FT Partners & QED - Healthcare Payments
FT Partners & QED - Healthcare Payments
FT Partners & QED - Healthcare Payments
About FT Partners & QED Investors
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Laura Bock Anya Schiess Parie Garg Sarah Snider Mary Butler-Everson Laurie Olender Evan Goad Rahul Gupta
Principal General Partner Partner, Health & Principal, Health & SVP, Healthcare Product SVP, Healthcare VP & GM of Industry Expert
Life Sciences Life Sciences Innovations Solutions, Product Patient
Mgmt. & Delivery
CEOs, Executives & Founders Experience
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Table of Contents (cont.)
Company Profiles
I. Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Similar to other areas of financial Pushing costs onto employees can cause financial stress and absenteeism or
attrition at work. Employers are seeking solutions to make healthcare benefits
services, technology is only becoming
affordable for their workforce.
more important to the delivery of
financial services related to healthcare,
Providers are seeing higher levels of uncompensated healthcare costs and bad
resulting in the emergence of a debt, longer payment cycle times, and higher administration costs. They are
Healthcare Payments ecosystem. looking for solutions to help with billing and collections, as well as liquidity.
Innovative business models and new
technologies are eliminating As providers have been forced to collect larger shares of their revenue directly
inefficiencies within the current system, from patients, the payer-provider relationship has moved away from mutualism
towards a relationship in which one benefits at the expense of the other. Payers
and challenging incumbents and
are looking for preventative and automated solutions to combat fraud as well
traditional models. as electronic payments methods for more efficient claims processing.
Highlights of the Report
Key constituents in the Healthcare Significant trends driving the A detailed landscape of the FinTech
industry, and explain the background developing FinTech ecosystem companies servicing the Healthcare
behind policy, regulations, and size around Healthcare Payments and Health Insurance industry
of the industry in the U.S.
$ $
24 CEOs and Executives of Of recent financing and M&A 64 FinTech companies in the space
companies driving innovation in transactions among FinTech
the Healthcare Payments space Healthcare companies
FT Partners / QED 8
II. Healthcare Industry Overview
i. Key Constituents & Background
Constituents in the Healthcare Industry
Premiums Care
Insurance Coverage Direct Payment
FT Partners / QED 11
Size of Industry
($ in billions)
$3,500 2018
$3.6 trillion
$3,000 17.7% of GDP
$2.0 trillion
15.5% of GDP
$2,000 1995
$1.0 trillion
$1,500 1985 13.4% of GDP
1975 $442.9 billion
$1,000 $133.3 billion 10.2% of GDP
$27.2 billion 7.9% of GDP
$500 5.0% of GDP
(1) CMS.gov
FT Partners / QED 12
Size of Industry (cont.)
($ in billions)
Dental Services
3% 3%
Nursing Care 4%
$800 5% Hospital
$726 Other Health &
33% Care
Residential 5%
$3.6 tr
8% Total
$400 $333 9%
Prescription 20%
Physician /
Clinical Services
1960 1968 1976 1984 1992 2000 2008 2016
This category covers services provided by hospitals to patients This category covers nursing and rehabilitative services provided in
such as room and board, ancillary charges, services of resident stand-alone nursing home facilities. These services are generally
physicians, inpatient pharmacy, and hospital-based nursing home provided for an extended period of time by registered or licensed
and home health care. The value of hospital services is measured practical nurses and other staff. Care received in state & local
by total net revenue, which equals gross patient revenues government facilities and nursing facilities operated by the U.S.
(charges) less contractual adjustments, bad debts, and charity Department of Veterans Affairs are also included.
care. It also includes government tax appropriations as well as
non-patient and non-operating revenues.
Optical Centers Physical Rehab Facilities
5% 5%
$192 $169
6,210 486k+ 884mm+
$136 $102
Number of U.S. Active U.S. Primary Care Visits to U.S. Physician Hospital Physician / Other Health Nursing Dental Home Health
Hospitals in 2019 (1) Physicians in Mar. 2020 (2) Offices in 2016 (3) Care Clinical & Residential Care Services
1) American Hospital Association: “Fast Facts on U.S. Hospitals 2019” (2017 data)
FT Partners / QED 2) Modern Healthcare: “How much charity care do not-for-profit hospitals provide?” 16
• Other includes non-federal long term care hospitals and units within an institution such as a prison hospital or school infirmary
Largest Hospital Networks
185 151
105 * 142
86 92
65 51
65 50
45 50
37 48
30 48
26 44
17 41
1) Becker’s Hospital Review: “100 of the largest hospitals and health systems in America | 2019” (2019 data)
FT Partners / QED * Formed through the merger of Dignity Health and Catholic Health Initiatives which closed Feb. 2019 17
Integrated Delivery Networks
2,116 MO 1,020 PA
1,807 TN 903 OH
1,560 CO 872 TX
1,504 DC 846 TX
1,467 TN 803 CA
1,424 WA 797 NC
1,384 MI 753 CA
1,289 PA 692 NY
Source: NAIC: “Industry Snapshots – December 31, 2018”; NAIC: “2017 Health Insurance Industry Analysis Report”
FT Partners / QED 1)
Insurance Information Institute: “Facts + Statistics: Industry Overview” – 2017 Data
United States Census Bureau: “Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2017”
Constituents in the Healthcare Industry: Payers (cont.)
($ in billions) $1,243
Private Health Insurance
1960 1967 1974 1981 1988 1995 2002 2009 2016 2018
Managed Health insurance that is either fully paid for, or subsidized by,
Medicaid Employer employers for employees and their families
5% Group Risk
Individual plans purchased on Healthcare.gov or state
Medicare ▪ 75% of total individual plans in 2018 (2)
Advantage 8%
Employer Group –
Administrative Services Only
1) Mark Farrah and Associates : Health Insurance Enrollment Trends for Year-End 2018. Note: “Employer Group ASO” represents administrative services only for self-funded business
FT Partners / QED 2) Mark Farrah and Associates: A Brief Analysis of the Individual Health Market 23
Constituents in the Healthcare Industry: Payers – Private Insurance
▪ The Healthcare Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 promoted and ▪ As a response to the rise of HMOs in the ‘80s and ‘90s, PPO or Preferred
popularized the development of HMOs Provider Organizations were created
▪ Plans typically have low premiums and low out-of-pocket costs with no ▪ Plans have higher premiums and all plans have deductibles
deductible, but only allow patients to go to a limited network of providers
▪ Patients are able to see doctors outside of the network and specialist
▪ Additionally, care is required to be coordinated through a primary care
referrals are not required
physician (“PCP”)
▪ In order to curb costs, patients are steered towards less expensive
treatments first before an HMO will cover more costly ones ▪ Patients must file claims for out-of-network healthcare appointments
▪ Specialist visits need to first be referred by the patient’s PCP for it to be ▪ Potential for high out-of-pocket costs when seeing a doctor outside
covered of the network
▪ More patient responsibility for managing and coordinating their own care
▪ Better coordination of care reduces unnecessary costs for payers and
time spent for providers and patients
▪ Simplified billing and little to no claims paperwork for patients
▪ High price transparency for patients with little to no unexpected costs
▪ In some cases, providers are either paid a flat fee for service or have a
quota for number of patients served, which may incentivize providers to
actually give patients less care than needed in order to see a higher
volume of patients in a given time period
▪ One of the most well-known HMO plans is through Kaiser, an integrated
delivery network
FT Partners / QED 24
Constituents in the Healthcare Industry: Payers – Private Insurance
$201.0 49.5
$90.0 40.2
$60.6 15.9
$53.7 15.0
$48.3 14.0
$41.6 12.2
(2) (1)
$35.9 12.2
$18.8 4.4
$16.9 4.4
▪ Increase over 2017: 34%
(1) Economist.com (4) Kaiser Family Foundation, Changes in Enrollment in the Individual Health Insurance Market through Early
FT Partners / QED (2)
Kaiser Family Foundation : 2018 Employer Health Benefits Survey
Kaiser Family Foundation, average premium based on average benchmark silver plan
2019 26
Constituents in the Healthcare Industry: Patients
The amount of medical costs that the patient must pay before
insurance coverage begins; Low deductible plans typically have
higher premiums and vice versa.
In 2018, the average annual deductible for individual health plans
65 was $4,578. (3)
Doctor’s office visit ($15 – 20), specialist visit ($30-50), Urgent Care
($75-100), ER ($200 -300) and various prices for prescription drugs (4)
Under 15 15-24 25-44 45-64 65+
(1) CDC.gov
In Constant 2018 Dollars Unadjusted
$1,200 $1,150
1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
Uninsured Other
12% 9%
Public* 15% 15%
Public 11% 13%
U.S. Insurance
Medicare 12%
13% 21%
18% 19%
Medicaid 6%
5% 6% 7%
Sponsored 54%
Private 49% 49% 49%
* Other Public includes the VA, TRICARE and CHIP 2008 2011 2014 2017
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, “Health Insurance in the United States: 2017 – Tables”
FT Partners / QED Note: Private and Government category represents those who had both throughout the year
(1) Kaiser Family Foundation estimates based on the Census Bureau's American Community Survey, 2008-2017
ii. U.S. Healthcare Policy
U.S. Healthcare Policy Timeline
President Johnson
signs Social Security President Reagan signs
Act, creating Medicare Consolidated Omnibus Budget
and Medicaid Reconciliation Act (COBRA) President Clinton enacts President Bush signs
allowing former employees to Health Insurance Portability Medicare Prescription
stay enrolled on prior employer's and Accountability Act Drug, Improvement President Obama
health plan for a time (HIPAA) which created and Modernization
President Nixon signs the Patient
security and privacy Act which updated
expands Medicare Protection and
standards for health data Medicare to cover
through the Social Affordable Care
prescription drugs Act (PPACA, ACA)
Security Amendment
▪ On March 23, 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) was signed into law by President Obama
▪ Its impacts on the health insurance sector (and associated insurance services) will be important and far–reaching
▪ Implementation timeline has stretched several years, from 2010 up to potentially 2022, but since its initial passing, there has been
contention between the political parties as how to best implement it and, from its opponents, how to repeal it
FT Partners / QED 32
Affordable Care Act (cont.)
The ACA also includes provisions designed to expand affordable coverage and access to health insurance
▪ Children can stay on their parent’s health insurance plan until the age of 26
▪ Insurers cannot raise rates or deny coverage based on medical history or preexisting health conditions
▪ Insurers can no longer charge women more than men for the same health benefits
▪ Businesses with more than 50 full-time employees must offer health insurance
FT Partners / QED 33
Affordable Care Act (cont.)
The ACA created new challenges for employers and individuals in its goal to reduce
costs, improve quality of care and create affordable healthcare for all
Employers Individuals
ACA forced companies to look at how they administer benefits To ensure the new law works towards lowering overall healthcare
Requires employers to accurately identify full-time employees, track costs, while improving quality, all citizens that are able to purchase
and understand hours of service and provide affordable plans with insurance must do so
minimum essential coverage
Individual Mandate
Two of the most significant ACA regulations are the “Play or Pay” Effective as of Jan. 2014 – Repealed in 2018 (more on this on the
Employer Mandate and the “Cadillac Tax,” which will both cause following page)
significant changes to employee benefits ▪ The Individual Mandate required all individuals that were able to
afford insurance and that are not exempt, to obtain health
“Play or Pay” insurance or pay a tax penalty
▪ Fees were planned to get progressively higher each year
Effective as of Jan. 1 2015 ▪ To avoid the penalty, individuals and families were required to
The Employer Shared Responsibility Provision requires large employers purchase minimum essential coverage during open enrollment
(50+ full time employees) to:
Reasons why ACA needs full participation:
▪ Offer minimum value and affordable coverage to 95% +
▪ Uninsured citizens will still use medical care and will help
full time employees & dependents
contribute to the tens of billions in unpaid medical bills
▪ Report benefits information
▪ When those in good health opt out of insurance, prices rise to
▪ Pay fines for not providing adequate, affordable coverage compensate for the higher proportion of poor health individuals,
making it more costly for everyone
▪ Preventative care creates positive externalities for the general
“Cadillac Tax” ▪ The Excise Tax on High End Plans, originally planned to start in 2018, but delayed by President Trump to start in 2022,
is a 40% excise tax on plans above $10,200 for individuals and $27,500 for family coverage
▪ Though not directly taxed (taxes are directed at insurance issuers and sponsors), employers and individuals will bear
the cost for holding high-cost health insurance plans through rising prices
▪ The goal of the tax is to restrain healthcare costs and reduce the historical disparity between quality of coverage based
on income / ability to afford healthcare
FT Partners / QED 34
Affordable Care Act (cont.)
