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Voice Controlled Robot using Smartphone


Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for
the award of the degree of


Submitted by:
Sudeep Singh
M.Sc. CS 4th Sem
Enroll. No: 2015MSCS019

Under the Supervision of

Dr. Nishtha Kesswani

Department of Computer Science

School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computational Science

May 3, 2017

The utilization of Robot is now in normal day of life have move from industrial area to improve
our business career. In this project, I design a Robotic vehicle can be controlled by voice commands
given from user. The control of the Robotic vehicle is totally depend on wirelessly through Android
phone using the Bluetooth modules. Here in this project Smart phone are used as remotely control
for giving command to the Robot.
A micro-controller is a device which controlled whole system. DC motors and Bluetooth
chips are interconnected to the micro-controller. The voice data are transmit by Bluetooth chip/mod-
ule from Android smart-phone as input to the controller. The controller works accordingly on DC
motors of the robotic vehicles. In the project robotic vehicle can made to move in all the four di-
rections using the Smart-phone. The robot move (forward, back, left, right and stop) by the android
application such as BT VOICE CONTROL FOR ARDUINO.
The micro controller(AT89S52) is given the instructions to the robotic vehicle for it’s control.
That project is equipped with DC motor, Voice Recognition module, Micro controller along with the
Power supply unit. Vehicle finds it applications in the authentic time. The controller achieving the
task which is loaded with a program written using Embedded C programming language.
Voice Controlled Robot using Smartphone


I hereby declared that the project entitled ”Voice Controlled Robot using Smartphone” submitted for
the M.Sc (CS) degree is my original work conducted under the guidance of Dr. Nishtha Kesswani.

I further declare that, to the best of my knowledge, the project does not contain any part of any
work that has been submitted for the award of any degree in this university or any other university
without proper citation.


Roll No-: 2015MSCS019
Department of Computer Science

This is to certify that the statement made above by the candidate is true to the best of my knowledge.

Dr. Nishtha Kesswani

Assistant Professor
Dept. Of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science, Curaj 1


I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude towards my supervisor
Dr.Nishtha Kesswani for his invaluable guidance during the progress from the beginning to the com-
pletion of this project.

I also wish to thank all the faculty members of Central University of Rajasthan who gave
me valuable knowledge through their lectures. At this place, I have got plenty of fundamental and
advanced knowledge for my career.

I am indebted by my mother, my father, my brother, and friends for all the encouragement
and moral support.

Sudeep Singh

Contents iii

List of Figures 2

1.1 Speech Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Why Build Robots? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.1 MICROCONTROLLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2.2 RPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2.3 BLUETOOTH MODULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2.4 USBASP Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2.5 Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.3 Android Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.3.2 APP INVENTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.4 BLOCK DIAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.1.1 MICROPROCESSORS Vs. MICROCONTROLLERS . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.1.2 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 8051 AND 8052 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.1.3 THE 8051 MICROCONTROLLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.1.4 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.1.5 PIN DESCRIPTION OF MICROCONTROLLER 89S52 . . . . . . . . . . . 20


3.1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

4.1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.2 BLUETOOTH PROFILES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.3 BLUETOOTH DEVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.4 MOBILE PHONE REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.5 COMMUNICATION AND CONNECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

5.1 DC MOTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.2 WORKING PRINCIPLE OF DC MOTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29


6.1 HARDWARE REQUIREMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
6.2 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

8 Conclusion and Future work 32

References 34
List of Figures

1.1 Flow Chart of Speech Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.2 Micro Controller Chip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3 Bluetooth Chip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.4 10pin IDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.5 USBASP Programmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.6 L293D Driver circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.7 Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.8 Block diagram of MIT App Inventor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.9 Design View Of MIT App Inventor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.10 Blocks View Of MIT App Inventor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.11 Mobile View Of App . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.12 Block diagram of voice control robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.1 Pin Diagram of AT89S52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

2.2 Architecture of AT89s52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3 Port-1 pin function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.4 Port-3 pin function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

7.1 Task Implement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

8.1 Voice Controlled Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Voice Controlled Robot using Smartphone

Chapter 1


It continuously has been a dream of the human being to make machines that behave like human.
Recognizing the speech and responding consequently is an important part of this dream. With the
enhancements of the technology and researches on artificial intelligent, this dream comes true com-

In this project, its aimed to form a contribution to the current dream. Controlling the ma-
chines and surrounding with speech makes human life easier and lighter. This project may be an easy
implementation of this approach. A robot is controlled by voice commands. Voice command is taken
from a microphone which processed on pc or laptop and sent to robot and at the last robot works

Speech is that the most used approach of communication for people. We tend to born with
the abilities of speaking learn it simply throughout our early childhood and largely communicate with
each other with speech throughout our lives. By the developments of communication technologies
within the last era, speech starts to be a crucial interface for several systems. Instead of using complex
totally different interfaces, speech is simpler to communicate with computers.

The voice operated automation proves to be a valuable device to scale back human effort and
conjointly, a lot of significantly, Those who are physically handicap will done their work very easily,
through the simple voice commands. It may be utilized in military applications where the chance of
human loss is more. It will equally be used in the commercial applications with much potency and a
lot of life time.

In this project, its aimed to manage a robot with speech commands. The robot is ready to rec-
ognize spoken commands to move correctly. To present a direction to robot, first the voice command
is send to the ANDROID phone. The android recognizes the command by speech recognition system.
And then android converts the voice command to given direction command that predefined and rec-
ognizable by robot. Once the robot gets the given direction command, it moves per spoken command.

The robot will perform several functions depending on the inputs given to it in the type of
voice commands. The natural language of humans is recorded and converted into easy commands for
its execution.

