Awsgsg Intro
Awsgsg Intro
Awsgsg Intro
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Getting Started with AWS
Table of Contents
Getting Started with AWS ............................................................................................................... 1
What Can I Do with AWS? ...................................................................................................... 1
What Services Should I Look at First? ............................................................................................... 3
Store Files ........................................................................................................................... 3
Host a Website ...................................................................................................................... 4
Static Website (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) ..................................................................... 4
Dynamic Website (PHP & MySQL, .NET & SQL Server, etc.) ................................................ 5
Run a Database .................................................................................................................... 6
Relational Database ...................................................................................................... 6
NoSQL Database .......................................................................................................... 7
Deploy an Application ............................................................................................................. 7
Free Tier Usage ............................................................................................................ 8
Create a Network .................................................................................................................. 8
Manage My AWS Resources ................................................................................................... 9
How Do I Get Started with the Free Usage Tier? ............................................................................... 11
Use an AWS Account Created Less Than a Year Ago ................................................................. 11
Use Only Services That Offer a Free Usage Tier ....................................................................... 12
Stay Within the Limits of the Free Usage Tier for the Services You Use .......................................... 12
Hourly Usage on the Free Usage Tier .............................................................................. 12
Machine Images Eligible for the Free Usage Tier ............................................................... 13
Outbound Data Transfer on the Free Usage Tier ................................................................ 13
Create a Billing Alert to Warn You If Your Usage Exceeds the Free Usage Tier ................................ 13
What Should I Try First? ................................................................................................................ 17
Store Files on AWS .............................................................................................................. 17
Make a File Public ....................................................................................................... 20
View a File Stored on AWS ............................................................................................ 21
Make a File Private ...................................................................................................... 22
Delete a File and Bucket ............................................................................................... 22
Run a Virtual Server on AWS ................................................................................................. 23
Connect to a Virtual Server on AWS ................................................................................ 23
Terminate a Virtual Server ............................................................................................. 24
Deploy an Application on AWS ............................................................................................... 25
Choose a Service or Build a Solution .............................................................................. 25
Get Started ................................................................................................................. 25
How Do I Interact with AWS? ......................................................................................................... 27
Tracking Your AWS Usage ............................................................................................................. 28
Where Should I Go Next? ............................................................................................................. 29
Getting Started with AWS
What Can I Do with AWS?
Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides computing resources and services that you can use to build
applications within minutes at pay-as-you-go pricing. For example, you can rent a server on AWS that
you can connect to, configure, secure, and run just as you would a physical server. The difference is the
virtual server runs on top of a planet-scale network managed by AWS.
You pay for your virtual server only while it runs, with no up-front purchase costs or ongoing maintenance
costs. Backed by the AWS network, your virtual server can do things no physical server can, such as
automatically scaling into multiple servers when demand for your application increases.
Using AWS to build your Internet application is like purchasing electricity from a power company instead
of running your own generator, and it provides many of the same benefits: capacity exactly matches your
need, you pay only for what you use, economies of scale result in lower costs, and the service is provided
by a vendor experienced in running large-scale networks.
In addition, AWS can offer significant cost savings, up to 80%, compared to the equivalent on-premises
deployments. For more information about cost, see the Total Cost of Ownership Whitepaper.
Getting Started with AWS
What Can I Do with AWS?
In each category, there are one or more services. For example, AWS offers five database services, each
one optimized for a certain type of use. With so many offerings, you can design an AWS solution that is
tailored to your needs.
Getting Started with AWS
Store Files
AWS offers a variety of services, and it can be hard to decide where to start. Consider first what you want
to do with AWS. In this section, we’ll look at some common uses of AWS and the specific services that
those uses require.
I want to...
• Store Files (p. 3)
• Host a Website (p. 4)
• Run a Database (p. 6)
• Deploy an Application (p. 7)
• Create a Network (p. 8)
• Manage My AWS Resources (p. 9)
Store Files
AWS provides highly scalable, reliable, secure, fast storage for your digital files.
Store Files on AWS (p. 17) walks you through the process of storing digital files on AWS.
