ACS580 Catalog Abb VFD
ACS580 Catalog Abb VFD
ACS580 Catalog Abb VFD
The all-compatible ACS580 series
Effortless process automation
The ACS580 is an all-compatible ABB general purpose drive, offered in a range of
wall-mounted drives, drive modules and cabinet-built drives. It turns complicated
to simple and controls processes productively and efficiently.
Material Automotive
handling Mixers
Agriculture Pumps
T H E A L L- C O M PAT I B L E A C S 5 8 0 S E R I E S 5
6 A B B G E N E R A L P U R P O S E D R I V E S , A C S 5 8 0 , C ATA LO G
Easily take full control of your processes to
comprehensively manage your plant
ACS580 drives are equipped with built-in features that simplify ordering and delivery,
and reduce commissioning costs. Everything is provided in a single, compact and
ready-to-use package for you to take full control of your processes.
Scalable performance
The ACS580 is a perfect match not only for energy-aware
applications, but also for applications where sophisticated
speed and torque control are needed.
Effortless automation and productivity
for your success
Adaptive programming
Adaptive programming is ideal for
creating simple programs for various
applications to further optimize the
process control. It does not require
expertise in programming.
Remote monitoring
A built-in web server and stand-alone
datalogger NETA-21 module enable
worldwide and secure access to drives.
8 A B B G E N E R A L P U R P O S E D R I V E S , A C S 5 8 0 , C ATA LO G
Typical industries and applications
— — — —
01 02 03 04
— — — —
05 06 07 08
— — —
01 Food and beverage 04 Rubber and plastics 07 Water handling
— — —
02 Material handling 05 Textile 08 Agriculture
— — —
03 Printing 06 Sawmill 09 Automotive
T Y P I C A L I N D U S T R I E S A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S 9
Streamline your processes
for profitable growth
Rubber and Extruders, injection • Smooth acceleration to prevent breaking the web of plastic film.
plastics molding machines, pumps • The scalable all-compatible platform allows easy process and component optimization with
different drive types that share the same user interface and tools.
• Wide range of supported fieldbus protocols for easy PLC integration.
Material Conveyors • Accurate and precise speed and torque control increase production uptime even when
handling the load varies.
• Safe torque off (SIL 3) function ensures machine and personnel safety.
• Minimized downtime with robust and reliable design.
• Swinging choke technology to mitigate harmonics.
• External +24 V supply to keep the communication up when the mains supply is disconnected.
Textile Bleaching machines, • Precise speed or torque control for high stretching accuracy and better quality of the end product.
compressors, conveyors, • Adjustable torque limit to prevent damage to mechanical equipment.
drum washers, extruders, • Adjustable acceleration/deceleration ramps to improve pump control.
fans, jet dyeing machines, • Real-time clock and timed functions for process optimization.
pumps, stenter machines, • Increased productivity and faster payback times with multiple setups, allowing production of
stretchers, winders two different products.
• Built-in counters for additional energy savings and preventive maintenance.
Sawmill Chippers, conveyors, • IP55/UL type 12 available up to 250 kW for harsh environments.
feeders, dryers, pickers, • Cabinet-built drive IP54 up to 500 kW.
drying kilns • Safe torque off (SIL 3) function ensures machine and personnel safety.
• External +24 V supply to keep the communications "alive" when the mains supply is turned off.
• ATEX-certified thermistor protection module, Ex II (2) GD.
Water handling Compressors, • Additional energy savings with energy optimizer function.
pump stations • Adjustable acceleration/deceleration ramps to improve pump control.
• Minimized downtime with robust and reliable design.
• ABB’s extensive product and service offering for comprehensive process optimization.
Automotive Conveyors, fans, pumps • ATEX-certified thermistor protection module, Ex II (2) GD.
• Increased productivity and faster payback times with multiple setups.
• Enhanced quality of end products with smooth control of the motor and process.
• Safe torque off (SIL 3) function ensures machine and personnel safety.
• Wide range of fieldbus networks supported, including PROFIBUS and PROFINET IO.
• P55/UL Type 12 available up to 250 kW 400 V and high enclosure rating for harsh environments.
• The robust design of the drive reduces mechanical stress on process line equipment, lowering
maintenance costs and ensuring high production quality.
10 A B B G E N E R A L P U R P O S E D R I V E S , A C S 5 8 0 , C ATA LO G
Food and beverage domain expertise
ABB has strong domain expertise in the food and beverage industry and its many
subsegments. As part of ABB’s general purpose drives family, the ACS580 is well
suited to support a wide range of applications in the food and beverage
subsegments below.
▶ Bakery and confectionary
▶ Dairy Compressors
▶ Brewery towers
▶ Aquaculture
▶ Agriculture
Food and beverage software package
for ACS580 (+N8057)
To help our customers to be more effective, we offer Food and beverage software package option for ACS580
a software package for the ACS580 which is dedicated Plus code Description
to the food and beverage industry. The package consists Cooling compressor control *)
of two different parts, which will improve your processes +N8057
Anti-cavitation *)
by utilizing segment-specific functions:
*) More details on pages 11 and 12
Cooling and refrigeration in food and beverage
Food and beverage is the most significant segment for industrial refrigeration
installations. From bakery to meat, dairy, fruit and vegetables, all require refrigeration
across the entire cold chain which includes food process, cold storage, logistic
centers and transportation.
Food and beverage software package for ACS580 (+N8057)
Cooling compressor control
Combining best-in-class drive technology with dedicated software for
cooling compressors.
Pumping in food and beverage
Application example:
Level control of a beverage tank
Level transmitter
Food and beverage software package for ACS580 (+N8057)
Cavitation is caused by local pressure changes in a liquid, creating vapor bubbles
that can damage the pump and process when the vapor bubbles implode.
In addition, cavitation can also cause unplanned downtime, production losses
and even harm the end-product.
Quality in end-product
Anti-cavitation helps to avoid shock waves in the liquid.
This may lead to poor product quality and lost revenues.
The Anti-cavitation feature enables
reliable pump operations and
increases productivity in the food
and beverage industry.
Ventilation in agriculture: Livestock and poultry
ABB’s agricultural expertise and the ACS580 deliver reliable ventilation conditions
for your animals and increase overall productivity.
Ammonia resistance for the complete drive (+C219)
Ammonia, which can be found in critical amounts in barns, has a corrosive effect
on variable speed drives. The +C219 option enables ammonia resistance not only for
the control board, but also for the entire drive. This robust design prevents
unplanned downtimes while providing an extended lifetime. *)
Complete offering, from wall-mounted drives
to cabinet installations
Powerful, rugged and robust ACS580 drives ensure ease of use, scalability and
quality. A wide power range and various mounting options and enclosure classes
ensure you will find a drive for your installation and environment needs.
01 Wall-mounted Wall-mounted IP21 drives, standard —
ACS580 IP21 drive 01
Wall-mounted IP21 drives are available in a power
02 Wall-mounted and voltage range from 0.75 to 250 kW and 3-phase
ACS580 IP55 drive
380-480 V. Side-by-side mounting, flange mounting
03 Flange-mounted and horizontal mounting are all available for
ACS580 IP21 drive
wall-mounted ACS580 drives.
04 ACS580 drive
module with IP00
05 Cabinet-built
ACS580 drive
with IP42
Wall-mounted IP55 drives, +B056
The IP55 drive is designed for applications
exposed to dust, moisture, vibrations and other
harsh environments. It is similar in size to the
compact IP21 drives, which provides significant —
savings in space, maintenance, engineering,
and material costs, as well as in setup and
commissioning time.