Department of Computer Science, Curaj 2

Voice Controlled Robot using Smartphone

1.1 Speech Recognition

A computer understand the spoken languages which means that computer must react appropriately
to what it has heard a convert the input speech to other medium of communication like text, signals.
The human produce sound wave which the ear convince to the brain and the brain finally interpret
the meaning of the sound. In case of Computer the sound wave is converted in to in electrical signal
with the help of a microphone which is sent to the processing unit of a computer to try & interpret
the meaning of the input speech.

First a Speech signal pattern is match with reference patterns after which appropriate word
are suggested based on how confidence the system is about that result when compare to other possible
results. Many type of automatic speech recognition technique are in existent currently. And each has
own decision and pattern comparison rule. In the template based approach, the system stores example
of units which could be words or phonetics and then find the example that most closely fixed began
input speech. One format in which audio signal can be stored in a spectrogram which is a visual
representation of the spectrum of frequencies in audio signal.

An Automatic Speech Recognition(ASR) is use to derive a sequence of coach from a stream

of acoustic signal. A general flowchart for any speech recognition is shown here

Figure 1.1: Flow Chart of Speech Recognition

So, the system could store spectrogram of words spoken by a user and compare input from
the user with the stored spectrogram of different words. As an example can you identify which of
the four spectrogram of the words science spoken by the same user. The bottom to spectrogram look

Hence it could say that those words are spoken by the same user. A disadvantage of this
approach is that one might have to store templates or different user & the computer capability to
understand a user speech is limited to the number of stored templates of that user to overcome this
limitation templates replace by rules based on our knowledge of a language. At each decision point
these does will be use to predict the next set of sequences that a permitted in that language. This ap-
proach has limitation as well. Since, there is difficulty in expressing rule & making the role interact
each other. Machine Learning Model are uses to train computer in to recognizing feature & pattern
in sound all by itself. Using which they can predict result of speech input. There are a number of
challenges face in the process of speech recognition such as efficient conversion of the analog sound
signal into digital representation. By the frequencies which are more informative, separating speech
from background noise while processing the speech signal, variability in individual speech such as
fetch, loudness, voice quality and ask as language fluency etc.

Department of Computer Science, Curaj 3

Voice Controlled Robot using Smartphone

1.2 Why Build Robots?

Robots are indispensable in many producing industries. The reason is that the value per hour to con-
trol a robot can be a fraction of the worth of the human labour needed to perform the same function.
Over this, once programmed, robots repeatedly perform functions with a high accuracy that surpasses
that of the foremost knowledgeable human operator. Human operators are, however, far more versa-

An embedded system is a committed capacity within a larger electrical or mechanical sys-

tem, often with the real-time computing constraints. It is embedded system as part of a full system
often including hardware and robotic parts. Today Embedded systems controlled many devices in
common use.

As robots advance, they will turn out to be more flexible, imitating the human limit and capacity
to switch work undertakings effortlessly. While the PC has made a permanent stamp on society, the
individual robot hasn’t shown up. Clearly there’s a whole other world to an individual robot than a
PC. Robots require a mix of components to be viable: modernity of insight, development, versatility,
route, and reason. Without gambling human life or appendage, robots can supplant people in some
risky obligation benefit. Robots can work as wide range of dirtied situations, concoction and atomic.
They can work in situations so unsafe that an unprotected human would rapidly pass on. As odd as it
may appear, there truly is no standard definition for a robot. Be that as it may, there are some basic
attributes that a robot must have and this may help you to choose what is and what not a robot is. It
will likewise help you to choose what highlights you should incorporate with a machine before it can
consider a robot.

A robot has these fundamental characteristics:

First of all your robot would need to have the capacity to detect its environment. In this ways that
are not similar, the way that you sense our environment. Giving our robot sensors: Touch and weight
sensors (hands),Light sensors (eyes), Compound sensors (nose), hearing and sonic sensors (ears), and
taste sensors (tongue) will give our robot attention to its condition.

A robot should have the capacity to move around its condition. Regardless of whether moving on
wheels, strolling on legs or moving by thrusters a robot should have the capacity to move. To consider,
a robot either the entire robot moves, similar to these parts of the robotic moves, similar to the
automation Arm.

A robot should have the capacity to power itself. A robot may be solar powered, electrically con-
trolled, battery powered. The way of our robot gets its power will depend on your robot needs to do.
When we talk about robots, it is common to ignore the energy source which powers the robot. This is
often as a result of most robots are battery (electricity) battery-powered. However there are various
alternative sources of energy which are typically overlooked. Battery in itself includes a wide range
of selections. In the next few sections we’ll understand totally different energy sources available for
robots. Choice of energy source once more depends on what the robot is expected to try and do, size
of robots, how long the robot ought to stay active, and its environmental conditions.

Department of Computer Science, Curaj 4

Voice Controlled Robot using Smartphone

A robot needs some sort of ”smarts.” This is the place where programs enters the pictures. A software
engineer is the individual who gives robot its ”smarts.” The robot should have some approach to get
the program with the goal that it knows what it is to do.

Well it is a framework that contains sensors, control frameworks, controllers, control supplies
and software all working together to perform a task. Planning, building, programming and testing
robots is a mix of material science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, structural engi-
neering, arithmetic and computing. Now and again science, medication, science may likewise be

A study of robotics denotes that students are actively engaged with all of these disciplines in
a deeply quandary-posing quandary-solving environment. The purpose of this project is to make a
robotic automotive that might be controlled using voice commands

Department of Computer Science, Curaj 5

Voice Controlled Robot using Smartphone

A micro controller(sometimes abbreviated µC, uC or MCU) is a minuscule PC on single integrated
circuit contain a memory, processor core and programmable input/output peripherals or devices. Pro-
gram recollection in the form of NOR flash or OTP ROM is additionally often included on chip, as
well as a typically modicum of RAM. Micro controllers are designed for embedded system or em-
bedded machine, in contrast to the microprocessors utilized in personal computers or other general
purport applications.