• 5 GB storage
• 20,000 Get requests
• 2,000 Put requests
Getting Started with AWS
Host a Website
Host a Website
AWS provides many ways to host your website in order to suit the needs of large-scale enterprises,
startups, and individuals.
• Static Website (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) (p. 4)
• Dynamic Website (PHP & MySQL, .NET & SQL Server, etc.) (p. 5)
For a walkthrough of setting up and configuring a static website on AWS, see Getting Started with AWS
AWS Static Website Hosting. To stay within the free usage tier, skip steps 5 and 6, which use Amazon
Route 53, a service outside of the free usage tier.
The following web services are useful for creating a static website.
Amazon Route 53
Amazon CloudFront
Getting Started with AWS
Dynamic Website (PHP & MySQL, .NET & SQL Server,
For a walkthrough of setting up a dynamic website on Linux, see Getting Started with AWS Computing
Basics for Linux, which describes setting up a dynamic website that uses Apache, PHP and MySQL.
For a walkthrough of setting up a dynamic website on Windows, see Getting Started with AWS Computing
Basics for Windows, which describes setting up a dynamic website that uses IIS, .NET, and SQL Server.
For a walk-through of setting up a WordPress blog on Windows, see Deploying a WordPress Blog on
Your Amazon EC2 Instance in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Microsoft Windows Guide. To learn
how to set up a WordPress blog on Linux, see Tutorial: Hosting a WordPress Blog with Amazon EC2.
The following web services are useful for creating a dynamic website.
Amazon Elastic
Compute Cloud
(Amazon EC2)
Amazon CloudWatch
Getting Started with AWS
Run a Database
You might also want to consider the AWS application management services. By using an application
management service, you can leverage other AWS services without having to manage each of them
separately and manually.
• Application container: with AWS Elastic Beanstalk, you can focus on the code and let the service
manage the rest. AWS Elastic Beanstalk helps you deploy, manage, and scale web applications and
web services. AWS Elastic Beanstalk supports popular languages and frameworks, including Docker,
Java, .NET, Node.js, PHP, Python, and Ruby.
• Application automation: AWS OpsWorks gives you the flexibility to define a software stack and helps
you deploy, operate, and automate applications. Start with templates for common technologies, or build
your own stack to support your architecture and perform any task you can script.
For additional information about deployment and resource management on AWS, go to Deployment and
Management on AWS.
Run a Database
Most applications use a back-end database to store information. AWS offers a variety of database services.
The following services are a good place to start.
• Relational Database (p. 6)
• NoSQL Database (p. 7)
Relational Database
A relational database is organized into tables that are related to each other by key values. It is the traditional
type of database.
Getting Started with AWS
NoSQL Database
The Amazon Relational Database Service User Guide walks you through the process of launching a
relational database on AWS. To stay within the free usage tier, launch a t1.micro instance.
NoSQL Database
A NoSQL database uses key-value pairs to retrieve and append data, with the goal of improving
performance compared to relational databases.
Amazon DynamoDB: Getting Startedwalks you through the process of launching a NoSQL database on
DynamoDB. To stay within the free usage tier, note the usage limits below. For information about read
and write capacity units, see Provisioned Throughput in Amazon DynamoDB.
Deploy an Application
AWS offers application management services that help you build, deploy, and scale applications. You
can use an application management service to leverage other AWS services without having to manage
each of them separately and manually.
Getting Started with AWS
Free Tier Usage
AWS OpsWorks
You can also use resource management services, such as AWS CloudFormation, Amazon CloudWatch,
and Auto Scaling, to create your own deployment and management solution. For additional information,
go to Deployment and Management on AWS.
When you're ready to get started with an application management or resource management service, go
to Deploy an Application on AWS (p. 25).
• AWS Elastic Beanstalk: By default, AWS Elastic Beanstalk launches applications on resources that
comply with free tier usage. To delete instances and prevent new ones from being created, first disable
Auto Scaling. For more details, go to Configuring Auto Scaling with AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
• AWS OpsWorks: Make sure any server or database instances you launch are t1.micro instances.