President Trump issues an executive order announcing the administration’s plan to “seek the
prompt repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”
House Republicans introduce plans to “repeal and replace” the ACA with the American Health Care
Act; the bill ultimately did not pass in the Senate
The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services shortens the 2018 open enrollment period from 90
days to 45 days (November 1, 2017 – December 15, 2017)
Senate Republicans propose new ACA replacement bill, the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA),
which ultimately fails to pass in a 49-to-51 vote
President Trump issues an executive order that instructs executive agencies to expand access to
short-term, “skinny plans” – plans that do not meet all essential health benefits (EHBs) outlined in
the ACA, including maternity care, mental health services and prescription drugs (many of which
were previously not covered by several health plans); Additionally, due to the short-term nature of
the plans, insurers can ignore ACA regulations and charge higher premiums or deny coverage
based on pre-existing conditions
The Trump administration also announces that it will no longer fund cost-sharing reduction (CSR)
payments – Subsidies to reduce out-of-pocket health plan expenses (deductibles, copays etc.)
for low-income households
The Republican’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 passes, a tax reform bill which includes the
repeal of the Individual Mandate - effective in 2019
The Congressional Budget Office releases a report detailing that repealing the individual mandate
will result in a decrease of the number of people with health insurance of 4 million in 2019 and
13 million in 2027
Source: CBO
FT Partners / QED 35
U.S. vs. International Healthcare
▪ Highest healthcare spending as a ▪ Less overall visits to the doctor Due to a number of factors, the U.S.
percent of Total GDP than other countries has worse overall healthcare outcomes
despite the high amount of spending
▪ Highest per capita spending ▪ Lower likelihood of making a
same or next day appointment
▪ More often than not higher drug
and procedure costs ▪ Fewer hospitals per capita
FT Partners / QED 36
U.S. vs. International Healthcare - Cost
Private Spending
Public Spending
$2,313 $3,906
$690 $22 $599
$605 $834
$466 $404 $70
$630 $732
$500 $223 $562
$4,869 $5,030 $4,836
$4,378 $4,606
$3,341 $3,382
$2,894 $3,109
New Zealand UK Australia Canada France Netherlands Sweden Germany Norway Switzerland USA
$1,119 $15,930
$215 $3,814
(1) Vox: “America’s health care prices are out of control. These 11 charts prove it”
FT Partners / QED Note: Humira treats multiple forms of arthritis, skin conditions and inflammatory bowel diseases, while Avastin is used to treat various cancers 39
U.S. vs. International Healthcare - Consumption
8.8 77%
57% 56%
6.1 53%
5.0 43%
4.0 3.9
New Zealand
94.1 93.9
92 91.7 17%
11% 11%
HAQ Index is measured 1 – 100 and is based on mortalities that could Medical errors include wrong medication or dose, or delays or
have been prevented from timely and effective healthcare; lower errors in lab results
scores indicate high mortality rates for causes amenable to health care
(1) Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker: “How does the quality of the U.S. healthcare system compare to other countries?”
FT Partners / QED 41
U.S. vs. International Healthcare
There are four basic models of Healthcare Systems throughout the world (1,2)
▪ Funded by the government through taxes – consumers do not pay ▪ Uses private sector providers with the federal government as
healthcare bills the sole payer
▪ Most hospitals and clinics, but not all, are owned by the government ▪ Government run insurance program that all citizens pay into
▪ Some doctors are government employees, while there are also private ▪ “Universal” insurance programs are typically cheaper and
doctors that collect payment from the government simpler from an administrative standpoint
▪ Additional private insurance coverage is also available in some countries
“When it comes to treating veterans, we’re Britain...For Americans over the age of 65 on Medicare, we’re Canada.
For working Americans who get insurance on the job, we’re Germany. For the 15 percent of the population who
have no health insurance, the United States is Cambodia or Burkina Faso or rural India.” – T.R. Reid (1)
FT Partners / QED 43
Costs Due to COVID-19
▪ The number and severity of COVID-19 cases is an important but
unknown factor driving increasing healthcare costs in the United
Source: WHO
FT Partners / QED (1)
Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center
Peterson-KFFF Health System Tracker, “How Health Costs Might Change with COVID-19”
Costs Due to COVID-19 (cont.)
By Type of Admission
Psych /
▪ Delayed or foregone care may offset additional costs of treating 3%
people with COVID-19, but the degree of the offset is uncertain Emergency
Admission 37%
▪ In the United States, hospitals are canceling or delaying some elective
procedures to leave more beds, equipment, and staffing available for
COVID-19 patients, making it difficult to analyze cost effects
▪ There is also concern that certain types of delayed care could worsen
health outcomes and cause higher spending later due to health
complications from reduced access to medical providers 37% of hospital admission spending in 2018 was on surgical
procedures that did not originate in the emergency room, some
of which will now be delayed or foregone
Source: Peterson-KFFF Health System Tracker, “How Health Costs Might Change with COVID-19”
FT Partners / QED 45
Costs Due to COVID-19 (cont.)
▪ Commercial insurers must base premium ▪ The pandemic is putting pressure on ▪ COVID-19 has increased enrollment
justifications on cost assumptions for the Medicare spending due to the number and created higher costs due to
next calendar year and may over-price their of COVID-19 hospitalizations, the testing and treatment, and states
plans to subsidize current losses amount Medicare pays to treat cannot restrict eligibility through the
▪ Out-of-pocket costs are a concern for COVID-19 patients, and the number of emergency period
enrollees, although some insurers have patients that require ventilator ▪ States may have options to negotiate
waived cost-sharing for COVID-19 support rate adjustments, implement carve
treatment ▪ Beneficiaries will not face out-of- outs of COVID-19 related care, or
▪ Some of the largest private insurance pocket costs for testing related establish risk corridors
companies in U.S. have recently reported services, but may incur costs for ▪ Strategies typically employed to
huge profits though due to less overall treatment depending on their reduce costs in response to economic
claims from delayed / forgone care; It has coverage conditions may not be viable since
yet to be seen when members will receive ▪ The impact of telehealth services on many providers are strained by the
rebates for this additional revenue Medicare spending is unknown coronavirus response
Source: Peterson-KFFF Health System Tracker, “How Health Costs Might Change with COVID-19”
FT Partners / QED 46
Digitization of Healthcare
Healthcare Billing and Payments Workflow
• Patient enrolls in • Patient provides • Patient is checked- • Patient receives • Receives notice
health insurance demographic in at Doctor’s bill from Provider of any past due
plan with Payer and personal office and pays for any non- amounts,
information copay; receives reimbursable responsible for
ahead of first treatment from amounts, and is payment to
appointment Provider responsible for Provider or
payment to collection agency
• Verifies insurance • Provider collects • Provider submits • Provider receives • Provider posts • Follows up with
coverage available copay and gives claims, which report from Payer payment internally Patient regarding
to Patient; Confirms treatment to are processed detailing and is responsible for past due amounts,
Patient data; Patient by Payer reimbursement evaluating any denial enlists collection
Obtains prior amount and / underpayment; agency if bills
authorization where explanation prepares bill and remain unpaid
necessary sends to Patient
• Provide Patients • Confirms Patient • Payer receives • Payer processes • Payer sends
with health coverage with claims from the claims, payments to
insurance Provider via Provider determines Provider and
options and phone, fax, web reimbursement Explanation of
enrollment portal or third- amount, and Benefits to
party vendor sends a report to Patient
solutions Provider
FT Partners / QED 49
Payment Models
20% 20%
14% 15%
10% 11% 11%
7% 8%
6% 5% 6%
2% 1% 2% 1% 2% 3%
1% 1%
Cash Prepaid Money Debit Card Check Credit ACH Don't Know Phone Direct Debit In Person Mail Website
Card Order Card
(1) ACI: “Enabling Digital Payments in the U.S. Healthcare Market: Your Transformational Opportunity” – as produced by Aite
FT Partners / QED 51
III. Healthcare Trends
i. Digitization
Digitization – Overview
Health trackers and fitness apps, wellness programs o Provider and Payer Operations
and incentives
All records were paper- Starting in the 1960s, Electronic records evolved from Cloud based, multi-channel and
based prior to the 1960s medical records began to be single-practice electronic charts to open-source data solutions are
stored electronically comprehensive health records that the future of health data
can be shared across providers
FT Partners / QED 54
Digitization – Key Regulatory Milestones
▪ Highly manual processes and physical ▪ As part of the American Recovery and ▪ By 2017, 86% of physicians reported
record storage Reinvestment Act (ARRA), all public using an EHR or EMR system (1)
▪ Records stored locally, often in arbitrary and private healthcare providers were ▪ Significant incentives are in place to
locations required to demonstrate meaningful ensure usage - for example, clinics
use of EMRs by January 1, 2014 not using an EHR / EMR system may
▪ Difficult to find records if patient checked in
at different location from physical record ▪ Financial incentives offered for the be subject to a 1% reduction in
use of EHRs Medicare reimbursements
▪ HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996) enacted to
modernize the flow of healthcare information
▪ Recording and maintaining an active ▪ Increased exchange of health ▪ Expectations at Stage 3 moved
medication list, an active allergy list, information between healthcare away from “inputs” that Stage 1
vital signs and more providers and between healthcare and 2 dealt with, and more
▪ Generating and transmitting medical providers and patients towards outcomes
prescriptions where allowed by ▪ Patient access to EMRs online ▪ Outcomes are measured
state law ▪ Cloud-based (SaaS) programs that according to the usual outcome
▪ Keeping an up-to-date list of patient integrated with existing practice framework that is put in place by
problems that is current and has management systems were the care providers and insurers
active diagnoses, documents preferred option to meet this criteria
smoking status for patients over 13
FT Partners / QED 56
Digitization – Increased Usage of EHRs
$30.8 billion
23.9% 28.0%
Required employers The Administrative Set guidelines for the Specified coverage Regulations about
and insurers to provide Simplification amount individuals and conditions for company-owned life
continuous coverage provisions required can save per person group health plans insurance plans and
for individuals between national standards for in a pre-tax medical provisions for non-
jobs, also ensuring electronic healthcare savings account U.S. citizens
coverage unaffected by transactions and new
pre-existing conditions requirements for
privacy and security of
patient information
Protects the privacy of individually identifiable health information held or transmitted by health plans,
clearinghouses or providers through any channel – electronic, paper or spoken
Ensures security safeguard of electronic personal health information through securities management
processes, implementation of policies for role-based authorization, and workforce training
HIPAA was amended by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009. The new law extended liability to
all business associates and subcontractors that receive personal health information of individuals, increased penalties of violations and expanded the
options patients have for obtaining their health information.
▪ Practice Management Systems offer a broad set of administrative tools and management
functionality while also housing EHRs / EMRs
▪ Specific features include medical billing and collections, practice administration, appointment
scheduling and reminders, and patient engagement and communication
▪ Offers immediate access to patient’s comprehensive medical history from multiple sources
▪ Can offer advanced tools to improve decision-making, communication, reporting and efficiency
FT Partners / QED 59
Digitization – EHR / EMR & Practice Management Systems (cont.)
