Ickhamal Template-Translete
Ickhamal Template-Translete
Ickhamal Template-Translete
(ICIIS), 2022
A. Moh. Ickhamal Suryadinata 1, 2 3
1,2,3State Islamic University of Datokarama Palu
Corresponding Author: Author’s Name, A. Moh. Ickhamal Suryadinata E-mail: Ickhamaltravel16@gmail.com
1. Introduction
Arabic is the language of Muslims. Arabic has become very important, especially in non-Arab communities, because
Indonesians whose religion is Islam need to learn Arabic—considering the Qur'an and hadith as a guide to the life of Islam
using Arabic. One of the success factors of students’ education is Arabic. Arabic is essential in students' lives because it has
become a daily means of communication for students. The existence of Arabic students can provide ideas, thoughts, feelings,
or news to other individuals, not only orally or in writing.
Furthermore, by proficiency in Arabic, students can understand and interpret the content of the Qur'an and Hadith.
Understanding Arabic, of course, there are many difficulties. However, all can be proficiently in Arabic with a fixed system and
service. As stated by Abdul Chaer and Leonie Agustina, the self-development of students in improving good foreign language
skills and suitable learning materials can affect language improvement and reduce language difficulties, as well as various
aspects of language goals and activities and other parts of guidance (Abdul Chaer and Leonie Agustina, 2016).
In everyday life, humans certainly use language in interaction with others. Traditionally it can be stated that the
function of language is a tool in interaction or a means of communication, meaning that language is used in conveying
information, feelings, opinions, or concepts. Errors in language often occur in the process of communication and interaction
between humans with each other. These interactions can occur in official or unofficial forums. In schools that are educational
agents, it turns out that there are still often mistakes in language politeness. It can be seen in the teaching and learning
process, as well as activities in the school environment. Language politeness shapes a person's attitude in communicating
with others. From the use of a person's language in speaking to others, it can be known the character and personality that
the person has. Hence, the content of character education must be applied by every educator in various educational
institutions in every language activity, so that basic principles of this language can be used as learning and training to develop
student's language skills (Butt D. et al., 2017).
Arabic subjects are subjects studied in Islamic schools based on Islamic boarding schools. After all, Arabic is the
primary tool in studying reference sources of Islamic teachings such as the Quran, Hadith and books by previous Islamic
scholars, the application of a good pattern with a good system in the Pondok Pesantren environment is undoubtedly more
appropriate to use because all students live in the dormitory of Pondok Pesantren. After all, it will be easier to control and
direct them. As stated by Martin, J.R: The application of the language environment is beneficial in learning Arabic because the
name of the language must be used for daily communication tools. In this case, it can be applied in the environment at the
Islamic Boarding School, whose purpose is to help students with language learning (Butt D. et al., 2017).
The ability to speak the students' language at Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru Modern Islamic Boarding School needs to be
developed using various learning strategies because, in speaking, it is necessary to have oral habituation to pronounce Arabic
letters and sentences themselves. After all, the pronunciation of the sentences is not the same as that of Indonesian
sentences. Related to the problem of language development of students in the Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru Modern Islamic
Boarding School environment, the author wants to find a way to how a teacher's efforts to improve the Arabic skills of
students at PPM Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru. Based on the description above, the author wants to conduct a study entitled:
"Teachers' Efforts in Improving Student Arabic Language Skills at PPM Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru."
2. Literature Review
2.1 Overview of Teachers
Education is the key to the future success of a nation and guides every human being in a better direction than before.
Therefore, every human must study science to know what is good and bad. Teachers are professional educators with the task
of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating learners on early childhood education pathways
of formal education, primary education, and secondary education. As for higher education, educators in charge of providing
teaching are called lecturers.