Common features throughout the
whole ACS580 product family
Standard ACS580 drives software
with versatile features
Analyze and resolve issues with the control panel's diagnostics menu. You can quickly analyze
why the drive is performing as it is, whether running, stopped or running at the present speed.
18 A B B G E N E R A L P U R P O S E D R I V E S , A C S 5 8 0 , C ATA LO G
Standard interface and extensions
for plug-in connectivity
ACS580 drives offer a wide range of standard interfaces. Default factory I/O connection diagram: Macro ABB standard
In addition, the drive has two option slots that can be
Terminal Meaning Default macro connections
used for extensions, including fieldbus adapters and
XI Reference voltage and analog inputs and outputs
input/output extension modules that allow an
1 SCR Signal cable shield (screen)
external +24 V supply with frame sizes R1 to R5.
2 AI1 External frequency reference 1: 0 to 10 V
For frames R6-R11 external +24 V terminals
3 AGND Analog input circuit common
are already integrated on the control
4 +10 V Output reference voltage 10 V DC
board. For further information, please 1 to 10 kohm
5 AI2 Not used
see the ACS580 user manual.
6 AGND Analog input circuit common
7 AO1 Output frequency: 0 to 20 mA
1 2
8 AO2 Output current: 0 to 20 mA
9 AGND Analog output circuit common
Max. 500 ohm
X2 & X3 Aux. voltage output and programmable digital inputs
10 +24 V Auxiliary voltage output +24 V DC
11 DGND Auxiliary voltage output common
4 12 DCOM Digital input common for all DI
How to select a drive
The right drive is extremely easy to select. The following instructions show you
how to order the right drive for your application.
power rating.
— ACS580-04-505A-4 R10
ACS580-01-169A-4 R7 90 169 161 90 145 75 247 156 125 124 100 247 IN Rated current available continuously without overloadability at 40 °C.
ACS580-01-206A-4 R7 110 206 196 110 169 90 287 180 150 156 125 287 PN Typical motor power in no-overload use.
ACS580-01-246A-4 R8 132 246 234 132 206 110 350 240 200 180 150 350 Maximum output current
ACS580-01-293A-4 R8 160 293 278 160 246 *) 132 418 260 200 240 150 418 I max Maximum output current. Available for 2 seconds at start.
ACS580-01-363A-4 R9 200 363 345 200 293 160 498 361 300 302 250 542 Light-overload use
ACS580-01-430A-4 R9 250 430 400 200 363 **) 200 545 414 350 361 300 542 I Ld Continuous current allowing 110% I Ld for 1 minute every 10 minutes at 40 °C.
P Ld Typical motor power in light-duty use.
Heavy-duty use
I Hd Continuous current allowing 150% I Hd for 1 minute every 10 minutes at 40 °C.
*) Continuous current allowing 140% I Hd for 1 minute every 10 minutes at 40 °C.
**) Continuous current allowing 130% I Hd for 1 minute every 10 minutes at 40 °C.
***) Continuous current allowing 125% I Hd for 1 minute every 10 minutes at 40 °C.
P Hd Typical motor power in heavy-duty use.
Nominal ratings, ACS580-01
The ratings apply for the frames R6 to R9 up to +40 °C in enclosed IP class 21.
IN Rated current available continuously without overloadability at 40 °C. The ratings apply for the frames R10 to R11 up to +40 °C in enclosed IP00/IP20.
PN Typical motor power in no-overload use. For derating at higher altitudes, temperatures or switching frequencies, see the HW manuals, document codes: 3AXD50000018826,
3AXD50000015497, 3AXD50000045815 and 3AXD50000032622.
Maximum output current
I max Maximum output current. Available for 2 seconds at start.
Light-overload use
I Ld Continuous current allowing 110% I Ld for 1 minute every 10 minutes at 40 °C.
P Ld Typical motor power in light-duty use.
Heavy-duty use
I Hd Continuous current allowing 150% I Hd for 1 minute every 10 minutes at 40 °C.
*) Continuous current allowing 130% I Hd for 1 minute every 10 minutes at 40 °C.
Pages 24, 25 and 26
**) Continuous current allowing 125% I Hd for 1 minute every 10 minutes at 40 °C.
P Hd Typical motor power in heavy-duty use.
The ratings apply for the frames R1 to R9 up to +40 °C in enclosure class 21.
The ratings apply for the frames R10 to R11 up to +40 °C in enclosure class IP00/IP20.
For derating at higher altitudes, temperatures, switching frequencies or enclosure classes, see the HW manuals, document codes:
3AXD50000018826 and 3AXD50000015497.
Communication and connectivity
Choose your options (on pages 30, 32, 38 and Fieldbus adapter modules
The ACS580 comes with Modbus RTU fieldbus
Input/output extension modules
Standard input and output can be extended by
interface as standard, and it is also compatible using optional analog and digital input/output
3 4 +K492
Safety functions fieldbus Profisafe module
— — —
Product series
Plus code MRP code Description Type designation
07 +L501
External 24 V AC and DC 2 x RO and 1 x DO
External 24 V and isolated PTC interface
*) For further information please see pages 48-49
**) No additional analog input/output is offered
Pages 30, 32, 38 and 49
20 A B B G E N E R A L P U R P O S E D R I V E S , A C S 5 8 0 , C ATA LO G
EU Ecodesign Regulation
Technical data
Mains connection 3 relay outputs Maximum switching voltage 250 V AC/30 V
DC Maximum continuous current 2 A rms
Input voltage and 3-phase, U N 200 to 240 V, +10%/-15%
output power range ACS580-01: from 0.75 up to 75 kW Supported thermistors Any of the analog inputs, or digital input 6,
3-phase, U N 380 to 480 V, +10%/-15% are configurable for PTC with up to 6 sensors.
ACS580-01: from 0.75 up to 250 kW Both analog outputs can be used to feed
ACS580-04: from 250 up to 500 kW the PT100, PT1000, KTY83, KTY84 or
ACS580-07: from 75 up to 500 kW Ni1000 sensors.
Auto-identification of supply voltage For more detailed information please see
Frequency from 47 to 63 Hz the ACS580 hardware manual.
ACS580-01 flange mounting dimensions, with +C135 or a loose option kit for IP21
Height Width Offs. Out Offs. In Weight
Frames (mm) (in) (mm) (in) (mm) (in) (mm) (in) (kg) (lb)
Offs. Out Offs. In
R1 461 18.2 206 8.1 133 5.2 109 4.3 4.6 10.1
R2 551 21.7 206 8.1 130 5.1 114 4.5 6.5 14.6
R3 613 24.1 290 11.4 118 4.6 116 4.6 11.8 26.0
R4 776 30.6 290 11.4 120 4.7 137 5.4 19 41.9
R5 776 30.6 290 11.4 124 4.9 173 6.8 28.3 62.4
R6 672 26.5 374 14.7 193 7.6 167 6.6 42.4 93.5
R7 722 28.4 406 16.0 194 7.6 169 6.7 54 119.1
R8 814 32.1 433 17.0 202 8.0 184 7.2 69 152.2 H
Ratings, types and voltages
Ratings, types and voltages
3-phase, U N = 230 V (range 200 to 240 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 230 V (0.75 to 75 kW)
Drive type Frame Nominal ratings Light-duty use Heavy-duty use Maximum
size output current
IN PN I Ld PLd I Hd PHd I Max
(A) (kW) (A) (kW) (A) (kW) (A)
ACS580-01-04A7-2 R1 4.7 0.75 4.6 0.75 3.5 0.55 6.3
ACS580-01-06A7-2 R1 6.7 1.1 6.6 1.1 4.6 0.75 8.9
ACS580-01-07A6-2 R1 7.6 1.5 7.5 1.5 6.6 1.1 11.9
ACS580-01-012A-2 R1 12 3 11.8 3 7.5 2.2 19.1
ACS580-01-018A-2 R1 16.9 4 16.7 4 10.6 3.0 22
ACS580-01-025A-2 R2 24.5 5.5 24.2 5.5 16.7 4.0 32.7
ACS580-01-032A-2 R2 31.2 7.5 30.8 7.5 24.2 5.5 43.6
ACS580-01-047A-2 R3 46.7 11 46.2 11 30.8 7.5 62.4
ACS580-01-060A-2 R3 60 15 59.4 15 46.2 11 83.2
ACS580-01-089A-2 R5 89 22 88 22 74.8 18.5 135
ACS580-01-115A-2 R5 115 30 114 30 88.0 22.0 158
ACS580-01-144A-2 R6 144 37 143 37 114 30 205
ACS580-01-171A-2 R7 171 45 169 45 143 37 257
ACS580-01-213A-2 R7 213 55 211 55 169 45 304
ACS580-01-276A-2 R8 276 75 273 75 211 55 380
Nominal ratings
IN Rated current available continuously without overloadability at 40 °C.
