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Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad (Department of English)

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(Department of English)
Course: Compulsory English-I (1423) Semester: Autumn,2022
Level: BA/BS/Associate Degree
of allied material.

Total Marks: 100 Pass Marks (BA): 40

Pass Marks (AD/BS): 50

(Units 1-4)
Q.1 Suppose one of your cousins has recently qualified CSS exam and you are
interested to follow him/her in your educational career but you have no idea about
the entry requirements and procedural aspects of CSS. Written questions which you
will ask your cousin to obtain maximum information about the entire course of
action from applying to qualifying the exam. (10)

Q.2 Write down a brief and concise paragraph based on the personality description of
your favorite member in your family. You may include the details about his/her
appearance, personality traits and habits, etc. (10)

Q.3 Write question tags fort the following sentences. Notice carefully whether the
statement is positive or negative in each case. (10)
i. They were very keen to learn Arabic,.............................................................?
ii. She takes interest in her studies,.....................................................................?
iii. They were deprived of their share,…………………………………………...?
iv. She would visit Lahore the next week,…………………………………….…?
v. The situation deteriorates day by day,………………………… ………….....?
vi. I could not respond to you earlier,…………………………………………....?
vii. we must respect our elders,……………………………………………..……?
viii. They were not aware of the exact situation,…………………………..……..?
ix. He will help me in the hour of need,………………………………….……..?
x. She acted upon my advice,………………………………………….……….?

Q.4 Write an informal letter to your younger brother and advise him to refrain from
smoking by highlighting its hazardous effects on health. (20)

Q.5 The following instances contain some highlighted words. guess the meaning of
these words and use them into sentences of your own. (10)

i. Unlike his sister Areej, who had a very calm and mellow disposition, Hamaza
jumped on sofas and ran through the house like an animal.
ii. Due to the scarcity of food in her territory, the mother lioness had to roam far
from safe ground to find a meal for her child.
iii. When Ali saw his report card, he was excited because he had all As and an A- in
Biology; but when his fastidious mother saw his report card, she shook her
head in disappointment.
iv. Riyan may have been excited about becoming an artist, but his mother was
waiting to see if he would see the endeavor through before buying him the
expensive paint kit.
v. The young child was so engrossed by the flashing lights on the toy train that
when his mother asked him if he wanted a piece of chocolate cake, he did no
even respond.

Q.6 Express your agreement as well as disagreement with the following issues. Choose
a different expression each time. (10)
i. Pakistan is making progress by leaps and bounds.
ii. Justice delayed is justice denied.
iii. Co-curricular should be initiated at the grass root level.
iv. Trader deficit is a leading cause of massive foreign borrowings.
v. Government should provide free of cast education till matriculation level.

Q.7 Look at the front cover given below and make ten predictions about the contents of
the book. (10)

Q.8 Suppose one of your friends has joined police service after qualifying CSS
examination. Suggest him/her some suitable ways to improve law and order
situation in the country.(20)

Total Marks: 100 Pass Marks (BA): 40

Pass Marks (AD/BS): 50

(Units 5-9)
Q.1 Critically reflect on education system of Pakistan and give five examples depicting
each of the following functions. Use appropriate expressions each time. (10)
i. Possibility
ii. Impossibility

Q.2 Write a dialogue between a teacher and a student on the importance of developing
good reading habits to be successful in one’s educational career. (20)

Q.3 Given below is a job advertisement. Suppose you intend to apply for the said post,
how would you write an application? What details you would like to add to make
yourself as the most suitable candidate for the post? (20)

Q.4 Why do we use passive voice construction in language? Elaborate your answer
with suitable examples. (10)

Q.5 How would you grant or refuse permission in the following scenarios? Use
different expression each team. (10)
i. Your sister is in the need of your laptop
ii. your colleague wants you to complete his/her assignment too
iii. A friend of your wants to lend your camera
iv. One of your uncle wants to visit you on this weekend
v. Your cousin wants to use your car

Q.6 Write a descriptive paragraph based on a terrible incident of a house on fire which
you witnessed recently. Write a catchy topic sentence. add relevant supporting
details and end it properly. Your paragraph should be both cohesive and coherent.

Q.7 Write a detailed essay of around 300-350 words on the given topic. (20)
Literature is a Reflection of Real Life

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