was when he was having all this
hoopla with his wife, leaving him & running around with green stars &
writing crazy things. And crossing the Ascendant of course can be changes
in personal action, or interaction with other people [Mars rules the 7th] that
can include personal relationships such as marriage. It can also I think
include politics. I really see Libra & the 7th house as partly a political thing
because it is a systematic relationship. You want those people to go vote for
you if you’re a politician, & you have to cultivate them & maintain a
relationship of sorts even if you never meet them personally. So it’s a little
bit a Libra thing as well as Aquarius.
And another dramatic thing is that his progressed Midheaven has been
going over Saturn. And so when he got unseated, Midheaven on Saturn is
very typical of a fall, being put down if we’ve been over-reaching in some
way. And yet it doesn’t mean that a person can’t come back into power
again.. It has been also sextile natal Midheaven & semi-sextile Neptune, so it
has had some positive aspects there. It’s quincunx Pallas in the 4th, and I see
Pallas as one of the political keys, involved with social causes &
humanitarian principles & law.
We have progressed Venus conjunct Mercury, and later this spring the
Moon is going to go over that Venus & Mercury & trine Pluto & then trine
the Midheaven. So the whole period thru the next few months show very
positive Moon aspects. So it suggests like a flow kind of thing is working
out & everybody being pleased to have him back & being cooperative for a
few months…..His Sun has been quincunx the progressed south node of the
Moon for the last couple of years—again, the split with his wife, tension &
conflict, plus also the conflict with Joe Clark. And it was also squaring Ceres
in the 6th house, so again this is the whole conflict in the work & over the
family—the whole issue over the kids & his wife [SHE WAS BIPOLAR].
So the progressed Sun had picked up some of that picture…Freedom-
closeness thing, basically. Searching for the perfect person, being aware of
all the flaws & preserving his freedom & being concerned with his work
with humanity.
Notice the antivertex is also opposite the Pluto, which means the vertex is
conjunct Pluto. And that’s potentially power struggle or struggle with mate,
& change of home-career (Cancer-Capricorn axis). And if it’s in orb
squaring Juno on the Ascendant, this further emphasizes that conflict. Of
course Pluto was in that square to Juno for years & years. So the vertex axis
hitting it just really brings it on an angle and makes it really prominent. At
the same time, it is moving into a trine to Saturn. And it will also be sextile
to Mercury. It would be interesting if her were to move into the United
Nations presidency because notice that progressed Midheaven is moving
into conjunct Venus in the future. Midheaven on Venus would fit some kind
of expansion or improvement or gain that would make him happy about his
The Ascendant also is going over the north node & of course it was
opposite the south node, again the split with his wife, potential for that
pulling apart in the personal relationships.
…..His Moon was quincunx the south node of the Moon at the time
just before the last election period. And he was not handling other people
very well. Mars on the Ascendant can do the same thing. That can be
incredibly arrogant & alienating. “I’m going to do it my way, and there’s no
other way!” Kissinger was born with a rising Mars, and some newspaper
reporter was with him once & said something about his arrogance. He
smiled & said he was born arrogant [Gemini rising; Sun in Gemini in the
12th]…He has three grand trines in his chart. He really thinks that he is it—
he has arrived & the whole world should bow down to him. I don’t trust him
any farther than I can throw him!
ZIP: Power is the keyword in this chart. Mars conjunct Saturn in the
10 . Tremendous power driven kind of chart. Trudeau had some of it but not
near as much. This one clearly has it: personal drive for power. Scorpio in
the 1st is the desire for power over oneself. But the 10th house is power over
the world. So they’re both there: “I’ve got to be in control over myself but
I’ve also got to be in control over the world.”
Well, that would depend whether he could get the power while still be
charming or not!
[E.: “Another ruler of the 1st (Jupiter) being in the 9th, that’s really
putting his own high ideals & values on power.”]
ZIP: Very good point. The ruler of the 1st is in the 9th & that says,
“Not only is my will law [with Mars conjunct Saturn in the 10th] but my will
is God!” Ultimate value, ultimate meaning. The Neptune further accentuates
it. That Jupiter-Neptune conjunction is often an indication of very intense
religious feeling. It can be very positive or negative depending on the
[Bill: “He’s got a strong water focus with Scorpio rising & its ruler in
the 8 house, so a lot of depth, a lot of inner probing, and probably in a
quandary over how much he should direct his power out in the world & how
much he should direct in himself.”]
ZIP: Right. I would see that, that there’s a need for the self-mastery
& the potential of overdoing the power theme, and a potential conflict there.
And the mother could be very important, or a mother-figure or a female-
figure with the Moon in the 1st house & node of the Moon on an angle.
ZIP: Oh, yeah. There’s a lot of water & earth there that tends to have
a basic insecurity unless they have faith. That would depend on whether that
Jupiter-Neptune up there if the faith was really there. If the faith is there,
water can face anything because God is going to take care of it. But if the
faith is not there, water & earth is a very insecure combination, but the more
water, the more so.
ZIP: Ah-ha. Ceres trine Moon suggests a basically harmonious
relationship with the mother figure, the basic home security.
[E.: “Also it means there’s more identification with the mother with
Moon in the 1st house”]
Moon in the 1st house shows the mother in this case as much more a
clear model, and he would be aware of that. But Mars conjunct Saturn, key
to father, is also still a very important role model. So it would seem that
mother is a role model in personal relationships, and father in the work or
status in the world.
[Bill: “In terms of the work, he’s got Taurus in the 6th and Venus in
the 10th. He may have power focused in the work but I think he’d really
enjoy it a lot.”]
ZIP: Yeah. What are we saying when we put the ruler of the 6th in the
10th? It’s saying, “I won’t be an underling. I have to be in control.”
And note also where the east point falls in this chart? By putting it in
a fire-Sagittarius sign in the 1st house, that’s similar to Jupiter in the 1st—
“My will is God” potential. “I ought to be perfect” or “I am perfect & I have
the right to anything I want.” And it’s in a grand trine to the Neptune &
Chiron—again the religious or spiritual or idealistic-perfectionistic theme at
all three corners—Sagittarius at one corner, Chiron at another corner, &
Neptune in the 9th house. So when we were talking about his insecurity,
there’s nothing that is stronger self-confidence & faith than a grand trine in
fire. And the more it is associated with the God trip the more it is likely to be
“I know what I want. I have a right to what I want. What’s wrong with the
world if I don’t get what I want? I’m going to take it. I want it now. I
should’ve had it yesterday already!”
[Bill: “What about some self against self conflict there with Mars
square east point?”]
ZIP: Right. That’s the other side of the picture. The grand trine in fire
is saying, “I know what I want. I’m in total harmony with that. And I have a
right to it and the power to go get it.” But the Mars-Saturn conflict is another
story. The Mars says “Maybe I can’t get it” since there’s some self-blocking
potential there or personal struggle of some kind. And the Saturn is world &
its limits. Mars wants more than what is possible or wanting it faster or
easier but in a state of conflict over that because of [limits, responsibilities,
etc]. So power struggle with the world or power struggle with himself, or
both….It could’ve been with father in the early life or any other authority
Again it’s the potential for a kind of ruthlessness in the drive for
power if he feels he’s right & God is on his side that he could do almost
anything. The emotional tie thing is not as strong in this one because we
don’t have that exact Leo opposition that we had in the other chart. So there
is less of the freedom-closeness struggle in this chart. It’s not near as much
an issue but there’s a touch of it in every chart in our culture I think. So we
have a sense of “I have to make the world be the way I think it ought to
be”—whether that’s a religious leader or a political leader or whatever. It is
the sense of “I have to put my will on the world & it’s for the world’s own
good, & maybe God told me to do it that way” or whatever reason.
[Bill: “You have the north node in the 1st rising and south note on the
Descendant. What if they were reversed?”]
ZIP: More self-blocking if it were the south node in the 1st because
there’s more anxiety & insecurity usually connected with the south node.
But even then you can’t be sure of self-blocking because sometimes to
overcome that sense of self-doubt, the south node will overdrive to reassure
themselves that they do have the power & that they are really ok. But still
it’s done out of insecurity.
OK. Now we will look at the progressions of our friend the Shah—or
ex-Shah as the case may be (and ex-friend on all accounts). As you can see,
he had his New Moon. His Moon is now one sign past his progressed Sun so
his New Moon was very close to the time he got booted out. It was a very
appropriate kind of situation for a major new chapter in the life. So the New
Moon was actually two years before and that was when the handwriting was
on the wall. The U.S. government was pressuring him to get out &
everybody was down on him, & he really was in a state of struggle that last
two years of the period he was there.
ZIP: Yes, definitely. Very important. I think it’s also significant that
it occurred in 29 degrees of the sign because 29 degrees is like extra-
[Bill: “The Sun changed sign not too long ago. Do you put much
emphasis on the new sign?”]
ZIP: Anything that changes sign means that we are going to have to
deal with the quality of the new sign we’re coming into. The Sun is our
growth potential, our ego need, so that’s especially important in terms of
what you’re doing with your creative power in the world. And coming into
Capricorn is dealing with executive power & the limits of the world. And
remember that this depends on how the person was handling the power,
whether they move into a higher position of executive power with
Capricorn, OR they get put down if they have been over-reaching & abusing
power or trying to do more than they really can do.
…[ZIP briefly talks about an article she read about the Shah]: The gist
of that article [in Fate Magazine by Martin Ebon] was that the Shah felt he
had a charmed life & that God was protecting him because he had this great
religious destiny to do this great thing for Iran. He had this conviction.
Remember that that’s the essence of Vesta—if you are fulfilled in your work
you do a very good job and are outstandingly successful. But if you are in a
job that’s not worthy of your abilities and you are frustrated by the job, or
you can’t get the job that you really feel is your job or is taken away from
you, then illness is very common with Vesta.
ZIP: IT goes back several years. He was still in Iran when he had it
originally. But he was having constant problems; you know, the problems
were getting worse & worse all the time. So it was the challenge of
maintaining the power that he felt was his right & having to use rather
ruthless methods in order to do it. I’m sure it was the power struggle
basically that contributed to the original illness. And the recent stones
(gallstones?)—yeah, that’s traditionally connected to some kind of bitterness
with his loss of his place in the world, his vision, his power. And that’s also
one of the primary meanings of Scorpio is to know when is enough to be
able to let go gracefully when it is finished, to be able to walk away & let go.
The tendency with this kind of chart with that heavy water, cancer is a
typical way out. It’s very common to hold back the emotions & put up a
front & say, “Who, me? I don’t feel anything.”—and burying it in the
unconscious. Notice the aspects that progressed Moon is making as it goes
thru Aquarius. It will oppose Neptune & Jupiter and finally reach Uranus
and square its own natal position & square the nodes of the Moon, and
Ascendant-Descendant at the same time. So the Moon is forming a whole
series of really difficult aspects with that whole Fixed cross. And remember
the essence of the Fixed cross is the struggle over the handling of power &
possessions & pleasures, and that includes this attack on his wealth that he
systematically milked out of Iran.
Mercury has been going thru the square to Saturn & Mars of course when he
lost his power. Mars in a trioctile to Uranus. Mars was still in that aspect &
that’s the potential of the constant newspaper attention with the 3rd house
involved, media attention—you know, violence & revolution potential with
Mars & Uranus, freedom, something new & different, sudden change. And it
can be the person striking out for something new & free, or it can be other
people—in this case the people of Iran revolting.
ZIP: All right. We’ve been sexist long enough. We now have a
powerful lady. Now: the combination that is more mutable & fixed is a little
harder to characterize. You can characterize fixed & cardinal mixtures as
generally power struggle with the world, working out power in relationships.
You can characterize mutable-cardinal as someone who won’t stay put very
much, just enormous change, variety, very little stability. But fixed &
mutable: fixed give stability, mutables give flexibility, versatility, living in
the head a lot. So you may get with a fixed & mutable emphasis a fairly
stable life with a lot of head tripping, travel, dealing with people & ideas.
Quite a mental person who still keeps a fairly stable foundation of the life.
Now there’s enough cardinality here, including the cardinal houses, to
certainly have some events in the life too. It’s not going to be all stability &
head tripping. So it would suggest an interesting person.
What is the chart telling us about the mate with that 8th house? What is
she looking for?….Perfection! Chiron & Pisces is there, looking for
perfection and aware of the flaws with Vesta. And what is the risk when
we’re looking for perfection and aware of the flaws? Never being satisfied.
There’s a quincunx to the Ascendant and a sextile to the Moon. Mixed
patterns. The good aspects to the Sun & Moon suggest that she might
actually think she had it; the quincunx to the Ascendant suggest that she
might lose it, pull back, separate or the other person might.
And what about the 1st house-10th house square say? Personal will
versus the limits of personal will. Letter Ten represents the law & the limits:
authority figures, including father; the establishment; the economic system;
rules of the culture; time, etc. It’s the need to having to live with the world
the way it is. The tendency with Mars square the 10th in some way is we do
not like the law & limits & we want to change it, fight it, ignore it, or try to
run away from it. The more fire, the more there’s the sense of “I ought to be
able to do it. I ought to really have the power to do it. I have the right &
power to do anything I want right now.’ The more air & earth in the chart,
the more the person is likely to be reasonable & practical about the situation.
So the elements make a lot of difference here. Fire & water are emotional
about it. Earth & air will look at the situation more objectively and say,
“Well, OK, whatever it is.” In this chart we do have an earth sign and an air
sign so she is capable of being practical & logical about it. She may not do it
but she has the capacity!
…..What is the basic theme we can get out of the positions of Saturn
& the south node? I always look to see if they have anything in common in
elements, in signs, in qualities, in sections of the chart. They’re both in the
signs of relationships but in the houses of the transpersonal area. So, in some
way, there’s a lesson connected to putting together the inter-personal
relationships and the transpersonal dealings with humanity.
ZIP: First & foremost, what is the basic principle? It’s the conflict
between freedom & closeness. Or between security/stability/status
quo/tradition versus innovation, get out of the rut, do something new &
different. So it could be conflict between the security-traditional area and the
radical-innovative area. And since Uranus & Aquarius are in her work area,
it suggests that she would do something innovative in her work, and it might
upset the general level of security, other people’s ideas of what is traditional
& what’s right and safe. Or her home security could be in some way in
conflict with her work, just managing her energy to have room for her work
& her home & family.
[C.: “It looks like there would be some things to work out about
sexuality too.”]
ZIP: There might be. Very often there’s some kind of hang-up in that
Capricorn in the 5th and Saturn in Leo. This might come out as you’ve
already said in power struggle with her kids, being over-ambitious for her
children, or they’re being over-ambitious [projection]. Capricorn is the
executive and Leo is the king. But it can also mean some anxiety about free
expression of creative power, some kind of inhibition & holding back OR
the need to be in control in order to feel safe. Virgo & Capricorn are work
signs & therefore are inclined to be “touch-me-not” in terms of the personal
life. Scorpio wants it and the Leo wants it but Virgo-Capricorn gets caught
up in the work or being critical.
You can see why I didn’t think they were going to put her down long
because that progressed Mars to Jupiter stay in a trine for years & years &
years. Because Jupiter is about to go direct & Mars is about to go retrograde,
so they’re both moving very slowly, almost stationary, holding a trine to
each other within a one-degree orb. And of course natally they were square,
so it still doesn’t mean she can’t act against her better judgment. Plus the
progressed Sun went over the natal Moon which is sextile the Sun & sextile
the natal Sun. So she was having those aspects when they were trying to put
her down, and I looked at them & I said there’s no way they’re going to
manage that because basically there’s too much harmony there. And I saw
the Sun moving into the trine to Jupiter in the 10th and Mars in the 2nd
forming a grand trine in the earth houses, and I said, “She’s coming back.”
ZIP: First of all, look for themes. Anything important will be said
over and over. One of the first themes that jumps at us in this one is
obviously the importance of the mind. Sagittarius rising; Jupiter, its ruler, in
the 9th house—its own house and in a mental sign. With Virgo it is not
enough to simply know. The person has to work with the knowledge, use the
knowledge, be productive in some way & get tangible results….Moon in
Aquarius also. The Moon is the deep unconscious tendencies from the past,
something we have brought in deeply rooted in our nature that is connected
to our gut level security. When it is in a mental sign or house, part of that
security is sought through that kind of mental action. It is so strongly a part
of the nature that it is absolutely automatic, like they do it in their sleep.
Mars, a natural key to identity & personal action, is in a mutable sign that
has to do with the mind but Pisces is more the unconscious mind, like the
Moon, like any water factor. It has to do with activity that goes on below the
surface and partly out of sight, out of conscious awareness. But it is still the
urge to do something on a mental level. In an earth house, again it’s the need
to translate this into form in some way. Anything in Aries is very much like
Mars. It’s instinctive action which is where we naturally do our thing. So we
have Mercury in Aries as well as Aries in the Mercury house. So instinctive
self-expression thru the mind, thru knowledge, learning & communication.
Venus conjunct Mercury in the n2nd house, which brings in Letter Two
(basically what we enjoy). So Venus on Mercury and Aquarius in the 2nd
enjoys mental activity, ideas & people, sharing ideas with others.
…With a loaded 1st house. This makes for a very complex personality,
a lot of ramifications, a lot of potentials.
part we have the earth signs in the fire houses and Mars in an earth house.
Steamroller potential. Fire is the starting power, and earth is the staying
over. The other extreme is self-blocking where the person feels impotent,
helpless, vulnerable, can’t do it—“I might as well give up & not try.” You
will usually not find extremes of self-blocking when there is strong fire in
the chart. But occasionally you find a variant of this “If I can’t do it my way,
I won’t play!”—which is fire coming in. “My terms or none at all!” There is
more likely to be overdrive in this chart but there’ll still be some insecurity,
anxiety, self-doubt.
With the strong Aries in the 4th we get another theme: Independence
versus Dependence. “Nobody is going to tell me what to do or put strings &
leashes on me” right at the start of life—that free soul is there (including
Sagittarius rising, strong 9th house, etc). It may represent a child who is
fighting then world, asserting her own independence The converse may be a
child is given freedom. You will sometimes find a child who is in a home
situation where there is no protection or minimally. They are like thrown on
their own early in life. Usually at the start of life, one side of the nature will
be unconscious and the other side where the child is identified with will be
conscious. Since the power is in the unconscious, that’s what we really get.
