Ethics Commission Resignation

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Subject: FW: Ethics Commission resignation

From: Damian R. Sheets <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2023 7:58 AM
To: Ross Armstrong <>
Cc: Kim Wallin <>
Subject: Resignation
Dear Chairwoman Wallin and Executive Director Armstrong 
I have mixed emotions in writing this letter which serves as my formal resignation as a
Commissioner of the Nevada Commission on Ethics. My resignation is immediate and I am
copying the Governor’s office on this resignation letter. It is with great sadness that I make
this decision, but I can no longer serve on a commission that has strayed from its original
purpose and has been tainted by political interference, whether it be a product of internal
members' political views or external influence.

When Democratic Governer Sisolak appointed me to the Commission, I was honored to

accept. My father, at one time, had been the Chairman of the Nevada Commission on Ethics. I
had always believed the Commission was established to protect Nevada citizens from the
misuse of political office for personal gain and to ensure that governmental officials act with
the highest level of integrity and honesty. The Commission was specifically designed to
operate free of political interference and with the highest level of objective scrutiny.
Unfortunately, since becoming a Commissioner, I have witnessed a disturbing trend in the
Commission's behavior that leads me to feel my time must come to an end. 

While the Commission is supposed to investigate complaints without bias, prejudice, or

preference, the Commission's recent actions have shown it has little desire to do so. Shortly
after hiring a new executive director, the Commission self-initiated a complaint and
investigation against then gubernatorial candidate Joseph Lombardo. This complaint, which
was initiated by the then Executive Director of the Commission alleged that Mr. Lombardo
was committing an ethics violation because of his display of his badge in campaign ads. To
somehow claim that a gubernatorial candidate who was the current Clark County Sheriff
should be prohibited from discussing with or showing the public his high ranking law
enforcement service to the community was preposterous and, in my opinion, such a
proposition was particularly offensive considering the complaints about others that the
Commission elected not to investigate, even after concluding there was jurisdiction to do so. 
Also of particular concern was the timing of this self-initiated complaint, which just so
happened to be initiated during the beginning of a hotly contested gubernatorial race (the
Commission formally issued the order for the investigation February 24, 2022, and the self
initiated complaint was tendered shortly after Mr. Lombardo announced his campaign run in
2021). Additionally, and mysteriously, shortly thereafter, the Executive Director was
terminated or resigned from the Commission without any sufficient explanation to the
Commission as to the reasoning behind that departure. During the discussions regarding the
Lombardo complaint, I objected to the Commission’s course and made my position clear. I
was admonished by others at the commission that precedent established that there was an
ethical violation. I did not feel it was proper that my findings were being suggested for me,
especially considering I had already made my objections known. Despite these objections, the
review panel -comprised of myself, a Democrat appointed by Governor Sisolak,
Commissioner Grunewald, a Democratic Legislative appointee, and Commissioner Duffrin,
another Sisolak appointee- overruled my vote and chose (despite the Commission's actions
with other individuals) to pursue this complaint against then Republican candidate and now
Governor Lombardo. 
In my opinion, this behavior was unacceptable and violates the core principles upon which the
Commission was founded. The decision to self-initiate a complaint against a gubernatorial
candidate, during the outset of the campaign, while having previously ignored other (stronger)
complaints against other individuals, appeared to be nothing more than a politically motivated
hit job. This decision went against the principles of fairness and impartiality that are essential
to the Commission's work. It is clear to me that the Commission has lost its way and is no
longer operating in the best interests of the citizens of Nevada or free of political influence
and, while I had hoped to remain on the Commission to vote against any action proposed
against Governor Lombardo, it appears that my vote will have no consequence, as the decision
has already been made. Therefore, I am resigning immediately and hoping that this letter
breathes some common sense into the remaining Commissioners’ handling of the misplaced
Lombardo complaint. 

I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the opportunity to serve on the
Commission. It was an honor to be appointed to a commission with the common goal of
upholding the highest standards of ethics in public office. I am proud of the work I have done,
the strong opinions I have put forth, and I hope that the Commission will soon find its way
back to the principles that guided its establishment.

Thank you for your time and assistance, and I wish the Commission well. 

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