Microcontrollers are utilized in automatically controlled products and contrivances, implantable

medical contrivances, remote controls, such as automobile engine control systems, office machines,
appliances, power implements, toys and other embedded systems. By reducing the cost and size com-
pared to design that utilizes a separate microprocessor, recollection, and input/output contrivances,
microcontrollers make it economical to digitally controlled even more contrivances and processes.
Commixed signal microcontrollers are mundane, integrating analog with components need to con-
trolled non-digital electronic systems.

Some micro controllers may contain 4-bit words and operate at clock rate frequencies as low as
4 kHz, for low power consumption (single-digit micro watts or milli watts). They will generally have
the facility to retain functional while waiting for an task such as a button press and power consump-
tion while slumbering may be just nano watts, making many of them apposite for perdurable battery
applications. Other micro controllers may accommodate performance-critical roles, where they may
need more task to Digital Signal Processor (DSP).

Figure 1.2: Micro Controller Chip

In this project we used AT89S52 µC. The AT89S52 is a low-potency, high-performance CMOS
8-bit microcontroller with 8000 bytes of in-system programmable Flash recollection. The contrivance
is manufactured utilizing Atmels high-density non-volatile recollection technology and is compatible
with the industry-standard 80C51 ordinance dictation set and pinout.

Department of Computer Science, Curaj 6

Voice Controlled Robot using Smartphone

1.2.2 RPS
A Regulated Power Supply (RPS) is an embedded circuit; it converts unregulated (AC) Alternate Cur-
rent into a constant (DC) Direct Current. With the avail of a rectifier it converts AC supply into DC.
It’s function is to supply a stable voltage (or less often current), to a circuit or contrivance that must
be operated within certain power supply limits.The output from the (RPS) Regulated Power supply
is also alternating or unidirectional , however is proximately continuously DC (Direct Current).

The type of stabilization used may be restricted to ascertaining that the output remains within
certain limits under sundry load conditions, or it may withal include emolument for variations in its
own supply source. Todays the last and great deal more for industrial place.


A Bluetooth module is conventionally a hardware component that provides a wireless product to work
with the PC or in other cases, the Bluetooth may be any devices or peripheral, or a wireless head-
phone or other product (such as cell phones can utilize.). If the computer (is this computer cognate)
has hardware support to use the Bluetooth product and connections, then whatever it is you are try to
download and utilize it, may work.

There are Bluetooth module wireless modules with a USB plug on them to integrate this BT
to computers that didn’t have it built-in. Some modules may be require drivers, but customarily Mac
OS X has drivers built into the system to fortify several products. The below figure shows the model
of Bluetooth module.

Figure 1.3: Bluetooth Chip

These minuscule size Bluetooth TTL(Transistor Transistor Logic) modules are de-signed for
serial communication, (SPP - Serial Port Profile). It sanctions your target contrivance to both send or
receive TTL (Transistor Transistor Logic) data via Bluetooth techniques without connecting a serial
cable to your personal computer. The modules with the HC-03 and HC-05 firmware are the Master
and Slave integrated Bluetooth serial modules with firmware which sanctions you to modify mas-
ter and speed-control mode at any time. HC-03 is industrial grade products, HC-05 are commercial
grade products.

The modules with the HC-04 and HC-06 firmware are the modules which are factory set to
be Master or speed-control modules. Master and speed-control mode cannot be switched from the
reset setting. HC-04 is an industrial grade product; HC-06 is a commercial grade product. The mod-
ules with the HC-09 firmware are super sessions for the HC-06 and HC-07 modules.

Department of Computer Science, Curaj 7

Voice Controlled Robot using Smartphone

1.2.4 USBASP Driver

USBasp is a USB in-circuit programmer for Atmel AVR controllers. It simply contains of an AT-
Mega8 and a few passive component. The programmer utilizes a firmware-only USB driver, no
special USB controller is needed.

USB Type A
The USB terminus of the programmer connects directly into your computers USB port.

ISP 10 pin IDC

The 10 pins ISP connection provides an interface to the micro controller. This interface utilizes for a
10 pin IDC connector and the pinout is shown in Figure

Figure 1.4: 10pin IDC

JP1 Supply Target

This jumper is used to update the firmware of the USBASP programmer. In order to update the
firmware you will need two programmers. One to be programmed and the other to do the program-

JP3 Slow SCK

When this jumper is selected, the slow clock mode is enabled. If the target clock is lower than 1.5
MHz, you need to set this jumper. Then SCK is scaled down from 375 kHz to about 8 kHz.

The USBASP programmer has two LEDs near the ISP connection. These have the following func-

Department of Computer Science, Curaj 8

Voice Controlled Robot using Smartphone

• LED R Programmer communicating with target device

• LED G Power

Figure 1.5: USBASP Programmer

In hardware, a driver is an electrical circuit or other electronic part used to control another
circuit or other segment, for example, a powerful transistor.
They are customarily used to regulate current permeating a circuit or is utilized to control the other
factors such as other components, some contrivances in the circuit. The term is often utilized, for
example, for a specialized integrated circuit that controls high-power switches in switched-mode
power converters. An amplifier can withal be considered a driver for loudspeakers, or a constant
voltage circuit that keeps an affixed component operating within a broad range of input voltages.
Typically the driver stages of a circuit requires different characteristics to other circuit stages. For
example in a transistor power amplifier, typically the driver circuit requires current gain, often the
facility to discharge the following transistor bases rapidly, and low output performance to evaluate or
minimize distortion.