EPIC and Cerner are the most widely used EHR systems, but there is a large ▪ The large landscape of EHR / EMR vendors causes
landscape of players providing EHR / EMR software, with some focusing on integration and interoperability issues for hospitals and
specific medical specialties, such as behavioral health or oncology providers that use them
2% 9%
▪ Following the HITECH Act of 2009, the Medicare Access and
CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) created a federal
4% 28% definition for interoperability as well as goals to achieve
6% nationwide interoperability (3)
(1) Beckers Hospital Review: “KLAS: Epic, Cerner dominate EMR market share”
FT Partners / QED (2)
Healthcare IT News: “Why EHR data interoperability is such a mess in 3 charts”
Formstack.com: “The Legislative History of Healthcare Interoperability”
ii. Consumerization
Consumerization – Overview
▪ Out-of-pocket health spending has grown to ▪ In 2000, patient payments only accounted for about
over $1,000 per person annually 5% of total healthcare provider revenue. (1) This
portion has grown significantly over the last two
▪ Healthcare is not structured like, and therefore does not behave like, a normal consumer industry
▪ The lack of price transparency and limited ability to shop around for healthcare services leaves consumers with little power to affect costs
▪ Without complete information, consumers may not know the best way to shop for healthcare services and often will pick higher priced services
thinking that reflects the quality
▪ Additionally, there can often be a misalignment of objectives given the number of different stakeholders in healthcare, the provider,
the payer and the patient
Inflation Adjusted
▪ Aging U.S. population that requires more care
(1) The Balance: “The Rising Cost of Health Care by Year and its Causes”
FT Partners / QED (2)
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, adjusted for inflation using data from Bureau of Labor Statistics
Kaiser Family Foundation, 2018 Employer Health Benefits Survey
Consumerization – Shift of Burden
Premium Increases
% Paid by $20,576 Worker’s Earnings Increases
12,011 34%
9,860 26%
13% 13% 14%
11% 11% 11%
(1) The Kaiser Family Foundation: “Employer Health Benefits: 2019 Summary of Findings”
FT Partners / QED 64
Consumerization – Shift of Burden (cont.)
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
(1) Healthcare.gov
FT Partners / QED (2)
NCHS, National Health Interview Survey, 2010 – 2017, Family Core component
The Kaiser Family Foundation: “Employer Health Benefits: 2019 Summary of Findings”
IV. Pain Points and Emerging Solutions
Patient – Pain Points
(1) Simplee: “Top Providers Are Fighting Back Against Patient Bad Debt” 5) Kaiser Family Foundation: “Data Note: Americans’ Challenges with Health Care Costs”
FT Partners / QED (2)
CFPB: “Consumer Experiences with Debt Collection”
Consumer Reports: “What Medical Debt Does to Your Credit Score”
(4) CNBC: “Medical Bills Are the Biggest Cause of US Bankruptcies: Study”
Provider – Pain Points
▪ Uncompensated healthcare costs are measured as hospital care ▪ Providers are suffering from billing longer cycle times
provided for which no payment was received from the patient or
insurer – It is the sum of a hospital's bad debt and the financial ▪ Historically, providers could expect to receive a payment
assistance it provides within four to six weeks from the day a claim is submitted
with the insurer (2)
▪ These costs have risen dramatically in that last two decades, but
have fallen some after the implementation of the ACA due to more ▪ Due to an increase in deductibles and out-of-pocket patient
individuals having insurance coverage expenses, providers are more reliant on when the patient is
able to pay rather than receiving a money back from the
($ in billions) $46.4 insurer for a claim
▪ With higher deductibles, patients typically take longer to
$36.4 $38.3
use up the amount before the insurer will start to pay for
− 83% of small physician practices say that slow
$22.3 payments from high-deductible plan patients are their
top collection challenge (3)
$18.0 $20.7
$16.0 ▪ Additionally, many patients will enroll in installment-based
$12.1 payment plans with their medical provider
▪ Given increased patient responsibility, the financial ▪ Many providers have not developed the capabilities to
wellbeing of many providers relies on their ability to effectively engage with and collect payments from patients
effectively collect from patients
▪ Electronic health record and practice management
▪ These increases in patient responsibility are serving as a software suites usually lack features / functionality
wakeup call to providers that they need to improve their required for payment acceptance
billing and collections processes − While they sometimes include basic click-to-pay
functions, they do not address card on file accounts,
payment plan management, and other advanced
▪ In the past, patient responsibility was a negligible portion of
the bill. Now that it has increased to more than a quarter of
total provider receivables, patient losses cause noticeable
top line pain to providers (1) ▪ As a result, providers are suffering from high patient losses,
high cost of billing / collections, and long cycle times
FT Partners / QED 71
Provider – Emerging Solutions: Patient Payments / Billing (cont.)
▪ Bills that are understandable and aggregated for one episode InstaMed allows patients to pay at the point-of-service, online,
of care are more likely to be promptly paid in full over the phone, through bank bill pay, walk-in bill pay, online or
mobile app. Providers can drive online payments and eStatement
▪ Patients also desire digital payment options, including credit adoption by displaying a link to the InstaMed Patient Portal or an
and debit card existing portal on patient statements. InstaMed claims to help
providers achieve 25% eStatement adoption in six months with
▪ Checks and cash, and other traditional methods of payment, the InstaMed Patient Engagement Program.
are less preferred by majority of patients
More than 68% of Americans would prefer their bills and BillingTree’s CareView solution offers providers’ patients an
omni-channel payment experience through web and online
statements to be delivered through electronic channels (1)
portals, phone and IVR payments, text payments, credit and
debit card payments as well as point-of-care payments.
71% of patients in a survey by Black Book said that mobile
payment options and billing notifications have improved NASDAQ:FLYW
their satisfaction with the provider (2)
Flywire presents patients with one bill and one balance across
multiple accounts and entities. Patients can view and set up
payment plan offers on pre-service estimates and post-service
balances automatically.
(1) Pymnts.com & Flywire: “The Changing Landscape of Healthcare Payment Plans”
FT Partners / QED 73
Provider – Emerging Solutions: Patient Payments / Billing (cont.)
(1) HFMA: “The Pros and Cons of Recourse and Nonrecourse Patient Financing”
FT Partners / QED 74
Provider – Emerging Solutions: Payer RCM
(1) Change Healthcare: “Reinventing Claims Management for the Value-Based Era”
FT Partners / QED 75
Provider – Emerging Solutions: Payer RCM
Pending acquisition by
Waystar provides claim and denial management Availity provides revenue cycle management Change Healthcare provides a range of services for
solutions for providers of all sizes among other RCM solutions for providers across eligibility, providers and payers. For physicians, hospitals and
services. Waystar provides tools such as the claim authorization, claims management, denial health systems it provides an analytics-driven
monitoring calculator that alerts the provider when a prevention and denial management processes. claims and remittance management solution.
claim needs attention, prioritization of denials that are Availity can develop custom denial strategies Change connects to more than 800,000 providers
more likely to be overturned, and pre-populating through claim edits and rules, appeals workflow and 2,100 payers. With direct connections to
appeals forms. Additionally, Waystar acts as the tools, analytics and pattern reporting. Availity also majority of government and commercial payers,
medical billing clearinghouse in the process. provides EDI clearinghouse services for Change can send most claims straight to their final
In the last few years, Waystar has acquired several electronic claims. destinations without rerouting.
healthcare tech companies to expand its capabilities. The Company’s investors include PE firms Change Healthcare was formed through the merger
Francisco Partners and Prettybrook Partners as of McKesson Technology Solutions and Change
well as strategic investors, Blue Cross Blue Healthcare (originally Emdeon and founded in 1987)
Shield, Anthem, and Humana. in 2017. The Company went public on the Nasdaq
stock exchange in March 2019.
FT Partners / QED 76
Provider – Emerging Solutions: Financing
▪ Due to the extended periods for days sales ▪ While hospitals have access to asset backed lines of
outstanding (“DSO”) for both patient and payer credit, smaller clinics and offices often do not
receivables, some providers – especially smaller
clinics – are facing liquidity challenges
▪ Accounts receivables financing solutions allow providers to ▪ Providers also turn to practice and equipment loans
get immediate funds, borrowed against their medical distributed through online channels
receivables − Traditional channels for practice and equipment
loans include commercial banks
FT Partners / QED (2) Healthcare Finance: “Cash flow, reimbursement are biggest challenges facing physicians in 2017, survey shows” 77
Provider – Emerging Solutions: Financing
Acquired by Acquired by
OODA Health offers a healthcare payment platform ClearGage provides funding solutions for Health iPASS provides patient intake, process
connecting payers, providers and patients. Using providers such as Batch Underwriting, where and payment solutions. The Company recently
OODAPay, payers send a guaranteed payment of providers can offload all patient balances to launched RevSure, a receivables financing
the patient liability to providers immediately upon ClearGage and get paid upfront. Additionally, the solution for providers’ patient payments. Health
adjudication of the claim. Each provider is paid a Company provides propensity to pay technology iPASS guarantees 24 hour funding after
guaranteed rate based on their historical collection on the individual patient level that offers extended insurance processes the claim. The financing
rate that is then adjusted over time. Patients also payment terms for patients, while the provider product is non-recourse, meaning Health iPASS
have the option to choose 0% interest payment receives immediate payment from ClearGage. assumes the risk from the provider, but there are
plans, with a term length of their choosing, which no patient credit checks required.
ensures bills are affordable and paid as patients
2017 2009 2013
Other Receivables
Financing Companies
FT Partners / QED 78
Employer – Pain Points
▪ Given the rising cost of healthcare, employers are ▪ These employers fear the negative impact on
increasingly forced to push costs to their employee satisfaction, loyalty, absenteeism,
employees (often in the form of high cost-sharing and recruitment / retention
▪ In short, with family premiums approaching
▪ As a result, their employees are struggling to $20k, employers worry that their employees will
cover healthcare expenses incurred before view these pricey benefits as “worthless” when
reaching their deductible/out of pocket maximum overwhelmed with high plan out-of-pocket costs
▪ Employers are looking to address these issues by providing their employees with:
FT Partners / QED 79
Employer – Emerging Solutions
FT Partners / QED 80
Employer – Emerging Solutions (cont.)
(1) Health Care Cost Institute: “Spending on Shoppable Services in Health Care”
FT Partners / QED 81
Employer – Emerging Solutions (cont.)
▪ In response to the proliferation of high-deductible health ▪ These new companies are better aligning patient health
plans, some companies are bypassing traditional insurance objectives with methods of controlling costs
models, opting to create alternative plans that help both ▪ The offerings are generally deductible-free which reduces the
employers and employees reduce costs, while focusing on amount of outstanding patient collections for participating
better health outcomes providers
▪ These offerings are a new tech-focused take on managed ▪ Provides greater overall price transparency and limits
care programs unexpected costs for patients
Flume is a digital health plan Centivo offers a digital platform, a network Bind is available to self-insured Collective Health provides one
administrator for self-insured employers, of high-value, outcome-focused providers, employers with over 350 employees. connected system that allows self-
replacing traditional third-party claims processing, customer support, and Plans have $0 deductibles and funded employers to administer
administrators “TPA”. Flume population health management for full members pay flat copays for a core health plans and control costs. The
automatically negotiates payments on health benefits administration for set of medical services and platform features include core HR
behalf of its members before they even employee populations. A member’s care is prescriptions including primary and needs from claims adjudication,
book an appointment. This means directed through a primary care physician specialty visits, urgent care, maternity administration, financial operations
Flume always knows the price and pays who helps the patient make decisions. care and cancer treatments. Bind also and analytics. Collective Health
20-40% less than employers’ current These providers receive incentive provides the option for on-demand optimizes employers’ program
PPO. Flume pays providers in their payments for providing and coordinating “add-on” services which are paid for strategies by helping identify the right
network quickly, meaning providers do quality care with good outcomes. Patients as an additional premium as needed programs the employee populations,
not need to try to collect from individual never have a deductible as long as they (ie. hip replacement). The Bind app streamlining implementation, driving
patients, so in turn they are willing to follow and receive care as directed by their allows members to compare prices smart member engagement, and
offer Flume members cheaper rates. primary care physician. The Centivo plan for different services / procedures validating program impact.
holds both the patient and provider showing the cost upfront.
accountable to help reduce costs.
$34 mm
$4 mm $178 mm $755 mm
Bain Capital Ventures;
Accomplice VC; Founder Bessemer Venture Partners; Ascension Ventures; SoftBank; NEA; DFJ
Collective; Primary F-Prime; Maverick Ventures; Lemhi Ventures; Growth; GV; Sun Life;
Venture Partners Oxeon; Company Ventures UnitedHealth Group Redpoint Ventures; Rock
Health; Founders Fund
▪ While, the companies highlighted on the prior page operate ▪ These disruptive, next-gen health plans focus on telehealth
through the employer channel, there are a number of other and other technologies for ease of use and real-time care
players that are emerging as disruptive payers outside of
the employer-sponsored insurance market
These new insurance players are not beholden to any legacy
▪ Some companies are focusing on the self-employed and payment models, infrastructure, or status quo mentalities.
freelancers, others on individuals without employer Indeed, these companies get to start from scratch to
coverage through consumer-direct marketplace plans, redefine how patients interact with their health plan.” (1)
while many are focused on the Medicare population
Other Tech-Focused
/ Emerging Payers
Oscar offers coverage for individuals, families, Clover Health is a PPO and HMO, providing Decent provides affordable health insurance
and small businesses across 15 states and 29 Medicare Advantage plans. Plans feature plans for freelancers and self-employed
markets. As of the coverage year beginning low / $0 premiums, low copays, and low people, with year-round open enrollment.