So if we are identified with freedom but unconsciously we want to be
protected & taken care of, we come into a family situation where they try to
hold on to us but we resist and even run away from home in the early life. Or
if we are identified with wanting to be taken care of but unconsciously we
want freedom, life kicks us out of the nest, kicking & screaming, and says,
“Ok, do your own thing! That’s what you really want.” The parents may be
incompetent, escapists, indifferent, doing do their own trip, finding their
own satisfaction in life, and so the child gets very little mothering.
ZIP: There is strong Letter Four in the chart with the active 4th house
in Aries, active 7th house in Cancer, So there is the sense of wanting to be
attached, emotionally involved, close. But it is definitely challenged by the
Aries square the Cancer, and Saturn in the sign of Cancer is a challenge
anyway and in the 7th…. Normally when you get the full cardinal dilemma,
the hardest thing to integrate is the baby side in life (dependency). If you
accept being baby, you have lost everything else the cardinals represent:
freedom (Aries), equality (Libra), control (Capricorn). So the normal
tendency of the cardinal dilemma is to reject dependency (unconsciously of
course) and manage their world so they have to carry the load themselves.
They become mother/father/savior of the world. They just can’t stand being
dependent on someone else. But as long as there is Cancer in the chart or a
strong Moon, the desire is still there. You will sometimes find that illness
actually stems from thwarted dependency needs. The only way the person
can let someone take care of them is when they are sick. So periodically they
get sick. Ulcers are a particular key to this. The Cancer is in the 7th and
Venus, that natural ruler of the 7th is in the 4th, and also Mercury ruling the
7th is in the 4th house. So we have a strong theme here of the mother-partner
combination. Usually that challenge is easier to solve than the rest of the
cardinal cross. Both Cancer & Libra want togetherness but one wants to be
in a baby/mother relationship and the other wants to be an equal, a peer. So
if they can take turns being baby/mother, it’s okay. Then they have equality,
mutual nurturance, accept & give, each in their own area of strength. So
Cancer-Libra is not that hard to work out. But with Saturn in the picture
there with Saturn in Cancer in the 7th, this makes it more complicated. Saturn
is the Capricorn principle—control & power. We might look for a father
figure, especially if we did have a good father in the early life and so look
for someone like father in the mate, Or if we didn’t have a good father, then
look for a good one in the mate we didn’t have before. The person will very
often marry young and marry a strong father or older figure, but they may
find out later that either they have selected a tyrannical boss or picked a
weak person where they are playing father/boss to. So Saturn in the 7th can
mean: Are you going to be strong & take care of me, or am I going to be
strong & take care of you, or it may be a power struggle—who is going to
have the strength, be on top, fight for the power? Contest of wills. Another
alternative of course is to simply avoid the whole thing: “I’ll stay away. That
way I won’t get hurt and the world can’t put me down.”
Uranus 16 Gemini & Venus 20 Gemini in 3rd; north node 22 Gemini in 3rd;
Saturn 20 Cancer in 4th; Pluto 9 Leo and Mars 11 Leo in 5th; Juno 16 Libra in
7th; Jupiter 18 Libra in 7th, and Chiron there too; Moon 27 Scorpio in 8th;
south node 22 Sagittarius in 9th; Vesta 18 Pisces in 12th]
ZIP: A lot of mutable in the chart and especially Neptune opposing
the Ascendant. He could be far more subject to allergies than he is. [NOTE:
THE INTENSIVE] Neptune opposing the Ascendant is associated with a
problem in some area of faith, value, trust, goals, principles, ideals, all of
which are also associated with Jupiter-Letter Nine that is associated with the
liver. The liver is the great purifying organ that handles poisons. When we
react to something that would normally be harmless and it actually poisons
us, then it’s Jupiter not doing its job, or Neptune/Piscean things. Allergies
show more with Jupiter/Neptune/Pisces but I’ve seen it with any of the
mutables. Strong mutable theme in this chart: Mercury in the 1st, strong
Gemini grouping in the 3rd, nodes across Gemini-Sagittarius, Neptune on an
angle. These all emphasize the importance of mind, ideas, communication &
We have an almost natural zodiac here with all the signs in their own
houses starting with Aries Ascendant. This usually means the chart is easier
to integrate. Everything is clear. You want what you want where you want it.
You do the Aries thing where Aries naturally fits, and so on. You don’t get
the confusion of the mixtures of the different parts of life together.
He has Cancer, Leo, Libra & Scorpio all activated in the chart, and the
ruler of the Ascendant, Mars, is involved there in the 5th house conjunct
Pluto. So there is a tendency to get intensely involved with others. This can
be a personal loving and being loved there in the 5th house or some kind of
creative action with a strong flair for the dramatic—stage presence, need for
recognition, need for admiration, applause in some form. Sun in Taurus in
the 2nd house can show the conflict between the Taurean desire for comfort
and status quo versus the Leo-5th house urge to do something bigger. Taurus
says “Don’t rock the boat; just take it easy & be comfortable” and Leo says
“I want to do something bigger so the world can look up to me and admire
One of the charts I did a few months back turned out to be such a neat
illustration of this: A woman who had a stellium in Taurus square a stellium
in Leo. She had been a musician as a young woman, had a chance to play
with an all girl orchestra and tour the country and gave it up to work in a tax
office. Absolute dull routine but it was security and she said she never
regretted it. She played for her own entertainment but security was more
important to her. However, some people will go the other way and give up
the security in order to do something fun & creative, something dramatic,
exciting that provides applause from the world. Of course the ideal is
compromise of not being totally insecure, which the Taurus doesn’t want,
but on the other hand, not to be totally stuck in a rut either, which Leo
doesn’t like one bit.
ZIP: If there are conflict aspects, there might be a lot of rivalry &
power struggles when young, but as long as Venus or Aquarius is involved,
they usually grow up to be friends anyway.
death points of a chart (water houses/water signs/water planets showing
closure, finishing a chapter). When I heard he had scheduled one of the
debates there I said, “Oh-oh, that’s the debate that will kill the presidency for
him.” That was the debate where he made the boo-boo on foreign policy.
And he was shot at twice in that area.
ZIP: What you believe in will work for you. You draw to you what
will fit your preconceptions (for example, in regards to research). Our
character puts us where we fit—and brings to us what fits.
ZIP: A keen sense of humor, a love of fun, someone who will have a
very good time in life. At the same time, we have a really fabulous grand
trine in earth that is partly in water houses that means she can cope with the
material world quite successfully. Saturn rules the Ascendant and trines it,
and Vesta also closely trines the Ascendant, and Uranus in the 6rg trines the
MC. So it certainly lends an ability to cope with the world, ideas, people
with the air and material reality with the earth. There is creativity, zest and
enthusiasm with the fire. Pluto in Leo trines Mars in Sagittarius, and Vertex
trines Ceres. Sire signs in air houses, and vice versa. And sextiles. Certainly
a dynamic chart with a lot of close & favorable aspects.
The one danger when you put a lot of emphasis on Libra & Scorpio,
7 house-8th house, is in getting too caught up in relationships with others,
and especially the danger of giving power away and feeling vulnerable.
There is so much Aquarius in the 1st, including Jupiter plus so much in the
Jupiter-9th house, that there is an intense sense of personal freedom too. “I
know what I want and I will go & get it.” Venus does rule the 4th with
Mercury and they are both in the 9th house, so that is a potential for a home
in a foreign country, parents with high standards. With Vesta there the child
may feel a strong work ethic or feel the need to work in the early life. The
Moon being widely conjunct Jupiter is a little like the 4th & the 9th. It’s a
struggle between rooted ness, permanence, and that adventurous spirit that
wants to know what’s on the other side of the hill, looking a little further out.
The ideal situation is to have a permanent home and be able to travel.
long enough to get a productive result out of it. But Gemini is interested in
everything, and in the 9th, this is likely to keep it constantly looking for
something more, higher, ultimate truth. And Neptune-Pisces is the boundless
infinite, totally limitless. So again the tendency is to diffuse the mind like a
balloon in all directions. Good thing she has some earth to contain it because
otherwise it can be fantasy, the vision of infinite love & beauty. Good writer
potential here, and naturally psychic. The positive side is the potential for
artistic talent, creative imagination, psychic ability and healing. The danger
is losing any sense of boundaries and just diffusing.
The ruler of the 12th in the 1st can be the tendency for the unconscious
to come out rather freely into open action. It may be just automatic action if
it is Mars, Aries, and earth sometimes. But if air is involved, then it will
normally show that they are consciously aware. An emphasis on the 12th
does mean an emphasis on that inner world of the vision of the perfect
world. Of course they may simply retreat and go into meditation and self-
introspection. A loaded 12th can show the artist, savior or victim. Traditional
astrology will say that if the Sun is in the 12th house, it will mean a confined
life, that the ego need to shine will be denied. Yet Sun in the 12th is very
common in politicians like Billy Carter, Udall, Kissinger, Humphrey, and
others. It is 1 5-12 mixture like Sun-Neptune, and that’s the potential of the
ego drive for power & prominence having no limits. Letter Twelve is the
vision of the infinite. It can be grandiose with Sun there. They may want to
be god to the world, save the world.
ZIP: Identified with the mind: Mercury on the Ascendant; ruler of the
Ascendant in the 3rd; lots of Virgo. Virgo is the practical mind applied to
work, to the material world. Grand trine in earth here and strong 6th house.
So a lot of earth, a lot of potential for making it and being successful in the
physical world. At the same time, with the strong 1st house it is possible to
have difficulty in getting it mobilized in the early life. I have seen this
repeatedly in charts. An overloaded 1st house is a bit like a caterpillar: he did
fine as long as he didn’t think about which leg came after which, otherwise
he fell in the ditch. It’s like you get an over self consciousness that can be
inhibiting when you put too much in the 1st. The person may get out of it as
they grow up but at the start of life everything keeps coming back inside and
they may be very shy, introverted, very insecure until they really start
getting out in the world and actualizing their earth. Earth has to make it in
the material world and until then, they are insecure. No matter how much
ability is innate there, they have to actually demonstrate it to themselves,
really do something.
We also have a focus on the 1st house-7th house axis and the need to
work out a sense of personal power & ability with the need for others—self-
other polarity. So there is something to work out there in inter-relationships
in addition to the need to discover the personal abilities thru some sort of
productive work in the world. It is a potential conflict between being an
individual and being a part of someone else’s life. 1st house is “I am myself
& I do what I please and no one tells me what to do” while 7th house says “I
will give up some of my identity & will & power in order to be with
someone else.” And somewhere in the middle there is a happy medium
where we can be with others when it is appropriate, but not be totally
dependent on them and be able to function alone. So we can be ourselves &
yet we can also cooperate & share. The goal is to do the right thing at the
right time, to know when it is right to cooperate and when we need to stand
up for our own rights.
exactly quincunx Vesta. So instead of being really too wide to count, Vesta
is exactly quincunx the Venus-Sun by midpoint. So there is a tendency to
leave, pull back, and that very often will mean changing jobs or just
avoiding going back to the whole work scene, which is contrary to all that
earth says (“I have to work & prove what I can do and get a sense of power
over the world.”). So the best thing that can be done with this chart is first of
all work—any kind of work. The crucial thing is not making money. The
important thing is demonstrating confidence & getting a sense of being
adequate. It can express as work but also hobbies, games, and volunteer
With the quincunx aspect to the MC, one parent might have been
taken away. Or sometimes it means the parent was removed because they
were working all the time and can’t be there. [THAT WAS TRUE FOR
CRITICAL] ZIP: That’s the real danger of Virgo Moon: the child feels that
the mother only sees what’s wrong. But it’s our own tendency or nature to
be self-critical that puts us with that mother. [MOTHER WAS A
there is the danger of it not being sustained. But still it can be a brilliant
ZIP: First it takes a reasonably good mind. It also takes some ability
to handle details, which is a kind of Virgo-Scorpio-Capricorn-strong Pluto
fascination. Unless you are fascinated by the subject, gripped by it, you are
not going to put in the great time & energy it takes to master it. A strong
Uranus is not enough. You can have an extremely strong Uranus and be
intensely curious about it, but without the patience you won’t be able to stay
with it. With a strong Neptune you could be a psychic astrologer and
occasionally be right—but frequently you will be wrong. This chart’s Pluto
is on the 67th and that is good, with the Virgo & Capricorn, to hang in there.
A grand trine does not guarantee an easy life at all. But if you are
going to have one, I would rather see it in earth than any other element
because they will usually work to get there. A grand trine in air may be too
much of a floater all of the life. A great mind but they’re just watching the
world go by, watching the show, and not doing much. A grand trine in water
may even be more of a floater & wait for the world to take care of them. The
grand trine in fire says, “I know what I want, but why won’t the world give
it to me? What’s the matter with the world!”
[END SESSION Wednesday, September 10, 2014 at 8:30 PM.
ZIP: A very strong 4th house with the stellium, and the most elevated
planets are in the sign of Cancer including Ceres, the great earth mother, and
Pluto, the search for a mate and also self-mastery. The moon is opposite the
Ascendant so once again the Letter Four theme, the Cancer principle is very
strong in the chart. And then we have all of that Aquarius and Mars conjunct
the Ascendant, and the Moon in Aries and Uranus in Aries. That says
“Nobody is going to tell me what to do or keep me confined.” Very strong
mother instinct—to nurture, to protect & be protected. Great sense of
personal strength with Pluto in the 10th. Our last two Presidents had Pluto in
the 10th (Johnson & Nixon). Mars on the Ascendant and Saturn in the 5th is
power also. So power house combinations, strength, drive. So you could
almost sum up the challenge just by the node positions across the 4th & 10th:
Home or career in the world. They are both important and need to be
integrated. There is the Capricorn tendency for dominance, power &
achievement. And you can overdo with Saturn in the 5th and Capricorn in the
4th in regard to handling the responsibilities of home & children—too much
responsibility, taking on too much. “That’s all right. I’ll carry the load and
do it for you. I’ll play Atlas.” The internalized Saturn is the conscience. If
anything goes wrong, I feel guilty. I have to do it all and make it right.
Saturn in the 5th will often do too much, though less likely in the sign of
doesn’t have the heavy worrying tendency in Aquarius as it does in many
signs such as earth & water signs. Saturn in the 5th is classic for teaching or
somehow working with young people, especially in an air sign.
The two dangers where we are dealing with children includes one
extreme that says, “You have to do it because I said so!” and the other
extreme of “It’s all right, I’ll do it for you.” In the first case, we get either
some kind of rebellion, or the child becomes passive & helpless. In the
second case, you find again someone who fights, or someone who will let
you do it for them. But the Aquarius says, “You are my friend, an equal; you
do your thing & I’ll do mine.” With Aquarius in the 5th, either the children
are born free souls or else the parent nudges them—“Go get free so I can be
free too.” On the whole, the Saturn is well aspected, adding intelligence & a
practical mind. But it does have the quincunx to Pluto and Ceres: struggle
between career, ambition, achievement, status thru our own efforts and the
commitment to home & family.
She has a full cardinal dilemma in the chart with Moon opposite Mars
and Sun in Capricorn squaring and also Pluto in Cancer squaring. A cardinal
dilemma is essentially the free soul part of me, the baby-mother part of me,
the partner-equality part of me, and the control part of my nature all needing
to be expressed. Obviously we cannot simultaneously be totally free &
disconnected, totally dependent, totally equal, and totally in control.
However, if we do each side in their own appropriate place in life, then there
is no problem. The person is versatile, being clear about what it is we want
and doing it when it is appropriate.
Sun is square Moon. The things you read about that in the traditional
books are rather ridiculous. It’s the unconscious dependency of the Moon
versus the need for power, to feel our power going out into the world of the
Sun. It is the clinging to the past, what we have always done, versus
reaching out, doing something more and bigger.
the mind and there has to be some sort of intellectual stimulation in the
work. Letter Six-Virgo can be anything connected with getting a job done
really well, effectively & efficiently. And with the strong Aquarius it has to
be somewhat unconventional—new technology, for instance. If she went
into nutrition, she would have to break new ground. Massage & physical
therapy is a possibility for the Scorpio but Aquarius tied in needs a challenge
to the mind, variety & stimulation.
13/3/77 :
quincunx Neptune. So we have two yod patterns. A yod is the tendency to
go off in a new direction, dropping some areas of life & go on to others.
There is a tendency to keep cutting away what is not effective and moving
into new areas. Sometimes this will be dramatic when you get a progressed
planet hitting one of those yod patterns. The person goes off on a whole new
track in their life. The whole life is almost revolutionized and they drop the
past and move into a new chapter in the life. It is not always that dramatic,
just a series of small adjustments. You are going to get a certain amount of
that character anyway with an air-fire emphasis or a cardinal-mutable
emphasis. These are the changeable areas in astrology where the person is
restless and after a period of time, he says, “Okay. I’ve done that. Now what
can I do?” That can present a challenge if a major part of the nature would
like to hang on where we are now, which can happen with a Fixed emphasis,
especially Taurus & Scorpio. That applies also to Cancer-Capricorn as well,
and prominence with Pluto & Saturn. SO we can see here that part of the
nature says “I want to hold on for security” and another part of the nature
says “I want to break loose and move on.”
So with a strong Pluto or Scorpio you can get asceticism. But if they
overdo the self-control, they are very apt to rebound into excesses and then
later swing from excesses back to asceticism. Gandhi is the best example of
this—Scorpio rising, Venus & Mercury in Scorpio. A lot of the old book
would say he would be a sex maniac or something similar! He learned to
control his appetite for food so that he could fast and control the British
Empire. He started out very sensuous, almost a libertine in his early years
(one who is unrestrained by morality or convention) but then gained so
much control over his own appetites that he was able to fast to the extent he
could control the British Empire. He ended his life as a celibate even though
he continued to live with his wife.
The basic principle here is that if you put Mars & Pluto together, you
are putting together the principle of “I want to do what I want to do right
now” versus “I can’t just do what I want because I have to respect the needs
& rights of others, and control my own aggressive urge & appetites.” But if
you over-control your aggressive urges, then all you do is turn them
destructively against yourself or they just blow out in some form against the
world, or they are projected and somebody else does that to you. We become
attracted to other people who are aggressive, selfish, violent. One of the
most dramatic examples of this was the Hillside Strangler case. One victim
was described as just a beautiful person who loved everybody & worked
hard, but she had only one flaw: she had a violent temper. It broke out only
once in a great while. That over-controlled temper that then occasionally
burst the lid put her in a position to be murdered. She attracted someone who
wasn’t controlling his temper. What she really needed to do with that temper
was use it in a constructive way. She could fight for a cause, play duplicate
bridge or tennis, do vigorous exercise in competition, and so forth. So there
has to be something within us to put ourselves in a position where this can
happen to us out in the world.