Figure 1.6: L293D Driver circuit

The L293D is a popular motor driver IC that is usable from 6 to12V, at up to 1A total output
current. By itself, the IC is somewhat difficult to wire and use, but the Compact L293D Motor Driver
makes it much more convenient to use.

Department of Computer Science, Curaj 9

Voice Controlled Robot using Smartphone

Board Special Features are:

• Four motor direction indicator LEDS

• Socket pin connectors for easy logic interfacing

• Enable pins are user accessible

• Schottky EMF-protection diodes

1.2.5 Motors
Virtually every mechanical kineticism that we visually perceive around us is accomplished by an elec-
tric motor. Electric machines are an expedient of converting energy. Motors take electrical energy
and engender mechanical energy. Electric motors are acclimated to power hundreds of contrivances
we utilize in everyday life. Motors come in sundry sizes. Sizably voluminous motors that can take
loads of 1000s of Horsepower are typically utilized in the industry. Some examples of astronom-
ically immense motor applications include elevators, electric trains, hoists, and heftily ponderous
metal rolling mills. Examples of minute motor applications include motors utilized in automobiles,
robots, hand power implements and aliment blenders. Micro-machines are electric machines with
components the size of red blood cells, and find many applications in medicine.

Electric motors are broadly relegated into two different categories: DC (Direct Current) and
AC (Alternating Current). Within these categories are numerous types, each offering unique faculties
that suit them well for concrete applications. In most cases, regardless of type, electric motors con-
sist of a stator (stationary field) and a rotor (the rotating field or armature) and operate through the
interaction of magnetic flux and electric current to engender rotational speed and torque. DC motors
are distinguished by their competency to operate from direct current.

Figure 1.7: Motor

There are different kinds of D.C. motors, but they all work on the same principles. In this
chapter, we will study their fundamental principle of operation and their characteristics. Its conse-
quential to understand motor characteristics so we can cull the right one for our application requisite.

Department of Computer Science, Curaj 10

Voice Controlled Robot using Smartphone

1.3 Android Application

1.3.1 Introduction
Android is an operating system based on the Linux kernel, and designed for touch screen mobile
devices such as smart-phones and tablet or computers. The first publicly available smart phone run-
ning Android, the HTC Dream which was released on 22 Oct 2008. The user interface of Android is
based on directly manipulation, using touch as inputs that loosely correspond the real-world actions,
tapping, like swiping, reverse pinching and pinching to access on-screen objects. Internal hardware
such as gyroscopes, accelerometers and proximity sensors are used by some applications to respond
to additional user actions, for example adjusting the screen from portrait to landscape depending on
how the device is oriented. Android allows users to customize their home screens with shortcuts
to applications and widgets, which allow users to display live content, such as emails and weather
information, directly on the home screen. Applications can further send notifications to the user to
inform them of relevant information, such as new emails and text messages.


MIT App Inventor(V2) is the best incipient version of App Inventor. MIT App Inventor is a free
platform from Google for creating applications for smart-phone which can use the Android OS. App
Inventor peregrinate to MIT in 2012. To get free feel for the types of things you can engender with
App Inventor optically discern http://gallery.appinventor.mit.edu/#. In App Inventor(V2) only need a
browser (not Internet Explorer) and a cyberspace affiliation to arouse apps for Android contrivances.
It feasibility work on Chrome, Safari, and Fire-Fox. The MIT App Inventor interface is easily Design
and program your app using Blocks.The data is stored on the cloud storage. App Inventor comes with
a phone emulator, so we didn’t have an Android contrivance to test our application. But, if we have
an Android contrivance we can download our apps onto it using wireless network.

Figure 1.8: Block diagram of MIT App Inventor

Department of Computer Science, Curaj 11

Voice Controlled Robot using Smartphone

Figure 1.9: Design View Of MIT App Inventor

In this component that we are require to parting from the speech to text conversing command.
First, We will be add an image to the design for our app. So, all the horizontal arrangement are drag
and drop component for the layout palette into a designer screen & change each with you fill palette
so that it can occupy the entire space of the screen horizontally. Then go to the user interface &
add the image component inside the horizontal. In order to change the position the image, click on
the horizontal alignment under the component tab which is beside the property & change the align
horizontal to center.

Figure 1.10: Blocks View Of MIT App Inventor

Now lets began with describing the functionality of our app. On clicking the button from speech

Department of Computer Science, Curaj 12

Voice Controlled Robot using Smartphone

conversion, the speech recognizer must pop up & convert the speech to text. For this we will began
input an event handler for speech conversion button. When the button is clicked the speech recognizer
component of the application is called which convert it speech to text & stored it in memory. Here also
adding another code block to show empty text in the label before the speech recognizer component
has been called this we have built our speech to text conversion application. Now we can compile
& build the .apk file for the application which can be saved in computer or directly installed in your
phone by scanning the QR code.

Mobile View Of VOICE App

Figure 1.11: Mobile View Of App

Department of Computer Science, Curaj 13

Voice Controlled Robot using Smartphone


A block diagram is a diagram of the system which is the principal parts and functions are represented
by blocks connected by lines that show the relationships of the blocks. They are heavily used in the
engineering world in hardware design, electronic design, software design, and process flow diagrams.
We know what goes in, we know what goes out, but we can’t see how the box does its work.