January 1, 2020, Oscar has 420,000 members. prescription costs, plus there’s a cap on The Company offers EPO plans (“Exclusive Medicare Advantage Plans
Oscar’s mobile app allows members to find out-of-pocket expenses. Clover provides Provider Organization”), which fall in between 2017
doctors, view lab results and prescriptions, refill customized support based on its members’ HMOs and PPO. Decent patients get unlimited $362 mm
prescriptions, talk to a doctor, get rewarded for particular needs and focuses on collecting access to same-day appointments with
exercise, track deductibles, and more. Oscar has and monitoring patient data for better primary care physicians and 24/7 telehealth
the highest mobile engagement of any insurer, preventative and real-time care. Clover plans services, with $0 out of pocket payments.
and 30% of members have used its also include 24/7 telemedicine, in-home Decent is currently administering plans in NASDAQ:ALHC
telemedicine service. Oscar works with 3,500 visits, dental, vision and hearing coverage Austin, TX, with plans to expand to more cities. Medicare Advantage Plans
nationally ranked doctors across 140 and free gym memberships. 2013
specialties, is partnered with more than half of Mar. 26, 2021
the top 20 health systems in the U.S. $3,349 mm
2013 2018
2012 On October 6, 2020, Clover Health agreed to merge
with SPAC, Social Capital Hedosophia III at an $18 mm
March 3, 2021 Enterprise Value of $3,700 mm
QED Investors; Menlo Ventures; Individual, Family &
Digital Currency Group; Lux Capital, Medicare Advantage Plans
Jan. 8, 2021 Maverick Ventures; Core Innovation;
~$3,632 mm
Meridian Street; Healthy Ventures; 2015
$3,324 mm ChinaRock; Abstract Ventures; Jun. 23, 2021
Sequoia; Foundation Capital $5,791 mm
▪ Another way patients and employers have sought to reduce healthcare costs is by using services that create narrow networks
of providers that will the offer discounted care in exchange for increased volume
Zero allows self-funded employers to cut healthcare costs while improving MedPut allows employees to upload healthcare bills via their
employee benefits plans. The Company’s marketplace approach matches employer dashboard, MedPut then audits and negotiates bill
plan members with the right providers based on cost, quality and payments and will ultimately facilitate the repayment through
convenience. Then, bundled payment contracts lock in fair market prices small payroll deductions.
that create savings for both the plan and plan members.
FT Partners / QED 84
Payer – Pain Points
▪ As providers have been forced to collect larger and larger ▪ Fraud, waste, and abuse has also become a larger and larger problem
shares of their revenue directly from patients, the payer- for payers; 3 – 10% of U.S. healthcare spend is fraudulent due to: (1)
provider relationship has moved away from mutualism
• Billing for services not performed or unnecessary /
towards a relationship in which one benefits at the ineligible services
expense of the other
• Inappropriate claiming of payer / patient responsibility
▪ Several software providers are offering automated solutions to ▪ Automatically identify claim-level fraud, waste, and abuse
identify potential fraud, waste, and abuse through exploration of before claims are paid through comparison to historical data
claims data and further investigation these claims
▪ Create risk scores to help launch investigation into potentially
fraudulent claim
FT Partners / QED 86
Payer – Emerging Solutions
▪ Electronic claims payments can help reduce the time it takes for a provider to be paid, as well as reduces overall costs for both
the payer and provider
Number of ACH EFT payments made
▪ The is an electronic payments from payers to providers in 2018 (1)
system in the U.S. that can directly debit bank accounts
▪ Healthcare are direct An increase of from 2017
electronic claim payments made by the payer and sent to a
provider through use of the ACH system Value of ACH EFT payments made
from payers to providers in 2018 (1)
▪ The claims payments are moved through an
or through the use of a to securely transfer the An increase of from 2017
money between the payer and provider An increase of from 2014
VPay provides electronic claim InstaMed allows payers to immediately deliver Zelis delivers a real-time, integrated electronic
payment methods for third party electronic payments to providers. Payers can payments solution for in or out-of-network
administrators and health plans. access detailed reporting and handle financial medical, dental and workers compensation
VPay’s signature offering is claims monitoring through the cloud-based platform. claims payments. Zelis has access to more
payments through virtual card, but the than 1.5 million providers and a proprietary
Company also offers payments payments network of more than 700,000
through ACH and check. All payments NASDAQ:RPAY contracted providers. In 2019, Zelis merged
are processed through a single system with RedCard to boost its healthcare
of record. Virtual Cards (single-use REPAY provides payment processing solutions, payments platform.
accounts) are auto-generated card including virtual card and ACH, along with a
numbers available for one-time use for robust omni-channel payment and electronic
a specific transaction amount, billing management platform for TPAs. REPAY
timeframe, supplier name, number of also offers full print / mail and electronic
transactions, etc. communication services to streamline
workflows and reconciliation processes.
Interactions Between Constituents and Relevant Solutions
Premiums Care
Insurance Coverage Direct Payment
▪ ▪
▪ ▪
▪ ▪
▪ ▪
FT Partners / QED 89
Category Descriptions
Practice Management Software designed to help Technology that provides Technology intended Third-party system End-to-end claims
Comprehensive software designed providers track revenue real-time decisions on to reduce denials by that interprets claim processing tools that
to manage day-to-day operations from patients and payers medical eligibility and automating workflows data between provider aim to improve the
within health organizations spanning from encounter to final benefits, insurance for tracking and systems and insurance accuracy and reduce
clinical and clerical work payment of balance verification, and handling reworking of denials payers and scrubs a the administrative costs
copay, co-insurance and claim for errors before of claims management
Electronic Health Records Note: Companies in end- deductible data submitting
System of digital patient records to-end RCM fall into
that makes real-time information various other categories
available instantly and securely to as well, such as Eligibility,
authorized users Claims Admin etc.
Solutions that offers payment Payment solution that enables Payment and
Solution that helps providers improve medical bill and patient financing options for patients payers to collect premium payments from financial solutions
payments collections with medical bills they cannot health plan members specifically for
Includes point-of-care intake / check-in and registration pay in full clinical trials
solutions, modern payment options, electronic billing and including site
multi-channel communications, online payment portals, Categories: Employer / Payer payments and
installment-based payment plans and payment gateways Channel participant
Payment solution that enables payers to payments
disburse payments to providers for
accepted claims
FT Partners / QED 90
Selected Healthcare Payments Companies
Healthcare Business
Receivables Financing
Equipment Financing
Interview with QED Investors
Laura is a Principal at QED Investors and focuses on U.S. FinTech investments. She has helped
lead the firm’s exploration of opportunities at the intersection of healthcare and financial
services and has invested in several early stage companies in the space. Prior to joining QED,
Laura was an Engagement Manager at management consulting firm Oliver Wyman where she
advised large financial institutions on growth, product, operations, and strategy. Laura also
spent time at the World Economic Forum, leading an initiative focused on bringing better
financial infrastructure to emerging economies.
FT Partners / QED 93
Interview with QED Investors (cont.)
FT Partners / QED 94
Interview with QED Investors (cont.)
FT Partners / QED 95
Interview with QED Investors (cont.)
FT Partners / QED 96
Interview with Healthy Ventures
Prior to co-founding Healthy Ventures in 2015, Anya led strategy and business
development for Cardinal Health’s Hospital Sales and Services businesses. She was also
previously an investor at Thomas, McNerney & Partners, where she focused on life
sciences and the emerging digital health sector. Before entering the investing arena,
Anya held sales and marketing leadership roles at Medtronic. She also helped
implement HIV/AIDS programs for The Clinton Foundation, consulted with McKinsey and
worked as part of the Piper Jaffray biotech equity research team.
FT Partners / QED 97
Interview with Healthy Ventures (cont.)
FT Partners / QED 98
Interview with Healthy Ventures (cont.)
FT Partners / QED 99
Interview with Healthy Ventures (cont.)
Parie is a Partner within Oliver Wyman’s Health and Life Sciences practice. She specializes in playing
at the seams between payer and provider organizations and has helped multiple clients set strategies
covering broad-reaching efforts like growth into new markets, expansion into new populations and
large scale transformations. As the healthcare payment space has evolved (e.g. value-based care,
revenue cycle management in the environment of high deductible health plans, etc.), Parie has
advised clients on how to develop strategies around payment transformation, integrate companies
that utilize AI/machine learning, monitor fraud, waste and abuse, and develop solutions that ease the
path for healthcare consumers.
Sarah is a Principal within Oliver Wyman’s Health and Life Sciences practice. She spends most of her
time working with health insurers - both in the US and in international markets - on growth strategies
and business transformation. She has looked at healthcare payments from both the payer and service
provider side, and understands the hassles that consumers, payers, and providers face today. She
frequently advises clients on both innovation in the payments space, as well as on navigating the
challenges and complexity of the current infrastructure supporting the system.
Mary Butler-Everson is Senior Vice President of Healthcare Product Innovation, part of Treasury
Management services at PNC Financial Services. Mary and her team are responsible for
identifying, developing and launching new products and services to continually advance the
fluidity, transparency and security of data and dollars movement for our clients and the
healthcare industry. Prior to joining PNC Healthcare, Mary served as Senior Vice President/
Chief Strategy & Brand Officer for a national life and health insurance company. Before making
the move to financial services, Mary spent nearly two decades working in health systems
leading strategy, business development, M&A, as well as direct patient care services.
Laurie Olender is the head of Healthcare Product Management and Operations for PNC
Treasury Management. In this role, she is responsible for managing PNC Healthcare’s
clearinghouse services and patient-centric solutions. She focuses on executing PNC’s
healthcare strategy and product roadmap, including helping improve the healthcare
ecosystem by connecting payers, providers and patients through leading-edge
payment solutions.
FT Partners / QED (1) AccessOne Report: COVID-19 Consumer Survey, 2020 114
Interview with PNC Healthcare (cont.)
PNC is a registered mark of The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. (“PNC”).
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Banking and lending products and services, bank deposit products, and treasury management services, including,
but not limited to, services for healthcare providers and payers, are provided by PNC Bank, National Association, a
wholly-owned subsidiary of PNC and Member FDIC.
©2020 The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
FT Partners / QED 120
Interview with TransUnion (cont.)
→ →
Rahul has worked in the FinTech space for more than two decades. Most recently he was CEO of
RevSpring, a healthcare payments company, and before that he was at Fiserv for ten years where
he served as Group President of Digital Payments and Group President of Billing and Payments.
He also previously held management positions at eFund Systems (later acquired by FIS), i2
Technology, Summit Marketing, Fidelity Investments and PwC. He is currently a board member
and advisor to companies including Cardtronics, Zego and Nyca Partners.
Chris’ extensive career in FinTech and Payments spans nearly 35 years. She has worked in many
facets of the Payments industry for several companies such as Moneris, Vantiv (now Worldpay),
National Processing Company, Bank of America and Mastercard. Her areas of expertise include
Executive Management, Product Management, Mergers & Acquisitions, Operations, Sales and Account
Relationships. Chris has been a leading member of Wnet board nearly since its inception and served
as President. Chris sits on the Board of Directors for the ETA (Electronic Transactions Association)
and has been elected the incoming President for the upcoming term.
FT Partners / QED 131
Interview with BillingTree (cont.)
Alberto “Beto” Casellas brings nearly 30 years of experience to his role as EVP & CEO for CareCredit. In this
role, he oversees the strategic direction of CareCredit to become a comprehensive healthcare financial
solution and the nation’s leading brand for health, wellness and personal care financing. CareCredit is part
of Synchrony Financial (NYSE: SYF), a premier Fortune 200 consumer financial services company and the
largest provider of private label credit cards in the U.S. Prior to his current role, Beto served as EVP & Chief
Customer Engagement Officer at Synchrony. He has also held leadership assignments in the Retail Card
Client Initiatives Group, Sales, Operations, P&L and e-commerce across various businesses throughout GE.
