Since we are all graduating from this year's class, I hope you are all doing
well. Prior to graduation, we all go first with battles to succeed in our academic
objectives. There are numerous assignments, projects and classroom activities
similar to this work immersion portfolio are due soon.
Due to the fact that we spend time outside, it is crucial to have this job
immersion to get new knowledge or lessons in teamwork at our school. We do more
than work. Not only do we interact with others outside, but we also learn how they
are doing and the reasons behind such actions. Being immersed in work doesn't
imply you we will collaborate with others only to complete our schoolwork, but we do
this to socialize. Find out more about them. We gain knowledge through doing and
by getting assistance from others. This not by paying attention to them, but rather by
taking the necessary action to minimize their works. Additionally, work immersion
enables us to understand how organizations and workers operate. More successful
or prolific in their endeavors This educational activity aids us in apply everything we
have learned in class into practice.
I want to thank everyone who helped me get where I am now with the deepest
gratitude this work immersion through.
First, I want to express my gratitude to the Almighty God for his strength and
guidance all along my path. He showed me how to interact with all various types of
people each day.
Second, I want to thank my parents for their support, enthusiasm and a priceless
help to me. Without everything here, I may not be able to finished my job immersion.
Thirdly, I want to express my sincere gratitude to, our Work Immersion adviser
for assisting us during our work immersion, Ms. Marie Conneely D. Villanueva. I'm
grateful for being with us constantly.
Thank you to my classmates who supported me and were there for me and for
being there for me whenever I need assistance. Gratitude for always being there
during the tough days of my life.
Building in learners the skills, work ethic, and values necessary for pursuing
additional basic education and the nation's development ambitions is one of the
objectives of the K–12 Basic Education Program. Work Immersion has been added
as a mandatory subject to the curriculum. Students are involved in real-world work
settings where their prior knowledge is applicable. Work Immersion is beneficial. The
learner's life and job skills will grow, and this will enable them to decide whether to
pursue post-secondary education or work. It gives them a chance to put their skills to
the test and use what they have learned outside of the classroom. In addition to
using their prior knowledge, students who participate in work immersion get to
experience the social dynamics of the workplace. Through their work immersion
experiences, kids will learn a variety of skills and principles that will aid them as they
move from high school to the real world.
Immersion in the workplace is essential for all high school seniors. To allow for
to put the knowledge they have acquired in class into practice. Involvement in the
workplace is a useful tool for training oneself for demanding real-world job. The
students are exposed to and familiarized with the workplace environment pertaining
to their area of specialization through this work immersion.
de dios, Located at Tanza, Cavite. The training duration are 4 weeks, starting from
01 March to 03 April 2023. To complete the one hundred sixty (160) hours
requirements, the program lasted twenty (20) days which requires eight (8) hours per
Figure 1. The Army Reserve Command in Camp. Riego de Dios Tanza, Cavite
1991 saw the birth of a new reserve force when Republic Act 7077 (Reservists Act of
1991) was signed into law on July 1, 1991. This new legislation directed the AFP to
organize and create units with the sole purpose of reservists management.
On May 12, 1992, the Reserve Command, Philippine Army, was again reactivated
pursuant to HPA General Orders No. 392 and was later again renamed as the Army
Reserve Command on October 1, 1999 (HPA GO Nr 1300) and was given its
marching orders to maintain, administer, develop, train, and organize reservists units
In the 21st century, the unit is modernizing itself pursuant to the directives of
A premier army unit committed to provide quality mobilizeable citizen armed force
as a component of the total army in pursuit to constitutionally mandated goals and
Reserve duty is similar to a part-time job -- you keep your civilian job while
receiving military training near where you live, and only serve part-time. The biggest
a major support command of the Philippine Army. It was created for the sole purpose
March 2, 2023
My first day in immersion at arescom, I am assigned first at the medical hospital and
I learned a lot from military nurses, They teach how to collect the BP of the patient.
And they also teach how to communicate to the patient at the medical.
March 3, 2023.
My second day at the medical is I was assigned at the emergency room and we see
how do we were shown how to stitch the patients' wounds and taught us how to take
the patient's vitals. And we arranged the filling of the patients in the medical we
arranged the names and other information of the patients in the medical.
March 9. 2023
And in the past few days we did a tree planting for the anniversary of the military
which has reached the 126th anniversary of the Philippine army, We learned a lot
from the activities carried out by the Philippine army, we learned good manners
inside the camp. We were also have a Earthquake drill and we learned a lot because
March 14. 2023
We have a lecture at clubhouse we learned so much they discussed the about the
communist groups. We also learned that were not allowed to join the recruit at the
NPA spokes person they have so many student that they got brainwashed from this
On March 15. 2023 we made a PowerPoint, and we edited a video, we always learn
much, they are so concerned about their health they are so kind very professional
arescom. We learn a lot because they are so kind and so friendly we love the time
we talk together. And the afternoon we join the Arnis activities they teach us how to
March 23. 2023
skills. We learn so much in this office they are kind to us we always participate in this
activities in arescom.
One of the things I do while working with the Army Reserve Command is
observe. I noticed that everyone in the office was consistently on time. Every
employee is working on their allotted tasks and reporting at precisely 8 o'clock in the
morning. On the computer in front of them, they were all occupied with typing. The
office is tidy and well-organized, which is another thing I noticed. They organized the
folders, envelopes, files, and other items they used so that they could quickly locate
the items they required.
Post Work Immersion Self- appraisal Form
March 2
Orientation Day
Earthquake Drill
Zumba dance with the women's of ARESCOM
in my workplace, our first day of work immersion went smoothly. The day after that
was spent visiting our assigned offices. We greet and introduce ourselves to our
Commanding Officer. She helps us improve our skills the next day. She also
permitted us to attend her seminars so we could learn more about what she did as a
I learned a lot during those 20 days since I saw the diversity in personality,
culture, and communication styles. I gained the ability to treat others with respect
Give the kids various activities to participate in so they can learn as well as observe.
This will pique their interest and increase their knowledge in the field of their chosen