Figure 1.12: Block diagram of voice control robot

Department of Computer Science, Curaj 14

Voice Controlled Robot using Smartphone

Chapter 2


2.1 Introduction
The true computer on a chip is nothing but a microcontroller. The design incorporates all of the fea-
tures found in a microprocessor CPU, ALU, PC, SP and registers. It additionally had integrated the
other features needed to make a consummate computer. ROM, RAM, parallel Input/Output, serial
I/O, Counters and a clock circuits. Microprocessors are intended to be general-purport digital com-
puters whereas microcontrollers are intended to be special-purport digital Controller. Microproces-
sor contains a CPU, recollection-addressing circuits and Interrupt handling circuits. Microcontrollers
have these features as well as timers, parallel and serial Input/Output, and internal RAM and ROM.
Microcontroller models vary in data size from 4 to 32 bits. Four-bit units are engendered in sizably
voluminous volumes for very simple applications; and8-bit units are the most multifarious. 16 and
32-bit units are utilized in high-speed control and signal processing applications. Many models fea-
ture programmable pins that sanction external recollection to be integrated with the loss of Input /
Output capability.


• Microprocessors are single-chip of CPUs utilized in microcomputers.

• Microcontrollers and microprocessors are different types of main aspects: Hardware Architec-
ture, Applications, and Injuctive authorization set features.

• Hardware architecture: A microprocessor is a single chip CPU while a micro controller is a

single IC which contains a CPU and much of remaining circuitry of a consummate computer
(e.g., RAM, ROM, serial interface, parallel interface, timer & interrupt handling circuit).

• Applications: Microprocessors are commonly utilized as a CPU in computers while micro

controllers are found in diminutive, minimum component designs performing control oriented

• Microprocessor ordinant dictation sets are processing Intensive.

• Their ordinant dictations operate on nibbles, bytes, words, or even double words.

• Addressing modes providing access to astronomically immense arrays of data utilizing pointers
and offsets.

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• They have ordinant dictations to set and clear individual bits and perform bit operations.

• They have ordinant dictations for input/output operations, event timing, enabling & setting
priority levels for interrupts caused by external stimuli.

• Processing power of a micro controller is much less than a microprocessor.


The 8052 micro controller is the 8051’s ”immensely colossal brother.” It is a remotely more puissant
micro controller, supporting a number of different features which the developer may make utilization

• 256 bytes of Internal RAM (compare 128 in the standard 8051).

• A third 16-bit timer, to capable number of a new operational modes and 16-bit reloads.

• Additional Special Function Registers is to support the functionality offered by the third timer.

• The 8052 is a super-set of the 8051.

• It is added 128 more bytes of internal RAM & another 16-bit timer.


The AT89S52 is a high-performance CMOS 8-bit micro controller with 8K bytes of in the system
programmable Flash recollection. The contrivance is manufactured utilizing Atmel is high-density
non-volatile recollection technology and is compatible with the industry-standard 8051 injunctive au-
thorization set and pin out. The on-chip Flash sanctions the program recollection to be reprogrammed
in-system or by a conventional non-volatile recollection programmer. By amalgamating a multifar-
ious 8-bit CPU with in-system programmable Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89S52 is a
puissant micro controller which provides a highly-flexible and cost-efficacious solution to many em-
bedded control applications.

The AT89S52 provides the following standard features: 8K bytes of Flash, 256 bytes of
RAM, 32 I/O lines, Watch doc timer, two data pointers, three 16-bit timer/counters, a six-vector
two-level interrupt architecture, a full duplex serial port, on-chip oscillator, and clock circuitry. In
additional, the AT89S52 is designed with static logic for operation down to zero frequency and for-
tifies two software selectable power preserving modes. The Idle Mode ceases the CPU while sanc-
tioning the RAM, timer/counters, serial port, and interrupt system to perpetuate functioning. The
Puissance-down mode preserves the RAM contents but freezes the oscillator, incapacitating all other
chip functions until the next interrupt or hardware reset. The below shows pin diagram of AT89S52.

The on-chip Flash sanctions the program recollection to be reprogrammed in system or by a

conventional non-volatile recollection programmer. By coalescing a versatile 8-bit CPU with Flash
on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89s52 is a puissant microcomputer which provides a highly- flex-
ible and cost efficacious solution to many embedded control applications.

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Figure 2.1: Pin Diagram of AT89S52

The AT89S52 has 4 different ports, each one having 8 Input/output lines which contain a
total of 32 I/O lines. Those ports can be habituated to output DATA and injuctively authorizes do
other contrivances, or to read the state of a sensor, or a switch. Most of the ports of the AT89S52
have ’dual function’ betokening that they can be utilized for two different functions.

The first one is to perform input/output operations and the second one is used to actualize
exceptional elements of the microcontroller like counting external pulses, intruding on the execution
of the program as indicated by external events, performing serial data transfer or connecting the chip
to a computer to upgrade the software. Each port has 8 pins, and it will be treated from the software
perspective as an 8-bit variable called ’register’, each bit being connected with different Input/output

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Figure 2.2: Architecture of AT89s52

There are two different recollection types: RAM and EEPROM. Shortly, RAM is utilized to
store variable during program execution, while the EEPROM recollection is utilized to store the pro-
gram itself, that’s why it is often referred to as the ’program recollection’. It is pellucid that the
CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the brain of the micro controllers. It is the CPU that will Read
the program from the FLASH recollection and execute it by interacting with the different peripherals

2.1.4 Features
• Compatible with MCS-51Products

• 4V to 5.5V Operating Range

• 8K Bytes of In-System Programmable, (ISP) Flash Memory

• Endurance: 1000 Write/Erase Cycles

• Fully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 33 MHz

• 256K Internal RAM

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• 32 Programmable I/O Lines

• 3rd-level Program Memory Lock

• Eight Interrupt Sources

• Three 16-bit Timer/Counters

• Full Duplex, UART Serial Channel

• Interrupt Recovery from Power-down Mode

• Low-power Idle and Power-down Modes

• Watchdog Timer

• Power-off Flag

• Dual Data Pointer


• VCC means Supply Voltage.

