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3. True or false.
1. Much of the world’s oil and natural gas is pumped from the rocks of the seabed.
2. Cliffs made of soil or soft rock can’t erode very quickly.
3. People sometimes do reclamation the land that was once covered by the sea.
4. When the waves slow down, they transport the materials they were carrying.
5. Over a period of time, longshore drift can carry the whole beach away along the coast.
2. Sand dunes are very fragile and they can produce the land form called
(a) blow- outs
(b) out bowl
(c) spit
4. --------- are long and wide concrete walls or barriers made of rocks.
(a) Sea walls
(b) Breakwaters
(c) Barrages
5. The bacteria in sewage use up the -------- in the seawater, left little for aquatic animals.
(a) chlorine
(b) oxygen
(c) nitrogen