Another example was a woman who was very much into believing
that the planets are doing it, that the transits have the power and we’re just
the victims. She had natal Mars square Pluto. She said that she liked to speed
(she also had strong Aries in her chart) and discovered that when transits
activated the Mars-Pluto she got speeding tickets. So she started driving
carefully on those days and didn’t getting any speeding tickets for several
months. But one day Mars was in a T-square to Pluto. She said, “That was a
big one so I decided I better be really careful and just stay home. And you
know what? I got a bad toothache! So you see, you can’t win. Life is going
to get you anyway!”
--The 7th & 8th houses are the areas where you are most likely to
project a part of your nature, although it is possible to project anything in the
chart except the 1st house and 2nd house. You can project into the 3rd house
into your brothers & sisters. You can project into the 4th house parent. You
can project into your children with the 5th house. One example was a woman
who had a chart of mostly Virgo-Capricorn-Cancer and was a pillar of
society, model wife & model. But one glaring sore thumb in the chart was
that Uranus in Aries in the 5th conflicting with everything else. She had two
daughters who were absolute hellions and ran wild and did all the things she
couldn’t let herself do. I told her to get some of that freedom back into her
own hands, and defy convention in reasonable ways. That way you won’t be
unconsciously encouraging your daughters to do what you can’t let yourself
Your 9th house you can project to your grandchildren. Your 11th you
can give to your friends & associations. And you can with your 12th house
give it to your “secret enemies”—the greatest cop out al all! You blame your
problems on someone you don’t even know!
Vesta, on the other hand, is the true workaholic side of Virgo that can
get so caught up in the work that there is no room for anything else. They
can get absolutely buried in their work if it is prominent. If prominent on an
angle or planet (Sun, Moon or planets that are a key to the vocation) then
they can have fame & recognition in their work. That’s because they were
able to give everything to that and let everything else go. Total laser-focus.
brought consequences and so it seems outside our control because it is
karma at this point that we can’t change it at this point (can’t ignore it or run
away). So it still goes back to our character whether it is something we have
set up in our past or something we are projecting now.
--The antivertex and east point are like another Ascendant where you
identify yourself with your own action. The vertex and west point are like
another Descendant where you relate to other people and discover a part of
yourself thru the relationships. And of course there is always the danger of
projection there: “Hey, that’s not me—he’s doing it, she’s doing it—not
me!” But the goal is integration. With any opposition in the chart, the goal is
integration. The opposition is like the human hand with the opposable thumb
where we have the capacity to come from opposite ends and meet in the
middle. This is the principle of relationships where we are doing together
what neither can do alone. It’s a natural partnership (opposition). But if the
person has not managed that, it might be like a pendulum, one extreme to
another or project one end and deny it in oneself (very common). But the
goal is partnership because all of these polar oppositions represent two ends
that really need each other. Aries is a psychopath by itself in extreme; Libra
in extreme can’t do anything alone because they’ve got to have someone
else to do it with. But if you have it balanced, you can be independent in
some areas and compromise in other areas. If you are very identified with
being independent, you may be unable to make a lasting relationship. If you
are very identified with being in a partnership, you may be unable to stand
-The planets are not identical to the signs, and the signs are not
identical to the houses. But the planets, signs, houses, and minor forms of
the alphabet point to part of the same twelve sides of life. The model of
astrology is that life or human nature is divided into twelve ways of being in
the world. All twelve sides are potentially positive, although some sides are
harder to handle combined with other sides. Remember that there are no
malefics. The old traditional books talk about Mars & Saturn being malefics.
There is nothing that HAS to be negative by its own nature or side of life—
although there can be a variety of challenges in dealing with various
mixtures of these sides of life. It is possible for a person to come in with a
chart that is imbalanced. It is so over-developed in some areas of life that
they are not able to relate or handle the others. It is also possible for people
to be in conflict between the different sides of life (such as the cardinal cross
or fixed cross or mutable cross). If we do want to integrate these very
different sides, we have to either do them at different times & places where
they are appropriate—which is one way to solve the dilemma—or we have
to stay somewhere towards the middle and not go all the way in any one
side—which is another way to solve the dilemma. I think it is easier to solve
one of these conflicts where you do have some potential to handle each of
these contrasting parts of life than it is to build something into your nature
that you have never learned to do or cope with. It is easier to handle a
conflict than to overcome an imbalance, to fill in the hole, in other words,
something that is really missing. So I do not worry about conflict aspects in
a chart as long as the person is aware and understands what the challenge is.
But sometimes we repress a part of our nature because we really don’t want
to deal with it or don’t even acknowledge it, and really serious repression
can lead to illness. Many times we may project a part of our nature (seeing
or experiencing in other people what we really have in ourselves).
ten minutes from now as long as he can do what he wants right now. Of
course if a person were totally lacking Letter One theoretically, you would
have a person who had no ability to stand on his own feet.
E.O. Carter wondered why Hitler, who had strong Taurus in the 7th
and also Libra rising could be such a monster. Why wasn’t he friendly,
pleasant? Well, Taurus means pleasures & possessions that you have a right
to manipulate for your own satisfaction. What is the negative potential of
putting Taurus in the 7th house of other people? Other people are my
possessions that I own that I have the right to manipulate as I please. Of
course this had to be supported by other factors in the chart.
preservation. The basic root action is feeding yourself, food in the stomach.
When our security is threatened, we eat. That is our basic survival instinct to
protect ourselves, reassure ourselves, comfort ourselves. In a secure,
confident person, the heart can be big enough to feed the world, mother the
over yourself (self-mastery). Don’t dare control anyone else. And yet you
have to be very intensely & emotionally involved with someone else. On the
psychological level if we don’t make that discrimination we experience
frustrations, bitterness, resentment (all that the old books talk about). That’s
because we are hanging on to something that we should’ve released once we
learned from it, then turn it loose, let it go and forget it.
Letter Ten is a challenge but, at the same time, it is enormously
valuable. It represents all the puritan work ethic virtues of hard work, being
thrifty, conscientious, responsible, thorough, establishing a solid foundation,
and being well organized & practical. When Letter Ten is prominent in a
chart, the person will usually have power & responsibility, but if they self-
blocking they will really be miserable, anxious, phobic or ill. If they don’t
want to be miserable, they need to work, be doing something productive.
Another example is Neptune in the 7th.The old books will tell you that
you will be deceived, you will marry an alcoholic, and so on. They give
negative details, but they don’t tell you the principles behind the details of
why you might attract these things. Libra-Pisces or 7th house-12th house is a
natural quincunx. Letter Seven is looking for an equal relationship and
Letter Twelve is looking for god, the ideal, the perfect person or
relationship, the beautiful dream. The other side of that of course (usually
unconsciously!) is “I want someone I can play god to.” They may then look
for a victim that they can play savior to. If they are looking for god or that
perfect relationship, they may never marry, or they may marry repeatedly—
get married, find out the partner is not perfect, get feet of clay, throw him
out, and find another! Next time may be more perfect! Or they may see the
other person at all but project the beautiful dream on the partner and then
later wake up & feel disappointed. As I said, the other negative possibility is
to look for a victim that we can play god to, and then you see the person who
marries alcoholics, drug addicts, psychotics, chronic invalids, the whole
gambit—people who need to be saved. So if we have that tendency in our
nature, the thing to do is to become a professional savior and do it in our job,
to be in a helping profession.
There are a few examples of this to show the real power of the
unconscious that knows what it wants. I knew one woman who married five
alcoholics in a row. After the 5th she finally realized what she was doing,
stopped marrying them, joined AA and started working with them. One man
had Neptune in the 7th. He had just divorced his second psychotic wife. I was
doing his chart in a mental institution, and a girl walked by, and the man
said, ‘Now there is the type of girl I really like!” I said, yes, your radar is
very good—she’s a schizophrenic! One woman had Neptune in the 7th plus
Pluto and the Moon. The chart was saying that “I have to have a
partnership.” But her Sun and Saturn were in the 10th house. How do you
manage to have partnership and control? Easy, pick a weak partner (when
negatively expressed). She married three alcoholics in a row.
knew a woman with Moon in Aries in the 8th house. She wanted to know
why she was attracted to violence. “I went to Turkey and the war started. I
went to Greece and there was a train robbery. Even when I stay home I am
attracted to violence & it horrifies me.” She was blocking all of her
aggressive energy and finding it in exaggerated forms out in the world,
forcing her to face it in herself.
…Patty Hearst had Mercury, ruler of the Ascendant, in the 7th house
in Aries. That is twice (ruler and Aries sign) putting some of our power over
in the hands of other people. We can give in to them, fight & have a power
struggle with them, or run away from them (not build relationships). The
goal is to compromise so that we can share the power together. Mars was
also square the Ascendant, key to self, and square the ruler of the Ascendant.
A lot of inner conflict there, self-against-self pattern. It could definitely be
self-destructive. …She was caught just as progressed Moon was about to
move into the 12th house. Then she went to jail, and to the hospital with a
collapsed lung. This showed the negative side of Pisces, the victim….Jupiter
in Gemini in the 10th: father in the publishing business. Wealthy home with
the Sagittarius in the 4th. Mars by progression was at 16 Sagittarius when all
of this was going on, square Mercury and opposite Jupiter, mutable signs but
cardinal houses for a total disruption of the life. I was wondering if they
were going to take her alive. Saturn was in the 4th in Scorpio. She was partly
rebelling against her father and partly caught up in this cause. Jupiter in the
10th and Pisces in the 6th—the professional savior. But part of the chart said,
“I don’t have the power. Tell me what to do. Tell me where it’s at.” So she
was looking for a cause with this unconscious need to be a great savior and
she was probably sucked into this romantic exciting dramatic thing that she
could pour herself into. She probably looks back on it now as a kind of
temporary madness. In terms of relationships, she put this romantic halo
around the gang leader, the guy who was killed in the soot out in Los
Angeles. She did a kind of idolatry trip on him and apparently got
swallowed up in that emotional experience in search of the ideal, ecstatic
communion—only to have it come crashing down to reality.
--NEXT CHART: ZIP: Mars-Saturn conjunction in Cancer in the 4th.
Overdrive or self-blocking potential: “Put my will on the world and make
the world the way it ought to be” or “I’ll crawl in a hole so the world won’t
get me.” He should work at becoming a provider and also learn to relate to
others as an equal. With south node in Capricorn, the lesson is to work
effectively. You can work and develop a sense of your own strength. You
can also help take care of other people and not feel threatened by them.
Neptune is opposite the Ascendant and Moon quincunx the Ascendant. But
Mars is not in conflict with the Ascendant and sextiles Venus that is a co-
ruler of the 1st. Vesta also trines the Ascendant. So if he could get his work
act together, then he should be able to work out the relationship arena. He
has extra vulnerability to others with all that Libra & Scorpio in the 7th & 8th
houses, and Neptune there. The biggest danger would be to give up, block,
turned inward with that Mars-Saturn in Cancer, and just retreat into himself.
The Mars-Saturn and the separation aspects to the Ascendant shows a danger
of running away in some way. The way out of a dilemma is to learn to
accept ourselves and do something constructive in our work and develop that
sense of faith in our own power and what we can do. Once they have faith in
themselves, then they can meet other people as equals. [NOTE: HE
house. I’ve got to be perfect and not hurt anybody, and yet I am looking at
all the flaws.” Pluto is exactly opposite the Ascendant. Neptune is semi-
square to Pluto and Neptune is widely square the Moon and Moon is trine
Uranus. So we have potentially a very sensitive person here. Uranus is
square Saturn….There are some self against self patterns here, so some kind
of inner conflict—self blocking the self, self denying the self, fighting the
self. Some sort of self-defeating or self-blocking action potentially. How do
we get out of it? Self-acceptance. “I have a right to be myself. I don’t have
to carry the world. I don’t have to be perfect.” [NOTE: HE ALSO
--Mars in Cancer in the 10th house. You have most of the cardinal
dilemma right in that combination! One of the reasons why I feel exaltations
are often a real nonsense trip is that there are sometimes difficult
combinations that the old book exalt—such as Mars exalted in Capricorn!
The tendency is for planets in signs that are naturally square or
opposite to be a little harder to put together, to integrate. Squares are a lot
tougher than the opposition because there is that natural partnership about
oppositions. The easiest ones to put together are the mutables because they
live in the head, and the mutable planets in each other’s signs are usually
very good, competent, capable. The problem is that they get over-extended,
into too many things. There are too many talents & interests and they scatter
their forces. Mercury is Pisces is a good example of how the old books bad
mouth certain combinations. The books make it sound like that they are
going to be totally flipped out, not have a mind almost! I did a chart for a
man who had Mercury in Pisces and the chart showed good linguistic ability.
During WWII he passed for a German even though he had never studied
German before! He absorbed like a chameleon, taking on the coloring of the
language, the accent and everything.
in a new direction, leave the past behind & make a whole new start in life. If
the yod comes via progressions, then at that time in their life they will
probably break out of the past and start something new, move off in a new
direction. Basically it is a difficult aspect to integrate, to do it all together. A
person might do one and ignore the other, push it away, reject it, project it or
whatever. It may also be a good or natural situation where they want to leave
something behind that they feel has been outgrown. Or it might be
something they are trying to hold on to—they don’t want to let go
Very often a double quincunx will produce action when a person may
be sitting still with a square. Something is going to give. Often when the
progressed Ascendant moves into a quincunx to the Midheaven that’s often
when the person may change their job or move into a new field or the father
may die or the boss leaves, etc.
flaw in the Essential Dignities and planet placements philosophy of
the traditionalists regarding Mars-Saturn and Aries-Capricorn]]
ZIP: The conjunction stands alone. It is unique and the most
powerful aspect, really important because those two parts of life are united.
They are trying to do something together and they may be in conflict by
their very nature and so it can be hard to integrate—yet the person is still
trying to put them together. For instance, a Mars-Saturn conjunction.
According to most old astrology books, this is a horrendous aspect. They
make it sound like doom & gloom. You are either going to be a murderer or
sadist yourself or be murdered by somebody else. That’s nonsense. I know
plenty of people who are handling that aspect constructively. It is the same
principle as putting Mars in Capricorn (which the ancients love!) or Saturn
in Aries (which they don’t like!) or Mars in the 10th (which they think is
great!) or Saturn in the 1st (which is terrible in the old books). Yet they’re all
the same principle, Letter One and Letter Ten put together. It can be a tough
combination anyway you slice it. Putting Mars in Capricorn is like putting
Mars on Saturn, but not as strong because planets are stronger than the signs.
But the same principle applies where you can have friction/tension/conflict
between two parts of your nature that are naturally square each other such as
Aries-Capricorn. Any of these combinations can show overdrive where I try
to make my will into law or self-blocking where I hold back my will in fear
of authority/law/limits sitting on you.
--Mars squaring the 1st house: classic aspect for people who are at war
with themselves, self-against-self. I remember two charts with Mars
squaring the Ascendant. One of them had eight major surgeries, and the
other had 15! A planet ruling a house (actual or natural ruler) squaring that
house is going to be a real challenge to handle. For example, a planet in the
9th house squaring Jupiter. There is a challenge in that person’s life in the
area of faith, values, trust, ultimate principles, search for meaning. You can
have a T-square involving a single house: the planet in the house square the
planet that rules the house and also square the natural ruler. This shows a
heavy conflict concerning that house.
mongoloid, drug addict, psychotic, suicide, someone who died of cancer,
and a murderer. Every one of them had a stellium—a huge pileup of power
in one sign and house. So it can be enormous talent or hairy problem like
blowing a fuse. Three planets together is a stellium but to be really important
there should be four or more, and the tighter the conjunction, the more
power. A lot of close aspects, especially within 1 or 2 degrees, and
especially a tight stellium are clues to people with extra emphasis in their
nature. They may be outstanding in their accomplishments or they may be
having serious problems.
Capricorn is one of the tougher combinations. Both tend so much to be
anxious & insecure. This is a super need for security. They will be overly
ambitious, over-grasping, over-controlling OR self-blocking, holding back
& holding in for fear of being hurt or deprived in some way. Putting it in the
11th house helps because it could then be viewed with some detachment. IF
you put Saturn in Aries square it, that will intensify even more the overdrive
or the self-blocking. Saturn-Capricorn always has that tendency towards
anxiety regarding power. The world might sit on me, take away what I want,
make me do what I don’t want to do, or hurt me in some way. Capricorn can
reach for control or protect themselves against the world and become walled
off from the world, retreat, avoid it. Moon in Capricorn might be a case
where a person has very few friends, but those few are very close like family
with the Moon involved, friends you can trust. If the square were to Aries
there would be more of a tendency to wall themselves off from people, or
they might get into some kind of competitive business.
house compared to the Scorpio-8th since Letter Seven is where they are
arm’s length a little bit to start with, open air. They can take turns and
compromise naturally, but Uranus would free it up even more and insist that
it be a kind of friendship instead of a more togetherness-mate relationship of
JUNO IN GEMINI in 5 TH: ZIP: A potential conflict of how close
do I really want to get in a relationship. The 5th house tends to be more
intense and emotional, loving & being loved. Juno brings in the long-term
systematic relationship but it is still a bit cool, arm’s length space. Gemini is
even cooler air, more casual. Can be attracted to very intelligent lovers or
partners, bright, someone they can talk & exchange ideas with. Good
placement for teaching with Gemini in the 5th. It’s also the possibility of
having very bright, articulate children. There is a mixture of the partnership
and children letters here with Juno in the 5th. They would treat their children
like partners rather than like children, and share the power with them. There
could be some artistic ability with Juno, especially line, form & design.
Could be a conductor with the Gemini hand-eye coordination.
it consciously, or you can project it on somebody else and find someone who
will do it for you in excess [for instance, you identify with being close but
the other person does the freedom thing & splits from you]—any of these
will lead to problems.
--Planets, houses and signs point to the same 12 sides of life, each in
their own symbolism, but they are not identical. The planets are where the
action is. The planets are definitely the most important of the three. They are
like the verb in a sentence whereas the houses & signs are like adverbs that
simply qualify the action of the verb.
The basic principle of dwads is that you divide each sign into a whole
zodiac. So every 2 and a half degrees you get a subtle overtone of the next
sign, starting with the sign that you are dealing with. There are astrologers
who start every sign with the Aries dwad. I have not felt that was as
accurate. So I start with the initial sign. To take Taurus for example: the first
2 & a half degrees of Taurus would be pure Taurus; from 2 & and half to 5
degrees would be the Gemini dwad; from 5 to 7 & a half degrees would be
the Cancer dwad, and so on. Ten degrees into Taurus you would enter the
Virgo dwad. Twenty degrees Taurus is going to start the Capricorn dwad.
