Leffler 2017
Leffler 2017
Leffler 2017
The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum invades human red blood cells via interactions between host
and parasite surface proteins. By analyzing genome sequence data from human populations, including
1269 individuals from sub-Saharan Africa, we identify a diverse array of large copy number variants
affecting the host invasion receptor genes GYPA and GYPB. We find that a nearby association with severe
malaria is explained by a complex structural rearrangement involving the loss of GYPB and gain of two
GYPB-A hybrid genes, which encode a serologically distinct blood group antigen known as Dantu. This
variant reduces the risk of severe malaria by 40% and has recently risen in frequency in parts of Kenya,
yet it appears to be absent from west Africa. These findings link structural variation of red blood cell
invasion receptors with natural resistance to severe malaria.
Malaria parasites cause human disease by invading and cause of malaria in Africa, P. falciparum, has an expanded
replicating inside red blood cells, which can lead to life- family of erythrocyte binding ligands that target a different
threatening complications that are a major cause of set of human receptors, most of which appear not to be
childhood mortality in Africa (1, 2). The invasion of red required for invasion (5–7). Two such invasion receptors are
blood cells is orchestrated by the specific binding of parasite the glycophorins GYPA and GYPB, which are abundantly
ligands to erythrocyte receptors (3), a stage at which genetic expressed on the erythrocyte surface and underlie the MNS
variation could influence the progression of infection. blood group system (6, 8–10). The antigenic complexity of
Indeed, a human genetic variant that prevents erythrocytic this system as well as rates of amino acid substitution and
expression of the Duffy antigen receptor for chemokines levels of diversity in African populations have led to
(DARC), which is essential for invasion by Plasmodium speculation that this locus is under evolutionary selection
vivax, is thought to have undergone a selective sweep due to malaria (8, 11–13).
resulting in the present-day absence of P. vivax malaria In a recent genome-wide association study (GWAS), we
across most of sub-Saharan Africa (4). In contrast the main identified alleles associated with protection from severe ma-
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laria on chromosome 4, between FREM3 and the cluster of duplicate units presents a challenge for short read sequence
genes encoding GYPE, GYPB and GYPA (14). Although the analysis due to ambiguous mapping (Fig. 1A) (21). We there-
association signal did not extend to these genes and a func- fore focused on changes in read depth at sites of high map-
tional variant was not identified, interpretation and further pability and developed a hidden Markov model (HMM) to
analysis of the association signal was inhibited by several infer the underlying copy number state for each individual
factors. First, the GWAS samples were collected at multiple in 1600 bp windows. We grouped individuals carrying simi-
locations in sub-Saharan Africa, where levels of human ge- lar copy number paths to define copy number variants
netic diversity are higher than in other parts of the world. (CNVs) and assign individual CNV genotypes.
This diversity remains underrepresented in genome varia- Across the 3,269 samples, we identified eight deletions
tion reference panels. Second, the glycophorin genes are in a and eight duplications that were found in ≥2 unrelated in-
region of segmental duplication that is difficult to character- dividuals (referred to below as non-singleton CNVs), as well
ize due to high levels of paralogy. Notably, the region is as at least 11 singleton variants (Fig. 1B and fig. S3) (22). For
known to harbor structural variation that contributes to the reference, we label these variants by copy number type (DEL
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We sought to incorporate CNVs into the phased reference DUP4 present among the 4791 Gambian individuals in the
panel with the aim of imputing into our GWAS dataset. GWAS. This large frequency difference places DUP4 as an
Computational phasing of CNVs is challenging, as published outlier compared with imputed variants at a similar fre-
methods do not model CNV mutational mechanisms or non- quency in the Gambia or in Kenya genome-wide (P=1.7x10−3
diploid copy number at smaller variants within CNVs. To and P=5x10−3, respectively, based on the empirical distribu-
work around this, we excluded SNPs and short indels within tion of frequencies; Fig. 5A). DUP4 also varies in frequency
the glycophorin region and relied on the trio structure of within east Africa (Fig. 5B). Computation of haplotype ho-
sequenced individuals to resolve haplotype phase between mozygosity provides evidence that DUP4 is carried on an
CNVs and flanking SNPs (18, 25). Haplotype clustering and extended haplotype (P=0.012 for iHS (26, 27) based on the