Beto received a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics from Yale University. He is the Executive Sponsor for
Synchrony’s Hispanic Network and serves on the Board of Directors of Domus Kids.
An accomplished entrepreneur and former physician, Florian now drives growth and sets overall
direction across all facets of Cedar’s operations. Prior to founding Cedar, Florian was an executive at
Zocdoc where he drove the commercial adoption of the platform. Florian also founded a daily deal
company in Brazil (ClubeUrbano) that was eventually acquired by Groupon. After the acquisition, he
became CEO of Groupon Brazil, growing the company to one of Groupon’s top three international
markets. Florian began his business career as a strategy consultant at McKinsey & Company within their
healthcare practice. Florian holds a M.D., D.D.S. and PhD from the University of Freiburg, Germany.
Dr. Ahmed is the CEO and Founder of Codoxo. Codoxo’s patented technology was developed
as a part of his PhD dissertation at Georgia Institute of Technology. A report by the JASON
advisory group, the prestigious scientific advisory panel to the US government, reinforced that
his doctoral research tackled some of the biggest challenges within the emerging health data
infrastructure in the United States. Dr. Ahmed has been interviewed by several media outlets
such as NBC/11Alive, WSB-TV, CBS46, Business RadioX and Georgia Health News for his work
in healthcare fraud detection.
Decent’s CEO Nick is a serial entrepreneur who loves people and culture and growth. He scaled
his first company to millions, Reveal Chat, and sold it to Napster in 2015. He also previously
worked at Amazon as Senior Product Manager building the Kindle and he was part of the
growth team at Gusto. He started Decent after recovering from paralysis because he believes
affordable healthcare will help more people do what they want to do. Nick received his BA from
Stanford and his MBA from Harvard.
John brings more than 20 years of experience to his role as Executive Vice President of
Healthcare. Prior to joining Flywire, John was co-founder and CEO of OnPlan Holdings
(acquired by Flywire), which launched healthcare’s first automated payment plan solution, and
a next generation student tuition management solution for education. John also co-founded
HealthCom Partners in 2001, which sold to McKesson in 2006 as the first acquisition to form
RelayHealth, John led the patient billing and payment business at RelayHealth for five years
before launching and leading the healthcare vertical for doxo, a multi-biller payment network.
Imran is the Chief Operating Officer at Health iPASS. Prior to joining Health iPASS, Imran was a
Partner at OCA Ventures, helped co-found MouseHouse an iPad and web application for life
sciences research, and worked in Mobile Strategy and Operations at PayPal – specifically
focused on PayPal Here, PayPal's entry into the small business mobile payment systems
market. He also founded Edit Huddle, a crowdsourced blog and newspaper editing tool, and he
began his career at William Blair in investment banking.
Rob joined Payspan in 2015 to lead the Company’s execution of growth and
expansion strategies. Rob has previously served in the roles of chief operating
officer, chief service officer and general manager for Fortune 500 and privately
held SaaS companies. He has experience in supply chain automation, benefit /
consumer-driven healthcare administration, and online banking and payments.
Brendon is an experienced entrepreneur and operator who has founded and led
several high growth technology and healthcare service companies including,
Salesmation, Elite Smiles, and MediaShift. His previous experience, building a medical
services organization that managed orthodontic offices in Southern California,
developed his point-of-view on elective care finance and highlighted the opportunity to
disrupt the space with innovative technology and financial products.
John Morris co-founded REPAY in 2006 and currently serves as a member of the Board of
Directors and CEO. He has over 20 years of experience in the payments and FinTech industry.
Prior to REPAY, John served as the co-founder and president of Security Check Atlanta. John
also previously served in several corporate finance positions for Bass Hotels and Resorts
(now IHG). He began his professional career at KPMG where he earned his C.P.A. John holds
a Master of Accounting and a B.B.A. in Accounting from the University of Georgia where he
currently serves on the UGA Entrepreneurship Board.
Ted is the Co-Founder and CEO of Rivet. Rivet elegantly decodes the complexities of
healthcare insurance easy-to-use software so that provider practices, clinics, and surgery
centers can offer transparent, upfront pricing to their patients, and collect patient payments
fast. Before founding Rivet, Ted was Vice President of Sales at Canopy, a business with a
mission to modernize the tax industry. He also previously served as a sales executive at
Instructure and he began his career in investment banking at Arbor Advisors.
Clayton Bain is the founder and CEO of Salucro, a healthcare payment technology company
based in Phoenix, AZ. As an innovative technology leader, Clayton drives the Company’s
strategic vision, development, and technology partnerships while building international
relationships. In 2004 Clayton transformed his small web development company into one
of the leading healthcare fintech companies serving some of the largest names in
healthcare across the US, Canada, UK, UAE and India.
Andrew has more than 25 years of experience in the legal, banking and financial technology
sectors. Previously, he was one of the original founders and architects of the recapitalization of
TransFirst Holdings, Inc., where he served in numerous executive roles. During his 14 years at
TransFirst, Mr. Rueff served as VP of Mergers and Acquisitions, Secretary of the Board, General
Counsel, Chief Administrative Officer and SVP of Corporate Development. Mr. Rueff currently is an
Operating Partner at Waud Capital and serves on the Board of Integrated Practice Solutions (IPS)
and CyberGrants and is Executive Chairman of Sphere Payments.
Tim has spent his career creating and providing solutions to help providers bring a
different level of care and support to their patients in a variety of experiences
including running an IPA, a $3 billion Medicare Advantage plan, and a Population
Health business. His favorite part about coming to work is spending time with the
physician partners at the center of VillageMD’s model, and seeing where real
healthcare change happens.
Black Card
With a simple phone call, the personal concierge will
schedule doctor appointments, arrange transportation, and
CEO: John Kao
answer health care questions—24 hours a day, 7 days a
Headquarters: Orange, CA
Founded: 2013
24/7 Concierge Experience
• Alignment Healthcare has created a new model for health care delivery Dedicated ACCESS On-Demand Concierge team provides
that cuts costs and improves lives by unraveling the inefficiencies of around-the-clock access to services and personalized care
the current system to drive patients, providers and payers toward a programs, including in-home and telemedicine doctor visits,
common goal of wellness easy-to-access electronic health records and everything that
• The innovative data-management technology allows the Company to basic Medicare covers plus more
commit to caring for seniors and those who need it most: the
chronically ill and frail Real Time Information, 365 Days a Year
Proprietary data command center AVA™ (Alignment
• Alignment Healthcare provides partners and patients with customized
Virtual Application) provides doctors with real-time
care and service where they need it and when they need it, including
clinical coordination, risk management and technology facilitation reporting that allows them to make more informed
choices about patients’ health
Selected Transaction History
• Patients can easily look up doctors and facilities using over 800
simplified search terms, and then be directed to care anywhere
• The Company combines its own claims data with quality measures, such
as Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grades, to highlight highly experienced, safe,
and affordable providers and facilities
• Anagram (formerly Patch) provides real-time price transparency and o Submit claims digitally with almost no denials
insurance benefits processing
Date Type Size ($ mm) Investor(s) / Buyer(s) ✓ Anagram customers on average receive an additional
ManchesterStory; Healthy $2,472 / month in each location from cash pay patients
Ventures; KEC Ventures;
Waterline Ventures;
03/04/20 Series A $9 ✓ Anagram customers on average help an additional 22
Synchrony Ventures; Rogue
Venture Partners; Launchpad patients per month after using Anagram’s software
Digital Health Accelerator
Sources: Company website, Company press release, FT Partners’ Proprietary Transaction Database
FT Partners / QED 222
Medical Billing
Athenahealth’s medical billing and revenue cycle
management solution offers claims management, a
revenue cycle dashboard, appointment scheduling,
Chairman & CEO: Bob Segert patient check-in, and performance reporting
Headquarters: Watertown, MA
Electronic Health Records
Founded: 1997
A cloud-based medical records service that intuitively
organizes the patient visit and helps providers document
• Athenahealth provides healthcare IT services through cloud-based and faster and more accurately
mobile application products largely for smaller to midsize medical groups
and health systems
• Its services include revenue cycle and practice management, electronic Patient Engagement
health records, patient engagement, population health management, and Athenahealth’s patient engagement tools and services
include automated messages, a patient portal, call
care coordination
support, and tailored outreach programs
• The business services segment, which provides cloud-based
solutions and support to healthcare providers, generates 97% of
revenue Population Health
Helps manage risk through digestible data, care team
Selected Transaction History coordination, care gap identification, a mobile app, and
network-based knowledge analysis
Date Type Size ($ mm) Investor(s) / Buyer(s)
Evergreen Coast Capital;
02/07/19 LBO $5,700 Care Coordination
Veritas Capital
With a network of over 160,000 providers, Athenaheath
09/20/19 IPO 113 Public Investors makes care coordination between internal an external
care teams and specialists easy and efficient
06/29/07 Corporate 23 PSS World Medical
Acquired by
Epic Integration
CEO: Randal Clark With Payment Fusion, Epic users can improve their financial performance
by accelerating patient payments and streamlining administrative
Headquarters: Santa Barbara, CA workflows
Collecting co-pays and balance due amounts from patients at the time of
• AxiaMed partners with independent software vendors (ISVs) to offer
service (or “point-of-care”) delivers numerous financial benefits to
secure patient payment solutions from within their healthcare applications
healthcare providers
• The Company’s integrated offerings help improve the financial
performance of healthcare providers by expanding the payment options Online and Mobile
available to patients, streamlining administrative workflows, and reducing
bad debt AxiaMed offers an “omnichannel” payment strategy, making it easier and
more convenient for patients to use their preferred method of payment,
• SaaS-based product, Payment Fusion, is a patient payments platform that anywhere, anytime
is integrated into leading EHRs, practice management systems, and
revenue-cycle management applications
Hospitals and Health Systems
• AxiaMed simplifies integration and accelerates time-to-market by
providing a single API that supports multiple processors, payment AxiaMed’s Payment Fusion technology platform was purpose-built to meet
methods, and transaction types the rigorous and complex demands of enterprise health systems
Merchant Services
Selected Transaction History
AxiaMed offers a full suite of merchant services, including payment
Date Type Size ($ mm) Investor(s) / Buyer(s) gateways, payment processing, batch settlements, and reporting
04/02/21 M&A na Bank of America
Text&Pay + Scan&Pay
Health Enterprise Partners,
08/14/18 Early Stage VC $12
Nashville Capital Network Text&Pay Patient Payment Messaging is a secure solution that
automatically notifies patients via text and email when their bills are ready.
07/19/17 Early Stage VC 3 Nashville Capital Network Scan&Pay is a mobile solutions that uses QR codes that link to invoices or
online payment portals to enable patients to quickly and easily pay their
04/29/16 Corporate <1 i3 Verticals medical bills.
Sources: Company website, FT Partners’ Proprietary Transaction Database
FT Partners / QED 225
• The Company's application allows users to keep track of expenses, User Transparency
contribute just the right amount into their HSA based on personal needs Experience 360-degree view of
and maximizes tax benefits, enabling users to manage their rising cost of expenses through links
Customized based on
healthcare to personal savings
individual activity
• Its platform learns individual behavior and situations, predicts
outcomes and delivers actionable advice that helps using
manage their health savings
• Bend also offers the Bend Advisor, which pulls data from other accounts,
such as checking, credit cards, payroll and health plans, to guide Simplify Education
customers every step of the way Simplifies HSA use and Reduces planning and
drives engagement education needs
Selected Transaction History
Core Coverage
• Bind is an on-demand health insurance company serving self-insured
employers with over 350 employees ✓ Preventative
Care Add-Ins
• Plans have $0 deductibles and members pay flat co-pays for a core ✓ Primary and ✓ Only if you need
set of medical services and prescriptions including primary and Specialty Care it
specialty visits, urgent care, maternity care and cancer treatments
✓ Urgent, ✓ Adjust as needs
• Bind also provides the option for on-demand “add-on” services which Emergency and change
Hospital Care
are paid for as an additional premium as needed (ie. hip replacement)
✓ Chronic Care
• The Bind app allows members to compare prices for different services
✓ Pharmacy needs
/ procedures showing the cost upfront.
