NIM: 1730205122
Kepada Yth,
Assalamualaikum,Wr. Wb.
This thesis was written by Yutaka Putri, Student’s Number: 1730205122 was
defended by the researcher in the final examination and was approved by the
examination committee on Januari25th, 2023
This thesis was accepted as one of the requirements to get the tittle
of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)
Palembang, Januari25th,2023
State Islamic University of Raden Fatah Palembang
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences
Chairperson, Secretary,
Certified by,
Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences
Prof.Dr.Ahmad Zainuri,M.Pd.I
1. My wonderful God (Allah SWT)thank you for all the blessings and mercies
that have been given for me in every single day, so that I can accomplish this
thesis very well.
2. The prophet Muhammad SAW, as my greatest role model who always inspires
and guides me into the right way to believe in Allah SWT.
3. My beloved parents, my wonderful father Aprianto and my really beloved
mother Herma Yulis who always hard work every single day, who always
never shows their difficulties and fatigue in supporting me to complete my
barchelor degree of S.Pd. I would like to say thank you so much for giving me
your love, pray, care and endless support, as well as big motivation for me to
Finish my thesis as soon as possible.
4. The inspiring advisors, Hj. Renny Kurnia Sari, M.Pd and Winny Agustia
Riznanda, M.Pd. who had guided and inspired me in completing this thesis. I
would like really to say “thank you very much”, for their since reguidance,
suggestions, great support, motivation and spend time, energy and thought
during the process of writing this thesis. May Allah always give mercy and
help for them.
5. My academic consulting advisor, Miss Rizky Dwi amrina ,M.Pd,thank you for
being my academic consulting advisor since first semester until now. May
Allah SWT give the best regard for you. Aamiin.
6. All of the lectures and staff in English Education Study Program. Hope, Allah
gives the best regard for all of you. Aamiin.
7. To my “ckmn cerito” group Sindi Kalora, Virgy Oktarina, Nurmala Dewi and
Prabowo lukito, Thank you for being alay-ers friends, keep persistence to gain
your degree. It is okay to be slowly but surely. I hope you guys are given the
ease to finish your thesis sooner. Aamiin.
8. All of my friends in PBI, especially my lovely classmates of PBI D 2017,which
I cannot mention one by one. Thanks for memories, experiences, insights and
many more. Importantly, thanks for being the important part of my study at
English Education UIN Raden Fatah Palembang.
9. Last but not least, thank you so much for myself who is not easy to give up,
and willing to fight every single day. Sad, tears, drama, jokes and laughter I
have gone through to keep fighting to finish my thesis soon because it is my
obligation as the student to graduate from university. I appreciate myself, I love
myself, I love peace, and keep being nice to others.
“A dream does not be come reality through magic: it takes sweat, determination
State that:
1. All the data, information and conclusions presented in this thesis, except fort
hose indicated by the sources, are the results of my observation, process and
thought with guidance of my advisors.
2. This thesis that I wrote is original and has never been handed in for another
academic degree, neither at UIN Raden Fatah Palembang nor other
This statement is made truth fully and if one day, there is evidence of foreign the
statement above, I am willing to accept the academic sanction of the cancellation
my bachelors degree that I have received through this thesis.
Yutaka Putri
Alhamdulillahirobbil‟alamin the writer praises Allah SWT the Almighty for giving
his strength to finish this undergraduate thesis and blessing be upon to beloved the Prophet,
Muhammad SAW, his family, his companions and his followers. This thesis was written to
fulfill one of the requirements for State one Degree at English Education Study Program,
Ilmu Tarbiyah and Teaching Faculty, Islamic State University Raden Fatah Palembang.
In finishing this thesis, the writer realizes that there are many relatives who give their
help, guidance and motivation. The writer wish Allah SWT gives reward for their kindness,
Aamiin. First, I would like to express the greatest gratitude to my beloved parents, my
brother, my friends and colleagues for their love and support which they give to me.
Furthermore, I would also like to express a great gratitude for them (myfamily,
friends, senior, my big supporter) for their support, help, believe and put the expectation on
my shoulder to be on top. I also would like to express a great gratitude to all of my friends
and people who have participated which I cannot mention one by one. My whole hearted
thanks to them will never be enough but I believe that. God blesses the mall.
Yutaka Putri
TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................ii
LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................iv
LIST OF APPENDICES.......................................................................................v
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1
1.1 Background..................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem of the Study....................................................................................3
1.3 Objective of the Study..................................................................................3
1.4 Significance of the Study.............................................................................3
Tabel 4.1 Themes and codes for students' difficulties in recount text writing.......21
The purpose of this study was to determine the students’ difficulties in recount text writing.
The research participants are students of SMAN 1 Penukal, Pali which was chosen by using
purposeful sampling. One of the qualitative research design, case study method was applied
for This stud. Interview was used to collect data of the study. The interview was administered
to 4 students’ in class IXodd semester of academic year 2022-2023. The data obtained from
the interview were analyzed by using thematic analysis. The results of the study showed that
the students’ difficulties in recount text writing are: (1) Mechanic Aspect, such as difficulties
in spelling and difficulties in punctuation, (2) Grammar Aspect, such as difficulties with the
second form of verb, (3) Content Aspect such as difficulties in developing their ideas in
writing narrative text, (4) Organization Aspect such as difficulties in developing the structure
of events of recount text, and (5) Vocabulary Aspect such as difficulties with limited
vocabulary when they write a recount text.