When you go to 15, you’re always at the opposite sign, so 15 Taurus is the
start of the Scorpio dwad.
So try them out—not just the angles, either. Angles are where I have
tested on twins but you can use them on anything. You can look at the dwad
of your Sun, Moon, planets, and very often it will provide an additional,
useful clue or overtone—you know, a subtle quality connected to it.
more satisfied with the results I have gotten there. So personally I keep
coming back to Placidus. It seems to give me solid results.
Now: I do find the Placidus house cusps just as much sensitive points
as the Koch house cusps. Over & over when people have a planet by
progression moving across into a different house in Placidus, I’ll ask if there
was a change in that area of the life—and there was, consistently. So I’ve
come to trust the Placidus cusps as important sensitive points where there is
a real change of tone. Yesterday I mentioned the twins where the major
difference was that one twin had moved two fire planets into water houses,
and the other had them in fire houses. And it was the fire planets in the water
houses who was the hyperactive twin, explosive & disruptive, while the
other twin just had that natural, easy flow with the fire in the fire houses. She
was not having any problems. That only occurred in the Placidus house
cusps, not in the other systems.
Again, only in the Placidus system, I had another case of twins where
a planet was in the 5th house for one and in the 6th house for the other, and it
had an exact quincunx to the Ascendant. The twin who had it in the 5th did
not have children. You find that every once in a while where the quincunx
from the 5th to the Ascendant is the person who does not have children or the
children are taken away from them, they lose the children, or some other
kind of separation. She didn’t have any children but other than that, she had
a very comfortable, easy life. Her husband adored her. They traveled, and
were financially well off. She had no real problems except she was denied
children. The twin who had the planet in the 6th house had several kids, but
she was divorced and had to work & struggle all her life to raise the kids.
She had anything but an easy life. She really demonstrated the Virgo nose on
the grindstone.
Now: Local house cusps are also very important. Local house cusps
are the chart you would’ve had if you had been born where you are living
now (relocated place). The Greenwich time is the same; the planets are the
same. Only the houses change. If you move East-West you will get a much
more major change than if you move North-South because within the latter,
the Ascendant will change some but the Midheaven won’t change
appreciably. So local house cusps are quite important. Over & over I’ve
found them very valuable. I found I missed major events (because angles are
your main key to events) if I didn’t have the local angles in.
[[CHART: 1 Aquarius rising; stellium in 1st house including Pallas 6
Aquarius, Uranus 11 Aquarius, Jupiter 19 Aquarius, east point 21 Aquarius,
Ceres 22 Aquarius, antivertex 2 Pisces, north node 12 Pisces; Mercury 17
Aries in 2nd and Vesta there in 27 Aries; Sun 7 Taurus in 3rd; Venus 26
Taurus 4th house on IC’ Juno 1 Gemini & Moon 8 Gemini & Saturn 16
Gemini in 4th; Pluto 29 Gemini in 5th; Neptune 25 Cancer & Mars 28 Cancer
in 6th; south node 12 Virgo in Virgo.]]
Mars-Neptune in the 6th opposite the Ascendant at birth, with the Mars
progressed over the 7th cusp within a few years then so we have some
potential for problems there in the early life. This may be anything from a
difficult delivery to health problems on the part of the mother, or of the
baby. Some sort of challenge in the early life. This can symbolize any kind
of self-blocking or self-against-self, but it may take the form of something
happening to us or it may be other people in the life that affect us. But it
doesn’t seem to be critical in terms of long-lasting destructive potential
because of the sextile to Venus and the trine to the Midheaven. Mars-
Neptune is also square Vesta in Aries in Aries. There’s certainly some kind
of challenge there over the whole personal action area. Maybe it’s my will
versus being dependent. Maybe the ideals of Neptune versus the reality of
what’s possible. Venus- Juno-Moon in the 4th is trine the Ascendant, so the
protection is there for the person. But there’s some sort of challenge to
independence & personal action in the early life.
ZIP: This is a young man and we can see here also that there’s some
potential identification with the mother with Ceres rising. Other
relationships are going to play a very important role in the life with the Aries
in the 7th, Venus ruling the Ascendant over there as well. He needs to be
liked, to be with other people. Basic ambivalence between “I can do it. I
don’t need anybody” and “No, I do need someone. I want to share life with
someone else.”
We do have the water emphasis with all three water signs, and that
includes Mars, one of the keys to identity, and the Moon, the key to our
emotional needs on a very basic level. So there’s a lot of warmth & empathy
& sensitivity in the nature, the need for togetherness & sharing. And yet that
Aries has to be incorporated, which says, “I’m a free soul & I do my own
thing.” And particularly in the work area with Aries in the 6th that includes
Sun he’s going to need that free hand, to be in charge himself of what he’s
doing. You get the strong entrepreneur qualities with Aries in the 6th, and
Sun, ruling the 10th, in the 6th in Aries, and the Pluto in Leo in the 10th—the
manager potential. So he’ll need a field where he’ll have the chance to
decide what he’s going to do & how he’s going to do it and when he’s going
to do it. This could be anything mechanical, anything involved with tools &
weapons, or involves physical activity, anything that’s highly competitive,
involving independence & self-assertion, military service. That may not
square with the water that is empathic & want to be idealistic (Mars in
Pisces). So a medical filed would be another alternative for the Aries & the
Pluto and would satisfy the Piscean side of the nature. And many times we
can go into competitive business and still satisfy the ideals in our personal
Sharp quick mind with the Mercury in Aries. This can sometimes
mean a sharp, quick tongue as well, although retrograde may tend to think it
but not always say it outright, and hold it back to some degree. And the
water in general will tend toward that direction. So it can be the impulse to
let it all hang out, but a resistance of that impulse & holding it back. The
mental activity of course is always supported & increased by the nodes of
the Moon across the 3rd-9th houses, and also by the 11th house focus that
includes Jupiter, Chiron & Neptune—so very high value placed on
knowledge & humanitarian principles & friends. And Uranus in Gemini will
also support that…We do have some potential for the mutable dilemma here
of going off on tangents & starting new. Uranus-Mars-Jupiter in a T-square
and Mars semisquare Mercury, adding to that potential conflict between the
tell-it-like-it-is, direct, blunt, forceful approach and the sensitivity &
empathy wanting to protect people & be kind. In some measure also this can
be the conflict between the urge to just keep moving, just keep doing
something new & different, and the need to stay with something long
enough to really achieve that the Fixed-Scorpio side of the 1st would want &
the Pluto in Leo in the 10th. Freedom versus stability; change versus
stability. So there’s a need for the closeness, a need for the emotional
involvement, and yet a sense of not wanting to be trapped. If he can satisfy
the independence in his work, then the likelihood is better for working out a
compromise in human relationships & really using that grand trine in
water—which is very positive—for emotional stability, for emotional
continuation of the emotional connectedness in the life.
It’s likely with Mars in the 5th of having at least one child who can be
very much like the individual. Sometimes there is just one child with Mars—
often one male child—but Moon there can mean more, and with Pisces you
never know because it depends where their values are. If they are into
children, they may have a large family. If they’re into other forms of
creativity, then they might not have any children. But the odds would be a
little more on wanting to be a parent with the rising Ceres and Mars & the
Moon both in the 5th house—at least one child. Perhaps a child like the
mother since Moon is there.
Sometimes when you get Capricorn and south node there in the 3rd
house it’s a sense of aloneness. That can also be true with Mars there or
Aries, and Pisces sometimes. It’s a case where there aren’t any brothers or
sisters, and the person feels rather isolated. In which case there’s the
likelihood of substituting with friends with Jupiter ruling the 3rd up in the
11th. Friends, at any rate, are going to be important with all those keys to
idealism in the 11th house. But he might at the same time be choosy because
of the Neptune-Chiron search for the ideal and the Virgo awareness of flaws.
So he might be selective of the people that he allows to get close.
inwardness is a strong part of the nature. Very active fantasy life usually
when you get Pisces & Cancer, but the person may never let anybody know
about it because there’s a lot going on inside that they won’t let out.
ZIP: Yeah. They have both freedom & commitment. That’s done by
a lot of people increasingly today where they have a relationship & yet
neither one feels totally trapped & tied by it.
ZIP: Yeah. The very active physical work where he’s independent.
That fits perfectly. The Aries need for independence & variety & to be his
own boss, do his own thing and yet work with some kind of constructive,
productive accomplishment.
3rd; Juno 6 Aquarius in 6th; north node 0 Pisces in 7th; Moon 6 Pisces &
Venus 9 Pisces in 7th with Pallas; Sun 3 Aries in 8th; Ceres 14 Aries in 8th;
Mercury 20 Aries in 8th; Jupiter 21 Aries in 8th; Uranus 10 Cancer in 11th;
Pluto 19 Leo in 12th]]
ZIP: We can see as one immediate theme the major emphasis here on
the 7 & 8th houses. This is the area where we run a little risk of projection,
when we put Aries over there in the 8th house. That includes the Sun &
Mercury that rule the 1st house, and Mars, natural ruler of Aries, is in the
sign of Scorpio. So we have the connection of our power & energy with
someone else’s power. I usually say there’s six different ways that we can
deal with that—3 negative & 3 positive in the sense of painful or
pleasant.[Give In-Fight-Run or Share Power-Healthy Competition-Help
all out tendency, the possibility of all or none kind of extremism at times.
One of the things I often say when I see either a strong Pluto or strong
Scorpio or strong 8th house is: “Be careful of what you want because you
probably will get it.” We can see a conflict potential here pretty strong with
Mars in Scorpio exactly square Pluto in Leo. Adding to the other things
we’ve been saying about the 7th-8th house emphasis, he needs a competitive
outlet and also a place to help people in order to feel reassured about his own
power & worth. And he also needs to be able to accept comfortably from
There’s probably artistic talent with that very strong Pisces emphasis
over there in the 7th, and Libra in the 2nd house. Artist-craftsman potential.
ZIP: Today the topic is aspects. And the word “aspect” means an
angular distance between any two points in a chart. This is the fourth major
tool in astrology. The first three major tools that we discussed yesterday
were the planets, the signs, and the houses. The planets are single points in
the sky whereas signs and houses are divisions of space, different ways of
dividing the same space. The metaphor I really like for astrology is a clock.
Think of the sky as a clock with two dials & many hands. The major outer
dial represent the signs that are the earth’s path—the ecliptic—projected into
infinity to form the Tropical zodiac begun when the ecliptic and the equator
intersect (the spring vernal equinox point for the Sun). Measured around the
ecliptic every 30 degrees we get the twelve signs. So they’re like the
permanent backdrop of this clock. And then the second dial—the dial of the
houses—is moving in front of the sign dial, turning over, making a complete
circle every 24 hours because it’s based on the earth’s rotation where the
eastern horizon moves in front of the signs. So in the process of a single day
all of the houses turn past all of the signs. At the same time, all of the hands
of the clock—Sun, Moon, planets, nodes, asteroids, etc—are moving at their
own varying rate of speed, with the Moon moving the fastest like the second
hand of the clock.
Now: The ancient world first used the conjunction, obviously. This
was when two planets were close together or when one planet and a star
because they used fixed stars a great deal. So they would note if a star was
just on the horizon, as close as it could come to the zenith straight overhead,
setting, and so on. They gradually discovered that this was an important
aspect that marked an emphasis- their natures combined were in some way
interacting and intensified. Then other classical aspects that were in use by
the time of Ptolemy about the first century A.D. were the sextile of 60
degrees, the square of 90 degrees, the trine of 120 degrees, and the
opposition of 180 degrees….By the middle Ages during the Renaissance,
more aspects started to be added. The octile and the trioctile (known
classically as semisquare and sesquisquare, were among the first to be
added. The octile is a sign & a half or 45 degrees, which is an eight of a
circle. The trioctile is a trine plus a half a sign or 135 degrees, which is
3/8ths of a circle. Then the semi-sextile and quincunx were added: 30
degrees and 150 degrees, or a twelfth of a circle and five-twelfths of a circle.
Now: So far what we’re talking about are ways of dividing a circle by
whole numbers. You can divide a circle by 2 and get the opposition. By 3
you get the trine. By 4 you get a square. By 5 you get a quintile. By 6 you
get a sextile. By 7 you get what is called a septile. BY 8 you get an octile.
By 9, the novile or nonagon, used by the Hindus quite a bit. By 6 you have
36 degrees, half of a quintile, called a decile. By 11 you have the undecile or
Now: The old tradition was to assume that a conjunction with Jupiter
or Venus was good because they were the great benefics. And they assumed
that a conjunction with Saturn or Mars was bad because those were the great
malefics. They assumed also that Mercury was relatively neutral and colored
one way or the other by placement circumstances in the chart. This is old
Western astrology. In India almost everything is a malefic! They still have
Jupiter & Venus as benefics, and Mercury is neutral. But even the Sun is a
malefic, and both nodes of the Moon are malefics. Vedic astrology can get
very negative! : )
ZIP: OK. That is totally wrong as far as I’m concerned. I absolutely
do not see that. The closer anything is conjunct anything else, the more both
features are intensified. The closer Mercury is to the Sun the more the
person is ego-involved in their intellect. Their pride is in their intellect. They
are very creative with their minds. However, what it does do is, because you
do get so emotionally ego-involved with the intellect, it may be less
objective. So, in that sense, it’s more an emotionally important feature in the
person’s functioning, though it may be less objective. If it’s in air or earth
signs or houses, this helps it to be more objective. So you get that effect
mostly when you involve heavy fire & water, so more difficulty in being
objective with one’s mind. But it’s a powerful mind, a very good mind, a
very creative mind. It’s important to the person in his or her sense of pride &
self-worth to be able to function with the mind.
Regarding being combust, one striking example was a man who had a
very tight Venus-Sun conjunction in Aries within one degree. Instead of
Venus being wiped out, he was one of the most graceful people I have ever
seen in my life. He was physically beautiful and carried himself with
incredible grace. He never had a dancing lesson in his life but he just danced
naturally & beautifully. He was extremely Venusian for all the fact that this
was in Aries. So I have not seen anything wiped out by being close to the
Sun. It’s just intensified, becoming very much a part of the self-worth, ego-
image, pride.
Now: the basic idea of aspects is that we’re relating to two parts of our
own nature. And if we’re relating to them by a harmonious aspect like a trine
or sextile, then it means they function comfortably with each other. Those
parts of your nature will be reinforcing each other, complimenting each
other, functioning easily together. If we have a conflict aspect, then we say
those two parts of our nature are in conflict with each other to some degree,
and we have to work at it in order to integrate them. Let’s take Aries square
Cancer or Mars square Cancer or 1st house square 4th house : Freedom-
Closeness or Independence-Dependence dilemma. One part of the nature is
saying, “No strings. No limitations. Nobody is going to tie me down or keep
me from doing what I want to do.” And another part of the nature is saying,
“I just want to stay in the nest and be taken care of or take care of others. I
want to be a baby or a mother. I don’t want to be alone but be part of a
family.” So it shows that in some way we are struggling with these two
different parts of life. At the same time, it’s usually easier to integrate two
planets that are naturally harmonious with each other. So if you have a
conflict aspect between Mercury and Uranus, for instance, that’s not very
heavy because Mercury & Uranus are naturally trine (Gemini to Aquarius).
On the other hand, even a harmony aspect between Mars & Moon, which
shows that the person is integrating them, there’s still a natural potential for
tension there in those two parts of life since they are fire-water and naturally
square each other.
I think the opposition is a natural partnership, and it’s usually not too
hard to integrate. It’s easier than a square, generally. The two ends of the
polar axis have much in common. They’re normally in the same quality
(either cardinal, fixed or mutable). They’re either air & fire which support
each other, or they’re earth & water which also support each other. So there
is a natural tendency for them to work together if you give them half a
chance. So I don’t see the opposition as too difficult to integrate normally. I
am in disagreement with the Church of Light that believes an opposition is
worse than a square.
situation that you’re ready to get rid of something that is not effective in
your life. So I started calling it the “closet-cleaning” aspect. Scorpio is
somewhat similar. We’re deciding what belongs to me and what doesn’t
belong to me—it belongs to somebody else, so hands off. Or what was ok
and useful before is now outgrown, so time to get rid of it. It’s garbage now
and can poison you if held in. I’ve gotten all the value I can from it so let it
go and forget it. Literally it’s a sort of death—it died in my life, out.
[“You’re dead to me”]
Anytime you put air in the aspect picture, and Taurus too in most
cases, it can be helpful. Air can understand what the situation is, and deal
with it rationally, and Taurus wants it comfortable. The more you put fire &
water and Letter Ten in the picture, generally those aspects are more difficult
to handle, harder to handle. Fire & water because we get emotional about it
and have difficulty in being realistic & practical and objective and relaxed;
and Letter Ten because it does represent limits, and we always seem to resist
and resent having limits put on us, and we tend to fight them, feel threatened
by them. So the conjunction is a special case where it can be just pretty easy
& effortless, or it can be a real challenge depending on whether it involves
planets that are naturally complimentary or in conflict…But I’ve seen a
number of cases where Mars might be in Capricorn, Saturn in Aries, Mars
square Saturn, 1st house-10th house square—you know, the 1-10 conflict
over & over. Yet these people were handling life very successfully. They
were overdrive, steamroller people, fighting the establishment frequently,
but they were handling it well. So there’s nothing in the chart that is doom &
gloom automatically, that cannot be handled if the person is aware and
working with it consciously. There’s absolutely nothing that has to be
negative. But you do need to know what it is you are doing. Anytime you
start to feel like, “I’m a victim. Look at what the world is doing to me” then
it’s time to take a good hard look at what’s going on inside. And the
horoscope is one of the best ways of seeing this.
…John Nelson took the next giant step in the very end of the Forties
and the beginning of the Fifties. He was a radio engineer hired by RCA at
the time, and they assigned him the job of trying to figure out a better way to
forecast ionosphere disturbances. The ionosphere is the layer above the
atmosphere. Radio waves hit it, bounce off it, and come back to earth to be
picked up. Nelson was somewhat of an amateur astronomer, and had his
own telescope. And somebody, right at the beginning of his efforts,
suggested that he look at the planets. If he had been a good theoretical
physicist, he probably would have said “Pooh-pooh. What nonsense!” But
he was an engineer, which means being pretty pragmatic, and he looked and
found that indeed the angular distances between the planets were very
important in the state of the ionosphere. In 1952 he published in scientific
journals results of his early studies that when Jupiter-Saturn-Sun-Earth were
lined up in 90 degree and 180 degree angles and conjunctions, there were
disturbances in the ionosphere—sometimes accompanied by solar storms but
not always. He continued to amplify this work right on up to the present. He
has gradually added more aspects, looking at every multiple of 7 and a half
degrees, 11 & a quarter degrees, and 18 degrees. That’s a lot of aspects!