3. Methodology
In this paper, the type of research used by the author is qualitative research. The approach in this study is to describe
a process of educational activities based on what happens in the field as material for further study to find educational
shortcomings and weaknesses so that efforts can be determined to improve it. Analyze and interpret an educational fact,
symptom, and event that occurs in the field as it is in the context of time and space and the situation of the educational
environment naturally. This study is located at the Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru Modern Islamic Boarding School, Sigi Biromaru,
Central Sulawesi Province. Primary and secondary data sources. The data collection techniques used in this study are
observation, interviews, and documentation. The data is analyzed using inductive, deductive, and comparative analysis
a. Using Arabic in the learning process
At the Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru Modern Islamic Boarding School, learning must be delivered using two languages:
Arabic and English. It is based on the results of research in Pesantren, through interviews with informants who state that:
"Every teacher is required to deliver learning materials must use Arabic and English because in Pondok it upholds language
more and makes the language a mandatory language, both in the classroom and outside the classroom. Because Islamic
boarding schools have the principle that (language is our crown) which means language is the crown of the cottage, all
students must use Arabic and English. Arabic and English skills towards Santri at the Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru Modern Islamic
Boarding School. It has been proven because every process of providing Learning materials both in the classroom and outside
the classroom must use foreign languages, namely Arabic and English" (Ust Saad Ibnu Taba, 2021).
Based on the statement of Ust Saad Ibn Taba shows that the Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru Islamic boarding school always
uses Arabic and English, not only in the learning process in the classroom and even outside the classroom, and upholds
language because the language is likened to the crown of Pondok.
On the other hand, students on behalf of Nabil Al-Fauzan stated that the Islamic boarding school Al-Istiqamah
Ngatabaru always uses Arabic and English, both in the learning process in the classroom and outside the classroom, as well as
upholding the language, because the language is likened to the crown of the Pondok. So that all students at the Al-Istiqamah
Ngatabaru Modern Islamic Boarding School are motivated because the Pondok has taught the virtues of using foreign
languages, thus creating a linguistic atmosphere, both Arabic and English (Nabil Al-Fauzan, 2021).
c. Public Speaking/Muhadhoroh
Muhadhoroh activity is an activity of practicing speeches or lectures at Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru Islamic boarding
school, which is one of the activities in improving the Arabic language skills of students from grade 1 to grade 4. In this
speech, students are required to prepare speech texts in Arabic, and then the text is memorized and presented in front of
their friends. The expected competence of students towards this muhadhoroh activity is intellectual competence in which
students are required to open dictionaries, books and other references that can support the title of their speech. This effort is
one of the various arts that require improvement to become proficient and practice and guidance in using Arabic variedly.
As stated by Ustadz Abdul Rahman in the following interview: "With this muhadhoroh activity, it can train all students
in speaking using Arabic and be able to help in the process of improving the Arabic language. Furthermore, this effort can
train students to pronounce sentences in Arabic fluently, fluently and correctly. (Ustadz Abdul Rahman, 2021)" Student
named Muh. Rizqon Jayyid Jiddan said that: This muhadhoroh activity can train them to speak using Arabic, especially for all
students, and can help improve the Arabic language. Through this activity, it can train students to pronounce sentences in
Arabic fluently, fluently and correctly.
It can be seen from the results of observations made by researchers every Thursday afternoon. Every time the
muhadhoroh activity on Thursday afternoon, the students make speeches in Arabic. Then all students can speak using Arabic
and motivate students to be more enthusiastic in using language both in class and outside the classroom, advising all
students to participate in activities related to language development. The muhadhoroh activity is carried out every Sunday
and Thursday.
d. Daily Conversation
Muhadasah/daily conversation activity is a presentation of learning materials using Arabic through conversation, in
the conversation can be carried out between the teacher and the student and between the student and the student while
adding and adding to the vocabulary (vocabulary) which is increasing (Muh. Rizqon Jayyid Jiddan, 2021).