cross-validation predict good imputation performance for empirical distribution for variants of similar frequency ge-
the three highest frequency CNVs, DEL1, DEL2, and DUP1 nome-wide; Fig. 5, C and D) that may have risen to its cur-
as well as for DUP4 (figs. S9 to S11). rent frequency in Kenya relatively recently. We note that
We used this panel to impute CNVs into the severe ma- DUP4 is also absent from all but two of the reference panel
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based Sanger sequencing of a 4.1 kb segment spanning the ment are likely to drive the underlying causal mechanism
breakpoint (Fig. 6B, figs. S17 and S18, and table S10) (22). for resistance to severe malaria. DUP4 was not present in
These data localize the breakpoint to a 184 bp section of the 1000 Genomes Phase 1 reference panel (used in (14)),
GYPA and GYPB where the two genes have identical se- and exists as a singleton in the 1000 Genomes Phase 3 refer-
quence (fig. S19). If translated, the encoded protein would ence panel. Thus, as previously observed at the sickle cell
join the extracellular domain of GYPB to the transmem- locus (34), mapping of the association signal by imputation
brane and intracellular domains of GYPA, creating a peptide was only possible with the inclusion of additional individu-
sequence at their junction that is characteristic of the Dantu als in the reference panel.
antigen in the MNS blood group system (28, 29). Moreover, Through additional sequencing, we have shown that
like DUP4, the most common Dantu variant (termed NE DUP4 corresponds to the variant encoding the Dantu+ (NE
type, here referred to as Dantu NE) is reported to have two type) blood group phenotype, thus linking the predicted
such hybrid genes and lack a full GYPB gene (30). We se- hybrid genes to a serologically distinct hybrid protein that is
quenced genomic DNA from an individual serologically de- expressed on the red blood cell (29, 35). The few existing
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contrast, the malaria-protective variant causing sickle-cell reads to an average of 10x coverage. Reads were mapped to
anemia (rs334 in HBB), which is thought to be under bal- the GRCh37 human reference genome with additional se-
ancing selection, has a similar frequency in both the Gambia quences as modified by the 1000 Genomes Project
and Kenya (Fig. 5A). One possibility for why DUP4 is not (hs37d5.fa; (20)), using BWA (52) with base quality score
more widespread, given its strong protective effect against recalibration (BQSR) and local realignment around known
malaria, is that it has arisen recently without time for gene indels as implemented in GATK (53, 54).
flow to facilitate its dispersion. Alternatively, this frequency
distribution could be consistent with balancing selection, Sequence data curation
for example if it protects only against certain strains of P. We used GATK HaplotypeCaller to compute an initial set of
falciparum that are specific to east Africa. The glycophorin genotype likelihoods across samples at a genome-wide set of
region is near a signal of long-term balancing selection, and variants, including polymorphic sites from 1000 Genomes
measures of polymorphism in both the human glycophorins Phase 3 (55). We computed average coverage across the ge-
and P. falciparum EBA175 have been suggestive of diversify- nome for each individual using BEDTools genomecov (56)
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chromosome 2. By aligning segments of the reference se- of genotype calls at these variants using BEAGLE 4.0 (bea-
quence against one another, we identified the region of gle.r1399; (17)) without specifying family information. Based
segmental duplication, here referred to as the glycophorin on the initial calls, we removed variants with more than five
region, as chr4:144,706,830-145,069,066, and the three pa- mendelian errors in the 207 trios, strong evidence for devia-
ralogous units of the segmental duplication as: GYPE unit, tion from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (PHWE < 1x10−3 in the
chr4:144,706,830-144,837,481; GYPB unit, chr4:144,837,482- 542 individuals without parents in the dataset) or more
144,947,716; GYPA unit, chr4:144,947,717-145,069,066. Each than one alternate allele. We then re-ran BEAGLE on the
gene occupies ~30 kb toward the end of its ~120 kb repeat remaining set of 111,167 variants, including family infor-
unit. We generated a multiple sequence alignment of the mation, to produce genotype calls. We phased these geno-
reference sequence for the three units by running kalign types using SHAPEIT2, specifying 400 selected and 200
(60) with default parameters, and calculated pairwise iden- random conditioning states, an effective population size of
tity in 1600 bp windows along this alignment (Fig. 1A). The 17,469, and 10 burn-in, 8 pruning and 50 main iterations,
glycophorin genes are transcribed on the negative strand, and including trio information.
