2021 Wassce Biology Theory

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A sample of human blood was put in a test tube and allowed to spin in a centrifuge. The components of
the blood sample were clearly separated.
(a) List the four main components of blood that would be in the test tube.
(b) Name the components of the blood that:
(i) Would form the top layer in the test tube
(ii) Destroys pathogens
(iii) Is bi-concave in shape
(iv) Would be relatively low in a haemophilic condition
(v) Is produced in the bone marrow
(vi) Is a thrombocyte
(vii) Is nucleated
(c) Mention three chemical substances transported by the blood component named in 1(b)(i)
(d) List four diseases associated with blood.
(e) Explain briefly why a disease of the blood could be dangerous.

(a) What is dentition in animals?
(b) Describe briefly the generalized structure of a tooth in animals.
(c) List three food substances that plants manufacture from glucose.
(d) Make a diagram, 6cm to 8cm long of an experimental set-up to show that oxygen is produced during
(a) Complete the table below by placing each of the following organisms under the appropriate heading.
Algae, Bacteria, Dog, Water lettuce, Tadpole, Cat, Lemna, Waterleaf, Mucor, Mushroom

(b) (i) Name four products of decomposition.

(ii) Mention three roles of decomposers on a refuse dump.
(c) List three materials found in a refuse dump which would not be affected by the action of

(a) Complete the table below by naming five wildlife animals in West Africa and one body part each that
makes them endangered because of the activities of humans.

(b) State three effects each of the following factors on the conservation of natural resources:
(i) Poor economy of a nation
(ii) Poaching
(c) State four roles played by the Government in conservation of natural resources.
(a) Complete the table below by naming the nutrient cycle that involves each of the given processes and
give three other processes involved in the nutrient cycle.

(b) (i) What is irritability?

(ii) Complete the table below by stating the type of response elicited by each of the given actions.

(c) Name three animals each that exhibit:

(i) Territoriality
(ii) Seasonal migration
(iii) Display

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