Now: This is still the same old principle we’ve been talking about:
dividing a circle by a whole number. If you divide by 12, you get 30; if you
divide by 24 you get 15; and if you divide by 48, you get 7 and a half. If you
divide by 8, you get 45 degrees; by 16 you get 22 & a half; and by 32 get 11
& a half. If you divide by 5, you get 72 degrees; by 10 you get 36; and by 20
you get 18 degrees.
The next step after Nelson’s work was John Addy of England who
started probably around the same general time as Nelson. He called the
aspects “harmonics.” The word confuses a lot of people but we’re still
talking about the same thing, aspects. What Addy suggested was: Why stop
at those specific numbers? Why not divide a circle by every number? So he
started dividing the circle by every number up to 180, which would give you
an aspect of 2 degrees. As one of our programs on the computer, we have
worked out a way of dividing a circle by every number up to 48. We can go
clear to 180 but usually we stop at 48. So the division by 7 gives you the
septile; the division by 9 gives you a novile; by 11, a decile, and so on.
Now with this idea, again like the midpoints, anything can be an
aspect. And we can end up getting a little overwhelmed by the mass of data
we’re producing! What can we do with them? Because we can’t put an
interpretation on some of the new ones. So what Addy suggested in his
initial work was really a return to numerology. He suggested interpreting the
aspects as the nature of the number that was used to divide the circle. And
many people I think have done that before when they said that the quintile—
dividing a circle by 5—was a creative aspect. I suspect they were going back
to 5 being considered a creative number from numerology rather than going
through a lot of personal work looking at quintiles in charts. The 7 was
interpreted as a spiritual number, so people suggested that the septile was a
spiritual aspect, and so on. At this point I would prefer not to try to be very
dogmatic about it. Based on just a very limited number of charts, I have a
strong feeling that 5 is associated with power, and the power can be either
creative or destructive, depending on how it’s being used. But this whole
field of harmonics is pretty much up in the air right now, very speculative.
Only the classical aspects are on fairly firm foundation. But I am convinced
that there probably is a meaningful relationship between everything. I’m
sure there is no such thing as an unaspected planet, or even a lack of aspect
between any two planets.
And half of those, the 22 & a half degree multiples, will look like a square in
the new chart. So you immediately get all multiples of 22 & a half degrees
visible as a conjunction-square-opposition. Now those particular aspects are
what the Uranians call the “hard aspects.” And they put a great deal of
emphasis on those, primarily because those are pressure aspects of some
kind where there is likely to be action. They are especially interested in
predicting events. When people feel tension or challenge or conflict, they do
something. So there’s an event. Either they do it or they precipitate it from
the world, invite it from the world.
Admetos, Poseidon, Kronos. They have theories about where they are, based
on having things happen to people and not being able to account for what
happened, then they say, “Well, there had to be a planet there that accounted
for it.” So they kept making up new planets. Of course the Uranians aren’t
the only people who have done this. Charles Jayne made up five new
planets; Tobey has two; the Germans also have one called Transpluto. Then
there are the imaginary moons, Lillith & Lulu. All of these imaginary
planets are pretty speculative, especially Lillith! I don’t know who was into
it, but it is supposedly an invisible moon that goes 3 degrees a day
backward. Anyway, there are many different kinds of minds involved with
astrology! So the Uranian system is a very complex one. Not only do they
have these eight imaginary planets, as I said, they do what they call
planetary pictures that are like Arabic parts for everything. They have at
least six different charts that they set up. Besides your natal chart they have a
chart with your Moon on the Ascendant, the Sun on the Ascendant, with
zero Aries ring, one with 0 Libra rising, and so on.
just want to know more about Indian astrology.” He studied the chart again,
and said, “Well, I’m sorry, but your chart says you don’t have the ability to
be an astrologer!” The only positive thing he said was that I would inherit
property from my mother—which was true. So their astrology is tied in with
the way they live: very fatalistic, limited life that they are familiar with.
So any harmony aspect just says that that part of your nature is in
harmony, and any conflict aspect just says that that part of your nature is in
conflict. Some books say, “Oh, squares are good because they galvanize
action. They’re energizing.” Yes, that’s true. They are energizers because if
you’re in conflict, you want to do something about it. It’s uncomfortable. So
you will probably take action. You may get out of the frying pan into the
fire, or you may integrate; that is, make a place for each of these
contradictory parts of life, and then there’s no problem. It’s perfectly
possible to have a grand cross in your chart & handle it with no problem at
all. It is not necessary to have a problem, but you do have to be aware that
there could be a problem between those different parts of life if not handled.
You can’t do them at the same time because they’re contradictory. You
either have to take turns with them or stay in the middle, and you have a
solution. And with the grand trine you just have to make sure you don’t have
excess with that “I want it, I want it, I want it” part of your nature that might
interfere with something else in your nature. The easiest grand trine to
handle is earth because earth is always practical. So I almost never see
anybody in any trouble with a grand trine in earth. They’re conscientious,
practical, and they handle life. With the grand trine in air they may be a little
overbalanced in feeling that the world should just let them watch the show
go by, be passive, talk about it, and that ought to be enough. And the nasty
world says, “No. You ought to do a little more work.” The grand trine in
water and in fire can be more problematical because it may mean that the
person is really heavily emotional. Fire says, “I know what I want, and I
want it right now!” Some of the real psychotic delusions of grandeur I’ve
seen had grand trines in fire with either Neptune in the 1st house or Jupiter
there or Sagittarius and so on as part of the pattern. This is the “I am God”
trip. They could be walking around with their little band of followers,
preaching that the end of the world was coming, but their followers only
were going to be saved. Maybe they’ll be picked up by a flying saucer and
everything will be beautiful for them only. And when everybody else was
wiped out—you can see them gloating how everybody else is going to be
wiped out—then they would return on the earth and have all the riches of the
world to enjoy for themselves. The grand trine in water of course can
sometimes be too sensitive, too dependent, or too nurturant in trying to take
care of everybody at their own cost. So that’s just because there may be
excesses with a grand trine, but by itself it’s good. It just says that those
parts of your nature are in agreement of what they want. They are supporting
each other. They’re complimentary. But you can still overdo it!
[2/5/79 :]
ZIP: Also remember the whole chart. Never look at one thing alone.
People get do strung out over a single thing lots of times. For instance, I’ve
seen people just flip out over an eclipse, which many times is totally
unimportant. Even someone like Marc Edmund Jones, who is one of the first
to start astrology in the direction of the psychological & humanistic
approach, and tried to get away from the old materialistic, negative kind of
astrology. He really did a great service to astrology, even though a lot of his
quick and easy answers do not work and are not dependable. Last October
when he had his 90th birthday, a celebration done for him with a big
conference up in Seattle. All kinds of people came and honored him; you
know, it was a big deal. So he gets up there, and at least three times in the
course of his talks in a couple of days, he said, “Isn’t this amazing? Here I
am with an eclipse on my Sun, and according to astrology, I should be
Now: What does an eclipse on the Sun mean? It features the Sun.
What does the Sun represent? Honor pride, recognition from the world,
applause—totally appropriate for what was happening to him then. Why
should it be associated with death? It didn’t make any sense to me that it
should be associated with death. It was exactly appropriate for what was
happening: He was getting honored and noticed by the world. You see, the
general potential if you think in terms of cycles is just that at the New Moon
you start a new cycle, and at the Full Moon you reach a
culmination/fulfillment phase of the cycle. The eclipse comes at either new
or full. So it is either the beginning of a cycle where you’re letting go of
something old, but it isn’t necessarily going to be bad finishing that old
cycle, OR you reach at the fulfillment potential of the cycle to really reach
its widest expression in the world.
So it’s tragic that so much of the old “Doom & Gloom” approach still
hangs on in astrology. We do have to keep in mind that it depends on the
level of the person whether they’re handling it constructively or not. The
more they can be helped to have awareness of what they’re working on in
their own nature, the more they can handle everything relatively
constructively. That doesn’t mean we won’t be uncomfortable at times. We
will be challenged at times, and often that is the way we are pushed into
growth. But it won’t be the big tragedy wipe-out kind of thing if we are
handling our own nature in relative harmony with ourselves.
I still see so much of the old astrology. As one example, a man has
had psychological training but he was still brought up in the traditional,
negative astrological school. He did an interpretation for someone that I
knew and told her she was going to be raped. She looked at him, and said,
“I’m on the spiritual path. Those things just don’t happen to me.” He replied,
“Well, it’s going to happen.” Well, it didn’t happen. What happened was
that she was in an astrological organization that was having a war within the
organization to try to get rid of exactly that kind of astrology, and bring
astrology into the 20th century. And her side, the psychological side, won
and got rid of some of the old officers who were holding it back, and she
really helped move it ahead. So it was a struggle in the astrological
organization but we was looking at what he thought was a terrible Mars
thing that was involved.
It’s really too bad [about the fatalistic approach] and sometimes you
get really dreadful occurrences. One of the examples that I often use, which
is one of the worst cases that I’ve ever been exposed to, is a man down in
Florida who also put out one of the worst books in astrology, a book on
karmic astrology. I saw a woman I guess in the spring two years ago. He had
done her chart the fall before and told her that the following fall (which was
three months after I saw her) she was going to die of cancer of the female
organs—flat, blanket statement! Not only did he tell her that, but he showed
her a little graph where it had a line going across, and it just plummeted
down to the bottom like a cliff. So she had this graphic picture to remember
in her mind besides the words. Plus her father had died of cancer, and she
was having some problems with her female organs at the time. So he did a
real number on her. I didn’t hear from her the following fall but I’m pretty
sure I know what happened because I talked to her that spring. What she had
in terms of aspects, among other things, was she had the Sun conjunct
Uranus on the 8th house cusp, and the Sun was one of the rulers of the 5th.
And what was going on in her life was that she had been a traditional
housewife-mother and nothing else. Her kids were raised. She had gotten a
little inheritance (8th house), and she was investing in a health food store
where she was going to have classes in occultism, tarot, metaphysics, etc.
And her two daughters were going to work with her, a teamwork thing.
more now that the kids have grown.” So I’m pretty confident that it worked
out and that there were no major problems.
At any rate, remember the option that if the person is living with self-
awareness and spirituality, that person is going to handle anything (any
aspect or pattern shown in the chart). If they’re not self-aware, if they’re
expressing conflicts, then it means they will not handle anything, including
Jupiter and Venus. I do see “hard” aspects as conflict potentials, and that’s
why they often do produce events because, as I said, it’s when the person is
in conflict & uncomfortable that he will DO something to try to resolve the
discomfort. Whereas with the trines & sextiles, they may or may not take
action because they’re comfortable. They don’t feel driven to do something.
But it’s not static if there’s fire & earth in the chart because the person is still
going to do something no matter how many sextiles & trines there are. A T-
square, for instance, can be a dynamo for action if it’s being handled
ZIP: Do not assume that things have to be good or bad. Now: You
can have conflict aspects and still have enormous ability. A conflict aspect
means there is some kind of challenge there, but it does not necessarily mean
that you are not going to be highly capable. You may be in conflict because
you can do too many things and you can’t make up your mind about which
way to go, and you try to do too much.
Now remember: Aspects which are the most important are the ones
that are exact within one degree and stay that way by progression. This is a
basic keynote in the character. And certainly anything close to an angle is
extra important. Planets right on the angles (Ascendant-IC-Descendant-MC)
are the ones to really watch. And a lot of close aspects, including a stellium,
are clues to people with extra emphasis in their nature. They may be
outstanding in their accomplishments or they may be having serious
[NEXT CHART: BILLY GRAHAM: 26 Aries rising; north node 10
Gemini in 2nd; Jupiter 15 Cancer in 3rd right next to IC; Vesta 1 Leo & Juno
5 Leo & Neptune 9 Leo in 4th; Saturn 27 Leo in 5th; Venus 10 Scorpio & Sun
14 Scorpio and Venus 28 Scorpio in 7th; south node 14 Sagittarius in 8th;
Mars 27 Sagittarius and Moon 29 Sagittarius in 9th; Uranus 23 Aquarius in
in 7th along with Venus 21 Cancer; Sun 3 Leo & Mars 7 Leo & Mercury 8
Leo in 7th; Juno 14 Leo in 8th; Neptune 17 Leo in 8th; Vesta 2 Libra and
Saturn 15 Libra in 9th; Jupiter 10 Scorpio]
ZIP: A lot of the self-other theme with the strong 1st house-7th house
axis. Strong need for other people with the Leo, Scorpio, 7th & 8th houses.
Her work would have to be with other people, cooperative sharing of some
kind. Mercury rules the 6th and is in the 7th in Leo with the Sun & Jupiter in
the 10th. Need to be emotionally involved with Moon in the 1st. The nodes in
Pisces-Virgo can indicate helping people, serving people. Grand trine in
water: the natural psychic or healer or mystic, tuning into the unconscious,
and the world will take care of them. Yet she could be insecure because of
the Capricorn in the 1st, Mars and Sun in the 7th, giving some of her power
away, or holding herself back or putting herself down until she has found her
strength. And the south node in the 2nd is a lesson how to handle money. The
basic options in this chart: Negatively, either saying the world has the
power, I am vulnerable, and the world has to take care of me or, positively, I
have the power to go out and help people.
ZIP: A lot of air as well as water & fire. Identified with the mother
with Cancer rising and Mars in the 4th. Also identified with being a partner
(Mars in Libra widely conjunct Juno). Powerhouse 5th. Close T-square in
mutables in Fixed houses.
Talents: Very creative. Verbal facility all over the place within the Gemini-
Sagittarius emphasis. She’s into words but is sensitive with the water, which
can make it more dramatic (Sun in 5th, Leo in 1st). Saturn in Pisces in the 8th
square Sun—Venus-Mercury in 5th can show power struggle potential if we
think other people have the power but want it ourselves. But she has enough
air, and air is the non-compulsive element that just wants to know &
understand. The whole motherhood theme with Cancer rising and Sun co-
ruling the 1st in the 5th of children says “I am naturally & instinctively a
mother.” Moon-Ceres conjunct can say the same but they are opposite the 5th
house and square Saturn in the 8th, so there may be a problem there.
What could she do? Something unusual with Uranus in the 6th. And
something she could control with the Capricorn. Teaching is always a
possibility with a 5-11 emphasis and the Gemini-Sagittarius. Those are the
polarities that involve teachers—gaining & giving knowledge to others.
Sagittarius on the 6th could be spiritual or idealistic, and also Pisces on the
9th. She has Uranus opposite Neptune in the 12th, and the Moon aspecting
them both and Mercury (the conscious mind) opposite it. She has psychic
ability too.
Aries in 10th; north node 14 Aries in 10th; Uranus-Sun 15 Aries in 10th;
Mercury 4 Taurus in 11th; Jupiter 11 Cancer in 12th]
ZIP: South node in Libra and Saturn in the 7th and Capricorn in 7th:
lesson in partnership. All that Cancer says, “I want to be emotionally close”
but all the rest of the chart says, “Nobody is going to have control over me.”
Strong water in the chart but also fire & earth. So, yes, there is a freedom-
closeness dilemma and a power struggle, and yes, he wants dependency that
a part of him can’t tolerate, that would really freak him out. He still has to
deal with it. So power struggle with the world, to be on top of the world, and
at the same time that Aries and that Uranus in the 10th says he’s got to be
unique & different, not like anybody else, and in some way be an
entrepreneur. The Aries says “My way; no limits on me” but the 18th house
and Capricorn is limits. Letter Ten represents what you can do, can’t do, and
have to do in life. Aries squares the Capricorn Saturn and Vesta in
Capricorn, so potential for knocking his head against the limits.
CELIBATE (Pluto-Scorpio expression). HE IS A BISEXUAL BUT
[FEMALE CHART: 17 Virgo rising; Neptune 12 Libra in 1st; south
node 24 Libra in 2nd; Chiron 6 Sagittarius in 3rd; Vesta 25 Sagittarius in 4th;
Jupiter 2 Aquarius in 5th; Moon 29 Aquarius in 6th; Mars 14 Taurus in 8th;
Sun 28 Taurus in 8th; Venus 7 Gemini in 9th; Mercury 16 Gemini right on
MC in 10th side; Juno 24 Gemini in 10th; Uranus 28 Gemini in 10th; Pluto 14
Leo in 11th; Saturn 29 Leo in 12th]
ZIP: Leo-Pisces for both parents (Ceres & Saturn in Leo in 12th).
Dramatic martyr potential. [MOTHER IS A SUN IN PISCES, ALWAYS
SICK] Moon in the 6thn house opposite Saturn—the martyr-sick trip instead
of the work need. Vesta in the 4th can either be a very hard working parent or
else a parent who is ill. Or a child who works early because a parent isn’t
functioning properly. Sagittarius in the 4th can be a religious parent who is
very idealistic with very high standards. And often the reason for illness is
because people van never live up to their own expectations, and illness is a
way to excuse their guilt.
any rate, the child has a chance to learn from the parents: what to do & not
to do. And since there’s a grand trine in air, it shows a good ability to learn,
to be objective about it; look at it, understand it, deal with it. Certainly a
very very mental chart. Mercury squares the Virgo rising. So many interests,
it’s hard to decide which to focus upon.
Theme of looking for the ideal in a relationship: Leo in the 12th, Pisces
in the 7th, Venus in the 9th, Jupiter in the 5th, Mars co-ruling the 7th & 8th in
the 9th. With Juno in the 10th you also have a desire for a partner who would
be like a parent or someone to play parent to. But the Gemini and all the air
wants an equal. The air should win out, so Juno & Pallas in the 10th can
operate as wanting a competent person as a mate, but not one who is on a
heavy power trip.
Faith is a very important part of the life: Neptune in the 1st, Mars in
the 9th, Venus ruling the 1st in the 9th. So strong focus on the need for faith
and a sense of direction. That Venus opposite Chiron adds to the mutable
restlessness and search for answers. Perpetual student, natural teacher. With
Mars in the 9th and the ruler of the Ascendant in the 9th, just because some
authority says so isn’t going to be enough. She’s going to want to find her
own truth. It’s a do-it-yourself kind of pattern, finding her own answers.