Ustadz Muh Fauzan Anshar stated in the following interview: "The provision of this muhadasah is to train the
student's ability to speak using Arabic, especially daily conversation. To implement these efforts, all students must
muhadasah using Arabic and English until they are fluent, and language teachers/managers must set an example to all
students in doing muhadasah with a student. It must be in Arabic or English so all students can use their teachers and
administrators as an example and motivate themselves to be what he sees." (Ustadz Muh Fauzan Anshar, 2021).
Muh. Raafiul Anam stated that this muhadasah gift would train the student's ability to speak using Arabic, especially
in daily conversations. To implement these efforts, all students are required to muhadasah by using Arabic and English until
they are fluent, and teachers/language mobilizers must set an example to all students in doing muhadasah with a student. He
must speak Arabic or English so that all students can use their teachers and administrators as examples and motivations for
himself to be what he sees.
The informant's statement above shows that efforts to give muhadasah can train students' ability to speak using
Arabic, especially in daily conversations. However, to successfully implement this effort, all students must muhadasah by
using Arabic and English until they are fluent. In addition, teachers/language mobilizers must set an example for all students
doing muhadasah. A student must speak Arabic so that all students can make their teachers and administrators an example
and motivate themselves to become what they see.
For example, one of the alumni, Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru modern Islamic boarding school, Ust. Muh Farid Dzulhaj, who
is now an Arabic teacher at the Islamic boarding school tahfidz Qur'an ar-Rayyan in Kapiore village, Palolo district, Sigi district,
stated that the efforts he made in improving language were: preparing learning instruments, preparing muhadasah texts to
be studied, dividing the text of each student, giving an overview of the role, carrying out the role of Language learning as
From the explanation above, it can be understood that, before implementing the efforts to give muhadasah, the
teacher prepares several efforts that will be carried out in the classroom, namely preparing learning instruments, preparing
dialogues to be played, dividing the roles of each student, giving an overview of roles, carrying out the role of language
learning as prepared. Then, after implementing the effort to give muhadasah, the author asked about the learning process in
the classroom using efforts to give muhadasah.
The first step of this effort is that the teacher will create a group for muhadasah. The teacher will clearly express the
background of the dialogue in this muhadasah learning activity. Furthermore, the teacher will appoint a group to play an
Arabic text according to the dialogue made in the muhadasah. Students who are in the study group are asked to pay
attention to students who are performing roles. Next, the student study group was asked to translate and memorize the
dialogue material played by the study group. In the final stage, the teacher will make a mufradhat from the muhadasah of
learning that has been carried out to make it easier to understand and memorize.
From the explanation above, it can be seen that the process of learning Arabic uses efforts to give muhadasah,
spurring students to improve their language skills if one group has demonstrated its role, the other group must pay close
attention to the dialogue played if the teacher gives questions to other groups. If they cannot answer, the group will be
punished, and vice versa. If the group is also unable to answer, all participants from that group are given punishment.
If the answer is correct, then the second group's turn plays its part. But if the answer is wrong, the other group can
answer. Then, the first group must carry out the punishment. This type of punishment takes the form of rote/mufradhat. For
example, the duration of muhadasah learning is carried out every Tuesday at dawn. Therefore, teachers of Arabic and
English, one of the elements in the field of education, must play an active role and place their position as professionals by the
demands of an increasingly developing society. In this case, the teacher is not only a teacher who transfers knowledge but
also an educator who transfers values and a guide who provides direction and guides students in learning.
4.2 Implications of Teachers' Efforts in improving Arabic language skills of Students at the Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru
Modern Islamic Boarding School
As for the results of the implications of teachers' efforts in improving the Arabic language skills of students at the Al-
Istiqamah Ngatabaru Islamic Boarding School, the author summarizes several points as follows:
Because every teacher in implementing the learning process always uses foreign languages, namely Arabic and
English, students also feel pleasure in listening to the teacher delivering a learning material using these languages, so that all
students are motivated to learn the foreign language. So it is to the informant's data in the following interview: "Anyway, at
the Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru Islamic Boarding School, we as a teacher council when we want to convey the learning process
must use Foreign Languages, namely Arabic and English, and we should convey the learning process to train students in
understanding and applying foreign language learning at the Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru Islamic Boarding School so that there is
a sense of interest for students to using a foreign language because they are motivated by a teacher who delivers learning
using a foreign language and sees administrators who convey discipline using Language." Therefore, from the statement
above, it can be concluded that efforts to develop Arabic in the Learning Process can motivate students to learn and apply
the language at the Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru Islamic Boarding School.
