Rph-Premid Coverage
Rph-Premid Coverage
Rph-Premid Coverage
LESSON 1: Meaning and Relevance of History to speculate on the cause and effect
of an event (Cantal, Cardinal et.al.)
The practice of historical writing is called
Etymologically, HISTORY (from Greek
historiography, the traditional method in
word Historia, meaning "Knowledge
doing historical research that focus on
acquired by investigation.
gathering of documents from different
As a discipline, Merriam-Webster
libraries and archives to form a pool of
(2018) defined history as "a
evidence needed in making descriptive or
chronological record of significant
analytical narrative.
events (such as those affecting a
nation or institution), often including Encyclopedia Britannica (2017) shortly defines
an explanation of their causes." it as the writing of history based on the critical
History is a narration of the events examination of sources, the selection of
which have happened among particular details from the authentic materials
mankind, including an account of the used in those sources, and the synthesis of
rise and fall of the nations, as well as the details into a narrative that stands the test
of other great changes which have of critical examination.
affected the political and social
History is the study of past events.
condition of the human race. John
Anderson, 1876. A Manual of General Historiography is the study of history.
Hence, scholars who write about
history are called Historians. Prehistory refers to that period where
THE WORD HISTORY IS REFFERED information of the past were recorded
USUALLY FOR ACCOUNTS OF in materials other than written
PHENOMENA, SPECIALLY HUMAN documents, which may not be
AFFAIRS IN CHRONOLOGIAL ORDER. understood by a historian.
There are theories constructed by
historians in investigating history;
a). Factual History
b). Speculative History
Factual History
Secondary sources
Example: Anne Frank was a teenager
during World War II. She kept a diary Secondary sources are written "after
or journal the years before she died in the fact that is, at a later date.
a concentration camp. Her diary was Usually, the author of a secondary
later published as the "Diary of Anne source will have studied the primary
Frank. This is a primary source. sources of an historical period or
Example: Sarah Morgan was young event and will then interpret the
woman during the Civil War. She "evidence" found in these sources.
wrote in her diary or journal what You can think of secondary sources as
happened to her and her family second-hand information.
during the war. This is a primary These may include researches,
document because it was first hand. textbooks, journals, commentaries,
She wrote it at the time it happened.
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