Create a Network
You can create virtual private clouds on AWS. These can be isolated from the Internet, or you can add
a public-facing subnet that makes part of your network accessible from the Internet. You can also create
a hardware virtual private network (VPN) connection between your network and AWS in order to create
a hybrid solution in which part of your IT infrastructure runs in your physical data center and part of it runs
in your virtual private cloud on AWS.
The Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Getting Started Guide shows how to launch a virtual cloud with both
private and Internet-facing subnets. In order to stay within the limits of the free usage tier, any Amazon
EC2 instances that you launch in the virtual cloud should be t1.micro instances.
Getting Started with AWS
Manage My AWS Resources
Amazon CloudWatch
Getting Started with AWS
Manage My AWS Resources
There is, of course, more you can do with AWS than these few scenarios. For further ideas, see AWS
Getting Started with AWS
Use an AWS Account Created Less Than a Year Ago
When you create a new AWS account, you can test-drive some of the services and learn about AWS
without charge. AWS calls this the AWS Free Usage Tier.
You are eligible for the free tier for one year after you open your AWS account. After a year has passed,
you will no longer be eligible for the free tier and will be charged any applicable fees for your AWS usage.
If you exceed the usage limits of the free tier or you use a service that is not on the free tier, you will be
charged at the normal AWS billing rates.
1. Use an AWS Account Created Less Than a Year Ago (p. 11)
2. Use Only Services That Offer a Free Usage Tier (p. 12)
3. Stay Within the Limits of the Free Usage Tier for the Services You Use (p. 12)
4. Create a Billing Alert to Warn You If Your Usage Exceeds the Free Usage Tier (p. 13)
Unused capacity under the free tier does not roll over from month to month; it's a use-it-or-lose-it model.
To maximize your benefit from the free tier, be sure to spend time each month with AWS, investigating
the services you’re curious about. The tutorials at What Should I Try First? (p. 17) walk you through some
common tasks you can try on the AWS free tier: storing files, running a virtual server, and deploying an
Getting Started with AWS
Use Only Services That Offer a Free Usage Tier
You can also click Current Statement on the same page and then scroll down to your earliest statement
to see when you created your account and how much time you have left on the free tier.
If your account is more than one year old, you are no longer eligible for the free tier and will be
charged any applicable fees for your AWS usage.
If your company created your AWS account, check whether the account uses consolidated billing.
Consolidated billing combines payment for multiple AWS accounts under a single AWS account, called
the paying account. In consolidated billing, the creation date of the paying account determines free tier
To fully understand how the free tier works for a particular service, you may need to investigate the service
further. For example, in addition to a 5 GB storage limit, the Amazon S3 free tier also limits monthly Get
requests, Put requests, and outbound data transfer. For additional information about what usage terms
mean, see the AWS Documentation for the service.
In some cases, leaving your resources running can actually maximize your free-tier usage. For example,
if you run an EC2 instance for only a portion of an hour, AWS counts that as an entire hour. If you stop
and start an EC2 instance three times in an hour, you’ll have used up three hours of your free-tier allotment.
The following diagram illustrates how this works. Both the red and green usage scenarios below use up
three hours of your monthly free-tier allotment.
Getting Started with AWS
Machine Images Eligible for the Free Usage Tier
If you plan to use an AWS resources only intermittently, leaving it running can actually maximize your
free-tier usage.
AMIs that are available under the free tier are marked in the Amazon EC2 Launch Wizard as Free Tier
Eligible. Both Linux and Microsoft Windows AMIs are available under the free tier. The free tier allotment
for Linux and Microsoft Windows instances is counted separately; you can run 750 hours of a Linux
t1.micro instance and 750 hours of a Windows t1.micro instance in the free tier each month.
For a complete walk-through of how to launch a virtual server on the free tier, see Run a Virtual Server
on AWS (p. 23), in this guide.