Construction of a regional reference panel Imputation and association testing at SNPs and short
Identification of polymorphic sites and genotype likelihood indels
computation Imputation and association testing
To construct a regional reference panel we focused on the 10 We used both the 1000 Genomes Phase 3 reference panel
Mb region chr4:140-150Mb, including a 500 kb margin at (20) and the merged reference panel described above to im-
either end. We first assembled a list of previously identified pute genotypes into the previously published sets of severe
SNPs and short indels from the 1000 Genomes Phase 3 (20), malaria cases and population controls from the Gambia,
the Illumina Omni 2.5M array, the ExAC project (61) and the Kenya and Malawi (14). In brief, we ran IMPUTE2 (62, 63)
European Variation Archive (downloaded on 24th February in 2 Mb chunks, using Illumina Omni 2.5M genotype calls as
2016; www.ebi.ac.uk/eva/), totaling 421,670 variants. We previously described. A total of 5,621 (the Gambia), 5,203
then used freebayes v1.0.2 (19) to calculate genotype likeli- (Malawi), and 5,583 (Kenya) genotyped variants were in-
hoods at these sites as well as at newly identified putatively cluded in the 11 Mb region considered. We specified 1,000
polymorphic sites, across the 3,269 sequenced individuals. copying states (-k_hap 1000), an effective population size of
Freebayes was run in 10 kb chunks across the region. We 20,000 (-Ne 20000) as recommended for African popula-
filtered freebayes output to include all previously identified tions, and a buffer region of 500 kb. We removed reference
variants and high quality novel variants, i.e., novel variants panel individuals with parents in the panel before imputa-
with quality (QUAL) > 1, presence of supporting reads on tion.
both strands (SAF > 0 and SAR > 0) and both sides of the We tested for association in each population under addi-
variant (RPL>1 and RPR>1), and high quality per alternate tive, dominant, recessive and heterozygote models using a
observation (QUAL/AO>10). In total, the filtered output logistic regression model as implemented in the program
contained 424,909 variants, of which 412,795 were among SNPTEST, including five principal components to account
the previously identified variants. for population structure. We restricted analysis here to se-
vere malaria cases with nonzero parasitaemia, as measured
Genotype calling and phasing by blood slide at the time of admission, as this is likely to be
We next aimed to generate a high-quality set of genotype the most accurate phenotype. For downstream meta-
calls in the 765 individuals collected by MalariaGEN part- analysis, we omitted results for variants at low frequency
ners. We focused on sites with combined mean coverage (MAF < 0.5%) or with low imputation quality (IMPUTE info
between 7.5x and 13.5x, excluding approximately 4% and 1% < 0.75) in each population.
of variants with depth below or above this range respective- We used fixed-effect meta-analysis to compute an esti-
ly, and restricted to variants with allele count at least 2, mate of the odds ratio across populations, along with a
leaving a total of 117,531 variants. We produced an initial set standard error and P-value, for each model. For additive
First release: 18 May 2017 www.sciencemag.org (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 6
model we refer to the resulting P-value as Padditive. Addition- proportional to how much individuals with no copy number
ally, we computed a model-averaged Bayes factor (BFavg) variation (k=2) are above or below their mean in that win-
reflecting the overall evidence for association as previously dow. These define the emission probabilities for the HMM.
described (14). Meta-analysis results under the two imputa- We used a fixed transition matrix that assumes a low rate of
tion reference panels, as well as for the previously published switching with approximately 0.999 probability of remain-
1000 Genomes Phase 1 reference panel imputation, are ing in the current copy number state; 1x10−4 for leaving the
shown in fig. S2. diploid state; 0.001 probability of returning to diploid (k=2)
from a non-diploid state; and 1x10−5 probability of switching
Functional annotation of variants among non-diploid states.
