Saponification Value SOP

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No : AIL/COR/QC / OIL-01
Rev. No : 00
SOP for Saponification value Date : 23.12.2020
Page |1

The saponification value is the number of mg of potassium hydroxide required to saponify 1
gram of oil/fat.


The oil sample is saponified by refluxing with a known excess of alcoholic potassium hydroxide
solution. The alkali required for saponification is determined by titrating the excess potassium hydroxide
with standard hydrochloric acid.

Analytical importance:

The saponification value is an index of mean molecular weight of the fatty acids of glycerides
comprising a fat. Lower the saponification value, larger the molecular weight of fatty acids in the
glycerides and vice-versa.


a. 250 mL capacity conical flask with ground glass joints.

b. 1 m long air condenser, or reflux condenser (65 cm minimum in length) to fit the flask (a).

c. Hot water bath or electric hot plate fitted with thermostat.


1. Aldehyde free alcohol: conforming to IS: 323-1959 Specification for Rectified Spirit

2. Alcoholic Potassium Hydroxide Solution - Dissolve 35 to 40 gm of potassium hydroxide in

20 mL of distilled water, and add sufficient aldehyde-free alcohol to make up to 1000
mL. Allow the solution to stand in a tightly stoppered bottle for 24 hours. Then quickly
decant the clear supernatant into a suitable, tight container, and standardize the
solution and keep in a bottle closed tight with a cork or rubber stopper.

3. Phenolphthalein indicator solution - Dissolve 1.0 gm of phenolphthalein 100 mL

rectified spirit

4. Standard hydrochloric acid: approximately 0.5N

Prepared by Approved by
Doc. No : AIL/COR/QC / OIL-01
Rev. No : 00
SOP for Saponification value Date : 23.12.2020
Page |2


 Melt the sample if it is not already liquid and filter through a filter paper to remove any
impurities and the last traces of moisture

 Make sure that the sample is completely dry. Mix the sample thoroughly and weigh about 1.5 to
2.0 gm of dry sample into a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask. Pipette 25 mL of the alcoholic potassium
hydroxide solution into the flask.

 Conduct a blank determination along with the sample. Connect the sample and blank flasks with
air condensers; keep on the water bath, gently and steadily boiling until saponification is
complete, indicated by absence of any oily matter and the appearance of a clear solution.

 Clarity may be achieved within one hour of boiling. After the flask and condenser have cooled,
wash down the inside of the condenser with about 10 mL of hot ethyl alcohol neutral to

 The excess potassium hydroxide is determined by titration with 0.5N hydrochloric acid, using
about 1.0 mL phenolphthalein indicator.


Saponification Value = 56.1 (B-S) N/ W


B = Volume in mL of standard hydrochloric acid required for the blank.

S = Volume in mL of standard hydrochloric acid required for the sample

N = Normality of the standard hydrochloric acid and

W = Weight in gm of the oil/fat taken for the test

Note: - When titrating oils and fats, which give dark coloured soap solution the observation of the end
point of titration may be facilitated either (a) by using thymolphthalein or alkali blue 6B in place of
phenolphthalein or (b) by shaking 1mL of 0.1% (w/v) solution of methylene blue in water to each 100mL
of phenolphthalein indicator solution before the titration.

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