Jupiter trines the 9th and Neptune widely trines Venus, and Mars is trine the
Ascendant from the 9th, so the ability is there to find her own answers &
being clear about what she wants and where she is going to go in life. Often
when you get that kind of combination the person is clear about what they
want, but the problem is they want more than what is possible. So there is
always a conflict between what they can do & what they want to do—going
in all directions, yet still being able to do a lot. Certainly the work should
involve the mind & people & communication with air in the work houses.
Typical teaching chart, work with the media, writing,
ZIP: There are mixed patterns, but as long as the harmony patterns
are present, that’s just likely to mean periodically she will revise her beliefs,
goals & directions in life. But it can also sometimes mean some tension
between the spiritual ideals & just enjoying the material world, or a conflict
between different ideals and expectations.
I think I mentioned one extreme case that I did last spring during my
trip. This guy had a Virgo stellium in the 12th house and he was absolutely
torn in two because one part of his nature wanted to become totally spiritual
& get off the wheel of reincarnation and not have to come back anymore.
And another part of his nature wanted to make a lot of money and really
enjoy the physical world. As a result of the conflict he wasn’t doing either
one. His spiritual nature wouldn’t let him make lots of money, and his
material nature was strong enough that he couldn’t give up his physical
ZIP: Yeah. What I told that guy was just, you can make all the
money you want as long as it’s ethical & you use it for good in the world.
ZIP: Plus that’s usually not legal! The only way I know where you
can do that is live in a community where nobody marries yet equally shares.
If nothing else in the chart, it can show with that Juno in Gemini & Aquarius
in the 5th, and Venus in Gemini [OR TWO—GEMINI—MARRIAGES
OVER THE LIFE SPAN]. Sometimes the person wants the ideal but is not
satisfied with the limitations of just one partnership—it’s not good enough,
should be more (Pisces in 7th, Jupiter in 5th, Sun and Venus in 9th).
Vesta 0 Pisces right on MC; Venus conjunct Moon 0 Gemini in 12th; Jupiter
13 Gemini and Juno 18 Gemini & Pallas 18 Gemini in 12th]
ZIP: Stellium in the 12th: the issue is faith. If they have faith in a
higher power—they do their best & turn it over to a higher power—then
there is no problem. Inner security. There’s also a lot o activity in the 2nd
house, so he has to do some of it himself. Vesta in Pisces on the Midheaven
is the original “I’ve got to save the world and make it right.” That Saturn-
Neptune conjunction is similar: swing between “I’ve got to do it” and “God
will take care of it.”
in the 5th. So the search for the ideal in partnership. And then that 2nd house
wants all that sexual-sensual pleasure. It can also be extraordinary artistic
talent with Vesta in Pisces, loaded 12th with Venus, strong 2nd house. He
ought to be doing something artistic with that chart.
ZIP: Yes. But it’s also the ability to create connected to the home or
the land—landscape gardening, interior design, fancy chef, clothes, anything
that is creating beauty & pleasure & comfort & security.
Vesta is very careful with the details of the job. They want it right.
Very one-pointed, tunnel vision. It squares the early Gemini, so another
mutable dilemma. Lots of talent & versatility but a real struggle with being
one-pointed and being spread all over the map. The 10th house Saturn
conjunct Neptune might be a parent who is heavy into the work scene or into
illness—the victim parent or missing parent or religious parent. Moon in the
12th connects mother with Pisces. So both parents connected to Letter
Twelve [perhaps idealized, held in high esteem].
Vesta square Venus & trioctile 2nd house: One form is “Should I do it
or should I let God do it? Or should I let partner do it?” Often there is a very
strong dramatic potential when you get Leo in the 3rd house and Neptune in
the 5th, although it may be inhibited somewhat (Saturn in the 5th, south node
on Mercury & very near 3rd house cusp). It’s also sometimes you find cases
like this where there might be a very dramatic sibling. Or sometimes there is
rivalry for the limelight.
With all the water in the earth houses, the work should be in some
way providing protection & security for people—provide physical needs or
emotional reassurance. Restlessness here with the Gemini and Sun-Mars
conjunction. The weak element is earth but there’s enough in the 2nd house
and highlighted Vesta to do it. It looks like the natural inclination is to only
be practical because it’s necessary and not because he wants to be.
Prominent Vesta in Pisces can mean marvelous healing work. Neptune-
Saturn can add to that potential, the Cancer, the strong 12th house.
can make a guess in terms of a principle that there would be some kind of
major shift in the life situation pretty early. Mars is closely square to Ceres
both in cardinal signs, so there is a fair amount of cardinality there, which
represents change & action, and again, if it very close to the angles, it can
show events early in the life.
The native grew up with his father and the two of them together
became hired killers for the mafia. He was here in America with no
knowledge of the language, no way to earn a living. As a teenager he was
going out with his father. Up to the time he was somewhere in his early
Thirties, his father died, and the native stopped being a hired killer just like
that, and became a gardener with the Park District. That Mars went up to 24
Libra and turned stationery and stayed there squaring Pluto for years & years
within one degree. Mars-Pluto: Mars being my will; Pluto being the rights
and power of others—to the death! At the same time, he wasn’t really
comfortable with what he was doing. He was violent against others, but
because of his guilt, he took it out on himself (periodic accidents). But he
never got caught. Jupiter trine Pluto and Ceres and Venus/Mercury trine
Ascendant-Mars. I got this information from the girl he was going with. He
is very closed-mouthed (despite the expectation from people regarding all of
his Aquarius) but she was the first person he was ever able to open up to and
be close with. All of his life he has been on the run, hiding out (Pisces-
Cancer). Water signs are closure, finishing a chapter, and death is one way
of closing a chapter. The Cancer emphasis can be an association with death
too, just as much as Scorpio.
ZIP: The ability to talk with Jupiter in the 1st and all that Aquarius,
including Mercury, is there but with all that water house and sign (Cancer-
4th) I suspect that such a chart would not be too talkative. No one would
know anything unless he got really close. He would play with a poker face
with that insecurity, and no one would know what is going on inside.
Outwardly he is probably self-possessed and cold, and nobody knows how
much tension is there inside. He would hide his feelings but he would not
genuinely be detached because of the 4th house and Cancer sign Pluto
aspecting. The 4th house quality will be stronger than the Aquarius. Houses
really outweigh the signs. This is an intensely feeling person who tries to
keep it under control and not let anyone else know. He tries to be detached at
arm’s length and avoid getting close. He is probably threatened by his own
need for closeness & being vulnerable.
seen in my life. He was anything but loquacious. It wasn’t because he wasn’t
inherently verbal with a brilliant mind. But you would ask him a question
and he would stand there and think about it for a long time, and then say,
“What do you think?” It would drive the students up the wall! So heavy
Aquarius is not necessarily talkative. That doesn’t mean they are not capable
of talking but it is a fixed sign despite all of its reputation for impulse. It can
be very deliberate. The main thing about a fixed sign is it won’t be driven by
anyone else. It will do what it wants to do when it wants to do it.
Uranus by its own nature is not dictatorial, but if you put it in the 10th
or conjunct Saturn, then you may find a dictator or something like that. So
other factors have to come into the picture. Uranus by itself is non-coercion,
voluntary cooperation. By its own pure nature, Letter Eleven does not want
to be dominated by anyone else, and it does not want to dominate anyone
else either.
Another power theme: Mars in Capricorn conjunct the Sun. What do
we have when we put two fire planets together? Drive, confidence,
enthusiasm. Jupiter in the 1st adds to the power, more fire. So we can say he
needs to have the power in his own hands. Very verbal. Restlessness with
the mutable emphasis, very restless mind. What kind of work can he do with
all those mutables? Travel, talk, sell, teach, write, sports. Sports or
competitive business are ways to get into the limelight to satisfy that power
of the Leo in the 10th. He has the potential of being an actor. Saturn is in
Leo. Vesta, key to work, is in the Leo house, and in Pisces which is the
make believe, fantasy, creative imagination. Sun in Sagittarius can be very
flamboyant too. Life of the party, practical jokester. Mars, the ruler of the 6th
house of work, is right on the Sun. So career is connected to the Leo quality.
Ceres in the 4th, as another key to service, is in Aquarius. So we get a
Cancer-Aquarius theme again. Cancer can be anything connected to security,
the public. Aquarius is new knowledge, change, reaching out past the
traditions of the past conventions of the past.
Mars ruling the 6th in the 3rd suggests the work could be mental, mind
or hands. In Capricorn it adds to his need to be in control, like Saturn in the
10th. Sun ruling the 10th in 3rd also carries us back to the 3rd again. Mercury
rules the 10th and is in Sagittarius, so we have the mental emphasis again.
Lecturing, acting, teaching, writing, super-salesman. A lot of magnetism
probably, an ability to persuade people. A very sensual chart. Also a go-go
chart. The chart suggests the tendency towards excesses, but a lot of talent.
The tight conjunctions are very often indications of exceptional ability &
power. Sometimes it can be exceptional disability or other problems with
that extra emphasis. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a chart of a famous person
who didn’t have at least one, two or more of close conjunctions.
Uranus rules the 6th and is in Aries in the 8th. Joint efforts, joint
security, joint resources, but he still wants it in his own hands. Modern
technology again with Aquarius-Aries. Could be something involving death
in the 8th, government funds, investment, insurance. Air planet in a water
house so this could be putting the conscious mind into the unconscious and
digging it out.
What kind of career? Technological with Mars in the 10th and Uranus
in Aries in the Scorpio house. They are good at taking things apart. Virgo
craftsmanship. Mercury being right on Vesta is Virgoish. So he could be
good at taking things apart and putting them together again, and digging in
and finding out what lies beneath with the water. A lot of water connected
with the earth houses. A lot of water so it could be a lot of things behind the
scenes, undercover connected with the unconscious, hidden, psychic.
Research is a possibility but he would need someone else to do some of the
dog work even though all the Virgo is there and the 10th house. Water likes
to be either dependent or nurturant. Earth wants to do it themselves. Air likes
to do it themselves. Fire wants it on their own terms. He needs something
where he can work up to the top eventually. Something that will provide
security and a good income & variety. Mars in the picture within the work
and the Scorpio house and the Virgo, he could have gone into a medical
[M. asked about the Moon and Jupiter being besieged by Pluto (also
in Cancer) and Mars (also Mars at the other or earlier degree of Cancer]
ZIP: That should be left in the middle Ages! The whole idea of
anything having to be negative is very unfortunate. Mars is your own will.
If your will and action is expressed in a negative way, then it’s a negative
choice (conscious or unconscious). His Mars alone in Cancer in the 10th is
already a strong cardinal dilemma, which must be handled. The square to
Aries just repeats it. Saturn is opposed Mars-Moon. So a heavy cardinal
dilemma. She should make sure there is a place in his life for each of those:
independence, dependence, equality and control. He settled for the
independence & control. He has trouble with closeness and being an equal.
He still hasn’t managed to work with other people.
The problem with the wording of the old books is: That it is besieged.
You have no idea of what is going on and what to do about it. But if you
think of it in terms of a power struggle between wanting to keep control
because that’s the only way you feel safe, and keeping your independence,
then you have some idea of what the problem is and how to solve it.
4th; Pluto 24 Cancer in 7th; south node 25 Leo in 8th; Vesta 5 Virgo &
Neptune 11 Virgo in 8th; Jupiter 8 Libra in 9th; Sun 26 Libra in 10th; Moon 1
Scorpio in 10th; Mercury 18 Scorpio in 11th conjunct Juno; Mars 7
Sagittarius in 11th; Venus 9 Sagittarius]
ZIP: Looking for truth with a capital T, for some kind of ultimate
meaning in life. Sagittarius rising; Jupiter, the ruler of the Ascendant, is in
the 9th-Sagittarius house; Mars, natural key to self & action, is in the sign of
Sagittarius; Venus, key to pleasure, is in Sagittarius in the 12th house of the
search for the beautiful dream. This can represent a sense of “I ought to be
God. I ought to be perfect. I ought to never make a mistake.” That can be
painful at times especially with Capricorn in the 1st house. Sagittarius says “I
have to be perfect” and the Capricorn says, “You didn’t make it, look at the
flaws.” The essence of Virgo & Capricorn is to get the job done and done
right, where you have to look for what’s wrong and then correct it. That’s
fine if we do it to the job, but it’s not so fine when we do it to ourselves. So
it can mean that the standards may be a little too high, too unrealistic, and
being self-critical.
we don’t have to put them all on one partner. And so it can make for very
deep and lasting friendships. All of the emotional energy doesn’t go into the
one relationship of marriage.
Again we have the ruler of the 5th in the 12th. The same theme of
making the family an ultimate value, in which case, you may have numbers
of children as our source of fulfillment in life, or feeling we belong to
humanity & having a very limited number of children. Again, Venus
conjunct Mars, Ceres in Aries, could be a single child or we could mother
other people’s children. With the 12th house involved, and with Mercury co-
ruling the Gemini in the 5th up there in the 11th—other people’s children, or
children of humanity. Sometimes that type of pattern will attract a teaching
career, working with young people, but working with the public,
humanitarian principles, knowledge. Lots of possibilities.
in the middle sextile both of them. So the overall potential for integration,
understanding & handling life successfully is good. The eventual direction
certainly should be towards achieving some sort of prominence, recognition,
activity with other people, focus on social causes connected to the work.
That can mean not only career for money, it can mean volunteer work of all
kinds—anything that promotes the social well being of humanity. And with
that restless Uranus in Aries in the 4th, it could be a lot of changes in the
residence. It’s a freedom-closeness struggle where the 4th house says, “Stay
put, be rooted” and Uranus in Aries says, “Leave, change, go!” Mars-Venus
both rulings the 4th in Sagittarius further accentuate that and can mean travel
in foreign countries or just frequent travel, or dreaming about it, reading
about it. This may have also been changes in the life in the early years. And
the person may get it out of their system in the early life and settle down
ZIP: Pluto is a natural key to partnership ruling the 8th house, and
bringing it into the 7th-air house just helps to bring it out into the open. It
tends to partially get out of the unconscious water and into the conscious
when we put it is an air house. So we become aware of our needs for others
or our attraction to others who need us. The main thing there would be to
watch to see that you are not going to an extreme in who you are attracted to,
whether you either pick out a free soul who pulls back or pick out a
dependent needy person who hangs on to you & stifles your freedom (which
is a little more likely). Being attracted to someone who needs to be saved
perhaps with Neptune in the 8th, or someone who wants to be mothered with
Cancer in the 7th, to be taken care of.
ZIP: You keep the happy medium when you mother people and help
them by growing stronger but stop when you see you are weakening them.
The world is full of people who genuinely need help, a little boost, but if you
take care of them too long, they fall on their face and we end up feeling like
Atlas, carrying the load for them.
ZIP: Moon rules part of the 7th and is in the 10th and there is the
possibility of picking a partner who would achieve to the top for you, But
eventually for fuller satisfaction, she would need to do something herself.
Many people do it thru volunteer work, social causes rather than thru a
normal career. With south node of the Moon in the 8th and Saturn in the 2nd,
she needs to learn that she can do it too.
ZIP: With Capricorn or Saturn in the 1st house I’ve seen many times
where the child has lost a parent and still have that strong sense of their
identity connected to the lost parent.
ZIP: Keep the high goals & standards but give more time to get
there, and enjoy the journey. Don’t kick yourself because you haven’t made
it yet.
ZIP: [11-2-76] I’ve very often found people with the disease of
cancer on an idealistic trip: “I should be perfect. I should be sweet. I should
be ideal. I shouldn’t hurt anybody” –and then it gets turned in. Neptune,
Jupiter & Venus are usually involved when there is cancer. It is a
proliferation of growth of the cells that just gets out of control. The Virgo-
Pisces polarity can be the healing-helping person or it can be the victim who
needs to be saved. The Virgo-Pisces focus does seem to come thru on most
of these charts. Cancer is a sort of self-destruct, self-blocking things done on
an unconscious level. The power really is in the unconscious. Cancer can be
the illness of many “spriritual” people who repress their negative emotions.
It doesn’t matter how outwardly spiritual they seem to be. Part of learning in
the physical world is learning to manifest a healthy physical body. And if
they haven’t learned it this time, they will have to come back and work on it
again. To be a whole person, you must function well on all levels. If we
come here in this physical world, then we are learning. I don’t think anyone
comes in who doesn’t have something to learn!
ZIP: The kidneys are represented by Libra and Venus, which is your
ability to relate to somebody in a lasting way. Some challenge in that area.
One case was a psychologist who married three times and it all ended
in disaster. He was still looking for the great, beautiful love. He used to
bring me a whole series of charts, and he was inevitably attracted to fire
types. These were really dramatic and free kinds of people who therefore
were not interested in him. Even though he fancied himself as an Aquarius,
he really came thru as a stodgy Capricorn. The gal who really adored him, a
good little Cancer, who was longing to marry him, he wasn’t attracted to. He
was attracted to fire types with Leo in the 7th and Jupiter in the 8th.
Another case was a man who had a very difficult childhood. One of
the parents was harsh. He grew up thinking he could never do anything right.
He worked at the Sheriff’s Department. Moon ruling the 10th in Capricorn.
Finally his wife couldn’t take it anymore and left him. Soon after she left, he
died of cancer. He couldn’t live with the rejection.
I had a chart of a girl with Neptune exactly on the 10th house cusp at
birth. For six years of her life, doctors misdiagnosed her illness and gave her
the wrong treatment, and she didn’t get any better. Finally the parents moved
west and the new local house cusps took Neptune off the MC and the first
doctor she went to figured out what the problem was and fixed it.
ZIP: The chart has a really strong Virgo emphasis with Virgo rising,
the ruler in Virgo, Venus, Saturn, South node in the 1st in Virgo. The 1st
house is personal identity & action, who we are & how we see ourselves,
what we can do, our rights & our power. The keynote of Virgo is efficient
functioning, doing a good job. It marks very often a kind of workaholic
tendency in the nature, a tendency to identify with the work and to feel
wiped out if we cannot be effective and successful in some sort of work.
