Cma5000 Osa425 400

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CMA 5000

Optical Spectrum Analysis Application

Ideal Solution For Any Test Today’s competitive environment demands OSA 400: the highest performances for your
Scenario that networks offer exceptional performance WDM system. The OSA 400 extends the per-
As a part of the CMA 5000 and reliability with minimal down time. When formances of the OSA 425 and provides lab
platform, the OSA applications characterizing and documenting such strin- specifications in a rugged field module. With
are just one other way to ac- gent performance levels, the CMA 5000 Opti- best in class ORR, this OSA can compute
celerate the deployment of
services while reducing the cal Spectrum Analysis (OSA) applications are OSNR measurements with very high accura-
cost of measurement. With the ideal single solution for facilitating accu- cy. The unique flat top filter can drop signal
test and measurement options rate and efficient channel management, power up to 40Gb/s to do transport analysis.
ranging from OTDR, connector
inspection and dispersion to balancing and tuning throughout the network.
optical spectral analysis, bit The OSA applications lower CWDM and Added value through performance:
error rate, SONET/SDH analy- DWDM installation and maintenance costs by • Wide spectral range for characterization
sis and Gigabit Ethernet, the
CMA 5000 is the ideal single providing industry leading spectral analysis of of the full telecom spectral range with a
solution for all your testing system critical parameters. single unit
needs. • High wavelength and power accuracy in
Operating from 1250 to 1650 nm, these OSA all conditions
modules for the CMA5000 are the perfect • Exclusive Channel Select option allows
tools for testing large wavelength range user to drop a wavelength for additional
CWDM system. analysis for any modulation rate up to
40Gb/s (OSA 400)
Two different modules are available to meet • High ORR: up to 65 dBc at 50 GHz from
all test requirements: the OSA 425 and the peak (OSA 400)
OSA 400.
Reduced cost of measurement:
OSA 425: the optimized cost OSA. • Easy-to-use one button complete spectral
This OSA is ready for field operation and characterization
harsh environment. Its internal calibration • User-defined configurations for custom
valid over all temperature range gives you CWDM and DWDM testing
accurate power and wavelength measurement • Reduced test time through targeted appli-
in all conditions without any user calibration. cations

Key Features Best in Class Optical Rejection for Accurate OSNR Measurements
Optical REJECTION Ratio (ORR) is a very important parameter for an Optical Spectrum Ana-
lyzer. This parameter gives the noise floor at a specified distance away from the center wave-
length of the channel under test (see fig.1). ORR values are generally specified either at 50 GHz,
25GHz or 12.5 GHz away from the center of the channel. High ORR values guarantee high
OSNR measurement accuracy. With its high Optical Rejection Ratio, more than 65dBc at 50
GHz from peak, the OSA400 is the perfect tool for measuring accurate OSNR on DWDM chan-

ORR (OSA 400) :

65 dBc at ± 50 Ghz
55 dBC at ± 25 Ghz > 65 dB
35 dBc at ± 12.5 Ghz

50 GHz

Fig.1: Two peaks at 50Ghz spacing with OSA400. OSNR measurements are no longer limited by
the OSA optical response.

Excellent Polarization Dependant Loss (PDL)

The polarization sensitivity of an optical spectrum analyzer is a measurement of the power
response fluctuation due to the input signal state of polarization. PDL is the ratio between the
transmittances in the best and worst polarization states. The results is expressed in dB. This pa-
Polarization Depend- rameter can strongly impact the accuracy of the power measurement: for a same level of input
ent Loss:
power, an OSA displays different results depending on the state of polarization of the incoming
± 0.1 dB (Typ)
light. For field OSA, PDL is as important as power accuracy. Change of temperature, vibration
over fiber, or fiber bend will modify the polarization of light. In such a situation - frequent in the
PDL + Repeatability: field - the power accuracy can only be guaranteed with a minimum PDL. Here are some exam-
± 0.15 dB ples that illustrate how important the PDL value is on the power measurement accuracy (see

Gain Tilt Gain Tilt: Difference in signal power

highest to lowest.

With 0.4 dB power accuracy and

0.1 PDL, the maximum error on
gain tilt measurement is 1.0 dB.

With 0.4 dB power accuracy and

0.5 PDL, the maximum error on
gain tilt measurement is 1.8 dB.

Fig.2: Influence of PDL on power accuracy measurement . With +/-0.1 dB of PDL, the
CMA 5000 OSA modules guarantee high power accuracy measurements in any conditions.

CMA 5000 Optical Spectrum Analysis Application Page 2 of 7

Automatic EDFA tests Benefits and Features
Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFAs) are commonly used in today’s WDM networks. Opti-
cal amplification is the main function of an EDFA and consequently, the gain is one of the most
important parameter to measure. Nevertheless, the gain is depending on many other parameters:
wavelengths, polarization, power… In theory, the EDFA gain is supposed to be flat in its operat-
ing window, but in practical it can vary from one wavelength to another. The noise figure of an
EDFA must also be checked as this value will determine how many amplifiers can be cascaded
on a link. That’s why it is important to be able to measure the dependence of the EDFA gain to
these parameters with an OSA. The CMA5000 OSA’s provide automatic test for fast and easy
EDFA characterization:

Automatic computation
of EDFA parameters:

Input power for each

Output power for each
EDFA gain in dB for
each channel

PIN POUT EDFA noise values

thresholds for mini-
mum and maximun
power values

Visual indication when

thresholds are trig-

Fig.3: Input and Output EDFA curves display on the same graph for immediate analysis.

Fig.4: The OSA application automatically computes the EDFA parameters from the curves and
displays the results in a table with coloured threshold indication.