We used Variant Effect Predictor (VEP; (64)) to annotate the We estimated μi, σi and wj by starting with an initial
functional consequences of all variants with evidence of as- guess assuming everyone to be diploid across the region,
sociation (BFavg>1). We noted one variant with VEP IMPACT and then running the Viterbi algorithm separately for each
rating ‘moderate’ with some evidence of association individual. We then recalculated μi and σi for each individu-
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Initial phasing of CNVs phasing we observed that haplotypes carrying several of
We investigated whether CNVs could be accurately phased these clustered with the corresponding common variant
relative to surrounding SNP variation in the regional refer- (DEL9 with DEL1; DEL11, DEL12 and DEL14 with DEL2;
ence. Collectively, non-singleton CNVs in our dataset cover a DUP15 and DUP18 with DUP1). We reasoned that these are
total of 350 kb (Fig. 1B), which extends over most of the re- likely to represent the same variant, with differences in call-
gion of segmental duplication surrounding the glycophorin ing potentially due to noise in coverage profiles or variation
genes. In principle, inference of CNV haplotype phase might in the other chromosome. We merged these singletons with
benefit from copy-number-aware genotype calls at smaller the corresponding non-singleton CNV and repeated the pro-
variants within CNVs. However, implementing this is chal- cedure described above, using SHAPEIT2 and MVNCALL to
lenging as the state-of-the art phasing methods assume re-phase CNVs and flanking short variants then merging the
samples are diploid. A further possible issue is that read two reference panels. We also noted that haplotypes carry-
mapping, and hence the quality of SNP genotype calls, is ing DEL4 cluster with DUP1, which shares a similar break-
likely to be impaired in such regions of segmental duplica- point (Fig. 1, B and C). A plausible explanation for this is
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Among CNVs >10 kb in length, we noted little variation this analysis.
between the three imputation locations (leftmost break-
point, midpoint, and rightmost breakpoint of the CNV), ex- Association with gene content
cept for DUP4, where the right endpoint had slightly higher To test for association with overall copy number of each
imputation performance (fig. S11). For all analyses presented glycophorin gene, we used the imputed genotype probabili-
in this paper we refer to the midpoint imputation of each ties and the copy number profile of non-singleton CNVs
CNV. (Fig. 1B) to compute the expected number of copies of each
gene in each GWAS sample. Since overlap of some CNVs
Imputation of CNVs with genes is partial, we measured copy number separately
We used the combined panel to impute CNVs into the three at the transcription start and end sites. We also computed
GWAS datasets. Imputation settings were as described the expected number of hybrid genes as formed by DUP2,
above. To ensure imputation was based on flanking SNPs, DUP4 and DUP8. We tested for association with each copy
we removed SNPs within the glycophorin region from the number measure by fitting a logistic regression model
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fKenya in Kenya (empirical PGambia|Kenya<1.2x10−6; 0 of 831,956 generated 300 bp PE sequence data on Illumina MiSeq at
variants in this bin). Similarly, we computed PKenya|Gambia as the High Throughput Genomics core at the Wellcome Trust
the proportion of variants with MAF equal to or greater Centre for Human Genetics at the University of Oxford. We
than fKenya in Kenya, among all variants with MAF within 1% mapped these reads to the same GRCh37 human reference
of fGambia in the Gambia (empirical PKenya|Gambia=1.7x10−3; 2,851 (hs37d5.fa) with bwa mem, yielding 13x genomic coverage.
of 1,710,922 variants in this bin). For all re-mapped bam files, we marked duplicates with Pi-
We note that the computation of PGambia|Kenya is sensitive card MarkDuplicates and excluded duplicate reads from
to the frequency of DUP4 in the Gambia, which may be un- further analysis.
derestimated due to poor imputation performance. To ac- We then used samtools to pull out read pairs where both
count for this we recomputed PGambia|Kenya assuming 1% reads had a primary alignment to the glycophorin region
frequency in the Gambia (adjusted empirical PGam- with MQ≥1 and an absolute insert size ≥1 kb. For the 300 bp
bia|Kenya=5x10 ) and refer to this value in the main text.
