Pink Therapy and The Group LGBT Affirmat
Pink Therapy and The Group LGBT Affirmat
Pink Therapy and The Group LGBT Affirmat
Applied In The Group
Ability to act in
a unitary
GROUPS 101: Reasons for Joining
Interpersonal • Affiliation
needs • Security
Individual • Esteem
goals • Power
• Identity
attraction • Accomplishment
It refers to an enduring
pattern of emotional,
romantic, and/or sexual
attractions to men,
women, or both sexes
(APA, 2008).
What is LGB?
Women attracted,
romantically and
sexually, to other
What is LGBT?
Men attracted,
romantically and
sexually, to other men.
What is LGB?
Men and women
attracted, romantically
and sexually, to both
men and women.
What is Gender Identity and
Gender Expression?
Gender identity refers to a
perso ’s deeply held se se
of their own gender,
regardless of what they
were assigned at birth.
Trans men and trans women
people who transition or
igrate fro o e side of
the gender binary to the
• BB Gandanghari
– Birth sex: Male
– Ge der ide tit : babae
– Gender expression: feminine
Balian Buschbaum
German pole vaulter
Trans man
‐RA 10029
The Philippi e Ps holog A t of 2009
An interesting exception
Homosexuality is nothing to be
ashamed of, no vice, no degradation,
it cannot be classified as an illness.
40 years ago,
ho ose ualit was
officially removed from
the DSM and recently,
Gender Identity
Disorder was removed
in DSM V.
More offi ial ha ge…
Ho ose ualit as also re o ed
from the ICD by the WHO in 1992 –
more than twenty years ago.
Not a diagnostic or
counseling issue per
se, but one of
stigma, rights and
well‐ ei g
Gay Affirmative Therapy/Pink Therapy
This is an approach to
therapy that embraces a
positive view of Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,
and Queer (LGBTQ)
identities and relationships
and addresses the negative
influences that
homophobia, transphobia,
and heterosexism have on
the lives of LGBTQ clients.
PINK Therapy/ Expressive Art:
Kintanar & Rodriguez’s Model
• Art therapy is the
method, affirmative is
the principle.
– Affir lie ts perso al
– Develop and affirm a
positive image of gay
Statement on Non-Discrimination
Based on Sexual Orientation,
Gender Identity and Expression
Drafted August 2011and adopted
by PAP Board in October 2011.
PAP’s first poli y state e t.
The first of its kind by a
professional mental health
organization in Asia.
The Statement of PAP
• Oppose all public and
private discrimination
on the basis of actual
or perceived SOGIE;
• Repeal discriminatory
laws and policies, and
support the passage of
legislation that protect
the rights and welfare
of people of all SOGIE
The Statement of PAP
• Eliminate all forms of
prejudice and
discrimination against
LGBT’s i tea hi g,
research, psychological
assessment and other
psychological programs;
• Encourage psychological
research that addresses
the and concerns of LGBT
Filipinos and their
families and community
The Statement of PAP
Thank you!