Page 3 of 7 CMA 5000 Optical Spectrum Analysis Application

Key Features Unique Channel Drop Filter (OSA 400 only)
The deployment of DWDM systems presents system engineers and maintenance personnel with
the added challenge of how to selectively choose one channel among many and analyze its per-
formance. For example, WDM networks are commonly used to transport SDH/SONET signal.
Each data channel is carried on its own unique wavelength. Several channels are transmitted on
the fiber at the same time. To analyze the SDH/SONET signal, it is necessary to select and drop
the corresponding wavelength. The main challenge is to ensure that the bandwidth of the filter
does not degrade the integrity of the channel under test. In the case of a 10 Gb/sec modulated
signal, depending on the modulation technique, the bandwidth of the filter within the spectrum
analyzer may need to be in excess of 20 GHz. For practical use, it is desirable that the band-
width of the filter be large enough to accommodate center wavelength drift of both the channel
under test and the measuring device, as well as the sidebands of the modulated signal. For a 40
Gb/sec system the bandwidth of the device may need to exceed 80 GHz. The OSA 400 has
Unique Tunable flat unique embedded channel drop filter. Any wavelength can be selected via the tunable flat top
top sharp-edge filter sharp-edge filter. The bandwidth of the filter is also adjustable depending on the modulation rate
for channel drop of the signal. The OSA 400 filter can support modulation rate up to 40 Gbps. The combination
of the OSA module and the SONET/SDH module (XTA or UTA module) in the same CMA
Ability to drop a signal
up to 40 Gbps for 5000 platform is particularly useful to completely test WDM links carrying SONET/SDH sig-
transport analysis nals as shown below:
filter width

Fig.5: The CMA 5000 offers a “all-in-one” solution for extracting SDH/SONET signal from WDM

CMA 5000 Optical Spectrum Analysis Application Page 4 of 7

OSA Specifications OSA 400 OSA 425 Notes

Spectral Range 1250-1650 nm

±40 pm
Wavelength Accuracy 1,2
±15 pm 3
Wavelength Repeatability 4 ±5 pm
Wavelength Stability 5 ±10 pm

Wavelength Linearity 2 ±15 pm

Maximum Total Safe Power +25 dBm
Power Range per
+20 to -70 dBm
Channel 2,6
Noise Floor 6,7 -75 dBm 1 Signal from +5 to -30 dBm
from 15°C to 30°C
Power Accuracy 8 ±0.4 dB
2 in C&L band
Power Repeatability 4 ±0.04 dB (1530-1610 nm)
3User offset with external
Power Linearity 1 ±0.1 dB
Power Flatness 2 ±0.3 dB 4 in 5 consecutive scans
Power Stability 5 ±0.1 dB 5 in 1 hour
Polarization Dependent
±0.1 dB 6 with averaging
Loss 9,10
PDL + Repeatability 9 ±0.15 dB 7 In C Band (1530-1570 nm)
Optical Resolution 60 pm; 100 pm; 200 pm & 8 at -15 dBm in C band
<70 pm
Bandwidth (FWHM) 2 500 pm 12 (1530-1570 nm)
Settings Resolution Full, 0.1 nm, 0.2 nm, 0.5 nm, Full, 0.1 nm, 0.2 nm, 0.5 nm,
Bandwidth 1 nm 1 nm
9 at 1550 nm; at 23°C ±2°C
65 dBc at ±50 Ghz from peak 40 dBc at ±50 Ghz from peak 10 Typical
55 dBc at ±25 GHz from peak 35 dBc at ±25 GHz from peak
Optical Rejection Ratio 2,11
35 dBc at ±12.5 Ghz from 25 dBc at ±12.5 Ghz from 11 with the finest resolution
peak peak
12 ±10%
Optical Return Loss >45 dB >40 dB
13 45 nm scan
Maximum Measurement
8s (for 400 nm and 80,000 sampling points) 14 For FWHM > 150 pm
Scanning Time 13 < 2s
Channel Number 1024
Wavelength Readout
1 pm
Power Readout Resolution 0,01 dB

Internal Temperature Sensor Yes

Internal Wavelength
Yes (Automatic)

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Channel Drop Features OSA 400 OSA 425
Spectral Range 1250-1650 nm NA
Modulation Rate Up to 40 Gbps NA
User selectable from 60 to
Filter Bandwidth 9 NA
800 pm
Insertion Loss 9 <10 dB NA
Autopositioning Accuracy 10 ±40 pm NA
Wavelength Resolution 5 pm NA
Polarization Dependent
±0.1 dB NA
Loss 9,10
Optical Bandwidth
20 pm NA
in C&L band
(1530-1610 nm) Flatness 14 Width at -0.2 dB> FWHM / 2 NA
Crosstalk 2 Up to 65 dB NA
9 at 1550 nm; at 23°C ±2°C

10 Typical
14 For FWHM > 150 pm

General Specifications
Operating Temperature 0°C to +40°C
Storage Temperature -20°C to +70°C

Humidity 95% RH non-condensing

Battery Operation Yes
Calibration Cycle 1 year recommended
Warranty 1 year standard

CMA 5000 platform features are detailed in the CMA 5000 platform specifications sheet

Ordering Guide

References Description
OSA 400 with filter: High resolution Optical Spectrum Analyzer
5510-100-OSA-XXX covering 1250-1650 nm with channel selector for signals up to
40 Gbps
5525-000-OSA-XXX OSA 425: Optical Spectrum Analyzer covering 1250-1650nm
XXX= connector option UFC = FC/UPC

CMA 5000 Optical Spectrum Analysis Application Page 6 of 7

Specifications subject to change without notice

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