data, we allowed one of the reads in the pair to be mapped
to the glycophorin region with MQ=0. Across samples, there
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from the Wellcome Trust (076934/Z/05/Z and 091758/Z/10/Z) and through
the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)
under grant agreement N° 242095 – EVIMalaR. The KEMRI-Wellcome Trust
Programme is funded through core support from the Wellcome Trust. Carolyne
Ndila is supported through a strategic award to the KEMRI-Wellcome Trust
Programme by the Wellcome Trust (084538). Tanzania/KCMC/JMP received
funding from MRC grant number (G9901439). The Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome
Trust Clinical Research Programme (MLW) is a Major Overseas Programme of
the Wellcome Trust. Malcolm Molyneux was funded by a Wellcome Trust
Research Leave Fellowship. Vysaul Nyirongo was supported on the MLW core
grant. V.D.M. was funded by Istituto Pasteur-Fondazione Cenci Bolognetti,
BioMalPar and Evimalar (European Community FP6,FP7). We thank the staff of
the WTSI Sample Logistics, Genotyping, Sequencing and Informatics facilities
and the WTCHG High-Throughput Genomics core for their contributions to
sample handling and generation and processing of sequence data. Author
contributions: Writing group: E.M.L., G.B., G.B.J.B., K.A.R., C.C.A.S., D.P.K.; Data
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Fig. 1. Copy number variants in the glycophorin region. (A) Mappability in the glycophorin region. The
number of mappable sites and the maximum pairwise identity between homologous locations in the
segmental duplication are shown in 1600 bp windows. Pairwise identity is inferred from a multiple
sequence alignment, with mean of 0.96 indicated with a red dashed line. The locations of protein-coding
genes and the segmentally duplicated units are indicated below, with sequences of at least 100 bp that are
unique to one or two out of the three segmentally duplicated units marked in black and gray, respectively.
(B) Sequence coverage in 1600 bp windows and copy number for non-singleton CNVs. Black dashes show
the mean normalized sequence coverage across heterozygous individuals not carrying another CNV. Only
windows input to the HMM are shown. The inferred CNVs are indicated with deletion in yellow, duplication
in light blue, and triplication in dark blue. A horizontal gray line indicates the expected coverage without
copy number variation and blue vertical lines mark the locations of the three genes. (C) Positions of
breakpoints, colored as the variant names in (B) and shaded by whether the variant has a single pair of
homologous breakpoints, a single pair of non-homologous breakpoints, or is a multi-segment CNV. The
recombination rate from LD-based recombination maps (66, 68) and locations of DSB hotspots (24) are
annotated below.
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Fig. 2. Frequency of CNVs in the sampled populations. Populations
are grouped on the basis of geographical proximity; abbreviations can
be found in tables S1 and S3.
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Fig. 3. Evidence of association. (A) The evidence for association at SNPs, short indels, and CNVs across the
glycophorin region. P-values are computed under an additive model of association using meta-analysis across
the three African populations included in our study. Points are colored by LD with DUP4 in east African
reference panel populations. Directly typed SNPs are denoted with black plusses, and CNVs with diamonds.
Black triangles represent SNPs where the association signal was previously reported and replicated in further
samples. CNV copy number profiles, as in Fig. 1B, and protein-coding genes are shown below. (B) Comparison
of unconditional association test P-values (y axis, as in panel (A)), and after additionally conditioning on
genotypes at DUP4 (x axis). (C) The evidence for association at DUP4. Colored circles and text show the
estimated allele frequency of DUP4 in population controls and severe malaria cases. To the right is the odds
ratio and 95% confidence interval for DUP4 heterozygotes (diamonds) and homozygotes (circles) relative to
non-carriers. The bottom two rows represent effect sizes computed by fixed-effect meta-analysis. Sample
sizes (number of controls/number of cases) are denoted to the left. (D) Comparison of IMPUTE info score and
expected imputed allele frequency for the four annotated CNVs.
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Fig. 4. The effect of DUP4 on SNP array intensities. (A) Normalized Illumina Omni 2.5M intensity values at
selected SNP assays across the glycophorin region for reference panel individuals (top row; N=367 individuals
from Burkina Faso, Cameroon, and Tanzania) and Kenyan GWAS individuals (second row, N = 3,142). Blue and
yellow points represent individuals heterozygous or homozygous for DUP4 respectively, as determined by the
HMM in reference panel individuals and by imputation in Kenya (genotypes with posterior probability at least
0.75). Arrows denote the mapping location of these SNPs. (B) The copy number profile of DUP4. (C) Position
of the glycophorin genes and exons.