Key Features
Acquired by
Date Type Size ($ mm) Investor(s) / Buyer(s) 2-Way Text Payments Account Updater
• The Company’s Care Partner Health Plan Model works in narrow network
• Bright Health plans are currently available in 22 markets in 12 states
arrangements to remove difficulty between payers and providers including Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Ohio, Tennessee, & New York via its
• On June 23, 2021, the Company went public on NYSE under the ticker website, call center, broker partners and through government websites as
“BHG” raising $924 million in gross proceeds well as public health insurance exchanges
Owned by
For Patients
08/07/17 Debt $90 Comvest Capital Co-Branded Patient Significantly Increase Compliance and
Engagement Net Collections Consumer Finance
03/13/17 Buyout na
Cedar Springs Capital; Crestline Expertise
Castlight Complete
03/14/14 IPO 178 Public Investors
05/01/12 Series D 100 T. Rowe Price
Maverick Capital; Oak Investment
Partners; Venrock; Morgan Stanley
06/11/10 Series C 60 Investment Management; The Cleveland
Clinic; Welcome Trust; US Venture
($ in mm) FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020
Maverik Capital; Oak Investment Revenue $156 $143 $147
09/04/09 Series B 17
Partners; Venrock; Fidelity Investments
Adj. EBITDA (33) (35) (6)
Net Income (40) (40) (62)
Sources: Company website, FT Partners’ Proprietary Transaction Database, PitchBook, Cap IQ
FT Partners / QED 232
For Employers
• The Centivo model emphasizes the partnership between individuals and The Centivo Partnership Plan is designed
their primary care team as the proper model to coordinate healthcare needs to help people use the healthcare system
more effectively and offer them
• Members are rewarded for working with their primary care team and affordable healthcare. The platform
choosing high-value care and are supported through a user-friendly app and offers affordable care, predictable costs,
their concierge care and guidance, and an easy to use
Pending acquisition by
• The Company is bringing proven retail payment solutions to the healthcare HealthePayment ClearFund ClearCalc
market and simplifying the process of calculating and collecting patient Allow patients to make Sell patient receivables Calculate patients’ out-of-
payments when convenient and get paid upfront pocket expenses with
through a fully customizable greater accuracy
• ClearGage’s mission is to enhance the consumer’s quality of life by providing practice branded portal
flexible and ethical payment solutions that enable them to receive and pay
for the health care products or services they need or want
Late Stage
01/29/19 $500 Greenoaks Capital Management Market Cap 09/21/21 $3.3 bn
Greenoaks Capital Management, Palm LTM High 01/08/21 $15.90
05/11/17 Series D 130
Drive, GV, Sequoia, WTI, First Round $22.0 LTM Low 05/17/21 $6.82
The platform contains an intuitive, easy-to-use tools suite and AI-assisted solutions for…
integrated workflow and case management that supports
collaboration and sharing across the organization • Managed Care Plans • Union-sponsored Plans
• Codoxo’s patented technology was developed as part of Musheer Ahmed’s • Medicaid Agencies • Provider-sponsored Plans
Ph.D. dissertation at the Georgia Institute of Technology
• Employer-sponsored Plans • Federal Agencies
Selected Transaction History
Headquarters: Atlanta, GA
Founded: 1979 Risk Adjustment Solutions
Ensures compliant, accurate compensation for members’ risk
burden. Services include suspect analytics, medical record
• Cotiviti provides risk assessment and decision analytics services to the retrieval, in-home assessments, medical record coding, and
global healthcare industry submissions
• The Company leverages data analytics and technology to limit costs and
ensure regulatory compliance for various stakeholders in the healthcare
Quality and Performance Solutions
industry, including payers, providers, and employers
Analyzes, communicates, and improves clinical and financial
• It works with over 180 healthcare payers, including 96% of the top performance. Services include quality intelligence, star
25 plans navigator, medical record retrieval and abstraction, medical
intelligence, DxCG intelligence, and network value
• Cotiviti also services the retail industry, providing audit and recovery
services that increase efficiency and maximize profitability
Retail Solutions
Finds and prevents losses while improving supplier
relationships. Services include merchandise payables,
Selected Transaction History pharmacy, freight, activations, expense payables, statements,
and contract compliance
Date Type Size ($ mm) Investor(s) / Buyer(s)
Compare Plans
CEO: Ed Park
Platform with assistance for finding and comparing
Headquarters: Waltham, MA different plans
Founded: 2017
Look Up Doctors
• Devoted Health is an online provider of Medicare Advantage plans; the
Company partners with providers and brokers to streamline the entire
Search nearby doctors, pharmacies, or other healthcare
healthcare process
• The Company tries to simplify the health insurance and care process by
working closely with physicians and other providers to help patients avoid
unnecessary procedures and treatment, while getting better overall care Look Up Drugs
• Founders Ed and Todd Park both have extensive experience in the Find out if Devoted covers your specific medications
Healthcare field:
Patient Collections
• Estimate the cost of care for over 92% of the insured
Founder & CEO: Katelyn Gleason
• Improve patient experiences and collection rates by
Headquarters: Brooklyn, NY increasing transparency
• Simple API’s that provide advanced functionality
Founded: 2011
Members Employers
• Flume Health develops a healthcare application designed to address
healthcare related queries via a virtual assistant • Find high-quality, local providers • No increasing member deductibles
who offer fair pricing and premiums
• The Company's application includes private communication with a trained • Nominate doctor to Flume • Offers plans with sustainable costs
care guide, provides data to find quality medical care at the best price, also community • Allows employees to afford to use
books appointments and sets multiple reminders as the date approaches,
• Submit coordination of benefits their health benefits
enabling users to effectively find affordable medical providers to fit their
• Upload a medical bill • No open enrollment season
• Flume Health offers services for both employers to manage their practice
and patients seeking additional information
Temasek Holdings; Bain Capital Technology platform that leverages patient interactions and
07/26/18 Series D 100
Ventures; F-Prime proprietary algorithms to drive a recommendation engine for
patient payments and engagement, addressing affordability
Bain Capital Ventures; Spark Capital;
01/13/15 Series C 22
Accel with personalized payment plans
CEO: Gregory VandenBosch • Financial security
Headquarters: Grand Rapids, MI • One singular consolidated monthly bill
Founded: 2017 • Pay now or pay later
• When a member has a claim, HealthBridge covers the costs immediately on Employers
their behalf and then provides that member a consolidated monthly
statement and friendly repayment terms, giving them financial security and • Protect employees from financial strain
flexibility • Stop the barrage of bills
• The Company has created a program design that is sustainable, scalable, • Improve workforce wellbeing
and beneficial for employees, employers, providers, and payers
• Focus on care, not on collections
• Serve more patients
• Increase patient satisfaction
Gregory Amy O'Meara Tim Heger
VandenBosch Chambers CTO
• Greater financial security and flexibility
• Friendly repayment terms
Paul Iles Jim Slubowski
CFO Chief Strategy Officer
By Procedure:
Selected Transaction History • When members search for a procedure,
Bluebook shows a Fair PriceTM for the
Date Type Size ($ mm) Investor(s) / Buyer(s) procedure
10/04/17 Growth na Primus Capital Funds
By Facility:
• Color-coded guide makes it easy to find high-
01/14/14 Series A $7 The Martin Companies quality, affordable providers
By Physician:
• Shows Patient Savings Rating, overall quality
rating, specific quality ranking by procedure,
and patient reviews
• HealthEquity is the custodian for $6.8 billion in assets for 3.4 million HSA
members nationwide
07/31/14 IPO 127 Unknown Public Investors $110 LTM High 01/26/21 $91.01
$90 LTM Low 09/24/20 $46.15
Napier Park Financial
09/09/11 Series D3 12 $80
Partners; Prettybrook Partners $70
10/22/08 Series D1, D2 7 Undisclosed Investors $50
11/28/06 Series C 16 Berkley Capital Management
Acquired by
• Many Health iPASS providers have realized 90 – 95% patient net collection
rates, decreased denials by over 50%, and reduced the cost and time to
collect Cost Estimates Statements
• The Company was acquired by Sphere in December 2020
• The solution captures and manages patient financial responsibility as early Data Analytics: Patient / Payment Behaviors
as pre-service estimation through post-service digital touchpoints • Identify & monitor KPIs
• HealthPay24 services over 2,000 healthcare facilities including, major health • Track patient satisfaction levels
systems, physician groups, dental practices and medical billing companies • Enhance & track patient payment journeys
• The Company was acquired by Invoice Cloud in 2015
Patient Payment Options
Acquired by
HealthSparq One
CEO: Mark Menton Empower members and lower costs by offering greater
Headquarters: Portland, Oregon
insight into health care options by using suite of health care
transparency solutions to easily research quality,
Founded: 2012 convenient providers, and determine out-of-pocket costs
right from the portal
• Helps people make smarter health care choices by partnering with health
plans to provide members with cost and quality information about doctors,
hospitals, and medical services based on their individual benefits HealthSparq Rx Compare
• Conducts continuous usability testing, eliciting consumer feedback to Engage members with information and personalized
enhance product development, hosting industry panels featuring everyday support whether at home, in the physician's office, or at the
people, and bringing human stories to the forefront through their pharmacy
#WhatTheHealthCare campaign
HealthSparq APIs
09/24/14 Series A 14 Undisclosed Create a digital wallet to save payment information to pay
all healthcare bills through InstaMed
• Users can seamlessly fund, manage and invest their HSA
Co-Founder & CEO: Alex Cyriac
• 100% fee-free for individuals and families
Headquarters: San Francisco, CA • Simple transfer to bank account
Founded: 2016 • Free access to investment capabilities
• MDsave also offers a digital savings card that provides discounted For Patients
Save money by prepaying the bill online before the
prices on prescriptions
doctor’s visit. Choose from the network of 290+
hospitals and 1,600+ procedures.
Selected Transaction History
For Providers
Date Type Size ($ mm) Investor(s) / Buyer(s) Providers can reach new patients through the site.
Providers are also willing to offer better prices since
01/07/19 Strategic na Change Healthcare patients can pay online before the visit.