• GND means Ground.

Port 0
• Port 0 is an 8-bit open drain bi-directional Input/Output port. As an output port, each pin can
source/sink eight TTL inputs. When we apportion indited to port 0 pins, the pins can be utilized
as high impedance inputs.

• Port 0 can additionally be configured to be the multiplexed low ordered address/data bus during
accesses to external programs and data recollection. In this mode, Port 0 has internal pull-ups.

• Port 0 with all receives the code in bytes during Flash programming & output the code bytes
during program verification. External pull-ups are required during program verification.

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Port 1
• Port 1 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internals pull-ups. The Port 1 Output buffers can
source/sink four TTL inputs. 1s are indited to Port 1 pins, they are pulled high by the internal
pull-ups and can be utilized as inputs.

• In additament, P1.0 and P1.1 can be configured to the counter 2/timer external count input
(P1.0/T2) & the counter 2/timer trigger input P1.1/T2EX), respectively, as shown in the fol-
lowing table. Port 1 can receives the low-order address bytes during Flash programming and

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Figure 2.3: Port-1 pin function

Port 2
• Port 2 is an 8-bit the bi-directional Input/Output ports with internal pull-ups. The Port 2 output
buffering will source/sink four TTL inputs. Once 1s is indicate to Port 2 pins. They are pull
highly by the internal pull-ups and it will be use as inputs.

• Port 2 are emits the highly-order address byte. During fetches from external program are
recollection & during accesses to the external data recollection which utilizes 16-bit addresses.
In that application, Port 2 uses vigorous internal pull-ups once emitting 1s. During accesses to
external information recollect which is use 8-bit addresses, Port-2 are emits contents of the P2
are Special Function Register.

• Port 2 in addition receives the highly-order address bits & control signals through Flash pro-
gramming and verification.

Port 3
• Port 3 is 8-bits of the bi-directional Input/Output port with internals pull-ups. The Port 3 output
buffering will source/sink four TTL input. When 1s are indicate to Port 3 pins. They are highly
pulled by the internally pull-ups that can be use as inputs. As inputs, Port 3 pins are external
being pulled low source/sink current (TTL) cause of the pull-ups.

• Port 3 additionally function accommodates the special features of the AT89S52 micro con-

• Port 3 additionally receives some of control signals for Flash programming & verification.

Figure 2.4: Port-3 pin function

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RESET is an active Highly input once RESET is set to high, AT89S52 micro controller goes back to
the puissance on state. The AT89S52 is reset, by holding RST high for at lower two or more machine
cycles then return it low.

There are two method/function of reset circuit:

Power on Reset
• At first charging capacitor makes RST High.

• At the point when capacitor charges it’s completely make DC.

Manual Reset
• Shut down the switch quickly will make RST High.

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Chapter 3


The most vital schematic to know one that is quite often required for each robot whether you’re a
beginner or progressed, is a circuit to control your robots’ energy source. You can’t simply attach a
battery straightforwardly to everything and anticipate that it will work. Rather, there are three things
that your energy control circuit must do - Regulate at a set voltage, supply a base required measure of
required power at all circumstances, and take into consideration extra extraordinary feature/prerequi-
sites of your application:

Regulate at a set voltage

For efficiency, ideally it is best to utilize a power source nearest the desired voltage input required.
However this is seldom simple or even feasible. For a begin, different electronics require different
voltages. A microcontroller will require 5V, your motors maybe take 12V, a voltage amplifier maybe
both 20V and - 20V.
Batteries are never at a steady voltage. A 6V battery will be at around 7V when completely
charged, and can drop to 3-4V when depleted.Microcontrollers (and particularly sensors) are sensitive
to the input voltage. Change the voltage, and entertaining (awful) things happen. To rectify for this,
you have to utilize an IC called a voltage controller. What a voltage controller does is take any input
voltage and output a managed voltage. So if your battery is at 7V, then a 5V controller will output
5V and a lot of heat to scatter the unused energy.

Supply a minimum required amount of power

The entirety required energy of all your robot parts should be underneath the amount of your energy
circuit can supply. On the off chance that power drops even for a fraction of a moment underneath
what your robot requires, things like the microcontroller could reset, or sensors would give terrible
readings, or motors won’t work extremely well.

Allow for additional features

Allow all the requirements, such that short circuit protection, regeneration, negative voltages, and
noise protection. If something terrible turns out badly with your batteries, things like dangerous fires,
acid chemical spilling or the end of the world could happen.
Some motor drivers have a special feature for regeneration which means some power can be utilized
to revive your energy supply. Utilizing a capacitor as depicted to a limited extent 2 above is more
effective than utilizing a battery for recovery, essentially in light of the fact that batteries have higher
charging resistance. One issue your circuit may have high frequency noise. High frequency noise

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can come out because of normal things, for example, el-cheapo and additionally old motors, RF in-
terference, and telepathic aliens. We need to utilize another capacitor however of a substantially little
farad rating. Above describe utilizing extensive capacitors for anticipating low frequency voltage
influences, so this time we will utilize a little capacitor ( 10-100nF) for avoiding high frequency dis-

Depending on its design, a power supply may contain energy from:

• Electrical vitality transmission frameworks. Normal cases of this incorporate power supplies
that can change over AC line voltage to DC line voltage.

• Energy capacity gadgets, for example,power modules and batteries .

• Electromechanical frameworks, for example, alternators and generators.

• Solar control.