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Fig. 5. DUP4 frequency and haplotype homozygosity. (A) The empirical joint allele-frequency spectrum for
population controls in the Gambia and Kenya, in 0.5% frequency bins between 0 and 20%. The frequencies of
DUP4 and rs334 are highlighted. Histograms show the frequency in the Gambia of SNPs in the DUP4
frequency bin in Kenya (8.5-9%, top) and the frequency in Kenya of SNPs in the DUP4 frequency bin in the
Gambia (0-0.5%, right). (B) The estimated frequency of DUP4 in east African populations, shown with 95%
confidence intervals and the number of haplotypes sampled. Estimates are from population controls in the
GWAS or from the HMM genotype calls in the reference panel (daggers). The dotted vertical line denotes the
overall frequency of DUP4 in Kenyan controls. (C) Extended haplotype homozygosity (EHH) computed
outward from the glycophorin region for DUP4 haplotypes and non-DUP4 haplotypes in Kenya, after excluding
other variants within the glycophorin region. Below, the empirical distribution of unstandardized iHS for all
typed SNPs within 1% frequency of DUP4 in Kenyan controls, with empirical P-value annotated. (D) The 272
haplotypes imputed to carry DUP4 and a random sample of 272 non-DUP4 haplotypes in Kenya. Haplotypes in
each panel are clustered on 1 Mb extending in either direction from the glycophorin region, which is shaded in
blue. The bar on the left depicts the population for each haplotype with colors as in panel (B). Recombination
rate estimates (66, 68) are shown above and protein-coding genes below.
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Fig. 6. The structure of DUP4. (A) Discordant read pairs mapped near DUP4 copy number changes. Colored
arrows represent read pairs from DUP4 carriers, with paired reads shown on the same horizontal line and the
direction of the arrows depicting the strand and position as mapped to the human reference sequence. The
number of such read pairs and distinct carriers is given to the left. A schematic of the reference sequence is
below with colors indicating the segmentally duplicated units. Brackets delineate segments with different copy
number in DUP4, numbered and labeled with their length to the nearest kb. (B) The structure of DUP4, inferred
by connecting sequence at breakpoints based on sequence homology and discordant read pairs. Arrows
depict the concordant positions of the read pairs in (A) on this structure, and the order of reference segments
is shown below. Inset: detail of the inferred GYPB-A hybrid genes, indicating the positions of discordant read
pairs (arrows), PCR primers (vertical red lines) and the resulting product (horizontal red line). (C) Normalized
coverage in 1600 bp windows (black) and HMM path (red) for a DUP4 carrier (top) and for an individual
serotyped as Dantu+ (NE type; bottom), on the same x axis as (A). (D) Protein sequences of GYPA, GYPB, and
the Dantu hybrid within the cell membrane depicting the extracellular, transmembrane, and intracellular
domains as visualized with protter (69).
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Resistance to malaria through structural variation of red blood cell
invasion receptors
Ellen M. Leffler, Gavin Band, George B. J. Busby, Katja Kivinen,
Quang Si Le, Geraldine M. Clarke, Kalifa A. Bojang, David J. Conway,
Muminatou Jallow, Fatoumatta Sisay-Joof, Edith C. Bougouma,
Valentina D. Mangano, David Modiano, Sodiomon B. Sirima, Eric
Achidi, Tobias O. Apinjoh, Kevin Marsh, Carolyne M. Ndila, Norbert
Peshu, Thomas N. Williams, Chris Drakeley, Alphaxard Manjurano,
Hugh Reyburn, Eleanor Riley, David Kachala, Malcolm Molyneux,
Vysaul Nyirongo, Terrie Taylor, Nicole Thornton, Louise Tilley, Shane
Grimsley, Eleanor Drury, Jim Stalker, Victoria Cornelius, Christina
Hubbart, Anna E. Jeffreys, Kate Rowlands, Kirk A. Rockett, Chris C. A.
Spencer, Dominic P. Kwiatkowski and Malaria Genomic Epidemiology
Network (May 18, 2017)
published online May 18, 2017
Editor's Summary
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