PN Typical motor power in no-overload use.
Maximum output current
I max Maximum output current. Available for 2 seconds at start, then as long as allowed by drive temperature.
Light-overload use
I Ld Continuous current allowing 110% I Ld for 1 minute every 10 minutes at 40 °C.
P Ld Typical motor power in light-overload use.
The ratings apply for the frames R1 to R9 up to +40 °C in enclosed IP21/IP55.
For derating at high altitudes, temperatures or switching frequencies, see the user’s HW manual, document code: 3AXD50000035866.
Overloadability and output current illustration
1.5 × I hd
Definition ACS580
No overload In
1.1 × I ld
110% overload 1 min / 10 minutes I ld
150% overload 1 min / 10 minutes I hd
I ld
I hd
28 A B B G E N E R A L P U R P O S E D R I V E S , A C S 5 8 0 , C ATA LO G
Easiness on a whole new level
without a hassle
Select language, set time
and date, name the drive,
enter motor values, test
rotating the motor.
Primary settings
Select ready-made macros,
perform ID-run, fine-tune
settings related to e.g.
ramps, limits, PIDs,
fieldbuses, reset to defaults.
Input/output menu
Set and monitor your input/
output (I/O) connections for
real-time diagnostics
Help button
The help button provides
more information about
your selection and it can be
pressed in any view.
C O N T R O L PA N E L O P T I O N S A N D M O U N T I N G K I T S 29
Control panel options and mounting kits
The standard delivery of the ACS580 includes the assistant control panel
(requires the +J400 code), but it can be also replaced by other control panels.
Door mounting and daisy chaining
Improve safety and leverage the full potential of the ACS580 control panel options
with a door mounting kit and panel bus adapter.
Door mounting fosters easy operation and control panel for even easier and quicker
safety. It enables you to operate the drive without operation. When daisy chaining the drives,
opening the cabinet door, saving time and you need only one assistant control panel.
keeping all the electronics behind the closed The rest of the drives can be equipped with
door. Up to 32 drives can be connected to one panel bus adapters.
Cabinet door
Cabinet, inside
Control panel options
The ACS-AP-S assistant control panel (plus code +J400) is included as standard in the delivery.
If no code is mentioned in the ACS580 order, the assistant control panel is automatically added to the delivery.
It can be replaced by one of the other +Jxxx options listed below.
Higher enclosure class for cabinet-free installations
even in harsh conditions
Donʼt let dust, moisture or dirt interrupt your processes and drag down productivity.
ACS580 IP55/UL Type 12 units keep your systems running even in tough conditions.
Maintain productivity in
harsh conditions
Compact units for rough environments Be productive, save money and keep it simple
The ACS580 IP55 and UL Type 12 units are an ideal If there’s a job assignment to build an outdoor
choice for harsh environments, where impurities, swimming pool, the construction employees need
such as dust or dirt waft in the air. Typical harsh to have the right tools and equipment to be
environments include textile, cement, metal and successful and productive. A shovel and garden
wood processing industries and harsh outdoor hose are obviously not the right choice for
conditions in desert and tropical environments. the job. The same applies to your processes:
Higher protection class ensures smooth in order to perform the job well, you need to
processes by reducing downtime. have the right equipment for it.
These units can be installed directly on the wall If the environment around your processes
closer to the motor, which provides flexibility includes impurities, drives with lesser enclosure
and simplifies installation. The robust, protective ratings are more likely to fail because they are
design ensures that no additional enclosures not designed for harsh environments. A failure
or components, such as dust filters and fans, causes an interruption and instantly cuts down
are needed. productivity and adds costs. Coated control
boards of the ACS580 IP55/UL Type 12 units,
Ordering Description increased use of plastics with smart design,
codes and fully gasketed control panel section that
+B056 IP55/UL Type 12 unit (R1-R9) maintains the IP rating even if the control panel
+F278 Integrated main switch (R1-R5) *)
+E223 Integrated C1 filter (R1-R5) *)
+F316 Integrated main switch and C1 filter (R1-R5 *)
* Integrated into the R1 and R2, external box for
is removed help keep your processes up and Integrated main switch and EMC C1 filter for
running in tough environments. further safety improvements and cost reductions
The ACS580 IP55/UL Type 12 units can be ordered
Installing the drive closer to the motor allows with an integrated main switch and/or EMC C1
shorter motor cables to be used. Shorter cables filter (R1-R5). The integrated main switch further
not only cost less and are easier to handle, but simplifies the installation and improves safety as
they make it easier to fulfill EMC requirements it ensures a correct drive is being disconnected
and reduce the need for additional filters. instead of another one. The switch can be
padlocked with three padlocks and in case all
Cost reductions take place also by eliminating padlocks are used, three people need to agree and
the need for a cabinet. IP55/UL Type 12 enclosure observe together whether it is safe to connect
provides protection from dust and jetting water the drive before the drive can be connected.
from any direction. Speed-controlled main
cooling fans maintain optimal drive operating Having the EMC C1 filter embedded to the drive,
temperatures without a need for external cooling. there is no need to order, install and test it
Keeping the drive at optimal temperature separately. The integrated filter is already tested
increases the lifetime of the drive. with the drive and it is prewired so there is no
need for additional cabling.
In addition, the IP55/UL Type 12 units reduce
maintenance costs compared to cabinet-mounted Ready made accessories for simplified
drives because of the elimination of air filters. cabinet assembly
The cabinet air filters need to be replaced on Installing ACS580-01 drive modules into Rittal
a regular basis and if they're not cleaned or taken VX25 cabinets is made easier with mechanical
care of properly, the cabinet temperature may and electrical accessory kits. The ready made
rise and cause issues in the process. In these accessories will save time in design work and
situations a maintenance engineer may need to reduce the building time to enable faster cabinet
open the cabinet door to identify the root cause. delivery. This will enable machine builders, system
integrators and panel builders to built drive
Exploring the root cause is extra work and an packages using their own cabinet design with
open cabinet door instantly decreases safety, ABB technology.
exposes all the components to the impurities and
interrupts your processes. All these costs can be For more information and ordering details, please
avoided with cabinet-free installation. see manual supplement 3AXD50000523191.
34 A B B G E N E R A L P U R P O S E D R I V E S , A C S 5 8 0 , C ATA LO G
ACS580-07 cabinet-built drives
Effortless process automation in a ready-made cabinet
For many purposes: The ACS580-07 is ready to control many applications including, mixers, extruders,
compressors, centrifuges, and fans, also installed in potentially explosive environment.
