Gong Yoga

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The Story of the Gong

The gong has been involved in every kind of human activity, from earthly
to he eternal. In Buddhist monasteries, gongs call the attention of the
gods. In acient Greece, they open the realm of the dead. In Borneo, they
are beaten to frigthen away storms. In Ceram, gongs are given as wedding
gifts. In Assam, they are used as funeral pyres. During war, gongs
intimidate enemies and gather troops. In peace, they celebrate festivals
and accompany dances.
Gongs are considered magical by many civilizations. They are used to heal
the sick, banish evil spirits, and summon the elements. Even the touch of
gong was said ti rid the body of disease and give happiness and strenght.
Gongs were a sing of prosperity and used as currency. Prices and chiefs
demonstrated their wealth and announced their rank by the gong they owned.
Oaths were enforced by dinking from the gong. Southeast Asians believe
each gong has a soul, and they give them names of respect, such as
„Venerable Tiger” or „Sir Earthquake”.
The gong has played an important role in ceremonies, rituals, and inner
journeys amnong all the world”s peoples. Deaths, births, marriages, and
initiations were all accompanied by the sounding of the gong. More than
simply a musical instrument, the gong is an agent of transformation. When
the gong is played, the body, mind, and spirit change.
For thousands of years, across all civilizations, all who hear it
instinctively recognize the power of the gong. So powerful is its sound,
the gong become an object of worship to some people, a portal to God for
others, and for everyone a presence that demands undivided attention.
Where does its power come from? How is it different from other musical
instruments? The answers lie within the sound of the gong itself.

The Sound of the Gong

When we hear the gong for the first time, it challanges us to experience
sound in a surprising and totally unique way. It is unlike any other
musical instrument, both in how it behaves and how it interacts with the
All musical instruments produce a sound envelope when played. The sound
envelope consists of the initial sound made by the instrument when it is
set into play, such as plucking a guitar string or striking a piano key,
and then the accompanying decline of its sound over time. Most musical
sounds have a predictable decline of sound (called the „decay”) after the
initial play or moment of impact (called the „attack”). The attack and
decaycycle of an instrument’s sound envelope determine how the listener
experiences the sound.
For example, the sound envelope of wooden blocks, one of the earliest
primitive musical instruments, begins with a sharp attack as the blocks
are clapped together and declines quickly as the sound dissipates almost
immediately producing a characteristic brittle sound. The sound envelope
of wind instruments begins with a soft attack as the breath is blown into
the instrument and ends with a gradual decay as the breath of the
performer fades away. Both types of instruments produce a sound decay that
is linear and predictable to the ear.
Gong is the only instrument that can create the vibration of
affirmativity. Life become yes to you ant he word no is eliminated from
your dictionary.
Yogi Bhajan
Physical sound can lead you to the inner vibrations of prana. Prana is the
cause of all sound, And sound is the expression of prana.
Swami Satcitananda
A person does not hear sound only through the ears; He hears sound through
every pore of the body. It permeates the entire being, and according to
its particular influence, either slows or quickens the rhytm of the blood
circulation; It either awakens or soothes the nervous system.
Hazrat Inayat Khan

The gong is a brotherhood of tones perfectly united and blended, a cosmic

entity. In it the law of cohesion manifests fully. It is a mass of atoms
and molecules: It is a host of tones, of cosmic lives. It is a concentric
and organic body, through which the energy of sound flows uninterrupted.
Dane Rudhyar 29

Gong is not a drum or a musical instrument; Gong is God.

Yogi Bhajan 99

As the tone of the individual being is one and many, so the tone of a gong
is one and many.
Touch it lighty at the center , then farther, farther away until you reach
the outer edge. You hear an infinite gradation of sub-tones all of which
concur to form the compound tone of the gong. Each tone an individual
being yet all bound in a perfect metallic solidarity, all blending their
voices into the great tone-entity, heard when the center is srtuck. In
that single tone you have a complete organic symphony. Souch a tone is the
beginning and of music, the seed of all music.
Dane Rudhyar 125

Gong is the sound that projects you out of your realm to the infinity.
Yogi Bhajan 133

God created the Universe with this sound of the gong. Fly with it, spread
your wings and go with it, flow away.
Yogi Bhajan 137

A Gong története

A gong mindenféle emberi tevékenységben részt vett, a földitől az örökkévalóságig. A buddhista

kolostorokban a gongok felhívják az istenek figyelmét. Az ókori Görögországban megnyitják a
halottak birodalmát. Borneóban megverik őket, hogy elszakítsák a viharokat. Ceramban a gongokat
esküvői ajándékként adják. Aszamban temetkezési célokra használják őket. A háború alatt a gongok
megfélemlítik az ellenségeket és csapatokat gyűjtenek. Békében ünneplik a fesztiválokat és kísérik a
A gongokat sok civilizáció varázslatosnak tartja. A betegek gyógyítására, a gonosz szellemek
elűzésére és az elemek megidézésére szolgálnak. Még a gong érintése is azt mondta, hogy
megszabadítja a testet a betegségektől, és boldogságot és erőt ad. A gongok a jólétet énekelték és
pénznemként használták. Az árak és a főnökök bemutatták vagyonukat, és a tulajdonukban lévő gong
által jelentették be rangjukat. Az esküt a gongtól lehajolva hajtották végre. A délkelet-ázsiaiak úgy
gondolják, hogy minden gongnak van lelke, és tiszteletet adnak nekik, például „tiszteletreméltó tigris”
vagy „sir földrengés”.
A gong fontos szerepet játszott a szertartásokon, rituálékon és a belső utazásokon a világ összes népe
között. A halál, a születés, a házasság és a beavatás együtt járt a gong megszólaltatásával. A gong nem
csupán egy hangszer, hanem az átalakulás ügynöke is. A gong lejátszásakor a test, az elme és a
szellem megváltozik.
Évezredek óta, minden civilizációban, mindenki, aki hallja, ösztönösen felismeri a gong erejét. Olyan
erőteljes a hangja, hogy a gong néhány ember imádatának tárgyává válik, mások számára az Isten
portálja, mindenki számára pedig osztatlan figyelmet igénylő jelenlét.
Honnan ered a hatalma? Miben különbözik a többi hangszertől? A válaszok magában a gong
hangjában rejlenek.

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