A power supply may be executed as a discrete, stay single device or as a basic contraption that
is hard-wired to its heap. Instances of the last case consolidate the low voltage DC control
supplies that are a bit of desktop PCs and buyer equipment devices. Usually showed control
supply qualities include:

• The measure of voltage and current it can supply to its load.

• How stable its yield voltage or current is under changing line and load conditions.

• How long it can supply essentialness without refuelling or resuscitating (applies to power sup-
plies that use minimized imperativeness sources).

Department of Computer Science, Curaj 24

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Chapter 4


Bluetooth is a remote tradition utilizing short-run exchanges development empowering data trans-
mission over short detachments from settled and moreover PDAs, making remote individual zone
frameworks (PANs). The objective behind the headway of Bluetooth was the development of a sin-
gular modernized remote tradition, prepared for interfacing various contraptions and beating issues
rising up out of synchronization of these devices.

The Bluetooth subtle elements are created and approved by Bluetooth Special Interest of
Group (SIG). The Bluetooth SIG includes associations in the scopes of media transmission, prepar-
ing, frameworks organization, and buyer equipment. Bluetooth is a standard and exchanges tradition
in a general sense expected for low power use, with a short range (control class-subordinate: 1 meter,
10 meters, 100 meters) in perspective of negligible exertion handset microchips in each contraption.

Bluetooth uses an outstandingly effective radio advancement called repeat hopping spread
range. It hacks up the data being sent and transmits bits of it on up to 75 unmistakable frequencies.
In its fundamental mode, the change is Gaussian repeat move GFSK. It achieve a gross data-rate
of 1Mb/s. Bluetooth gives a way to deal with interface and exchange information between devices,
for instance, PDAs, telephones, compact workstations, PCs, printers, GPS recipients, modernized
cameras, and PC amusement comforts over a secured, globally unlicensed Industrial, Scientific, and
Medical (ISM) 2.4 GHz short-go radio repeat transmission limit.

Bluetooth enables these contraptions to talk with each other when they are in range. The con-
traptions use a radio correspondences structure, so they don’t should be in distinguishable pathway
of each other, and can even be in various rooms, the length of the got transmission is adequately
successful. Bluetooth device class demonstrates the kind of device and the reinforced organizations
of which the information is transmitted in the midst of the disclosure system.


In order to use Bluetooth and system must be good with certain Bluetooth profiles. These character-
istic is the conceivable applications and uses of the innovation.


Bluetooth and Wi-Fi have particular applications in today’s working environments, homes, and ad-
vancing: setting up frameworks, printing, or trading acquaintances and records from PDAs with
PCs. Both are adjustments of unlicensed remote advancement. Wi-fi differs from Bluetooth in that

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it gives higher throughput and spreads more unmistakable partitions, yet requires all the more exor-
bitant hardware and may indicate higher power use. They use a comparable repeat run, however use
differing change techniques. While Bluetooth is a swap for cabling in a combination of little scale ap-
plications, Wi-Fi is an exchange for cabling for general neighbourhood get to. Bluetooth can be taken
as exchange for USB or some other serial connection interface, while Wi-Fi is remote Ethernet corre-
spondences according to the tradition structures of IEEE 802.3 with TCP/IP. Both rules are working at
a foreordained information exchange limit not undefined with that of different frameworks organiza-
tion measures; the mechanical connection comparability issue known with connections is substituted
by the closeness need for an air interface and a tradition stack.


Bluetooth exists in various things, for instance, telephones, printers, modems and headsets. The de-
velopment is profitable while trading information between no less than two devices that are near each
other in low-exchange speed conditions. Bluetooth is conventionally used to trade sound data with
telephone (that is Bluetooth headset) or byte to data with the hand-held PCs (trading files).Bluetooth
traditions enhance the revelation and setup of organizations between devices. Bluetooth contraptions
can announce most of the organizations they give. This makes using organizations less difficult be-
cause a more prominent measure of the security, arrange address and assent configuration can be
modernized than with various other system framework.


A PDA that is Bluetooth engaged can coordinate with various contraptions. To ensure the broadest
support of highlight helpfulness together with legacy contraption reinforce. The OMTP dialog has
starting late dispersed a recommendations paper, entitled ”Bluetooth Local Connectivity”, see outside
associations underneath to download this paper. This circulation recommends two classes, key and
advanced, with necessities that cover imaging, printing, stereo sound and in auto utilize.


A Bluetooth module can touch with up to 7 devices. This system social occasion of up to 8 devices is
known as a piconet. A piconet is an exceptionally selected PC sort out, using Bluetooth advancement
traditions to empower one pro contraption to interconnect with up to seven dynamic devices. Up to
255 further devices can be lethargic, or ceased, which the pro device can bring into dynamic status at
whatever point.

Department of Computer Science, Curaj 26

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Chapter 5


One of the fundamental parts of an electrical specialist is thinking about the assorted sorts of electric
engines. Without electric motors, we would not have control instruments, family devices, or even cars
or autos. The people who are wanting to enter an on the web or standard electrical building program,
or starting at now enrolled understudies, can use this post as an advantageous reference oversee for
think the stray pieces of DC and AC electric motors.

VCC is the voltage that it prerequisites for its own specific inside operation 5v; l293D won’t
use this voltage for driving the motor. For driving motors it has an alternate arrangement to give motor
supply VSS. It suggests in case you have to work a motor as 9V then we need to give a supply of 9V
current over VSS Motor supply. The most extraordinary voltage for VSS motor supply is 36V. Since
it can drive motors Up to 36v in this way you can drive altogether huge motors with this l293d.VCC
stick 16 is the voltage for its own specific inside Operation. The most extraordinary voltage ranges
from 5v and up to 36v.

