Iso 8528 8 2016

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Second edition

Reciprocating internal combustion

engine driven alternating current
generating sets —
Part 8:
Requirements and tests for low-power
generating sets
Groupes électrogènes à courant alternatif entraînés par moteurs
alternatifs à combustion interne —
Partie 8:
SIST ISOPrescriptions
8528-8:2017 et essais pour groupes électrogènes de faible

Reference number
ISO 8528-8:2016(E)

© ISO 2016
ISO 8528-8:2016(E)


SIST ISO 8528-8:2017


© ISO 2016, Published in Switzerland
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
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ISO 8528-8:2016(E)

Contents Page

Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4 Regulations and additional requirements................................................................................................................................. 3
5 General notes on tests...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
6 Mechanical and electrical design (requirements and tests).................................................................................... 3
6.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
6.2 Electrical equipment........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.2.1 Generator................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
6.2.2 Connection of electric loads.................................................................................................................................... 4
6.2.3 Screws and connections............................................................................................................................................. 4
6.3 Temperature rise.................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.3.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.3.2 Generator................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
6.3.3 RIC engines and other components.................................................................................................................. 5
6.4 Overload conditions............................................................................................................................................................................ 5
6.4.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
6.4.2 Uncontrolled generator............................................................................................................................................... 5
6.4.3 Controlled generator..................................................................................................................................................... 5
6.5 Improper operation............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
7 Operating characteristics, power output, quality class and fuel consumption.................................... 6
7.1 Standard reference conditions SIST ISO ...................................................................................................................................................
8528-8:2017 6
7.2 Start-up and operating conditions.......................................................................................................................................... 6
7.3 Determination of performance class, quality class and fuel consumption.......................................... 7
7.3.1 Performance class............................................................................................................................................................ 7
7.3.2 Quality class.......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
7.3.3 Fuel consumption............................................................................................................................................................ 7
7.4 Radio interference suppression................................................................................................................................................ 7
Bibliography................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8

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ISO 8528-8:2016(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 70, Internal combustion engines.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first SISTedition (ISO 8528-8:1995), which has been technically
ISO 8528-8:2017
ISO 8528 consists of the following parts, under the general title, Reciprocating internal combustion
engine driven alternating current generating sets:
— Part 1: Application, ratings and performance
— Part 2: Engines
— Part 3: Alternating current generators for generating sets
— Part 4: Controlgear and switchgear
— Part 5: Generating sets
— Part 6: Test methods
— Part 7: Technical declarations for specification and design
— Part 8: Requirements and tests for low-power generating sets
— Part 9: Measurement and evaluation of mechanical vibrations
— Part 10: Measurement of airborne noise by the enveloping surface method
— Part 12: Emergency power supply to safety services
— Part 13: Safety

iv  © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved


Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven

alternating current generating sets —
Part 8:
Requirements and tests for low-power generating sets

1 Scope
This part of ISO  8528 defines design requirements, minimum performances and type tests for low-
power generating sets driven by reciprocating internal combustion engines for land and marine use
(domestic, recreational and industrial application), excluding generating sets used on aircraft.
It concerns mainly low-power generating sets driven by reciprocating internal combustion engines for
the generation of single or multiphase alternating current or direct current up to 500 V. The generating
sets are standard manufactured sets.
In this part of ISO 8528, “low-power” is taken to mean rated power of a magnitude up to approximately
10 kW/50 Hz, 12 kW/60 Hz. Low-power generating sets, for the purpose of this International Standard,
are determined by the following special features:
— the users normally are laymen (for further details, see 3.1);
— the complete generating set is usually transportable or mobile;
SIST ISO 8528-8:2017
— the electrical output is connected by means of plugs, sockets and screwed terminal except for extra
low voltages; c0d7efd390c0/sist-iso-8528-8-2017
— the generating set is ready for use without any additional installation work by the user.
Generating sets for special applications or of higher rated power conforming to the above special
features may, by agreement between manufacturer and customer, be tested in accordance with this
part of ISO 8528. If supplementary stipulations are required for certain applications, this is to be done
taking this part of ISO 8528 as a basis.
This part of ISO 8528 deals with the special requirements of design and test which are observed
in addition to the definitions and requirements laid down in ISO  8528-1, ISO  8528-2, ISO  8528-3,
ISO 8528-4, ISO 8528-5 and ISO 8528-6, where applicable.
This part of ISO 8528 does not deal with safety requirements in order to protect the user from dangers
which are laid down in ISO 8528-13.
NOTE This International Standard does not apply to arc welding equipment (IEC 60974 series).

