Questions Bank - Measurements
Questions Bank - Measurements
Questions Bank - Measurements
17- A make break switch is provided to disconnect the battery when the meter is
not in use, in ………..
a) both series and shunt type ohmmeters.
b) only in series type ohmmeters.
c) only in shunt type ohmmeters.
d) None of the above.
18- What is the purpose of making internal resistance of milli-ammeter very
a) By passing the current.
b) Increasing the sensitivity of the ammeter.
c) Increase the accuracy of the ammeter.
d) None of the above.
19- A PMMC instrument with an FSD of 30 µA and a coil resistance of 1.2 k Ω
is to be used as DC ammeter. A resistance of 133.3 Ω is connected in shunt
with the instrument. The measured current at 0.33 FSD is…….
a) 99 µA b) 120 µA c) 88 µA d) None of the
20- A milli-ammeter of 2.5 Ω resistance reads up to 100 milli-amperes. Calculate
the resistance which is necessary to enable it to use as a voltmeter reading
up to 10 V.
a) 97.5 Ω b) 90.5 Ω c) 95.5Ω d) None of the
21- What is the span of an ammeter with range -30 to +30A?
a) 60 b) -60 c) 30 d) -30
22- At multirange voltmeter, …………
a) The multiplier resistor be larger as the range is more.
b) The multiplier resistor be lower as the range is more.
c) The multiplier resistor is not affected by the range.
d) The multiplier resistor is constant.
23- The series type ohmmeter has……….
a) uniform scale b) non uniformc) cramped in d) Any of the
scale the middle above
of scale.
24- The smallest change in a measured variable to which an instrument will
respond is ………..
a) Accuracy b) Precision c) Resolution d) Sensitivity
25- An instrument in which the magnitude of the measured quantity is indicated
by means of a pointer moving on a scale.
a) Analog b) Digital c) Ammeter d) Voltmeter
instrument instrument
26- Which is not an integrating instrument?
a) Watt-hour b) Voltmeter c) Ampere-hour d) None of the
meter meter above
27- Random Error can arise……
a) due to inherent shortcomings in the instrument.
b) due to unknown causes which are not determinable.
c) due to human mistakes.
d) None of the above.
28- The difference between the measured value and the true value is called….
a) probable b) absolute error c) gross error d) relative error
29- Which of the following errors can arise, as a result of mistake in reading,
parallax improper instrument location and inadequate lighting?
a) Construction b) Observation c) Transmission d) Translation
errors errors errors errors
30- In permanent magnet moving coil (PMMC) meters, the controlling torque
a) opposes the deflecting torque
b) increases with the deflection torque
c) is equal to damping torque
d) Both (a) and (b)
31- In PMMC meters, at equilibrium position the ……
a) pointer comes to at rest
b) deflecting torque is equal to controlling torque
c) controlling torque is opposite to deflecting torque
d) all of the above
32- In PMMC meters, the spring have a number of turns ……..
a) to ensure that controlling torque is proportional to the angle of deflection.
b) to ensure that controlling torque is proportional to the damping torque.
c) to ensure that controlling torque is proportional to the supplied current.
d) All of the above
33- A …………. prevents the oscillation of the moving system and enables the
pointer to reach its final position quickly.
a) deflecting b) controlling c) damping d) All of the
torque torque torque above
34- The PMMC type instruments have……….
a) uniform b) non c) cramped d) Any of the
scales uniform near the above
scales zero
35- The coil of a permanent magnet moving coil instrument has 50 turns and its
effective length and breadth are 2.8 cm and 2 cm. The control springs have a
total torque of 0.8 × 10–6 Nm per degree of deflection. The air-gap flux density
that will give a full-scale deflection of 100° at 15 mA is ……. Wb/𝒎𝟐
a) 0.28 b) 0.19 c) 0.13 d) None of the
36- At multirange voltmeter, …………
a) the multiplier resistor be larger as the range is more.
b) the multiplier resistor be lower as the range is more.
c) the multiplier resistor is not affected by the range.
d) the multiplier resistor is constant.
37- In series type ohmmeter, ………
a) 0 marking is on the left hand side of scale while infinity marking is on the right
hand side.
b) 0 marking is on the right hand side of scale and infinity marking on the left hand
c) Any of the above two marking can be on left or right side of the scale.
d) 0 marking is in the middle of scale.
38- A voltmeter is connected in ………..with the circuit.
any of the above depend upon the connected load
39- A moving-coil permanent-magnet instrument can be used as an ammeter by
using a……….
a) high resistance shunt.
b) low resistance shunt.
c) low series resistance.
d) high series resistance.
40- The current sensitivity of a meter is expressed in……….
a) ampere. b) ohm/ampere. c) ohm/volt. d) ampere/division
41- The basic meter movement can be converted into an ohmmeter by
connecting a .........with it.
high resistance in series
low resistance in parallel
battery in series
battery and a variable resistance in series
42- A very accurate voltmeter, when used to measure voltage across a low
resistance, gives inaccurate reading because…..
the current drawn by the meter is too low.
the higher scale has been selected.
the sensitivity of the meter is too low.