MedData OneTouch
Identifies all payer sources and the most appropriate coverage in the properly
CEO: Michael Shea compliant order through a single touchpoint of payments for patients, whether
they’re insured, under-insured, or uninsured
Headquarters: Spring, TX
Founded: 1980 MedData FastTrack
Combines fast, streamlined coding & billing with dedicated, integrated patient
balance services to deliver the most comprehensive solution in the industry
• A provider of tech-enabled revenue cycle management services
designed to engage patients, empower hospitals and health
Eligibility Services
systems, and improve financial outcomes
Finds appropriate assistance to help pay medical bills, in fewer days than
• The suite of solutions includes a range of revenue cycle competitors
management solutions, consulting and analytics services, full-
service eligibility, billing and coding, third party liability and other Third Party Liability, Workers Compensation, Veterans Administration,
complex A/R services, and mobile-first engagement and and other A/R Services
communication software for patients and providers
Spans the gap between the identification of a payer and payment, while also
• Handles billing for more than 200 million patients at the growing increasing hospital revenue, mitigating denials, and avoiding bad debt
network of more than 2,000 hospitals
Patient Balances
Works with providers to connect and engage with patients throughout the entire
Selected Transaction History financial life-cycle – making sure they understand their bills, informing them of
payment options, and helping them navigate any insurance issues
Date Type Size ($ mm) Investor(s) / Buyer(s)
Workers Compensation
10/10/19 Buyout $300 Frazier Healthcare Partners
Assists with locating liable parties and ensuring accurate and timely payments
• MedPut helps employees avoid charging healthcare bills on credit Supercharge Reduce Happier and No Financial Risk
cards by providing interest-free credit for all healthcare expenses Health Plans Employee Loans Healthier
MedPut owns the
for employees, regardless of credit score Workforce financial risk of the
MedPut can make Prevent employees
healthcare plans from taking 401(k) program, so there's
• Employees can upload healthcare bills via their employer MedPut keeps
more powerful by loans or going into no liability to
employees healthy,
dashboard, MedPut then audits and negotiates bill payments and covering out of debt to pay for their employers
stress-free, and
will ultimately facilitate the repayment through small payroll pocket costs health productive
Alpha identifies and implements high-value automations, allowing organizations to prioritize top
processes for automation and accelerate time to build them
CEO: Sean Lane
Headquarters: Columbus, Ohio Pursue the Highest Value Enable Ready-made, Resilient Drive Enterprise-wide
Processes for Automation Solutions Transformation
Founded: 2012
Acquired by
• Each provider is paid a guaranteed rate based on their historical A simplified member experience Immediate payment & resolution of
collection rate that is then adjusted over time No confusing provider bills, patient liability
uncoordinated EOBs, or aggressive billing Providers are paid upfront compared to
• Patients also have the option to choose 0% interest payment plans, tactics the months required to collect today
with a term length of their choosing, which ensures bills are
affordable and paid as patients prefer Financial upside on patient collections Payment certainty & predictability
Payers can leverage ongoing Each provider is paid a guaranteed rate
relationships with members along with based on their historical collection rate
Selected Transaction History best-in-class consumer tools that is then adjusted over time
Date Type Size ($ mm) Investor(s) / Buyer(s) Reduced administrative expense Improved patient experience
Eliminate the time and resources that Patients are given a consolidated bill
05/13/21 M&A $425 Cedar both providers and payers currently instead of disconnected provider bills
invest in collecting from patients and EOBs piling up in patients’ mailboxes
Oak HC/FT; Threshold Ventures; Blue Shield
09/19/18 Series A 41 of California Differentiated payer capabilities Reduction of admin cost & effort
Design new products with meaningful Providers no longer have to bear the
12/01/17 Seed 2 Undisclosed Investors incentives, sell concierge billing services, burden to collect as the billing function is
and even offer financing for elective care transferred to payers
Plan Types
CEO: Mario Schlosser
Headquarters: New York, NY
Founded: 2012
• Oscar Health provides health insurance for individuals, families and businesses
through its online and mobile platform
• Oscar tools and benefits offered to most members include a dedicated virtual
care team, $0 24/7 ‘Doctor on Call’ telemedicine service, $3 co-pays on 100 Individual & Family Business Plans Medicare Advantage
common medications, perks like discounted access to Calm for sleep and Plans Plans
anxiety reduction tools, free annual physicals, and health incentives like Step • Get more savings, more • Give the best care to the • Save more with easy and
Tracking rewards; and other essential health benefits such as flu shots, perks, and better care whole team personalized care
vaccinations, etc.
Plan Benefits
Selected Transaction History
Date Type Size ($ mm) Investor(s) / Buyer(s)
Acquired by eBills
Empowers Healthy Systems to provide patients with a
paperless billing option without risking payment rates
due to deliverability issues
Founder & CEO: Bird Blitch
Headquarters: Atlanta, GA Patient Financing
Allows Health Systems to provide tailored, flexible
Founded: 2009 financing options for every patient within seconds
from any internet-connected device
• Patientco provides payment technology designed to facilitate better
Payment Plans
healthcare patient experiences
Provides patients with the options to break up higher
− Patientco’s integrated communication and payments tools, along account balances into automatic installments to
afford their care
with machine learning capabilities allows it to analyze millions of
billing interactions to better understand patients
Online Bill Pay
• The Company offers personalized communication and payment options, Offers a secure, mobile-friendly payment and
communication portal that allows patients to track,
leveraging user preferences, behavioral data and propensity models to
manage and pay their expenses
improve patient engagement
CEO: Rob Pinataro
• Core Payspan Network removes inefficiencies in
Headquarters: Atlanta, GA the e-payments cycle that results in claims delays
Founded: 1984 • Premium Payments solution designed to make the
customer payments experience enjoyable
• Payspan offers payment solutions for health plans and providers seeking • Quality Incentive Communications System that
to increase adoption of electronic payments and engage patients / helps engage providers in value-based care
members reimbursement
− The Company’s solutions reduce costs, drive revenue and help
boost Star Ratings and HEDIS scores by leveraging the largest
multi-payer, provider-centric electronic payment network as a Providers
foundation • Online Bill Pay software that enables patients to
• The Company transfers healthcare payments and facilitates alternative make online responsibility payments on any smart
reimbursement strategies that improve health, improve patient experience device
and reduce costs • QuickPay that provides payments options at the
point of service, making it easier for patients to
Selected Transaction History pay consistently and on time
Date Type Size ($ mm) Investor(s) / Buyer(s)
Primus Capital; PNC Erieview
01/05/17 PE Growth na
Stonehenge Partners; HLM
08/24/15 Later Stage VC $3
ABS Capital; Stonehenge
02/10/09 Later Stage VC 22
Partners; Bac One; Wachovia
Wachovia; Stonehenge
05/05/06 Later Stage VC 3
Partners; ABS Capital
Qualify API
• Quickly implement with API documentation
• Eliminate the need to track the 2,000+ changes to enrollment programs
Co-Founder & CEO: Everett Lebherz each quarter; PointCare keeps an up-to-date database
Co-Founder: Philip Lebherz • Improve approval outcomes by providing application details and
checklists to patients via text, email or print
Headquarters: Walnut Creek, CA
• Report on critical qualification data across locations
Founded: 2012
• PointCare’s solutions serve Hospitals, Clinics, and Revenue Cycle ✓ Data on Self-Pay Qualifications
Management organizations ✓ Consistent Enrollment Numbers
− At the same time, the platform helps solve the challenges healthcare providers
face with assessing a patient’s ability to pay, collecting recurring payments,
and managing accounts receivable
Practice Financing
The industry's only paperless experience,
Co-Founder & CEO: Daniel Titcomb saving practices hours of time and thousands
in lost production
Headquarters: San Francisco, CA
Founded: 2013
• Provide (formerly known as Lendeavor) is the modern finance company Deposit Account
for healthcare practices, offering better rates and faster approval, all driven FDIC-insured business operating accounts with
by technology world-class banking institutions
• R1 RCM Inc (NASDAQ: RCM) helps U.S. hospitals, physicians and other
healthcare providers to more efficiently manage their revenue cycle operations
• The Company’s services encompass patient registration, insurance
and benefit verification, medical treatment documentation and coding,
bill preparation and collections
• Its core offering consists of comprehensive, integrated technology and
revenue cycle management services
• R1’s services target hospitals & health systems, medical groups, physician
groups, and EMS
Founded: 2006
($ in mm) 2020 May 2021: REPAY Acquires BillingTree for $503 million
Revenue $155 February 2020: REPAY Acquires Ventanex for up to $50 million
Gross Profit 114 October 2019: REPAY Acquires APS Payments for up to $60 million
Adj. EBITDA 68 August 2019: REPAY Acquires TriSource for up to $65 million
Sources: Company website, FT Partners’ Proprietary Transaction Database January 2019: Thunder Bridge Acquisition Merges with REPAY for an Implied Total
FT Partners / QED Enterprise Value of $665 million
OmniChannel Engagement
• Digital Channels: Shift confidently to digital delivery and reduce
CEO: Scott MacKenzie • Voice Channels: Automate transactions for patients who prefer
phone calls
Headquarters: Livonia, MI
• Printed Communication: Use print communications more
Founded: 1997 strategically, when patients prefer it
Founded: 2018
• From point-of-care payments to back-office collection solutions, Salucro Tailored Patient Financial Engagement
delivers payment technology to hospitals, health systems, physician
From text-to-pay to comprehensive print and digital
groups, revenue cycle partners, and more to drive higher quality patient
statements, Salucro provides advanced communication and
financial experiences and increased provider collections. functionality to tailor patient financial outreach to each
• Salucro’s platform offers real-time payment solutions with flexible patient’s unique preferences.
payment options, allowing providers in the US and internationally to
capture more revenue by meeting patients where they are most likely to Seamless Payment Integrations with Any EHR
engage with responsive, self-service payment options. The Salucro payment platform seamlessly integrates with
any EHR or Patient Accounting System, including Epic,
Selected Transaction History Cerner, Meditech, Allscripts, NextGen, and more.
Sources: Company website, 2019 Salucro Patient Payment Technology Report, FT Partners’ Proprietary Transaction Database
FT Partners / QED 273
Government Agencies
• Softheon provides a comprehensive suite of cloud-based, HIPAA-enabled
and MITA-aligned solutions to assist states in developing healthcare IT
Founder & CEO: Eugene Sayan • Removes duplicate and administrative inefficiencies, promotes
collaboration with stakeholders, enhances transparency, and provides
Headquarters: Stony Brook, NY visibility into insurance transactions
Founded: 2000
Health Plans
• Softheon offers configurable, cloud-based solutions to help health plans
• Softheon‘s mission is to drive down costs, simplify access and
build healthcare IT infrastructure
create more insurance options for Americans
• The Company offers modules that target common pain points in the
• The Company's services include health insurance exchange eligibility and enrollment, member billing, and reporting process
integration, direct enrollment, premium billing, pharmacy prior-
authorization, claims pre and post-adjudication, billing
management system, and more Group & Consumer / Private Exchange
• Softheon is trusted by over 55 health insurance companies, CMS • Provides members with access to healthcare, dental, and vision plans
in a white-labeled shopping experience with decision support and
and 7 state agencies, and 38 million consumers
Overflow Investing
Sets a threshold and auto-invests extra funds into
low-fee ETF funds
CEO: Sean Engelking
Headquarters: New York, NY Auto Contributions
Founded: 2017 Puts savings on auto-pilot with a recurring monthly
• Starship allows anyone with an HSA-eligible health plan to sign up and Freeze Card
begin saving tax-free money on tens of thousands of eligible medical Ability to freeze and reorder replacement cars in the
expenses, with the option to invest their account balance tax-free for app in the event of a loss or stolen card
— Its application offers investment automation, record keeping, Serious Security
receipt management, card management, and family Data is protected with a passcode, TouchID (iOS) and
management 256-bit bank-level encryption
• The Company offers the highest savings rate in the industry at 2% and
customers can sign up for free in 5 minutes or less
Reimburse Expenses
Ability to link funding accounts to quickly pay
• Starship’s current customer base includes the fleet of drivers for