There is often a very high craftsmanship ability. My double Virgo son is a
computer programmer, takes televisions apart and fixes them, builds
bookshelves, repairs light fixtures, installs the plumbing. Virgo takes it
apart, figures out what is wrong, and puts it back together again. Great
trouble shooters, figuring out how to make things right. Sometimes with the
Saturn there also that wants control and be the boss, a tendency is to become
an Atlas figure that feels compelled to do it all. Since Saturn and the south
node (lesson areas) are both there in the 1st house, there tends to be some
anxiety or insecurity connected to your own sense of who you are and what
you can do. These are lesson factors in a chart & represent where we are
growing, learning something. In the 1st house it is our own power &
confidence, our right to do what we want to do. So the first step is to be
working. That is crucially important—to be doing something really well
where you can feel proud of what you are accomplishing and feel a sense of
skill. Then you accept a sense of moderation about what you do and not
focus on the flaws of yourself, which is the Virgo tendency to look at what is
wrong. It’s great in the work but not so comfortable when we do the self-
critical thing to ourselves. So you do need to avoid the danger of being too
self-critical, too self-conscious, setting standards that you can never reach
and be in a state of overdrive. There are two opposite dangers, actually.
Overdrive is the most likely where the person is never satisfied &they just
keep pushing, trying to do more. The other extreme is self-blocking where
we set standards at such a high level that we know we can’t make it, and we
just give up and don’t even try, where you could just avoid the whole thing
or some area in the life rather than risk failing or falling short. Of course, if
you can accept failure, then it is not a problem. It is not devastating event if
you don’t so something as well as you would like. In fact, failure is then
price of growth. Because if we did something right the first time, we already
knew it. We didn’t learn anything. It’s only when we have done it badly and
then corrected it & done it better that we are really growing & learning &
evolving. So Virgo types have to tolerate mistakes in themselves, learn to
flow with it, do what they can do today and a little more tomorrow.
ZIP: I suspect that part of it is that insecurity thing. The south node
and Saturn in the 1st house. Whether or not the person is conscious of it,
there is some anxiety and self-doubt, and it is fairly common for the person
to hesitate & hold back because they are not sure that they can cope in an
area. And sometimes they wait until they get pushed out of the situation.
…Sometimes the heavy 1st house can get very introverted, very shut away
inside themselves, I have seen it where people were really painfully self-
conscious, shy & unsure of themselves.
ZIP: The nodes of the Moon are like additional moons in the chart.
They’re where you have your gut emotional dependency needs, your need
for emotional security. In general the descriptions of them talk about
needing associations. Well, that’s very true. You need associations if you are
looking to other people for emotional security. And the old tradition was
always that the north node was like Jupiter where things come easier, and
the south node is like Saturn where you have to work a little harder, where
you meet a challenge of some kind, that there’s something to learn. But we
need to work towards a polarity, a partnership. The principle of any
opposition is that those two opposite ends need each other. For you to have a
complete statement, you need both. Any one end of the polarity by itself, if
it’s carried to excess at the expense of the other end, can be a monster.
And it is true that the nodes are extremely important in synastry where
you work within the charts of other people in comparison. Just like the
Moon-4th house cusp, they represent your nesting urge, your urge to cling &
clutch & be absorbed & swallowed up in emotional relationships. So if the
nodes are in contact with someone else’s planets or angles, it’s a very strong
cohesive pull towards that person. And again like the Moon, they seem to
represent a contact that’s going on an unconscious level. It’s not fully
conscious, as is generally true of all water factors. There will be unconscious
depths that need to be taken into account. Water is like an iceberg, nine-
tenths of it is below the surface.
So we don’t think of doing one or the other end of the node axis. We
try to bring balance & work both out. But in general the two factors that you
cannot ignore are Saturn & the south node of the Moon. You have to first
learn something at those points, and then, once learned, you give what you
learned to the world. Saturn becomes your professional role, your handling
of power, your status & achievement, your ability to be self-disciplined &
responsible. And the Moon south node is where you work out some area of
personal, close, caring relationships. It doesn’t have to be marriage and
children, its normal expression. People do it with pets, take up helping
professions, go into saving Mother Nature. There are a lot of ways we can
do this nurturing thing & meet our own security needs in the process.
There’s always a variety of ways to manifest a basic principle.
I do feel very uncomfortable with the way the nodes have been
presented in several recent books. One person apparently started this trend
because he couldn’t deal with his own south node, so he started telling
people they should ignore it. And other people. Like sheep, read it & said the
same thing without ever looking, or maybe they too have trouble with their
south node I happen to know the person who started it, and he does have
trouble with his south node. He is still not handling it. Beyond that you will
find very often in astrology that if you want to know how to understand the
astrologers’ interpretations & theories, then look at their chart! You will see
how they have projected their own chart into their theories over & over
again. My favorite example of this involves the Ascendant where I was
arguing with an author of a recent & very popular book. He was saying that
the Ascendant is where you want to grow & expand & do something more,
and the Sun is what you’re doing naturally from the beginning. Of course I
say the opposite: that the Sun is your ego need to do bigger things to impact
the world and have the world respond to you, while the Ascendant is like
Mars—what you’re doing naturally from the start. Finally, after some
minutes of futile arguing, I asked, “What is your rising sign?” Sagittarius!
Ok, for you it’s true. With Sagittarius you’re always feeling like you’ve got
to expand & do something bigger & more. But his personal theory doesn’t
make it universal in astrology! Another one said, “Well, I see the Ascendant
as a persona,” Now: persona is a mask, and you’ll see all kinds of people
saying that—a mask you put up for the world meaning that you hide your
real nature. Now to me the closest we come to that is Libra where you might
put up a front in order to have the world like you so that they won’t see
what’s there that they might not like. If you have Libra rising, then you can
be doing this persona trip. And guess what? That particular astrologer had
Libra rising! And another astrologer said, “Well, for me, the Ascendant is
the lenses thru which the rest of the chart is filtered.” And I said, “Yes,
indeed, you have Virgo rising, don’t you?”
So the Moon’s nodes I feel are being badly handled in much of the
current literature. And I just have to say to people, “Try them out for
yourself. Don’t just assume anything from what you read in a book.” And
particularly watch your own chart, watch your own projections, because this
is such an important factor, particularly when I see well known and
competent and intelligent astrologers going astray. I usually find the answer
if I can get a hold of their chart. One lecturer I heard recently said, “Jupiter
is the planet of assimilation.” And I shake my head! Because Jupiter is the
out-thrust to the ends of the world, and nothing is ever going to tie me
down.” To associate that with assimilation, which is a water principle where
you take everything & absorb it inside, that just drives me up the wall. But
this particular astrologer has Jupiter in Cancer. So, okay, for him his Jupiter
is partly functioning as a key to his assimilation. But, my God, it seems to
me intelligent people should realize when they’re doing that kind of
universalizing. But they do.
ZIP: Yes. The 12th house is definitely a magic house. God will take
care of it, like magic. All you have to have is faith. Ninth house too.
Sagittarius & Pisces, 9th house-12th house, Jupiter & Neptune. These really
believe that the higher power will take care of it. This is where you get this
famous association of Jupiter with luck—you know, the willingness to
gamble, to take chances. “God’s going to take care of it I can do anything I
want” or “I do my share and God will do the rest.”
So if you are clear about then principles, then it’s a logical exercise to
work with astrology. The problem is when you’re trying to be specific in
details without understanding the principles. And I have heard astrologers
who wouldn’t even listen to a client when the client told them they were
wrong about a detail. One of my favorite examples of that was a well-known
Eastern male astrologer who told this woman client that because she had
Venus square Uranus, she was cheating on her husband. And she replied
very indignantly, “I’m not!” She was a heavy Capricorn and very straight,
and she said, “I wouldn’t dare. Even if I wanted to, I don’t have the courage
to do it.” With a sneer the astrologer said, “Well, don’t tell me—I know!”
He will never learn that this can mean anything else. Of course, needless to
say, she was pretty burned up!
ZIP: A person who has a lot of air in the chart but also a lot of
water—let’s say a stellium in air in the 4th house. The air instinctively wants
to talk to people. And the water says, “Be careful. You’ve got to be sure &
safe.” So you’ll find these people are very talkative when they feel safe,
when they’re in familiar & secure surroundings where they feel protected &
it’s ok. But in public situations that are strange to them, where they’re not
sure of themselves, they may sit there like a clam & say nothing. These are
two distinct parts of the nature—the need for security & the need to just
chatter. So if you have a real clear understanding of basic principles, then
you can see how they could operate in different ways at different times
under different circumstances.
ZIP: But I do. Even though that’s true. Mars, I think, is still a co-
ruler of Scorpio and that’s why it’s such a challenge. It’s a real challenge it’s
so intensely powerful and at the same time it’s going against its own nature.
Its own nature is to put its power out in the world, and the Scorpio has to
learn to put its power in on itself, to control itself out of respect for the rights
of the other person. So it’s asked to reverse its own nature there & yet that is
part where we have to learn to do that in moderation. We have to learn not
to totally demand our own will against the world but not to totally let the
world rule us either. There has to be some kind of middle ground. Same way
for Jupiter as co-ruler of Pisces, even though it is fire-water again. It’s
interesting that the fire & water ones mix, and the earth & air mix (Venus &
Mercury & Saturn rule earth and air signs). So the rational objective ones
maintain their nature, and the emotional ones maintain their nature. The
difference is between expressed emotion with fire & water turned inward
with water.
[end session Tuesday, September 16, 2014 at 8:19 pm]
Aries in 12th. NUMEROLOGY: 4 Soul Urge, 3 Personality, 7 Name, 1 Life
Path; 8 fives, missing 8; 4 nines, etc.]]
ZIP: Our initial impression, looking at the chart for themes, is that
there seems to be a well-distributed chart focus. We can see a little extra
emphasis in the 8th house in the sign of Sagittarius, and Moon & Saturn in
Capricorn in the 9th house, and Venus in Scorpio and south node in the 7th.
By sign and house we have a largely 8-9 emphasis. We have the need for
emotional involvement & closeness with the Scorpio principle backed up by
the 7th house as well. And we have the need for independence to pursue the
truth, to search for knowledge, with the Sagittarius. One form of this can be
the freedom-closeness dilemma: If you’re going to pursue the absolute, you
can’t be tied down to home & family. Yet it is perfectly possible to
compromise, to have time to read at home with the family, or take the family
with you when you travel, or to wait until the kids are raised and then travel.
One hazard is always the search of the absolute connected to relationships:
we’re looking for an ideal relationship or we may pick someone else who’s
looking for an ideal relationship, and one or the other may not be satisfied,
not good enough, not ideal enough.
Vesta in the 4th connects the work issue & sometimes the critical
attitude to one of the parents. Sometimes you see this where the person is
born on a farm & everybody works. Or the work ethic is important to the
parents, to do a good job & take pride (Leo) in your work. And sometimes
the parent is so busy working that they aren’t there that much for the kids.
The person usually does learn to work early, whether to help in the support
of the family or illness in the family and we take care of a parent who isn’t
functioning effectively. Then we have the choice later of “Are we going to
focus our life on our work & career or are we going to be a homemaker with
the family being the center of our job in the world.” We have the same kind
of theme with Moon in Capricorn in the 9th. Both Moon & Saturn are in the
same sign & house, so often it can mean one parent plays both roles. The
possibility of some kind of strain or tension is certainly there: Moon is
quincunx Vesta & opposite Pluto. Whether this is too high a puritan work
ethic, too high expectations that puts pressure on, or illness & inability to
handle things. If we set our standards at such a level that we can’t allow
ourselves to fail or to take a break, we may have to get sick to be able to do
that. So illness cab be a consequence of pushing ourselves too hard &
expecting too much of ourselves. Ceres as key to mother is conjunct Jupiter
in Gemini, which repeats the concern with the mind, the search for
knowledge, sharing it with others, possibility of travel. Taurus house
suggests more comfortable, more pleasant, more easy-going. And we do
have a strong Taurus component in the chart—Taurus in the 1st house as
well as the Taurus house. So pleasure from the physical world is important,
and security. And that can be in conflict with the ideals. Transpersonals
belong to humanity, society versus let’s just be comfortable & enjoy the
world. Aries is also there (rising) backing up the Sagittarius in the sense of
independence, variety & change. That Mars-Sun conjunct is really close,
trioctile the Ascendant exactly. So there is some kind of conflict there with
the freedom needs & the need for closeness, stability & security &
commitment of the 8th house.
Just putting the ruler of the 1st house in the 8th house (Mars) and
Venus ruling Taurus in the 1st in the 7th says “My power, my ability to do
what I want to do isn’t really in my hands. It’s really over there in somebody
else’s hands.” We can deal with that in six different ways, three of them
positive, three of them negative. One painful way is to give the power away:
“I need you to like me, take care of me, so I have to give in. I need you to
like me, so I have to please you.” The second alternative is to try to keep all
the power—I’ll get you first. The third alternative is to retreat from the
whole thing: “If I don’t get close, I won’t get hurt.. Don’t let anybody know
that you’re vulnerable, then they won’t get you.” So give in-fight-run. The
three positive alternatives are to share the power: “I give up some of my will
& you give up some of yours and we’ll meet in the middle and have
teamwork & cooperation & harmony.” Second alternative: “We can have
healthy competition—games, sports, business, or fighting for a cause. We
lose some & win some and we develop our strength in the process.” Third,
we can help people. Generally speaking, the more we have in the 7th & 8th,
signs or houses, the more we need to do all three.
do the competitive-power side voluntarily, it comes at us from the world in
some form. If we’re exposed to violence in the world, it’s our own power
coming at us. If it hits our health, we inhibit that energy & power drive, or
our relationships where we need harmony turn into rivalry.
We have some nice earth trines here. That usually indicates a person
who is able to cope with the material world—capable of working, being
conscientious & responsible & careful & thorough. We have some strong
fire trines—that’s courage, confidence, enthusiasm, zest for living, fun,
creativity. At the same time, we note the fire trines are in water houses, and
two fire planets in the 8th-water house and Moon in the 9th. Sometimes that
can be a conflict between the fire & the water. The instinct of fire is to let it
out; do it right now—ok, now that I’ve done that, what else can I do? The
instinct of water is, “Wait, you’re supposed to be digesting & assimilating &
protecting & holding on for security.” One possibility is that the water really
drowns the fire, resulting in illness. Another possibility is the emotional yo-
yo: we just alternate—euphoric, elated, energetic when we are letting the fire
out; then the other side of being anxious, depressive, insecure when we’re
blocking it. Mood swings. Generally speaking, Taurus in the 1st house helps
to counteract that. Taurus is pretty comfortable & laid back. Another
alternative is the pressure cooker or firecracker where the water holds back
to the point when the fire finally breaks loose & explodes. We can explode
outside and startle our relationships, or we can explode inside & get ill.
12th). Sometimes that’s also a very strong tie to siblings or someone around
us in the early life….Saturn in the 9th in Capricorn. Very often that can mean
a period of questioning religious values, philosophic principles. Sometimes
it shows a period of agnosticism, doubting, not being sure. If the person
persists, usually they will work thru a secure faith that is grounded in
evidence. Spiritualism did this for me. I have Capricorn in the 9th, and when
I found evidence in psychic research that there was something beyond this
life, then I could accept it. But I couldn’t do that just on faith. Once they
have that assurance, then they will use the knowledge in their career—
teaching, writing, etc.
ZIP: Grand trine in air. That shows the verbal facility, interest in
everything, ability to be open & accepting of people, knowledge &
communication, focus on the mind. With Libra rising, wanting close, caring,
lasting relationships. Instinctively Libra says, “Let’s do it together.”
Aquarius, on the other hand, likes some time alone, doesn’t want to be tied
down & limited. Some potential for freedom-closeness with Uranus in
Aquarius in the 4th house. There’s a grand trine in water signs in earth
houses. Water-earth combinations are able to cope with the material world,
needs security enough to make the effort, and earth is practical &
productive. Sun in Libra in the 1st shows that warmth & showmanship
ability, being front & center, on stage. Often, at the same time, there is self-
consciousness with that. Leo is not always as confident as it looks,
particularly in the 10th house there’s often this sense of “I need to be careful
or the world will sit on me.” Saturn in 10th in Cancer and south node.
Frequently it’s connected to a parent in the early life. We may have an
overbearing parent or a rejecting parent or a critical parent or a parent who
just does everything for us & we don’t find out our own strength. Sometimes
it’s reversed: We find out early in life that we can do it because the parent
can’t. Sometimes there’s a split between the parents with the nodes across
the 4th-10th houses in Cancer0-Capricorn. Uranus in the 4th can mean being
uprooted or separated in some way. With the trines, it can just mean a
traveling parent or a parent working long hours. But some sort of lesson
connected to parent. With the harmony aspects it may not be crucial, but still
something to learn.
Ascendant at 13 Scorpio. Vesta 20 Scorpio in 1st, and Sagittarius 5
Sagittarius there also; Venus 17 Sagittarius in 2nd; Chiron 8 Capricorn in 2nd;
Mars 17 Capricorn in 3rd; Juno 14 Aquarius and north node 17 Aquarius in
3rd; Pallas 26 Pisces in 5th; Jupiter 16 Taurus in 7th; Ceres 16 Gemini in 8th;
Moon 27 Gemini in 8th; Uranus 18 Cancer in 9th; south node 17 Leo in 9th;
Pluto 23 Leo in 10th; Saturn 21 Libra and Neptune 22 Libra in 12th]
ZIP: First of all, we have a rising Sun and Jupiter near the 7th cusp:
two fire planets on the angles, which is a potent combination. Pluto is fairly
close to the Midheaven in Leo. Mars is sextile the Sun quite closely and trine
with Jupiter, That with the fixed planet adds drive, a lot of determination,
enthusiasm, creativity, courage. Fixed emphasis is on power, pleasures,
possessions. Sun on the Ascendant is instinctive showmanship like Leo
rising, but even more so. Leo MC suggests a career involving showmanship
on some form (whether teaching, acting, sales, etc). Vesta widely conjunct
the Sun can be a striking combination. Some of the most outstanding people
have a Vesta-Sun conjunction or close to an angle. Sun is your growth
potential, your urge to do more than you’ve done before, to do something
bigger in the world, make an impact on the world & get a response back,
pouring your heart out to the world. And Vesta is the urge to do something
really well, super-Virgo. So it can be someone who throws herself into the
work, ego-involved in the professional role. And with the fixed emphasis,
the capacity to really go after it in a tenacious, determined way.
the 9th, and Saturn in the 12th conjunct Neptune: that area of ideals, beliefs,
goals, values, the absolute. And that could very well be what the challenge
is: being able to set up a clear value hierarchy, to be able to make choices.
“This is the most important, so I’ll do that first. This is the next most
important, so I’ll do that next.”
A lot of close aspects in the chart. A major emphasis in the chart runs
between 16-22 degrees. So tremendous intensity, power, whether great
talents or serious problems (depending on how we handle them). Lots of
trines, including a grand water trine. Fire houses & water signs, but it’s
usually easier to handle the water signs on the fore houses than the fire signs
on the water houses because the houses tend to be more important than the
sign. So it’s less likely to really inhibit her power, to have the extreme
explosions. Fire-water combinations are usually very emotionally warm &
carting people. Air signs in water houses, which is an easy integration and
adds to the psychic ability—water (the unconscious), and air (the conscious).