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 3046-1, Reciprocating internal combustion engines — Performance — Part 1: Declarations of power, fuel
and lubricating oil consumptions, and test methods — Additional requirements for engines for general use
ISO 8528-1:2005, Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets —
Part 1: Application, ratings and performance

© ISO 2016 – All rights reserved  1

ISO 8528-8:2016(E)

ISO 8528-5:2013, Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets —
Part 5: Generating sets
ISO 8528-13:2016, Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets —
Part-13: Safety
ISO 15550:2002, Internal combustion engines — Determination and method for the measurement of engine
power — General requirements
IEC 60034-1:2010, Rotating electrical machines — Part 1: Rating and performance
IEC 60335-1:2013, Household and similar electrical appliances —Safety — Part 1: General requirements
IEC/TR 60083, Plugs and socket-outlets for domestic and similar general use — Standardized in members
countries of IEC
CISPR 12, Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engines — Radio disturbances characteristics — Limit

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
person who does not necessarily recognize potential danger resulting from electricity, moving parts or
Note 1 to entry: The layman normally has a(
lack of training, knowledge and experience.

Note 2 to entry: See also Clause 6.

SIST ISO 8528-8:2017
power rating c0d7efd390c0/sist-iso-8528-8-2017
electric power available at the outlets or sockets of the generating sets, expressed in kilowatts (kW ) at
the rated frequency and the rated power factor
rated power
continuous power (COP) according to ISO  8528-1:2005, 13.3.1, as assigned by the generating set
Note 1 to entry: The output voltage at the rated power should be within ±10 % of the nominal rated voltage (i.e.
the value on label).

maximum power
power given by multiplying the current and voltage that the generating set is capable of delivering for at
least 5 min within the voltage and frequency limits
Note  1  to entry:  Prescribed output voltage shall be within ±10% of the rated voltage and prescribed output
frequency shall be within ±8% of the rated frequency.

Note 2 to entry: The protective device shall not be activated for a period of 5 min and the overload conditions
shall meet the requirements of 6.4. The minimum ratio between the power rating (COP) and the maximum power
(MAX) shall be Prated/Pmax ≥ 0,75

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ISO 8528-8:2016(E)

thermal steady state condition
state reached when the temperature rise of the generator does not vary by more than 2  K over a
period of 1 hr
Note 1 to entry: Under normal test conditions, the RIC engine has first reached a steady-state condition before a
set of measurements is taken. If not, the permissible deviations for the steady-state conditions of the RIC engine
according to ISO 3046-3 apply.

Note 2 to entry: For electrical parts, see IEC 60034-1:2010, 3.25; for RIC engines, see ISO 15550:2002,

uncontrolled generator
generator on which there is no load- and speed-dependent adjustment of excitation by an automatic
voltage regulator for control of terminal voltage
Note  1  to  entry:  This includes generators with directly acting load current-dependent excitation devices

automatic voltage regulator-controlled generator
generator on which the terminal voltage is controlled by changing the excitation by means of an
automatic voltage regulator as a function of load and speed alternatively, where the terminal voltage is
controlled automatically by means of an inverter type of conversion system


4 Regulations and additional requirements
For low-power generating sets, (
additional regulations depending on the location of its operation shall
exist. These shall refer to environmental and safety requirements defined in the laws and regulations
of the legal authorities in the differentSIST countries where generating sets are used. The regulations are
ISO 8528-8:2017
mainly in the following fields:
— noise emission limitation;
— exhaust gas emission limitation;
— electrical safety;
— fuel systems.

5 General notes on tests

Tests according to this part of ISO 8528 are type tests, unless otherwise specified, the tests are made
on a single sample as delivered, which shall withstand all the relevant tests.
During the tests, the temperature of the ambient air shall be kept between 15°C and 30°C.
Generating sets built for more than one type of rated voltage, rated frequency or current shall be tested
for all relevant operating parameters.

6 Mechanical and electrical design (requirements and tests)

6.1 General
The requirements and tests of this part of ISO 8528 cover mechanical and electrical performance.
Acceptability of the component parts of the generating set shall be judged on the mechanical and
electrical strength and resistance to ignition and distortion.