Postmates and Uber, among others
customers back for health spending
Expert Advice
Selected Transaction History Available, every step of the way, top help make HSAs
Date Type Size ($ mm) Investor(s) / Buyer(s) easy to understand
500 Startups; Broadhaven Capital Family Management
10/21/19 Series A $7 Partners; Clocktower Technology
Ventures; Third Prime; Valar Ventures Easily keep track of who in the family is spending
500 Startups; Broadhaven Capital what with family tags
08/22/19 Seed ~4 Partners; The Gramercy Fund; Third
Receipt Capture
04/18/18 Accelerator <1 500 Startups Attach receipts to any payment using a phone
Acquired by
Patient Experience
President, TransUnion Healthcare: Dave Wojczynski Healthcare providers are enabled to foster trust by engaging patients early
and providing transparency throughout the financial experience
Headquarters: Chicago, Illinois
02/01/16 Growth $76 FTV Capital Web-based solution enables policyholder and multiparty
claim payments from any device, and policyholders can
quickly review their claim, approve service provider
payments or select a preferred payment type for
receiving their own claim payment
Revenue Integrity
CEO: Matthew Hawkins Find missing charges and collect
revenue that’s due
Headquarters: Louisville, KY
Founded: 2006 Patient Financial Experience
Collect patient payments, determine
propensity to pay and improve patient
• Waystar is a leading provider of cloud-based revenue cycle technology experience
• Its solutions remove friction from payment processes, streamline
Agency Management
workflows, and improve the financials of providers
Get insights into outsourced
• Waystar integrates with all major practice management, hospital agency effectiveness
information and EHR systems
Patient Insights
Use data on broad factors that
influence health to improve clinical
450,000+ 5,000 outcomes
2 bn 20+ 98%
Transactions annually Years in the industry Client satisfaction rating
• WEX Inc. (NYSE: WEX) provides corporate payment solutions in three segments:
fleet solutions, travel & corporate solutions, and health & employee benefit
• Fleet solutions, the Company’s largest segment by revenue, provides
fleet vehicle payment-processing services for commercial and
government fleets
• Travel & corporate solutions offers B2B payment processing and
transaction monitoring services
• Health & employee benefits offers healthcare payment products and a
consumer-directed software platform
Market Cap 09/21/21 $7.4 bn
o Zelis works with more than 100 payers (including seven of the eight largest),
leveraging provider data from more than 3,500 provider networks and
Headquarters: Bedminster, NJ approximately 200 million user interactions
Founded: 2016 o Used by Payers and Benefit Consultants, Brokers & Health IT Companies
• Zelis is a provider of healthcare claims cost management and payments o Network Solutions - Improves network access and maximizes network cost
optimization solutions to price, pay and explain healthcare claims savings through tailored network design, network management, and access to
more than 1.5 million Medical, Dental and Workers’ Comp providers
• The Zelis Intelligent Claim Routing Platform is a single, real-time technology
interface that powers its fully integrated healthcare claims cost o Payment Integrity – Maximize claims cost savings through claims editing,
management, payment optimization and communications solutions hospital bill review, specialty clinical audits, optimal cost-savings on out-of-
network claims, reference based pricing and more
• The Company delivers integrated network analytics, network solutions,
payment integrity, electronic payments and claims communications for
payers, healthcare providers and consumers in the medical, dental and
o Payers – With access to more than 1.5 million providers and a proprietary
workers' compensation markets nationwide
payments network of more than 700,000 contracted providers, Zelis helps save
• Zelis was created through the merger of four companies, Premier payers an average 60% of the cost of making healthcare payments by converting
Healthcare Exchange, Stratose, GlobalCare and Pay-Plus Solutions, that was from paper-based payments to electronic payments
sponsored by Parthenon Capital Partners in 2016
o Providers – One easy to use portal to match bills with payments from more than
330 payers; Ability to paid through ACH, Virtual Card or check
Selected Acquisition History
Date Size ($ mm) Target o Enrollment – Streamlines enrollment communications across departments and
partners with custom document / ID card designs
09/17/21 na Sapphire Digital
o Claims – Consolidates transactional claims communications with episodic
08/01/19 $6,000 RedCard
explanation of benefits
11/05/18 na Netminder
03/31/17 na Strenuus
CEO: James Millaway • Access to care for no extra money
Headquarters: Tulsa, OK • Zero covers hundreds of procedures and services ranging from lab
to imaging to surgery
Founded: 2016
• Members are supported by their own Personal Health Assistant
• Plan members are matched up with local healthcare providers that
will deliver the best combination of cost, quality and convenience
• Zero allows self-funded employers to lower health plan costs while
improving the employee benefits Providers
• The Company works with innovative employers and providers to
• Zero makes it easy for providers to attract new patients, speed up
build an entirely new ecosystem of healthcare delivery payment and simplify administration
• Members are supported by their own personal health assistant and • Providers are always paid in full, with nothing to collect from
health plans cover 100% of the costs members
Announced Date Company Selected Investors
NEA; Bessemer Venture Partners; Cross Creek Advisors; Declaration Partners; Flare Capital
12/17/19 Bright Health Partners; Greenspring Associates; Meritech Capital Partners; Redpoint Ventures; Town Hall $635
01/29/19 Clover Health Greenoaks Capital Management 500
The Blackstone Group; Tiger Global; T. Rowe Price; NEA; Greenspring Associates;
09/22/20 Bright Health 500
Bessemer Venture Partners
Formation 8; Goldman Sachs; GV; Hommels Holding; Horizons Ventures; Wellington
Management; Swordfish Investments; Breyer Capital; Glynn Capital Management; Red
02/22/16 Oscar 400
Swan Ventures; Cambria Group; VGC Partners; Fidelity Investments; CapitalG; General
07/01/21 Olive Vista Equity Partners; Base10 Partners 400
08/14/18 Oscar Alphabet Inc. 375
10/16/18 Devoted Health Andreessen Horowitz; Premji Invest; Uprising Ventures; Frist Cressey Ventures 300
Health Care Service Corporation; DFJ Growth; Founders Fund; G Squared; Maverick
05/04/21 Collective Health 280
Ventures; NEA; PFM Health Sciences; SoftBank Vision Fund; Sun Life Financial
07/08/20 VillageMD Walgreens; Kinnevik 250
05/10/17 Modernizing Medicine Warburg Pincus 231
Tiger Global; General Catalyst; Drive Capital; Silicon Valley Bank; GV; Sequoia Capital Global
12/01/20 Olive 226
Equities; Dragoneer Investment Group; Transformation Capital Partners
Alphabet Inc.; General Catalyst; Khosla Ventures; Lakestar; Coatue Management; Thrive
06/26/20 Oscar 225
Capital; Baillie Gifford
SoftBank Vision Fund; PSPIB; DFJ Growth; G Squared; Founders Fund; GV; Maverick
06/17/19 Collective Health 205
Ventures; Mubadala Ventures; NEA; Sun Life Financial
03/09/21 Cedar Tiger Global; Andreessen Horowitz; Thrive Capital; Concord Health Partners 200
Declaration Partners; Meritech Capital Partners; Bessemer Venture Partners; Cross Creek
11/29/18 Bright Health Advisors; Flare Capital Partners; Greenspring Associates; Greycroft Partners; New 200
Enterprise Associates; Redpoint Ventures; Town Hall Ventures
09/09/20 Grand Rounds The Carlyle Group 175
Founders Fund; 8VC; Verily; Fidelity Investments; General Catalyst; CapitalG; Khosla
03/27/18 Oscar 165
Ventures; Thrive Capital
Arena Ventures; Wildcat Venture Partners; AME Cloud Ventures; Casdin Capital; Floodgate;
05/23/16 Clover Health Nexus Venture Partners; Refactor Capital; Spark Capital; Greenoaks Capital Management; 160
Sequoia Capital; First Round Capital
Source: FT Partners’ Proprietary Transaction Database
FT Partners / QED 285
Selected Largest Private FinTech Healthcare Financing Transactions in the U.S. in the Last 5 Years (cont.)
Announced Date Company Selected Investors
Greenspring Associates; Greycroft Partners; Redpoint Ventures; Cross Creek Advisors; New
06/01/17 Bright Health $160
Enterprise Associates; Bessemer Venture Partners; Flare Capital Partners
Tiger Global; Dragoneer Investment Group; Baillie Gifford; Coatue Management; Founders
12/17/20 Oscar 140
Fund; Khosla Ventures; Lakestar; Reinvent Capital
03/04/20 Alignment Healthcare Fidelity Management & Research Company; T. Rowe Price; Durable Capital Partners 135
BoxGroup; GV; Palm Drive Capital; Western Technology Investment; Greenoaks Capital
05/11/17 Clover Health 130
Management; Sequoia Capital; First Round Capital
Drive Capital; Bond Capital; Tiger Global; Menlo Ventures; Cathay Innovation; GreatPoint
01/26/21 Sidecar Health Insurance 125
Insight Partners; Spark Capital; Concord Health Partners; Hummer Winblad Venture
03/16/21 Clarify Health Solutions 115
Partners; Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.; Rivas Capital; Sigmas Group
New Enterprise Associates; Founders Fund; GV; Maverick Ventures; Sun Life Financial;
02/28/18 Collective Health 110
Mubadala Ventures
05/11/21 Aetion Foresite Capital Management; Flare Capital Partners; NEA; B Capital Group; Warburg Pincus 110
09/17/20 Olive General Catalyst; Drive Capital; SVB Capital; Oak HC/FT; Ascension Health Ventures 106
01/19/21 Aledade Meritech Capital Partners; Tiger Global; IVP; OMERS Growth Equity 100
04/01/21 Friday Health Plans Vestar Capital Partners; Leadenhall Capital Partners 100
03/30/21 Rightway Healthcare Khosla Ventures; Thrive Capital; Tiger Global 100
03/10/21 Advise Health Holdings Oak HC/FT; Hamilton Lane; Adams Street Partners 100
Announced Date Company Selected Investors
04/06/16 Bright Health Bessemer Venture Partners; New Enterprise Associates; Flare Capital Partners $80
OMERS Growth Equity; California Medical Association; Meritech Capital Partners; Echo
04/20/20 Aledade 64
Health Ventures; The Central Valley Fund; GV
Venrock; Obvious Ventures; Oak HC/FT; NextView Ventures; Maverick Ventures; F-Prime
10/20/17 Devoted Health 62
Capital; Eight Roads
Aspect Ventures; Company Ventures; Flare Capital Partners; FLEX Capital Management;
02/18/21 Eden Health 60
Insight Partners; Max Ventures; PJC Capital
GGV Capital; Tenaya Capital; Sequoia Capital; True Ventures; Matrix Partners; Scale
08/02/18 Namely 60
Venture Partners
General Catalyst; 7wire Ventures; Merck Global Health Innovation Fund; Kleiner Perkins;
06/10/21 Transcarent Leaps by Bayer; GreatPoint Ventures; Threshold Ventures; Alta Partners; Jove Equity 58
Announced Date Company Selected Investors
03/31/20 Olive General Catalyst; Oak HC/FT; Drive Capital; Ascension Health Ventures $51
12/18/19 OM1 Scale Venture Partners; General Catalyst; Polaris Partners; 7wire Ventures 50
01/08/20 Komodo Health Andreessen Horowitz; Oak HC/FT; IA Ventures; Felicis Ventures 50
02/23/21 Circulo SVB Capital; Oak HC/FT; General Catalyst; Drive Capital 50
09/02/21 Solv Health aCrew Capital; Corner Ventures; Greylock Partners; Benchmark Capital 45
Lead Edge Capital; Martin Ventures; Jackson Square Ventures; Health Velocity Capital;
11/24/20 WELL 45
Summation Health Ventures; Structure Capital; Freestyle Capital
09/19/18 OODA Health Oak HC/FT; Threshold Ventures; Blue Shield of California 41
Announced Date Company Selected Investors
Tiger Global; GreatPoint Ventures; Cross Creek Advisors; SpringRock Ventures; Wildcat
01/17/21 Carrum Health $40
Venture Partners
SVB Capital; ICONIQ Growth; Bow Capital; Felicis Ventures; Social Leverage; SemperVirens
06/02/21 Nayya Health Venture Capital; Guardian Strategic Ventures; Unum Business Ventures; CNO Financial 37
03/06/18 Justworks FirstMark Capital; Index Ventures; Thrive Capital; Bain Capital Ventures; Redpoint Ventures 40
12/10/20 Elation Health Generation Investment Management; Threshold Ventures; Kapor Capital 40
Formation 8; Redpoint Ventures; RRE Ventures; Subtraction Capital; Rock Health; Founders
03/18/15 Collective Health 38
Fund; New Enterprise Associates
SVB Capital; ICONIQ Growth; Bow Capital; Felicis Ventures; Social Leverage; SemperVirens
06/02/21 Nayya Health Venture Capital; Guardian Strategic Ventures; Unum Business Ventures; CNO Financial 37
06/25/18 Cedar Investment AB Kinnevik; Founders Fund; Thrive Capital; Lakestar; Sound Ventures 36
New Enterprise Associates; Amgen Ventures; Flare Capital Partners; Lakestar; Oxeon
04/11/18 Aetion 36
Exchange / Ticker Amount Raised
IPO Date Company IPO Offer Price
Symbol ($mm)
05/25/16 Cotiviti 19.00 238
Acquired by Verscend in 2018
Announced Date Target Buyer
Announced Date Target Buyer
03/07/18 ABILITY Network Inovalon $1,200
Announced Date Target Buyer
Announced Date Target Buyer
Announced Date Target Buyer
• QED was founded in 2007 by Nigel Morris, who co-founded Capital One
and served as President and Chief Operating Officer, Frank Rotman,
and Caribou Honig
• QED primarily invests in seed and Series A rounds, but invests as early
as formation stage, through its Belay platform, and as late as Series B
Largest Wholesale
Healthcare Payments Healthcare Payments Revenue Cycle Management Health Insurance Distribution
Brokerage in the U.S.
Overview of Transaction
Significance of Transaction
FT Partners’ Role
Overview of Transaction
FT Partners’ Role
Overview of Transaction
Significance of Transaction
FT Partners’ Role
Overview of Transaction
Significance of Transaction
FT Partners’ Role
Overview of Transaction
Significance of Transaction
FT Partners’ Role
Overview of Transaction
Significance of Transaction
FT Partners’ Role
Overview of Transaction
Significance of Transaction
FT Partners’ Role
Overview of Transaction
Significance of Transaction
FT Partners’ Role
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