Getting Started with AWS
Create a Billing Alert to Warn You If Your Usage Exceeds
the Free Usage Tier
6. In the navigation pane, click Alarms, and then in the Alarms pane, click Create Alarm.
Getting Started with AWS
Create a Billing Alert to Warn You If Your Usage Exceeds
the Free Usage Tier
9. Click Next.
10. Define the alarm:
a. Under Alarm Threshold, enter a Name and Description for your alarm.
b. Set the Whenever charges for operator and value to >0. This setting indicates that you would
like to be notified when the value of the EstimatedCharges metric exceeds zero; i.e., as soon
as a charge is incurred.
c. Under Actions, leave the Whenever this alarm box set to the default value of State is ALARM.
d. To create a notification list for the Send notification to box, click the New list link next to the
e. In the Send notification to box, type NotifyMe.
f. In the Email list box, enter your email address.
In the following example, the topic name is NotifyMe and the email address is
Getting Started with AWS
Create a Billing Alert to Warn You If Your Usage Exceeds
the Free Usage Tier
11. Make sure the alarm settings are similar to the preceding image, then click Create Alarm.
12. In the Confirm new email addresses dialog box, click I will do it later. (You can also confirm your
email address now, if you prefer.)
After you've confirmed your email address, you'll receive an email as soon as your account's usage
exceeds the free tier limits. At that point, you can decide whether to terminate the AWS resources that
have exceeded the free tier limits, or keep them running and be billed at standard AWS rates.
Getting Started with AWS
Store Files on AWS
The following tutorials will get you started launching and using resources on AWS, while staying within
the limits of the free usage tier. The tutorials use the AWS Management Console to interact with AWS.
• Store Files on AWS (p. 17)
• Run a Virtual Server on AWS (p. 23)
• Deploy an Application on AWS (p. 25)
The bucket name you choose must be unique across all existing bucket names in Amazon S3. After
you create a bucket, you cannot change its name.
For this tutorial, select a bucket name between 3 and 63 characters long, composed of lowercase
letters and numbers. In this tutorial we use example123, but you will need to use a unique bucket
name of your own choosing.
Getting Started with AWS
Store Files on AWS
When Amazon S3 successfully creates your bucket, the console displays its name in the All Buckets
pane. This bucket is where you'll upload your files.
To upload a File
1. In the Amazon S3 console, select the bucket that you previously created to contain your files. In our
example, we will select the example123 bucket.
Getting Started with AWS
Store Files on AWS
Getting Started with AWS
Make a File Public
4. In the File Upload dialog box, select files to upload. In order to stay within the limits of the free usage
tier, the total size of the files you upload should be less than 5 GB.
5. Click Open.
6. In the Upload Select Files dialog box, click Start Upload.
7. When your files have finished uploading, they will appear as shown in the following image.
Getting Started with AWS
View a File Stored on AWS
Anyone on the Internet can now view and/or download the file. This traffic counts against your free usage
tier allotment of 20,000 Get requests each month. To protect yourself from unexpected traffic that might
exceed the limits of the free usage tier, you can make the file private, or you can delete the file at the end
of this tutorial.
1. In the Amazon S3 console, select the bucket that you created to contain your files. In our example,
we will select the example123 bucket.
2. Click the file you uploaded.
3. Click Properties.
4. Click the URL that appears after Link. The file will appear in your browser. If the file is in a format
that your browser can't display, you will be prompted to download the file.
Getting Started with AWS
Make a File Private
7. Click Save.
To delete a file
Getting Started with AWS
Run a Virtual Server on AWS
There is no charge for an empty bucket in Amazon S3, so you don't need to delete the bucket to avoid
charges. If you want to delete the bucket, however, you can do so.
To delete a bucket, you must first delete all of the objects in it.
To delete a bucket
1. Continuing from the previous procedure, right-click the bucket you want to delete, and then click
2. In the confirmation message that appears, click Yes, Delete.
In the free usage tier, you can launch a t1.micro Amazon EC2 instance. Micro instances provide a small
amount of consistent CPU resources and allow you to burst CPU capacity when additional cycles are
available. A t1.micro instance is well suited for low-throughput applications and websites that consume
significant compute cycles only occasionally.
Click Review and Launch to accept the default settings and let the wizard complete the rest of steps
for you.
5. On the Review Instance Launch page, you can review the settings for your instance. When you
are satisfied with your selections, click Launch.
