Steps in Conducting Survey
Steps in Conducting Survey
Steps in Conducting Survey
Before you start conducting survey research, you should already have a clear research
question that defines what you want to find out. Based on this question, you need to
determine exactly who you will target to participate in the survey.
The target population is the specific group of people that you want to find out about.
This group can be very broad or relatively narrow. For example:
Your survey should aim to produce results that can be generalized to the whole
population. That means you need to carefully define exactly who you want to draw
conclusions about.
It’s rarely possible to survey the entire population of your research – it would be very
difficult to get a response from every person in Brazil or every college student in the US.
Instead, you will usually survey a sample from the population.
The sample size depends on how big the population is. You can use an online sample
calculator to work out how many responses you need.
Oral interviews are a useful method for smaller sample sizes. They allow you to gather
more in-depth information on people’s opinions and preferences. You can conduct
interviews by phone or in person.
You have personal contact with respondents, so you know exactly who will be
included in the sample in advance.
You can clarify questions and ask for follow-up information when necessary.
The lack of anonymity may cause respondents to answer less honestly, and
there is more risk of researcher bias.
Like questionnaires, interviews can be used to collect quantitative data: the researcher
records each response as a category or rating and statistically analyzes the results. But
they are more commonly used to collect qualitative data: the interviewees’ full
responses are transcribed and analyzed individually to gain a richer understanding of
their opinions and feelings.
Closed-ended questions are best for quantitative research. They provide you with
numerical data that can be statistically analyzed to find patterns, trends,
and correlations.
Open-ended questions are best for qualitative research. This type of question has no
predetermined answers to choose from. Instead, the respondent answers in their own
Open questions are most common in interviews, but you can also use them in
questionnaires. They are often useful as follow-up questions to ask for more detailed
explanations of responses to the closed questions.
When constructing closed-ended questions, ensure that the options cover all
possibilities. If you include a list of options that isn’t exhaustive, you can add an “other”
When you are satisfied that you have created a strong research design suitable for
answering your research questions, you can conduct the survey through your method of
choice – by mail, online, or in person.
If you asked open-ended questions, you will have to code the responses by assigning
labels to each response and organizing them into categories or themes. You can also
use more qualitative methods, such as thematic analysis, which is especially suitable for
analyzing interviews.
Statistical analysis is usually conducted using programs like SPSS or Stata. The same
set of survey data can be subject to many analyses.
In the methodology section, you describe exactly how you conducted the survey. You
should explain the types of questions you used, the sampling method, when and where
the survey took place, and the response rate. You can include the full questionnaire as
an appendix and refer to it in the text if relevant.
Then introduce the analysis by describing how you prepared the data and the statistical
methods you used to analyze it. In the results section, you summarize the key results
from your analysis.
In the discussion and conclusion, you give your explanations and interpretations of
these results, answer your research question, and reflect on the implications and
limitations of the research.