The ability in that combination to tune in, go beyond logic & physical sense
evidence—great for any kind of inspirational, artistic activity. Mars in
Capricorn is strong earth right at the beginning of life; Jupiter in Taurus;
Pluto ruling the Ascendant in the 10th. So there’s an identification with
Capricorn, the need to accomplish, to achieve, to have power of some kind.
Generally speaking, you find the executive, someone who manages their
own business or profession. Venus in the 2nd can generally enjoy life
thoroughly as well as being artistic. So the talent can go anywhere &
everywhere, and the problem often is to decide what to do which.
native took care of younger siblings at times. Dad was alcoholic. Native took
a year and a half medical school, architecture, songwriter, actress. She has
“But,” she said, “I got a toothache. So you see, the planets are going
to get you anyway. You can’t win!”
…Moon and Venus in aspect is the issue of equality versus
dependency (Libra-Cancer). If you think of Venus as the pleasure principle,
then it’s pleasure with the physical world in Taurus, and it’s pleasure with
people & ideas in Libra. Venus is the ability to enjoy. If you put Venus in
Aries in the 9th house, it’s going to say, “My pleasure is in independent
studies or travel” while Moon in Libra opposite it says, “No, no. I want
people. I want to share life with others. I want emotional warmth.”…..Venus
is still operating pretty much on the human level, right here & now, lobe &
pleasure & beauty & people. Neptune is always looking for the absolute in
love & beauty—the infinite, unlimited, unconditional dream. Pisces can be
the selfless giver or the excessive taker, depending on the faith & security of
the person.
[end session Wednesday, September 17, 2014 at 4:26 pm]
Now: There are two traditional techniques which I think are basically
good and dependable. One of them is to look at the aspect relationships
between the two charts. If you want to do this thoroughly, you do a little
checkerboard grid. One person’s planets go along the top, and the other
planets go down the side so that you have a square grid matching each pair
of planets. And in each square you place the symbol if there is an aspect
between those planets. You have to decide on an arbitrary orb. The classical,
traditional orb is 3 degrees within an exact aspect. Many people will allow a
5 degree orb on Sun, Moon, Ascendant, and Midheaven. I haven’t honestly
done enough comparisons with any degree of follow-up to say that I have
any kind of reassurance that it’s dependable or not. Orbs really are still a
very big issue that we have no final answers on.
Conjunctions are the strongest aspects, and normally if a relationship
is going to be enduring, there should be some conjunctions. Often there will
be conjunctions with angles. Those can be very important—to the nodes of
the Moon (those are extremely important in relationships). I feel they are
like the Moon: deep emotional bond on the unconscious level, and a mutual
dependency/nurturance relationship. So if you just look at the planets, you
may miss a lot. I also found the East Point axis and the Vertex axes to be
extremely important. In fact, in one actual research project carried out by
Tom Shanks, he took the married couples collected by Gaugelin and looked
for the classical comparisons and he did not find that married couples tended
to have more than chance conjunctions of Ascendant-Sun-Moon-Venus—
some sort of combination of those factors, which we would assume to be
normal to expect that. Ascendant is personal identity in action. Venus is our
pleasure & the capacity to enjoy someone else. Sun is our ability to love &
be loved. Moon is our ability to nurture & be nurtured, to be connected on a
deep emotional level. Tom Shanks tested Gaugelins’ couples and did not
find these kinds of contacts to a significant degree. But the one factor that
turned out to be the most significant of all was the antivertex-vertex axis.
Any one of these angle axes or nodes falling across another person’s
angles or nodes shows very strong attraction. That’s the kind of thing you
find in enduring relationships where people are really attached to each other.
I had one couple that came out of Hollywood. They were married &
divorced three times. They couldn’t live with each other, both of them really
centered on their own egos, yet they couldn’t ever really break up either.
They had three of those sets of angle-interactions. They kept pulling apart &
coming together because when you have those interactions you have
oppositions as well as conjunctions.
One of my favorite examples of the nodes contact and also of the natural
difference between the south node and the north node was a woman who
was married to a man, and they each had their Sun on the other’s south node
of the Moon. Sun is your growth potential, your learning to do more than
you’ve done before. The south node is one of your lessons in this lifetime
where you’re also growing, either voluntarily or being pushed into it. They
struggled thru a not very happy marriage for quite a few years until they’ve
raised their one child, and then they got divorced. Within a few months after
that she met and within weeks married a man, and she and this new guy had
their Moon on then other’s north node. Mutual again. They had one of these
absolutely incredible idyllic marriage like made in heaven. They seemed
they were totally almost like one person—almost totally simpatico on every
level. It lasted for about one year, and he died.
their own inner problems, they will be able to handle the relationship. The
problems are basically INSIDE rather than outside (projection), and if we
face them & work them out on the inside, then we can handle the outside.
But we always find someone with the same dilemma. So if we have an
Aries-Libra nodal axis, we are working on the freedom-closeness dilemma.
Aries says “My will” and Libra says “Let’s compromise & share.” So we
find somebody who has the same dilemma & hopefully we work it out
together. We learn how & when to compromise, and when to stand firm on
our own rights & not be trampled. If at different times in our life we are
working with a different dilemma in our own nature, then we will find
ourselves being attracted to different kinds of people who will be reflecting
back the issues that are important to us at this point in time. They match our
dilemma & we have a chance to see them like looking at a mirror and say,
“Oh, I recognize that in them & maybe that’s going on in me too.”
Watch who you over-react to. Over-reaction means that you’re being
disturbed by something that you’re not acknowledging in yourself.
Something you want to do but can’t let yourself do. So when someone else
does it, it makes you mad! If we have decided that to be spiritual means to
be not assertive, we will meet all the aggressive people in the world who
overdo that, and they will throw their aggression at us until we’ve recovered
some of that & can fight for our own rights. To be spiritual is to be whole,
and that means to acknowledge the Aries side as well as the Pisces side of
you. You can go pure Pisces and be a saint, and you will be a dead saint fast!
There’s a time for Aries & a time for Pisces.
For example, if two planets are conjunct between the two charts that
are normally square each other such as Saturn and Mars ruling Capricorn
and Aries, that's usually experienced as more stress. Certain combinations
are particularly associated with emotional relationships such as Sun, Moon,
Venus--the interpersonal areas. Mercury and Uranus deal with intellectual,
rational relationships. They are helpful because you can understand the other
person and communicate and move towards acceptance (the air qualities).
Saturn and Vesta represent the work ethic. Saturn-Vesta conjunctions
between charts may be fine if you're working together. If it's not a working
relationship, then it takes some care in handling. You have the risk of either
the critical, work attitude being displaced in the relationship so that instead
of just looking at the flaws in a job and trying to do a better job, we look for
the flaws in each other in the relationship that makes for an uncomfortable
Saturn brings in the power/parent issue. If both people can take turns
being parent to each other, that may be fine. Saturn-Moon conjunctions
often do some mutual parenting, but if either one is trying to be the sole
parent and the other is playing the child, eventually the person playing the
child role is going to resent that type of relationship. Occasionally you'll
find instances where the wife is perfectly happy being the child and letting
her husband take care of her. If she wants that and he wants that, there may
be no problems at all. So you have to come down to what the person wants
and what the person is happy with.
One object lesson was a woman's chart I remember I did years ago.
She had a lot of power struggle potential in her chart involving 7th and 8th
houses. I mentioned that one of the dangers was displacing it into
relationships that are meant to be harmonious, like ending up fighting with
her husband. She thought about that and said, "Yeah. My husband and I
fight a lot. We enjoy it! When everything gets too calm, we both
get bored, so one of us starts a ruckus and then we kiss and make up." So if
you're enjoying it, then it's not a problem. It's only if it's happening and
you're wondering why this is happening and that you don't like it, then it's a
problem. So it's a personal decision on what you want for your lifestyle that
determines what will be tolerable or intolerable. We can't dictate anybody
else's lifestyle by our standards.
goals and directions in life? Above all else, for a relationship to endure, they
have to have some basic sharing of ultimate beliefs, goals and values. If one
person has her whole life totally wrapped up in kids, and the other partner
can't stand the little monsters, then there are going to be serious problems. If
one person worships money in the bank, and the other person feels that
money is to spend as soon as you get your hands on it, then there are going
to be serious problems. If one person is a militant atheist, and the other
person is a devout fundamental Christian, then there are going to be serious
The house technique was significant in Freud's and Jung's charts. Jung
was very attracted to Freud's methods originally, being a kind of father
figure to him. And Freud was attracted to Jung because he was going to be
his son who would carry out his work. The relationship eventually broke up
because of Freud's insistence on everything being sexual, Jung's
involvement with spiritual and occult things, life after death, and so on,
bugged Freud, who was fascinated by it but couldn't handle it. A mass of
Jung's planets fell in Freud's 9th house. They had all kinds of conjunctions
between their charts. Very strong attraction.
When you read about Freud's personal history, you can understand the
reasons why he had hang-ups about sex. He was a celibate a great deal of his
life, not because of personal choice because he had Scorpio rising and a lot
of Taurus in his chart. But he was raised in Victorian traditions where one
did not play around outside of marriage, and a man has to have a good
earning capacity before he gets married. He had a long engagement and they
started having kids as soon as they got married. But his wife's health was
very threatened, so he had to become celibate to save his wife's health. No
wonder he made sex into God! He didn't have it and he wanted it. So we so
personalize our own view of life out of our own experience. We see the
world at large in terms of our own projections drawn from our own nature
and desires.
Did I tell you about the experiment I did with six composite charts? I
like to test everything, and if astrology really works when you deal with
principles or themes, then we should be able to do it with blind analysis. I
don't think we can ever guess or predict details, but I think we should be able
to do something with blind analysis if the procedure is valid. So when
composites became the rage I picked out six composite charts and put them
on a sheet.
If they like being complacent, why do they need challenge? There's
got to be something there that wants challenge or they wouldn't seek it. I
have seen people who were totally comfortable and loved each other, totally
fulfilled in each other, until one eventually died. They didn't have any
conflicts nor strain because they didn't want it. The people who
unconsciously want challenge but consciously want harmony will have
an inner conflict, and the unconscious always wins. So if they consciously
think everything should be pleasant, but unconsciously they're look for a
fight, they're going to get a fight. But overall, I think you can grow happily.
You don't need to have undue or constant stress for growth.
you're concerned with the physical world or creating beauty in the material
world since there's a natural trine between Venus as ruling Taurus with
Capricorn. That's the 2-10 combination. The 7-10 or Libra-Capricorn
combination is a challenge because that is a natural square where Letter
Seven wants equality and Letter Ten wants power. So the 7-10 mixture says,
"Are we really going to be equals or is one person going to be daddy or boss
and have the power?" Also it can be the issue of "Are we going to put our
attention and energy in the relationship or in the career?" You can be
married to the career. But if you can learn to share the power and make time
for the relationship as well as to the career, you've got it made.
Also the critical attitude is always a possibility when we're mixing the
work letters (Six or Ten) with personal relationships. We may turn the
relationship into a job, look at the flaws, try to make it over, and that does
not make for a comfortable relationship! To have a successful relationship,
you have to see what is there (not just the flaws) and accept it. You have no
right to try to change anyone else. So you can find this in 7-17, 6-7, 8-18,
and 6-8 combinations. Saturn and Venus is considered doom and gloom for
romance in the old books. But if you think of Venus as Libra, then you have
to work out the equality issue, and you have to make room for both
relationships and career. Nothing has to be negative, but combinations that
are natural squares do take handling.
Putting Saturn with Mercury connects the conscious mind with rules,
law, limits, power, accomplishments, and the Puritan work ethic. Often this
is very good because Mercury is air which can see the whole picture, accept
it, and communicate about it. So Mercury and air is often very helpful.
However, if the Saturn person is abusive, the Mercury person may close up
because they don't want to be put down or criticized, or if the Saturn person
is very insecure, then they may be threatened by the Mercury person's
openness, lightness, and casualness.
really well, and the rest is for fun. Or it may be that the Mercury person is
overdoing the light superficiality and needs to learn self-discipline and
practicality from the Saturn person.
So if you're dealing with two charts, the same issue exists. One
person may be playing parent or boss to the other person—either over-
protective parent or the conditional power parent. If they take turns
parenting each other and give in their area of strength, then it's fine. If they
both try to be authority parent, then they're going to have problems. Also, it
can be the struggle between home/family/domestic nest versus work and
career. One person could be overdoing the career, and the other person is
feeling that the family is being neglected. Also, it can be a person who feels
emotionally secure only if everything is very orderly and familiar. The level
of security depends a lot on how much the person has gotten out of being
baby and into being parent. The more we have found our own power to
accomplish in the world, to feel the power in our own hands so that we can
help others, the less likely there are problems with that combinations. Water
and earth in general are security oriented and cling to the status quo because
it is familiar and safe. Fire and air in general want to move on to something
new and different and exciting.
ZIP: ....Identified with work when you put Virgo in the 1st and Mars
in Virgo and Mercury in Capricorn: My identity is a working person, being
competent, someone who accomplishes something, and does a good job.
ZIP: Because there is an emphasis there that says it, but especially if
you put fire or water planets there, showing emotional attachment. The 4th
house is home and family, but later it may do it with the public.
god, to realize the parents are human beings, to look for god in other places,
not authority figures like parents. The child learns to be able to accept them
and be comfortable with them without making all of life hang on their living
up to expectations.
...This chart is more likely to go over into the nurturant side of Cancer
and become uncomfortable with the dependency. I suspect that this is one of
the challenge areas of the chart--to deal with that whole issue of dependency.
South node in Cancer, nodes across Cancer-Capricorn. When I look at a
chart I consider Saturn & the south node of the Moon as two primary clues
to where we are going to be challenged, learning something, our growing
edge. We may learn voluntarily, in which case there will be no problem
there because we are consciously handling it. If we don't do it voluntarily,
then we will have a problem in those areas where Saturn and south node are
placed. I look for what they might say in common, and what they say in
common in this chart is water. One is in a water sign and the other is in a
water house conjunct a water planet. Otherwise they are different. One is in
an earth house, one in a fire sign, one in a cardinal sign, one in a fixed sign,
one in a cardinal house, and the other in a mutable house. Here water deals
with dependency & nurturance, and if we work it out properly,
interdependency is what we work out, where we accept from others & give
to others both. It isn't one-sided. I have seen so many cases where the person
was taken care by life and didn't have to work, and they ended up being
hypochondriacs with nothing to think about but themselves & their own
malfunctioning. But if they find an interest in life, something they can do,
they will get a satisfaction and they are okay & healthy.
One example was a woman who had a huge stellium of planets in the
4th house in Libra but she had a grand trine in fire. She spent her whole life
in being super mother and got ill. She was a good religious person too, but
chronic illness resulted while raising a family. Finally, when all the kids got
raised (she was a good Catholic & raised 6 or 7 kids!) and just about the last
one got out of high school, her husband got his first good job so that eased
the financial pressure for the first time in their lives. And he left her! She
was thrown out on her own and was forced to be self supporting. She got
into her fire trines for the first time, which are in earth houses, and she is
healthy, hasn't been sick since. It does not pay to hold back your fire or
earth. Do something with it. The water & air can be floaters. If you find a
chart dominated by water & air, these can float and watch the world go by,
be observers. But with the earth and fire, the person needs to do something.
This is a fairly balanced chart. Air is enormously important for
detachment, and there are times when we have to be detached. Charts that
are too weak in air you will find people who are too intense, too caught up
taking themselves & life too seriously. They have to learn to let go and say,
"Ok, somebody else can do some of it. This is my concern but that is
something I can let go and watch it go by, and let other people & God take
care of it."
...When you find Mars or Aries in the 9th house, you can the potential
makings of a good missionary. Mats is do-it-yourself: "I know what I want
to do & I can do it. Let me alone & I will do it." The 9th house is the search
for ultimate truth. Combined we can have "I found the truth. Look
everybody, here it is!"
-I feel there is a sharp cut off in signs. The only exceptions may be the
Sun and the Moon that have an apparent diameter of 32 minutes, and so they
can overlap the signs actually in the sky. So if they are within 30 minutes of
the beginning or ending of a sign, then they are partly over two signs. The
29th degree, I have noticed, is an extra challenge point.
not pay attention to them. I have not found that they make much of a
difference....As for a loaded first house, the person can be enormously
introverted and self-conscious, painfully so. They may have enormous
talents but it might get all stuck inside, unable to get out. It goes inside
before it can go out into expression. A retrograde planet is can be creative,
expression out of your own center, but if you are not sure of yourself, you
might do a lot of holding in and delay the expression. Writers will draw from
their own inner inspiration with a retrograde Mercury. It means looking in
before you express out. It doesn't mean that you will stay in and never
express out.
Remember: You cannot assume that any one factor in a chart will be
negative or that one is going to be more negative than the other. You have to
see what the people is doing with their lives, and see whether they are
handling life is a positive or negative way.
-The Virgo-Pisces polarity is the natural healer, and the Cancer in the
4th is the natural mother, so the chart is strong for a healing-helping
profession. This could show a nurse or in any helping profession where she
would counsel people to live their lives more effectively. You get the
potential for universal mother when you put Cancer in the 11th house,
mothering everybody, but doing it with knowledge. Volunteer work is
another possibility.
-The 5th house is the entertainment world. There isn't anything that is
more the galloping extrovert than the 5th house. The third house is a person
who is very much out, expressing with the mind. The 8th-10th-12th houses
can be the most introverted ones than anything in the chart. I have the chart
of a child who is the most super introvert I have ever dealt with, and the
parents were very concerned about her because she could never relate to
other children, always stayed by herself, and never smiled. All of her planets
were in the 8th, 10th & 12th.
-We will attract anything we are not dealing with in ourselves. A
square is a conflict and that may mean something we are not dealing with. If
it is part of ourselves that we have not integrated, then we will have to meet
it in the world to make us face it in ourselves.
-Vertex falls on Venus. Intensifies the need for relatedness. The vertex
is very much like another 7th house cusp. So it is like putting Venus on the
Descendant and strengthens the need for relatedness. Uranus on the west
point, on the other hand, brings in the freedom issue and she has to allow her
partner some space and he has to allow her some space for it to be a
comfortable, accepting relationship.
[end session Thursday, September 18, 2014 at 4:15 pm]