Easy to order: An EMC filter, chokes, assistant control panel, Modbus RTU, STO and
installation tools are included as standard, and in addition there are several
options available to further fulfill your needs. (See page 57)
Factory acceptance test (FAT): For ABB the reliability and quality of the
drives is the utmost important. To ensure that the drive solutions meet the
specifications and the customer expectations, ABB offers to have a factory acceptance
test (FAT) in drives factory. Remote FAT or visual inspection is possible via online services.
A C S 5 8 0 - 0 7 C A B I N E T- B U I LT D R I V E S 35
1 1 B
8 E
6 7 6 A
5 5
3 3
2 2
7 6 C
8 F
Cooling system
Commissioning, programming
and customization tools
setup, commissioning and monitoring for all-compatible Parameter setting Networked drives
drives. The free version of the tool provides startup and Point-to-point Control diagrams
maintenance capabilities and gathers all drive information,
Simple monitoring Data logger(s)
such as parameter loggers, faults, backups and lists, into
Supports adaptive Graphical safety
a support diagnostics file. Drive Composer pro provides
programming setup
additional features such as custom parameter windows,
Adaptive Adaptive (block)
graphical control diagrams of the driveʼs configuration, programming programming
and improved monitoring and diagnostics. in Demo mode
– Multiple backup and
– Drive configuration by
using virtual drive
Link/MRP codes Description Type designation Link to –
drives/software-tools/ download free
drive-composer Drive Composer entry
9AKK105408A3415 Drive Composer entry –
PC tool (document)
3AUA0000108087 Drive Composer pro DCPT-01
PC tool
(single user license)
3AUA0000145150 Drive Composer pro DCPT-01
PC tool
(10 users license)
3AUA0000145151 Drive Composer pro DCPT-01
PC tool
(20 users license)
C O M M I S S I O N I N G , P R O G R A M M I N G A N D C U S TO M I Z AT I O N TO O L S 37
a productive way. Combining the tools required for The common engineering tool Automation
Builder is used for drive and PLC
configuring, programming, debugging and maintaining programming and configuration.
automation projects in a common, intuitive interface, Automation Builder is available in Basic,
Automation Builder addresses the largest single cost Standard and Premium editions, fitting the
element of most of todayʼs industrial automation needs of small projects and managing the
challenges of many and large projects for
projects: software. OEM and system integrators.
Adaptive programming
Adaptive programming
Adaptive programming software, embedded inside
the drive, is especially handy when there is a need to
distribute some of the machine’s control logic to the drive.
Adaptive programming brings energy savings when the
drive is adjusted to control the application optimally. You
can use our Drive Composer PC tool to set up the adaptive
programming. The drive also offers sequence programming
capabilities. Adaptive programming makes it possible to
enhance the existing application control program to
precisely fit users’ application needs. The program is also
handy for ensuring that the drive’s electrical design is
connected as it should be with working drive signals.
Communication and connectivity
Fieldbus options
Plus code MRP code Fieldbus protocol Adapter
+K451 68469341 DeviceNet™ FDNA-01
+K454 68469325 PROFIBUS DP. DPV0/DPV1 FPBA-01
+K457 68469376 CANopen® FCAN-01
+K458 3AUA0000031336 Modbus RTU FSCA-01
+K462 3AUA0000094512 ControlNet FCNA-01
+K469 3AUA0000072069 EtherCAT® FECA-01
+K470 3AUA0000072120 POWERLINK FEPL-02
+K490 3AXD50000192786 Two port Ethernet/IP FEIP-21
+K491 3AXD50000049964 Two port Modbus/TCP FMBT-21
+K492 3AXD50000192779 Two port PROFINET IO FPNO-21
+Q986 3AXD50000112821 Safety functions fieldbus Profisafe module FSPS-21
— — —
— — —
Plus code MRP code Description Type designation
+L501 3AXD50000004420 External 24 V AC and DC 2 x RO and 1 x DO CMOD-01
+L523 3AXD50000004418 External 24 V and isolated PTC interface CMOD-02
+L512 3AXD50000004431 115/230 V digital input 6 x DI and 2 x RO CHDI-01
+L537 3AXD50000033578 ATEX-certified PTC interface, Ex II (2) GD and external 24 V *) CPTC-02
+L500 3AXD50000137954 Bipolar analog I/O adapter module **) CBAI-01
+L525 3AXD50000709243 Analogue signal extension 3 x AI and 2 x AO CAIO-01
*) For further information please see pages 48-49
**) No additional analog input/output is offered
C O M M U N I C AT I O N A N D C O N N E C T I V I T Y 39
Embedded fieldbus interface
The F-series fieldbus adapter modules
Safety options
PROFIsafe safety functions module FSPS-21 Safe stop 1, time controlled (SS1-t)
The FSPS-21 module has integrated PROFIsafe, safety
functions and PROFINET IO connection. The ready-made STO activated
safety functions make safety configuration in the drive
unnecessary. The module supports STO and SS1-t safety
functions. It is used together with a safety PLC that 0
Time limit t
supports PROFIsafe over PROFINET communication. Function
For more information see FSPS-21 PROFIsafe safety Safe stop 1 stops the motor safely with a controlled ramp
functions module web page at stop and stop time monitoring. SS1-t initiates the ramp stop
functional-safety from the drive and activates STO when speed reaches zero.
If the drive is not decelerating to zero speed within the time
limit, the STO function is activated. SS1-t is typically used in
applications where motion must be stopped quickly and
safely before switching to a no-torque state.
Example: SS1-t
Safety function module FSPS-21, functionality cycle
ABB drive *) Start ABB drive *) Start
Reset Reset
Time 1 Time
2. SS1-t, safety functions request / start of monitoring 3. Transition and time monitoring of the SS1-t
2 3 3
Reset Reset
2 Time 3 Time
4. Zero speed or SS1-t time limit reached / STO is opened 5. Safe state / STO is open
Time 4 Time 5
6. Safety function request removed / reset / STO is closed 7. Start – return to normal operation
I 6
ABB drive *) Start 7 ABB drive *) Start
II 6
Time 6
ABB Ability™ Digital Powertrain
Condition monitoring for drives
The service can be tailored to fit your needs Solid fact-based decision making
Our standard package gives you industry leading Get the facts, and the history, to help run your
monitoring capabilities – whether you want to view operations better and more safely.
the drive status through ABB’s Internet portal or
integrate this data with your existing monitoring
systems. Always stay one step ahead of problems
Recognize early signs of possible failures and
The standard package includes the following services: assess the risks, before they turn into serious
• Condition Monitoring operational issues.
• Alarm Management
• Asset Health
• Team Support Find the root cause of process issues
• Backup Management Remotely access data from ABB drives built-in
sensors to track the cause of problems. Get back
The standard package can be supplemented to smooth operation quickly with data back-ups.
with optional services:
• Offline Data Collection
• Expert Reports Remotely analyze and optimize drives
• Remote Assistance Get critical drive information anywhere anytime
• Condition monitoring of your – even in difficult to access sites, or when a site
entire powertrain visit is impossible.
A B B A B I L I T Y ™ D I G I TA L P O W E R T R A I N 43
— —
NETA-21 RMDE reliability monitoring device
NETA-21 connects the drive to the cloud via the Internet
or local Ethernet network.
• One module can be connected to several drives The RMDE reliability monitoring device facilitates the
at the same time installation of the connectivity device (NETA-21) on drives
that are already installed.
