Quiz 2: Content and Contextual Analysis Answer

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1. Voyage around the World
The voyage around the world was a historic event that had a significant impact
on Philippine history. Not only is Ferdinand Magellan’s expedition and Pigafetta's work
useful for learning about the voyage itself, but it is also important for how it paved the
way for the Spanish to discover what our country Philippines could offer, reflect, and
Ferdinand Magellan could never have predicted the extraordinary events that
would follow, perhaps the thought that his expedition gives a great impact on us
Filipinos as well in our history. Besides, in the provided document of Antonio Pigafetta
who accompanied Magellan on the first voyage around the world and served as the
writer of Magellan’s expedition, the specific information that alters me are: “the reason
and motivation behind the voyage”, “the journey itself whom they found the
Philippines and the fight between Magellan and Lapu-Lapu.” Upon reflecting on Pigafetta’s
book, I’ve understood that the reason and motivation behind the voyage reveal the factors
that motivated the expedition, such as economic, political, and religious interests. Next, the
native way of Filipinos or characteristics they showed to the Spaniards tend to document
analysis that provides insight into the discoveries made during the expedition, including
descriptions of the local people, customs, and natural resources of such territories
specifically the Philippines. Then, the journey that they found our country really shows how
Spaniards are eager to pursue certain goals either in political, economic, or religious
interest. On the other hand, the information that I’ve cited above gives a big impact on us
Filipino to understand our Philippine’s history.
The reason and motivation for the voyage in the Philippines’ history, really influence
the economy and politics. According to History Central, the Philippine economy has had a
mixed history of growth and development and politics aiming for a better system that
could able to help the people in the Philippines and yes it happened that politics has a big
part in Philippines history. Additionally, shaped Filipinos to have faith and believe in God.
Hence, the history of faith here in the country is much stronger and permeates many
aspects of life as we Filipinos celebrate the 500 th year of Christianity last 2021 then it
portrays a big part in our history. In connection with the importance of the native Filipinos’
characteristics in history, it’s meaningful in defining the life of Filipinos because we can see
that Filipino has different characteristics from what Lapu-Lapu did. With the traits of Lapu-
Lapu in the document, it shows that the Philippine history of survival appears that there’s
still hope amidst conflict. Knowing the information of Magellan traveled around the world
gave us knowledge and ideas on how other countries discovered the Philippines. The
moment he and his servant found the islands of the Philippines, he is automatically
involved and part of the Philippine history, and through his expedition, it’s very important
for instance, that other countries also know us.
In conclusion, the document “The first voyage around the World” especially the
happenings that had happen in the Philippines shows what Filipino people can depict the
way of living and giving importance to the culture. Overall, documenting specific
information about the first voyage around the world can provide a fascinating glimpse into
the motivations, challenges, and impact of one of the most significant voyages in Philippine
history. Lastly, Pigafetta’s work has a big part of our history and we can’t erase the fact
that this expedition helps us realize and discover the variety of beliefs as well as, impacted
us Filipinos.
2. Kartilya ng Katipunan
Kartilya ng Katipunan serves as a guide in living a moral and ethical life. It
resembled a set of rules that tells the best way to be a genuine Filipino in words
and in real life. I do believe that every Filipino can able to demonstrate the central
teachings and guiding principles from this Kartilya ng Katipunan toward how to live
a meaningful life.
The Kartilya ng Katipunan teaches us virtuous values in life. Besides, this
is why I think it's more important for us to practice these principles in order to
foster peace. And for this to be successful not just one must perform, but we
should put in mind that all of us Filipinos must do our part, for instance, it gives
weight to living meaningful lives for the better tomorrow ahead. As a student, I can
able to demonstrate the central teachings and guiding principles of the Kartilya, by
first knowing it wholeheartedly after applying then practicing it in daily life because
the more I do perform something, the better and more knowledgeable I become at
it. The first principle that alters me is “living a purpose-driven life.” “A
Katipunero's life without a purpose is pointless." The essence of this principle can
be summed up in this idea of settling goals because it can mold me to become a
better person and know my purpose in life regardless of how challenging it may be
so that I wouldn’t suffer from unwanted situations. I see in life that there are a lot
of struggles as what I’ve experienced, but I perceive it by always putting in mind
that life is one life offer so I must use it well. As a future educator, this principle
would probably assist me to inspire my students to cherish life and bless those
people around me whom what I’ve learned. Next, the fourth principle emphasizes
“people's equality.” “All Katipuneros are treated equally.” It came up to my mind
that I can able to demonstrate it by showing fairness; fair treatment and fair
judgment. I must show and fight for equality because this means, it ensures that
no matter what our race or educational background we are all equal. Status and
Personality won't ever be the justification for inconsistent treatment of individuals.
Nobody deserves to be treated differently, whether they are white or black, rich or
poor, men or women, or Filipinos or not. Lastly, the seventh principle emphasizes
“Do not waste thy time: wealth can be recovered but not time lost.” “A
Katipunero must give importance to time. For the Katipunan, a time lost will never
be back.” Everyone must understand the importance of time. None of us here know
when will be our last day so that’s why we must make good use of our time. In this
principle, we are reminded to cherish every moment and live the most of it because
we can never get it back. Hence, we might end up regretting the things we weren't
able to do in the end. Take the risk of making ourselves create memories that we
can treasure at the end of time.
In conclusion, as I read these principles of the Kartilya ng Katipunan I had
lots of realizations like what our ancestors wanted the future to incorporate and
that future is now. It had a huge impact on me especially now that I’m a student
whose taking up education. The different principles that I’ve written above made
me realize that history has a big factor in shaping future one’s life and that future is
mine. All I can do is continue to acquire this principle that our ancestors once
fought and one way to pay tribute to them is by living the lives they want when
freedom was still not within their reach.

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