Any of the above
43- A moving coil meter has a resistance of 5 Ω and gives a full scale deflection
current with 5 mA. The shunt resistance has to be used to measure current up to
10 A is …...
a) 2.5 mΩ b) 5mΩ c) 2.5Ω d) None of the
44- A milli-ammeter of 2.5 Ω resistance reads up to 100 milli-amperes. Calculate
the resistance which is necessary to enable it to use as an ammeter reading up to
10 A
a) 0.025Ω b) 0.015Ω c) 0.25Ω d) None of the
45- A PMMC instrument with FSD of 100 mA and a coil resistance of 1 kΩ is to
be converted into a voltmeter. If the multiplier resistance is 499 kΩ, the applied
voltage is ……..when the instrument indicates 0.5 FSD.
a) 25 V b) 50 V c) 40V d) None of the
46- In a measuring system what is the term used to specify a difference between
higher and lower calibration values?
a) Range b) Span c) Drift d) Threshold
47- Which one of the following voltmeters has maximum loading effect on the
circuit under measurement?
a) 1000 Ω/volt b) 10 MΩ/volt c) 100 Ω/volt d) 1 MΩ/volt
48- Lower the value of shunt resistance, greater ammeter’s………..
a) resolution b) multiplying c) accuracy d) sensitivity
power power
49- A voltmeter of 600 Ω resistance and a milliammeter of 0.8 Ω resistance are
used to measure an unknown resistance by voltmeter–ammeter method. If the
voltmeter is put across the resistance reading 40 V and the milliammeter
connected in series with the supply and reads 120 mA, the percentage error in
the value of measured resistance is…….. %.
a) 55 b) 45 c) 35 d) None
50- The Wheatstone bridge is the most commonly used circuit for measurement
of …….. range resistances.
a) medium b) high c) low d) None
51- Which of the following is an active transducer?
a) Strain gauge b) Thermocouple c) LVDT d) Thermistor
52- An induction wattmeter measures ……..
a) only the true b) the reactive c) the d) the true power and
power power apparent the reactive power
1) The scale of a permanent magnet moving coil instrument is uniform
because ...............
(i) of effective eddy current damping
(ii) external magnetic fields have no effect
(iii) it is spring controlled
(iv) it has no hysteresis loss
2) Dynamometer type instruments can be used for ...............
(i) a.c. work only (iii) d.c. work only
(ii) for both d.c. and a.c. work (iv) none of the above
3) An ammeter is ............... instrument.
(i) an indicating (iii) an integrating
(ii) a recording (iv) none of the above
4) The controlling torque of an indicating instrument ............... as the
deflection of the moving system increases.
(i) remains unchanged (iii) decreases
(ii) increases (iv) none of the above
5) When the pointer of an indicating instrument comes to rest in the
final deflected position, ...............
(i) only controlling torque acts
(ii) only deflecting torque acts
(iii) both deflecting and controlling torques act
(iv) none of the above
6) When the pointer of an indicating instrument is in motion, then
deflecting torque is opposed by ..............
(i) controlling torque only (iii) damping torque only
(ii) both damping & controlling torques (iv) none of the above
7) When the pointer of an indicating instrument is in the final deflected
position, ...............
(i) deflecting torque is zero
(ii) controlling torque is zero
(iii) damping torque is zero
(iv) both deflecting & con trolling torques are Zero
8) Permanent-magnet moving coil instrument can be used for ...............
(i) a.c. work only (iii) d.c. work only
(ii) both d.c. and a.c. work (iv) none of the above
9) ...............instruments are most sensitive.
(i) Moving-iron (iii) Hot-wire
(ii) Dynamometer (iv) Permanent-magnet moving
10) The most commonly used induction type instrument is ...............
(i) induction voltmeter (iii) induction wattmeter
(ii) induction watt-hour meter (iv) induction ammeter
11) The watt-hour meter is ............... instrument.
(i) an integrating (iii) an indicating
(ii) a recording (iv) a transfer
12) A dynamometer instrument is chiefly used as a ...............
(i) d.c. ammeter (iii) d.c. voltmeter
(ii) wattmeter (iv) none of the above
13)Dynamometer type ............... has uniform scale.
(i) ammeter (iii) wattmeter
(ii) voltmeter (iv) none of the above
14)If current through the operating coil of a moving-iron instrument is
doubled, the operating force becomes ...............
(i) two times (iii) four times
(ii) one-half time (iv) three times
15) The full-scale deflection current of a moving coil instrument is
about ...............
(i) 10 mA (ii) 1 A (iii) 3 A (iv) 2 A
16) Hot-wire instruments have ............... scale.
(i) uniform (iii) log
(ii) squared (iv) none of the above
17) The full-scale voltage across a moving coil voltmeter is about
(i) 10 V (iii) 5 V
(ii) 100 V (iv) 10 mV
18) Moving-iron instruments have ............... scale.
(i) uniform (iii) squared
(ii) log (iv) none of the above
19) The range of a moving-iron a.c. ammeter is extended by ...............
(i) a shunt (iii) a multiplier
(ii) changing number of turns of operating coil (iv) none of the
20) ............... movement is most expensive.
(i) D’Arsonval (iii) Moving-iron
(ii) Dynamometer (iv) none of the above
21) The best type of meter movement is ............... movement.
(i) iron-vane (iii) D’Arsonval
(ii) dynamometer (iv) none of the above