NETA-21 Ordering code Description
3AUA0000094517 • The RMDE device can contain two or four NETA modules
2 x panel bus interface
and can connect up to 18 or even 36 drives
max. 9 drives
2 x Ethernet interface
• The cabinet consists of the NETA-21 connectivity devices,
SD memory card
a modem and environmental sensors that enable the
collection of measured ambient temperature and
humidity values
Customers can configure powertrains and customize the digital service plan
1 2 3 4 56
Choose one or
more assets
you want to
Install the
Activate access
to the Condition
basic feature
Pick optional
features and
Enjoy the
NETA-21 Management
Offline Data
Smart Sensor
Asset Health
44 A B B G E N E R A L P U R P O S E D R I V E S , A C S 5 8 0 , C ATA LO G
EMC – electromagnetic compatibility
What is EMC? —
Immunity and emission compatibility
EMC stands for electromagnetic compatibility. It is the
ability of electrical/electronic equipment to operate without
Disturbance level
problems in an electromagnetic environment. Immunity level
Immunity limit
Likewise, the equipment must not disturb or interfere with
any other product or system in its locality. This is a legal Compatibility
requirement for all equipment taken into service within margin
Installation environments
Independent variable e.g. frequency
A power drive system (PDS) can be connected to
either industrial or public power distribution networks.
The environment class depends on the way the PDS is
connected to power supply. —
Installation environments
The product standard EN 61800-3 divides PDSs into four categories according to the intended use
Every ACS580 drive is equipped EMC product standard (EN 61800-3) category C2 is
fulfilled in wall-mounted drives and in cabinet-built
with a built-in filter to reduce drives up to frame size R9. Category C3 is fulfilled in
high-frequency emissions. drive modules and cabinet-built drives (frames R10
and R11) with no external filters.
Harmonic mitigation
Where do the harmonics come from?
The effects of harmonic distortions
Mainly affect the power distribution system up to the rectifier: Can affect other equipment connected to the electrical system:
• Additional losses in wires and cables • Erratic operation of telecommunication systems, computers, video
• Extra heating of transformers monitors, electronic test equipment, etc.
• Circuit breaker malfunctioning • Resonance with power factor correction capacitors
H A R M O N I C M I T I G AT I O N 47
ACS580 drives are compliant with EN 61000-3-12. They are equipped with:
• optimized DC choke (R1-R9)
• AC chokes (R10-R11)
Drive system features affecting harmonics
Medium voltage
grid Harmonics reduction can be achieved either
by structural modifications in the drive system
or by using external filtering. The structural
modifications may be to strengthen the
supply, or to use 12 or more pulse drives,
Short circuit power MVA to use a controlled rectifier, or to improve
the internal filtering in the drive.
Transformer MVA The image to the left shows the factors in the
Rated power
AC drive system that have some influence
and impedance % on harmonics. The current harmonics
depend on the drive construction, and
the voltage harmonics are the current
harmonics multiplied by the supply
Type of rectifier
Type of inverter PWM, VSI
Load Motor Rated power and load
48 A B B G E N E R A L P U R P O S E D R I V E S , A C S 5 8 0 , C ATA LO G
For explosive atmospheres
ATEX certified
ATEX provides similar guidelines to the IECEx System, Zones 2 (for gas) and
22 (for dust), where
with a few exceptions, and with certification of protective
potentially explosive
devices (e.g. drive-integrated safety functions). Zone 2 (gas) atmospheres can
/ 22 (dust) occur by accident,
not during normal
Cooling and fuses
ACS580 drives are fitted with variable-speed cooling air fans. The cooling air must be free from corrosive
materials and not exceed the maximum ambient temperature of 40 °C for frames R1 to R9 (50 °C with derating).
The speed-controlled fans cool the drive only when needed, which reduces overall noise level and
energy consumption.
Fuse connections
Standard fuses can be used with ABB general purpose drives. For input fuses, see the table below.
Circuit breakers
Type Frame Aux. Miniature Tmax moulded case circuit breaker Switch-disconnector Main
designation size Contr. circuit Main Main contactor
ACS580-01- Volt.: breaker Switch Switch UL (≤40 °C)
ABB type ABB type ABB type ABB type ABB type
3-phase, U N = 400 or 480 V (380…415 V. 440…480 V)
02A7-4 R1 230/115 S 203P-B/C/Z 10 – OT16F3 OT16F3 AF09-30-22-13
03A4-4 R1 230/115 S 203P-B/C/Z 10 – OT16F3 OT16F3 AF09-30-22-13
04A1-4 R1 230/115 S 203P-B/C/Z 10 – OT16F3 OT16F3 AF09-30-22-13
05A7-4 R1 230/115 S 203P-B/C/Z 10 – OT16F3 OT16F3 AF09-30-22-13
07A3-4 R1 230/115 S 203P-B/C/Z 10 – OT16F3 OT16F3 AF09-30-22-13
09A5-4 R1 230/115 S 203P-B/C/Z 10 – OT16F3 OT16F3 AF09-30-22-13
12A7-4 R1 230/115 S 203P-B/C/Z 16 – OT16F3 OT16F3 AF09-30-22-13
018A-4 R2 230/115 S 203P-B/C/Z 20 – OT25F3 OT25F3 AF09-30-22-13
026A-4 R2 230/115 S 203P-B/C/Z 25 – OT25F3 OT25F3 AF12-30-22-13
033A-4 R3 230/115 S 203P-B/C/Z 32 – OT63F3 OT63F3 AF26-30-22-13
039A-4 R3 230/115 S 203P-B/C/Z 40 – OT63F3 OT63F3 AF52-30-22-13
046A-4 R3 230/115 S 203P-B/C/Z 50 – OT63F3 OT63F3 AF52-30-22-13
062A-4 R4 230/115 S 803 S-B/C 75 – OT100F OT100F AF52-30-22-13
073A-4 R4 230/115 – 1SDA067918R1 Prospective SC current 65kA OT100F OT100F AF52-30-22-13
089A-4 R4 230/115 – 1SDA067918R1 Prospective SC current 65kA OT160EV OT200U AF65-30-22-13
088A-4 R5 230/115 – 1SDA067918R1 Prospective SC current 65kA OT160EV OT200U AF65-30-22-13
106A-4 R5 230/115 – 1SDA068555R1 Prospective SC current 65kA OT160EV OT200U AF146-30-22-13
145A-4 R6 230/115 – 1SDA068555R1 Prospective SC current 65kA OT160EV OT200U AF146-30-22-13
169A-4 R7 230/115 – 1SDA068555R1 Prospective SC current 65kA OT250E OT400U AF146-30-22-13
206A-4 R7 230/115 – 1SDA054141R1 Prospective SC current 65kA OT250E OT400U AF146-30-22-13
246A-4 R8 230/115 – 1SDA054365R1 Prospective SC current 65kA OT400E OT400U AF265-30-22-13
293A-4 R8 230/115 – 1SDA054420R1 Prospective SC current 65kA OT400E OT400U AF265-30-22-13
363A-4 R9 230/115 – 1SDA054420R1 Prospective SC current 65kA OT630E OT600U AF400-30-22-70
430A-4 R9 230/115 – 1SDA054420R1 Prospective SC current 65kA OT630E OT600U AF400-30-22-70
Type Frame Aux. Miniature Tmax moulded case circuit breaker Switch-disconnector Main
designation size Contr. circuit Main Main contactor
ACS580-04- Volt.: breaker Switch Switch UL (≤40 °C)
ABB type ABB type ABB type ABB type ABB type
U N = 380…480 V (380, 400, 415 V)
505A-4 R10 230/115 – 1SDA054412R1 (T5H 630 PR221DS-LS/I I n = 630 3p F F) OT630E OT600U –
585A-4 R10 230/115 – 1SDA069428R1 (T6V 800 PR221DS-LS/I I n = 800 3p F F) OT630E OT600U –
650A-4 R10 230/115 – 1SDA069428R1 (T6V 800 PR221DS-LS/I I n = 800 3p F F) OT800E OT800U –
725A-4 R11 230/115 – 1SDA062770R1 (T7H 1000 PR231/P LS/I In = 1000A 3p F F) OT800E OT800U –
820A-4 R11 230/115 – 1SDA062770R1 (T7H 1000 PR231/P LS/I In = 1000A 3p F F) OT1000E OT1200U –
880A-4 R11 230/115 – 1SDA062770R1 (T7H 1000 PR231/P LS/I In = 1000A 3p F F) OT1000E OT1200U –
54 A B B G E N E R A L P U R P O S E D R I V E S , A C S 5 8 0 , C ATA LO G
du/dt filters
du/dt filtering suppresses inverter output voltage spikes and rapid voltage changes that stress
motor insulation. Additionally, du/dt filtering reduces capacitive leakage currents and high-frequency
emissions from the motor cable as well as high-frequency losses and bearing currents in the motor.