6. In the Select an existing key pair or create a new key pair dialog box, select Create a new key
pair, enter a name for it, and then click Download Key Pair. This is the only chance for you to save
the private key file, so be sure to download it. Save the private key file in a safe place. You'll need
to provide the name of your key pair when you launch an instance and the corresponding private
key each time you connect to the instance.
When you are ready, select the acknowledgment check box, and then click Launch Instances.
7. It will take a few minutes for AWS to provision the server. When provisioning is complete, your EC2
instance appears in the EC2 console on the Instances page.
Getting Started with AWS
Terminate a Virtual Server
If, instead of using MindTerm, you'd prefer to connect to your EC2 instance using a command-line SSH
client or tool such as PuTTy, see Connect to Your Instance in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User
1. In the Amazon EC2 console, select your virtual server, and click Connect.
2. Click A Java SSH client directly from my browser (Java required). This feature requires that you
have Java enabled in your browser.
• In Private key path, enter the location on your local machine where you saved your key pair. This
is the PEM file you downloaded in the previous procedure.
Do not change the default User name.
• Click Launch SSH Client.
5. When you are connected, the MindTerm window will show connection information, including the
server's hostkey fingerprint.
6. Type pwd to print the name of the current directory on the virtual server and confirm your connection.
You are now connected to the server and can use standard Linux commands such as wget, scp, and
yum install to download and install software to the virtual server.
Connection should proceed smoothly using the procedure above. If you are unable to connect
to your EC2 instance, check the security groups for that instance and ensure that port 22 (SSH)
is open. For more information, see Security Groups in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User
Getting Started with AWS
Deploy an Application on AWS
• Application container: Use AWS Elastic Beanstalk if you want to focus on the code and let the service
manage the rest.
• Application automation: Use AWS OpsWorks if you want the flexibility to define your own software
stack and deploy, operate, and automate a variety of applications and architectures.
• Templated provisioning: Use AWS CloudFormation to model, provision, and update AWS resources,
for everything from a single Amazon EC2 instance to a multi-tier application.
• Monitoring: Use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor metric data, view graphs, and set alarms to help you
• Instance scaling: Use Auto Scaling to scale your Amazon EC2 capacity up or down according to
conditions you define.
You can use deployment and resource management services separately or together. AWS CloudFormation
can provision Auto Scaling groups, CloudWatch alarms, AWS Elastic Beanstalk applications, and AWS
OpsWorks stacks, in addition to other AWS resources.
For additional information about these services and how they differ, go to Deployment and Management
on AWS.
Get Started
When you've decided on a service or combination of services, complete the appropriate tutorials:
Getting Started with AWS
Get Started
Getting Started with AWS
AWS provides several tools that help you create and manage resources.
Getting Started with AWS
You can check your AWS usage and charges at any time on the Billing and Cost Management console.
While you're using the free usage tier to explore AWS, it can be reassuring to check the charges for the
current month and ensure that you aren't being billed.
• Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Billing and Cost Management console at
The default dashboard view shows the current month-to-date balance, as well as a graph of costs
by service.
For Consolidated Billing customers, the Bills page lists totals for all accounts on the Consolidated
Bill Details tab. Click the Bill Details by Account tab to see the activity for each account in the
Consolidated Billing account family.
3. In the Details section, expand each service to view usage details, such as Amazon EC2 instance-hours
or Amazon S3 requests.
You can use the usage details and the AWS Simple Monthly Calculator to estimate the charges you'll
see after your free tier period has ended.
Getting Started with AWS
Once you've identified how you'd like to use AWS, you can read about the related services in the AWS
Documentation. The Getting Started with AWS Guides are designed to help you learn how to perform
tasks in AWS that span multiple services.
Use the AWS Management Console and the services on the free usage tier to test-drive AWS and gain
experience with how the services work.
If you'd like to talk to other people using the services, see the AWS Discussion Forums. You can talk to
other AWS users and members of the AWS team, marked by "@aws" at the end of their user names.
AWS offers a variety of ways to get help with the services, ranging from online help to personal support.
For a list of options, go to Support Center.