Ethics Commission Resignation
Ethics Commission Resignation
Ethics Commission Resignation
From: Damian R. Sheets <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2023 7:58 AM
To: Ross Armstrong <>
Cc: Kim Wallin <>
Subject: Resignation
Dear Chairwoman Wallin and Executive Director Armstrong
I have mixed emotions in writing this letter which serves as my formal resignation as a
Commissioner of the Nevada Commission on Ethics. My resignation is immediate and I am
copying the Governor’s office on this resignation letter. It is with great sadness that I make
this decision, but I can no longer serve on a commission that has strayed from its original
purpose and has been tainted by political interference, whether it be a product of internal
members' political views or external influence.
I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the opportunity to serve on the
Commission. It was an honor to be appointed to a commission with the common goal of
upholding the highest standards of ethics in public office. I am proud of the work I have done,
the strong opinions I have put forth, and I hope that the Commission will soon find its way
back to the principles that guided its establishment.
Thank you for your time and assistance, and I wish the Commission well.