The need for du/dt filtering depends on the motor insulation. For information on the construction
of the motor insulation, consult the manufacturer. More information on the du/dt filters can be
found in the ACS580 hardware manual.
400 V
D U/ DT F I LT E R S 55
External du/dt filter for ACS580-01 External du/dt filters for ACS580-07
du/dt filter type du/dt filter type
Unprotected Protected Protected Protected
(IP00) to IP22 to IP54 to IP54
400 V
220 to 240 V
ACS580-01-213A-2 Dimensions and weights of the du/dt filters
ACS580-01-213A-2+B056 du/dt filter Height Width Depth Weight
*) 3 filters included,
dimensions apply
ACS580-01-276A-2+B056 to one filter. (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
NOCH0016-60 195 140 115 2.4
NOCH0016-62/65 323 199 154 6
NOCH0030-60 215 165 130 4.7
NOCH0030-62/65 348 249 172 9
NOCH0070-60 261 180 150 9.5
NOCH0070-62/65 433 279 202 15.5
NOCH0120-60 *) 200 154 106 7
NOCH0120-62/65 765 308 256 45
FOCH0260-70 382 340 254 47
FOCH0320-50 662 319 293 65
FOCH0610-70 662 319 293 65
FOCH0875-70 662 319 293 65
BOCH-0880A-7 400 248 456 18
COF-01 570 296 360 23
COF-02 570 360 301 23
56 A B B G E N E R A L P U R P O S E D R I V E S , A C S 5 8 0 , C ATA LO G
Sine filters
Sine filters are low-pass filters that suppress the high frequency components of the drive output.
A sine filter consists of single- or three-phase reactors and delta- or star-connected capacitors.
The sine filter provides true sinusoidal voltage waveform at the drive output by suppressing the
high frequency voltage components of the drive output. Suppression of the high frequency voltage
components is needed when extra-long motor cables are used, there is a step-up transformer
between the drive and a motor, or when a drive is installed with an old direct-on-line motor.
ACS580 drives are compatible with
the wide ABB product offering
Safety products
ABB safety products are helping machine builders to
create production-friendly and safe work environments
AC motors for operators. We deliver machine safety solutions for
ABB’s low voltage AC motors are designed to save energy, single machines or entire production lines. Our long
reduce operating costs and minimize unscheduled downtime. experience of helping customers making solutions for
General performance motors ensure convenience, while demanding environments has made us experts in
process performance motors provide a broad set of motors combining production demands with safety demands
for the process industries and heavy-duty applications. for production-friendly solutions.
Control panels
CP600-eCo, CP600 and CP600-Pro control panels offer
a wide range of features and functionalities for maximum
operability. ABB control panels are distinguished by
their robustness and easy usability, providing all the
relevant information from production plants and
machines at a single touch.
58 A B B G E N E R A L P U R P O S E D R I V E S , A C S 5 8 0 , C ATA LO G
Choose the right motor
for your application
Synchronous reluctance motors
Ultimate efficiency and reliability to optimize
your cost of ownership
I²R Rotor
I²R Stator
Superior reliability to minimize the cost of not running SynRM technology Benefit
International Efficiency class IE5 synchronous reluctance
Higher efficiency IE5 Lowest energy consumption
motors (SynRM) have very low winding temperatures, which
No rare earth metals Environmental sustainability
increases the reliability and lifetime of the winding. More
Magnet-free rotor Easy service
importantly, a cool synchronous reluctance rotor means
Lower winding and bearing Longer life time, extended
significantly lower bearing temperatures – an important temperatures service intervals
factor because bearing failures cause about 70 percent of Better controllability Accurate speed and torque control
unplanned motor outages. Lower noise level Better working and living environment
Same size with IE3 Perfect for retrofits
Perfect for retrofits
The SynRM package is a perfect solution for motor retrofits.
The IE5 SynRM is the same size as an IE3 induction motor,
eliminating the need for mechanical modifications. Total cost of
The increased efficiency will, on the other hand, reduce ownership
the payback time of the investment.
Purchase Cost of Cost of
running not running
60 A B B G E N E R A L P U R P O S E D R I V E S , A C S 5 8 0 , C ATA LO G
Selection guide
IE5 synchronous reluctance motors
This table presents performance data for IE5 SynRM motor and ACS580 drive package.
Variant codes andconstruction details are based on the M3BP motor, protection IP55, cooling IC 411,
insulation class F, temperature rise class B.
Output Motor type *) Product code Motor Motor Motor Motor Matched Package PDS ***) Package Drive
efficiency nominal nominal weight ACS580-01 efficiency **) IES2 efficiency frame
current torque drive IES at efficiency aboveIES2 size
nominal class low efficiency
point (Pn) limit class low
*) Motor type M3AL = aluminum motor frame **) Calculated package efficiency values for ACS580-01
Motor type M3BL = cast iron motor frame ***) PDS = Power Drive System
ABB Access
Scan the QR code to access 24/7 self-services
for ABB drives, motors and PLCs
With ABB Access, you can unlock all aspects of your drives, motors or PLCs,
from one central location: the palm of your hand.
Device information
Easy Access to detailed
product information and ABB Access
EcoDesign data
Quick Access to user
manuals and step-by-step
Report issues
Fast Access to online
issue reporting Contact
Access ABB contacts
and search
Channel partners
62 A B B G E N E R A L P U R P O S E D R I V E S , A C S 5 8 0 , C ATA LO G
Drivetune mobile application for wireless access
Drivetune mobile app is a powerful tool for performing connectivity means that users do not need to enter
basic drive startup and troubleshooting tasks. It is hazardous or difficult-to-reach work areas to access
possible to connect with drives and access data available information necessary to help them commission
in the Internet at the same time. The wireless Bluetooth and tune the drive.
ABB Ability™ Mobile Connect for drives is a module in Remote and rapid access to ABB’s drive experts
the Drivetune app. It gives you the access to the technical can save you and your team considerable time, money
support for fast problem solving. Mobile Connect makes and headaches. Check Mobile Connect availability in
all the necessary data instantly available to the expert, your country.
providing support.
Download Drivetune
ABB SmartGuide – ACS580
Being one of the handiest ways to get short and clear visual
instructions on drive installation, startup, and operation.