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ISO 8528-8:2016(E)

6.2 Electrical equipment

6.2.1 Generator Rating and performance

The generator shall meet the requirements of IEC  60034-1 concerning duty type S1, covering rated
values, irregularities of waveform, symmetry of voltages, capability of unbalanced load, temperature
rise, dielectric properties and short circuit strength.
Compliance shall be checked by checking manufacturer’s documentation. Connection to stator or field

Access to brushes shall not be possible without tools. Screw caps or brush holders shall be screwed
against a shoulder or a similar stop and grip with at least three full threads. Brush holders in which the
brush is held in position by a locking facility shall be made in such a way as to ensure that locking is not
dependent on brush spring pressure if loosening of the locking facility could give access to live parts.
Screw caps of brush holders accessible from the outside surface of the generator shall be made of
insulating material or be covered by insulating material of suitable mechanical and electrical strength.
They shall not project beyond the surrounding surface of the unit.
Compliance shall be checked by visual inspection, mechanical test according to ISO 8528-13:2016, 6.12
and dielectric strength according to IEC 60335-1:2013, 13.
6.2.2 Connection of electric loads (

Except for extra low voltages, low voltages plug-and-socket

SIST ISO 8528-8:2017 connections according to IEC/TR 60083
(single phase) and IEC 60309 (multiphase), or relevant national standards, shall be applied.
It shall not be possible to confuse plugs and c0d7efd390c0/sist-iso-8528-8-2017
socket outlets for very low voltage circuits with those plugs
and socket outlets for low voltage circuits. (Very low voltage ≤ 50 V and 50 < Low voltage ≤ 1 000 V.)

6.2.3 Screws and connections

Screws and connections shall be designed in accordance with IEC 60335-1:2010, Clause 28. Compliance
shall be checked in accordance with IEC 60335-1:2013, Clause 28.

6.3 Temperature rise

6.3.1 General

During the operating of a generating set with given ratings, the permitted temperature limits shall not
be exceeded. Thermal steady state condition is verified by measuring surface temperature of winding
and/or lubricating oil temperature.
The requirement is met if at average permitted power and for a minimum run of 60 min, the permitted
values according to 6.3.2 and 6.3.3 are not exceeded.

6.3.2 Generator

The permitted temperature limits are given in IEC 60034-1:2010, Clause 8.

Compliance shall be checked by the generator being operated at ambient conditions as defined in Clause
5. Temperature rise test and method of measurement shall be in accordance with IEC 60034-1:2010,
Clause 8.
During the test the average permitted power for the generating set shall be maintained at a constant level.

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ISO 8528-8:2016(E)

According to IEC  60034-1:2010, 8.4 the temperature rise shall be determined immediately after the
temperature rise test.
To measure the temperature of the windings the resistance method shall be used.
NOTE In the case of an asynchronous generator, higher temperatures can occur when the generator is
running at no-load or in the part-load range than when at rated power. If necessary, a further temperature rise
test is required at part-load conditions.

6.3.3 RIC engines and other components

The temperatures are measured at thermal steady-state conditions. They shall not exceed the maximum
temperatures specified by the component manufacturers.
Compliance is checked by temperature measurement.

6.4 Overload conditions

6.4.1 General

Overload is likely to occur in normal use. Generating sets which are tested in accordance with this part
of ISO 8528 shall not suffer any damage as a result of an overload which could impair safety.

6.4.2 Uncontrolled generator

For generating sets with uncontrolled generators, load limitation is provided by means of the speed and
voltage reduction which occurs with increasing load.
This mode of operation shall be checked at ambient conditions in accordance with Clause 5, and at rated
power and rated power factor in accordance SIST ISOwith 7.1; the generating set shall be loaded with active or
apparent power to above its rated power until maximum power occurs or until the voltage drops to 0,8
rated voltage. c0d7efd390c0/sist-iso-8528-8-2017

A temperature rise test is then performed at the determined working point for a maximum of 30 min
or until the protective device provides trips. During this test, the temperature rise of the generator
windings shall not exceed the limits laid down in IEC 60034-1:2010, 8.10.1 by more than 20 K (i.e. for S2
a total of 30 K).

6.4.3 Controlled generator

In the case of generating sets with controlled generators, the voltage also remains within set limits with
increasing load. The power supplied by the generator increases in proportion to the load. The power of
the generating set is generally limited by the reciprocating internal combustion engine.
It is necessary to protect a.c. generator against thermal overloading if underspeed occurs. Where a
shutdown function is used for this purpose, the switch back may not occur automatically.
This mode of operation shall be checked by loading the generating set above its rated power up to the
maximum available power before voltage collapse. This is then followed by a temperature rise test and
assessment in accordance with 6.4.2.
If the maximum power is limited by a protective device the maximum power shall to be maintained for
a period of at least 5 min. In all cases, the overload conditions shall meet the requirements of 6.4.

6.5 Improper operation

6.5.1 Generating sets may only be loaded up to rated power under the specified cooling and
temperature conditions. If operating conditions do not conform to the reference conditions as stipulated
in this part of ISO 8528 and if the cooling of the engine or the generator is impaired (e.g. as a result

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