To an interview with Ustadz Rahmat A Tunggeng that there are several lessons that we give to students, including
Memorizing mufrodhat which is usually spoken daily in as many as 30 vocabularies, Memorizing mufrodhat, twice from the
first sanction to 60 vocabularies, Cleaning the environment of The Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru Islamic Boarding School.
5. Conclusion
Based on the results of research and discussions about teachers' efforts in improving the Arabic language skills of
students at the Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru Modern Islamic Boarding School, researchers conducted research directly at the
location by conducting observations and interviews, and the author concluded that:
a. The efforts of teachers in improving the Arabic language skills of students at the modern Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru
Islamic Boarding School, Sigi Biromaru District, Sigi Regency, by using various efforts and by the Arabic language
learning that has been applied at the Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru Islamic Boarding School: Using Arabic in the Learning
Process, Giving Mufrodhat / vocabulary is a thing that contains a list or words used in Arabic., Muhadhoroh activity is
an activity of oratory or lecture exercises carried out at Al-Istiqamah modern Islamic boarding school which is one of
the activities in improving the Arabic language skills of students starting from grade 1 to grade 4., and muhadasah /
daily conversation is a presentation of learning materials both using Arabic and English through conversation, in the
conversation can be done between teachers and students and between students and students, while adding and
adding to the vocabulary more and more.
b. The implication of a conclusion of the final result of the teacher's efforts in improving Arabic language skills towards
Santri at the Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru Modern Islamic Boarding School is: Santri is Motivated to learn Arabic, increasing
student's vocabulary in Arabic, Santri is accustomed to pronouncing Arabic, Student becomes fluent in using Arabic.
These efforts can improve the learning process at the Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru Islamic Boarding School, Sigi Biromaru
District, Sigi Regency, so that students can have the ability to write, listen, read and speak using 2 languages, namely
Arabic and English. The foreign language is successfully proven by the ability of students to use foreign languages.
Abdul Chaer and Leonie Agustina (2016). Sociolinguistics. (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta).
Butt, D. et al. (2017) Using Functional Grammar: An Explorer's Guide. Second Edition. (Sydney: National Centre for English
Language Teaching and Research Macquarie University).
Muh. Raafiul Anam, sebagai Santri, di Pondok Pesantren Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru “ Wawancara Pribadi, 20 Desember 2021
Muh. Rizqon Jayyid Jiddan, sebagai Santri Mu'allimin Al-Islamiyah , di Pondok Pesantren Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru “
Wawancara Pribadi, 20 Desember 2021.
Nabil Al-Fauzan, sebagai Santri , di Pondok Pesantren Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru “ Wawancara Pribadi, 23 November 2021 Ust
Abdul Rahman, sebagai Guru Tarbiyatul Mu'allimin Al-Islamiyah, di Pondok Pesantren Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru “
Wawancara Pribadi, 20 Desember 2021.
Ust Muh Fauzan Anshar, sebagai Guru Tarbiyatul Mu'allimin Al-Islamiyah , di Pondok Pesantren Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru “
Wawancara Pribadi, 20 Desember 2021.
Ust. Rahmat A Tunggeng, sebagai Staff language Advisory Council, di Pondok Pesantren Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru “ Wawancara
Pribadi, 17 November 2021.
Ust Saad Ibnu Taba, Direktur Tarbiyatul Mu'allimin Al-Islamiyah, diPondok Pesantren Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru “Wawancara
Pribadi, 16 November 2021.