A DC engine is expected to continue running on DC electric power. Two instances of flawless DC
layouts are Michael Faraday’s homopolar engine (which is extraordinary), and the ball bear in en-
gine, which is (as of recently) an anomaly. By a wide edge the most surely understood DC motor
sorts are the brushed and brushless sorts, which use internal and external pay separately to make a
faltering AC current from the DC source - so they are not just DC machines in a strict sense. DC
motors are the most basic engines to utilize. They can achieve a high rotational speed that is subject
to the input voltage. In any case, it can not deal with the position as one would with a servomotor
or a stepper engine. At long last, to change the torque of a DC motors, it is vital that to utilize gearbox.

• Brushed DC Motors

• Brushless DC motors

• Coreless DC motors

Brushed DC Motors
Brushed DC motor, or basically a ”DC motor” is a traditional case of electrical engine. As talked
about some time recently, an motor has a rotor and a stator with one of them being a permanent.
In a brushed DC motor, the rotor has permanent magnet and the stator has electromagnets. Since

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the motor needs an approach to identify the rotor’s introduction, it utilizes brushes as a commutator
which is a bit of rotor touching the pole. At the point when the rotor pivots (thusly the brush turns).
It identifies the adjustment in introduction and flips the current. DC engines are accessible in various
sizes and at various spaces. In spite of the fact that DC engines keep running at enough speeds, they
are by and large pointless in robots as they deliver the slightest torque. DC motors have just two wires
running into them; one for ground and the other for power.

A brushed DC motor utilizes brushes to identify the adjustment in introduction with the goal that
it can flip the current to proceed with the rotor’s pivot. In a brushless motor, the rotor is made of
changeless magnet and the stator is made of electromagnet. To distinguish an adjustment in intro-
duction, brushless motors for the most part utilize Hall Effect sensors to identify the rotor’s attractive
field and successively its introduction. Brushless motor are exceptionally helpful in robots as they are
more competent; they give enough torque, and more noteworthy rates than brushed motor. Brushless
motor are costly because of their outline multifaceted nature and need a controller to control their
speed and revolution.

Nothing in the layout of any motors portrayed above require that the iron parts of rotor truly turn;
torque is connected just on the windings of the electromagnets. Misusing this the truth is the coreless
DC engines, a specific kind of a brush or brushless DC motor. Enhanced for fast accelerating, these
motors have a rotor that is created with no iron focus. The windings are frequently offset by being
impregnated with Electrical epoxy planning structures.


A DC motor in basic words is a gadget that convert direct current (electrical energy) into mechanical
energy. It’s of crucial significance for the industry today, and is similarly important for engineers to
look into the working principle of DC motor in details that has been discussed in articles. So as to
comprehend the working rule of dc motors we have to first investigate its constructional function. The
exceptionally fundamental development contains a current conveying armature which is associated
with the supply end through commutator fragments and brushes and set inside the north south posts
of a changeless or an electro-magnet.

A DC motor in straightforward words is a contraption that believers coordinate current (electri-

cal energy) into mechanical energy. It’s of basic essentialness for the business today, and is compara-
bly basic for authorities to research the working rule of DC motor in purposes of intrigue that has been
discussed in this article. With a particular ultimate objective to appreciate the working standard of dc
motor we need to first examine its constructional highlight. The astoundingly principal advancement
contains a present passing on armature which is related with the supply end through commutator
areas and brushes and put inside the north south shafts of an enduring or an electro-magnet.

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Chapter 6



• Skyfi dev board with ICs (Microcontroller)

• Wooden Plank

• U clamps

• One pin Connector Female

• 2pin Connector

• Motors

• Caster wheels

• Wire Stripper

• Bluetooth Module

• USBASP Programmer with Cable

• 9V Battery with Connector


• Drivers for USBASP Programmer

• Keil uVision5 Software

• ProgISP for Flashing the Code

Department of Computer Science, Curaj 29

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Chapter 7


Generally, these types of embedded systems are called Voice Controlled Robot. Our embedded sys-
tem will be a model of a comparable. We don’t want to fabricate a robot which may perceive a great
deal of words.
Our fundamental arrangement is to build up some kind of menu driven control for our robotic
vehicle, wherever the menu goes to be voice driven. What we are going to deal with the robot using
following voice commands.
Robot which can do basic tasks:

• forward

• back

• right

• left

• stop ( stops doing robot run )

Figure 7.1: Task Implement

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Chapter 8

Conclusion and Future work

Figure 8.1: Voice Controlled Robot

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Voice Controlled Robot using Smartphone

The purpose of such robotic system is to help people with motor disable in controlling different
widgets in daily life using mobile phone. Proposed idea should be expanded to control any device
with Bluetooth module. In future we use a secured wireless channel using encryption and decryption.
Consider larger bandwidth system should be on board because video streaming service desired. Some
of these applications that can be build for controlling Speech Assisted technologies, home appliances,
Speech to text translation, robotics movements, and much more. In future industries, home auto
machine, agriculture is also developed by robotics. To reduce the labour efficiency, work efficiency,
to reduce the working time to increase the productivity.
In future implement of our project as follows: It will contain following components:

• Mount with camera on robot.

• Using Wifi device for long distance connection.

Department of Computer Science, Curaj 32

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[1] http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6695640/

[2] https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Embedded Systems/8051 Microcontroller

[3] https://www.tutorialspoint.com/embedded systems/es Microcontroller

[4] http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7150798/

[5] http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7835366/

[6] http://www.roboversity.com/voice control robot/

[7] https://www.engineersgarage.com/

[8] http://www.fischl.de/usbasp/

[9] http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/tutorials/

[10] http://courses.skyfilabs.com/courses/

Department of Computer Science, Curaj 33

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