64 A B B G E N E R A L P U R P O S E D R I V E S , A C S 5 8 0 , C ATA LO G
Our service expertise, your advantage
ABB Motion Services helps customers around the globe by maximizing uptime,
extending product life cycle, and enhancing the performance and energy efficiency of
electrical motion solutions. We enable innovation and success through digitalization
by securely connecting and monitoring our customers’ motors and drives, increasing
operational uptime, and improving efficiency. We make the difference for our
customers and partners every day by keeping their operations running profitably,
safely and reliably.
With a service offering tailored to your needs, ABB Motion We quickly respond to your service needs. Together with
Services maximizes the uptime and extends the life cycle our partners, local field service experts, and service
of your electrical motion solutions, while optimizing workshop networks, we provide and install original spare
their performance and maximizing your energy efficiency parts to help resolve any issues and minimize the impact
gains throughout the entire lifetime of your applications. of unexpected disruptions.
We help to keep your applications turning profitably,
safely and reliably. Our tailored to your needs service offerings and digital
solutions will enable you to unlock new possibilities.
Digitalization enables new smart and secured ways to Not only are we your premier supplier of motion equipment,
prevent unexpected downtime while optimizing the we are your trusted partner and advisor offering support
operation and maintenance of your assets. We securely throughout the entire life cycle of your assets. We ensure your
connect and monitor your motors, drives or your entire operations run profitably, safely and reliably and continue
powertrain via our easy-to-use cloud service solutions. to drive real world results, now and in the future. Our service
Connecting your applications also gives you access to teams work with you, delivering the expertise needed to
our in-depth service domain expertise. keep your world turning while saving energy every day.
A B B M OT I O N S E R V I C E S 65
Energy efficiency
Reliability and Circularity
Maximizing uptime Reducing carbon emissions and waste
Delivering service excellence Driving the tomorrow
66 A B B G E N E R A L P U R P O S E D R I V E S , A C S 5 8 0 , C ATA LO G
ABB Drives Life Cycle Management
A life time of peak performance
Full range of Full range of life cycle Limited range of life cycle Replacement and
Keeping you informed throughout the life cycle
Ordering information
How do I build an ordering code?
ACS580-01 Segment A D E F
ACS580 - 01 - 12A7 - 4 + Option codes
Basic codes
Segment Option Description
A Construction 01 = When no options are selected: Wall mounted, IP21 (UL Type 1),
assistant control panel with a USB port, choke, EMC C2 filter (internal EMC filter),
safe torque off, braking chopper in frames R1, R2, R3, coated boards,
cable lead through entry from the bottom, cable box or the conduit plate with
cable entries, quick installation and start-up guide multilingual)
D Current rating Refer to the rating table
E Voltage rating 4 = 400/480 V (380…480 V)
2 = 230 V (200...240 V)
Option codes
Segment Option Code Description
F Control panel and panel +J400 ACS-AP-S Assistant control panel (as standard)
options +0J400 Removes control panel
+J404 ACS-BP-S Basic control panel
+J424 CDUM-01 Blank control panel cover (no control panel)
+J425 ACS-AP-I Assistant control panel
+J429 ACS-AP-W Assistant control panel with a Bluetooth interface
I/O (one slot available +L500 CBAI-01 Bipolar analog I/O adapter module
for I/O options) +L501 CMOD-01 External 24 V AC/DC and digital I/O extension (2×RO and 1×DO)
+L512 CHDI-01 115/230 V Digital input extension (6×DI and 2×RO)
+L523 CMOD-02 External 24 V AC/DC and isolated PTC interface
+L525 CAIO-01 analogue signal extension (3 x AI and 2 x AO)
+L537 CPTC-02 ATEX-certified PTC interface, Ex II (2) GD and external 24 V. Requires also option +Q971.
Safety +Q971 ATEX-certified Safe Disconnection Function, Ex II (2) GD. Sold only with option +L537.
Fieldbus +K451 DeviceNet™ (FDNA-01)
+K457 CANopen® (FCAN-01)
+K462 ControlNet™ (FCNA-01)
+K469 EtherCAT® (FECA-01)
+K470 Ethernet POWERLINK (FEPL-01)
+K475 2-port Ethernet (EtherNet/IP™, Modbus®/TCP, PROFINET®)
+K490 EtherNet/IP™ (FEIP-21)
+K491 Modbus®/TCP (FMBT-21)
Embedded fieldbus +CEIA-01 Embedded Modbus RTU adapter
+EIA-485 (as standard)
IP enclosure +B056 IP55 (UL type 12). Factory option, retrofit not possible.
Construction +C135 Flange mounting kit. (Only available for 400V IP21 drives)
+H358 Cable conduit plate, blank
+P944 Drive without cable entry box. Version for cabinet mounting (R5-R9).
+F278 Main switch disconnector (R1-R5)
+E223 EMC filter, category C1 for earthed network (R1-R5)
+F316 Main switch and EMC filter, category C1 for earthed network (R1-R5)
Complementary options +C219 Overall drive (R1-R5 frames) to comply with class C4 (IEC60721-3-3:2019/ISO9223)
or class 3C3 (IEC60721-3-3:2002), ammonia only
+P931 Extended warranty up to 36 months
+P932 Extended warranty up to 60 months
+P952 European Union Country of origin
Software +N2000 Standard language package
+N2901 Europe language package
+N2902 Asia language package
+N8057 Food and beverage software package
O R D E R I N G I N F O R M AT I O N 69
ACS580-04 Segment A D E F
ACS580 - 04 - 505A - 4 + Option codes
Basic codes
Segment Option Description
A Construction 04 = Drive with coated circuit boards, integrated control unit (inside drive module), control panel door
mounting kit, embedded Modbus RTU adapter, EIA-485 (standard), assistant control panel with USB-port,
quick guides with default set of languages, web links to basic PC tool and manuals in quick guide
D Current rating Refer to the rating table
E Voltage rating 4 = 380…480 V
Option codes
Segment Option Code Description
F Control panel and panel +J400 Assistant control panel (standard) / ACS-AP-S (+J400 is included in the standard delivery)
options +0J400 No control panel
+J425 Assistant control panel /ACS-AP-I (+J425 and +J404 replaces +J400 / ACS-AP-S)
+J404 Basic control panel / ACS-BP-S (+J425 and +J404 replaces +J400 / ACS-AP-S)
+J429 Assistant control panel with bluetooth interface / ACS-AP-W
I/O (one slot available +L500 CBAI-01 Bipolar analog I/O adapter module
for I/O options)
+L501 External 24 V DC/AC and Digital I/O extension (2xRO and 1xDO) / CMOD-01
(L501, L523 and L512
available as retrofit +L512 115/230V Digital input (6xDI and 2xRO) / CHDI-01
options) +L523 External 24 V and isolated PTC interface / CMOD-02
+L525 CAIO-01 analogue signal extension (3 x AI and 2 x AO)
+L537 ATEX-certified PTC interface, Ex II (2) GD and external 24 V / CPTC-02. Requires also +Q971 option.
Safety +Q971 ATEX-certified Safe Disconnection Function, Ex II (2) GD / CPTC-02 (+Q971
option sold only together with +L537 option)
Fieldbus +K451 DeviceNet™ (FDNA-01)
(One fieldbus adapter +K454 PROFIBUS® DP (FPBA-01)
Fieldbus adapters +K457 CANopen® (FCAN-01)
available as loose +K462 ControlNet™ (FCNA-01)
options for retrofit.) +K469 EtherCAT® (FECA-01)
+K470 Ethernet POWERLINK (FEPL-01)
+K475 2-port Ethernet (EtherNet/IP™, Modbus®/TCP, PROFINET®)
+K490 EtherNet/IP™ (FEIP-21)
+K491 Modbus®/TCP (FMBT-21)
IP enclosure +B051 IP20 Finger safe
Construction +J410 Control panel door mounting kit (+J410 Includes DPMP-03)
+H370 Full-size input terminals
+P906 Remote control board
+0H371 No full size output terminals
+0H534 No pedestal
+0P919 No cabinet installation ramp
Filters +E210 EMC/RFI-filter, C3, 2nd Environment, Unrestricted (Earthed & Unearthed Networks)
+E208 Common mode filter
Resistor braking +D150 Brake chopper
Complementary +P931 Extended warranty up to 36 months
options +P932 Extended warranty up to 60 months
+P952 European Union Country of origin
Software +N8057 ood and beverage software package
70 A B B G E N E R A L P U R P O S E D R I V E S , A C S 5 8 0 , C ATA LO G
Ordering information
How do I build an ordering code?
ACS580-07 Segment A D E F
ACS580 - 07 - 145A - 4 + Option codes
Basic codes
Segment Option Description
A Construction 07 = Cabinet-built, IP21, Main switch and aR fuses, Assistant control panel (ACS-AP-S), EMC filter C2 (R6-R9)/
C3 (R10-R11), Common mode filter (R10-R11), ACS580 standard control program, Safe torque-off, Boards with coating,
Bottom entry and exit of cables, Cable lead through entry, One set of default electric documents in USB stick
D Current rating Refer to the rating table
E Voltage rating 4 = 380…480 V
Option codes
Segment Option Code Description
F Control panel and panel options +J429 ACS-AP-W Assistant control panel with Bluetooth interface
I/O (one slot available for +L500 CBAI-01 Bipolar analog I/O adapter module
I/O options)
+L501 External 24 V DC/AC and Digital I/O extension (2xRO and 1xDO)
+L504 Additional I/O-Terminal Block
+L512 115/230V Digital input (6xDI and 2xRO)
+L523 External 24 V and isolated PTC interface
+L525 CAIO-01 analogue signal extension (3 x AI and 2 x AO)
+L537 ATEX-certified thermistor protection module, Ex II (2) GD
(requires ATEX-certified Safe Disconnection Function, Ex II (2) GD, add +Q971 to code)
Options for cabinet +L506 *) Pt100 relay 1 pc (non Ex compatible)
+2L506 *) Pt100 relay 2 psc (non Ex compatible)
+3L506 *) t100 relay 3 pcs (non Ex compatible)
+5L506 *) Pt100 relay 5 pcs (non Ex compatible)
+G307 *) Terminal for external AC control voltage
+H537 *) Cable lead throught entry (European)
Safety +Q971 ATEX-certified Safe Disconnection Function, Ex II (2) GD
(+Q971 option sold only together with +L537 option. Not available with +Q951)
+Q951 Safety option of emergency stop where Main breaker is opened during emergency
+Q963 Safety option of emergency stop where main breaker is not opened during emergency
Fieldbus +K451 DeviceNet™ (FDNA-01)
(One fieldbus adapter +K454 PROFIBUS® DP (FPBA-01)
Note: +K457 CANopen® (FCAN-01)
Embedded fieldbus interface +K462 ControlNet™ (FCNA-01)
can't be used at the same time +K469 EtherCAT® (FECA-01)
with fieldbus adapter.
+K470 Ethernet POWERLINK (FEPL-01)
Fieldbus adapters available as
loose options for retrofit.) +K475 2-port Ethernet (EtherNet/IP™, Modbus®/TCP, PROFINET®)
+K490 EtherNet/IP™ (FEIP-21)
+K491 Modbus®/TCP (FMBT-21)
ABB Ability™ Condion +K496 NETA-21 Wired remote monitoring system
Monitoring for drives +K497 Connectivity for wireless remote monitoring (Not released, requires +K496)
IP enclusre +B054 IP42 enclosure class(Type 1 in case of UL certification)
+B055 IP54 enclosure class(Type 12 in case of UL certification)
Construction +C129 Cabinet drive is UL listed
+C180 Seismic design
Filters +E205 Du/dt filter
+E208 Common mode filter (as a default for R10-R11)
+F250 Line contactor
+F289 Molded case circuit breaker (UL listed, requies C129 option)
O R D E R I N G I N F O R M AT I O N 71
Option codes
Segment Option Code Description
F Cabling +H351 Top entry (additional channel for frames R6-R9, +125 mm the drive cabinet width)
Top entry through roof (frames R10-R11)
Top exit (additional channel for frames R6-R9, +125mm the drive cabinet width)
Top exit (frames R10-R11) – additional 150 mm channel
+H358 Cable conduit entry (Default in US, anywhere else specify in order)
+C164 Plinth 100 mm (separate in package)
+C179 Plinth 200 mm (separate in package)
Cabinet options +C128 Cooling air intake through bottom of cabinet
+C130 Channeled air outlet
Empty cabinet 400 mm on right side
(not available with +H351 and/or +H353 for frames R6-R9)
Empty cabinet 600 mm on right side
(not available with +H351 and/or +H353 for frames R6-R9)
Empty cabinet 800 mm on right side
(not available with +H351 and/or +H353 for frames R6-R9)
Empty cabinet 400 mm on left side
(not available with +H351 and/or +H353 for frames R10-R11)
Empty cabinet 600 mm on left side
(not available with +H351 and/or +H353 for frames R10-R11)
Empty cabinet 800 mm on left side
(not available with +H351 and/or +H353 for frames R10-R11)
+G300 Cabinet heater (External supply)
+G313 Output for motor heater
+G327 Ready Pilot light, white
+G307 Terminals for external control voltage
+G328 Run Pilot light, green
+G329 Fault Pilot light, red
Starter for auxiliary motor fan +M600 1…1.6 A; 1PC-s, dimensioned by fan size, Includes protective devices
+M601 1.6…2.5 A; 1PC-s, dimensioned by fan size, Includes protective devices
+M602 2.5…4 A; 1PC-s, dimensioned by fan size, Includes protective devices
+M603 4…6.3 A; 1PC-s, dimensioned by fan size, Includes protective devices
+M604 6.3…10 A;1PC-s, dimensioned by fan size, Includes protective devices
+M605 10…16 A;1PC-s, dimensioned by fan size, Includes protective devices
Complementary options +P931 Extended warranty up to 36 months
+P932 Extended warranty up to 60 months
Specialities +P912 Seaworthy Packing (R10, R11: High Cube (HC) container required for reshipping)
+P929 Container Packing (R10, R11: High Cube (HC) container required for reshipping)
Software +N2000 Standard language package
+N2901 Europe language package
+N2902 Asia language package
+N8057 Food and beverage software package
*) Notes:
• Options +L506, +2L506, +3L506, +5L506 are required to have built-in relays into the cabinet.
This relay can acquire the Pt100 signal from the motors and generate a safe voltage that can be
applied to the control board where the customer can generate an external event; only one of
this option can be selected at the time.
• Option +G307 is making available terminals for external AC control voltage.
• European cable lead entry is included in the standard configuration.
Option +H357 can be selected only when option +C129 has been
pre-selected; +H357 is not compatible with option with +H358.
• Only one “Starters for auxiliary fan” option can be selected at the time.
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N OT E S 73
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Additional information
We reserve the right to make technical
changes or modify the contents of this
document without prior notice. With
regard to purchase orders, the agreed
particulars shall prevail. ABB does not
accept any responsibility whatsoever for
potential errors or possible lack of infor-
mation in this document.
Video playlist:
ACS580 how-to videos
3AUA0000145061 REV N EN 28.9.2022